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Weather Report: Cool autumn winds blow multi-colored leaves and the smell of apples and pumpkin spice down the streets of Durem.

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Angelic Hunter

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In the previous timeline Ross Mohan curated an occult bookstore called King Solomon's Mind. It was given to him by Jack and nestled itself in Halloweentown. After its destruction, Ross magically restored the shop to its new home in Durem.

After using the time portal created in October of 2014 to travel back in time, Ross undid a large amount of his own future life. This re-wrote history and removed the current King Solomon's Mind from history. The small shop was destroyed when the Easter Bunny's Carrot Nuke demolished Halloweentown and the small shop.

In this new timeline, Ross quietly collected relics and books from Gaias past. These items were stashed in a hidden chamber below modern Durem. This vault of knowledge continued to grow as Ross lived over the centuries slowly gathering more and more items. Once complete, the angel wiped its location from his mind until the day it would be needed again.

Well now finally back in the present, Ross has uncovered the location of "The Despository". A secret vault of all things magic and powerful. With the small shop in Halloweentown gone, most of these relics are the only ones of their kind. The Despository is a hidden vault in Durem. It consists of rare relics, ancient spellbooks, and occults paraphanalia. Established during Gaia's early days, its a safe haven for all the magic of Gaia preventing it from being used or destroyed in the future. Now found, it is the homestead and base of operations of the Lycan-Mohan family.

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Durem is known for its high-end apparel and upscale vibe. As you wander the cobblestone streets, you see the infamous "Sniper Clocktower". Located in its shadow is a narrow alleyway. Tagged by punks, and run by the Dark Elf wannabes, it holds the only known entrance to the chamber below.

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All around you the citizens of Durem carry on with their lives. The buzz of the tattoo parlor needles can be heard, along with screams of the weak as ink stains their flesh. Window-shoppers peruse the latest in designer clothes. A few toughlooking Gaians stand by a dumpster drinking an unknown liquid, maybe a potion... Maybe not. You walk by them like they're not there. You're focused on something else. You don't know why; there's nothing in this alley.

Reaching the graffeti, you stop. The paint forms a rectangle... Like a... Door. You reach out to touch it, but you're unable to reach it. Stepping towards it, you keep moving further and further. The smell of potions and old books fills the air. Warm laughter and sweet smells. As you pass through a doorway a small ornate bell jingles. The door magically swings shut with the faint sound of chimes.

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Welcome to The Depository. Welcome to our home...

Angelic Hunter

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This is 'The Despository', an archieve of the arcane and wonderous. Home to the most magical items... and people, you'll ever meet.

After passing through the front door, the beautiful marble and woodwork catches your eye. Shelves of books and rare objects frame the walls. A large marble fireplace sits at the opposite end of the room with many old plush couches. Above your head is a second floor balcony of bookcases and shelves. Several mahogany tables with desk lamps sit in the center of the room.

We offer a small kitchen which houses a wood-fire stove for cooking up warm meals and bubbling potions. Two pantries, keep the edible and inedible ingredients separate.

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Upstairs is the attic, which functions as a storeroom. This houses overflow as well as antique furniture not currently on display. You may find something interest up there if you care to poke around. Just be mindful of what may try to poke you back.

Below the main floor, rests a basement just as widely used. The large dungeon chamber from Durem's feudal era, houses an arena shooting range and a few pieces of sparing and gym equipment, most of which merely collects dust and clothes. This thick bunker basement is perfect to allow you to indulge in your fancy of choice.

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Below Gaia runs miles of sewers and catacombs. Ross has often used these as a means of hiding objects... or people. Extending from the Durem Water Hub, these tunnels run directly to Barton, though many are off-limits or damaged due to the Animated Invasion. Ross currently uses a part of this as a garage, storage and vault. This includes securely housing object deemed "too dangerous for public use".

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Also located in the basement is a thick metal bulkhead door. Made of iron and lined in salt and magic, behind this door rests a prison cell. Once the door is shut it is unable to be opened from the inside. A plain cot and cabinets full of equipment line the walls. This room is the torture chamber and is used to imprison whomever is locked inside. If ever someone need to have someone held... or need to be restrained at night, this is the room to do it.

