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Toxic Fatcat

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█ ℒove █ Stops █ ℍere █ ℳy █ Ⓓear █ ❤



Hector said nothing and silently watched the male curiously wondering what was going through his head that he was willing to do whatever he had done. Hector without a doubt continued to think that Bastian was probably the stupidest man he’d ever met but, he thought most men were anyways. As he laid in the man he became restless because of one comment. ”Happy Birthday, Bastian. You lived another year.” Hector groaned and flopped around before finally getting out of bed and making his way to the kitchen since Bastian was in his study or whatever. Pulling out milk, eggs, sugar, and a few pans he began his work. Though, he wasn’t an artist in the kitchen he knew a few things that would ‘woo’ the woman at the bar. After a while long on a tray as a nice custard flan. He added a strawberry on the side and a bit of sugar ontop. Putting it on a try and followed up with a nice cup of tea.

Making his way to the study he opened the door with a smile on his face. “Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday, Dear Bastian. Happy Birthday to you.” Hector sung as he placed the tray down. “Here, its not much but, I can do a little in the kitchen when I need too.” Hector chuckled making his way to the door. “I don’t know what you're up too but, I think you should tell him the truth. Your only hurting yourself. Anyways, Happy Birthday.” Hector winked and headed to the kitchen to get everything cleaned up.

“Happy Birthday…” Hector sighed; what the hell was he doing. Getting himself mixed up in all of this would only caught him trouble in the end. He knew it but, he could help it. Stretching his arms he couldn’t remember the last time he actually wanted to celebrate his own birthday. He’d always regretted being born; if he hadn’t they would still be together… Hector made his way to the bedroom sitting on the edge of the bed. “Sleep.” Hector fell to the side before finally passing out into a deep sleep.


❝Some call me a playboy but, I would like to believe I've mastered the game already.❞



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Gabriel Misha Westfield


⁞⁞⁞Gabe let out a soft laugh as he read the boy’s message, winking at him. ”I’m the one that’s supposed to be worrying about you, not the other way around,” he said. The finally reached the apartment complex and Gabe headed up the few steps to the door, shifting Blue’s weight so he could quickly fish in his pocket for the key to the building to get inside. ”Alright, short-stuff, as much as I love being your personal steed, I don’t want to risk dropping you by attempting this piggy-back-adventure up the stairs. We both know how clumsy I am with just my own weight.” He smirked a bit. ”And I still don’t trust that damn elevator, either. There is no reason it needs to drop five feet very time it stops.” The male huffed.

Truth be told, Gabe honestly didn’t mind the elevator. Occasionally he would take it when he was alone, and just never tell Blue. It was more the fact that there was a camera inside the little metal box, and that was just screaming for all sorts of problems to occur. Anyone could hack the data and get into the system and plunge them both down to a very unceremonious death. Okay, so there are springs that keep the elevator from crashing into the bottom like in the horror movies, and in the event of a failure, the thing would slowly sink to the ground.

But still. Gabe didn’t trust technology he didn’t know.

Which is why he extracted the little fish from Blue’s hood then tugged the fabric up and over the younger male’s face, because there were lobby cameras, too. Honestly, Gabe had access to the camera system, from slightly less-than-legal circumstances that really don’t need to be discussed, and could trace where all broadcast of the footage was sent. If someone hacked it, he would know almost instantly. However it was a little harder to off someone in the lobby or on the stairs than in an electronic metal death box.

”Want me to walk upstairs with you, or think you can manage?” Gabe asked, holding the little plastic bag up to examine the fish. It opened its mouth and then shut it, a few little bubbles floating up to the surface. Gabe narrowed his eyes at the creature. You’re just lucky you’re far too small for me to fry, he mentally told the fish. Any s**t and you’ll see what the city’s plumbing looks like first-hand.

Gabe huffed and lowered the fish back down, fixing his glasses. ”Don’t let the beasts out until I’m back. I’ll take care of it, ‘cause it’ll probably be dark by the time I return,” he spared a quick glance to the door to confirm his suspicions, ”-and you know I don’t like when you’re outside in the dark. Or near windows. Or alone…” Gabe pouted, still thinking about the near heart attack from the fair. ”Maybe I shouldn’t go…”


I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue.
No, there's
nothing that I wouldn't do
to make you feel my

> With: Blue
xxxx> Where: Home...ish.
xxxxxxxx> Mood: uneasy

Hidden Under the Mask

Grey_skye's Queen

Sparkly Seeker

3,725 Points
  • Happy Birthday! 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Person of Interest 200
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                                            Bastian had been writing up a report when he heard someone singing happy birthday. He turned and saw Hector with some kind of desert. Bastian smiled and thanked the man, thinking he may have missed something before about him. He heard Hector's comment and nodded. He called Aiden and explain everything to him. The two talked it out with Aiden. They were still broken up but he understanded. Bastian ate his desert and quickly finished his reports before getting ready for bed.

