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Shy Phantom

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He supposed his mood must have been showing on his face, as it often did. "Do not let what has happened in the past trouble you more. It will just keep you there. The color black is symbolized for mourn simply because we think it. Let this color represent happiness in your mind, then you can have no more worries." Jorg advised, placing a comforting hand upon Shen's shoulder. He was right. The color black did not need to represent sadness to him. He could just imagine his younger brother scowling at him with an adorable pouty expression and smacking him upside the head for being 'mopey' over him. Indeed, Shen's overly soft disposition had always managed to upset his younger sibling. Reaching up and giving the hand on his shoulder a soft squeeze, Shen's smile became a bit more genuine. "Thank you my friend."

Seeming to take that as the end of that conversation, Jorg turned back to helping Shen with his shopping. Without much difficulty, he found another outfit. At first glance it seemed a bit plain, but the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. Running his fingers over the material he found it to be much softer than he'd thought. It was not a fabric that he immediately recognized, but it felt good against his skin. "Yes, I believe this outfit would be splendid. And I see that you found something for yourself as well." Shen commented, nodding to the green cape Jorg had thrown over his shoulder. "It is truly a beautiful find. Shall we proceed to the checkout?"

Once they'd paid the cashier for their purchases and made their way out of the store, Shen turned to Jorg with a grateful look. "I thank you for you company and you assistance. I'm afraid I must cut our interactions short for now, however, as I really must get going. I need to get these seeds planted and start them growing. Our dear nurse, Roana, requires their buds and roots for several medications and I would so hate to keep her waiting. She would have some choice words for me, I'm sure." He laughed. He supposed he was putting it a bit mildly in regards to the dear nurse. He knew her heart was in the right place, but she could have a fiery temper at times that Shen seemed to trigger more often than not.

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Where am I? Inside the Mall of Everything, though getting ready to leave.
Who's that? Jorg
My feelings? This trip was more pleasant than expected.


Jetfury's Kouhai

Battle-ready Spark

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The more she looked at store windows, the more she was actually debating shopping. The mood just still wasn't quite right for Rena. However thoughts of shopping as she stared absently into one of the store fronts were lost from her mind as she felt something hit her cheek, almost like a small slap, eliciting a small noise from her in response to the surprise. Without feeling it fall or move prompted the girl to reach a hand up to where the impact had been, carefully going to remove the cause of it. What she saw in her hand after that though surprised her. It was Setsuna, she'd recognize him easily after yesterday. But he was so...tiny? Yesterday he'd been people sized but now, not so much. And he was definitely unconscious from what had just happened. Scrunching her brow in a form of confusion she tried to make some sense of this development.

Gently she'd handle the boy who had been instrumental in keeping her alive before, only being pulled from her musings as she heard a girl speak up and approach, taking Setsuna from her and chastising him. Apparently this wasn't something new to the girl, but it still felt rather confusing to Rena. Pulling out her note pad and pen she quickly scribbled out a response. I'm fine but I don't think Setsuna is. Still staring at the boy that had hit her in the cheek Rena couldn't help but worry. At how the impact had felt to her it had to be a hundred times worse for him, going so far as to knock him out. Before she could ask to help make sure he was okay though, Rena heard another's voice, this one thick with a Russian accent. As he called her out on being melancholy the silent girl's face fell, knowing she'd made it pretty obvious. They didn't need to worry about her though. Heck, he didn't even know her. Ripping off the previous post-it note she let it fall to the ground as she wrote hastily onto a clean sheet for him. It's nothing really...just yesterday is still on my mind. No worries! As if to prove her point to the boy with the accent she would force a smile. Rena didn't really want to make others worry or anything about her.

Of course luck would have it that it was right at that point where Rena would feel something cold and wet on her top and hair. Letting out another small noise she quickly covered her mouth, praying that the other two didn't hear it over a new voice, distinctively the cause of said wetness by her word choice: "Oh...frick! I'm sorry!" Without giving either of them a chance to comment over her having written responses while obviously being capable of some forms of noise Rena would glance towards the source of whatever had splashed her. She couldn't even begin to be mad, it was clear the girl was distraught and covered in some sort of food or drink. 'Smoothie?' Holding up a single finger to the Russian boy and the girl who was holding the unconscious Setsuna to give her a moment, Rena would leave their sides to approach the distraught girl, quick to get ready with another message. This felt like something that should probably be a priority, despite a rather tiny boy having just crashed into her cheek moments before. Reaching the redhead before she could reach the bathroom she would hold out a note for this particularly upset stranger to read. It'll clean up, don't worry. Are you okay though? She hadn't even gone around to looking straight at the girl yet, it had been more of a task than anticipated to just catch up with her. As such any physical scars or emotional baggage were missed, not that it mattered to her as she carried her fair share of feelings.

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Handwritten 'speech'

Current Location: Mall
Who I'm With: A girl, a boy, a tiny Setsuna and another girl who just got smoothie on her.
What I'm Wearing?: Something simple~
Thoughts: I hope things are alright...it's just smoothie.

