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Timid Lunatic

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° With - Gabe • Where - ° Mood - . • OOC -

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          l Maelyn l

Adorable Bloodsucker

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let me know that i've done wrong
when i've known this all along

i'll go around a time or two
just to waste my time with you

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                                                        Toru petting blueberrie as he watched the cat eat the muffin not even leaving a crumb before the small fur ball when over and jumped in Toru's lap as he went to lay his head down on the table while petting the kitty. He would have taken it home but then again he didn't want the baby to be lonely when he played gigs so it was best the little guy stayed at the cafe. Toru went to play with the marks that were lift on his neck from some unknown person, ugh he wished he could remember who had bought him that drink and apparently made out with. Oh well, if they really liked him then he would have at least had a phone number written on him but there wasn't one. He took a drink of his coffee and allowed the caffeine to go to work on his hangover as he waited for Ali to drop by. It didn't really take long for the long time friend to finally appeared. He smirked and then looked the other over as he noticed his yawn. "Tired already?! And nothing really, I played a gig last night and got very very wasted but besides that nothing more than normal." Toru played with the kittens' ears as he looked down at the kitty while trying to think of a way to ask Alistair about his plan.

                                                        It was kind of stupid but he really did like the idea of knowing who he was suppose to be with. You know, take the guess work out of it and whatnot. Toru gave a small sigh as he tried to think of how to phrase it, he knew Ali probably would end up with some hot, tall guy which, yeah he was okay with. He hadn't even come out yet, he'd made out with a guy or two but he didn't want to be the weird one in his family or if his father ever came back he wondered what the man would think of him if he was dating someone of the same sex. He pushed the thought the best he could as he looked up to lock eyes with the other. "Hey. What you think about true love? Like. I mean would you rather know when you'd get it or would you rather it be a mystery?" Then again, he had liked Alistair since they first met and of course that grew more as they hung out then that accidental kiss was what made Toru realize that he was not only crushing on his best friend but he'd make out with him in a heart beat. At least getting the timer would make it easier to put those evil thoughts behind him, he was mean to Alistair sometimes but it really wasn't his fault he just didn't like that he liked him. It wasn't fair in the slightest.

                                                        "I think I'm going to get one of those Timer thingies. I mean, I'm tired of trying and always getting left so I think by getting it I can just wait. I mean, I'll have fun till I meet them but I like the idea that at least I'll know I have a soulmate out there. You know?" Toru picked up his cup as he took the last sip from the container before leaning over to toss it into the bin by the door to the cafe. It missed by a hair but he could go pick up later. Toru kept his head held up as he started to rub the mark on his neck, his fingers almost trying to tear the skin off. In a way he did feel really guilty for even having the mark but it's not like he meant to make out with someone and then forget their face. Oh well, maybe a bandmate did it just to mess with him or something. Toru smirked as his hand fell from his neck before he reached out both hands to grab Alistairs'.

                                                        "Ali!~ You get one too! Daddy won't mind, hell he barely looks at what I use his card for. Coooome on it'll be fun. Maybe we can even get them today." He said, the kitty jumping down from his lap as Toru went to stand up and walk over to the bin as he picked up the cup and toss it in. Every one of his band mates had a timer so why shouldn't Toru, besides what's the point in trying and just failing every time when he could just know. "I'll tell your mother I forced you! Besides, it's not like it can't be removed any ways." Toru leaned down to grab his board as he went over to where Alistair sat and then dropped his board before going to drape himself over the others shoulders. "Please please please?" He asked trying to pull the best puppy face he could muster.


                                                        - - ★ OutOfChalk; wheee~


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Gabriel Misha Westfield


⁞⁞⁞Gabe’s eyes blurred a little when he tried to focus on the small screen of text Blue presented him with. ”What? Oh, yeah, I’m fine. The heat, and whatever. Just a little warm…” The guardian wedged Blue’s stuffed beast under his arm so that he could hold onto it, then hooked his arms securely around the boy before standing up. He was definitely going to need a drink after this.

And probably a very cold shower.

Making sure Blue was settled on his back, Gabe started to expertly weave his way through the crowd of people, still keeping a close look out for any threats. They weren’t the only ones calling it quits for the day and Gabe followed the mass of people leaving before veering off to get back to the apartment.
”Do we even have stuff for a fish, or do I need to go to the store?” Gabe asked when he could hear the soft swishing of water. If he was lucky, the thing might die before they even got back from trauma, or something.

Stop being a d**k, you know he loves the damn animals. Gabe sighed a bit. Though, are fish animals? Or are they like insects and just their own class?[/color Gabe started to zone with his thoughts, only snapping back when he heard a kid crying. His first instinct was to check for Blue, but quickly remembered that the boy was on his back, perfectly fine. Get it together! God, you’re a mess…

It was a little disheartening carrying Blue, because it affirmed to Gabe just how light and nothing the boy was and how badly he had the urge to just feed him. But it wasn’t like Blue didn’t eat, or that Gabe wasn’t already feeding him. And really, Blue didn’t look malnourished or anything, either. He was just really thin. And kind of bony. Gabe did enjoy the feeling of Blue’s chest press softly against his back as the boy breathed, because it helped ease Gabe’s anxiety knowing that he was alive and fine and Gabe didn’t completely ******** over some innocent kid for getting mixed up in a bunch of crazy s**t.

”I think I’m going to get us a movie to watch. You like that? A nice way to relax after today. Maybe something funny… oh! I know! Let’s watch the Spongebob Movie!”
Gabe enthused with a grin. ”I love that little yellow geek. And his fat dumbass friend. Reminds me of a friend I had when I was a kid. Seriously could have told the kid to stand in front of an oncoming train and he probably would have…” The male let out a soft laugh at the memory.

”Or we can watch whatever you want. Or not even get a movie. I don’t care. I doubt there’s much on tv, though. If I have to try and stomach any more reality shows, though, I may march right to Hollywood and kill ‘em all.”
Gabe mused. ”And as nice as these are, I’m not wearing my sociopath pants today. They’re getting washed.” he joked, hoping that everything would just be okay for the rest of the evening.