                                            Bastian got up and crawled into bed with Hector. He had never slept with Aiden before so he was a virgin, and being close like this with someone was nice. "Whenever you need me....I'll always be here for you." Bastian whispered falling asleep with his arm around Hector.

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Dr. Watari

Toxic Fatcat

10,775 Points
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Unleash the Beast 100
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█ ℒove █ Stops █ ℍere █ ℳy █ Ⓓear █ ❤



Day soon broke threw the curtains of the apartment reminding him that he’d survived another not night. He’d been so gone and exhausted by the time Bastian finally joined him in bed that he failed to hear his words of unconditional infatuation as he would have called it. He could not give the man the love he desired nor did he want to. The streets and partners were his home; so for one single person in the world he could not give all of that up. It wasn’t in his nature to do so anyways. He was truly a horrible man. His phone began to chime slipping out of the bed he wandered around looking for his clothe and once he found them he went thru his phone. There were seventy-two messages asking if he was still alive, coming out to part last night, coming out to party tonight, and a few jobs. He sighed. He sent a massive text saying he was still alive and that it was to early to tell. He flipped it closed looking back to the sleeping Bastian with the cellphone pressed against his lips. As much as he wanted to stay; which was very little at best. He wasn’t the type to wake up with any of his partners and he couldn’t change that.

So leaving a small breakfast made of mostly fruit and brewing some coffee to get rid of that hangover. He made his way out and into the streets. He stunk of vomit so the first place he had to go was his apartment and not knowing he’d left his license in Bastian’s apartment. He’d done it quite a few times. Most people found it hard to believe that he was legal to serve alcohol anf for that reason he’d been given numerous amounts of trouble. He kept it loose and on hand for that reason alone. Throwing open his apartment door and stripped of his clothes and took a long shower. It also had his current address which was quite the place covered in dark fashion which might of be hard for someone to believe after being traumatize my gothic artwork but, it was something his dad had passed onto him as a child.


❝Some call me a playboy but, I would like to believe I've mastered the game already.❞


Grey_skye's Queen

Sparkly Seeker

3,725 Points
  • Happy Birthday! 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
  • Person of Interest 200
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                                            Bastian had stayed asleep while Hector got ready and left. His phone went off alerting him it was time to get up and get ready for school. He got up with a headache, dang hangover. He got up and went to the shower to wash away his troubles but he knew it wasn't that easy. When he got out of the shower he venturned to the kitchen and saw fruit and coffee. The man chuckled and ate a piece. He would have to thank Hector later...if he ever saw him again. Bastian then turned and went back to his room to change. Once he had shirt on he heard a doorbell. Bastian walked over to it and saw Aiden. "Hey Aid..." Bastian said letting his former lover in.

                                            Bastian watched Aiden walk in and sit down. "What's your partner like?" he asked. Bastian looked down, how could he explain what Hector was like? "He's about the same age as I am. He is kind of a playoy...he doesn't want a relationship... But I think that this whole timer thing is making him waver a little." Bastian said walking back to his room, Aiden following. Bastian pulled out a pair of jeans from his dresser when he felt a tap on his shoulder. "He looks cute." Aiden said handing him a license. Bastian looked to it and recognized Hector's image. He chuckled softly and looked to Aiden, "Thanks Aid." he said pushing it into his pocket. When Bastian left for school Aiden left for probably the last time.

                                            Bastian got his phone out and dialed Hector's number.

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Dr. Watari

Adorable Bloodsucker

6,275 Points
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let me know that i've done wrong
when i've known this all along

i'll go around a time or two
just to waste my time with you

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

                                                        Toru wasn't even sure what he was saying, it was almost as if his brain just shut off and was allowing his mouth to just say everything that was surrounding him. However, when Alastair talked about pain, Toru for a moment almost thought back to his idea of just leaving.. Maybe he had understood wrong yet again. Of course, when Alastair broke down it was the last thing Toru wanted to cause he didn't actually like hurting him even if he did do it at times without thinking but he was normally good about making up. However, he wasn't even sure where to begin on how to make up for this. "I told you. I'm not forgetting you, you're too important to just be a stranger to me. Idiot." Insults were something that normally happened when feelings got expressed, he didn't mean to be so rude but feelings were the best thing he was at expressing.

                                                        When Alastair went to ball his fist as he roughly threw him before the hand tightened on his shoulder, he could feel the other tremble however he wasn't yet sure if it was anger or fear. In way, he wanted Alastair to hit him at least that would help the other calm down and it would make up for the crap that Toru had done to him. Still, the other pulled back his fist only to wipe his face as more spaced words followed. Toru almost couldn't even look at the other because he knew what was coming, he ******** knew what was going to be asked of him. For a moment, he wasn't even sure if he form the word to speak it. He could say it in his mind like he had done for years towards the other but getting his lips to speak it was the hardest thing he ever tired.

