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Weather Report: Cool autumn winds blow multi-colored leaves and the smell of apples and pumpkin spice down the streets of Durem.

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Liberal Wolf

8,625 Points
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  • The Wolf Within 100
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Why am I here? Lenusy thought, a soft groan escaping her lips. She stood on the sidewalk across the street from King Solomon's Mind, watching as the people within moved about the building. She should've stayed in her river. She never should've left. It was all such a huge mistake...

People know what you are now. The thought made the girl wince and covered her face with her hands. "They're going to hate me..." She crouched down, tears pricking her eyes beneath her palms. My only friends will hate me because I'm a monster.

It took Lenusy to gain her composure before she stood up, wiping the tears from her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater. "I should go home..." She said to herself, slowing turning to begin walking down the deserted sidewalk toward the main street.

Godly Demigod

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Dr. Isha ArztinUser Image
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"Just lay her down Natalie,she'll by fine~...maybe weeeeee~"

*Isha would provide the other vial of milky white substance.It would seem Isha would have to force feed it to her now.Isha clasped her hands together with a smile.Claire had gone down for the count. Not all people could stomach Isha's methods. Zee good doctor gave a shrug.

"Sorry about zee taste.A small price to pay,no? Now! Lets see how it's doing shall we?

*Zee good doctor. Closed her other eye and reopened her gifted eye in order to see her work in action. After consumption the Cloudy liquid reached her stomach and began to dissolve quite quickly.It was expected.This antidote if you will was a grand product of Isha's. Isha's medical abilties were astounding. She could secrete liquid from the pores in her skin...the kicker is that she can control the chemical properties of the liquid.She could even make the molecules within the liquid to mutate.So it could be anything from medicine to heal...or...a deadly illness that could rot you from the inside out.After the Clear liquid dissolved it would past through her intestines and find its way further untill reaching Claire's appendix.There what ever was blocking the flow would start to dissolve and relieve pressure.The medicine Isha had administered ate away the blockage and would soothe the swelling. The process would only take about half an hour due to the potency.

"Zhat zhorn in her side vwill be gone soon enough."

*The other "antidote"would administer to Claire would find its way down her throat and stick to the sides of her esophagus. From there the medicine would breakdown to a molecular level so it could pass through the walls of her organs freely and with ease. Its target was her bruised and cracked ribs.Itd take 4 hours for the medication to take full effect.

"oops.....I forgot to tell her! *looks to Natalie* She may experience some intense pain in her chest in a couple of hours.Zee medicine I just administered to her vwill heal zhat cracked rib in no time. However.....due to how fast it will heal,it will cause a lot of discomfort.Like someone pounding away on her chest with a hammer.Lala~Ive veen vworking on zee rail road~all zee live long day~"''

*Everything was going as expected. No complications.The only thing left was her ankle.....but......Isha had some sad news about that.*

"Now.....about her ankle. I hate to say it but zhere is really no fixing a rolled ankle.She might have to vwear a brace for better support.Vonce you roll your ankle it stays like that....however~ I could do something....zhough im not sure shed like it.....I could introduce a pathogen into her body that will target her ankle and foot....and vwhat it will do....it will basically......dissolve the bone structure inside her foot and your ankle.Like making Jelly.It'll dissolve zee bone and my pathogen will carry zee dissolved bone from her foot to her stomach to be disposed of via waste deposits.She might have a rubber foot for a few days,but zhen my pathogen will take full effect and begin reconstructing the bone.Vut.....it looks like my newly found patient has suffered enough for today."

*Isha backed away seeing that things were in order. Another patron made the scene,Miko, who commented that she was a healer as heal.Isha gave the girl that sly grin of her.*

"No need,kind. Claire vwill be right as rain by tomorrow. My methods may be odd....and not as pretty as your "magic" but it works just as good or better."

*Zee good doctor made her way over to the table where she fetched her bandage and reequipped it to her person.Isha turned to those who were there before rubbing her head.Her head started to throb a bit from useage of her gifted eye.*

"Im going to go lay down if jou all dont mind. I zhink I deserve it no?"