O.o.C.: I curse my work schedule some days when it comes to online productivity. Next time I'm at work and it's my turn I'll try to bust it out on the tablet in serious downtime I swear to goodness D:



Little Miss Opinionated

Shy Phantom

18,050 Points
  • Nudist Colony 200
  • Object of Affection 150
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+ + Roana Black + +

She kept quiet through Duncan's little mental breakdown right before he left. She could tell he was just a few steps shy of a full blown bawling session, but he was holding it in check surprisingly well. She would give him some points for that. She couldn't very well blame him for being this upset over his cute little sister though. Perhaps she should try to be a little kinder to the man. He had so much on his plate right now in addition to his sister being hurt... Roana decided that, out of a bit of respect for Duncan for trying to keep his s**t together when everything was trying to bring him down, she would try to be a bit nicer to the very next guy who talked to her. Sure, she probably should have directed that kindness at the man himself, but who knew when she'd see him again? She didn't want to be holding on to this resolve all day. "I'm such a good person. Really, I should get a medal or something, don't you think, Albi?" She spoke aloud to the small white snake twined in her hair. The small reptile only shifted a little n response, it's tongue flicking against her ear. Obviously, Albi agreed with her.

"You know what? Such a good person as I should not be stuck working all day in her office. There's nothing else to do until Shen gets me those plants anyway, so why don't we go for a walk? Get a coffee or something? You could even crawl around in the grass a bit, Albi. That sound good?" Not expecting nor receiving a response from the snake, Roana collected her purse and threw on a light coat before making her way out of her office. The students who were out cold on her beds wouldn't likely wake up any time soon, but if they did then they could just find their own way out. Roana made a quick journey to the cafeteria and got her small coffee and a muffin before heading out to the courtyard. She was greeted by a few of the female students as she walked, but was mostly avoided by the male students. It was shaping up to be a pretty normal day.

There was a small bench that she liked to sit upon on occasion. It was under a nice little tree in the courtyard. During the spring that tree had some really pretty white flowers that filled it's branches, but at this time of year it was mostly just covered in greenery. It provided just enough shade to make it a comfortable sitting spot. Sitting on said bench she set her meager breakfast to the side and collected Albi from her hair to place him on the ground. It was good for the small snake to stretch out now and then. She kept an eye on him as he slithered about, flicking his toungue at the occasional insect. "Don't go eating any crickets, Albi. It'll spoil your appetite." She joked. She like to imagine he understood her, though she knew he probably didn't. There were times, however, when he acted far more intelligent than any snake had a right to be. As he acquainted himself with the world of grass and insects, she sipped at her coffee and nibbled on her muffin. It was looking to be a pretty day as far as the weather went as well, with a bright sun and clear sky. So much better than the day before. So far at least. Who knew what could happen at any given moment at this school.

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The Location: The courtyard on my favorite bench.
The Patient: Just Albi
The Diagnosis: Warming up and feeling optimistic.
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Setsuna's HP: { ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ }
Other Info:
Current location:Mall

"Aren't cheeks suppose to be soft and warm..." He grumbled as he sat up in Gia's hand. He touched his own cheeks to make sure, noticing that he was out in the open with giants all around staring at him. "Damn it..." He muttered under his breath. His secret was out there and there were too many people looking at him for him to silence. That wasn't the only thing he noticed. Gia's hand seemed a lot bigger than before. His heart started to race again and his anxieties were acting up. He guessed he dwindled down to just under 2cm tall.

"That was impressive! You almost made it out until that girl stopped you." A familiar voice said from behind him. He quickly turned to find the cloaked man once again, who was the same height as him. He looked around and noticed that Time seemed to have stopped. "Ever since I met you, these symptoms have been getting worse. Who are you and why are you doing this?" The clocked figure stopped moving and slowly a laugh erupted from under his hood. "I've done nothing to you! Can you blame a bystander for a your own farts? It's just your body rejecting its existence in this world. I can't tell you everything now can I? It would ruin the drama." The cloaked figure said as he paced around Setsuna. "My life isn't some sort of play!" He said angrily. The Cloaked man stopped and bent down in front of Setsuna. "You were born like this and this is a pre-set destiny you're going through. It's up to you to see that your play isn't a tragedy." He the flicked Setsuna on the forehead.

A sharp headache run through Setsuna head as he suddenly fell back in Gia's hand, fainting.
The stress seemed to have been too much for him.

Below is Setsuna over all story arc plans:

* The Cloaked figure is Setsuna's id, a physical manifestation of a part of his mind. He doesn't really exist. Id appears when Setsuna is extremely stressed and tries to calm him down as well as slowly reveal certain things he blocked out as a kid.

* Setsuna isn't a fairy, but a lesser being that was adopted into a fairy family. Because he's a lesser being, his body has very negative effects when he tries to change his size. His dwindle state is his body essentially devolving.

* The cure to all this is actually him accepting his fate. He'll devolve to a primary point and slowly realize what he really is. After he reaches self-awareness, he might be able to use an altered version of size change magic. Typical size change magic will let him grow to fairy size. The altered version won't make him grow, but instead a body will be created around him.

Or I can do a Disney thing and have it so that only true love can break his curse. xd
This is the only part I'm super iffy about.

* Over all, I'd want my character to explore the meaning of existence. Some of this might actually change over time, but the first 2 points will stay relatively the same.

((OOC: Sorry for the weak post...Will post better next round.))





Little Miss Opinionated

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12,675 Points
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  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
  • Clambake 200
♔. Eiko Minami

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A large gust of wind blew through the forest for a couple of seconds rustling a few bushes violently, then remained at stasis as it was once before. Within a second or two, a large pillar of soil erupted from the ground and Eiko had had calmly walked out of it as the front wall had crumbled before her. "Thank you..." She said stepping out the soil case under her breath, while dragging her carry-on luggage. As she had stepped out the pillar, it had shattered and slithered away into the bed of grass nearby the path into the forest. "To another experience being here.." she commented to herself. She was never a big fan of grand entries infront of people, it attracted more attention than she ever needed. So she had always travelled airborne or at least underground until she made it a couple meters away from the school itself. At that point then, she would begin walking on feet. A little exercise wouldn't bother her at all, especially when she was practically being carried her whole way across.