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The Durem Hub is fed from the glaciers of the local mountain range and heated ground water. Tapping into the Durem of days of old sewers, Ross has an endless supply of ice cold and volcanic heated water. Using one of the small caverns under the city, he created a flooded hot spring, which his family enjoys. Lit with old Edison bulbs, the abience is otherworldly.

The rest of the building is a home. Well to be correct it is all their home, but the rest of the hidden chamber is made up of the family bedrooms, a washroom and playroom for the children. This is the safest place Ross could create to raise his family. He has surrounded himself with the most powerful magic and the most important people he could.

Angelic Hunter

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The rules are simple. You know the general laws of the land [Rules and Guidelines, Terms of Service, All Forum and Thread Rules]. But also Follow your moral compass. If you know its wrong, don't try it. For all other inquiries, please familiarize yourself with the code of conduct below.

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This is our home, and we will not tolerate somebody randomly deciding to kill our children. Don't even bother trying. Any unscripted, unprepared attacks on this family will result in your swift exit from not only this facility, but also this reality. It is important to know that the whole building is warded with spells to prevent any murder within its walls. Injuries will happen, so we can't stop someone from being hurt, but nobody can die. Even a fatal blow is useless. Someone could literally cut off your head and you'd still be walking and talking with your head in your hands.

Should such an event be held, please note. Instant-Kill Attacks such as beheading a vampire, or sniper shot through a mortal's heart, will automatically miss due to you tripping into your own sword or your gun jamming. Only three things have the power to kill within the buildings "God", "Death", and la Familia. We want to make you aware of this, so you won't bother to try.

Speaking of fighting, it is important to remember... nobody is perfect. Everyone takes a hit every now and then. Nobody know everything. As well, this is Gaia so assume everyone is a master swordsman, marksman, and blackbelt, unless otherwise specified during your interaction with them. If you can dodge any bullet or have never been cut by a blade's edge in combat, this isn't the place for you. If you take up a weapon, you best remember you have just as good odds getting your a** handed to you as you do handing out such an a**-whooping. Due to the probability and chance, all actions both defensive and offensive have potential to miss or backfire. Failure to be subject to the laws of fate or possession of such amazing skills as to never be harmed, will result in Ross having to take it upon himself to prove your mortality single-handedly. So lets all spar nice and avoid such "godly" behavior, okay?

You're free to try out the objects, read the books and explore the building. It's not large, but it's nice and roomy. Flop down on a couch and read, but please avoid trying to destroy anything within the property, most of the items found here are one of a kind and irreplaceable. Basically, we're asking you to avoid blowing up the building with a poweful attack, though the occasion explosion may be heard from the potions cauldron.

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Please keep in mind, we are not an inn. While we have plenty of room, we are not looking to rent rooms. If you wanna crash on the couch while reading, have at it. We also don't charge for food... But that doesn't mean this is an all-you-can-eat buffet. Be respectful, we have many mouths to feed.

We are an establishment in Durem and while we have more than enough space to accommodate all those who enter, we are not able to extend our reaches to much beyond our front steps. Please limit your interacts to our premises and respect the laws of space-time. We have four walls and a roof which limit what can happen inside our building. We are unable to see what is happening across town, underground, or in Aekea, Barton, or Gambino.

If you are looking for a particular item, please let us know. We have a large collection and do not always remember all the stock we keep. It may take some time, but we likely have it already or can assist you in locating it on Gaia. We do hope in the future to inventory some of the big name items to help customers in finding what they want.

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Like all lands, we have time and weather. These generally do not instantly change, unless you're a god of weather. Granted if you are Thor, a freak thunderstorm may be present or if you're Chronos, we may experience a time skip. But for the most part we follow seasonal weather patterns and general calendar days. [I.E. cold, snowy winters, wet springs, hot summers, dry leavy falls, and follow basic global and Gaia holidays]. We offer a general outline in our Weather Report, incase there is damaging flood rain or a blizzard, otherwise follow common sense. If its Autumn, note leaves on the ground. Or Spring may have frequent rain showers and you may enter soaking wet. For realism and continuity sake, please don't arrive in a snowstorm, if its a sunny summer day.

