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Part 2

Immediately, the action of the battle kicked off as Kid vanished into thin air, reappearing right next to Aura with a confidence loaded smirk as he dashed past her. Diviana was his target for the moment, when he approached her he lot loose a strong left hook right at her face. It was however not to her surprise that Kid would pull such a cheap shot. Although it had seemed as if Kid had made contact to her face, it was exactly what she wanted. At the split second, Kid's fist had simply brushed the tip of her nose before she quickly phased herself through and out from his shot. Returning the favour, she had began to deliver a fury of kicks targeting his head. Kid turned back towards her the moment his fist didn’t connect, raising up both arms to block her kicks. The day she didn’t try to kick him in the head was the day she found her sincerity. His hands began glowing as he defended against her strikes until he finally moved, stepping forward as his free hand moved to give her an explosive treat. Diviana was slightly disappointed in herself that she although she has been training for many long hours, she was still unable to at least break a finger for someone in a defensive position. Although it was somewhat of an unrealistic goal, she knew for sure that she’d try her hardest every time to see if she ever got lucky. Noticing this recognizable glow, she had quickly switched to a butterfly twist kick to keep his top hand occupied and knock his other hand to a direction away from her. Knowing that since they were engaged in close combat, she knew there was no way that she could deliver this kick perfectly without any collision unless she phased through him once more. Doing so, it had just so happened that she had phased through one of the maze walls as well, being that she was situated by one to avoid Kid’s previous projectiles.

Once landing to the other side, she had immediately phased back through the walls through a sliding motion in hopes of knocking Kid prone to the ground. His eyes scanned over the entire wall quickly. Diviana had options the moment her opponent lost visibility. Since she was able to attack from nearly anywhere, Kid chose to move up. Floating above allowed him to go over the Wisp’s attack, but would leave him vulnerable, so he retreated away as he moved, eventually dropping from above right next to Aura and giving her a resounding slap for throwing spider guts on him. ”You know your partner is a bad influence, right?” The nymph would bring a hand up to her sullied cheek, taking a moment to rub where it stung the most. ”You would be mistaken, Kid Disaster. It's because we're so alike that we work together so well. No influence necessary.” Giving the magician a bit of a glare for the indignity her own face had just suffered by his hand, she would curl one hand into a fist and aim to punch him in the gut, intending for the move to be accompanied by a blast of wind that would hopefully send him back and into some of the surrounding web. The spiders could do her dirty work… If she succeeded at least. Kid covered his pocket as he was blown away and into the web...it succeeded. ”You okay in there?” He whispered to Singlet. "I'm super-duper!" Singlet whispered as loud as could, brushing her hair out of her face with her hands after tumbling around the corner of Kid's pocket. ”Good, just...gimme a second here.” He had a free arm, but everything else was stuck in the thick webbing, he just needed a moment to think...

Nix watched as Kid and Diviana exchanged blows, knowing better than to get in the middle of that from all their training. Though it might’ve been the ‘cowardly’ tactic, the demoness decided to stay hidden until a chance arose for her to sneak into the fray. She had no idea where Sergio was or what he was doing but that became the least of her worries as she continued to observe. Seeing Kid slap Aura brought back a brief, painful memory that she quickly shoved aside to keep herself focused. The moment Nix hoped for arrived in an unexpected way as Aura hit Kid to send him flying into a web. Normally one would aim for the person trapped in the web and not the one that put him there in the first place since he was trapped.. Well the silverette wasn’t taking that route because even in this situation Kid was her friend. Even as her ‘partner’s’ words of warning passed through her mind about even friends turning on each other, she wanted to deeply believe that wasn’t true. So there were two objectives that needed to be carried out without being discovered immediately. Get Kid out of the web and get revenge on Aura for putting him there. Luckily an idea materialized in her mind and decided to put it to use. Nix pulled some shadows together, gathering them in the tree above where Kid was struggling, and formed them into the shape of a large spider. This shadow creation had a possible chance of getting Kid free or at the very least providing a distraction for herself. With the shadow spider now lowering towards the Magician, Nix jumped into her own shadow to get started on plan number two. The demoness emerged from a shadow a few steps away from Aura and set her sights on the Nymph’s own shadow. The shadow rose to quickly form a large hand, grabbing onto the woman and slamming her against the ground once before tossing her away. During this attack, the shadowed arachnid would cut at the webbing keeping Kid stuck.. If all went according to plan.

The moment she had seen the spider descend upon Kid after getting him snagged something had felt different about it. It took a moment for the warning flag to be raised in Aura's mind though that in the end turned out to be too late for the realization that they weren't alone there and that the next contender wasn't Singlet. Before she could voice it or locate the one who was interfering Aura had found herself grabbed and forced to the ground. Though the breath was knocked out of her there was no way the nymph was out of the game yet. If anything it had served to annoy her, almost flipping a switch from how she had started the battle. Closing her eyes she would focus a moment on the air surrounding her, before creating a strong burst to lash out in all directions from the area around her. While it may not work on shadow, chances were high that she could at least make the one controlling them stumble. “Diviana, be wary!” she would yell to her partner, “There are others here!”

Her eyes darted around her to find Nix and soon found a darker tone spider working on Kid. Although Nix wasn’t visibly present, she knew she was within the area and decided to leech from her spider tactic idea. Not too bad for a demon. Phasing away from the battle scene and through the adjacent walls, she began to grow new bones and appendages as her skin also began to twist and stretch in inhuman ways. Clapping her two pedipalps together she would solidify the fog before her into a thick lining as her own silk, zip up to the web canopy and quickly to the crime scene. As the shadow spider continued to work on Kid, Diviana has slowly lowered behind it to take a bite, but be disappointed as it puffed away in a cloud of smoke. It was thanks to her spider senses that she on this spider web it was not only her and Kid, but another, Nix’s partner. Quickly having a feeling that he was approaching in a matter of seconds, she quickly spun back up her silk to prepare for a kill of two with one stone. It was at the moment a smirk appeared on the demon’s face. He pulled on the vine that he was holding and all the bones holding the tree roots in place fell. With a quick snap the roots sprang up and just like a catapult sent the spider fangs soaring through the bush. In less than a second the fangs appeared soar through the bushes. Coming from all sides they formed a circle around the group of fighters as they flew at great neck speed. Unclipping the hook from his pants the bone demon secured the mask on his face as it fused with him. Once again the demonic smiled appeared on his face as his demonic side took control. ”Now let the real fun begin.”