                                                        The hand that went to the side of his face only made him pulled his eyes away from the other as it moved to tangle in his hair. ********, he couldn't take a feeling like this right now. He was getting angry because he couldn't get the word to come out and he ******** hated himself for it. Why was it so easy to think but not say.. what the hell was the difference?! The other rested his head against his own before a kiss started, Toru shut his eyes to keep himself from doing something he would most likely regret. Once the words were spoken, the very thing he knew would come had finally been asked of him. [********, yes. I do. I've loved you since you first spoke to me, a*****e.' Toru battled with himself in his head as he tried to speak, to even just utter one word while the other had broken the kiss but yet, he was still silent.

                                                        "Alastair. I know, I have known. I just.. I l-like you.. a lot okay. I mean more than a lot but I just can't say that word." He knew he was ******** up, in fact he knew that what he just said was probably the last thing Alastair would ever hear from him all because he couldn't say a pretty ******** simple four letter word. He hated how much importance was put that word as he sucked up his guilt as he went to raise his arms before moving Alastairs' head so he could look in the others eyes before some form of confidence found him. "Look. I want to say it.. and maybe I'll be able to.. but right now, I just can't. I can scream it in my head all day long but it just won't come out and I'm sorry. I know I'm a jerk and you should probably slap me right about now. I just.. I can't." His hands dropped as he leaned in to kiss the other male just one more time, it was quick and still he enjoy the few seconds that he got.

                                                        However, he knew the let down that was about to happen and that would probably end in another fight. ********, why did the timers have to do this too him. He was just fine crushing on the other from afar but now he was having to speak of feelings and try even harder not to hurt the other or say someone that would make the other hate him completely. s**t, this was hard. No wonder he didn't really do relationships, they were so emotional and just difficult. Toru took a breath as he waited for what Alastair would say, he thought about making a joke but he was sure this was far too serious to be an a*****e about. God, why couldn't this just be easier?! Toru rubbed the back of his head as he tried however as soon as all the guilt from all the possible things that could happen hit him, his eyes dropped to the floor and at this point he just really needed one of his bandmate to ******** knock some sense into him. His voice was broken and his tone was almost that of a whisper as he mumbled out, "I'm sorry..." Unsure, what to say after everything he just said.

                                                        - - ★ OutOfChalk; Love is hard, yo. (I'm probably doing this wrong. >.< wink


Trash Cultist

10,800 Points
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Kittys☽ Myung-Dae Moon ☾

A Trembling Heart

                                      외치다 아프 심장
                                      사랑을 구걸

                                      "It's not as if people haven't gotten soul mates that they don't care for before. You don't have to pretend to be polite." Myung-Dae looked tired. His eyes rimmed with red and their bright blue almost brighter due to the dark circles under them. He hadn't been sleeping very much. A few hours here and there was all he'd managed. It kept digging at him. Burned deep in his brain. His own soul mate didn't want him. Maybe it was because he was used goods. Those words caused his chest to constrict again. He took the box of condoms and can of pineapple from Odd. He tucked them into his basket again and simply shifted his weight. This felt strained and awkward. Sighing he looked away from the other entirely.

                                      "Look... We need to at least talk about it. I don't know if it bothers you. But... it bothers me. The one thing I wanted was snatched away from me. I'd like to at least know why. So... give me that. I'll make dinner and you can give me all of the reasons you don't even want to be near me. And I can just..." Myung-Dae stopped and closed his eyes for a moment before looking upwards and sniffling softly. God... not... again. Not again. He wasn't about to have another break down because of all of this stupidity. Shaking his head he breathed out slowly. He would apologize softly. That was all he could do. Shifting the half full basket he had the young Korean student sighed. "I'm not a kid... Not even here in this country. So... just act like an adult with me. I want to talk and then we can just forget it. I can... forget it. I can stop thinking about it."

                                      "I can't... sleep. I've been skipping classes... I can't... function like this." Breathing in Myung-Dae had never felt so alone in his life. Tilting his head downward he refused to offer the other that pitiful look that was probably on his face. This was enough. This was more than enough. This was the most painful part of his week. Being near that person that he was supposed to be with... that didn't want him. Not even a kiss on the forehead and an 'I'm sorry'. Just... empty unknowing despair. This wasn't how a human being lived. He wiped at his eyes. "Look... Just come talk to me. Come... spend the night even. I just want to know. After that I'll change professors. You won't have to see me again. I'll get my timer removed. And... I'll always have to know that they don't reset after they go off. You don't get a second chance... Because this wasn't a glitch. I had mine checked. So... all I want is tonight so I can say I at least know why."