I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue.
No, there's
nothing that I wouldn't do
to make you feel my

> With: Blue
xxxx> Where: heading home from the fair
xxxxxxxx> Mood: Better...getting less stressed.

Hidden Under the Mask

Yume Yokohama's Pardner

Man-Hungry Man-Lover

тαкє ωнαт ץσυ ωαит ғяσм мє
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxιт мєαиs иσтнιиɢ иσω

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                                            "Da, I suppose that may be true." Tulivarian chuckled at the compliment Red paid him the tenor of his voice resounded with a rich warmth. So he was cute? While a little indirect, it was still flattering all the same. "I have my mother's looks after all." he agreed figuring his little half brother could somewhat resemble himself. Tuli had always been proud of taking after his mother. She was beautiful after all both in appearance and heart. How she could have ended up with such a brute of a man that had been his father he couldn't comprehend. Nevertheless if his little brother had a shred of their mother in him, he would certainly be in the very least cute. Perhaps he'd meet him one day. It all the more reminded him how long the performer had been away. "Nearly nine years now, remember." the Russian teased reminding the redhead just how long it was he'd been away from his motherland though he'd mentioned it earlier. To keep himself from growing all the more homesick, Tulivarian was happy to share with his lovely company of his performance time. "I am doing show tonight, Da but not til sun has set." he confirmed having planned on another fire display for the evening. Truth was he should have been back in his booth already painting faces or in the very least chucking daggers. At least he should have been if he really wanted to work, but he didn't. Never truly did in his life. Sure he earned money here and there and it was enough to keep him comfortable most times. But it was never really work and always at his own leisure.

                                            "Da, call when ever. Juur velcome ovar any time." Tulivarian stated all too pleased at his invitation being accepted by the other. What did he ever need a Timer for again? That's right he didn't need one but his foster family had thought it to be a good idea. Damn fools. It was nice to gain a little insight into Red's life and what more learn what the did and did not have in common. So far from what he'd heard Ferdinand was a gem. Gardening was an admirable ability and naturally roses suited the other well. Being that coffee generally makes him drowsy, tea was by far the best alternative. Selfish as ever, Tuli wanted to hear more, wanted to steal this lovely little gem away and keep all to himself. He had wanted to ask just where from Red was from however a stranger interjected. Tulivarian's gaze lifted to the businessman that he noticed entering just moments ago. Evergreen orbs locked with hazel and stared at him dully. "If you hate to interrupt, then go away." he stated flatly having never really mastered the art of speaking tactfully. The Russian was none too pleased with being interrupted though the man was being polite as he did so going on about buying one of them coffee.

                                            A brow quirked up at the notion. Why in the world would he? Noticing as the man motioned to his Timer, things made a little more sense. Except that meant... Looking to Red he caught the other scrunch their nose at the mention of coffee. So adorable, yet the expression the redhead wore told him the stranger's offer didn't apply. At least not to her. Turning up his own wrist he was greeted by the zeroed out face of his own dastardly little device. So that's what had been making all the racket just now. His own damn Timer of all things and of all the times it had to be now. "Адские колокола...*" Tuli gaped forgetting his English words at the surprise of it all. "Ну будь я проклят...**" That certainly made things...interesting. According to these little devices, they were meant to be. The performer didn't completely buy into that nonsense, especially not when faced with such a serious and all too formal partner. "That would be me it seems." Tulivarian stated none too enthusiastic about the matter.

                                            * "Ну будь я проклят...*" = Hell's bells
                                            **Ну будь я проклят... = Well I'll be damned

                                            Yume Yokohama



                                            Wearing:x Location: ⇒ Cafe Company: ⇒ Lovely Red & A Suit aka his soulmate Mood: Intrigued, Proud, Annoyed Thoughts: cursed luck Our other Crazy:blah xP

тαкє єvєяץтнιиɢ, нσиєץxxxxx
ιт мєαиs иσтнιиɢ иσω

Angel cora's Significant Otter

Romantic Hunter


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Marcus watched as the conversation between the red head and Russian then the one between the Russian and Michael. The Russian showed his clear disapproval of Michael’s interference and showed this with a bitter comment. The red head also seemed to be displeased but Marcus got the feeling that it was for a similar reason to his own envy or some type of hatred to coffee.
Marcus could feel dread boil up into his stomach as Michael put on his business face. A loveless matrimony leave it to Michael to treat this like a business meeting and show no love what so ever to his ‘soul mate.’ Then again thinking back on Michael’s parental unit’s relationship he didn’t really have much to go on did he.

When both Michael and the Russian looked at their watches Marcuse decided to come over with the cinnamon rolls and coffee. He plopped himself down at the table by them and began eating as if not part of the conversation after all he wasn’t really part of it. When the Russian cursed about the timer Marcus figured he was right.
They were a match.

Of course they were.

Of course they were a match for lady luck was never on his side.
With: Michael and others
Feeling: displeased somewhat depressed
OCC: ((Marcus is getting his angst on...quietly.) )

kuropeco's Husband

Liberal Prophet

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Michael’s jaw tightened a bit when the other man – the one with the silver hair – tried to dismiss him with a few curt words, although it was easily masked by expanding his smile just a fraction. The other one, the redhead, didn’t even bother speaking to him; he just wrinkled his nose as though he found it distasteful that Michael had even approached them in the first place. Annoyance surged through him, churning distastefully in his stomach, although he tried to tell himself that he was the ‘intruder’ in the situation.

In all honesty, it wasn’t so different from work: some partners were thrilled to see Michael, and others purposely gave him airs to make him work for their time and money. This wasn’t work. This was when he should have been home already, drinking a glass of wine and dealing with this infernal migraine. If it hadn’t been for his father and his insistence on this damn device…

Then the silver-haired one went ahead and looked at his wrist and – oh, fancy that. That was the one that was supposed to be his “match”. Fantastic. More than that, how had he completely failed to realize that his timer had even reacted? He clearly wasn’t deaf. Though it would explain some of the irritation he was met with when he first approached, it was baffling how unaware some people were of their surroundings.

