Chapter One
    Creek boom boom boom crack."Get in there" said one of the empirial guards."Let me out of here at once I order you to Let me out." I said with hatred towards the gaurd ." Silence wench!" said the gaurd in low husky voice." How dare you I Ellisia of the empirial famlliy order you to let me out at once!" I said with such hatred in my eyes and discust in my throat."You are no longer part of the empirial familly you may have your fathers blood your father has no use for you which means you cannot give any orders you give one I do not follow it." said the gaurd in a disbeliving voice. " how dare you I hope you know my father loves me and has much of use for me I am his only off spring which gives the emmidiate passage to the throne!"I said with even more discust now trying to crawl out my throat and kill that man." I have orders to follow I will be leaving now." said the gaurd as he closed the cell door. " Get back here and let me..." my sentence was cut off by the sound of the only door and exit in the dungeun."Huhhh i never thought finding you would be this easy!" said a mysterious voice coming from the shadows. I turned around and saw two blood-red eyes peiring at me from the shadows. I screamed! while backing away slowly while the mysterious figure came forward. As I walked into the candle light the mysteriuos figure followed"Huhhh you're scared aren't you. There's no need to be frightened I just came to claim whats rightfully mine." said the shadow figure as it drew closer to me."Stay away from me street urchen" i said with instead hatred in my eyes fear over shadowed."Hmmmm you're less eager then the others were. I might have to use force even though I was ordered not to. If I do I might get in trouble with master. Also on the other hand at least i would've got the job done." The figure drew closer and closer as I stood there paralized not able to a muscle. Until the figure was standing where I stood.