*Isha made her way to another couch that was stationed within Solomons further into the shop.There she flopped down on the couch and just laid there for a moment......a brief second later....Isha slowly lifted her hand and held it out in front of her.......

"A blessing.......a curse.......a product of my own design...."

L:Goin to bed//C:noone//T:"I've lost my god damn mind! It happen's all the time~"

An elderly man hobbled his way toward the magic shop, cane tapping along the pavement as he walked. Eventually he took notice of a young lady in quite a depressed state; he could still make out the remains of tears still clinging to her cheeks.

"Are you alright, my dear?" he called out, not closing the distance between them. Jeffry's smile was benign. The old man was quite approachable, in fact he exuded a sort of harmless quality.

Location: Outside of Solomon's

Beloved Agent

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Natalie was starting to feel a little dizzy from all of the explaining that Isha was doing. She was just glad that the medicine worked, however it did. And she was also very glad that Isha decided NOT to use the pathogen that would dissolve Claire's ankle and foot bone and rebuild them. That's way extreme for a rolled ankle. I mean...dang! I guess I should be glad she wasn't around when Karen busted my wrist! Yipes!

She smiled gratefully to Miko for helping her with Claire. "Thanks!" she said. "You're a doll! I wish there was somethin' more I could do for her, but I don't know how..." She supposed that if there were a technique for using her body's own healing abilities to help others, it was probably going to remain a mystery for a long time. I have a feeling that if anyplace has the answers, it's here. But I'm not sure where to look, and I usually don't have time...

Timid Shapeshifter

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*.* Miko *.*
*.* The Feline Healer *.*

"No problem." Miko said, though her eyes lingered on Natalie as she helped Natalie lift the girl up (she was heavy) and move her to a couch to lay on. Once she was moved, she did a quick examination. The girl was in pain, but seemed like she was going to be okay.

"If she hadn't walked away, I would have told the 'good' Doctor my techniques aren't magic. It's energy, pure and simple." She said aloud. It was only in the more recent events in her life that she could see and manipulate magic. She couldn't use it herself though. That much was very impossible.

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*v* Yumi *v*
*v* The Shapeshifter of One-Thousand Forms *v*

Yumi finished up cleaning up the area that the mermaid fish girl was at before going downstairs with the towels and finding the bathroom. "They should be good here." She said with triumph. She wasn't sure what to do now though, the mermaid girl had run off while she was looking for towels.

Admittedly, it did take a while... and she had fallen asleep in the shop during that time. Still, she felt bad and wanted to make sure everything was cleaned up where she'd scared the girl. "Now what to do...?" She asked herself.

Liberal Wolf

8,625 Points
  • Bookworm 100
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  • The Wolf Within 100
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Lenusy walked without seeing, her eyes glazed as she dwelled on her own feelings of sadness. She was so deep in her wallowing, it took her a moment to register that there was a voice. She looked up, her bright green eyes wide and blinking as if waking up from a dream. Her eyes fell on an old man who stood on the opposite side of the road as Lenusy. She looked around her only to see that they were the only souls out on the street.

She turned back to him, forcing a weak smile to grace her lips. "I'm... I'm okay," she responded timidly, her hands clasped together at her collarbone. Normally, Lenusy would've nodded and rushed off down the street, but the elderly man seemed... nice. The old man's presence, strangely enough, reminded Lenusy of the night she met little Aria. I wish I could see her again. She thought I was a princess. The thought made the forced smile on her lips become, for a moment, genuine.


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Unfamiliar streets...unfamiliar smells. The heavy winter coat, usually a comfort, now dragged her down as she wandered the streets. The Princess had never left her country, and now she had been left alone tl fend for herself. She understood why, of course, but if only Mama and Papa had left her some body guards...her mind wandered to the last words she had been given.

"Find shelter. Hide."

But she did not know where to go. No map. And she was growing weary. The 13 year old paused, as she heard voices from a suspicious looking alleyway. Following the voices, she found herself looking at an odd scene involving an old man, and a distressed looking woman.
The older man let out a mild, "Hmm. Forgive me for saying, but you sound a little down in the dumps." Jeffry ran his fingers over his mustache as if thinking over a serious matter. The old man's expression brightened considerably. "Yes, I do believe I have a cure for that."