Russian. He placed it quickly; though sparing, he’d taken basic lessons in most of the basic languages they expected he would encounter in his dealings with the company. Michael was nowhere near fluent in any of them, but he could place most of them and knew at least a few basic stock phrases. His father had pressed the matter hard, saying it was one of the many secrets to his success throughout the years. He hadn’t exactly been wrong; Michael found that often, people did appreciate it when they made an effort to speak to them in their native language. In a situation such as this where he clearly wasn’t wanted – made all too evident by the silver-haired man – he didn’t exactly have much to lose by trying.

“Ah… “ He struggled for the right terms. It had been quite awhile. He took a deep breath and coaxed whatever warmth he could muster into his smile. “Извините… Я плохо говорю по-русски.” Scratch that, he did have something to lose; dear god, he never could get his head completely around language. His words were slow, and clumsier than he would have liked. Certainly out of practice, and he didn’t have much of it to begin with. The only thing that served him well was his own razor-edged memory. “Меня зовут Michael... Как Вас зовут?”

He ended with a chuckle, reaching up to rub the back of his neck as though he were embarrassed with his own effort. "Wow, sorry. If I butchered that as badly as I think I did... For interrupting, my apologies, again. My name is Michael, and you are...?" He glanced at the disgruntled redhead too, just to let them know they were being looped into that question. Never leave someone excluded in a social situation.

Which obviously extended to friends. He saw Marcus come and quietly settle at the table, and wished he would have said something. Michael didn’t really know what he hoped for from him… maybe some reinforcement, or support, or… “Ah, this is my friend, Marcus, “ he took up the slack and introduced him instead, laughing lowly. “You’ll have to forgive him, he’s had a rough day. But really – if you’re not doing anything, if coffee isn’t up your alley, “ in a café, but who knew? “Maybe I could treat everyone to dinner instead? Or I could leave my number is this a bad time…?” Be accommodating, not desperate. That wasn't difficult. He was anything but desperate.

At least if this didn’t work out, he could tell his father as much as he rid of this piece of junk. That was reassuring; although really, some part of Michael hated losing, whether it was to a social call or a business real. They were, in essence, one and the same.

Yume Yokohama

((Russian bits: "Sorry. My Russian is bad. My name is Michael. What's your name?" wink )

Trash Cultist

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Kittys☽ Myung-Dae Moon ☾

A Trembling Heart

                                      외치다 아프 심장
                                      사랑을 구걸

                                      "Don't... do that." Myung-Dae couldn't deny that action bothered him. He stood up moving over to lean his hip against the table as he took the others plate picking up a piece of food between his chopsticks. Holding it out he sighed and looked away. "In the country I grew up that's considered very rude. It's almost an insult. It's something we expect of children. I'm sorry. I know I caused you trouble. It wasn't my intention of doing so. Things... got out of had. I was doing some work for a friend at the bar and I got side tracked... things happened. I'd been hanging out with my friends before hand and I think something they gave me wasn't what they said it was. Mixed with the alcohol... My day didn't go how it was supposed to."

                                      "I don't... know his name. I barely even remember what happened. It's just this foggy jumble weird emotions and it's kind of scary. I'm not that kind of person... I don't sleep with strangers. I... don't really sleep with anyone. And... here I am. Some kind of whore savant in front of the person I'm supposed to settle down with. And I have nothing to give except excuses for my own lack of judgement." After a moment Myung-Dae set down the chopsticks and plates. His fingers going to his neck one more time. Swallowing softly he nodded. Yeah. Bad choices happened a lot it seemed. Shaking his head he turned and picked up several of the empty dishes to take to the sink. Washing them and setting them to dry. "If I fail this class I lose my funding from my grandparents. They hated my parents and thought I could make up for their dishonor. So basically I'm only in this country to pretend I'm some perfect child... It's almost funny."

                                      "So yeah... Sorry I'm not what you probably imagined as a soul mate. This just goes to prove I'm a disgusting little homo. Can't wait to write back home to Korea and listen to my family disown me." Myung-Dae picked up the last few dishes from the table once they were done with and dropped them into the sink. Taking a slow breath for a moment he just shook his head and walked out of the room. "I'm going to bed. Lock up when you leave."

                                      Myung-Dae curled himself into his expansive bed. Blankets softer than all of Joshua's blankets and Damian's put together. His face buried into his pillow as he sighed. He just wanted this to go away. It wasn't a glitch in the system given that Joshua checked his timer after he'd gotten it. He'd eve put an anti-virus on the damn thing to keep people from tampering with it. He could feel bundles of fluff crawling around on the bed attacking his feet. He nudged one of them until he felt warm paws on his face. Smiling faintly he pulled one of the soft creatures against him. Silly beast. He closed his eyes trying so hard not to upset himself. He felt like hell. He wasn't about to crawl out of bed and face the music just yet.

                                      Titus stared at Odd for a few moments before offering a soft bark and pattering off towards the bedroom. The furry beast crawled into the bed with Myung-Dae and laid his head on the boys side after nudging the kittens playfully until the lot of them had managed to settle down in a cuddle pile. Titus huffed as he fell asleep with one of Dae's arms around him. The slender Korean stared at his wall as his fingers played with the long delicate hair that decorated his canine companion. His eyes closing as he sighed softly. Just... not his day.

                                      [With: Teacher]
                                      [Mood: Guilty]
                                      [Location: Home]
                                      [Out.Of.Catnip: ]

                                      연민의 가득한 심장
                                      손상된 영혼

Adorable Bloodsucker

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place holder what what

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                                I FEEL SOMETHING SO RIGHT BY DOING THE WRONG THING
                                I COULDN'T LIE, COULDN'T LIE, COULDN'T LIE
                                EVERYTHING THAT KILLS MExx MAKES ME FEEL ALIVE

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Another place holder what what

                                                              Odd really wasn't the type of person to stay very nice for too long. Either it was the pills or the fact that he hated getting this close to people. Why did he stay and look after Myung-Dae? He should have just driven the teen home and then walked back to campus to get his motorcycle. Ugh. He just wanted space, he didn't need to know about this kids past.. he didn't need to know that the kid had a self esteem problem. ********. Why did he allow himself to get this close? Odd looked at the other as he commented on the action Odd had taken by stabbing some of the food with the chopstick. He dropped the sticks onto his plate almost becoming more annoyed with the teen by the second. As Myung-Dae went to place a few of the dishes in the sink before he returned for more, his words following him with every step he took. Odd stood and walked over to the sink before Myung-Dae could leave once again as he took hold of the younger males wrist.