Everything was going crazy around Kid, if anything he’d need a moment to collect his thoughts. Thanks to the assistance of Singlet’s powers boost and Nix, who was apparently also there-- three teams?! In any case, the moment he was freed by the demoness’ spider, the sound of a trap being sprung caused him to almost desperately use his Phantom Step to get him upwards and hopefully out of the way of the chaos. Disappearing and reappearing floating above the combat, he got to see everything and relayed the information to Singlet. ”Nix and Sergio are also here, Diviana seems to have disappeared, though, but it looks like she made some kind of spider of her own to fight with everyone. Nix has to be hiding up here, so we’ll find her and kick her butt! However, we have to keep an eye on Sergio and Aura...well, assuming Sergio hasn’t already done so. The fire is spreading, and Sergio just did...something. It gives me a bad feeling…” Singlet hoped so much so that when Kid meant a bad feeling, he didn’t mean a bad feeling in his belly because she didn’t know if Mr. Knife would pause everything so that Kid could use the bathroom. Thought listening to what Kid had relayed back to her, things began to make more sense to her. As being inside of Kid’s pocket hidden away, she was blinded to what was happening in real-time but not to the sounds being made such as the snipping of the shadow spider or Diviana coming down her silk. "I’m going to kick the bread out of Nix, so we can make sandwiches!" Singlet replied, obviously showing where her mind was at.

The Magician looked from tree to tree and bush to bush. Staying in the air wouldn’t be the greatest idea so long as he was glowing, it’d make for an easy target once they noticed. The illumination made for a great lightbulb though, making it easy to single out Nix in the bushes when Sergio’s trap was completed. ”Alright, get ready, partner!” Immediately, he zeroed in on Nix, getting right behind her in an attempt to wrap a fistful of her hair around one of his hands and holding the other hand low. Nix watched as Kid broke free of the web after Diviana caused her shadow to vanish, then disappearing from sight herself. Though the demoness had no time to try and search for the other fighter as Kid darted her way, getting behind her in a flash. There was not enough time to move as the Magician grabbed a clump of her hair and pulled down, sending a sharp pain up through her head. Why was he attacking her after she helped him escape the web? Well that was the least of her worries as ideas flooded into her mind on how to escape the bind she was in. Nix reached back to grab the free length of her hair as her own shadow stretched up, taking the shape of a sharp edge to swing down at what kept her trapped. Her own white locks. The teen quickly got to her feet, spun around, and looked at Kid as she back peddled. The sharp formed shadow went to work on cutting the rest of her hair to match the same length of what had been removed. This left her hair sitting just barely past her shoulders, the rest of it lying upon the forest floor. ”That wasn’t very nice, Kid!” The Magician raised his other hand wordlessly, as a familiar blue glow emanated from it. Without so much as a taunt, he fired his beams at her point blank. Nix saw that familiar glow and her shadows moved to create a wall in front of her, providing some defense from the incoming beams. The silverette darted off to the side and made her shadows stretch forward like ribbon to wrap around the Magician tightly. This bind would not last long as the shadows threw him towards a nearby tree, knowing that she needed to keep some distance away from him. The demoness quickly grabbed some of her fallen locks before making her way up to a branch, ducking into the darkness. Crashing right into the trunk, Kid realized that the shadows were even stronger than normal as the entire base of the tree shattered around him. With a loud crack he dropped to his knees with heavy breaths, surprised and impressed. Poking her head out for just a second, she looked at Kid instantly as she heard a loud snap. "You gotta get up, Kid!" She whispered as loud as she could as she began to fistpump and chant his name. For Singlet, it didn't make much sense to her to why Kid was acting such a way because he was pretty sparkly already. "Heyyy! Wait a minute. You're not as hurt than I thought! I knew my sparkles were working!" She said as she squinted her eyes and waved her finger at him. He hadn’t even realized, after all the punishment he was used to taking at this point. Popping back into Kid pocket, Singlet was going to take Kid’s lint ball and throw it in the air to emphasize the magic of her sparkles, but when she returned, her eyes had darted to the falling leaves from the canopy. "Aha!" Singlet said as she pointed her finger like a lightbulb from her head. Something clicked in her mind. "Kid, do you think that if I was standing in front of your disaster bullet, that it would give me enough momentum and the inertia to fly up to the top, grow super big and then give them the ole one-two?" Singlet questioned while punching the air. To some people it sounded weird because sometimes she would use certain vocabulary that didn't seem to match her appearance or the way she acted and sounded, "Like riding on a chocolate chip into the milky way," and then suddenly revert back to normal. Though to her, it was just normal. ”...” Well that was...weird. Kid didn’t actually think she had that kind of vocabulary and critical thinking skill. He simply stared at her in confusion for a moment from the initial shock of this out of nowhere idea she had, but...she did seem to be invulnerable, thus far, so how bad could it be? ”...Y- Yeah. I...do?” A veil of sparkling blue and yellow swirled around the two as he began charging the strongest Disaster Bullet he could safely muster. Pointing his finger forward and placing his other hand underneath it not only to help handle the inevitable recoil, but to give Singlet a spot to stand on before firing. ”While we look for a target, want me to put some more oomf into it? It’ll be a heck of a ride, cowgirl!” Hopping into his palm, Singlet had held onto Kid’s thumb as a support as she prepared herself to be positioned properly. "Yes! I want to make all the mommy and daddy cows proud of me!" Was her immediate response as she got ready and looked up into the direction of the canopy. Thinking about her ride she had many ideas of flying in butt first, but thought it would be way better if she went head first so that Gooby could see her face and be jealous.

