• My story happened long before most people’s great, great grandparents were even born. I was human. I lived with my mom, and our father had died in from a "life threatening disease" or so we all had been led to believe. I had a twin sister and two brothers named Elizabeth, Michael, and Raven. We had loved our father dearly, but were not allowed to see our father while he was "sick". This sickness lasted three days before final claiming his life. Around the age of 18, I fell in love. I was his world and him, mine. His name was Michael, and he reminded me of my brother, but he was different. He always took care of my every need, and I tried to return the favor as best as I could. I had had nightmares a year into the relationship, and those finally took their toll on me. I would wake up sleepless, as is if I had been running from something, going somewhere, running for somewhere to find someone, but coming up empty handed. My brothers were starting to worry about me, but my sister seemed to have no idea I existed. Every time I saw her, she would just stare at Michael. But here is year my life changed. I was coming home from a nearby market, by carriage. The person controlling the horses was brutally shot five times in the head before they came for me. One held the gun up to my head, but i heard one of the men shout "Stop!""She is my daughter!" I stood there in shock, starring at the strangely familiar face. Before I knew it, I was in his arms, bawling my eyes out. He said "Welcome home hon." I had asked him what had happened years ago, and where had he been. He replied and said that was a bit hard to explain and he wouldn't be able to me. That’s when I felt it. One of the bullets shot towards the driver had missed. It had hit me in the stomach. I heard my father scream "No!" "I have waited too long!" And that's when everything started to blur and go black. I felt my feet fail before me, and the cold chill of ground beneath me.