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Yume Yokohama's Pardner

Man-Hungry Man-Lover

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xxPair of boots and a sack of clothes
xxxxFree and easy down the road I go


        Just another day in the big ol' crazy city. Too many people in too much of a hurry to get to too many places. Or at least that's what they claimed. Far as Gage could tell they were all just running around in circles like chickens with no head. That was city folk for ya though. This week had been particularly worse what with that big ol' fair being in full swing. The streets were just rotten with cars and people migrating too and fro with nigh a scrap of patience or coordination between the two. He s'pposed he could see why the city goers were so ornery now that he'd gotten more than a simple taste of their daily lives. Having to wait in traffic certainly wan't any picnic. 'specially if ya had some where ya needed to be say fifteen minutes ago, like picking up yer little girl from school for instance. Gage hated it. These roads were nothin' like the wide open dirt lanes of the country side. Out there a man could let loose have a bit of a lead foot with out the law breatin' down yer neck and be more than on time for yer sweet daughter. Just the though of his baby waitin' on him poured gas on the fire. Hell he coulda been there faster on Wilder than the miserable progress he'd made in his old pick up. He'd ridden the horse plenty a time, but folks always looked at him queer when he did. Had they looked in a mirror?

        Another five minutes of painfully inching down the street and Gage was finally able to break free from the bulk of traffic. It hadn't taken too long after that to arrive at the little elementary school his daughter attended. "You're late Mr. Bennet." the teacher sighed pushing the sign out sheet towards him. "Pardon me fer the delay miss, that ther' traffic was a nightmare." he apologized to the teacher while signing the sheet. She nodded understandingly knowing well enough how that went. Plus he hadn't been the only parent to arrive late that day either. "Papa!" the little girl squealed with joy throwing herself into the man's arms. He caught her naturally and spun about in the air once, "Hey there beautiful, how's my lil' star today?" Gage smiled hugging her close, she giggled brightly and returned the embrace. "Ya had me worried there Pa, figured ya done got lost out there." she teased giving him a peck on the cheek. The teacher smiled at the happy reunion of father and daughter.

        "You know Mr. Bennet, there is a way you could make up for being tardy." She interjected drawing the pair's attention. The two of them were so alike, same brown hair, same hazel eyes and the same little beauty mark beneath the left eye. "Ya gonna give my papa some homework miss?" Novalee giggled at the thought squirming out of his arms. He let her slide down gently dropping on to the floor. "What'd ya have in mind miss?" Gage questioned more than a little obligated to make amends. 'Well Mr. Bennet, if you could just deliver this weeks lessons to another student I'd be more than willing to forgive today's little discretion. As I understand it Novalee is good friends with Kohaku?' At the mention of the other student, the little girl started jumping and nodding excitedly. Was that all he needed to do? Well that certainly wasn't much too ask of him in the least. "Oh can we Pa?! Can we go see Kohaku? It's been like days." his daughter pleaded tugging on his arm eagerly. Though she was probably exaggerating about it being days, how could he deny that sweet face? Nodding in agreement, Gage ruffled the little girl's hair, "You got yerself a deal there miss."

        Thankfully the kid's place was out of the fray of all that damn fair traffic so it hadn't taken all that long to drive there like it had been earlier to get to the school. Walking up to the door he reminded Novalee to mind her manners that even though she'd be seeing her friend, Mr. Tamaki wasn't well. The little girl nodded her bright hazel eyes wide and innocent with understanding. Tapping politely Gage waited for an answer hoping they weren't disturbing the man too much. If there wasn't one, well then he would just slip the lesson folder under the door and contact him later.

        xWearing xLocation Elementary School ⊲ Will's Place xCompany Darling NovaleexThoughts Easy as a sunday strollxOoC *throws Gage at Mare* Single Daddies Unite!x
        Nightmares Of Lament

Someday I know it's gonna take me home soxx
Free and easy down the road I goxxxx

Toxic Fatcat

10,775 Points
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It was obvious that Nutty was running on the small amount of fumes he managed to gather during his power nap earlier but, he wasn’t the type to let such a chance go untaken. He was sure when he returned home he’d pass out for the rest of the day but, until that happened he would continue to push himself. He wanted to waste time with him while he had it. He was very selfish and even if his body didn’t agree with how he was pushing it; it would be forced to get over it. As for his haywire emotions, they had pretty much settled down once he had Marco wrapped in his death like grip and sinking into another once of his cruel jokes. To see his composed brother riddled with fear over some little ride was more then the price of gold and he was sure the self-confident male would never forgive him for this but, he would do as he’d always done… Not give a flying ********. He was Marco’s younger brother; he was supposed be spoiled and drive his brother mad. It was in his job description.

