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"Appearances? They always deceive..."

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Professor Jason Ashbourne,
Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher
Location: The Great Hall.
Who with: Headmistress Skylark, Professor Gigando, four other professors, students in the hall...

Jason chuckled a bit when Professor Gigando had finished speaking. "Indeed, you could say that. Mother embraced it with open arms, and my dad was proud to see me along." he replied, pausing when he had mentioned the young minds coming into the hall. "Always enjoyed the Sorting myself, and I agree with you. They are the future, but we all must be careful. Even a slight slip...and a future is left to the cold, darkness of life. Better to aid them along, show the right way...else, we end up with...well, you get my point." he replied to Gigando's statement on the young minds sauntering in and being Sorted. It was true then, he told himself, he was indeed nothing like his father was; fanatically devoted to the dark ideals of the past.

His father wasn't always like that, of course, but sometimes his rambles became all too...real for Jason to stand. It resulted in an incident involving one of his mother's mirrors, and left Jason with several scars. The exact details of the event? He wasn't about to divulge them yet; only if asked. He suddenly had a desire to retreat back to his office, to think. He preferred the quiet of the class, or office, were he could think...

Yet, here he was at the Sorting. He smiled once more, allowing himself at least a sip of pumpkin juice. When the time came for introductions, he decided he be low-key today. No need for anything excessive...okay, maybe a few 'Welcome' sparks; but that would be it! No, no, then he'd be tempted to go further...and, considering the fact that a couple of Muggles still complained about having their eyebrows singed off due to the fire he once used in a stage production of...was it Wicked, or some Shakespearean play, he wasn't going to go any further then necessary here! In other words, [i[maybe a 'Welcome' spark before he lifted the hood down and revealed his face.

Good, now that he settled that, he could continue observing! He looked around at the professors, including the rather large one, and was rather impressed at the wide variety presented. It would make for an interesting year...

"...try getting to know someone on the inside, eh?"
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Teacher of Divination and head of Ravenclaw house
Current location: In the Great Hall, conducting the sorting ceremony.
Open your minds and look deeper than the surface, only then can you see things most refuse to look for.

Lelia had to resist smiling. This girl had been sorted into her house, that said a lot for her sharp mind already. Lelia liked to believe all students had the potential to do well in class. Some exceed her expectations, others fail to reach them. It was time to call the next name. "Verdugo, Sofia!"

Lupine Sex Symbol

8,675 Points
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxE l i z a b e t hX C o t éX R e n a ú l d i
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx16 6th Slytherin

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx--- ❝ I have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be loved, for myself and for my talent

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Elizabeth was in tears by the time Luka got to her, after thinking the worst possible things she could imagine. She looked up at him and shook her head, biting down on one nail.

"Not right now... I'm not feeling up to it anymore.... I'll know when the Sorting and the feast is over," she said, lowering her eyes to the floor. She knew that no matter how hard she tried, she would never be able to tell him how she felt about him. Especially standing beside someone like Anika....

Phantom made a small noise in the back of his throat and looked between Elizabeth and Luka. Elizabeth pet him absentmindedly, still stuck in her own thoughts. She wanted to tell him so badly but, like they had last year, her fears got the best of her.

| l o c a t i o n: Staircase outside Great Hall |
| d o i n g: Talking to Luka |
| f e e l i n g: Dismayed |
| t h i n k i n g: Just wait till tonight... |

[ooc: Sorry guys! It took me so long to get on!]

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx() ███████████████████ █ d. i m i t r i
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxXXX( the great hall )

                    Another year at Hogwarts, only this time he was coming back a Prefect. It's his last year and he wasn't about to have his prefect duties get in the way of causing some mischief. He was bloody late for the sortings in the Great Hall, much thanks to his 'cat nap' he had when he made it to Hogwarts. 'Gee, what a great prefect role model you are.' Standing in front of a mirror, he put on his Gryffindor prefect badge. He liked the badge, it made him look more authoritative. Grinning at his reflection, he left the Gryffindor common room and made his to the Great Hall.