If you have read a book, you have seen basic narative style. Please attempt to use this method of semi-literate roleplaying. When in the midst of deep thought or when a change is needed to an action, please use proper "out of character" indicators. There are many options to pick from... (()), <<>>, OOC:, etc. This allows for logical reading between in character movements and a quick author's note. For in depth OoC communication, please use the following thread in Barton OOC.

King Solomon's Mind - Out of Character

One of the key rules to remember is that you are within the Lycan-Mohan domain. Within this building, we are god. Always keep this in mind. You may find powerful spells within the books on the shelves, but we have the magic to banish you from this shop forever. This demi-god status will not be used unless needed to protect our family and visitors.

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And finally, always mind the Golden Rule... Have Fun!

Angelic Hunter

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Meet our family. We curate and protect these ancient objects. After making this place as a safe haven for all things magical, Ross Mohan decided this was the perfect place to protect and raise his little ones. Safe from outside forces, secluded enough to prevent growing powers from hurting innocents, while buried in one of the biggest cities on Gaia.

Starting as a blended family, the Lycan-Mohan pack consists of an unusual bunch. Mixes many power beings, the family is like the Brady Bunch meets the Addams Family. Lets see whose running around...

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The King of Solomon's:

King Solomon's Mind is run by Lucy. The newlywed owns and operates the small business from the apartment upstairs.

lucy wolf puppy

Lucy Lycan, Ross's wife and the soon-to-be mother of his children, is a pink haired woman with black ears and a bushy tail. Her beauty and distinct features make her easy to spot amongst the patrons. She is a caring and loving woman, but mind yourself... The wolf is as deadly as she is beautiful. It is thanks to her Solomon's is open.

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Please feel free to contact the owners with any questions.

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Angelic Hunter

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King Solomon's Mind is proud to offer "The Brew" a new coffee shop and bakery. Across from the entrance, in the back of the shop is the new coffee shop. Offering everything from baked goods and coffee, to more exotic food for our more... unique customers, The Brew has something for everyone.

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Surrounded by tables and sofas, sits the long counter. A refrigerated cooler houses sodas, energy drinks and even a famed synthetic blood substitute. Next to it stands a glass case to display the pastries. Sweets and fresh breads sit inside on decorative trays. As you approach, the sounds of steamed milk being frothed on the espresso machine, and the smell of hot coffee overcome your senses.

Behind the counter a griddle-press cooks a flat-bread sandwich, while fresh beans are pulverized and pressed into a deep brown creme. Several pots and cast iron cauldrons bubble away, brewing warm beverages for the masses. Like everything in the shop, it is an eclectic mix of mismatching mugs and random silverware. An antique cash register sits on the counter, next to a large jar of fresh baked biscotti.

Find a comfortable place to sit and grab a snack... No reason to read on an empty stomach.

The Brew Men-Yew:


House Blend Coffee - "King Solomon's Grind"

Seasonal/Holiday Specialty - Jack's Spice (Pumpkin Spice Coffee)

Coffees (Hot & Cold - French, Dark, Decaf)
Espresso Drinks (Lattes, Cappuccinos, Americanos, etc.)
Teas (Hot & Cold - Loose strained and bags)

Juices (Apple, Cranberry, Orange, Vegetable)
Apple Cider (Seasonal - Hot & Cold)
Milk (Whole, Skim, Soy)

Bottled Water (Spring, Sparkling, or Flavored)
Bottled Sodas (Cola, Lemon-Lime, Ginger Ale)
Various Energy Drinks
Lemonade and Arnold Palmer

Blood (Bags or Warmed)
Synthetic Blood Substitute


Doughnuts (Glazed, Boston Creme, Jelly, etc.)
Danish (Berry or Cream Cheese)
Various Pastries
Muffins (Chocolate Chip, Raisin Bran, Blueberry, Coffee)

Various Cupcakes
Pie (Apple, Pecan, Pumpkin, etc. - By the Slice)
Various Cakes (By the Slice)
Brownies (Fudge or Blondie)
Cookies (Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, Oatmeal-Raisin, etc.)

