• (The Second Part To Promises Collide)

    Worlds Collide
    Ever have that feeling of relief?
    Everything’s fine right, you have love, your dead nothing can go wrong right?
    Err, if you think that come back to reality cause your wrong.
    Part one- Tommy’s story
    I didn’t think I’d get this chance. This was a perfect opportunity. It was so clear to me, something did go wrong. This was my second chance. Faith huh? Nothing would ruin this chance for me. Came out like this.
    I slowly opened my eyes, sleeping was the only thing down here that seemed okay and safe to do. I yawned and sat up. I stared ahead, fire beyond as I can see, this was so troublesome. What to do? I got up and took a walk. Every step I took burned, but I was used to it by now.
    I began to drift into thought, I began thinking of James and Ashley. I missed them , I could face that without doubt. I wish I could have started all over with them. Had that one chance to say I was sorry. But chances like that don’t come to people like me.
    I clenched my fists, I was so stupid to make such a mistake. I just can’t bring myself to that one thought, on why I did it. That couldn’t have been me who killed my friend, and then got killed by my other friend. Jesus Christ what’s wrong with me?
    I saw a couple demon pass by. Where’s the fire? Ha a joke I tell myself, yes sick humor but whatever. There’s fire everywhere for those of you who are tiny minded and didn’t get the jo- a demon pushed into me and I fell backwards.
    Damn strong demon, I grabbed his foot and pushed him to the ground. He yelped and looked at me. “Where’s everyone going?” He smiled big and said in a voice that would creep the s**t out of a normal person, but again am I normal now?
    “A portal just opened from here to heaven, it’s time to raise chaos man”. I let go of him and he ran off. I got up quickly and smirked. Who knew chances came to those who didn’t deserve them. This was my chance to fix what I did, my eyes grew small. Or maybe….my chance to improve what I did, my chance to…..raise some hell.
    I laughed a wicked laugh and ran on with the rest of the demons. We ran and ran till we all stopped. It was real bright, this thing that just floated in the sky. There was a huge crowd of demons surrounding it, I pushed my way threw to the front.
    I looked around each demon had a nervous look on their face, were they…scared? I rolled my eyes and flew up to the portal. Every demon just stared in amazement as I flew in the portal and disappeared from the fiery life.
    I closed my eyes and prepared for a long ride up to the place I should’ve never token a step into, cause from here on it just got worse.
    Part two- Ashley’s Story
    Nothing’s going to ruin this for me, I’m with James forever in heaven. Nothing in the world could destroy me and James love. Well maybe Tommy could find a way but who knows where he is right? Ha, he’s coming for you. Damn mind, stop thinking like that.
    My mind keeps telling me he’s coming back I admit I miss him, but I don’t want him near me at the same time. Plus he’s in hell more or less. There’s no way faith would change this story line into letting him come to heaven. There’s just no way. “Ashley you okay?” I looked at James, and nodded. “Then why are you on your bad cloud?”. He knew me to well by now, and it’s right. I was sitting on my “bad” cloud as we call it.
    The cloud I sit on when I’m not feeling well. As I was saying he was right, and he knew something was wrong. No use lying to him either. I just shrugged my shoulders. “Baby c’mon, are you having another thought of Tommy?” I nodded.
    He sighed, and sat next to me. “Ashley, I miss him too. He was just confused, and for the last time stop thinking about him.” I went expressionless. “But what if he came here now?” James looked at me and said “Well then we’re screwed huh?” he smiled. I rolled my eyes, and pushed him a little.
    “Not the time James!” he laughed and pushed back. “Gee, you have no humor bone in you whatsoever!” I stuck my tongue out at him. He smiled even wider, “I know you have a tickle bone.” He wiggled his fingers and began tickling me. He knew I hated that.
    Yeah nothing could ruin this moment. I gazed up beyond James, except for that giant fireball heading straight for you. I got up fast and pushed James to the side.
    The fireball landed right in front of me. The fire vanished and there he was. Who exactly? Well I’d say if his lips weren’t touching mine. His lips felt warm but wicked. How exactly do lips feel wicked? I don’t know they just did.
    This was just sick, I pushed whoever it was away. I felt like throwing up, wonderful. “Heh miss me?” I looked into his eyes. “Tommy?!” James screamed obviously In complete shock.
    My body froze, and I couldn’t move. Tommy laughed, he looked even worse then ever. His wings had holes in them, he had devil horns that fit his look perfectly. He had a tail that if you went to close to would strangle you with no mercy.
    He looked as evil as ever. His eyes didn’t change much through my point of view. They were red to me on earth, so I saw no difference when they really were red now. He smirked and faced James. James stretched his wings, and looked fiercely at Tommy. This wasn’t going anywhere good was it?