                                      "I'm sorry I wasn't what you expected. But it hurts me a lot more knowing that you don't want me and knowing that you won't tell me why. It hurts more than the avoidance." It hurt. And he wasn't sure why. He wasn't in love with this person. He wasn't married to them. He wasn't even sleeping with them. Somehow just knowing that they were supposed to go together. That this was supposed to be his true love. It hurt. And it ached. He felt lied to. Taking a step back he sighed and simply shook his head. Walking off towards one of the checkouts he placed his basket down and got his card out. Condoms, canned food, body wash, and a new thing of toothpaste. There was a small bag of chips somewhere in the mix. The condoms weren't for a person though. But it wasn't as if he'd tell Odd that. Call it a manner of being vindictive. But he was too frustrated with the other to explain anything that intimate.

                                      [With: Odd]
                                      [Mood: Tired and Upset]
                                      [Location: Store]
                                      [Out.Of.Catnip: I'm sleepy so if this is a janky post let me know and I'll edit it.]

                                      연민의 가득한 심장
                                      손상된 영혼

Adorable Bloodsucker

6,275 Points
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place holder what what

                          ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

                                I FEEL SOMETHING SO RIGHT BY DOING THE WRONG THING
                                I COULDN'T LIE, COULDN'T LIE, COULDN'T LIE
                                EVERYTHING THAT KILLS MExx MAKES ME FEEL ALIVE

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Another place holder what what
                                                              Odd looked at the other in almost complete confusion as Dae went to take back his items before he went to put them into the basket he was carrying. He really didn't understand this kid at all. First, he was going on about how he had gotten with a friend and now he was upset all because Odd had kind of done what he wanted?! What else was he suppose to do? He shook his head as the other spoke and he knew that the other had skipped classes because Odd had actually forged work with Dae's name on it just to make sure the kid didn't fail.

                                                              This was the first time since the whole Timer incident that Odd wasn't quite sure what to say, then as if the fast forward button had been hit everything came to him as he watched Dae walk off towards a check out point before Odd went to toss his items on the belt before going to grab Dae's wrist as he pulled the male from the store and out to the front near a vending machine. At least here he could kind of talk to the other without so many people around, of course he didn't actually mean to steal but the condoms where also in his hand as he went to push Myung-Dae into the side of the vending machine before going to hold the box of condoms in front of him. "You can't just shove all this blame on me when you're a ******** market buying condoms, you little p***k. Even if I was interested in you, you clearly are into someone else and I for one sure as hell hope it's not the idiot that drugged your drink the last time."

                                                              Odd took his hand off Myung-Dae's shoulder, he was in a fit of anger and taking it on the kid wasn't the best option he could go for but how could he just expect Odd to drop everything and what.. get in a relationship with someone clearly not in his age range? Odd went to rub the back of his head as he took Myung-Dae's hand and place the box back in the others' hand before he gave a sigh. "I do like you, but it's just difficult. You're nineteen years old, Dae. I'm Twenty-Six. I know you're an adult but if I dated you or even got with you.. You're just young, okay. You have your whole life and being with me is not as fun as you seem to think it is." He wasn't too sure where he was going with his speech but he just couldn't really see himself with Myung-Dae, hell even if he liked the kid there was still no reason for someone his age to be dating someone as young as Myung-Dae was.

                                                              Odd was getting even more angry with himself as he stood there before going to rest his hands on Myung-Dae's shoulders. "Look I'll come to dinner and we'll talk better there but I'm pretty sure the one your with now probably won't be too happy about your timer going off to me." He took the condoms back from Myung-Dae before going inside and back to the register to speak with the cashier, he just hoped he would get thieft charges for taking them. She was mostly understanding about the incident and even allowed him to pay for the items that Myung-Dae and he had left on the belt before he took the bag and then went back to where he had left Dae before handing over his bags. "Here. I'm sorry okay. But just stop hating me please. I'll explain better later." He took the receipt from the bag as he jotted down his number before going to offer it to Myung-Dae as he ruffed the others hair. "Please get some sleep, don't make me have to force you." He teased, he had kind of made the moment awkward but he was trying at least not to leave with the kid hating him for getting his timer removed and actually failing at trying to explain why he had done it.

where: ; Bars > Market with: ; Solo > Dae
x xxxxѺDDxxxx TΗѺϺΛϩxxxxxxxxxxx

Nightmares Of Lament

Toxic Fatcat

10,775 Points
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█ ℒove █ Stops █ ℍere █ ℳy █ Ⓓear █ ❤



