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=>Minist Outill // Yellowblood

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Alien Datemate

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:08 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:12 pm

2......................................................................................................................................................................................Table of Contents
3...............................................................................................................................................................................................Introduction 4........................................................................................................................................................................................................Profile


Welcoming Perfectionist


Welcoming Perfectionist

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:14 pm

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Your name is MINIST OUTILL.

You consider yourself pretty HANDY WITH TOOLS and you love to figure out HOW THINGS WORK. This causes you to RIP APART pretty much everything you come across. You always have your TOOLS with you at all times so that if you find something new you can immediatly DISMANTLE it and discover its secrets. This has caused others to get QUITE UPSET with you, since you never ask permission before tearing apart things you find. You could probably BUILD some pretty complex MACHINERY if you put your mind to it, but that seems tedious and boring. You don't like to be bored. So instead you just destroy everything in your path.

You also consider yourself a kind of MENTOR to those weaker than you. You teach them how to be better trolls, but mostly you just yell at them for being pathetic. Your intentions are for good, but they don't always come across that way. Some have told you that you act more like a BLUEBLOOD, but you really don't care about the HEMOSPECTRUM so you don't pay them any attention.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:18 pm
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Name: Minist Outill
(Latin for tool: ministra, French for tool: outil)

Blood colour: ████████ #826f00

Gender: Female

User ImageShe is very adventurous and inquisitive. If you're boring get out of her way! She doesn't have time to deal boring people or things. Her curiousity has lead her to become quite good with tools. Using these she dismantles most anything she comes across to figure out what makes them tick and how they were made. Unfortunately once she takes it apart she deems it boring and doesn't bother putting it back together again. Her hive is filled with mechanical parts and is in a constant state of disrepair. The same can be said of any hive she is allowed to enter. Often times she'll take things that don't belong to her to take it apart and then leave completely dismantled without any form of apology.

User ImageIf she's not tinkering with something then she's off on an adventure. She could be exploring a cave, climbing a tree or even chatting with a new troll. She loves to socialize because then she can meet interesting people. However, she often runs across trolls whom she deems to be boring. Sometimes she will try to make them more "interesting" (whether they want to be or not) or she simply chews them out for being too boring.

User ImageLastly, while she's socializing she has the tendency to be a bit flirty. Not just in matspritship either, she has a lot of fun with kismesissitude too. Again, this comes down to her desire to not be bored. If she has a bunch of possible suitors in her quadrants then she'll have fun picking a choosing! If the other trolls don't particularly like her flirtations then it's just fun to see their reaction! She doesn't flirt with just anyone, though! She only bats her eyes at the trolls she genuinely likes and as for trolls she really hates. . . She goads most anyone to get a reaction, but for those special trolls she's feeling black for she'll reroute the plumbing from their load gapers into their thermal hulls.

User ImageShe has a keen mind between her sponge clots so she can find a solution to a problem rather quickly, even if her solutions may be a bit unorthodox at times. If it has something to do with mechanics or electronics she can usually instantly diagnose the problem (if not then say goodbye to whatever it was because she'll dismantle it to figure it out). If she wanted she could build something fantastic, or do repair jobs, but that all seems like a bore to her so she'd rather not. However, on the rare occasion, she might be goaded into reversing her habits and creating/fixing rather than destroying.

User ImageShe's got the energy to do just about anything that she sets her mind to without being a complete manic and bouncing off the walls. She's also a tad bit of an adrenaline junkie so doing dangerous things wouldn't faze her. Sometimes she'll try to rope others in on whatever crazy antics she's up to at the time, to share the fun. While others may tire out, she'd still be at whatever her current task is, or already off doing something else entirely!

User ImageIf she likes you then she'll stand by you in a fight. While her actions may not always seem helpful, her intentions are always for the best of her friends. If a friend of hers is getting pushed around she'll stand up for them and (while yelling at her friend for letting themselves be pushed around in the first place) take on their adversary herself. Of course this doesn't mean she'll battle with trolls out of her league, she'll sit back and plan a strategy in those cases. This also doesn't mean that she'll fight her friends battles for them necessarily. She'll let them take care of themselves unless the scales are unfairly against them.

User ImageShe doesn't have much tact and either doesn't understand that you shouldn't take other people's things or doesn't care. If she comes across something she has never seen before she'll instantly want to take it apart without any thought as to what the owner of that item might say. She also has a tendency to pop personal space bubbles. The world is her playground and she doesn't really give much thought to the others that are in it and how they feel about her escapades.