    Tommy just stared at me, I didn’t move. One wrong move and who knows what could happen. James took a step toward me but that was a bad idea, Tommy rushed forward to James and elbowed him in the face. Blood sported out of his face and he fell backward. Tommy quickly ran up to me and put my face in his hands.
    I said it once I’ll say it again, uncomfortable. I was still frozen, I was frozen when Tommy’s hands moved down mine, and I was frozen when his lips touched mine.
    James slowly got up and his face turned red. Not shy red, the ******** kind of red. Tommy finally let go of me and turned around to James. I felt really dizzy for some reason, I didn’t know why though. I sat down on a cloud and grabbed my head. Tommy turned his head to me and whispered “It’ll be over soon babe”
    “Don’t call me bab-“ Everything went blank.
    Part 3- James story-
    The rage was building. Pure hatred began to spread all over my body. The hatred flowed to my head, I began seeing red. He was going to pay. This guy, was going to pay. He was no longer my friend, he was a dead soul, a soul that used to be my friend, a soul that I had to kill, permanently.
    I got up completely and took a deep breath. Tommy coughed and said “I’m sorry but I have no ignorance for weaklings like you, farewell worthless piece of junk” He took Ashley in his arms and ran off. I began to follow when I fell to the ground. My muscles ached.
    I couldn’t let them get away though. I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. I stood up and opened my eyes. I stretched then flew up. I flew fast, I tried to follow Tommy’s scent. The smell of burning if you must know.
    I finally landed when the scent stopped. I looked around, where was I? I stopped looking when I saw a hidden cave. What are caves doing in heaven? I walked inside.
    Part 4- Tommy’s story-
    I carried Ashley gently in my arms to a nearby cave. She felt so, warm. I was literally carrying an angel. She fidgeted a little, “Ssshhh” I hushed. She stopped and went back to sleep. That spell I put on her was working greatly. Inside the cave I put her down and watched her sleep.
    Her skin was so smooth, she herself was just so beautiful. That b*****d James didn’t deserve her. I did, from here on she was mine, all mine! I put my hand on her cheek, and slightly slid down to her chest. I thought for a moment and smirked, but that was just being plain bad. I retreated my hand and continued to watch her sleep.
    I frowned, why did she want James and not me? Was there something wrong with me? What did James have that I didn’t? I closed my eyes tightly and began to softly cry. It just wasn’t fair, this wasn’t even life, this was afterlife, I guess the rule life’s not fair applies to all life’s.
    I put my head between my knees and continued to cry, until I heard a couple of steps. I quickly wiped my tears away and looked up. I jumped up and looked around, “Who’s there!?”. More footsteps, I got in fighting position. No one was taking her away from me now, not now, not ever, and I’m prepared to die for that.
    I saw a bunny thing with wings pass by, wow I felt like a fool. I shook my head and sat back down. I sighed then heard a yell behind me. I looked but before I could do anything there was James with a fist threw my stomach. Or so he thought.
    Part 5- Ashley’s Story-
    Wake up, please just open your eyes. C’mon man, no use, drift, drift, drift…..
    Heads floated pass by saying the words of Satan. “Sweetie go with Tommy!” said one head. Another “Yes, let your heart float to him”. Then another “Yeah, James isn’t worth it what has he ever done for you?” I smacked all three heads. “More then you know” . The heads disappeared and I was alone again, the scenery turned black.
    I turned around and saw James, I walked up to him. I hugged him and he hugged back, it was all nice until….James grew a smirk. I looked up, I thought I was hugging James but, this was Tommy. I tried to pull away but he held on tight and brought me closer. “I knew you’d get used to the idea”. He slowly put his arm on my back and kissed me. My vision grew fuzzy. No, this wasn’t how it was supposed to be.
    I pushed him away and he disappeared. My vision went away completely and I truly opened my eyes. I sat up quickly and looked around. I saw James hand through Tommy’s stomach, like literally THROUGH his stomach. I quickly looked away but then heard a poof sound.
    I looked back and saw nothing but James and a log. James seemed kind of shocked. “Like I really be that stupid to let my guard down” said a voice in the distance. I saw Tommy fly down right next to me. James grabbed the log and threw it,, it headed straight for Tommy.
    Tommy quickly caught it and broke it in half. Tommy got strong, it was really obvious. Though James got stronger too. As for me, well let’s just say I got riskier.
    Part 6- James story-
    I was prepared for this fight, I needed Tommy dead…permanently. So that he NEVER comes near MY love again. He was going into a whole world of pain. Worse then hell…
    I cracked my knuckles, ”Nice move, I would a crushed you if you didn’t do that…” I stared straight into his eyes. Empty, his eyes were completely black. Tommy wasn’t here anymore, nowhere near, this was, just simply no one.