                                                              [******** your parents. I know you're all about honor and what not over there but last time I checked you weren't over there. If you want to ******** or be ******** by dudes then, hell do it. If you want to hang out with your friends then do it. Pick better ones that won't drug you though, because I'm for sure as hell not waiting around on you again until you stop hating yourself because of what other people think. Live for yourself and stop worrying about what all these other people think. You'll survive longer if you just calm down and stop trying to be the perfect child that b*****d grandparents want you to be."
                                                              Odd didn't say much else as Myung-Dae just shook his head and walked off. The teen said something about locking up but Odd wasn't really listening. He rolled his neck as the kid left, leaving him standing there.

                                                              Odd wasn't going to push matters any farther than he already had, he'd probably made matter worst by coming off like he had about the kids' family. He searched around for a piece of paper before jotting down a few sentences and then folding it before writing 'make up exam' on the front. It wasn't even really an exam for there were no question to what he had written. He simply asked the other to write down everything he hated about himself on to the paper and then turn it in before noon the next day. If he did that he'd pass, however it wouldn't always be that easy of a test. Mostly because Odd had already planned out what to do with the list Myung-Dae would make and turn in, well if the teen turned it in. Odd went to pet the pup one more time as it barked at him before he did as asked and locked the door as he left. His nerves were getting the best of him and time couldn't have moved faster as his hand went to his pocket. He poured out three white, long pills as he popped them into his mouth and dry swallowed before replacing the bottle.

                                                              ********, why did he even get a timer? Wait.. The timer. That's what started the whole mess so why not get rid of it? Besides, if Myung-Dae really was his soul mate then what was the purpose of keeping the timer? It's not like he was going to try with the kid, hell the kid hated himself too much to even begin to like Odd. Even if that was one of the most weird thoughts he had all day, Odd shook it off. There was no way he could get into a relationship with someone that was questionably legal. Sure, he was what eighteen, nineteen? Still, Odd was twenty six and he wouldn't be able to explain himself if the school ever found out. Odd took three more pills before shoving the bottle into his pocket and going to dial up a person he had only really dealt with once or twice. "Jess, Can your doctor friend help me out a bit? I mean it's nothing bad.. I just need him to rip something off.

                                                              Look, I'll meet you at the door in twenty."
                                                              Odd hung up the phone as he started back towards the school for his bike. When in times of trouble, Odd would do what he's always done. If something wasn't working out to his favor then he'd get it removed or hide from it. The kid didn't like the idea of the timers going off so he'd just remove his, besides it couldn't be that hard right? Just rip the damn piece off and wrap it in gauze until it healed. Then the kid's could just reset to someone else. Besides, it's not like those timer things didn't have back ups. What if Odd had died tonight would that mean that Myung-Dae would have paid all that for the timer to never have someone? Ha probably not. So, Odd would just fix things and Myung-Dae's timer could reset to someone else. Problem solved.

                                                              The walk to the campus wasn't too bad and because Odd's pills count was now at seven he knew it was best to get the damn timer ripped off before the pills did a number on him and made him unable to function. Odd drove to the hospital his roommate worked at and had a rather heated discussion about the timer and having it removed. Apparently, he had a 50/50 chance of damaging the nerve it was connected too so if he got it removed then it was certainly possible he couldn't get another. After a bit of shouting and one stomach pump later to remove the pills he had taken, the timer had been removed. It wasn't the cleanest of jobs because the doctor had refused to do it so his roommate Jess brought him supplies and Odd did the damn thing himself. Even for how strong he liked to think he was, as soon as he got the damn thing off and the blood started down his arm.. well, Odd hit the floor in only seconds. After a while, words could be heard and if that wasn't enough on his brain the pain from his arm was more than enough to make him a grump. "Oddy, Wake up! I swear to god if you die on my floor I will shoot you with adrenaline and kill you myself. Wake up!"

                                                              "Jess, Calm the ******** down. I'm awake." "Good! Now, I'll give you these but I'm only you them because of how your arm looks so don't think about asking for more. I'm giving you them day by day so I can make sure you don't act stupid again and take all of them." "Look I only took that many because I got in a fight and the damn timer went off to the wrong person. Okay." "Wait.. you're telling me it went off and that's why you wanted to remove it?!" "Yes, it was a student and he's barely legal. As if I'm going to be caught ******** a kid." "Ha! You probably couldn't even get the kid to care about you enough to allow you to ******** 'em. So, did he at least break that ice cold stone you call a heart?" [******** off." "Answer me!"

                                                              Odd kept silent as he went to find his coat, looking over the wrap job Jess had done on his wrist. It hurt like hell but it wouldn't for long. Once Odd had redressed and paid the damage for the meds, he didn't have to pay for the removal because in truth no one but Jess had known he had done it since the doctor had said he wouldn't do it. Jess clocked out and went to get her car as they both made plans for the night, Odd just went home not really caring to pretend to be Jess's wing man again. The new Jess had given were meant for a day's supply. Four long pale tablets were in the bottle as he sighed, before taken one of those along with one of the pills he still had from the last wing man job he had done for her. He had stashes hidden through out the house just in case, but he wasn't at a point to where he needed to dig those out just yet. It didn't long for Odd to crash, it was almost instant as his head hit the pillow. At least he had solved one problem, Myung-Dae couldn't say anything about the timer anymore because Odd no longer had one. They could just return to the stage of never really talking unless it was about a test subject. He needed sleep anyways, tomorrow he would post the exam results and have to deal with a hand full of students begging for make up or extra credit and what not. Plus, he'd have to see Myung-Dae again. This whole timer thing was a lot more trouble than he asked for.