Hector pulled his dark red and black shower curtains aside; he was pretty sure his phone was going off. No, it was. It was hard to miss the sound of 'In the hall of the Mountain King' blasting from his towel he hurried out of the bathroom careful not to slip as he swiped his phone up. "Hello, This is Hector speaking. Your pleasure if my business." Hector chuckled; grabbing another towel he started drying his hair but, it turned out this particular phone called as from his prince charming of last night. "Good Morning, I would love to flatter you but, how in the world did you get-" Hector silence and made his way out of the bathroom throwing his clothes around. "So, I did. Can't believe it. That would've been the fourth one this year. What? I am careful, I just happen to keep it loose. Its my card. Does it matter where I put it. Whatever. You can drop it by-" Hector tossed the towel he had on his head into the bathroom. "At school? Well that sucks, How about this? Meet me at 'Rouge Red', Its a high end club. I'm working their tonight. Their having their annual Grimm Ball and crap. So, come dressed in something dark. I'll send you the address." Hector hung up and groaned; he'd been planning on ditching the kid but, it seemed he was forced to run into him again.

Hector stormed his way into the bedroom; he didn't like getting all dressed up but, for the ladies on such an important occasion of course he was going to have to show out just a little bit. So, after digging through his closet he got his hands on one of his favorite victorian overcoats, a dress shirt, puffed collar tie, a pair of black tailored shorts, freshly polished knee high boots, and white thigh high stockings with four black garter strings to keep them from slipping. Altogether, it was nice and since he was small something more childish seemed more potent in wooing the ladies. He set out his clothes and got dressed in a t-shirt and sweat pants until night fell on the city. He enjoyed 'Sherlock' and few horror movies before his shift begun walking threw the streets he easily caught viewing eyes. He's choose instead of hat that he would wear a set of bunny years. He was known as the one an only 'R.R.'. Stepping inside he set up and before he knew it the whole club was packed in dresses, PVC, Leather, and chains. The freaks really did come out at night but, the tips were looking better and better with every drink he made. So, it was well worth it.


❝Some call me a playboy but, I would like to believe I've mastered the game already.❞


Trash Cultist

10,800 Points
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Kittys☽ Myung-Dae Moon ☾

A Trembling Heart

                                      외치다 아프 심장
                                      사랑을 구걸

                                      Myung-Dae stared up at him through tired eyes. A frown slowly forming on his face as he was offered the number and the other simply took his words wrong. And the situation even more wrong. Yes... He'd been just as terrified as the other when their timers had gone off... At least he assumed Odd had been terrified. They were student and professor. It was wrong. It was bad. It was... a plotline used in too many adult movies. He hadn't been put off by Odd's age. More that he'd been put off by the others position. Dae sighed and shook his head slowly. "I meant tonight... Right now. I want you to come over. You could spend the night if you want. I have a spare room. I just want to get this all settled so I can sleep. I'm... not even really sure why I'm so upset."

                                      "It just seemed like you didn't want this at all. And you're my teacher. I'd get called a whore or something worse if I pursued this. You could lose your job. I was scared... I mean I was barely coherent when my timer went off. You'd be terrified too. You'd push it away as fast as you could." Myung-Dae rubbed at his eyes. God he wanted to just go to sleep, but his brain was filtering through too many things for him to get any rest even if he tried. Breathing slowly he closed his eyes. "And for the record... I'm not seeing anyone. These are for my dog. I use them to make ice blocks because he chokes on ice cubes since they're small. So stop standing in denial for one moment and at least admit you were jealous for half a second that I might have been seeing someone. Isn't that reason enough to at least deal with it now rather than later."

                                      "And if I was bothering to see someone right now. They'd be made of silicone." It was almost cheeky. It would have been if it wasn't so bitter. Myung-Dae unlocked his car via wireless button on his keychain and started walking off. There wasn't much you could say after a point like that. A point of which you'd pointed out you'd rather jerk off than sleep with someone. Which wasn't entirely a lie. He really had wanted his first time to be with someone he loved. And now... it wasn't a possibility. Popping the bags of groceries into his trunk he slammed it shut and breathed out slowly. He couldn't exactly drive with his eyes watering. He felt... worthless. Useless. Pathetic. So many things he'd never had to feel before. Was this what other people felt like when they made mistakes like this?

                                      Opening his car door he sat down in the drivers seat tilting his head back against the head rest. Why had he said to just forget it. Why hadn't he asked the other to at least try. It didn't really matter though. Did it? They would probably never work out. He was a student. He was young. He was obviously stupid. And Odd... Odd was the adult here apparently. Shaking his head he breathed out slowly and let himself feel his own anger and upset. Myung-Dae couldn't fault Odd for saying no. For walking away so quickly. He probably would have too. Holding his keys in his other hand he wiped at his face. Why in the hell was this hurting so much? Was it because he knew that the chances of ever having a person he'd be properly compatible with were now slim to none? That he was unlikely to ever have someone he'd really honestly love? Or was it that he knew who he was meant to be with and now no one would ever be good enough.

