• As I was overwhelmed in darkness, something lurking in the shadows grabbed me and dragged me away. Was it a friend or something people dare never to speak about? As I was being dragged into nowhere, I felt my hands begin to spark and tingle. When I looked down, my hand was glowing blue. So, I reached up and grabbed the hand of my captor!
    Suddenly, I stopped. There was some screeching and footsteps and then nothing; it was like the whole world around me was gone. Although my body ached, I felt the urge to get up and that was when everything came into view.
    It was a nice little town, or so I thought. I started walking through the deserted town and decided to open a door. I walked in. At first, it looked like a nice house so I stepped inside. Immediately, I started falling and all was dark. I thought to myself will I ever escape the darkness? Where am I? Who was that creature? Is there more? Are they with me or against me? and what was that mysterious blue spark on my hands? Suddenly, my hands started to glow blue again, this time that feeling went to my back and I started to fly.
    The next place I was in was a forest. Instead of walking around, I stayed in that one spot and didn’t move. I was scared again by some rustling in the bushes. What stepped out was a furry, little, blue creature. It started talking to me, “Man, you had a bit of a nasty fall there didn’t you?” As it was talking to me, I started to slowly back away. “Hey, what’s with that funny look on your face? Oh! My apologies, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Aram, and you are?” I just sat there still and afraid of what this thing might really be, but it seemed friendly. However, some things in this world are not always what they seem. “My n-name is Jiro. Are you a friend or something here to kill me?” “Don’t be worried, I’m here to help you. The wise one sent me.
    When we were talking, a scary-looking creature jumped out of the bushes.” Oh no, it’s a foulheart” said Aram. Then, out of nowhere, Aram jumped into me. My whole body changed, my clothes changed blue, and I felt all this power running through me. There was that blue spark in my hand again, so I decided to attack the creature. It was strange; it felt like Aram was there with me. It was like my whole body was being controlled by another being. I quickly defeated the monster, and Aram jumped out of me. ”That little bugger wasn’t that hard to defeat,” said Aram as I sat on a stump trying to catch my breath. “What was that?” I said. “What was what, me jumping into you? Oh! I guess I forgot to mention that to you. See, I am the blue spark that you see in your hand I helped you get that thing that was dragging you off and I was helping you when you were falling.” said Aram. “Then why didn’t my body change when I was being dragged or when I was falling?” “You didn’t change because you weren’t in full form.” “Oh! so another question where are we? And where are we going?” “We are in the forest of eternal darkness. We are going to see the Wise One in his castle. He will help you in your training to defeat the one who made this place into eternal darkness. You are here to make this place not so dark.