Nightmares Of Lament

where: ; Dae's house > Hospital > Home with: ; Dae > Jess > Solo
ooc;; I figured they could remove them.. I wasn't sure >.< If they can't then I'll change it to getting it deactivated by the hacker.
x xxxxѺDDxxxx TΗѺϺΛϩxxxxxxxxxxx

Toxic Fatcat

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                                                  “Of course, you try getting sleep while majoring in Literature and minoring in Latin.” Though Alistair made his hatred for his mother’s shop a bit more known than other things he did have to say he had a way with books. He had no plans on opening a shop of his own; if anything he wanted to become a teacher or maybe branch into his own private ventures with government funding. There were no limits to the thing he could accomplish once he decided what he would do with his two degrees. Still, there was the matter of getting them that remained; sure he was smart but, a degree in a dead language and something as massive and ever branching as literature took time and he still had to think about getting his bachelors and maybe even his masters. He would be in school for sometime but, he was sure he would make a name for himself. “Speaking of ‘more then normal’`” Alistair purred as he leaned over reaching out; it was then he pulled away a piece of fabric and made the mark visible. “Your got wasted and got lucky. I hope your ‘friend’ was at least cute.” Alistair had long since come out the closet about his sexuality. Alistair suffered from a very strong case of I don’t know give a flying frogger ******** of what you think about me as a person and with that being said he was worried about telling his family that he craved the thing between the man’s legs more than he would ever a woman’s. His mother was heartbroken but, it seemed as if his father had seen it coming from a mile away and even knowing all this. They loved him all the same. The same could not be said for his choice of men. They were usually the type to cheat or him and could be violent from time; he wasn’t proud that he always choose the sour apples but, giving up on love had never been his thing either.

                                                  True Love… Alistiar set back and swirled the stick in his ice coffee; he really couldn’t say he didn’t believe in it. I mean how could he; when he had strict rules that he would only sleep with someone he was dating. He wasn’t the cheating type nor was he the type to sleep around with random people. “I mean. I would like to know. It better then the troublemakers I make a habit of picking up.” Alistair took a small sip eyes his friend because he had a feeling he knew where this was going; he heard it from of the girls at school and in the clubs. Actually, there wasn’t much of anyone who wasn’t talking about this cure for the lonely soul know as a timer. It let you count down the days until you found true love. It wasn’t a full proof thing of course, so people like himself were to busy doing other things and didn’t have time to get into the latest trend. Alistair had just finished his term paper and he had a big Latin exam coming up soon so he’d been in the books in the next couple of weeks. It was really harsh. So, anyways getting the damn thing had not been on his mind but, it seemed deeply engraved in his best friend who was in a flustered mess trying to convince Alistair to join him when all he had to do was ask.

                                                  Alistair sighed and reached up pinching Toru’s nose rather roughly with a small smile on his face. “All you had to say was; Hey, Al. Want to get timers? And I would have followed just like I am now with a ‘Yes, I will get a timer with you.’ Idiot.” Sure, it had been on his list of things to do but, how could he tell the crush of his life ‘no’?

                                                  Wasting no time he finished off his coffee and got up tossing the cup lazily as it disappeared into the trashcan. “Let’s hurry up and find one of these timer stores or whatever they're called.” Maybe, then he could settle everything including his own feelings. It was about time he came to understand that falling in love with Toru was something he not allow to do. Timers would prove someone else deserved Toru more than he did and he'd be able to forget about how good it had felt to have kissed him just once.

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Toxic Fatcat

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Nutty yawned standing out in the sun but, luckily for him there was a soft and cool breeze to keep him from sweating out in this attire. That last thing he wanted was to waste the day passed out from a heat stroke. Looking to the happy families around him he could only feel a sense of disgust or maybe it was some sick envy that he’d never been blessed with a blissfully happy home. His mother had been left to raise him all on her own while she was very young and so much in love. He love was so strong that she even begun to hate the sight of Nutty and she distanced herself from him. He couldn’t remember a single night during that time that he wasn’t alone and as much as he wanted to cry out for attention he couldn’t. He had to think ’Mommy was tired’ or ’Mommy loves me’, night after night he told himself he wasn’t a burden. As he went to school he acted perfect so that people would see him as a good boy and praise his mother so, he could see her happy. He helped around the house so, that she wasn’t tired and for a while he was still lonely but, slowly she started to warm up to him again. It made him happy but, at the same time it made him miserable and cold inside. He started to hate her, his teachers, classmates, everyone including himself. He just wanted it all to disappear. Nutty bit his bottom lip painfully until blood start to drip down. He had to stop or he’d ruin his mood for the day. Nutty used his sleeve to brush the blood away as he stood waiting for his brother and the obvious avid cosplayer.

Trying to steady his breathe he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to keep his head on straight at this point; although it was automatic that he’d cater to anyone’s expectations of him the same could be about his anger. If Nutty so happened to reach his limit; he would occasionally- Tug! Nutty’s body snapped on instincts snatching his hand back from Marco giving a look that could have put his bother in his very grave. “I.” Nutty’s face softened and his usual cheerful self returned. Yes, that was right. Over the last few years Nutty had become a ticking time bomb waiting for the right moment to self-destruct. “Come on, Don’t keep the cheap fair junk waiting.” Nutty smirked grasping his brother’s hand allowing himself to be dragged off and at the same time he tried to find piece in the situation. He needed it more then anything in the world right now.

Being dragged around by his fair game obsessed brother he had to admit the amount of junk he managed to get his hands on was quite amazing for a man who was strictly all about business. It was a great way to waste time but, at the same time it was hard not taking a peek at his brother when he was leaning in to make a shot during one or two of the games. He hated to admit it but, his brother had quite the body. Nutty was a hard Bisexual so, mostly anyone was fine with him but, therein was the problem. As easy for him as it was; he was still a celebrity and could only keep his bad habit under wraps for so long especially during sex. He’d learned that the hard way. Which had left him as a virgin only able to make it to foreplay before, getting little to hard to handle. Nutty groaned; grabbing his brother’s hand tired from playing games. “Let’s get on a ride. I’m tired of walking around.” The stuffed crap would be waiting from them when they got off as he led his brother to a nearby ride.