                                      [With: Odd]
                                      [Mood: Tired and Annoyed]
                                      [Location: Store]
                                      [Out.Of.Catnip: Dae's face when I wanted to try, but we both noped too hard in the beginning to make this an okay thing. xD]

                                      연민의 가득한 심장
                                      손상된 영혼

Kawaii Fatcat

3,450 Points
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-------- Aristotle was tired. It had been such a long night and day. His thoughts were constantly on the boy in the room. The male that he had been taking care of for quite a bit now. He wasn't complaining of course, the pay was exceptional, the job was what he loved, it was just the patient that seemed to irk him most. He wouldn't listen, he didn't understand the concept of bed rest and did almost anything and everything to shorten his life span. Aristotle could only feel sorry for little Kohaku. The poor boy would even get much of a chance to tell his father how he felt or even to show his father that he didn't want him to die. But then again, would William even care if the boy came up and told him such things.
-------- What are you thinking about Ari.. Of course he would care. He shook his head. What was wrong with him today? His thoughts were just running rampant and his mind couldn't stay on topic. Usually he did so well in organizing anything and everything, including himself. But today, it just wasn't happening. Maybe it was because of what he was about to do. Getting a timer was nerve wracking. So many possibilities came with the damned thing that he really wasn't sure if it was something he should be doing anyway. The idea though, it was so enticing. To know your soul mate the moment you lock eyes... His heart wrenched. It was a beautiful thing to think of. Humans in general were beautiful though, being pansexual beauty was seen everywhere in his eyes. There were no gender requirements, if you were a human that was attractive in his eyes and had a wonderful personality, they were good to go. It was rare he couldn't find beauty in a human being though. Rare indeed.
-------- Aristotle took in a deep breath as he walked a corner and approached the store. His heart raced and his pupils dilated in wonder. Who would this being be? He prayed it was someone that would make his heart soar and love him until the day he died. Death... What a terrible subject. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. That was all he thought about lately, death. Here Aristotle was, one again, trying to keep organized thoughts but failing miserably. He grimaced and stared outside the stores entrance. He took a deep breath and opened the door slowly. The sound of a bell rang from above and Ari got nervous. This was it, it was really happening. He bit his plump bottom lip and walked up to the counter. They knew what he was there for, he had made an appointment. He didn't have much spare time, seeing as being a stay home doctor for William was a full time job. But he couldn't complain. So he had called and made an appointment to get the thing on his arm. He gulped and opened his mouth slightly.
"My name is Aristotle Germaine. I have an appointment." He said softly. The male at the desk just nodded and took him to the back. His footsteps were light but his heart was pounding. He felt that anyone could hear it pounding as hard as it was. Even if they couldn't, his face gave it away. He followed the man around a corner and entered the room...

-------- Not even thirty minutes later, Ari was back on his way home. He rubbed his arm absently and frowned. That hurt more then he was told. He grimaced and stared ahead. It was a nice walk home, he only lived a few blocks from here so the walk wasn't so bad. His hands stuffed into his pocket, a slight breeze sifted through his hair and made him close his eyes. He had the pathway to home memorized by now. What a beautiful day out, nature was everywhere making noises and making sure everyone knew that it was there. Nature was definitely a favorite on his list. His lips formed into an o as he whistled a tune and merrily made his way home.
qwerty Ari felt his mind wandered and went to the new timer. It was an exciting thing to do, almost thrilling. He had a tiny adrenaline rush that courses through his veins and made his body shiver. Now was the time to wait. He wondered who the human would be. The woukd they find each other and What would their song be? A grin spread across his face as he day dreamed of all the enticing possibilities. Someone he could spoil and cherish. What about kids? Maybe two or more. Wether it was adoption or whatever. The idea of a kid made him suddenly yearn. He wanted to meet his match now. Right then and there. What had the male told.him about the rules and signals of the timer? He couldn't remember, he would have to read up on it later on. First, he needed to get him and check up on his patient though. He grimaced and shook his head slightly. Aristotle almost felt helpless.. he couldn't do anythung but ease the pain from William, saddly, the boy would not get better. Unless a miracle happened, of course. Although that all depended on wether or not a person was apt to believing such things or even an omnipresent figure to worship.
qwertyAristotle counted the steps and opened his eyes. He was outside of the house and suddenly, His excitement dissipated. Just he aura of the house in general was enough to make Aristotle himself want to throw up. His hand reached for the doorknob and opened the door slightly. Once inside, he closed it quickly behind him and locked it. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"Home sweet home.." He mutter, his Australian.accent thick. It had been ages since he had left Australia but the accent never failed left him. It was a gift and a curse and always seemed to cause him unnecessary attention. He walked to the nearest counter and dropped his keys and.belongings on it.
"William?" He called out to the sick male. No answer. He sighed, the man was probably asleep or sick. But still, he needed to be checked on. Of today wasn't a good day for William, he knew.that things would not go well. Aristotle sighed softly and was about to make his way up the steps when the doorbell rang. His eyes widened slightly and his head cocked sideways. Who was here and why? He paused at the beginning of the stairs and starrd up at the top of them. William would be fine.. he hoped. He bit his lip nervously and went to answer the door.