                    Saying his hellos to the ghosts and familiar paintings, he stopped short at the sight of two people chatting near the bottom of the staircase. Normally, he would've just kept on walking, ignoring the two but he was a prefect now and he knew all students were supposed to be in the Great Hall. Clearing his throat, he said in his most serious voice. "Oi, you two! What're you doing outside the Great Hall?" Making his way toward the two, he continued. "Only people who are allowed out at the moment are the staff, the first years and prefects..." he trailed off once he saw the Slytherin prefect badge, "Oh, hello Elizabeth." He grinned, but went stone-faced when he saw she was in tears. He didn't know her personally, it was his first year of prefect duty and he only knew her name since she was the only the Slytherin prefect. Motioning to the boy, making sure not to get Elizabeth to notice he mouthed "Get some!" pointing to him and Elizabeth, he clenched his fists and pelvic thrusted the air. Not sure if Elizabeth saw, but if she did, he hoped it would manage to get some laughs out of her ... Or a curse with his name on it, he stopped and grinned, letting Luka know it was all in good humor. He was pretty sure he was ruining an intimate moment and plus he was needed in the Great Hall. "If anybody asks, I didn't see you." Nodding goodbye, he slipped into the Great Hall, ignoring the stares he received.

                    Sitting himself beside a ginger haired girl - Aimi - who seemed to be in conversation with another first year boy, he introduced himself to them. "Ah! Gryffindor fresh meat, you'll like it in Gryffindor, we get it better." Grinning, he continued. "Names Dimitri, Gryffindor prefect and I'll be the person who leads you to the common room and answers questions. So, I'm something like a guide tour," he smiled at the two, waiting for the feast to start. He was bloody hungry and blood pops did not help at all. He wasn't very interested in the welcoming speeches the teachers made, e already knew most of them.

                    ooc' c: hola!


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Distinct Prophet

7,800 Points
  • Hygienic 200
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Autobiographer 200
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★ Peregrin↳↳Malkhester
Transfiguration Professor!!

xxxxx ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
XXXXXUser ImageUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.xxAMxx𝔏𝔈𝔊𝔈𝔑𝔇x
          xxxxxxxxxx( ⊰ but that doesn't cut it ❞ )
                  xxxxxxxxxxI am at ↳ Hogwarts Staff Table ⊰
                          xxMy wand ↳ Padauk Wood - Dragon Heartstring - Ground Chimera Scale - thirteen inches - rigid ⊰

                          Peregrin took a long sip of his drink, eying the new students as they took their seats amongst their housemates. He smiled into the goblet, watching the first years interact with each other and the older students, almost like they had been friends for years. He sighed, though, placing his goblet back on the table. Many of these new first years... They would not survive. He had worked in the Room of Prophecy for far too long... And his mind was vast. Names. Futures. Downfalls. He could say that he was a walking version of the Department of Mysteries, but he had sworn to never speak his secrets unless one's life was in danger.

                          He glanced up as Dimitri, a Gryffindor Prefect, entered the Great Hall unfashionably late. His eyes narrowed, wondering what he had been up to. Not that it concerned him, that was the realm of the Gryffindor Head of House, not he.
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xXXXXXXXXxxx EvangelinaArronO'Conner

Gryffindor 4th Year~ 15 Years.

↘"I May Be Good At Everything...

"Well, speak of the Devil and then he appears. Great." Sure she was only a 4th year, but it didnt mean that Eva hasnt heard about the Perfect from Gryffindor; or whoever he was before he became a Perfect. Evangelina kept looking through the pack of first years that were being sorted, and then to the teachers which were getting even weirder by the year. Eva just wanted to go sleep right now and not wake up for a long time, but school was school. And she had to sit through this for a while.

...Although, I Just Wanna Live."↙

    C u r r e n t l y A t : Great Hall. Gryffindor Table.
    A c c o m p a n i e d B y : Newbies And Midnight.
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Luka looked at Elizabeth, worried. He crossed his arms over his chest, before jumping slightly when he heard Demetri. He shifted slightly uncomfortably, before Demetri started pelvic thrusting the air. Get our of here, he mouthed back, shaking his head and smirking slightly. He waited until Demetri was gone, pretending they weren't there, before he stepped down the stairs over to Elizabeth's side.

