• As I walked home, everything you don't notice came to me. The exact shade of the differences in the sidewalk between shade and sunlight. The shading in the trunks of the trees. Even the license plates where jumping out at me. My mind began to rush, until I noticed that my pace had picked up at least 3 miles per hour. I was sure I was just under the running pace. I tried to slow myself, but my feet controlled themselves. No matter how tried I became, my feet never slowed. I then noticed that behind me was the guy from biolagy. I must have scensed his presense because he as I turned around, my feet came back to my use. As I came to a stop, I turned around to talk to him, ask why he was following me.
    "Hey. Your new right" I hoped I hadn't chocked up on "your" too much.
    "Yeah, hey Im Jason, and I just moved in." He seemed so innocent.
    "Do you live close by?" As he answered, I didn't even get to hear the answer, because as the wind picked up, his scent had filled the air, and I began to shudder, and loose control.
    "Are you ok?" He asked suspisously
    That I hadn't noticed either.
    "Huh?" I asked trying to get myself back on track.
    "Oh, nevermind I guess...., I really should get going, I have alot of, um, homework to do, Ill see you around, um, ______?
    "Rachel." I filled in. He seamed realieved.

    -to be continued-