User ImageDespite her low station on the hemospectrum she often bullies those around her. It might be because she doesn't care for the yawnfest that is the hemospectrum or it could be that those around her aren't as exciting as she thinks they should be. She doesn't let others get her down so if she sees trolls that are being brought down she'll chew them out for being pathetic. Really, she means well, but her lack of tact makes her a bit harsh. She doesn't do it just to be mean. Her intention is to make others the best troll they can be, to toughen them up. Somewhat like taking them under her wing, but instead being motherly she's more like a drill sergeant.

User ImageAs has been stated before Minist doesn't like to get bored, but as with everyone else it always finds a way to creep up on her. If she has nothing to do she can get rather cranky. If what she has to do doesn't interest her she'll be snippy and try to find a way to "remedy" the situation. While talking to a "boring" troll she'll either purposefully push their buttons to get a reaction, or she'll try to rope them into doing stuff with her to make them more interesting. On one particular boring day she crossed some wires in her hive and made an explosion. She eventually fixed the hole in the roof, but her thermal hull still buzzes ominously.

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Welcoming Perfectionist


Welcoming Perfectionist

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:20 pm
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User ImageToolsUser Image
Oh my does Minist love tools. Her love for tools borders on fetishism. Her workshop has an array of tools of all functions and size and of course she never leaves her hive without her trusty wrench and few other small tools. Some say a way to a trolls heart is through their stomach, but in Minist's case it's through tools. If you want to get on her good side just give her some tools. The more high-end the better. Give her that Megaultra Drill 5000 and she'll be drooling all over you. Tools are a great bartering device if you ever want Minist to do something for you. Offer a shiny set of ratchet heads and she'll be willing to listen to your demands.

User ImageDiagramsUser Image
Despite her love of the hands-on approach Minist loves looking at diagrams. Seeing everything all laid out and labeled is just so thrilling! Though not as good as tools, diagrams are also great gifts for her. She has a few plastered on the walls of her workshop and she loves sitting in front of them and seeing how everything fits together. This doesn't mean she still won't take something apart if she has a diagram of it, though. Hands-on is still the best way to learn, after all.

User ImageWrestlingUser Image
In Minist's mind wrestling is the best sport. Hands down. Nothing beats it. It's just so awesome to watch a troll bring another troll down with brute strength! The occasional arm being ripped off is cool too.

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Nothing much to say about them. Minist just thinks they're delicious.

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Minist hates being told she can't do something. If she wants to do something she's going to do it! You can't stop her! Except. . . when you can. She knows if she isn't careful she can get herself killed so she will step down if her life is in danger, but she won't be happy about it. Being denied things is just so infuriating! It's even worse when she being denied because it is thought she lacks the ability to do something. She can totally do anything if she's given the chance!

User ImageClose-MindednessUser Image
It's really annoying when other trolls don't keep an open mind. There are so many possibilities, but they are only allowing themselves to see a fraction of them. Like trolls who react to the hemospectrum by the book. You'd never let some redblood do something because their blood makes them inferior, even if they do a better job than, say, a tealblood? Then there are tolls with no imagination. You don't think there is a grand adventure to be had? You think you won't find anything fun? How boring.

User ImageSwimmingUser Image
She doesn't have a problem with water. Minist wouldn't have a problem standing in water, or being splashed, but if you expect her to swim forget it. Seeing as how she lives in the desert there isn't much water to practice in. She just never learned. As such, she is careful around deep water. If someone were to push her into some water and she was unable to stand up she would have a major freakout. She'd be that troll that made everyone else drown because she would grab onto them and pull them down with her.

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Minist thinks they are kind of creepy.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:22 pm
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User ImageRatmom is the mix of an Earth rabbit and rat. Her strong legs help her leap through the shifting sands of Chittentown and her large ears help her discover yummy things hidden in the sands. When she's feeling generous she might even share her finds with her charge. Normally she's more of a nag towards Minist. She thinks the girl really should slow down and work on one thing at a time rather than bolting off and doing ten things all at once.

User ImageWhile she does try to keep Minist from completely destroying the hive, she doesn't mind her dismantling. She likes to make nests with the random parts lying around and sometimes even helps with the destruction by putting her sharp teeth to work on things that Minist is unable to rip open with her tools.

User ImageThe two of them squabble all the time and Minist often complains about her guardian, but deep down they really do care about each other. It is a special time when the two of them can stop fighting and just curl up with each other in the junk pile. If anything were to happen to Ratmom Minist would be devastated, despite what she might say when she finds bug parts in her recuperacoon.