“Brother, wait up!” Nutty was laughing his heart ouf as he reached from behind wrapping his arms around his pitiful brother with a smirk on his face spreading ear to ear as he rested his head against his back feeling the soft brush of his long hair. He had to say he envied such long an cared for hair. His hair had always been short and working on stage he was forced to keep it that way or he’d have fatigue worse then he already did. “We’re done with rides, Okay? So, how about some food?” Nutty pulled away and without giving Marco another step he started dragging him along until his phone went of and he turned rather dark. The only ones who ever called him were the people who inhabited ‘Trenta Agency’ and he was not in the mood to talk to them as he silence the call. After a few more steps there was another and then another by the time they made it to the food area he’d been called seven times pulling out his phone he finally answered. “Yes, This is D speaking.” Nutty was big about his real name not getting out. “Huh? So, what. Not like you give a damn. Really, sorry I’m in the way of you make a drop of water compared to the vast ocean you have. Really… Your ******** kidding me. No way in hell. To hell with that. I just got back. What!? Of course not!” Nutty’s temper flew as it seemed that his job had taken the time to bend him over and screw him proper. He hung up clenching the phone before throwing it to the ground and smashing it under his foot. Yes, he was more then a little pissed. How the hell could they settle up a PR meeting on his second day back. He was already tired as s**t!

Nutty looked to the broken phone and huffed. “Food. Now.” It seemed he was losing his cool more and more but, with the hood hiding his face he didn’t have to worry about being seen but, he was seriously worried. He couldn’t take to much more of this schedule. He was getting more and more tired as they days turned into years. Walking up t the funnel cake stand Nutty decided on what he wanted which was powdered sugar, strawberries fresh cut, and chocolate. After this as much as he hated it; he needed to go home and rest as he yawned rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. His body was reaching its limit.


Toxic Fatcat

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                                                  Seven Heaven! Now, the always calm Alistair was starting to get pissed. Did he like running him around circles!? This was making no sense at all and his heart was just as human as Toru’s. He was reaching his limit and it seemed like he had plans just to hold whatever was eating away at him inside and Alsitair he couldn’t stand it.This was probably the first time he’d actually started to hate his best friend… It already hurt enough without getting his hopes high. Was it really so hard to tell the truth; was it necessary he drag him into this stupid game just for a kiss! Alistair stood there unsure of himself; he wanted to love Toru he really did but, at the same time he couldn’t see what Toru felt. What was he to Toru? If he’d never agreed to wearing these stupid timers he wouldn’t be standing here so unsure of what to do next. He wouldn’t be questioning his best friend and he sure enough wouldn’t be hating himself as much as he did right now for being in love with him. It hurt.

                                                  ”So, what did you score?!” Alistair looked up rather saddened as he forced a smile onto his face. His face looked as if he were going to burst into tears. “It doesn’t matter.” Alistair gave a dry laugh. “Toru, you’ve been my best friend for as long as I’ve been in the country. You really a great best friend, a horrible liar, and yet right now I feel like I don’t know you. I can’t understand what you thinking. It hurts a lot lying to myself to make you feel better.” Alistair dropped his head for a moment but, then looked him in the eyes with slightly reddened cheeks. “I’ve been in love with you for a long time. I’ve always dreamed of the day we could go out but, Its probably better this way.” Alistair felt his lip tremble a bit before finally forcing out the point the was trying to make. “You’re a great friend but, I’m done with this. I’m tired. So, I’m heading home. Just act as if I never existed. Find someone who can love you.” Alistair gave a wave and started home holding back everything that was bursting threw his chest at the moment.

                                                  He wasn’t sure if they would’ve worked as a coupe anyways. Alistair told himself this and forced fed himself lies that the timers had been wrong. He was sure after a few weeks of this he would be find but, he didn’t like being strung up. If Toru had wanted to be with him there would’ve been no point in hiding it, right? Still, it really did hurt. Alistair gripped his shirt painfully. It felt as if his heart was about to cave in and crush him. He really wasn’t the type to be loved; he was better off with some guy who’d treat him like crap after all.

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Toxic Fatcat

10,775 Points
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█ ℒove █ Stops █ ℍere █ ℳy █ Ⓓear █ ❤



“You say that but, your eyes tell a different story. Your looking me over like a nice piece of clothing. Such, Shameful eyes.” Hector teased as he started to get dressed for the evening that way they could finally get some real sleep. Now, that he was more settled with the male known as Bastian he felt there would be no more worries about night terrors. He could also tell that even the male was attached; it seemed he was very unconsciously loose. Maybe, there was something between that they lacked and that would be enough to explain why Bastian was slightly swayed by the devious Hector. He was rather curious to find out what it was and if he poked around a bit he was sure the prince would tell him. “You can watch if you want too. it’s a huge turn on for me.” Hector chuckled carefully making his way to the bed dressed in just the boxers and shirt. Getting on he made his way to Bastian wrapping his arms around him from behind leaning in he smirked. “So tell me, Just what does you lover lack that makes your eyes so easy to wander? Is it he’s to clingy? To distant? Lacking in the bedroom? Or maybe distance?” Hector kissed Bastian’s earlobe as he spoke. The man would be rattled and that itself would be interesting.