Solomon's could wait. The young lady before him was in sore need of a pick-me-up. Turning on his heel, the old man reversed his direction. "How do you feel about ice cream?"

The old man remained seemingly oblivious to the lurker now observing their conversation.

Location: Outside Solomon's

(Slight edit. )

Beloved Agent

13,925 Points
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Miko explained that her healing abilities were pure energy and not magic, and Natalie shook her head. "I'm just amazed at anybody who has the power to heal other people, however it happens!" she replied. "Like...I can heal myself, but I have no idea how it works. My body just...sorta takes care of things. I'm wonderin' if I can figure out how to harness that power, but I hardly ever have time to think about doin' the research."

She took a shaky breath. I can't believe I was just so open about what my body can do...usually I'm afraid to talk about it!

Timid Shapeshifter

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*.* Miko *.*
*.* The Feline Healer *.*

"If you ever want me to help you out, let me know." Miko smiled at her. "I'm always willing to help anyone who wants to help treat others. In some way, at least." She then looked for where she put the book she had selected.

Trash Smoker

The air around Natalie swirled for a brief moment before a flash of light exposed a tall and slim bald man wearing a black suit. He adjusted his tie before cracking his neck. "Well well, Miss. Pierce. I believe it is time for our meeting." The man said with a grin before putting a rag over Natalie's mouth, within the blink of an eye he was gone through the same fashion he arrived. Natalie was also gone, leaving nothing behind except for a scorch mark upon the floor.

Liberal Wolf

8,625 Points
  • Bookworm 100
  • Mega Tipsy 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show."Ice cream?" Lenusy had heard of the treat many times, when families and young couples came to the riverside on hot summer days. "I've... never had ice cream before," she said gently, taking a step closer to the edge of the sidewalk, preparing to cross the street. He doesn't know what you are, and he seems so nice.

The sound of footfalls made the girl look toward where she had been heading down the street, seeing a figure cast in shadows. Lenusy's heart leapt as she was taken off-guard by the sudden appearance of the young girl, making her lose her footing and stumble to her knees into the middle of the empty road. "Ah! I-I'm sorry!" She squeaked as she got to her feet, though for what she was apologizing for was unclear.

Instinctively, the girl ran toward Solomon's, yanking the door open and rushing into the building, just missing Natalie's abduction.

Beloved Agent

13,925 Points
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Natalie smiled. "I'll have to take you up on that!" she said. "I'm so tired of feelin' useless..."

Suddenly there was a flash of light next to Natalie, and she gasped as Zephyr himself appeared next to her, saying something about a "meeting." "I don't flippin' think so!" she cried. She reached under the hem of her sundress for her revolver, but before she could do that, she had a rag over her mouth. She struggled to get loose, but before she could do anything...she was gone from Solomon's...


12,400 Points
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Anna watched, bemused as the girl tripped over herself and went into the building. While it might have looked as though she was glaring at them, she had actually been just drudging up the bits of English that she knew. Approaching the old man, she stammered for a little bit.

"I..I looking for..." Anne paused "Safe place. Vhere am I?"

Her accent was thick, and her odd eyes gazed at the old man with the hopes that he had understood her. Mentally, she wished that she had paid attention to all of those english tutors.

Ooc: Please disregard cat ears in the picture.
The girl had never eaten ice cream? Now that was a shame. "Well you are in for a treat, my dear," Jeffry said just as Lenusy began to cross the street. Out of nowhere, the girl tripped, apologized and then sped into the magic shop. Now that was a bit odd.... What could have frightened her so?

Another voice stuttered at his elbow. The short gentleman turned to see another young lady asking for directions. "You are in Durem," he informed her with a kind smile, "specifically outside of a shop called King Solomon's Mind." This young girl looked to be even younger than the one that just fled into Solomon's.

"You are in hiding? Is someone after you, child?" His brow drew together in concern.

Location: Outside Solomon's

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