• It is silent no one is taking."Hey Kio whats going on why is everone at the market"I said."Hey kid shut the hell up"someone yelled.Kio stuid up his blade was shing in the sky by his hip."There is a big consol meeting to see who will make it to fight the lord haku"kio said."Why would enyone wont to fight a lord"I said to him in a low voice so i dont get yelled at agine ." To show you are the best....see my sword it is the dagger of luke so i know i will be picked"replid kio. picked"replid kio. a old man staped out of a door he had on a gold robe and went srate in kio face. "u Kio" he said. "ya wat do u wont"kio said back. no one was talking everyonne eyes was on us. "Your a deid man"the man said. The man was not like no other his eys was pink with a splash of hazo. kio toke out his sword than i know wat the old man was.The man smiled and punch kio in the face. kio sword flow in the air. kio jump up and kicked the man in arm it looked like it dident hurt.There was now a ring of peoplearound the fight.kio grad his sword and went for a stabe but it was block by the man staff. The fight look like itb would never end. The old man had finlly brok a sweat. Then there was a flashand kio was on the groud died. I picked up kio sword and said"wont to try that agine".The old man said'Happens onec every year'' and walk back in his door.the crowd yelled at the boy for ackding dum.tears stormed down my face and I walked away with my deid friend sword." his eye are red now wtf happen.