He seemed like he wouldn’t crumbled to his advances but, at the same time he also seemed like he wanted too. He was not like most men he’d met. He was loyal and unloyal all in the same package and maybe it was a bit underhanded but, he wanted to have a little fun with him before they parted way. It wasn’t like he’d actually be able to find Hector before he realized he’d just been swayed by fleeting lust. No one truly fell in love with this flower of the night, he was more of a convenient lover. “Come on, Tell me.” Hector chuckled.


❝Some call me a playboy but, I would like to believe I've mastered the game already.❞


Grey_skye's Queen

Sparkly Seeker

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                                            Bastian couldn't answer that question himself. Why did his eyes stray to Hector? It was maybe more curiosity than anything. But then he asked the question what did his boyfriend lack? Bastian mulled it over all the while enjoying Hector's advances. "It could be everything you listed....we do live far away from each other, he wants to wait to be intimate until marriage, he is a bit clingy." Bastian said looking ahead. He leaned his head back looking to Hector's face. "These timers are a joke." he said looking to where his was located. He smiled sadly, "Ruining lives....you don't want a relationship period. What do we do now?" he asked.

                                            Bastian stood up and walked into the kitchen, pouring a glass of whiskey he took a drink of it. Bastian downed it pretty quickly before setting the glass down and looking around the dark room. He poured another and let out a quick sigh before bringing it back into the room. He looked to Hector, setting his whiskey down. He was about to open his mouth when his phone rang again. Bastian pulled it out and answered it, "Booty call Bastian, you order I deliver."
                                            "Bastian what the hell are you talking about?" he asked, it was his boyfriend. "And what the hell is this I hear about you having a naked guy in your room?" Bastian snickered at this comment looking to Hector. "He's not so naked anymore." Bastian chuckled before setting the phone down. His boyfriend was yelling at him over the phone how he was worthless and how he deserved to burn in hell yada yada yada. Bastian picked the phone up, "Are you done yet?" he asked.
                                            "That's it Bastian I can't do it anymore. We are done." Bastian's eyes went wide. This isn't what he wanted. He tried to open his mouth but nothing would come out.

                                            The line went dead noting that he had hung up. Tears fell from Bastian's eyes, even though he didn't know why. He was drunk and was sure he wouldn't remember this in the morning. Bastian downed the other glass of whiskey and sat down on the bed. "Sorry I just need a minute." he said running his hands over his face.

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Dr. Watari

Timid Lunatic

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° With - Gabe • Where - Going home ° Mood - Calm, relaxed...vodka? - . - • OOC -

                      ━━━ ━━━
                      Blue smiled as he listened to Gabe, nodding some to what he said. Ah, he couldn't wait to get home. Then he and Gabe-- and the animals of course, could just sit and watch the movie peacefully without everyone around. Maybe they could just have like a movie night, he couldn't see them doing anything else for the rest of the day, so it was a good idea.

                      What other movies did he have that they could watch? There were a few comedies he had, one or two dramas, some Disney movies (because Disney movies are awesome),then he had some horror movies. They could watch some of the horror ones, but if they watched them late then they were bound to keep him up at night. So maybe not horror... Maybe just one and then like three Disney movies. Yeah, that sounded good.

                      'Yeah, don't worry. We need popcorn for the spongeyness. u wu. I'll be fine, just as long as you don't take to much time.' He showed the other the message with a smile as he watched the other try to look back at him. He gave a small smile and typed up another message to show him. ' Gabe, you're going to hurt your neck if you keep doing that.' Blue gently grabbed the others face, turning it back forward.

                      Vodka? Why did Gabe need vodka? He pursed his lips and huffed some. 'If you're getting vodka, I want candy.'

                      ━━━ ━━━

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          l Maelyn l

Ziicruthz's Secret Admirer

Merry Gekko

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Jamie Phillips xxxxxxx

Staying in my play pretend
Where the fun ain't got no end
Can't go home alone again
Need someone to numb the pain

You're gone and i got to stay high
All the time

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club :: potential 'match' Raphael :: Seriously?

                                                          A narrowed gaze told the dark haired male to watch himself. He was verging on being sarcastic...and receiving a slap. But after careful analysis of the stranger, Jamie came to the conclusion that he was fairly harmless. He reminded Jamie of one of those children at school that always played the policeman and ratted on others to the teacher, getting a beating behind the bike shed for the trouble. No-one to worry about. Still, when the guy moved closer, Jamie shuffled to the very edge of his stool, just to make sure there was an appropriate distance between them. He'd had enough of pervy hands for one evening.

