• Chapter ~ONE~ History.
    I tapped my fingers impatiently on the desk waiting for the last few seconds of Ms.Brooks' irritatingly boring History classes.If only I has home right now...I could talk to Demetri...I began wandering through my thoughts and completely ignored my turn to read about the next paragraph of World War II.She called my name again and again angrily until I finally snapped out of ecstacy.When I looked up at her she sighed and asked my sister, Cara. Cara and I are identical twins, and so far, Ms.Brooks has been able to keep me on her left so as to remeber who is who.Everyone thinks she knows the diffrence, but under my supreme kindness, I decide to blatanly lie and tell them that, "She's amazing! I always though she was, like, crazy!".Of course, I only tell them things like this to keep them at ease with my...oddness.
    I heard the bell go off and jumped out of my seat first and bolted so unbelievebly fast, I must have just been a blur.I ran, backpack in hand, to the parcking lot.
    I got on my bike and zoomed home so fast, I might've gotten hit by a bug and I would've noticed.I ran up the doorstep to my house after parking my black and blue bike.I ran up the stairs to my bedroom,shut the door behind me and locked it.Ready to toalk to Demetri again.