As she made her way around the path within the forest to get to her destination, it was too evident that almost no one enters it. Perhaps the occasional new student that is coming on arrival, or a lost traveller, but other than so, practically no one. She couldn't help but bend down for a brief second to touch the soil, to see how "fresh" it was. Rubbing the few bits left between her fingers and her thumb, she stood up looking behind her. The tall trees of the forest were clouding her vision. By assumption, like any other school, she assumed that the school was isolated off by an outer ring of mountains into its own little district. Eiko tightened her grip on the handle of her carry-on, and continued walking towards the school.

Within no time at all, she was at the front of the school, or at least that was what she thought was the front. Looking up before her, she had seen that the school was enclosed by tall walls. So she had made her way around until she had seen a small opening at the north east corner. Before entering the school, Eiko took a minute to take a breath and bring herself to reality of being at a new school. She also bowed her head slightly at the front closed gates of the school with her eyes closed, and exhaling that held breath. After self-preparation she tossed her carry-on over the closed gate and managed to slip through the thin bars of it. Picking up her carry-on which landed flat on the ground, she started taking her steps on the school grounds "Magnificent.." Her intentions were to check in with the Dean and see if she could get any background information on what has been happening lately, but got side tracked looking at the layout of the school. Eiko was entering from the northeast side of the school, so she had the fountain in view.

As she continued walking in the courtyard with her carry-on in hand, she began to touch the physical aspects of the school so that she could keep mental notes to herself. Reaching towards the outer ledge of the fountain, she had dipped her left index finger into the water. It was not too cold or too warm, it gave off that refreshing feeling that made her tingle inside a bit. Wanting to continue her walk, she rubbed her hands toogether to somewhat dry her finger. Eiko gripped her carry-on once more as she began to walk at the slow pace that she does. Before her, a tree and what seemed like a bench behind it appeared before her. There was no rush at all to what she had to get done on the first day that she arrived. As the day was still young, she took a chance to sit and relax in the atmosphere of the new school. Though on arrival to the front of the bench, she had noticed that it was being somewhat occupied by a user. A lady just staring blankly infront of her, possibly towards the ground, with a cup of coffee and muffin in hand. Eiko felt that she wanted to leave, but she couldn't, especially since she was now in this lady's peripheral line of vision. "Excuse me? I don't mean to intrude, but I was wondering if anyone is sitting here?" She asked with a small smile creeping up on her face. "If not, would you mind if I take a seat?"

Location: The Courtyard
Company: A small lady
OOC: First entry post! I hope it's alright.

Kitsu Maxwell

Aged Member

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                  instermassivhereWhat the [********]? That was the look he got in return to his introduction. That was the last look he expected to get from someone this early on in the day. For the first time in a year, Zane thought back on every word he'd just said. His fingertips went cold, literally. Was it his name? 'Vailgeth' wasn't too hard to say, was it? Most previous experiences at schools didn't end up in adamant confusion until they found out he was a day-walking vampire! By the time he got to worrying about his words, Duncan seemed to have moved on...and forward. Good riddance. Self-consciousness wasn't a pleasant emotion.

                  Duncan grasped Zane's forearm instead of his hand, and that caught him off guard, but the redhead's grip was firm, and he liked that. He liked the change; it meant Duncan was different. He was most likely taught a certain way and he appreciated it. All these years and his roots and respects were what kept the man going. He couldn't help but smile when he looked up to meet Duncan's eyes again when he began to speak again.

                  Dean's Assistant, huh? The things this dean could be having this poor boy do in a school full of the god's know what. Hopefully the Dean didn't have him doing menial busywork. Getting treated like an fresh intern was never fun.

                  "...feel like I'll fall right the heck over if I don't get me a cup of joe and a bagel." Now that was an idea to start with. Zane was getting a bit hungry himself, and solid food sounded wonderful. He might even find seafood of some sort. Just the idea made the inside of his mouth water.

                  "I think a bite to eat first sounds good," he said, ignoring the fact that his stomach might've just growled loud enough for someone to hear. "I've had a long trip and could use some food too, and I'm sure a tour could wait until you've had time to regroup," he rolled the sleeves down on his jacket, then stuck his hands into it's pockets. "I'm sure you'd know better, where are the best places to eat here?"

                  Where: Dorms: Third floor
                  With: Duncan
                  Wearing: Outfit

                  Little Miss Opinionated

Perfect Loiterer

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                                                It was a blessing from the gods! A new face in the shop that she had JUST walked out from with her power armor. It was a shame that nobody viewed Sergio as an actual friend, because he was a pretty down to Earth man, maybe they're all just stupid, or soft. "I fink they're just fokken, stupid, jaa?" Lysandra spoke quickly with a monotone voice as she stared at the male who shared her hair color. He seemed like a nice enough man, her spirits were back to their "I'm glad we all didn't die a horrible death" level, and she was looking good~! She found herself strolling into the store, grabbing Sergio's hand as she was going to introduce them both to this new male, who appeared to like weapons and combat as much as she did. Lysandra scooted over with the casual composure of a startled hen, and with a smile, she tapped the shoulder of the man to get his attention for a moment. "Hiiii" she spoke with a slight accent "My name is Lysandra n' this is Sergio. We...er..wanna know if ya wanna hang fer a bit, ya know, since yesterday was all..er..fokked up." Her bright pink colored eyes looked to the new with excitement and happiness, almost as if she was about to pull in both Sergio and this man for a hug. In fact she was trying to find a reason why she shouldn't!