                                                          Jamie had hoped that his cold shoulder technique would give the guy the hint and he would move away, yet still he continued to stand there, bumbling on in a most annoying fashion. The blonde rested his head on his upturned palm and gave his best blank stare. Seriously, what did this guy want? He couldn't prove anything about the alley so if he was here to whine and preach about that he might as well give up now. He didn't look like the sort that asked for private dances... And then it struck Jamie as soon as he saw the matching device clasped to the other's wrist. Jamie blinked before his face broke into an amused smile. "That old thing?" He snorted a chuckle. "I think Cilla Black could do a better job at finding me a date than this junk." Did he actually believe all that marketing bull? Did he truly think a hunk of metal would be able to calculate out of the billions of people in the world which would be most compatible as a life mate? The whole idea was just too hilarious.

                                                          Jamie covered his giggle with the back of his hand. "Sorry Raphy, but I don't believe in all that crap. Do I look like potential soul mate material?" Please! His job alone would put most people off, let alone his f***ed-up personality and awful habits. "So, what were you planning on doing about our 'connection' anyway? Were you gonna ask me on a date or something?"

                                                          Thinking about it, Jamie couldn't even remember the last date he had been on. Most of his relationships had bulldozed past that phase, quickly getting to the juicy bit at the end. Perhaps that was one of many reasons why he was single; he rushed into things. That and the fact that he usually dated people that could help fuel his habit. It wasn't that he wanted to steal from them, but surely the partner should provide for the needs of their beloved and Jamie's need was simply a quick fix. He wasn't as high maintenance as some people. Glancing over at his 'match', Jamie's corrupt brain couldn't help but calculate how much he was worth. He didn't seem like the wealthy sort, but with his lofty airs he may have some cash spare. That thought brought about an instant change in Jamie and he swung one leg over the other and leaned seductively against the bar, a shy smile on his lips. "Were you going to ask me on a date?"

                                                          OOC :: I'm so so sorry...again! Work be kicking my butt right now... gonk


                                                          High ..all the time...
                                                          High ..all the time...

Adorable Bloodsucker

6,275 Points
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oh look a space holder hahahaha

xxxx--i'm not supposed to say this 'cause i know that you're trouble but...
                    I LOVE YOUxxxxI HATE YOUxxxxI LOVE YOUxxxxI HATE YOU
                    I LOVE YOUxxxxI HATE YOUxxxxI LOVE YOUxxxxI HATE YOU
                    xxxxxxxxxx I CAN'T KEEP MY HANDS OFF YOU
                    I LOVE YOUxxxxI HATE YOUxxxxI LOVE YOUxxxxI HATE YOU
                    I LOVE YOUxxxxI HATE YOUxxxxI LOVE YOUxxxxI HATE YOU
    { get back, get away 'cause this could get ugly. } xxx
    if you think that i'll let you go, you're out of your mind.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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                                                      'Now, you're just somebody that I used to know..'
                                                      The saying echoed in the tall blonde's head, the fact that the b*****d could even say those words to him where surprising. Of course, in the end the fight became the final words that had exchanged with each other before the jerk started to write that stupid blog about how much Jude sucked. At first it was just a stupid thing the guy continued to use against him and tried to get him to read, even emailing the blog link to his friends was pretty low. Still, what else bad could happen? Oh wait, the jerk had managed to drive the nail straight in as he took one of the kitten they had raised together. Of course, allowing your partner to name the cats snow and balls leaves you nothing with balls at the end. Life really wasn't all that bad, at least it was easy to get the bastards blog shut down before his father could get word of it and the very unprofessional things had had been doing with the run down intern. That was probably his longest lasting relationship seeing as how normally his relationships could never be in the open or within shot of a camera unless there was a girl hanging off his side and not an attractive male.

                                                      Jude sat up as he realized that sleep would probably be harder to reach with all the thinking he was doing, plus a favorite fur ball had joined him on the bed as the white/grey fluff started to come towards him before hitting his mouth with his paw as it stared at him. "Balls, you are the weirdest ******** pet I've ever met." The mute cat had a skill at communicating with Jude, instead of the normal meows and hiss. This fur ball would just hit whatever it wanted with it's paw and after a enough times Jude would figure out what it meant. The blonde male picked up the cat as he carried it into the kitchen and placed him on the floor before going to get him a food can. His morning was pretty much always this way, he'd feed his cat and then himself. After that a run would take place and then finally he'd shower and get ready for work. It was the same old thing every day of every month of every year. Of course, sometimes there would be changes and he'd indulge in a little morning bedroom brawling and a rather heated showered with the same player two but after the latest break up it seemed he would be back to just the normal route.

