

Martyred Marionette

Martyred Marionette's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/07


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Jay Tetsmer Report | 05/10/2024 10:26 pm
Jay Tetsmer
i love you too
Jay Tetsmer Report | 05/04/2024 1:23 pm
Jay Tetsmer
heart crying
OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD Report | 04/19/2023 7:12 am
Oh thank you, I love yours current heart crying
YoseiCactus Report | 01/26/2023 6:06 pm
Thank you so much for your comment! 3nodding
Sibghar Report | 04/17/2022 11:44 am
now that makes so much more sense.. i didnt even take in the fact that since the casual players are gone, theres no one to stabilize out the weird scalpers (their dedicated bc LMAO all that grind would be a waste if they stop now)... i didn't notice a surge of players tbh? maybe they came back for quarantine but i notice the most is 3k ... maybe 5k on the weekends...
Sibghar Report | 04/12/2022 1:39 pm
oh im glad you managed to snatch your items!! its hard to find listing for your coveted item.... and then to find them listed at like crazy price like 40kp when its supposed to be 5kp is infuriating... not only that. Gaia seems to accept it as the new norm.. What was the point of introducing plat if things are gone back to gold inflation days... absolutely crazy. They need a better economist... Yesterday I checked Loyal Bazaar expecting items to be minimum 20k when they were at 100k plat??!! What the heck..

I remember they've had quite a few economists but gaians, especially the scalpers go back to what their during in a matter of months. I think there should be a plat cap in the marketplace. Or a system where you sell your item to Gaia instead of people on the marketplace and they put the listings like Flynn. Bad example, but you know how you buy Mythrill and sell it back... Maybe then they will care?
Sibghar Report | 04/12/2022 12:44 am
Thanks that so sweet!! I know. The marketplace is horrible... I always have a hard time buying items because i know whats 800 plat is inflated to 18,000? And how long can you hold back right before you add to the problem?.. there are few listings & gaian that do end up putting their listing at ABP to combat basically the scalpers (they buy out all listings too.. what dicks).. I think I'll follow your journey biggrin would be nice to see when you finish your hunger collection..
Sibghar Report | 04/11/2022 8:16 am
I love collecting creamy candy items but as an avid collector - i know how important it is for you to have it. Really like your OCs. so I won't bid on it anymore.. unfortunately it's super inflated too.. good luck!! redface
Jay Tetsmer Report | 03/28/2022 10:52 pm
Jay Tetsmer
redface heart
faebean Report | 01/28/2022 7:06 pm
Heya! Thanks for the poke heart I’m doing great!
I’m still looking forward to trying to permanently come back to Gaia, I’ve just been so busy with work.
How are you doing?


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