The bone demon looked up above as he saw the magician appear above the battlefield. The demon hid in the bushes and stood still as not to draw any attention to himself. Normally he would have started his attack on the magician but it seemed the magician had a different target in his mind as the man suddenly found Nix and attacked her. Luckily his partner managed to get free from the magician and attacked back sending the magician flying into a tree trunk. The air had already quickly filled up with dust and debris as the trunk shattered on impact. Now would of been a perfect time to attack but the demon didn’t know what kind of tricks Kid had up his sleeves. It was best to wait a bit and see what he would do. It was at that moment that he could see the magician form a gun with his hands. This wasn’t good at all for the demon. Bones began to emerge from his fingertips and decided to attack first. He swiped his hand quickly and watched as the fingertips flew towards the magician. Though it seemed as if he had forgotten what was around him, millions if not hundred of spiders where rappelling up and down the trees, and her. Smart, but not smart enough. Her eyes quickly began to glow a dark purple as she began to chatter and buzz beneath her breath. Within a matter of seconds, these fine nails of Sergio should have already attempted to pierce Kid, however, it seemed as if the nails had gained some weight during their flight to rather fall straight down before reaching Kid. It was that by her presence, the fog had condensed and attracted to the nails to send it in a different direction. As the nails had began to fall, Diviana had quickly climbed up her silk and headed towards Sergio’s direction. Once reaching much higher ground, she began to skitter and jump her way with the other spiders to hide the sound of her movement. The webbing made by the other spiders who had inhabited this environment made it much easier for her to move around with better stealth. Keeping a close eye on Sergio, she quickly took note of how his fingers looked much different, structural-wise, in comparison to most of the other creatures she's seen on campus. Quickly luring herself above him, she had then lunged for his head. Sergio watched as his fingertips began to descend and hit the ground before they reached the intended target. The fog was much to thick for his projectiles to fly through. It was then the heard a noise from above. Reacting quickly bones began to protrude from his back and stopped her attack. He twisted his head till it made a complete hundred and eighty degrees as the demon looked at his attacker with a grin on his face. ”So close but not close enough.” She must admit that it was interesting to see someone be capable of manipulating their bone structure as well, but what she had hoped for was that this was not the only ability he had. Because that would be horrifyingly boring. Clenching her fangs within these bones were no use, until it hit her. All she really needed was for her fangs to have physically contact with his bones at this point. Quickly it had then became much more visible to the two on what was happening. As the tips of her fangs slowly turned to a darker shade of purple, they suddenly been able to create a small crack, digging into the bone that had stopped her bite. Absorbing ones' soul took a long time depending on the type of contact, but absorbing energy was much more different as it could be replenished depending on the creature. Taking previous note of the strength of his bones, she took the other route instead to absorb the energy of his bones to make them more brittle and easier to deal with. For a second the masked demon believed he had stopped her attack but then he realized what was happening. His bone began to crack the longer her fangs remained in contact with him. At that moment a bone began to emerge from his his shoulder. Grasping the bone he pulled it out to reveal the sword like shape it had become and then cut the infected bone from his body as well as pushing her off his back. Once off his back the infected bone that was cut off began to slowly grow back. ”It seemed I underestimated you. I’m impressed by your skill. It had been a long time since I had to regenerate a bone like this. I’m going to enjoy this fight.”

Being pushed off from the infected bone was more of an advantage for her than she thought, as she used the push to bounce back and moved around her opponent as she watched him. It was slightly interesting to see that she was not the only one who was able to freely alter parts of her body, but not a surprise. After seeing him pull out a bone sword from his shoulder and regrow the decapitated from his back, she had continued with her strike. Move around her opponent as if he was her prey, she began to spit slithers of ectoplasm at him. Naturally, spiders spat down at their prey to liquify them, however, that was not what she was going for. Instead, her intention was for it to land on him and if not, the ground, so that she could have more control on her environment rather than just relying on fog. He looked at her and saw that she was getting ready for an attack. It was then that she began to spit a liquid at him. He dodged her blobs of goo and closed the distance in on her. The masked man gave her a demented smile before striking her with his fist and slammed her through one of the trees that surrounded them. He looked at her and saw that she was getting ready for an attack. It was then that she began to spit a liquid at him. He dodged her blobs of goo and closed the distance in on her. The masked man gave her a demented smile before striking her with his fist and slammed her through one of the trees that surrounded them. Quickly shuffling to the side, she had easily dodged his strike with her upper hand in mobility, however not his push "How foolish," She simply said as he had re-entered her personal space. Leaning into him during his push, she had placed her pedipalps and the rest of her remaining legs, but two, at the pressure points of a typical human's body to begin absorbing his energy once again. Her remaining pair of legs were rather used as her support like other normal creatures. If he's reliant on his bones, this should be beneficial in the long run. The bone demon could feel her grabbed a hold of him as she began to suck his energy. Just when it seemed like she had the upper hand in him the masked demon gave her a sinister smirk. ”I think you are the foolish one here.” At that moment his ribs perturbed from his chest. Five of his ribs ended up piercing straight through her body. When the bones pierced through her body he was able to gain enough strength to pull her off him before backing up a distance. ”Note to self I need to keep my distance from her.” The masked demon then reached behind him and began to pull out his own spine. Letting a short screech escape her lips, she stood there slightly slouching and mostly quiet like some kind of dead doll. During this period, she was mainly suppressing the pain signaled by her nerves from the most recent witnessed event. Not bad, for a plebeian, but not good enough. Slowly as she raised her head with a small smirk on her face, the tissues of her skin began to realign to fill the five holes that he had pierced. Although she had not been able to develop regenerant abilities, she was very privileged to develop the skill of manipulating the elements of her body with Asura a few months ago. "That can't be all, can it?" She had chattered as she wiggled the tips of her toes and then legs, before getting back onto her feet.