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Welcoming Perfectionist


Welcoming Perfectionist

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:25 pm
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User ImageWhile most of Chittentown is held within canyons that protect it from the savaging sandstorms Minist's hive is not. Her hive does, however, extend below the surface and is larger than first glance may suggest. The upper floors are slanted on one side to allow the sands to sweep over the hive more easily, since it is from that direction the winds usually come. The very upper floor has a balcony that really serves no other purpose than to look cool. There is a visible hole that has been patched up in the roof, the hole itself was made long ago while the repairs are still rather recent (Ratmom kept complaining about sand falling into the hive).

User ImageWhile there a some parts scattered about outside it says nothing about the mess inside. Tangled webs of wires, mounds of scrap metal and piles of bolts are everywhere. Minist tries to keep them organized in case she ever decides to use any of it, which is rare. In the lower levels of her hive Minist keeps her recuperacoon and worktable. If ever the sandstorms become so bad that they tear away the upper portion of her hive everything in the lower levels will remain safe (for the most part). Minist also keeps her vast collection of tools down by her work table, for easy access whenever she is working on a project. The tools are kept meticulously organized and she would flip out if a tool ever went missing (and would be very annoyed if someone ever disorganized her precious tools).

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:27 pm
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Battle Royale - [Open RP]
User ImageMinist travels to hear the queen's speech and meets some interesting trolls. (completed)

Put Down the Tools! - [Abirla Variga]
User ImageMinist wreaks havoc on poor Abrila's hive. (completed)

A Blind Mess - [Belife Jocari]
User ImageMinist runs into Belife and shenanigans happen.

Library Shenanigans - [Vremea Everai]
User ImageNeeding to do some research Minist heads to the local library and meets Vremmy. (completed)

Battle Royale Ending - [Open RP]
User ImageJust because the fighting is done doesn't mean it's time to go home. (completed)

META - [Open RP]
User ImageTwo mysterious summons? What could this mean? (completed, worth 2 points)

Going On a Picnic - [Open RP]
User ImageA messy lunch.

Bloodfest - [ORP]
User ImageGet your towel and kick off your shoes, it's beach party time! (completed)

AI (The A Stands for Annoying) - [Taquin Ageres]
User ImageMinist meets a disgruntled orangeblood out in the sands of Chittentown. (completed)

Micromanagement - [Zeylla Crypsi]
User ImageMinist gets some unwanted advice.

Museum Bafflement - [Taquin Ageres]
User ImageDeciding it was time for a change of scenery Minist runs into a familiar face. (completed)

Growing DOWN - [Belife Jocari]
User ImageMinist gets a visit from a rather little friend.

Lessons of Wrestlin - [Ganyma Callow]
User ImageAfter watching some wrestling matches Minist shows the ropes to a kid. (completed)

Trollnapping! - [Vremea Everai]
User Image Minist decides to pay her friend a visit and have some fun.

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Welcoming Perfectionist


Welcoming Perfectionist

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:29 pm
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BR: Round 1
User ImageMinist battles with her new friend, Zeffer. (lost)

META Boss Battle
User ImageWhile searching for a new Mother Grub the group is ambushed! (K.O.'d monster)

Wrigglers First Blackrom
User Image It's time to d-d-d-d-d-duel! (won [barely])





Weapon: User Image Starter Weapon (2d6)


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She's an apprentice in Tactics (re-roll an attack, choose highest number), Survival (?), and Combat (+1 to one attack).

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:31 pm
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Mentioning this troll will make Minist roll her eyes. She doesn't know all that much about her, but what she does know makes it unlikely she will ever want to know more. Not only does she act like she better than Minist but she is one scary troll in a fight. Ms. Freckle Face is a snob that Minist intends to avoid.

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Now here is a troll Minist wouldn't mind spending some more time with. Zeffer seems like a lot of fun and isn't one of those trolls that judges by blood color. Minist would love to have a rematch against him.

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Where to start with this guy? He seems to get riled up easily, which amuses Minist a great deal. However, he is completely shithive maggots. As much as she wants to annoy him (because it would be so hilarious) Minist knows she has to be extra careful around this troll. Definitely not one she wants to come to blows with. There will always be an interesting sight with him around so she is drawn to him.

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As much as she hates to use the name bestowed upon this troll by Semp this blueblood really is pathetic. Minist can't stand to see her letting herself be pushed around by Mr. Livora. However, Minist has also seen this troll lash out with a fiery spirit. There might be hope for her yet.

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Minist is intrigued by her. Her collection of items is a source of allure, but it's also her interest in chemistry as well as her laid back nature that piques Minist's interests. Never before had she met a troll like this. She'd like to hang out with her more.