Bagel or Croissant with Your Choice of Spreads
Paninis (Cold Cuts or Flesh & Brain)
Wraps (Cold Cuts or "Other" - Cold or Hot)

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Dangerous Lunatic

Creeeaaak. The squelch of wet jeans ensued as bare feet padded clammily inside. Water dripped from dark, short hair plastered over a pale, gaunt face, hiding half where it stuck. A single eye peered out from its sunken hollow to flit over the titles of books on the shelves, widening. Neck craned as he turned like a graceless ballerina to see every inch of the book-walled room, leaving streaks of puddles in sloppy, circular patterns on the floor.

Just a man-shaped thing, nothing special. Ratty jeans and a boring black tank, the build of youth, the look of a soaked sewer rat. Smelled a bit like one, too, except with a touch more salt. Seaweed, perhaps? "Hello?" More shuffle-squelching as he invited himself to have a look around, fingers lifting to ghost over the spines of the nearest tomes. Head cocked to read vertically, mouth twisted in a frown.

"Anyone here?" Anything I should know before I claim this spot for myself? Make use of the facilities, perhaps? Like a dry set of clothes? It seemed reasonable from the undertone of surprise that he hadn't expected such a gentlemanly array of spookiness. A forgotten tomb would have been more his style. Or an old house with only corpses inside to contend with. Something to match the streak of dead, burnt flesh along the outside of his right forearm where a glint of white bone flashed.


Angelic Hunter

The man stepped out of the doorway of the basement hallway. He carried a sword in a black scabbard. The sword was beautiful, as if it would be easily noticed on someone's back or hip. The handle showed an indentation of word, "Tru..."The rest was covered the man's hand. He stepped to the shelf behind the counter and rest the sword on a rack of daggers and staves.

"Sorry about that... I was lost in thought while digging through some inventory."

He grabbed a hand towel from below the counter and walked over to the man. Holding out the clothe, he offered it and a handshake as one motion.

The man was dark skinned, with buzzed silver hair. His eyes were hidden behind a pair of black glasses. The crescent moon shown as a part of the unique mark on his forehead. He was well dressed, his lower body clad in armor plates and boots. Black seemed to be his color, other than the armor, he wore all black.

"I'm Rosso... owner of this shop. Something you're looking for? Nobody comes all the way out to Halloweentown without a destination in mind."

Dangerous Lunatic

The violet eye tracked the 'inventory' until it was laid to rest with other sharp, pointy objects. Fancy sword. Remind me not to piss you off. "Ran," he answered quickly with an incline of his head, accepting the towel and handshake in one motion. His grip was firm, but cold. Very cold. "Nice to meet you. Not looking for anything in particular, just someplace to rest. Dry off, you know. Thanks for the towel," he added, dabbing gingerly at the half of his face under the mop of wet hair. "So what is this place? Just a shop? Looks like a sorcerer's library." He glanced down at Rosso's choice of armored fashion with a raised brow. "Or a paladin's retreat." Ran gave him a suspicious look then, squinting. You're not one of those holy magic people, are you. I haven't had a chance to see if that stuff actually works or not.

"You get many customers out here?" Is this really what you say it is?

Angelic Hunter

The gray haired man released the man's cold hand. He seemed a bit lost in his head. Rosso gave the man a once over. He hadn't noticed the rain had started outside, spending too much time downstairs to hear anything.

"You're free to dry off and warm up by the fire. We might have some fighting gear, a ki, downstairs. I'd have to look into this for you. I'm afraid we don't yet have a healer."

He noticed no blood. The man wasn't holding the wound. As the word passed his lips, he knew they were wrong. This was the mummy and zombie capital of Gaia... No surprising the man was rotting away. He shook it off as a passing comment from a shop owner and went about his work awaiting the man's response.