                                                "Ya gonna go t' tha dance? I was hopin' we'd find enough people ta hang wiff, so we won't have ta, n' we can just 'ave fun n' not feel..uh..weird without dates n' shits." She was trying her hardest not to come off as confusing and need subtitles or something, because she naturally speaks fast. "Well, ah...wos' your name an' where ya from? I'm from Souf Africa n' Sergio is from...Mexico!" Lysandra wanted to find a way to say "let's go singin'!" without it coming off as incredibly sudden and weird, especially since it was akin to asking somebody out, which wasn't really new, but it just felt strange. She brushed her hair out of her face and smiled, waiting for his response as she inspected the items that he was taking a liking to. She placed her power armor case on the floor and used it as a makeshift seat since she didn't feel like standing for too long, and if they were going to be in the weapons store for a bit, then one might as well be having a seat.

                                                She wondered just exactly how many people she wanted to join her in this little party, if it weren't for the whole night, then at least up until the dance. The sun was still shining and they had about eight hours until nightfall, which meant plenty of time to ******** around and have fun. She was pretty sure that if they were going to hang at some place for a long enough time there would be plenty of food and alcohol or drinks that she'd be paying for, otherwise she'd be a terrible hostess. A whole day of singing, eating, drinking, nice conversation, and handsome men (she wasn't going to try and date them yet of course, but they were nice to look at). She was hoping to gather a small singing squad of about three or four more people under her, so that they could just hang out without wearing fancy things like corsets and dresses, or really uncomfortable dress shoes or high heels. Seriously, was it really worth it? It certainly looks good in musicals, but it is actually very uncomfortable! Lysandra had already made up her mind about not going unless there was a very special condition met: she would be able to sing during the dance!

                                                Yes, this was her dream condition, to perform live, which always felt good! Lysandra had performed many times, but she hasn't done it at a dance before! Sure she was a lead singer in a band, but to perform in front of a bunch of people, and they were all swapping saliva to her wonderful, smooth and silky singing would be her, fourth dream! Of course that means she would have to put on something incredibly special and put on an explosive show for her audience, and around the final dance, the calamity would die down and the silky air of love would wash over the whole of the students, emanating from her calm singing voice. What a dream...a shame she wouldn't be able to know until she got there, but it would be awkward since she would need to bring another dress. While all of this thinking was going on in her head she was staring! Oh goodness, why now?! WHY NOW?! They had just met and...no, she had to keep her composure. Lysandra shook her head and uttered a quick "sorry" and looked off to the side for a moment. Then her final question came, the one that would make or break the arrangement, or not, she didn't really care, it was all good if it was a no. "Can ya sing..?"

                                                                    company Sergio!
                                                                    location THE MALL OF AWESOME
                                                                    chocolate venom

Shy Phantom

18,050 Points
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  • Object of Affection 150
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                                            ~~Handsome. Tender. Soft. Why do you look right through me, thinking 'No'?~~

                                            Thankfully, this lion knew what was needed in a situation like this. With a small movement he had Elly wrapped in a big, furry hug, pressing her against his wide chest. It took a moment, but slowly, Elly seemed to relax, wrapping her own arms around the lion to return the awkward hug. Luca finally relaxed a bit as he heard Elly apologizing. He knew she wasn't a scary person, really he did, but the way she'd held that mallet and the way the ice had begun to look so sharp in her pretty red hair... The feeling he'd gotten from her was similar to that of the monster cow from yesterday. Like she was willing to do anything to survive for even just one more second. He shuddered at the thought of it. Elly was Elly. She wasn't a monster.

                                            Seeming to be calmed down now, Elly stepped closer to him and Vincent. "I'm sorry, I guess I'm still just...on the offense from yesterday. I probably just need some coffee or food or something to wake my brain up to full alertness, y'know? I'm okay, though. I know he's just big and scary-looking. That was maybe the best hug I've ever gotten from a cat!" She joked with a small chuckle. It still seemed like she was a little tense, but definitely better than before. She put her hands on his arms and rubbed in a reassuring way with her chilly fingers. "I didn't mean to make you all upset and stuff, Luca. I'm okay though, alright? Pretty princess promise." He gave her the smile he knew she was hoping for, trying to banish every little bit of fear he'd been feeling a few moments ago.

                                            He knew now that she probably wasn't as ok as she kept trying to convince him that she was. He didn't know what he could do to help her though. Vincent had been with her yesterday. He probably knew better how to help Elly than Luca did. "I still need to get some stuff at the mall, so we'll catch up afterwards to get ready for the dance okay? And if I see Shaun or Addy I'll let them know you're alright, okay?"

                                            "Ok. I'll catch up with you in a little bit then. Try to have fun, ok? Dress shopping should always be fun!" He tried to shove some energy into his voice and maybe inject a bit of that energy into his friend before she was waling away.

                                            With a small sigh he turned back to the large white lion that he'd been so eager to meet. "I'm so sorry about that. Please forgive her. Yesterday was a really bad day. A lot of people died and many of us went through some really bad stuff. I don't know what she had to go through, since I wasn't with her, but it must have been pretty bad for her to get scary like that..." He said a bit sheepishly. Absentmindedly, he knelt to pick up his discarded headband from the grass, dusted it off a bit, then replaced it on his head to smooth back the hair that the lion had mussed with his impromptu bath. "By the way," He said as he suddenly realized he didn't know what to call his new friend, "what's your name? You have one don't you? It would be kinda strange if I just kept calling you 'Lion'."