”Alright, it’s gonna be fierce!” The Magician announced to his Spectrum ally. Planting his feet firmly on the ground, this extra kick was going be...essentially the most powerful attack he’d ever used, he could tell. Still looking for a target, he decided to go ahead and push his power even further. Magigage power!In that instant, the spider guts, ectoplasm and everything else was blown off of the magician as his attire reformed itself into his Magigage gear. The swirl of energies around him literally thickened into a near-solid state, his own power, the power of the Magigage, and the power of Singlet all combined into one, being absorbed into his aimed index finger with an absolutely brilliant shine, illuminating everything in the area. He finally managed to settle on a target, which was Nix yet again as she stood in a tree, her farkness unable to hide from the light of the powers. Pointing it at her, it was time to let Singlet loose, making up an attack name to inspire her further.. ”Super Disaster Railgun Singlet Punch!!” The remainder of the energies immediately all went to the charge at the tip of his finger, the shine around him going dark, before a high-velocity bullet the size of a large cannonball fired out with such force that the Magician was left with his entire body trembling. Blowing through the forest, everything the shot passed began to burn faster and faster, slowly setting the forest ablaze. Due to the vibrant light Kid illuminated, Nix winced as a burning sensation came to her eyes. Due to the darkness of being in this forest, she wasn’t prepared for such a level of light. Being launched out of Kid's hands with the power of his magigage by his disaster bullet was much more exhilarating than she thought. With the initial launch should could feel her cheeks slap back to the sides of her face and her skin pull back to a large grin. "This. IS. AWESOME!" She yelled as slapped her hands together for aerodynamic sake, as she began to quickly grow back to size and eventually a little larger.

Nix was able to focus her eyesight again, despite the glaring light, only to see someone flying in her direction. The demoness was shocked to see that the shimmering ‘projectile’ was actually Singlet! What was she doing flying through the air like this? Didn’t she know how dangerous it was!? ”Singlet!! What are you doing!?” She called out, unaware that she was the intended target for quite the crafty attack. Instantly noticing Nix reaching out to her, Singlet had called out to Nix as well with pure joy, "Nix!" Although Kid did warn her of Nix, Singlet was still very happy either way to see her, even if she had to kick her tushy. Seeing much clearer with the assistance of the bright light from the bullet that she was growing near of Nix, Singlet had yelled, "GIVE ME BREAD!" before unleashing a fury of kicks from the bottom of her chin and moving upwards to her face. However, it was by the uppercut-like-movement that allowed the bullet to continue upward and toss Singlet the other direction. Nix’s joy at seeing Singlet unharmed was short lived as the tiny attacker slammed surprisingly powerful kicks into her face. The force of the assault knocked Nix from the tree and tumbling towards the ground, bouncing off a tree on her way down. It put her in enough of a daze that the shadows around her were unable to catch her before her body slammed into the ground with a painful thud. ’I forgot that Singlet is here to fight too.. And that really hurt.’ The silverette thought as she slowly got to her feet, feeling pain all across her face from the small foot impressions left behind. She needed to go hide before she was attacked again, this was her only choice since she couldn’t think clearly at that exact moment. For Singlet on the other hand, with the influence of Kid's powerful Disaster Bullet in combination with his magigage and her "glow," it had sent the child through a few trees and slamming face down to the ground. Upon impact towards the ground, her impact had created a small crater of her shape and a small dust cloud for a couple of seconds. Getting up and looking at her palms, arms and legs, she suddenly noticed that she was entirely bruised as she was a mixture of a light tinge of purple, red and grey colour. It was to her knowledge that this happened to normal people when they fall and get hurt, so it was only "normal" for it to happen to her. Upon examination, she also noticed that she seemed to bit a little bit skinnier as well, to which she correlated with how cartoon characters would be like after an anvil had been dropped on them. Taking her time to walk back to the battlefield to help Kid further, she noticed that although the gems on her wrists have been slightly scuffed, the one by her bellybutton was in a much worse condition. Not only scratched had the gem been scratched, but it also had a few chips and several more cracks due to the impact from the dynamic of both Kid and her power. As hope quickly turned to reassurance that she was probably going to be fine, she began to rub her tummy during her walk, because that was children did on television when they weren't feeling too well.

Kid wasn’t tired from the move, per se. He was just extremely shocked from the amount of power he had at that moment, staring at the hand that fired. His feeling would be short lived, however, when a burst of wind whipped Kid right into another tree face-first and without Singlet’s assistance. A reverberating crunch as the point of contact caved in on itself somewhat. The Magician’s face recoiled off of the wood like a soccer ball as he turned only to be met screaming with a cyclone of flames into his midsection. The magigage gear was able to absorb the brunt of it, but that wouldn’t make it much less painful for somebody as pitifully human as Kid Disaster. “I've had about enough of sitting back and watching you play games. Shall we end this with you first Disaster?” As she spoke, he slowly regained his balance, running a hand over his face to find is completely smothered in his blood. Something about it made him...smile. It was a feeling reminiscent of sparring with Diviana, but with enough twists that it was something of its own. It seemed all consciousness was lost after that, as his body crumpled to the floor without so much as a twitch. Seeing the magician fall prone it looked as if things were already over for him, though one could never be too sure. Still a bit wary she would close the distance to check and make sure, or finish him off if he wasn't. Once within distance she would pause when she suddenly felt a tight grip on her ankle. Glancing at the offending arm she could see that it belonged to the magician, as though it was the only thing he could really manage against her right then. Naturally, it was all a part of his plan...it was a risky plan, no doubt, but it just could work. Keeping his grasp tight, the Magician ignited the woman’s leg into an explosion of red fireworks, causing her to stumble just enough that he had the time to leap up, revealing his possum-playing ploy and gaining a momentary advantage by grabbing her face within his gloved hand, which was slowly glowing whiter and whiter until it also ignited. The nymph was aware that if she were to stumble and stop any farther, she’d end up in a desperate situation. A small tornado enveloped Aura’s had as she retaliated immediately, completely taking his Gleaming Palm, but counterattacking with a power blow to his face, followed by and even more powerful strike that tore through his abdomen like tissue paper.