                                                      Once things were ready and his suit was on, Jude went down stairs to turn on his radio for the cat while he was work, why he did it he wasn't really sure. Maybe he thought the cat was as lonely as he was since it's twin was now somewhere else with his ex. It was a shame his ex took the cat from the pair they were more playful when they were both together. Oh well. Jude grabbed his keys before exiting out though his garage as he started up his car with a simple button on the keychain. Once he grabbed a quick coffee from his garage fridge he got in his car and headed off to work, pleased that the ice coffee wasn't all that bad. The theme of the day seemed to be annoyance, not only did he get in a drunken fight with his ex last night but he was also having to deal with his father this morning. The man had forced him to get a stupid Timer a couple months before, only a few days before he started dating his ex. Seemed the timer might be on to something, at least the numbers that counted down better have a closer 'soul mate' for him since his picks seemed to be the wrong ones.

                                                      "Jude.. You really shouldn't stay out at night. I heard from Amanda that she wasn't invited." "Nope. I'm done with her and those damn kids that she keeps bringing into my house." "Now Jude, you know that she is the daughter of one of my-- our finest clients." "Then stop forcing them on me, if you want me to date someone then let me pick them out for once in life." "I've seen what happens when you pick your-- partners." Jude rolled his eyes as he went to pick up the folders that held applications for a marketing internship. The open spot would allow only three students or adults to work from nine to nine and post the new deals and keep track of stock numbers. It was an unpaid internship however, they would get a recommendation to any job they applied for and with Jude's last name that was just as good as a paycheck. "Jude. You need to stop playing around and work on settling down and starting a family. This is why I got you that Timer." "Yeah, and great luck that has been.. Hasn't it?!" "You just need to meet more people and I'm sure you'll find her. What are you doing for the party tonight?" "I've hired entertainment, some are street performers but some of them are pretty good."

                                                      "You're letting the street rats attend?" "Father. This is my event, if you wish to be uninvited I can strike your name off at any given moment." "Fine. Due as you wish, however I'd watch that tongue of yours." Jude didn't really stay much longer as he started off down the hall to find his assistant and get her to fetch the parties plans. He was suppose to be interviewing interns but the party was clouding his mind a bit more. He had hired street performers but he also hired a dance class from one of the city's best dance schools. He would make sure the street performers were well dressed and if a scene did happen then he would just call the cops and not pay them. It was a simple way to handle things, but he was curious about the performers he had seen once when walking from work. He wasn't the type to just stand on the side of the road and watch things so instead he'd bring the performance to him. Jude fell into his normal route at work as he made sure the party was dealt with and he had spoken to a few interns still none of them really interested him to have around his office asking him questions every day.

                                                      Lunch, came and went with yet another successful deal coming to a close as he drank with another father who, of course, brought his daughter because of Jude's father. The girl was pretty much like most of the ones his father tried to set him up with, she had perfect coloured hair and a flawless tan. She spoke with a slight british accent and even talked about a few that they did share in interest. The dinner ended with her getting an invite to the party, like Jude's father expected him to do. Jude's favorite part of the day was now happening, his office door was lock and he had a headset on as he listened to one of his mother's old musicals. The party would be happening soon, but for now Jude could just relax.

                                                      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjude rhys høiland

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                          dontcry 「WITH」; His Father & Business Partner > Solo
                          dontcry「WHERE」; His Office
                          dontcry「THOUGHTS」; The night should good well...

                          OOC ; crappy post :c sorry! I wasn't too sure where to start.


Adorable Bloodsucker

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let me know that i've done wrong
when i've known this all along

i'll go around a time or two
just to waste my time with you

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

                                                        Toru really had not expected Alastair to even know about the kiss he had forced on him in the lazor room but from the moment he actually looked at Al and saw the look in his eyes he almost wanted to just hit himself for being so dull. However, when a dry laugh came after Al talked about the score not mattering then Toru became confused as to why the other wasn't acting normal. The talk that came got him scared, of what he couldn't be sure of. Maybe he was scared of what Alastair was about to say and that maybe those three words would leave his lips and then Toru wouldn't have an idea what to say nor do. After a quick silence Al spoke again only the words that came where those three words, the words that Toru was sure never come from the long term friend. There was nothing but pure silence and the ringing in Toru's ears as he tried to say something, anything really. But before his mind could even make sense of the words Al was leaving.