Also, Nutty had ulterior motives. Although, he was emotionally compromised he wasn’t stupid. He’d noticed the way his dear brother avoided the rides and he would take this as payback for making Nutty unable to noticed his well defined body and when he said well defined he meant well defined. The side was called the ‘Chicago Loop’ and all it did was swing them back and forth until it made a full loop. Nutty hardly considered it scary but, for someone who was afraid of thrill rides. It was a death trap. Teehee.


Adorable Bloodsucker

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let me know that i've done wrong
when i've known this all along

i'll go around a time or two
just to waste my time with you

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

                                                        Toru was pretty sure that Alistair wouldn't say no to him at this point and even if he did then all Toru would have to do is embarrass the other until he agreed. Just like the time he had to almost paraded around calling Alistair 'stranger danger' when ever he spoke to him. Yes, he knew it was annoying but if it got the right response then he was happy. Of course, when Alistair had made a comment all Toru could do was shoot his eyes to the ground as he did his best not to show the guilt on his face. He was pretty good at faking his emotions, he got better at it the longer he spent with his father and so it was just easier to fake it than explain. God, he really did hate Alistair sometimes. Like enough to hurt him, hate him. He could make a comment like that and yet have no clue about the signs Toru would let off towards liking him. Well, in Alistair's defense he was really really bad at showing his feeling because normally it was just him being a jerk to his friend instead of caring.

                                                        Think of how a young kid would go and push someone off a swing because they liked them, yeah that's the kind of flirting that Toru was good at. He shook Alistair's comment as he pulled a sly grin to his lips before pressing his fingers against the wounds as he faked a short laugh. "Well, I don't actually remember.. I think I had a bit too much last night." He said, it hurt to admit his guilt but it was better to play it off than to self doubt on himself in his mind. And to break up the awkward silence that Toru was probably about to create, the waitress from inside come to the table with another drink before asking about his tab. Toru came here enough to where pretty much every waiter and waitress knew him and his odd drink order. He normally got two or three cups before they cut him off from too much caffeine. Toru smirked as he went to eagerly take a sip from the new drink as he looked back towards Alistair as he answered him about his questions.

                                                        The comment about the troublemakers almost making Toru laugh as he went to look up at the other as he tossed the straw wrapper towards his face. "Knowing you, the timer will probably hook you up with some inked biker guy or something. Just at least make sure they don't sneak out on you!" He said, in a way he almost hated the fact that most of the boy toys that Alistair had ended up hurting him.. At least even as a friend Toru was a pain in the a** from the beginning so he couldn't really let him down any more than he did from the beginning. That was a plus, however the idea that maybe in some crack universe it could have been Alistair that had left the mark on him last night. Ha, what kind of joke was he starting to make of a life. However, as the other went to pinch his nose he let out a half whimper as he went to elbow him in the side before going to rub his face. "Jerk! That hurt! And I know but I like to at least try an embarrass you first. It's harder to get you to blush now than it was the first couple months we hung out."

                                                        He had actually meant it, however the elbow to Alistair's side wasn't really planned but more of a reaction still he was pretty sure Al wouldn't bit his head off too much for it. Toru went to down his coffee as he went to dispose of his cup before turning to hook his arm with Alistair's as he grabbed his board. "Umm. I think maybe if we take a taxi or something the driver should know where one is.. I think." Toru said, going to unhook his arm as he pulled out his cell to dial 411 and get a taxi driver to meet them. Lucky for them, there was one close by so it won't take longer than six to ten minutes. Toru was rather excited for this, mostly for the count down cause then there would be a real number to mark the time to when he would probably meet this so called "soul mate". The only thing he could hope was that the person it connected him too was actually his type or at least not annoying like he was. Toru decided it was best to change his thoughts as the idea of who Alistair would be matched with came to mind and he just really hoped it wasn't someone they knew.

                                                        That would be so awkward. As the taxi pulled up Toru slid in and then moved to sit next to the window as he pulled Al in next to him before handing the driver the money from his pocket. "Um. A timer store? Please.." The older male with an almost porn star looking mustache nodded to him as Toru went to excitedly try and sit still. It wasn't so well, but hell he was pretty excited and plus, he did have to cup of a rather strong coffee drink. His hangover was almost completely gone thanks to the coffee, now all that really bothered him was the lingering mystery to the mark on his neck. Oh well. "So, hey.. Al. Like what if you don't like who the timer pairs you with? I mean, what happens then? Can you get hit reset or something?" Oh dear, now Toru started to think of the cons to getting the timer. It's normally his process of getting something. First, he be all excited and all about the pros to getting the ideal thing but once he was mere moments from getting it he'd develop cold feet and start to run through every con he could think of till he actually had the thing in hand or in his possession then he'd be excited all over again.

                                                        Toru smirked as the sign to one of the installment places before the cab driver handed over the change from the cost of the trip before the guy said something about not getting their hopes up. Toru went to exit the taxi as he grabbed his board and then waited on Al to follow as the cons still went through his head. "Think you'll like the person you're paired with? Like what if they are like way older or way younger. Dude.. What if you have like a thirty year wait till you meet them? That would probably suck.." At this point, Toru wasn't even really asking Al questions. All he was doing at this point was mindless talking, it was like all his thoughts couldn't fit inside his head so they just flew out his mouth with no filter. It happened a lot when he was nervous. Toru reached down to grab Al's hand as he smirked. "Ready?!"