    Outside next to the dorm building.- - - - - - - - Were am I?
    This big, pretty white lion. - - - - - - - Hello Person!
    That was an unpleasant experience. Time to try to reset. - - So much on my mind.
    ~Looking fresh and ready for a new day!~

    Little Miss Opinionated
    Solana Shadow Plauge

Gallant Explorer

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Gia read the girl’s note and nodded “You’re right I don’t think he’s well at all” she frowned and had to squint her and bring her hands closer to stare at him “Is it me…or is he…smaller than five minutes ago?” she asked them.

She nodded at the girl when she left. Quickly her yes moved towards Setsuna “Well I’ve never crashed against a cheek myself” she said smiling down at him “But at how fast you were…flying” she frowned “I don’t think anything you crash against was going to be soft” she nodded.
And then she saw him…mouthing words yet she couldn’t understand any of it. She stared at Sebastian frowning “Should we take him to a nurse or something?”

Soon enough she noticed the, very small fairy stopped talking and brought him closer to her face. Her eyes widened. Setsuna had fainted. “What do I do?” she blurted out staring at Sebastian.

Setsuna was so small she couldn’t think of a single thing to do that wouldn’t hurt him or kill him at such size. She also was terrified of moving too fast since at such size she was afraid of dropping him. Or he could even slip out of her hand!

“Alright” she breathed deeply “Nurse it is” she quickly moved through the mall before accidentally colliding against someone, she looked up and saw who it was, almost open mouthed at the creature since it was very pretty and looked magical and ethereal like. Not knowing whether or not it was a teacher for she did not knew all of them she apologized and held her hands out to him. Something was telling her that he could help the little fairy that each time became smaller and smaller “Please, help him” she asked with her palms open at him.

ωнєяє ι αм: Mall
ωнσ ι αм ωιтн: Setsuna. Sebastian, Blue haired girl, Shen
ωнαт ∂σ ι нανє ση мє: Attire




Kitsu Maxwell

Korvie's Fav

Kawaii Warlord

25,650 Points
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  • Normal Everyday Human 50
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ω є я є ω σ ʟ ғ ≡ ω α я ʟ σ c к

Current Location: . . . Mall - Weapons store

In Company With: . . . Sergio and Lysandra

Overall Thoughts: . . . A nice and easy riddle for them


Corban went on a money craze once he stepped into the shop. With most of his money, he bought all things related to archery. He bought a new bow, bow strings, and various types of arrow materials. And the arrow materials were pretty expensive, but high quality and completely worth it. The most expensive were the two sets of 24 arrows that he bought. polycarbonate shafts built with a titanium center for a lightweight and tough structure. Silver coated aluminum arrowheads with cubic zirconia tips (diamond tipped are expensive as ******** ok). Even the feathered notches were absolutely perfect. Sleek, perfectly aerodynamic, and light reflective so they were easy to find after they're shot. Corban was so happy, he almost hugged the bundle of arrows in his hold. But of course, he didn't. He had enough arrows lodged in him today.

Corban requested the most secure and safe packaging for the materials. Sure, it was silly since they're arrows, but Corban thought 'If they're gonna break, it better damn will be during combat. Not cause some p***k crashed into me.' Even though it was highly unlikely that the durable arrows would break from that, he wasn't going to risk it. By the end of this, Corban only had enough for a few towels, some new outfits, and another coffee milk tea. 'Lucky I brought my suit and shoes from home....did I bring my tie too?' Corban thought and tried to summon up the memory of packing his tie. His deep thoughts were interrupted by a light tapping of his shoulder. Corban tensed slightly as a reflex and turned his head to find a young woman smiling skittishly at him along with a guy behind her. "Hiiii" The words flowed from her mouth with a light accent. "My name is Lysandra n' this is Sergio. We...er..wanna know if ya wanna hang fer a bit, ya know, since yesterday was all..er..fokked up." Corban blinked at the excitement in the girl’s pink eyes. “Hi.” Corban’s mind faltered at the sudden interaction but he quickly adjusted and placed a smile on his lips.

"Ya gonna go t' tha dance? I was hopin' we'd find enough people ta hang wiff, so we won't have ta, n' we can just 'ave fun n' not feel..uh..weird without dates n' shits."
Corban strained his ears in an attempt to focus and gather the words spilling from her mouth. Her accent was intense and he found himself wondering where did she come from. Corban got the gist of what she said and nodded. “Uh, yup I am. And sure that’ll be nice.”

"Well, ah...wos' your name an' where ya from? I'm from Souf Africa n' Sergio is from...Mexico!"

Corban was tempted to introduce himself with a riddle, but he was rather bored of that riddle. Instead, he decided to introduce himself normally and tell a good riddle later. “I’m Corban Saephon,” He introduced with a smile and some eye contact to the both of them. “I’m from the U.S.” Corban was actually relieved to meet new people. His first day here wasn’t so lucky and he almost took it as a bad omen for bad things to come. Such as unpopularity. But honestly it wouldn’t be a surprise, he needs to straighten out his dumb habit. “So do you guys have any idea what this shindig will be like? I’ve had my share of parties and such, but haven’t really heard of a shindig.” He asked and noticed Lysandra staring at him. Uncomfortable, Corban tried waving his hands infront of her face in hopes of snapping Lysandra out of her trance. “Helloooooo.” Corban drawled. He looked over to Sergio half worried and half confused. “Is this normal for her?” He asked. And just as he asked, Lysandra snapped herself out of whatever she was stuck in. She uttered a quick apology and directed her sight to the side and avoided eye contact. “Its cool.” Corban assured.

“Can ya sing..?” She asked.