”Augh…damn it…His risk failed to pay off for him, unfortunately, as the concussed Magician hunched over, blood spilling from his stomach area. His breathing was heavy as his vision doubled. He could see Aura approaching him. “You aren’t appearing as strong as I had thought you were. It’s almost disappointing to see with how long you’ve been in this school. Perhaps I will do what I can to enjoy your end thoroughly.” Without further ado, she struck her hand directly inside of his wound and the Magician could feel the nymph’s grasp. “Now this is quite the interesting feeling, wouldn’t you say?” Normally she wasn’t one to indulge in the pain of others but he wasn’t going to actually die, so it was as good of a time as any to try something a bit out of the norm. As she did so she would keep her gaze trained on Kid, studying as various expressions of pain crossed his face with the few little things she tried. Kid could hardly speak, let alone stand. His body slumped towards Aura, a weak grip on her being the only thing holding him up. Turning up the heat on what was bound to be torture by that point she would add some of her winds into the mix, forcing extra pressure on certain points of his abdominal anatomy. “Don’t slip away on me yet, this is nothing compared to how either of us can finish you off.”

Nix finally regained a clear mind after the horrible stumble she took due to Singlet and Kid’s joint attack. Her head and body still ached but at least she could think clearly now. Though when the demoness looked towards the fighting, she saw a gruesome sight that sent a chill through her very being. Blood was spilling from Kid’s stomach and the culprit behind such an injury made themselves known immediately. Seeing Aura aggravating the wound infuriated Nix, in fact it was much more then that. She hurt her friend, caused him pain. The fact that Kid attacked her a few times held no relevance anymore. The rage within the silverette grew out of control as she watched Aura yank her hand out of Kid’s stomach and proceed to kick him in it, continuing the attack while he was down. This level of emotion being entirely new to her, and it took physical form. Nix’s shadow rose from the ground and covered her like a ghastly cocoon. The darkness then shrank until her body could clearly be seen again, as if her entire being had been dyed black. Bright, glowing crimson eyes stood out though the horizontal pupils showed that the kind Nix they all knew before wasn’t standing before them. Adding to the transformation was the fact her fingers had taken on the appearance of long and dangerous claws. The shadow demon looked at those around her before settling her gaze upon Aura. Nix opened her mouth to unleash a sharp, piercing shriek that sounded inhuman and caused the shadows around them all to writhe in response to her rage. The shrieking noise was enough to make anyone nearby cringe, which was exactly the reaction that the nymph had as she corrected her posture, no longer toying around with the wound Kid had suffered. Though she would have to finish off the magician if she were to pay closer heed to the newer threat. At last she would pick him up by the collar of his shirt before letting go as she channeled a blast of wind directly into the center of his being in order to knock him back and away into a nearby gnarled tree. As if to add insult to injury one of the mangled tree limbs would pierce through Kid’s midsection. He belted out a literal blood-curdling scream as his vision darkened. His consciousness seemed to leave him quickly these days, but...a look at his face would make anyone note that though he was unconscious, he was…smiling. "HUH?!" Singlet blurted out of a sudden hearing a shriek that echoed and rebounded around the walls around her, just when a hard breeze blew by. "NO YELLING ALLOWED!" Singlet yelled as her hands covered her ears to buffer the sound. As soon as her dress stopped blowing up in front of her, she put her hands down and continued to walk, until she heard another blood-curdling scream to follow. Stopping her tracks instantly, she became furious, knowing that she could recognize Kid's voice anywhere. "How come all the fun stuff always happens without me!" She spoke to herself as she began to run back to the destination of the battle with her fists clenched.

Nix rushed towards the nymph, her focus set on her for now, and tackled her down to the ground. Though instead of falling onto the dirt, they both sank into the shadow cast below them and vanished from sight. The pathways between shadow weren’t like what most people would imagine. The two fell through a mixture of black and goldenrod, flowing past them on all sides like tunnel. During this passage, Nix raked her claws across Aura’s limbs and cut her deeply before they neared the exit, prompting the nymph to cry out in pain. Turning towards her aggressor Aura would try to force Nix away though it was to no avail there, in the shadowy dimension. The attacks were painful, far more so than had been in the previous round and made what Shaun had done feel like child’s play in comparison. She just knew she had to get out of it or...well, she was probably done for. The demoness grabbed Aura and threw her through it before following suit, both of them flying out of a shadow along the ground. With a thud the nymph would hit the forest floor once more, far more bloodied than she had been going into it. Deep lacerations covered her form and the blood could be seen seeping freely from each wound. The growing weakness felt just like it had the previous round, with blood loss settling in once more. With what energy she had she would struggle to stand up once more, the winds she summoned to assist far weaker than before. She wouldn’t make it far though as her limbs became trapped by shadows once more, pinning her back down to the ground. Having the shadows stretch and pierce through Aura’s limbs showed that even in this enraged state, they were still very much under Nix’s control. The shadow clad demoness walked towards her trapped prey, only stopping to see Kid against the tree. Though seeing a gnarled branch through his midsection only stoked the flames of her anger, making the shadows in the area to shift once again. Crimson eyes stared down at the nymph as a growl passed the silverette’s lips. The demoness then rose an arm and forced it through Aura’s own midsection, even giving her hand a twist to add to the pain as the nymph let out a strained cry of agony. With a sicking sound and spray of crimson, Nix pulled her hand free but wasn’t done with the nymph just yet. When she stood up straight, her eyes never left the bleeding being still pinned to the ground. The shadowed claws on her hand grew longer and sharper before she rose her arm into the air. With a powerful swing, she cut through Aura’s neck with a grotesque crack, her head moving just enough to show it had been severed..


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Part 2: Continued.