                                                        - - ★ OutOfChalk; wheee~

Toxic Fatcat

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                                                  There he goes again. Alastair chuckled he couldn't remember how many times he seen his close friend bring himself to the highest mountain peak only to throw himself off a cliff with self doubt. For someone like Alistair who took most situations as they came he was hardly bothered by the ideal of finding his true love or soul thing; of what everyone was saying was true it wasn't like it would make much a of a real difference. Once he found the person he was destined for there would be no other to replace he or she. "Stop being silly." Alastair crossed his legs sagging back into the taxi seat. He was serious about getting a timer but, other then that he was along for moral support and the ride. Meeting his soul make did mean he wouldn't have to worry about the heartbreak and gorging himself on desserts of various kinds.

                                                  It had gotten so bad as of late that Alistair had chosen to go cold turkey of dating and sex. It wasn't like he'd make such a big decision lightly; no.... He'd fallen pretty hard for the last guy. They fought a lot but, when they were happy it was happen and then he went and knocked up some girl. Alastair had gotten so mad that night he'd nearly drunk himself to death. The next morning he was mess and the still stung; he'd almost resorted to throwing himself to Tory just to forget the pain. It was moment's like those where Ruby his second closest came in handy. She forced him to watch movies and eat ice cream until they could laugh about the break up. She'd been the only able to save him from making a huge mistake.

                                                  "Of course not, idiot. This isn't speed dating. You supposedly going to find that one person in the world who will love you and cherish you above all else. Your soulmate, dummy!" Alistair gave a dry laugh leaning forward. He was worried about just who in the world Toru was meant to spend the rest of his life with; in his mind it would probably be some laid back older guy to mellow out his dear friend. As long as no harm came to him and he was happy; Toru could be with anybody he wanted and he would say nothing.

                                                  "Will you stop it?" Alistair got out of the taxi thinking the driver before joining him on the sidewalk. "It true love you idiot. Thirty year or thirty second; it'll be worth it if you can meet one person in the world who will love you above all others. He could be fifty or fifteen; it really doesn't bother me. You know that." Alistair smiled bright and grabbed his friends hand pulling him along. His incisiveness was getting on his last living nervous and Alistair wanted to get it over with and dragged him into the building doing all the stupid paperwork until it was time for the procedure. It didn't take long as he rubbed his wrist where the device was now place. "All done." A nurse smiled. "You can leave and you friend should be finishing up soon. Also, lucky for you it seems you'll be meeting your soulmate today. That zero means that today is your fated day." She smiled and it was at that point Alistair started getting butterflies in his stomach as he stepped out of his room looking around for Toru.

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Adorable Bloodsucker

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let me know that i've done wrong
when i've known this all along

i'll go around a time or two
just to waste my time with you

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

                                                        Toru instantly went dead quiet as his talking was brought to his attention. 's**t s**t s**t. Shut up moron before it just comes out..' He instead change one habit for another as he bit down on his bottom lip, biting harder each time his mind tried to trick him into speaking. He could get through this! It was just like when Alastair made him ride that roller coaster, yeah he probably left a death grip on the bars but he did it and had survived so this wasn't any dangerous. Toru allowed himself to be pulled as started to listening to Alastair go on about what he had just been talking about. He was kind of right but it wasn't like he was going to say that. "Yeah, It might not bother you! ..but I'm different, you know." His words did sound harsh in his own mind however he didn't have time to filter them before his mouth went off again. Oh great, now they were fighting... it's not like they didn't do it offend at least Toru hadn't hit the other yet. He hated when that happened, mostly cause then he'd get mad at Al for letting him hit him.

                                                        Toru shook the thoughts as he went to start on the paperwork before the nurse came to take them to the rooms. Toru looked back to Alastair as he grinned, "Hey! You're not allow to even see my brother once we get these, got it!" He yelled towards the other before being pushed off into a room as he was told to quiet down. Toru rolled his eyes as he walked over to the chair and then took a seat before the woman went onto explain about the device. It really didn't even take long however, after much complaining and well, being his normal annoying self the nurse had gotten him an ice pack. Toru thanked the woman as he held it over the timer before giving up the card to pay for both of the timers. At some point, Toru actually got to leave the room as he started to look around for Al. It didn't really take all that long and of course, he started his usual rant. "This is some kind of scam... I mean what kind of luck is this crap! The nurse wouldn't even refund me." Toru said a little upset because of butterflies that started to pick apart his ribcage from anxiety.

                                                        Sure, he did want to meet his 'soul mate' but did it have to happen so soon? He wouldn't even get time to adjust to the damn thing. Once Toru had calmed down he went to grab Alastair's arm as he flipped it to check his time. Seeing the zero was not really something he was expecting nor really something he planned, what kind of god would do this to him.. They couldn't really be fated could them? s**t.. 'wait.. wait.. the eyes.. if I don't looked at him then all will be fine. I think. s**t!' Of course, Toru went into another state as he battle inside his mind over looking at Al or just simply ignoring him. The ignore part won as he tried to scramble with words. "Lucky you! Bet you weren't expecting that!" At least he could kind of fake that his didn't match the same zero that Al's was showing, for long though he wasn't sure. Hopefully, Al would just ignore taking a peak at his number for a few. Stupid mind..

                                                        They couldn't possibly be fated for each other if they were then wouldn't they have tried being together before now? "So! Time to put these babies to use, Let's go check out the mall and maybe your stuff will go off.. What'da think?" Toru spoke as he started off towards the door, damn he never realized how much he actually looked at Al until he was trying everything to avoid it. But it's not like they couldn't just happen to have the same times, that's a normal thing. It had to be. Toru went to turn back to check if Alastair was following but instead just continue to the door after a slight hesitation. "Come on games are on me. You're going down in air hockey!" God, it was hard for him not to just break under this pressure.. However, at least he could fake what he could. Toru pulled a sharpie from his pocket as he wrote a couple numbers in front of the zero along with tracing the zero, it wasn't the best but it would do from a far away distance. He slipped the sharpie into the ice pack before going to toss it in the trash as he waited on Al to catch up. What the hell was he thinking getting the stupid device.


                                                        - - ★ OutOfChalk; Tory is being a brat, what else is new.. lol. and let the drama unfold. :3

Dedicated Loiterer

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Xx You wanna take it away from Me
xxxxxxxxxxTake it Away from Me
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx You can't wait till Im stumbling
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNo, you've got me wrong.