Corban thought about this for a moment. Corban can indeed sing, but it was nothing out of the ordinary. He and his mother would sing during lunar rituals and it was a necessity for him to sing when learning to summon new spirits so he can attract and coax them into a contract. He can hit a good range of notes and keep a steady pitch and good tone. “Yea, I sing pretty good.” Then an idea popped up in his head. “But if you wanna hear a sample, you’ll have to solve a riddle of mine.” Corban winked. “I take lead of singing but follow after concerts. It's true I bring serenity, and hang around the stars, but yet I live in misery. You'll find me behind bars. With thieves and villains I consort. In prison I'll be found. But I would never go to court, unless there's more than one. No cheating.”


There were 4 people: Ϩoɱe ɓ o ɗ ʏ , иobody, Шɧσ , and ΣvΣгʏσɴΣ .

If иobody didn't do anything, then Шɧσ did. But if Ϩoɱe ɓ o ɗ ʏ would have done something, ΣvΣгʏȯɴΣ would have been cleared. If ΣvΣгʏȯɴΣ would have helped, Шɧσ would get the credit. But Шɧσ did it....

So, Шɧσ did it?

highlight► Yes, Шɧσ did it!

User Imageѻɔɔ: . . . . I wonder if you guys can solve it :3 No spoiling~ Edit: Still editing because of grammar/spelling mistakes yum_puddi

Oxii Clean

Shy Phantom

18,050 Points
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  • Object of Affection 150
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There is a shadow here, but there's no light behind me.
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Zane decided it would be best if he just hung back and let the girls do their thing. He knew the difference between classy and trashy but he didn't really care for fashion in general. Elle certainly had that department down on her own anyway so he knew both of them would come away with wonderful outfits, with or without his input. Sure enough, a short time later the three of them were at the register and the ladies were making their purchases. At the question of whether he and Elle were going to the dance together, however, he decided to interject himself back into the conversation. "Well, funny you should ask, because-" "Well, yeah...But, I mean, it's not a date or anything." And just like that, he was butted right back out of the conversation. Zane directed a pout (it was the closest expression to a glare he felt he could adopt, given the circumstances.) at the girl as she continued on with her explanation in a manner that painted them in a slightly more innocent fashion than he would have. He would have thought she'd at least consider him a friend by now. They'd already saved eachothers's lives, spent a whole day together, shared a meal (if her bringing him breakfast qualified anyway), and she'd even seen him naked! What did it take to get close to this girl?!

"Next stop: somewhere they sell men's formal-wear...Unless you planned on wearing a T-shirt and jeans?" Elle smirked at him in a way that let him know that she knew he wanted to say something snarky, but that she also knew he wouldn't because they were still there with Lilith. She was messing with him! Part of him wanted to growl and just walk away, but the other part (a much bigger part) wanted to mess with her right back. "Oh Elle, I would never dream of wearing something so drab when you'll be making yourself up so nice for me." He smiled at her so brightly and sincerely that no one would doubt the honesty of that statement. No one but Elle herself that is. If she didn't want to scare her new friend off herself, however, she'd have to hold back on the wrist breaking for now. He wondered if he would still consider it to be worth it when it came time to pay for this later... Yeah, probably.

As they made their way to the men's section Elle changed the subject back to the dance, or more specifically, Lilith and the question of her having a date. A pretty common conversation for girl's he guessed. Part of the whole 'who's wearing what and who's dating who' gossip that girl's loved to throw about. It was also, however, the sort of gossip that piqued Zane's curiosity. Nothing was more turbulent than young love after all and Zane loved him some good emotional turbulence. When it wasn't his own anyway.

"Come to think of it, aren't you usually hanging around with some red headed boy?" He commented. He'd seen the two of them together on a few occasions. Last year as well if his memory served him. Were they close, he wondered? He didn't think he could recall her hanging around with anyone else. Except maybe Boney. Zane didn't really want to think about him just then though, since his mood was well on it's way to being pretty good and he didn't want to bring it crashing back down.

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The stains of blood on the floor serve to remind me.

Where am I: 'The Mall of Everything'
Who is this: Elle and Lilith
My thoughts: If she's going out with Boney we are so not hanging with her at the dance. Elle's new friend or not.

Little Miss Opinionated
Karmie Cloo

Shy Phantom

18,050 Points
  • Nudist Colony 200
  • Object of Affection 150
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+ + Roana Black + +

She'd been there just long enough for her coffee to become comfortably cool. Albi had found a nice spot to sun himself and Roana was just enjoying a quiet break from work. That was when an angel descended upon her bench. A tall (or at least tall by her standards) woman with flowing silver hair, eyes like diamonds, and flawless porcelain skin approached her, asking if she could join her on the bench. Even her voice was beautiful, like water cascading over crystal. Roana wasn't sure what water on crystal would sound like, per say, but she was sure it would be similar. "N-not at all! Please, be my guest!" She hurriedly answered as she scooted a little to the side. She hoped she wasn't blushing. That would just make things awkward.

"I don't think I've seen you around before. Have you just arrived? You don't look like you're young enough to be a stude-" She cut herself off, realizing how that might sound and turned bright red. "Ah! Which isn't to say you look old! On the contrary, you're gorgeous!" She exclaimed, waving her hands around emphatically. And then she realized how that sounded. "B-but, I'm not coming onto you or anything! That would be weird when we just met, right?" She laughed awkwardly and then just got quiet and sank in on herself a little. "I'm just gonna shut up now."