"Why don't you come a little closer," Diviana beckoned to Sergio as she waved her pedipalps at him and walked towards him slowly. Again, although seeming to be a little bit more repetitive, she began to spit balls of ectoplasm again. Though this time a little bit different, as type of ectoplasmic consistency was more similar to the raw seething energy of searing plasma. Rapidly, she began to spit at him as if they were bullets as she circled around him at a distance. Coincidentally, she had began to spit in a specific pattern that would allow her to spit and shoot the silk from her spinnerets during the off-beat of her spitting. By doing so, it had further allowed her to encase the two in a large circular sphere. Luckily for her, the complexities of a spider was much more beneficial on her behalf, as the silk that she excreted was much more thicker and larger due to her abnormal size in comparison to the other spiders. Specifically more within context, she found that her own personal silk, similar to a spider had also condensed and hardened much quicker once it was air bound. "Ah, much more comfy." The bone demon looked on as a was created around them. He looked around as he tried to dodge her spit. With a quick movement of his arm his spine extended forward and tried to wrap around his enemy hoping to capture her. Continuing her spitting, she began to move all over the dome; up and around him dodging the lashes of his spine. During the mean time, her eyes began to glow and slightly blink with that similar shade of purple previously, even though she was not in direct contact with him. Quickly, the soft globs of ectoplasm that she had excreted earlier hoping to land on him had began to move forward towards the dome that she had spun as if they had a strong attraction to something. Making soft sploshing sounds, they continued to move as separate individuals the dome until was completed covered on the outside, whether it be below, above, on the sides or behind them. However with enough lashes, she wasn't expecting to be captured as easily, but allowed for it as one of her feet was smashed and hooked onto by his spine. Again she began to chatter with her teeth, but not speak this time. Slowly, her head began to split into two through her back, as her upper human body emerged slowly along with her head. Unlike being wholly spider shaped, she was half a human with a spider bottom counterpart with the same legs previously. Easily, just as he did however, she disposed of foot by shedding it off. ”Let the games begin,” she said as her axe previously appeared into her hand and turned into a barbed whip. Like he, she also began to lashed at him as she moved towards him. Sporadically, she instantly then launched herself down him, just to what seemed to be that she had done so just to phase through him, but it was something different. Things were starting to get entertaining as his opponent began to lash out at him with her whip. It had been many years since he had been in a battle this intense. He lashed out his spine and there whips got tangled up together. When they were tangled he could saw his opponent lunge at him only to phase through him. ”Why did she do that? What was the purpose of going through me? Did she put something in me? No that couldn’t be it, everything feels normal.” There was no time to dwell on her action for any longer as the demon then turn around and hit her abdomen with the bone sword he held in his other hand.

She paused for a moment, not speaking nor moving once his bone sword had pierced her. Slowly her head turned in a one hundred degree angle just as he did before, waiting for him to realize that he had just struck her in the same spot where had left the wound of piercing her with the bones on her back. She looked at him until it sunk in that what he pierced was nothing more but excess flesh covering an empty hole."Ignite," she simply said until his lower body began to lighten up and combust from the inside out of his body. Putting both of her hands gently on his bone sword, she smiled to say, "How foolish," before phasing through his weapon to move. At that very instant, the ectoplasm that had covered the sphere around them had then pierced through the dome in all directions through him like a million needles and blades that passed through the core. Flames ravaged through the inside of the demon’s body as then dropped his weapons. There was no point in fighting anymore, he know that he had lost. ”Congrats on being the first person to defeat me since I first arrived here. I knew that this day would come. It has been so long since I had this much fun in a fight. You are truly a fascinating and terrifying opponent.” Listening to him speak, she had nothing further to add to. She already knew that she was the best anyway, and for him to say that she was the first to defeat him shows even more how weak Taiustus was without her. Watching him with her casual unimpressed look, as she remained to be unphased by her creation, she had raised her hand and made the motion as if she was twisting a doorknob above her. As if burning him through the inside out and piercing through his body with large spikes and blades was not enough, the dome slowly began to rotate with the points and tear him apart slowly. As each point phased through her, she simply sat down and crossed her spider legs in front of her to make sure the job was done thoroughly. Even in defeat the sinister grin was still plastered on his mask. A low chuckle escaped the demon’s lips and is escalated in pure mad laughter as the blades pierced through his body. He just laughed and laughed until his dying breath.

