• Chapter 7: YFJ

    Thursday came around, and Christy decided to go to YFJ with Janie. At the beginning, everyone introduced themselves and then they played a game. Christy decided that part was definitely way more fun than she expected from any small Christian organization. After that they sang two worship songs called Mighty to Save and Prince of Peace. Afterwards they had a speaker who talked about repentance to Jesus and how he died and suffered so much to make sure that all the people could get to heaven because he loved them. Both him and God had promised that they love everyone unconditionally and would never leave them, no matter what they’ve done. This touched Christy. She always wanted to know someone that could promise that they would always be there, no matter what.
    Suddenly, Christy started to panic. Did this mean that Isaac went to hell because he never knew Jesus? Now that she was saved, would she never be able to see him again. Now that she wouldn’t be able to share her news with her father, would he go to hell too?
    Christy began to pray. “Jesus, I know I’ve never talked to you before, and you probably are upset at me for going away from you, but could you please let Isaac and my father go to heaven? Isaac never knew you; so there has to be an innocence factor in there somewhere. He never did anything horrible; he was always so sweet to everyone and gave them what they needed. My dad might not have been such a sweet person, but I know he has a sweet side somewhere. Let him turn to you and know that you are the way. Also, help me tell my friends and my mother all about you.”
    After the meeting, Janie approached Christy. “Did you enjoy it?”
    “Yea, a lot. Thank you so much for bringing me here, Janie. Do you want to help me tell people about Jesus, especially the people we sit with? The last thing I want to happen is them be doomed to go to hell.”
    “Well, that’s a little blunt, but of course I’ll help you!” answered Janie.