It just figured. The most beautiful woman she'd ever seen (that seemed to have a normal personality) had just walked right up to her and she'd made the situation awkward. She lifted her cup of coffee up to her lips to take a sip to cover her embarrassment only to come upon another problem; as she'd been flinging her hands around she had neglected to remember she was holding a cup of coffee. As a result, said cup was now sans coffee. She wished with every fiber of her being that she could switch places with Albi so she could slither away and hide under a rock.

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The Location: The courtyard on my favorite bench.
The Patient: A model? She has to be a fashion model. Or an actress! Or maybe she really is an angel!!
The Diagnosis: Completely mortified...

The Retarded Dove


12,675 Points
  • Brandisher 100
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
  • Clambake 200
♔. Eiko Minami

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"N-not at all! Please, be my guest!" She had replied back to Eiko, moving down a little to the side of the bench. The reply was just perfect to hear for the first time coming to a new school. The truth was that Eiko never really taught at a reform school before, so she literally didn't know what to expect. All the other schools that she had visited or had the chance to teach at were already decent. And not to mention, didn't have that much trouble. The only trouble she ever dealt with was difficulty to understand how things worked, ability wise. She turned around a moment to set her carry-on right at the edge of the bench so that she'd have her eye on it, not that it would go any where. After doing so she quickly brushed herself before sitting down.

"Yes, I have just arrived actually, and I'm the new te-" Eiko had attempted to reply, but the lady was speaking too quickly that she didn't want to be rude to interrupt. Eiko chuckled a bit when the lady complemented her appearance. "You're very sweet and funny.." she responded with a smile looking back at her. "I didn't mean to interrupt, hahaha!" She began to laugh all of a sudden, covering her mouth to hold back what should be louder. Eiko never had anyone complement herself to the extent of embarrassment, and it was quite interesting to watch for the first time. Especially when her cup of coffee basically flew out of her hands, and to later realize that the cup of coffee was missing as she attempted to take a sip. "You are very very VERY, funny!" She complimented attempting to calm herself down. She paused for a moment to take a deep breath with her eyes closed and a smile on her face. She tilted her face upwards feeling a small gust of wind blow by and through her hair, and felt random small touches of the sun's rays that had come through from the rustling leaves of the tree poke at her skin.

Exhaling that held breath, she opened her eyes and looked back at the lady. "I'm actually a new teacher here.." She spoke with a small giggle remembering what had just happened a second ago. "Are all the other teaches this funny as well?" She questioned putting her hands together on her lap before pushing back one of her strands of hair behind her ear. Eiko suddenly gasped for a quick second covering her mouth. "I'm afraid I haven't introduced myself properly.." Her voiced drifted off as she put her hands back together, and smiled back at the lady before speaking once again. "My name is Eiko Minami, I'm going to be teaching an ability application course. May I ask who you are as well?" She asked putting her hand out for a shake. "You're just as gorgeous, not too old to be young or too young to be a student either!" She threw in with another small chuckle, trying to allow the lady to gain back her confidence.

Location: Courtyard
Company: The funny lady
Thoughts: She's so funny! I hope everyone else will be just as kind as her.

Kitsu Maxwell

Big Fatcat

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                          ιт'ѕ ριтcнxxxx DARKxxxandxx the world
                                moves too fastxxx moves too fastxxx moves too fastxxx moves too fastxxx moves too fastxxx moves too fastxxx moves too fast
                                moves too fastxxx moves too fastxxx moves too fastxxx moves too fastxxx moves too fastxxx moves too fastxxx moves too fast
                    ▌▌▌▌ i'm the only °xx↷↷ ωнσ'ѕ ℓ ι м ρ ι η g on ‘゚ ℓєgѕ
                          the path is endlessxxx the path is endlessxxx the path is endlessxxx the path is endlessxxx the path is endless
                          the path is endlessxxx the path is endlessxxx the path is endlessxxx the path is endlessxxx the path is endless
                          the path is endlessxxx the path is endlessxxx the path is endlessxxx the path is endlessxxx the path is endless
                what's at the end
                Are you going there knowing about IT? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬xxxx
                ill learn the answer if close my eyes

                                                                          ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ║▌⋰⋰ The mall of everything -
                                                                          ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴʏ║▌⋰⋰ Asteria, Kid and Addy -
                                                                          ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢi ║▌⋰⋰
                                                                          Amazed with Kid's magic -
                                                                          ᴏᴏᴄ XiX ║▌⋰⋰
                                                                          sorry for the wait guys~

                      Smiled at them and looked at Kid's awkward reaction. He smile slowly faded as they stared at her bizarrely."Umm... Did I s-say something, w-wrong?" He did look a bit, rather aggravated.

                      Kid froze for a few seconds horrifically. Therefore, she had instantly noticed she had splatted a few words out, that she were not to say ever again in her Taiustus years. "I'm...not a wizard. I'm a magician." He was trembling with urge, as if he wanted to murder her or something rather alike.

                      She realized how weightily he breathed. Nearly as hefty as her oil tank in her stomach compartment. His face slowly turned tart as he drank the smoothie on his table from earlier.

                      She felt edgy and thorny at that moment.

                      Asteria requested Kid for more tricks, as she knew that it was interesting for them. That was when Kid threw an odd, but nice, smile.

                      Kid grabbed his smoothie cup and said "We should probably start shopping, it seems that dresses are needed, but...one won't hurt." At that exact moment, he threw the smoothie cup across the hall.

                      Alia thought that it would just splat on the floor like a water balloon. The thing she did not realize, was that he was a magician. He could do magic.

                      The smoothie that he threw, magically stopped in midair and was just a few centimeters above the other people's heads. 'We are sooo dead.' She knew it would fall instantly onto the ground when Kid stops, though she could tell he didn't care much at all.