After Aura vanished in a burst of light, Nix shook her hand to cast off some of the excess blood from the kill but froze as she caught a glimpse of her work. The crimson dying her hand and the puddle of it upon the ground. There was blood and she caused it somehow. That realization was enough to snuff out the anger she had felt moments ago and replaced it with a mixture of worry and fear. The shadow covering her body began to slink back to the ground like water, gathering at her feet to return back to normal. Tears started to gather in her eyes as she stared at the one thing that didn’t simply vanish with the darkness, the blood on her hands. What happened after she saw Kid get hurt? Where did Aura go? Those questions couldn’t be answered right away but she did locate the Magician once she looked around. Seeing him literally stuck on the tree made her feel sick.. ”K.. Kid?” Nix’s voice was barely audible as she approached him, hoping he was still alive. The Magician was still unconscious and bleeding, as if his body was doing the best it could to conserve what little energy he had left. Seeing him being unresponsive made the demoness move closer with worry. ”Kid, you need to wake up!” Hopefully her voice and her gently shaking his shoulder would awaken him. A small splatter of blood fell from Kid’s mouth. Slowly, he began to wake up. Looking around slowly, he began to process what had been happening, though he still had some of his wit about him under any circumstance. ”...?” Kid waking up was a good thing but seeing the blood was not.. The worry was clear on Nix’s face as she looked at the state he was in. ”Y-You’re going to be okay! Um.. I’ll think of something!” What could she do to help with the piece of tree stuck in him? Would it make him worse to just remove the oversized splinter? Though this was very odd, she didn’t remember there being a tree in his stomach. ”What happened to Aura…? And the spiders?” It looked like his prior risk, his whole plan, could still play out, but he needed to get the important details beforehand. His prior thoughts were quickly returning to him, and it seemed like the wounds he sustained were going numb. It was a good thing the one Aura made hadn’t been wider or else he would have been well past dead already. ”I.. I don’t really know! I just remember being really mad and when I woke up, I saw a lot of blood.” Why was Kid asking about Aura and the spiders? Was he scared they would come back? Either way Nix would answer the best she could. ”But we should worry about the stick inside you!” So Nix had blanked out? and Aura was gone? Well that was just perfect. Looking around the burning forest a bit more, it seemed that all the spiders had either run away or burned to death, from what he could see. The Magician had no doubt that Diviana was still alive, and Singlet wasn’t an easy kill. If Sergio wasn’t there, then clearly he was with Diviana knowing her. That left him with Nix. An easy kill afforded at that very moment were it not for the tree inside of him. ”We’re supposed to be fighting, you know…” He tried to sound as calm as possible, despite his circumstances. ”But if you insist on helping me...can you cut up the branch and wrap the wound…?” A small frown came to her face as Kid pointed out the fact they were supposed to be fighting since this was a match. She knew that but that didn’t change the fact he was her friend! They could settle this in a better manner later. Things seemed to shift in a kinder direction when he asked for her help! ”Uh huh! I’ll do what I can, Kid.” Using her shadows, she took the proper steps to remove the tree from his midsection. Though when it came to bandaging, there was only one thing she could use. Nix removed her jacket and proceeded to cut it into strips to start wrapping it tightly around the wound. ”Is this helping..?” It was still a tad bit difficult, but Kid managed to stand back up, leaning onto Nix for support. ”Yeah...it’ll do. Thank you, Nix.” He gave the girl a light kiss on the cheek and a pat on the head as thanks. ”You’re a really good friend.” The demoness helped keep the Magician on his feet, not wanting him to fall over again, even having some shadows hold onto him. When he pressed his lips against her face and patted her on the head, it caused a bright blush to tint her cheeks. ”Y-You’re welcome, Kid.. You’re a good friend too.” In the end, however, Kid was still after only one thing, and that was victory at all costs. His entire demeanor changed, his tone becoming much darker along with the pain as he whispered in her ear, entering into the final steps of his plan. It’s too bad you don’t mean it, ******** freak.” Nix froze as Kid whispered something truly cruel into her ear. That tone of voice and even what he said didn’t sound like the Magician she knew.. The silverette looked over at him, the hurt and confusion clear in her eyes. ”Wh-what..? I’m not a freak.. And I do mean it! Why.. Why did you say that?” He still hung onto her as if she was the only thing keeping his feet on the ground, but that wouldn’t stop him. It was simply another risk to him doing this so close to the shadows, but losing was not an option. The venom in his voice grew thicker still as he continued. ”Sure you are. You’re a freak, a monster, a curse...Why, I’d go so far as to say you’re nothing more than a disgusting abomination.” He wouldn’t stop there, either, as he continued to play puppeteer with the poor girl’s emotions. Waiting for them to break. ”You obviously killed Aura. How could I have let you trick me into thinking otherwise for so long. You’re a liar. I hate you.” Why was he saying these things to her? What did she do? Nix could only stare in shock, tears beginning to gather in her eyes once again as his words felt like daggers to the chest. Even her shadows reacted to the sorrow she was feeling, the forms they had started to grow weak and melt off Kid. Multiple small arms rose from her own shadow to rest against her in an attempt to soothe her. Though the last things he said was a tremendous shock to the teen. Did he just say she killed Aura? ”I-I didn’t.. Kill Aura.. I.. I didn’t lie. I-!” That last statement crushed her heart, in a manner of speaking. The tears overflowed and ran down her cheeks as she couldn’t look away from the person she thought was her friend. ”You.. You hate.. me..?” A dark chuckle came from Kid, who was clearly enjoying what he was doing. ”There you go, lying again. You’re sick. He sighed for a moment, his wound getting to him just a bit. ”Look at your hands, you can’t hide that. I’ll bet you’re the one that put me in that tree, too. It’s no wonder everybody wants you dead. Why don’t you just do yourself a favor and kill yourself, too?” Nix moved away from Kid and looked down at her bloodstained hands. Was he right? Did she really kill Aura? A sharp pain shot through her head as flashes of what occurred came to mind. What the male said was true.. It felt as if all the strength left her legs as she fell to her knees, unable to stand anymore. ”Everyone.. Wants me dead..? N-No one is my.. friend?” It was then that Nix broke down sobbing, feeling utterly betrayed and hated.. ”That’s right, everyone hates you. Especially me.” He stalked towards her slowly, kneeling down to look her directly in the eyes. ”I wish you were never born.” This was all too much for Nix to handle. Everything she knew felt like a horrible lie and didn’t know what to believe anymore. The only thing the demoness knew was she didn’t want to be there anymore, she didn’t want to hear the horrible things Kid had to say anymore. ”No.. I’m not a monster! I don’t want to kill anyone.. I want to go home!!” Nix had surrendered, losing all will to fight, and vanished in a burst of light. ”Two birds, one stone. All according to plan…” He felt bad. A little. For now though, nothing was more important than victory.