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★·.·´¯`·.·★ ⓦⓗⓔⓡⓔ ⓐⓜ ⓘ? ★·.·´¯`·.·★
Home sweet homd

★·.·´¯`·.·★ ⓦⓗⓞ ⓐⓡⓔ ⓣⓗⓔⓢⓔ ⓟⓔⓞⓟⓛⓔ? ★·.·´¯`·.·★

Nobody yet
★·.·´¯`·.·★ ⓜⓨ ⓕⓔⓔⓛⓘⓝⓖⓢ ★·.·´¯`·.·★

★·.·´¯`·.·★ ⓜⓨ ⓗⓔⓐⓡⓣ ⓢⓐⓨⓢ ★·.·´¯`·.·★
Whos at the door?

—(••÷[ ι aм onlιne ]÷••—

Yume Yokohama's Pardner

Man-Hungry Man-Lover

тαкє ωнαт ץσυ ωαит ғяσм мє
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxιт мєαиs иσтнιиɢ иσω

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▀ ▄▐██████████████ ███▐██ ███ ███ ██ ██ ██ ███ █ █

                                            So they had all the more in common, the both of them having taken after their mother's finer features. Though perhaps the most striking feature of the other, that stunning crimson hair, was credited to Red's paternal bloodline. Not Tulivarian, he hadn't a shred of his father to show for except perhaps that he was male, but that was the extent of their similarities. Saying he and his father didn't get along was an understatement. Tuli wasn't sure when it happened, when he grew out of that small boy who looked up to the man but as long as he could remember the two of them had been at war with one another. Anything his father wished of him he'd do the opposite. If it hadn't have been for his mother he would have certainly been disciplined in more traditional manners. i.e. having the living crap beaten out of him. Yet another reason he took great pride in the woman after all it took guts to stand up to the big burly man.

                                            The past and family aside, the Russian male took another moment to appreciate the rose hue that blazed across the other's face. Too endearing. "Ez a lot to take in, I know so no worries." he chuckled scrawling out his number for the other having the other company to focus on at the moment. Despite the poorly timed interruption of his supposed soul mate, Tulivarian was still thrilled at the notion that the redhead would be coming to see his performance later that evening. But first thing was first. His the man the devilish little device had paired him with. He quirked a brow at the strained attempted to speak his mother tongue. It was a laughable effort, the clumsy and undisciplined words making the language sound all the more harsh. There was only so much a book could teach you, especially in America. Or at least that what he had found to be the norm. Then again the Russian was damn well biased.

                                            Whatever the case, introductions were being made and for the sake of the lovely company at his side he would oblige. That and the man inquiring was man soul mate. "Tulivarian." he had supplied plainly, doing his best to be polite for which he was having the damnedest time doing. However Michael wouldn't be so lucky, it being all to easy to poke fun at the man. "but don't hurt yourself with trying to pronounce it." The Russian quipped smiling up at the unable to help himself. What could he say he liked to ******** with people. Emerald eyes fell on the other man introduced who had joined their table in utter silence. Smart man. So he had had a rough day? though luck, Americans were such babies. They wouldn't know what a truly rough day was if it knocked them square in the jaw.

                                            "You have poor timing unfortunately. I have prior commitments elsewhere." Tulivarian stated having his show to perform within the next hour or so. Who was he to disappoint the public? He surely wasn't about to run off with what was his supposed soul mate. Perhaps for Red he would, but the lovely beauty was already set on seeing him do what he did best. "But I suppose considering our circumstance we can-" he started scrawling out his number a second time when something strange happened. There was a garbled chirp and clicking noise that interrupted the entire conversation just as Tuli was handing over his contact information. "Now what?" he grumped only to find that it was his damn timer again. Only this time it did the exact opposite than before, the numbers having reappeared and ticking down showing it was active once more. A glitch? Seriously? So this man wasn't his soul mate then? What a ******** b***h but then again a bit of a relief at the same time.

