• Once in a time unknown by Man was created a world within his world. This new world was named Civilization, and it's people did no wrong. These people were abstractly perfect, and henceforth called Civilians, who worked their way into human society which was corrupt. Those from Civilization referred to the people of the corrupt world as He, She, They, or It; while referring to themselves as I, We, or Us.

    The Civilians were good hearted and kind, whereas the Others, who were all sons of God, were corrupted by Adam & Eve for all eternity. The Civilians worked furiously to spread the love of Civilization unto Man but their methods were, in the mind of the Others, unorthodox. Body Jumping & Soul Transport, Mind Infiltration & Mind Reading, Spiritual Healing and other such methods were called "Sin" by Man, yet also called "Life" by the Civilians.

    When Man used his own corrupt views against the Civilians, those who fell were not of Civilization anymore, nor were they Civilians again. The Fallen were there and forever a member of man known there as Villians, and those who were standing (still) are still referred yet as Civilians.

    The times had changed since the battle, and wreckage left sorrow and hatred for the corrupt mankind within the Civilians, for the Civilians were too changed with the battle and fall of their world..

    The fall of Earth's Civilization..

    And I am a Civilian.