A box of old books, mostly first editions rest on a chair. He grabbed a small stack from the box. One of the books shown a long dead language. Nobody could even read this language, but it was still a rare collectible. Resting them on a shelf, he looked back at the man for a moment.

"...You're the first person to enter. We just opened. I wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the big city."

He ignored the questions about himself. He didn't know enough about himself to answer them anyway.

Dangerous Lunatic

"Ki?" If that was one of those ugly dresses for men he failed to see how it would make suitable fighting garb, but said nothing. Just rubbed absently at the black burn on his forearm, bits of grey skin flaking off with each brush of the towel. Bone gleamed like a vein of silver in rock. "Alright-- sure. I can pay you back later. Nothin's for free." He seemed to reiterate this to the book Rosso examined.

Wait, healer?

"No need," he said abruptly. "I'll heal fine on my own. I think. Just need to stay out of-- to stay indoors for a few days. What I do need," he said, moving closer to the books to peer at them properly. Fingertips brushed along spines as titles were searched. He spoke distractedly. "Is something to reverse certain unwanted effects. Like death. Reanimation. Something to induce the proper effects of a properly living body without any of the unwanted consequences-- like mortality, for instance. Or susceptibility to disease or toxin or the like. Perhaps there's a spell for that somewhere."

Ran stared sidelong at Rosso expectantly.

Angelic Hunter

The man lowered the remaining books. His eyes glazed over as the man spoke. It seemed as if he was lost in thought, letting everything sink in. Dropping the books back into the box, he spun on the heels of his boots and looked at the man.

"You speak like a man with the angel of death as his shadow..."

He looked at the raw flesh and bone for only a second before he was off.

"That's a tall order... Most forms of immortality require a trade off. Vampirism requires blood consumption and causes new weaknesses. The same with Lycantrophy. You could make a Faustian deal however you'd lose your soul and be damned to hell at some point. You could attempt to locate a jinn, however their wish grants are a monkey paw situation..."

He stopped for a moment continuing to walk through the building. He didn't bother to signal to follow as he was speaking as he moved and was not focused on the man, but rather his own words. Passing a large book with a triquetra on the cover. It rest on its own wooden pedestal. He continued to walk with hast through the building, passing other relics and objects. He stood in front of a wall of scrolls and rolls of parchment. Each was housed in its own cubby. His eyes scanned the nooks, before turning back to the man.

"You know any defiance of death, will cause additional tragedy to the word? Your life, if able to be spared will cause someone else to die. You would be directly responsible for somebody dying. Are you able to live with that on your conscience?"

Loyal Gaian

Zeke had been wondering around Halloween Town, one of his favorite places. His long silver hair swayed behind him, brushing the ground as he walked. Shifting his glasses, he noticed a shop he had never seen before. To his delight, it was a book shop. With a grin on his pale face, he headed over to it. Opening the door, he poked his head inside. "Hello? Is this place open?"

Angelic Hunter

Rosso heard the door creek open. He looked over from the man in front of him, to see someone pass through the door. It was a pale face, protruding through the opening.

"Welcome to Solomon's Mind, used books and antiquities. Is there a particular book, object, or relic you are looking for?"

He snapped up a scroll from the wall and slide it into the correct cubby. He shook his head looking over all the items on the wall, they were all out of order. It would be hard to know which none of the scrolls had any marking but Rosso knew all the same.

"My name is Rosso, owner of this show, curator and trader of rare finds."

Loyal Gaian

The man blinked a few times, looking at something that wasn't even there, then to Rosso. "You're aura has something mixed with it....it seems.... familiar...." He moved more inside, his clothes didn't do a good job at hiding his thin form. "I was wondering if you have any scrolls that cure blindness."

Angelic Hunter

The man looked over at all the books and scrolls. He looked back to the man, noticing he was moved by sensing shifts in auras and energies. Man creatures teleported in such a way, to prevent them from materializing inside a wall or another person.

"Well it will depend on the blindness. Are we talking about a hex, curse, disease? Was this something caused from birth or did you recently become afflicted by it?"

He walked over to the man.

"Would you mind if I took a look?"

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