“Hello, my name is Floyd. I am documenting my research here at the Saynden Valley Experimentation Facility. Here we are hoping to create an ultimate hybrid of both man and demon, oh? You don’t know? I had assumed everybody knew but if you don’t I might as well tell you. In our world demons are abundant, there are many lesser ones that are merely a nuisance, but there are also many that are so strong, they can crush mountains. People have attempted to harness the powers of those demons, but they always fail. I have been drafted by the faction known as Doolb fo Naeco, my job, to create the power that all factions these days are searching for. The perfect fusion between man and demon. We are on the verge of a breakthrough, soon we will have the perfect life form, when number 37 (NO37) is done incubating should we not succeed then it will be the final failure, but I have high hopes for NO37.”
    “Two days worth of data has been deleted from this recording unit.”
    “Oh, god. We’ve made a horrible mistake, please! Don’t open this facility! It will kill everyo- aaugh! Shhhbzzz beep! Hello? Whoever you are, tell Mr. Rayne I’m coming”
    A tall figure with large, bat like wings launches off the top of the research facility and into the
    inky blackness of the night.
    “Hmm, this may be interesting, Ruy! Get me all the remaining data from Floyd’s computers!”
    “Yes, Mr. Rayne.” And with that Ruy scurried out into the hallway, barking orders to Mr. Rayne’s personal research team.