• Prologue

    I sit pouting at my boyfriend across from me, a snarl on my face. That idiot. That stupid, idiotic little snot. He smiled back, drunkeness plain on his face. He started laughing suddenly at my pout.
    "S'wrong, Kate?"
    A tear rolled down my cheek. "I'm pregnant and you don't care."
    Alex flinched, like he had everytime I'd mentioned it for the past six months.
    "C'mon, hunny, we're at a party! Don't go a killin' my buzz!"
    Shut up, Alex Trudeau. I shouldn't of came here. I'm on permanent ground control, because of me being pregnant. No friends. NO BOYFRIEND. No social life. Well, its not like I had such a blooming social life anyway, being the thirteen year old with the high school kids.
    You heard me right, I'm only thirteen.
    Certainly, being pregnant at thirteen isn't a big deal for some people, but my mother is pure Catholic inside and out. I'm not marrying Alex, either, the stupid snot of whom I'm stuck with.
    "C'mon babe, lets dance."
    "Hmm?" Alex had interrupted my thoughts, again.
    "C'mon babe, lets dance." Ugh, Alex and his stupid anger management issues.
    "No, don't feel like it, Babe."
    He shrugged, as if shrugging off a shirt (loosely). Then Alex Trudeau got up and walked away from me again. Of course I'm being dramatic.
    The room around me blarred music. Drunks danced with their friends (sometimes a bit too close, I might add). I hated it here. I knew my little Emily felt the same, as she kicked in protest of the loud music.
    "Shh shh, little girl." I whispered gently, closing my eyes.
    Suddenly, the music stopped. Every eye, sober or drunk, was fixed on one thing. I opened one eye.
    My Mother?!
    She looked furious, her eyes alight with boiling, brooding anger. I swallowed, then cocked my eyebrow at her.
    Oh no.
    I gently let myself up, as not to harm poor little Emily, and practically ran to my mother. The room was still tense, I realized, as she escorted me out, to her little blue station wagon. I slid in, and stared ahead for two minutes, as the engine started to rumble. I continued to stare, my light blond curls falling in front of my face.
    "I'm very dissapointed in you, Kate."
    I continued to give my mother the cold shoulder. Five minutes passed, then I felt her warm touch gently against the side of my arm. I could tell she was looking at me.
    "What Mu-"
    There was a lurch, then a flash of blood.
    My life ceased to exist. But Emily's continued...

    The room is gloomy, filled with a dull, blurred light. The room has white sheets, stained yellowish. Doctors crowed around the table, their eyes all on thirteen year old Kate, with blond curls, which a right now drapped in blood. Her eyes a closed, with her lashes afroze.
    "Janie, whats happened to this girl?" hissed a doctor, as he examined her bloody body.
    "Her mother crashed on the way back home. she sat for three hours, before they found her... she just came in."
    "Her mother?"
    "Died instantly."
    The doctor felt along her spine. Broken. There were cuts along her body, probably from glass. The doctor felt along her stomach carefully.
    "My god... she's pregnant..."
    "Sir, that baby's most likely dead. We have to save HER."
    The doctor didn't listen, knowing Kate was already dead. He plunged a scalpal into her stomach. Blood flowed like crazy from her stomach. The doctor pulled out the baby.
    Inside was Dementia...
    Inside was Dementia.