• India’s POV

    Sweet Goddess, what have I gotten myself into? I thought, groaning and continuing to punch the punching bag, despite that my muscles were screaming in protest.
    When I signed up to fight in the war two months ago, a war that had taken away many people that I’d love, I had thought that I’d come prepared. I had thought that was better informed than the other trainees, since I’d grown up around it. I’d thought that I would fly quickly through the ranks. I’d been positive that I was going to be used as a spy since I’d grown up around the fairies and they seemed to trust me. I had thought my two hours of daily training would prepare me for training here.
    Oh, how’d wrong I’d been.
    “Stop,” the instructor shouted, hitting a stick into his palm.
    I sighed in relief, and looked up at the clock. ********, we still had another half-hour of our training session left.
    “Line up,” the instructor barked, his battle scar twitched making him look more grotesque than usual. We rapidly did as he said and he spoke again, “You have an extra special treat today. You’re being let out early.”
    I a way of shock rip through my body and I wasn’t the only one. “Well, what are you waiting for? Go,” the instructor’s bald head and defined muscles gleamed in the light while he waved us away.
    Hesitantly, a tall guy began to walk toward the showers. When nothing happened to him, the rest of us relaxed and followed. Many broke off into small groups, strolling as they went. I found myself hurrying as I did almost every day. I had become a bit of a loner here. They don’t know anything. How can they be chatting away when elves are being slaughtered? Maybe if they weren’t so ignorant-
    Suddenly, my arm was yanked and I was forced to turn around. I hissed loudly in protest, but I was already facing a tall male with black hair and amazing sky blue eyes. His dark green skin told me that he was my age, maybe a bit older.
    “Sorry,” he apologized, “I called your name a couple of times, but you seemed to be off in your own world,” he smiled crookedly.
    “How do you know my name?” I demanded.
    He chuckled, “I overheard you talking to Dianna earlier.”
    I didn’t recognize the name, but my face tightened in anger “You were spying on me?” I yanked my lavender arm away.
    His eyes tightened, “No, not spying. You’re a very interesting girl India. I’ve never met anyone like you.”
    I turned to walk away. This guy was creeping me out.
    He caught up with me, “Sorry, I’m bad at this kind of thing. My name is Desthoyer,” I ignored him while he continued mumbling.
    A few seconds later, I tuned back in, so not to appear impolite, “Did you know that they’re going to pick some of us to fight in the next battle?”
    I stared up at him in shock.
    “Yeah me too,” he said reading my expression, “I think I’m going to be picked. I hope that if I get picked, you do too. You have potential and I really like you India.”
    I didn’t here anything he said after that and I walked to the showers in a bit of a daze.

    Melissa’s POV

    I sat at the committee leaders’ table, tapping my pen impatiently against it. That damned man was supposed to have arrived over twenty minutes ago. “Where the hell is he?” I snapped. “We’re paying him enough that he should be here on time.”
    “Patience Melissa,” Angher scolded me, “He’s coming through the door now.”
    I rolled my eyes and fluttered my wings, annoyed. “He should be honored to be working for the Head Fairies of War. Instead, he risks his position by always being late.”
    Just then, the door on the far side of the room opened and a guy with dark-brown hair swaggered in. He strutted down the carpet that led to the committee’s raised table and came to a quick stop. “Hello people. How’s the planning and fighting?”
    “Shut up and cut to the chase,” I growled at him from my far right seat.
    He looked taken aback and then finally seemed to notice the forced patience on each of our five faces.
    “Um…am I late?” he stammered. He suddenly looked tiny, despite that he was more than two feet taller than the tallest of us, Destruction, who stood at four foot three.
    “What new information do you have for us?” Destruction asked him, his gray hair covering eyes that I knew would be as dark as coal.
    “Well they’re training new soldiers”-
    “You don’t say?” I asked sarcastically, “and here I was thinking that they wouldn’t despite our taking out a fifth of their land force last time.”
    Our spy looked as if he wished he wanted to shrink, “Well…um…yeah…most of the soldiers have red or brown skin. You know typical females and males from the ages of 22-49.”
    “If you’re not going to do anything than state the obvious, leave,” Angela snapped her hazel eyes flashing.
    Destruction shot both of us an irritated look, which our spy seemed to gain some confidence from.
    “The elves are now training ones with purple or green skin and they’re giving the adolescents special treatment. The strongest and most experienced veterans are training them not the usual six, but seven days a week, plus each training session is four hours long, unlike the typical three. They’re making it very competitive and only letting the best ones fight in the war,” our spy informed us.
    “This is relevant because?” Angher snapped.
    “Isn’t it obvious?” My slightly panicked voice shot through the air, “They’re taking advantage of the strength and passion the adolescent elves have. We all know that adolescent elves are stronger than their elders.” My voice turned bitter, “They’re making them the most powerful weapons in existence
    Angher cursed angrily, someone hissed, and even I could hear Angela’s growl from the other end. Phighter though, shook his long black hair and let out a booming laugh. I could have killed him for it and judging by the look that Angher gave him, he could have too.
    Destruction somehow kept his cool, “What is it that you find so funny Phighter?”
    “We’ve been waiting for an excuse to ambush them.” He chuckled again, “and they’ve just handed us one. Think about it.”
    Destruction looked thoughtful, “I might just do that. People we’ll meet again tomorrow at eight in the morning. Feel free to go.” He looked at the spy, “You are free to go as well.”
    Angela and I chuckled as the spy ran out of here as fast as his legs would take him, then gathered up our things and left.