                      "So...dresses?" Kid lead them towards the nearest shop for dresses.

                      There weren't many dresses Alia's type, though she thought they were quite pretty. She looked across to the area, into the section with the 'less puffier' dresses. There was just one dress that caught her eye.

                      It was a beautiful Creamy peach colored dress. It wasn't her style, and it didn't match her, but she bought it anyway.

                      When she tried it on, it was a perfect size. She wanted to see the Asteria and Addy's dress. She couldn't see Asteria or Kid. It was only Addy and Alia in the store, with a few random people.

                      She believed that everyone had already done finding their clothes for the upcoming shindig. They were probably trying it on.

                      Alia waited for the others to finish so that they could go to get some other thing in other shops.

                xxt h e xxx skyxxxηєνєя яєѕρση∂ѕ тσ ѕυcн QUESTIONS
                              two armsxxx two armsxxx two armsxxx two armsxxx two armsxxx two armsxxx two armsxxx two arms
                              two armsxxx two armsxxx two armsxxx two armsxxx two armsxxx two armsxxx two armsxxx two arms
                tied up ʊ ву α ∂αιℓу LIFE too heavy ↷↷ t o e m b r a c e ∂ я є α м ѕ
                    ▌▌▌▌xx i'm scaredxxi've been abandoned xxlocked away
                        just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for today
                        just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for today
                        just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for today
                        just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for todayxxx just for today
                    run somewhere like you're CRAZY

          chocolate venom


          Kawaii Butthole69


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                    Got shackles on, my words are tied,

                    Fear can make you compromise.


              Adelaide's breath got caught in her throat as the tension continued to thicken the air around the group as Kid was sitting their seething. She could obviously tell that he was trying his hardest to contain his inner turmoil, and was struggling in doing so. As the scene continued to unfold, she was about to yell at Kid as he grabbed his drink, in fear that he was going to to throw it at the pink haired girl, but was slightly relieved and surprised when he threw it in a different direction and made it pause mid-flight. Sighing in relief, she gratefully stood up as the boy changed subjects to buying dresses, which reminded her of the main reason as to why she and mostly everyone else were here, not caring what happened to the thrown away beverage. "Y-yeah..." Was all that the poor petite girl could say in reply to the idea of leaving as she trailed behind the group into a formal dress store while putting her eraser into her bag. Giving Kid a wary glance as she tried to catch up with the group with the two other girls on other side of him, she already felt drained with all the different kind of looks she had to give today even though it was only a couple.

              While inside, there were many dresses to choose from, a lot of them were actually beautiful for formal wear. Normally when Addy thinks of formal wear, she couldn't help but be reminded her parents arguing over what kind of clothes she, herself should wear, and why she always dreaded going to any formal events with or without them present. Her mother always wanted her to dress into something that was a little on the odd end of the spectrum while her father wanted something way too conservative, saying that he doesn't want his little girl to look like, 'some fast floozy'. In the end, they had to give up the argument, leaving her to finally decide. As everyone else drifted about, discussing on what to look at, the shorter girl was looking through a sales rack of dresses when she came upon a deep plum strapless dress. It seemed harmless and simple enough with no added bells and whistles to it to make her stand out, and if she really wanted to, she could just bring one of her sweaters with her to hide her shoulders (and herself) should she get self-conscious. "I'm going to try this one out," She said to no one in particular and went straight to the respective dressing room without glancing towards the others. After trying it on, she felt content with it since it didn't itch or pinch her in an uncomfortable manner, and it seemed to frame her figure just as fine. Part of her wanted to get something that was more conservative, but she ignored that thought and decided on getting this one. You're a big girl Addy, you can wear big girl clothes now. Besides, it's not like you're going to be dancing anyways. Remember, you're living, breathing loser baby wallflower Addy.

              Nodding to herself in the mirror even though she was sweating with anxiety at the thought of the shindig tonight, she timidly opened the door slightly ajar and peaked out, "U-um, I think I'm going to get this one," She announced to the others, unsure on whether or not they were even there. Changing back into her original clothes, she grabbed the dress and left the dressing room to see that Alia was the only on there. Did Asteria and Kid go off somewhere else? The thought slightly bothered Addy, but she brushed it off and walked up to the green haired girl. While in the process of walking over, the dress that she was carrying accidentally caught onto one of the hat stands and sent hats that were resting on it toppling over, one landing conveniently on Addy's head, startling herself. Awkward silence enveloped the two as she started to panic over what to do. While any other normal person would start to panic and apologize, the first thing to come out from the girl's mouth was, "I don't know about you, but I don't think this top hat's going to match my dress since I'm not a magician. What do you think?" Addy asked casually while attempting to pose awkwardly, trying to sound like she intentionally meant to knock over everything.

              While quickly picking up the fallen rack, and placing the hats back onto their respective hangers before the worker at the store would come over to maul them, Addy turned to the other girl and nodded towards the dress. "I-is that your dress?" She asked after placing the top hat onto the only remaining hanger. Smiling, she spun back to the green haired girl observed the dress, "It's very pretty! Are you going to get any accessories or anything? M-maybe a cute necklace or bracelet!" While the she wasn't exactly a fashionista, she did like the idea of finding matching items to go with outfits for the day, mainly because of the magazines that her dad left around for her.

              thought thought thought

              "speech speech speech !"

              Sometimes I want toxx Disappear !
                    Location: Dress store, mall
                    Company: Kid, Asteria, and Alia
                    Outfit for the day: Casual
                    Thoughts: Where'd Kid go?
                    Out Of Cats: Had to edit. :T



              chocolate venom

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