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▀ ▄ ▐███████████████████████████████████ Loan Shark

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxOh the nights are long with no one else around
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxYou wanna take it away from me
xxxxxxxxxxxGo get carried away


              In the mere seconds it took to reach down for his shirt the world around the blonde took a sudden flip. Heat and cold danced all the along the length of his spine creating an uncomfortable sensation. Just what in the hell was going on? Words caught his attention the hallow resound too striking to ignore being that it came from the smaller male. Glassy green eyes worked hard to focus on the other. Poor lad looked like s**t, like he'd been run through the wringer and time or two. He didn't like it. Lorcan couldn't damn well fathom why he gave a damn in the first place, but the sight just didn't sit well. It just wasn't right. He tightened his fist at the thought of what sort of thoughtless fecker would do something like that to mere lad and noticed he was holding something. A shirt. His shirt actually. Looking down at himself he came to realize that he was shirtless and a little worse for wear himself. His torso boasted an impressive array of markings the most abundant being scratches and while he couldn't see them he could damn well feel them down his back as well. What in the bloody hell had he just done? Lorcan's stomach sank at the thought or was that just the blend of alcohol and beer? He couldn't tell. Hell he couldn't even make sense of what he'd just been doing let alone the last few hours. It was all a blur, a twisted, dizzying blur.

              More voices, shouts actually startled the loan shark out of his inner focus and had him instinctively reaching for his side arm. Naturally it wasn't there being that he had to check it in at the front. Club policy after all. Except that little detail was presently loss to him and it's absence only put the blonde more on edge. That hazy money stare fell on to the desk as something was tossed onto it. Instructions? His dog? He didn't own a damn dog why the hell would- It took a moment for him to comprehend words but at last some things were beginning to click. He was meeting Joshua, for a high powered tracking chip, but not for a dog it was for that damn gambler. Hunter, the damn p***k owed him more than his life was worth. A scowl tore across Lorcan's lips as he shakily picked it up unable to keep his hand from trembling. "Ye playin' at meh eh? ye bollix." he slurred as the hacker plopped himself in the desk seat the obvious danger of the gun tucked in his pants going unacknowledged. Guns were a constant in the loan sharks life and while they had the potential to be deadly, the initial scare factor of them had been long over lived. And at the moment the weapon was the least threatening thing in the room. Lorcan was crashing hard from the little taste of acid he had earlier. And as such he was tripping out in the worst of ways. Everything in the room to him was off from the floor, to the colors and even the damn air. It was hot, stifling in the little office making it all the more harder to breathe. The blonde's chest heaved with the effort to fill his lungs and yet at the same time he was freezing for which also labored his basic functions.

              Worst of all though was Joshua himself that had him on edge not only was he clearly pissed but he looked too unreal. That vibrant red of his hair looked as if it were actually ablaze coupled with the dark look those razor emeralds gave him a rather demonic appearance. It was all strangely familiar. This wasn't the first time he'd seen the hacker this way. Something in the more rational part of his brain flickered and it hit him. It was like that first time he'd been drugged and naturally Joshua had been the one to introduce him to the ******** that was LSD. Sure it was all well and fun for a little while but the blonde always crashed and burned in the end. Paranoia, fever, chills and tremors, he always went through the wringer after a high. It was damn well why he never touched the stuff. Reliving the terror that was his first trip, he was none too pleased. "Dun feck with meh boyo." Lorcan snarled bracing his hands forcefully against the desk preparing to square off with the other. Terrifying as the other was, he didn't back down from fights. Just what the hell was he talking about anyways? Fecking a kid? What kind of twisted game was he playing this time. "I 'aven't a dam' clue what yer blathering on about. But wha'evar this is, its yer own dam' fault. You did this." The blonde reached over the desk and took a fist full of the red head's shirt. Not what he was aiming for but it would have to do. He had wanted to strangle the little tarts neck but he still couldn't see straight lacking the depth perception. "Slip meh a dose again an' I'll beat ya flatter than dead ye hear?" Lorcan growled not realizing that there was another man that had followed Joshua up.


xWearing CasualxLocation ⊲ The Devil's Den Office xCompany Dae ⊲ Josh & Stranger xThoughts the ********] ⊰ xOoC Sorry was the best I could do...@ . @x

Toxic Fatcat

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                                                  "Toru, you can stop already. Your so obvious that it might actually be laughable." Ail stair gave a sadden chuckled as he grabbed his close friend pulling him off to the side. Pinning him between himself and the wall he took a long good look into his closet friends eyes and just as he expected the sound chiming filled his ears. If it had been any other person in the world he probably would've been thrown off but, sadly Toru had a better chance of becoming president then getting anything past Alistair. After having been so closed to him.... He really couldn't pretend to over look the obvious.

                                                  "Sorry, Toru. You suck at lying." Alistair softly laughed stepping back knitting his fingers behind his back as he looked to his friend and silence took over. It was hard to stand there and realize that in this moment they both would have to make the decision. Alistair had opened his mouth and said he would accept his soulmate no matter who it was but, he'd hardly expected it to be the very object of his affection. It was so ironic that he half expected someone to pop out say that he was on a hidden camera show.

                                                  Of course, Alistair was not crazy enough to actually believe that was his current situation. The fact that Toru seemed to avoid something he was fairly certain about only made it more obvious that Toru didn't want to date him. I mean they were friends and that's probably all he saw him as as much as it hurt it seemed like the most possible truth. So, since he was the great best friend he wouldn't make it harder for him, right?

                                                  "I don't know what your throwing such a nervous fit about. It's not like we have to date or anything. Plus, your not even my type." Alistair gave a bright smile but, deep down every word was killing him more then the first. His mind was screaming for him to stop but, he didn't want to burden Toru with his one sided happiness. " Now, let's play some games." Alistair's knitted hands threatened to claw his very skin off as scratched his wrists until they started to turn red.

                                                  (Hooray for misunderstandings!)

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