• I drive and drive heading towards my old town. I'm going to Juliette's funeral , if it was anyother reason I would be happy. I was told that Kelley one of my friends killed her. Why I have no clue but I'm hoping to find out. Do I really wanna know ?

    When I get there I go right to Melissa's house and her mother tells me she is in her room. I go to her room to find her lieing on her bed crying. " It's okay "

    " Ya sure it is"

    " Ya , your right . It sucks . I was crying too . On the way here " I look around Melissa's room to notice that it is way diffent then it was 5 months ago. " I like your room "

    " Thanks Juliette helped me with it "

    She starts to cry harder. " So how is Tyler taking it ? "

    " Okay , I guess "

    " How about Steven ? "

    " I haven't talked to him "

    " Oh " Melissa's door knob starts so turn . The door opens and Tyler steps in.

    " Hey Miranda , when did you get here "

    " Just a few minutes ago "

    " OH cool "

    "ya I came for the funeral , has anyone talked to Kelley ? "

    " I'm actually just getting back from talking to her "

    " TYLER ! Your mom said to stay away from her "

    " YA I know but I wanted to know why she did it "

    " And what did she say ? "

    " She said that she had a perfect life until Juliette showed up "

    " Okay ? "

    " Ya , she said that it was Juliette's falut that her and Steven broke up and that you guys weren't friends anymore "

    " It wasn't Juliette's falut they broke up and it wasn't her fault that we arn't friends anymore "

    " Yes I know that "

    " So she pretty much did it for no reason " I see the tears run down Melissa's face. They just keep coming and coming.