"Come on. You should at least go in and have something to eat. You'll regret it later tonight when you laying in bed later tonight, starving," he said, trying to convince her. He paused for a moment, before looking over at Phantom. "You agree with me, don't you, Phantom? Food?"

Where - Antechamber to Great Hall
With - Elizabeth

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Luka Gaiman 6th Year Hufflepuff
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House:Gryffindor-Seventh Year
Location:Stumbling into Great Hall

Chest heaving, Cordelia ran up the walkway to the front doors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, eyes peeled for any sign of a teacher, living or dead. This wasn't the first time she'd been late for the Sorting Ceremony, but it was the first time she'd ever arrived with the hems of her robes muddy and her hair pulled back in a messy ponytail. She was so out of sorts she hadn't bothered to check her hair for debris, and thus failed to notice that there was a twig with a single leaf still attached in her hair.

Pushing open the front doors, she crept inside, hoping to remain unseen. Nodding to those she saw just as she was about to enter the Great Hall, she placed her hands on the large wooden doors and pushed gently, and slipped inside. Walking at a nice clip she made it to the only empty seat near her houses Prefect. Pretending to be interested in the Sorting, Cordelia thought back to her own. There had been no one to tell her what all being a Witch entailed, no one to tell her what she was supposed to do and what was right or wrong, and she was often teased because of her parentage. Cordelia remembered how nervous she was about putting an old enchanted hat on her head and having it should her future, and saw her own nerved mimicked on the faced of many of the students going to be sorted tonight. A half smile on her face, Cordelia felt her stomach ask for nourishment. She realized just how hungry she was.
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Location: getting sorted in the great hall
Sofia had wandered in with the first years taking a position in the back of the line. She was in no hurry to be stared at, pointed at, or laughed at. She walked with pride, holding her head high and taking in the sights of the school with as blank an expression as she could manage. The enchanted ceiling did catch her attention, the beautiful ceiling reflected the night sky outside. She watched and applauded the students whose names had been called as they quickly walked or in some cases ran to their house table.

As she had heard the older woman running the ceremony mention the four houses she wondered which one would be like the one she stayed in while attending Cedar. She ran with the wolf pack, which of these names was like the wolf? The Ravenclaws, maybe they were like ravens. Slytherin, creature that slithers, a snake perhaps? Gryffindor, a griffin, creatures of Europe, she knew very little about them. What the hell was a Hufflepuff? As the line started to thin out she felt her heart begin to race. Taking a deep breath to settle her nerves she sat down on the stool trying to ignore the people at the student tables whispering. The hat was placed on her head.

"There is a loyal heart here, a studious nature, a willingness to adventure, you're difficult to place. " the hat stated.

Sofia was confused, was she really that hard to place in a house? In Cedar the fire that burned displayed the wolf almost instantly. She decided to help out. "Which house is like the wolf?"

"The wolf?" The hat asked.

"Wise, brave, protector." Sofia summarized the first three traits. "My group at Cedar."

The hat seemed to pause. "I see." She could almost sense it looking deeper into her mind. "I know the house you belong in now." It shouted the last word. "Gryffindor!" With that the hat was take off her head and she walked to the table under the red and gold banners.

Distinct Prophet

7,800 Points
  • Hygienic 200
  • Dressed Up 200
  • Autobiographer 200
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—¤÷(`[¤*Aimi Markeis*¤]´)÷¤—
Location: Hogwarts Great Hall
Wand: Maple wood, phoenix feather, eight and three quarter inches, Inflexible.
Mood: Nervous...
House: Gryffindor


Aimi turned to look to her left as Dimitri took a seat next to her, raising her eyebrows at his introduction. She couldn't help but smile, though. If all the prefects were like him, she didn't see why her parents warned her about them.

"I'm Aimi. Aimi Markeis." She said, extending a hand towards him, giving him a broad, eyes closed smile. She was a social person and wanted to make a good first impression.

((dear god, writer's block.. not even funny how bad..))

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All can sleep
In Light's peaceful sight.