                                                        'Just act as if I never existed..' What the ******** kind of saying was that?! There was no way that Al could just become a stranger to him, what was he suppose to do if he ever ran into him?! No! This wasn't fair he needed to explain himself, to say those same three words that Alastair had but even his legs were stiff as he tried. In the end, Toru kind of collapsed all at once. Just as soon as one of the attendants touched his shoulder, Toru took off towards the door and ran. He ran the entire way, his breathing was heavy and his heart was almost beating outside his chest but he had too much to say to just walk. Once Toru got to the street that him and Alastair had lived on for so long now he ran up to the others door as he started to knock. He would talk, he was spill it all. If Alastair wanted the truth then Toru would just tell him how he'd watch him undress and how he'd key the cars of the jerks he'd date when they ended up hurting him. He was confess his crush even if it broke him he would say it, hell scream it until Alastair listened. He waited for the door open before looking at the other with a determined look.

                                                        The words didn't come as he tried to talk but instead went with the first thing that came to his mind. Toru went to grab Al's shirt as he pushed his way inside and then pushed Alastair against the shut front door before forcing another kiss on him. It lasted just long enough for Toru to build his confidence before breaking the kiss. "You're such an idiot." He said, locking his lips once more as he fingers went to take Alastairs' wrist before finally taking a step back as he looked at Al's timer. "I got the timer because I've been crushing on you since you first talked to me with that damn accent. It wasn't suppose to play out like this." Toru's eyes went to the floor as he tried to keep his voice from shaking.

                                                        Even if he wanted he couldn't get those three words to leave his lips so instead he shut down and just waited to see if Alastair would slap him. He deserved it in the end, he had been kind of a jerk to Alastair but what else was he suppose to do when some stupid machine tell him that he was right about how he felt towards Al. Toru rubbed the back of his head as he tried to speak again, taking a breath to keep his voice from shaking. "You'll always exist to me, so don't ever tell me to forget you. I don't care you hate me right now but you're not allowed to just leave me." At those words, Toru kept quiet after. He waited to see if Al would talk to him or just make him leave. In the end, at least Toru wouldn't allow him to leave him completely.

                                                        - - ★ OutOfChalk; Silly Al, you can't just leave after saying that. ;p


Adorable Bloodsucker

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place holder what what

                          ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

                                I FEEL SOMETHING SO RIGHT BY DOING THE WRONG THING
                                I COULDN'T LIE, COULDN'T LIE, COULDN'T LIE
                                EVERYTHING THAT KILLS MExx MAKES ME FEEL ALIVE

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Another place holder what what

                                                              It had been almost a week, or had been week. Odd wasn't even sure what day it was at the current moment. The fight with Myung-Dae had gotten on his nerves, sure he did care about the kid but could he really say he 'loved' him? It was too hard to explain really, no he didn't like the idea of his supposed 'soul mate' to be so young and to be a student was just something he never thought would happen. In a way, he felt that it was a curse on his family. His father had been into younger girls, much younger and now Odd's timer goes and tell him that he's destined to be with someone who's young and a male? Oh lady luck was throwing him for a spin. Still, in a way yeah he did like the kid. He liked his spirit that he normally saw before that drunken fit that happened during the whole timer surprise, of course the older brother in him wanted to beat the s**t out of the 'friend' that drugged him but it was better that he probably didn't make friends with one his students friends. Odd was pulled from his thoughts as Jess came up and draped her arms on Odd's shoulders.

                                                              "Oddy! Come on please please go out with me~" "Are you going to get me beat up again?" "I promise I won't! Plus, I'll give you double~" Odd rolled his eyes before he held out his hand as two medical bottles were dropped in his hand before he stood up and started off towards his room. "Fine. But can you choose someone besides the bouncer? I'd like my face to stay the way it looks." It didn't take long for Odd to get ready as he showered and popped two pills before getting dressed. Jess went out in her normal clothes that she wore to a club, a very skinny dress with heels and some perfume that smelt like roses. At first they just bar hopped as Jess tried to find her date for the night, Odd pulled off the douchebag look by putting on sunglasses before going in with her. Once Jess found her mark, the normal break a glass and push her down scene played out. Jess was 'rescued' by the guy she had been flirting with and Odd was once again thrown out, at least this time he was a little tipsy so it wouldn't be hard to find something fun to do.

                                                              Odd ditched the sunglasses as he made his way to another bar, an attractive woman going to challenge him to a drinking game before they both decided to head out for food from the market. By this time three more pills were down and Odd was pulled into the market with the drunken lush, they made out a bit but as discussed that all that would happen. The girl wasn't up for nothing more than a good story for her friends tomorrow, leaving with him just made the story far more interesting. Odd didn't mind, in fact he liked the idea of not being on his own for once. They wondered the store before finally getting a meal from the deli as the girl pulled him to sit next to her in the booth. There was a bit of flirting and in the end the girl went on to tell him about her jerk boyfriend and how she should have dated younger. At some point the girl got a text and went off to meet up with her friends at bar, getting Odd to rough up her hair before she went as she took his sunglasses from his jacket pocket.

