• I've been having thoughts lately.....
    Thoughts.....of depression and death and darkness......
    And it all leads to Willow.
    I need you. You are my life, My soul,My body itself!
    I deprive on you. Ever since you've passed on my dear flower I imagine you as my rose....You are bloomed beautifully and graceful, With drops of water crystal from a cool winter breeze. And since you've left your delicate body drops with the sadness of te world only to harm me.

    Why.....Why did you save me.....
    Why....did you block the attack?
    I could have stopped your fate....And you could have taken me to Evergrove Lake to bring me back...
    Life is worthless without you by my side.
    Life is now as dim as night itself.

    My heart beats for you.....
    My heart....its....slowing down.......

    Losing breath and only has enough time for one last icy breath
    The beating....its ending....
    Death...is so peaceful....
    A bright light and a girl Ive seen in only but a memory.....
    Yes a young girl whom I thought was only a normal goth girl who thought of only night and darkness when really she thought of me. Of my protection and the unbearable love she had for me. And soon i too was feeling the same.
    And only one last word escaped from my dark,icy lips; "Willow?"