Lupine Sex Symbol

8,675 Points
  • Millionaire 200
  • Lavish Tipper 200
  • First step to fame 200
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxE l i z a b e t hX C o t éX R e n a ú l d i
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx16 6th Slytherin

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx--- ❝ I have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be loved, for myself and for my talent

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Still feeling stubborn and upset, she shook he head and leaned against his shoulder as he sat next to her. Elizabeth looked over to Dimitri as he began to walk away and smiled weakly. She was touched that he cared about her so much and that he was trying to cheer her up.

"I'll be okay, Luka... I ate a lot on the train. You can go back to the feast with Anika, if you want...."

Phantom looked to Luka and then pawed at Elizabeth's shoe, urging her to get up. She smiled at the little cat and picked him up, scratching his ears. She sighed and turned to Luka, hoping for the best.

"You see, the truth is... I got upset when I saw how Anika was acting with you. And then I noticed that you were...." She glanced around before continuing quietly, "I noticed you were having a vision... I thought it might have been about her or something and I got really scared.... I just didn't want to be there anymore, it bothered me so much being unable to do something about it...."

| l o c a t i o n: Staircase outside Great Hall |
| d o i n g: Talking to Luka |
| f e e l i n g: Dismayed |
| t h i n k i n g: Just wait till tonight... |

[ooc: lolz Dimitri xD]

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Felix Leo Samson

1st Year

Great Hall / Gryffindor Table

Felix laughed at Aimi's comment about him stalking her. "Well don't go telling any teachers, I don't feel like getting into trouble just yet." He started patting a hand against the table top and kicked his legs back and forth underneath the table as his legs did not quite touch the ground. Felix turned his head all around the hall not paying much attention to the sorting. His eyes landed on a guy sitting at the big table in front wearing a hood. Wow what a weirdo, who wears a hood inside... It looks like its not even gonna rain, Felix thought as he looked up into the ceiling or sky or whatever was up there.

After a bit Felix noticed to tall people come into the hall late and sit at the Gryffindor table, maybe being a Gryffindor will mean he will start being late to places, is that a trait that runs in houses? Then the boy sat next to Aimi and introduced himself as Dimitri and a prefect. "Wow, are you really? That must be great! I'm Felix, Felix Leo Samson," he said eagerly reaching his hand in front of Aimi towards Dimitri. Then he looked up as someone was sorted into Gryffindor. Wow, that is a tall first year, he thought to himself.

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Professor Patricia Suzanne Bennett
Potion Master, Professor of Potions

Patricia Bennett sat straight backed, ankles crossed and tucked under her chair, with hands folded in her lap as she watched each new student come up and put the Sorting hat upon their heads. Quite a few Gryffindors this year, she thought to herself, but kept silent. Beside her, Oswald was drinking as per usual, and further down the table, the man with the Death Eater cloak was speaking with Peregrin. Among the staff, it was a strange mixture this year, and she would be the one to know.

27 years. She had even been here for the teaching of several of the professors that now sat up at this table. She sighed slightly, as she glanced away at her own untouched goblet. These Sortings always made her sentimental, and she almost hated it. Almost.

She watched as a boy, a Gryffindor Prefect entered the room late followed by another young Gryffindor girl. Both of them got her trademark Bennett glare of disapproval, ice cold dark eyes behind colder glass, lips pressed together, with nothing short of pure disappointment. She glanced away before turning towards the first years again, as they drew closer to finishing up.

Where: Great Hall at the Staff Table
With: Staff members
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Teacher of Divination and head of Ravenclaw house
Current location: In the Great Hall, conducting the sorting ceremony.
Open your minds and look deeper than the surface, only then can you see things most refuse to look for.

So the girl had, in a way, chosen her own house. That was unique. She read a large number of names with a few scattered Gryffindors, A good number of Ravenclaws, some Hufflepuffs, and a great deal of Slytherins thrown into the mix for good measure. Finally she came to the last name on the list. "LeFerious, Livia!"
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Location: Gryffindor Table in the Great Hall
So, these were her new pack-mates. Hopefully she would find her place in the group. As she sat down, after shaking several hands, she gave a friendly wave to the students that had been sorted before her, and the older students they were speaking with. Sofia hadn't wanted to interrupt their conversation.

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