                                                              Odd got her number and started his own wounder through the market as he grabbed a six pack before grabbing some fruit as he made his way to the stand to check out. Of course, he wasn't really expecting to bump into someone much less the person that he bumped into. He went to pick up the container of fruit that had fallen to the floor as he grabbed the other persons items that had fallen before offering them back. "Hey, I'm sorry about that. I should probably keep my eyes--" His speech paused as he finally looked at who he had bumped into. At first, he wanted to just run off but that wasn't the mature thing to do. He just hoped that Dae wouldn't notice the scar on his wrist just yet, it probably play out much better if he could tell the other and not have it discovered. "Myung-Dae. I'm glad to see you're still alive and well." He said, using his best act of small talk that he could before trying to cover his wrist with the container of fruit he had been holding.

where: ; Bars > Market with: ; Solo > Dae
ooc;; oh the awkward meeting after a fight :3
x xxxxѺDDxxxx TΗѺϺΛϩxxxxxxxxxxx

Nightmares Of Lament
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-- Gaerik -- Arcade -- Annoyed --

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      xx‘Maybe this goddamn rain was actually good for something after all,’ thought the damp gambler as he headed down one of the main streets. For once, the busy downtown sidewalks weren’t crawling with a ton of ******** morons that only knew how to walk at a snail’s pace. This made Hunter extremely happy, since he normally hated his daily fights with the crowded paths. Not that he was an impatient person. Hunter just loathed moving slower than molasses, especially when it was raining. Then again, who in their right mind would enjoy walking like some kind of damn zombie for twelve blocks? Luckily, for him, he didn’t have a great distance to travel from Dorian’s apartment to the popular arcade.

      xxAbout ten minutes into his walk, Hunter heard the familiar chirping sound of his phone receiving a brand new text message. Though the noise was annoying, the gambler was always happy to hear the little chime. And that was because he desperately relied on his contacts keeping him informed whether or not they’ve seen Lorcán around town. After all, the last thing he really wanted was to run into the damn p***k unexpectedly. Moving under the nearest awning, Hunter quickly whipped out his shitty phone, unlocked it, and checked the newest message. “That impatient b***h,” he snorted. Gaerik honestly needed to learn some goddamn patients. Nothing ever good came from being impatient or at least that was what the gambler knew.

      User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.xxHunter turned his mobile sideways thus pulling up the full-size keyboard. His thumbs feverously went to work typing out Hunter’s short reply, which he had to fix thanks to the damn autocorrect. He ended his reply with a playful winking emoticon just to add some humor to it. After pressing the send button, the twenty-one year old returned his beat up device to his pocket and stepped out from underneath the store awning.

      xxThe rest of his commute didn’t take him very long, and soon enough Hunter was standing in front of the brightly lit building. Looking inside, he could already see his sugar daddy sitting at one of their usual racing games, which made the gambler grin. Just maybe he’d have to make Gaerik play a game or two with him before heading out to have some real fun. He pulled the glass door open, and headed into the noisy black light playground. As usual, the place was filled with several snot nosed brats that were bouncing off the damn walls. ‘Oh, the joys of youth,’ he mused while walking over to the lazy looking Spaniard. “Excuse me sir,” Hunter started in a nasally tone, “you’re not allowed to put your nasty a** feet on the games.” Hunter laughed and flopped down into the empty driver’s seat next to him.

      xxHe leaned over and jokingly rested his head against Gaerik’s shoulder. “So papi, did you miss…,” he started to ask before being rudely interrupted by an irritating boy. “Hey old farts! I wanna play this game,” he shouted while vigorously shaking his cup of tokens at the pair as if it would magically make them vacate the chairs. Hunter turned his head back towards the beastly bugger and gave him an unimpressed look. “Tough s**t kid, we were here first. Why don’t you take your fat a** over to the snack bar and stuff your face until your diabetes kick in?” Immediately a smug grin pulled on his lips upon seeing tears well up in the brat’s eyes. “I-I-I’m telling on you!” And with that, the kid ran off to nark on them to the manager. “Damn kid, I guess we better get the hell out of here before I end up getting banned.” The gambler slipped out of the driver’s chair and nodded towards the door.
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Toxic Fatcat

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█ ℒove █ Stops █ ℍere █ ℳy █ Ⓓear █ ❤



Hector came back to his sense which was easy when you think about the type of male he was dealing with. Though, he had a prince like face he seemed rather unsure of himself. Maybe he was to young. That could be it but, they looked about the same age so, he figured that from what he was getting the boy was very inexperience with love which was why he was swaying so easily. Being away from your lover when your still just a fresh in the water did horrible things to relationships and people. He was no help to this and he’d seen it to many times to count. “Nothing. I will never love you or need you like this lover of yours. I will be a flower of the night and by morning I will be gone. Usually that’s how it works with me.” Hector smiled but, as the same seemed to further question himself Hector became sure that he was making the wrong choice and backing off on him was seeming more and more like a well thought out plan. He was trouble.