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Dear god this guy is amazing! He juggles knives! On fire! WHILE BLIND! He is a riot too, always good for a laugh. You can't have a boring time around Belife. This, of course, means he is a great friend to Minist. Did I say he juggles flaming knives? Seriously, so cool. He is the coolest coolkid. Except not. He is kind of a dork. A great pal.

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On a whim Minist decided to try to get under this troll's skin, and it paid off! Minist thinks Vremea is a great source of entertainment if she says and does just the right things. That said, she can be a bit of bore with all of those stuffy libraries. Minist plans on kidnapping her for adventures and fun. Get a little dirt on those pretty bows.

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Minist didn't get to talk to him much. He seemed pretty tired, but he did win the Battle Royale and get to go toe to toe with the queen, so that gives him some coolness points. She wouldn't mind getting a chance to chat when he's more on his game.

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Here are some conflicting feelings. He seems like he can be a lot of fun, and can be funny, but at the same time he seems like a whiner and the music things gets kind of old. If you were to ask Minist her thoughts on this troll she would just shrug at you.

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She's apparently a friend of Vremmy. A nice dancer. Not much else to say about her.

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Seriously, who stuck a stick up her seed flapper? Minist has no idea why this troll seems to have it out for her and frankly doesn't care. Whatever her deal is she'll let her get all upset over it.

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He's just completely awful in every way. Minist can't wait to hang out again.

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Always staring and meddling, meddling and staring. What's her deal? Ugh, If Minist ever sees her again it'll be too soon.

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This kid has a lot of heart. Now if only he had the technique and skill to back it up. Thankfully for him Minist has decided to take him under her wing and teach him how to become a great fighter! No time for hand holding, only blood, sweat, and tears!

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Welcoming Perfectionist


Welcoming Perfectionist

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:33 pm
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Art by Cypran:

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Art by saedusk:

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Art by Unaru:

I keep forgetting to save it so I don't have the image, but it's out there somewhere!

Art by melona-pan (formally m e a m e a a):

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Art by Melancollie:

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Art by AnimeJet:

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Art by Aesceus:

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Art by ChaosTheories
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Art by Kimbley Kitty:

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Art by quite uneventful:

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Art by RawringKiwi:

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Art by Roadkill:

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Art by Red Th0rn:

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Art by wasserplane:

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Art by PeanutButterpies:
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Art by karavat

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Art by Dartanian Isthill:

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Art by blackbird cake

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Art by TanuKyle:

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Art by paraffin orchid

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Art by Gl!tch:

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Art by x I n s a n i c x Asu x:
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Art by seekingCylem:
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Art by bunnyilove:
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Art by me:

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You may notice Sae/Blackbird and I both have the same art in our slots. That's because they drew them and I colored them.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:34 pm
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Hey. Psst. Go here.

Besides just basic plot ideas linked to above I also have some vague ideas for Minist's future. One of which is when she gets older and joins the military (there's no avoiding that fate, and she's cool with it) she wants to be a demolashingist. How cool would it be to be shipped off to some poor planet and take apart all of their defenses so they would have no way to stop the troll forces from completely taking over? Being all sneaky, commando style.

When she grows up I want her to wear a jumpsuit tied around her waist and a pair of goggles.

Can't think of anything else, for now.

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Welcoming Perfectionist


Welcoming Perfectionist

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:35 pm
extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra


User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.--c my hoofbeast plushie.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.--c i got a flushed smuppet from vremmy for quadrants day. how sweet.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.--c i also got a pale one from belife. that was unexpected.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.--c check out this sweet skull i found at bloodfest! maybe i'll put him on my worktable and he can be my assistant! i think i'll call him yorick.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.--c check out my two trophies from bloodfest! am i awesome or what?

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.--c this was supposed to be vremmy's prize, but since she already won some sweet goggles this piece of junk went to me. seriously? some melted mask is what i get?

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.--c check out my sweet mvp badge on my scarf from bloodfest!


Minist is based off of another pet that I have, Alix. She was the third quest to be accepted and ninth troll made. Second yellowblood and first resident of Chittentown.

If there was Trollian Minist would totally put --c before everything she wrote, like Equius and his bow and arrow (it's a wrench in case you couldn't tell). Her chumhandle would have been wrenchWench (have I beaten the wrench theme into the ground yet?).

Her symbol is the alchemy symbol for nickel. I chose it because nickel's a metal and she works with metal a lot. :V

She is 5'3" and flat as a board.

Check out my other trolls! Click their jewels to go to their journals! User Image

extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra
PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:36 pm
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Welcoming Perfectionist


Welcoming Perfectionist

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:37 pm

Homestuck © Andrew Hussie
Hivestuck & Art © amicableAggressor
Minist Outill © Galaxa13

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