                                            Dark brows furrowed in confusion those evergreen eyes looking up at the other a moment before falling back on to Red and then their other company Marcus. "That's that I suppose." he huffed out a chuckle, holding onto his own contact into stuffing the paper back into his pocket. Before Michael could have any words about the matter a call had come in and the man promptly left, some kind of emergency it seemed. "Well it's truly been a pleasure, Red, and Marcus was it?" Tulivarian said standing from his seat. "But I best be off, got a lot to prepare for tonight." he stated giving the redhead a playful wink before tipping off their other company with a salute. Time had surely gotten away from him and the performer did have a list to tend to before the evenings show. Tonight wasn't going to be just any old street show like he had thought it would be. He'd almost completely forgotten about the other event he had committed to which meant the fair display would have to be canceled. Shame, but there would always be tomorrow for that for which Red could attend. No instead the Russian along with a handful of the other acts he'd seen about would be entertaining those of higher society. Which meant the payout was something else than the normal change thrown at them. Tuli wasn't about to miss this event for the world.

                                            With his needed gear all packed, Tulivarian made his way to the party location arriving early so that he could set up. He had to check in with security upon arrival which was more than a little annoying seeing as they insisted on searching his things. Of course swords and daggers and flammable liquid don't go over so well with these sort of things which meant it took that much longer to get cleared. Annoying as it was they eventually let him pass, escorting him to one of the party coordinators to be directed properly as well as signing a few legal waivers. Oh Joy.


                                            Yume Yokohama



                                            Wearing:x Location: Cafe ⇒ Ritzy Party Company: Lovely Red & Marcus⇒ Alone Mood: Amused Thoughts: This could be interesting Our other Crazy:So I just added on to it and I wasn't sure where the party was at so I left that open as well xD

тαкє єvєяץтнιиɢ, нσиєץxxxxx
ιт мєαиs иσтнιиɢ иσω

Grey_skye's Queen

Sparkly Seeker

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                                            Bastian nodded his head, as if the other guy could see him, then pocketed the id, and went to class knowing what exactly to wear to the event. Math couldn't get him to focus for very long, and it was a good thing he only had a couple classes today otherwise he would go insane. With Aiden he never went to parties like this and thought it would so much fun. He went to singing classes after that it was finally time to get ready for this Grimm Ball. He dressed the part then got his company to let him use the limo and headed to the address.

                                            Bastian stepped out the limo and all eyes were on him, at least outside. His outfit was a bit wrinkled on bottom from the ride, so he straightened it out and walked inside, keeping the boys ID in his pocket just inside his coat. He bowed to a few ladies, kissing their hands even. Bastian was always old fashioned and this was a ball right? He made his way inside and looked around, unknowing where to begin to try and find the other man. As he walked past a group of girls they grabbed him and started to dance with him. Bastian chuckled and thought why not before dancing a few songs with them.

                                            Once the songs had finished he left in search of Hector again. The bluenette pulled his phone out and sent a text to Hector asking where he was.

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Dr. Watari

Toxic Fatcat

10,775 Points
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  • Unleash the Beast 100
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█ ℒove █ Stops █ ℍere █ ℳy █ Ⓓear █ ❤



Hector had a prime view of all those entering and exiting so, it didn’t take him long to sigh the gothic prince in all his glory and he had managed to catch his own fair share of eyes. It would be long before one of these siren dragged this male under; he hated to say it but, some of these woman were pros at pulling players back to their team. They’d once tried it with Hector but, he wasn’t strictly girls. He didn’t mind them but, at the same time a good male ever now in and then did quench his lust. He was a beast in its most natural form and he didn’t expect to change anytime soon. As he prepared a martini; he salted the rim, filled the glass and passed it onto the beauty across the counter. The heels helped in the height area and the bunny ear drew people to him. It was like a well prepared trap until. Beep. Hector slipped out his phone smirking. [Message: I‘m a tea loving fool and its always Tea Time. Hint: We’re all mad here.] Hector chuckled; if he was a man who know his literature then he would have guess none other then ‘Alice Wonderland’s March Hare’ which would send him looking for the bunny hidden among all the vampires and naughty things that roam in the darkness.

A woman dressed in a long slimming black gown, long onyx hair, and covered in a veil walked to the counter. Pushing the veil away she reveal here stunning face as he smirked. “I was surprised when you asked me to add guest to the list but, for a discount from your usual pricing how could I refuse. Where is he anyways?” She smirked looking around. She was one of the pros Hector had been talking about. Although, she was happily married. Her husband and he liked to keep pets. Hector didn’t have that kink so, he usually avoided her like the plague but, no her business. “I’m sure he’s around here somewhere.” Hector leaned against the counter. “Try not to domesticate him. He’s a friend.” She had a gleam in her eye he just didn’t like. “Well, then how about you take his place?” Hector smiled. “Hell no, I don’t like dominatrix’s.” Hector stepped back and went to serving other customers.

“So, how was that cup of coffee?” She chuckled. “Its was amazing but, your money taste so much better.” Hector stuck out his tongue.


❝Some call me a playboy but, I would like to believe I've mastered the game already.❞


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