    Okay well should I attack fir- bam, a fist hit me in the head. I fell backward but grabbed his leg. I pulled him to the ground and kneed him in the side. He didn’t even budge, did that even hurt? He turned to me and punched my in the stomach, then with his other hand in well what used to be a happy place was now a place full of agony. I placed both hands in that one spot.
    That was a mistake he punched me in the face, but even that had no comparison to the embarrassment and pain my joyful place felt. I screamed of pain, but punched back. I missed, he dodged it and jumped up. I slowly struggled to my feet. Finally letting go of my happy place, I stood up. Still hurt like crazy but if I kept on dealing with it I’ll just feel more pain. Tommy snickered, “Ey James what’s the matter? Sorry bout the punch, didn’t think there was much down there”
    I could hear it in the back of my head, a little voice, “ouch”. Yeah he was so dead. I looked beyond him at Ashley she was just sitting there, how was she not at least helping. I looked at her more closely, the look in her eyes. I felt my heart pop, I knew that look. She wasn’t, there was just no way she would, nah she wouldn’t…Would she?
    Part 7-Tommy’s story-
    He was so weak, winning him would be easy. He stood still for a moment, he looked like he saw a ghost for the first time, I followed his gaze. I looked at Ashley, she was staring at me. I slightly smiled.
    She just kept on, I turned back to James who was now on one knee. I hurt him badly, and now it was time to finish him. Really now the least I could do was end his pain right? I walked up to him and grabbed him by the hair. I pulled his head up, bleh his hair was fuzzy, messed up, and full of blood.
    I laughed, and he frowned, I slapped him and he yelped. “You look so pathetic” he just stared at the wall. I slapped him again, “Look at me when I’m talking to you!” He looked into my eyes and for that one moment I felt pity, for that one moment I came back to reality, for that one moment I was me.
    I let him go and my eye grew big with horror, what was I doing? The same thing I did on earth! I came here to apologize what was wrong with me!? I backed away a little but then I was gone once more.
    I smirked and grabbed James by the shoulders, I shook him a little and laughed my most wicked laugh. “How does it feel to be helpless, to be so weak!?” He picked up one arm and through it forward but then his arm fell. He was weak, it was obvious he was at his peak.
    I threw him at the ground and grinned, I backed away a little. “I’ll finish you with my claws” I closed my eyes and felt the claws on my fingers grow. So sharp, so easy to cut through anything, including skin. I looked at James, he stared back in horror. He was all bruised up, he couldn’t run from this move.
    I raised my arm and slashed forward. I heard a scream, but the scream didn’t come from James. James wasn’t in front of me anymore, a poor helpless girl was, with my claws right through her.
    Part 8- Ashley’s story-
    I felt my legs move fast, I couldn’t let James die, who knows where’d you end up when you die when your already dead? I ran and ran till I reached the spot, and felt the pain.
    It went through me and I felt nothing at first, then came all the mixed feelings all at once. My vision grew fuzzy and I don’t know…..I smiled then hit the ground. My eyes closed and I felt nothing.
    Part 9-James story-
    I couldn’t process what had just happened…..I need a moment to think…I need a moment to come to reality.
    Part 10- Goodbye’s two the one love of two people
    Tommy- W-What just happened? I quickly retreated my arms and looked at what I had done. Ashley fell to the ground and, everything just went watery. My eyes exploded with tears and I ran off.
    I ran and ran until I was nowhere found. I stared into the sky and screamed. I screamed and screamed but nothing after that moment was the same, everything just turned…troublesome.
    James- I grabbed Ashley and held her tightly. Her eyes were closed and their wasn’t a breath in sight. This wasn’t the way it should of happened. What happened to our happy ending? This isn’t happy. This isn’t heaven. THIS JUST ISN’T RIGHT. I screamed at the top of my voice “SOMEONE FIX THIS!”
    Ashley- Yeah I felt my spirit be removed, now I was nothing. A floating piece of nothing. I removed myself from my soul and looked around Something went wrong this time. Something keep’s going wrong, this need’s to be fixed. I stand or well I would be standing if I had legs.
    I floated to a light near by. A box was there, what was a box doing in the spirit world? It had a sign it read, ‘Take A Ticket To Fix This’. Fix this? Fix that I’m dead? I took a ticket surprised I could hold it. I looked at the ticket carefully and read aloud what it said. “To Be Continued”.

    MWHAHAAHAAAA To Be Continued…..
    By Ashley Alma =P