The phone call peaked his interest but, the smell of alcohol made him questionable as he listened in and his lips upturned. Is he some sort of idiot? If he was looking for someone to lick his would Hector would not be the one. He had not told this idiot to drown his questionable feelings in liquor nor did he ask him to ruin his relationship. He was a fool and he deserved this. “Your fine. I’ll take the couch for the night. Rest your head; you’ve got problems of your own to handle in the morning whether you remember it or not. I am not your lover that male on the phone was….” Hector yawned taking blanket laying around heading out into the living room to get some rest. He was tired and though he didn’t like sleeping alone he would not room with Bastian. He would end his playful advances so, that he would to look himself in the mirror and feel as if he’d not just cost this boy his lover. He’d gone to far this time and it left a nasty taste in his mouth.

Still, the fact remained he would never date or fall in love with this male. He could not love…


❝Some call me a playboy but, I would like to believe I've mastered the game already.❞


Grey_skye's Queen

Sparkly Seeker

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                                            Bastian laid his head down like Hector had suggested. The conversation he had with his boyfriend had been a long time coming. They had decided that if either of them had met their timer mate then it would end between them. Bastian didn't want to let Aiden know the truth. He had met Hector one other time and now this today. The way he saw it God was punishing him for getting a timer in the first place. Hector wasn't boyfriend material and you just didn't change people like that. He would rather have Aiden believe that he cheated on him than to know the truth. The boy knew it would crush him always wondering what if.

                                            Bastian got out of bed and walked to the balcony of his apartment. He sat down and lit a cigarette. He had decided to quit long ago but after tonight he would need to start up again. Bastian stared at the city lights and took a puff, "Happy birthday Bastian. You lived another year." he scoffed before finishing the cigarette. He walked back inside, unable to sleep, and started to study. He should have been a actor because the performance he just gave was brilliant. Bastian walked into the living room, "Hector, you can have the bed. I'm not sleeping tonight." he was one hundred percent sober. "And I'm not drunk. Aiden and I made a promise that we'd be together as long as we didn't find our partners....I didn't want him to know the truth and wonder what if all his life, he's that type of person, so I lied. I acted like an a** so he could move on." he smiled sadly.

                                            Bastian walked to his desk and began typing away. He already worked a bit at the gaming company, learning alot of things about the company and his new role soon. He wiped his eyes every few seconds to make them unblurry.

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Dr. Watari

Toxic Fatcat

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                                                  Alistair hurried thru the streets. He wasn’t sure where he was going as he bumped and tumbled around but, he had to do something or he’d… no he was already losing his mind. He’d gone to far telling Toru to let him go. What was he thinking! Alistair turned the corner and instantly knew after half an hour he’s managed to run or walk home. Clearing his throat he stormed in leaving the door unlocked and cracked. Just as he made his way up the stairs he stopped locking back to the door. “s**t.” He ruffled his hair and turned making his way down the stairs and just as he grabbed it Toru came busting in. He felt like he’d been frozen in place looking at him; he wasn’t ready for this yet. “To-” Alistair turned red. He was actually kissing him; not in the dark or by accident. It was real! No, No, No… Get your head together! Alistair pulled away as much as he could.

                                                  “Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. I don’t want to hear it anymore. I’m tired of the pain. Its killing me inside.” Alistair pulled back; at this point the could no longer contain the tears streaming down his face. God, how much of a mess he looked he dared not to find out. He was so happy right now he could scream but, he was so angry at the moment that he wanted to break him within an inch of his life. He felt like to toy yet, he felt so very much loved. Had his emotions ever once been so twisted up by any one person. No, usually he felt like he could break it off at any point; he’d been with so many abusive guys it was normal after all. Toru was none of them and he knew it; he could be special at times and very heartless but, he was a good guy. Someone who wouldn’t make him hurt again.

                                                  “Why now!? Why when I’m finally ready to give up on you.” Alistair clenched his hand into a fist grabbing Toru roughly throwing him roughly. Tightening his hand on his shoulders he trembled in fear. “I don’t.” Alistair pulled his right hand back wiping the tears away. “I don’t want to lose you…” Alistair’s voice trembled, caressing the sides of Toru’s face tangling his fingers in that beautiful colored hair. He was falling so hard he couldn’t stop himself or maybe he was falling even father then he had before. “I love you. I love you. Please, Please… Say you love me too.” Alistair rested his head against Toru’s before slowly pecking his lips and slipping into a deeper kiss. God, I want him just to say he loves me too. Please, love me back. He could feel the tears welling up again already. Pulling away he waited impatiently.

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