• It looked like a typical little girl’s room, bright pink and light blue décor with stuffed animals piled on top of the bed and dolls of all sorts lining the shelves. But once the daylight fades and the lights are turned off the once cheery atmosphere is replaced with one of darkness and fright.

    The once cute and sweet doe-eyed stuffed animals turn malicious and look as if about to attack and the dolls which used to stare harmless and blankly back at you now look at you scornfully with smiles that laugh at you mockingly. Moaning, scratching, rustling, banging, and faint whispers fill the room, making you wonder if you are truly alone in there. The shadow that looks like two knobby arms reach out towards you and you pray that they’re cast by a tree, only you know they’re not seeing as there is no tree near any of the two windows.

    At this time you are wondering if you should look at the closet to see if the boogieman is going to come out of it because at this time it doesn’t seem like such a far fetched idea. Slowly from your spot in the middle of the room you turn to the closet; it remains still and closed when you turn your gaze upon it then just as you start to calm down a little it begins to open. Scared stiff you watch in horror as it opens all the way and what you see inside the closet is something you know you will always remember. First is the red stained clawed hand that beckoned you closer and second is the pair of glowing yellow eyes.

    You want to run, to scream, but nothing will come out of your mouth and your legs seem to have forgotten how to move beyond shaking. Then the light is suddenly flicked on and just like that it’s all gone the shadows, the evil look on the dolls and stuffed animals faces, the sounds, and most importantly the thing in the closet was no longer around. Breathing a deep sigh of relief you turn towards the door, anxious to leave, when she saw her daughter Abby standing in the door way with her hand still on the light switch. “I told you there were monsters in my room.”