Just like that a burst of light whisked him away at his very last moments. It brought her much comfort that she at least killed off one person for sure, knowing that they were completely eliminated. At the raise of her hand the dome had came to a complete stop and began to slowly melt on its own like a diseased hive. Coming down from the tree top, she had slowly made it down the remaining silk hanging, spotting one more foe, Kid Disaster. However, things seem much more unfortunate than she thought, as he seemed to be much more discombobulated than she thought. ”Aw, how tragic,” she had called out to him, pursing her lips with her hands clasped together. She was actually surprised that Nix had lasted just as long, but of course she was bound to die. Walking around him like he was a piece of leftover meat, all she could do was shake her head, ”Tsk, tsk, tsk. I would just give up now, it’ll be so much easier for the both of us.” Kid knew he would have trouble here. As stated before, she was no easy kill. ”Yep...I didn’t even have to swing on her...got this wound, though...” It was uncomfortable how at peace he was with the notion of getting rid of Nix. ”Got rid of Aura too, so what’s one more to the tally. Right, Div? As much as it would have phased her that had eliminated Aura, she kept it to herself as they both made an oath that they would do whatever they could to win. It’s the end result that matters. Her head turned as he mentioned his wound. ”What wound?” She questioned before slowly condensing the fog into a disk that rotated in the center of his gash, ”You don’t mean this blemish, do you?” She asked again before weaving her index finger around. The disk then fractured into a wheel, sprouting strings that latched onto him; digging and weaving in and out the perimeter of his wound and turning slowly to pull it all together ”Better?” He was far too worn out to scream any more, but he dropped rather pitifully to a knee. ”Ugh-- yeah, real funny. Screw you.” Diviana was just toying with him now and all he could do was wait for some kind of opening, but knowing her, he’d have to make one himself. Standing back up, he used his final Phantom Step to teleport directly in front of her, catching her in the face with a sharp elbow. Afterwards, his body hesitated for a moment thanks to his prior injury. As soon as he was able, he opened his palm, going straight for the wisp’s face in an attempted Gleaming Palm attack. Not wasting a second like her opponent, she briefly phased forward into Kid and instead kicked him away with her back spider legs yards away. ”Asura taught you better than that, scum.” She turned her head slightly to look at him and then looked away. ”You can’t even carry out a basic formation, it’s embarrassing.” Unlike others, she actually had to look at him and Nix when they trained, but now, she didn’t even think he was worth the glance. Turning around, she walked over to look at the pathetic example of a human scrub, before spitting at him, missing his actual face by a few centimeters. His vision doubled yet again as he breathed heavily in pain, noticing Diviana’s stitch job to have gotten pulled apart at some point and the wound having gotten worse. He was losing blood fast now. Something in his face changed, his demeanor seemed more...feral, than anything. Losing was not an option. He rose to his feet, stumbling several times in the process, but she was right there. He began to lunge towards her, growling wildly. This fight was not over! ”Hm?” She watched as he struggled to get up. Walking around freely, she began to shed her spider half and cut off the excess weight. It was after all more efficient at this point and kind of amusing to see him follow her around like a lost dog. Coming to a stop, she turned around to look at him once again, ”Oh, I can help you with that.” Taking a quick steps before him, she then launched herself towards him using his head as a support to give her the height and extra strength in her flip. With a quick reappearance of her weapon, now being a great axe and using the momentum of the flip, she had easily chopped off a new leg for her collection. ”I think Lilith would love this actually,” she said as she kicked his limp leg side to side like a soccer ball. His pupils shrank and his eyes widened with shock. It all happened so fast that he couldn’t even register it until he fell onto his arms and looked at the leg, amputated from the knee down, bouncing off of one of the burning trees and it burning up itself. The world was spinning faster and faster, but failure was not an option! Unable to focus, he used everything he had to pull himself towards her. He was completely desperate at this point, not even to succeed or to survive, but to avoid losing. A thick trail of blood followed behind him on the ground. It felt like hours before he finally made it to Diviana. One look at his face and it was obvious that his mind was not all there anymore. He raised his right hand and pointed towards her. Charging the Magigage to strike her with a point-blank shot. Though she simply had to do was just slice it off, and so she did, catching his hand in hers. ”A new cellphone stand. Fun,” she commented casually, walking away after his blood splurted on her face. ”Don’t you just hate it though? That feeling of… Failing?” She stopped in her tracks to crouch down and look at him. ”I mean, I don’t deal with it very often, but it must happen to you all the time since birth. Is that how you got here? You failed and Taiustus came to the rescue?” She questioned with a sweet smile. It was almost like taking candy from a baby. ”No…no! NO! NO!” He screamed repeatedly, since his hand was lost, the Magigage lost it’s ability to aid Kid further and all he could do what curse the heavens as his beaten, bloody, unfocused body continued to pull itself towards Diviana, still screaming NO! repeatedly. It was clear that at this point that the only thing keeping him going was raw determination as he even used his stub of a hand to move himself, flinging lots and lots of blood around. In one final act of defiance, he would use his remaining hand to slap Diviana in her face. She let him have it, however clenching down on his wrist to pull him down and then have the ability to kick him in the face with her heel with much more ease. Watching him fall flat face into the ground, she had still felt somewhat displeased, as if it wasn’t enough. Kicking him to roll him over, she simply gave him one more look with a small smile before kicking him over again, to stomp his face into the ground and letting him bleed out like the pathetic worm he’d become..

"Pants, pants, pants, pants." She said on the off-beats of her breath. Running was much less fun when she actually thought about it, but when she arrived things looked worse. "Everyone's GONE!?" She yelled as all she could see was Flat Chest and Kid lying down, who seemed to be really hurt. "T.O! T.O! Kid's hurt!" Singlet yelled from instant sight of blood. She was exasperated from her sight. How could it be, her hero... Hurt. Diviana’s head slowly turned as she heard the voice of Singlet and simply backed away from Kid, just to look at him at a small distance. She did nothing more but let the little runt come in to see that her “hero” at his worst, as he continued to bleed out. Once she ran over, she watched as he just laid their like one of her amputated dolls. "You can have my hand, Kid!" She said clasping her hand onto his wrist, thinking that it must’ve casually fallen off. "We just need glue..." She tried to respond positively, but he wasn't laughing back at her. Singlet turned around to Diviana as quietly as she stood,
Diviana looked at Singlet casually, before chuckling at her poor attempts. ”If you want him to feel better you have to surrender. That way he can be fixed.” Looking back at Kid, she hesitated. "But I really want to win with Kid," she responded, since she too had that passion to never give up as well. Though looking back at Kid really made her sad and actually made her think that this was something she had to do on her own. "I.." Looking back at Diviana and then crouching down for a second to pet Kid’s hair, she quickly got up and stomped her feet to say, "I’m surrendering, starting now!"

Winners: Aura & Diviana

Rich Wife

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                                                      Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you.
                                                      ☾Where am I?: Taiustus | ☾Who are you?: Baekim and Lior | ☾What am I wearing?: This is it | ☾What am I thinking?: I need to sit down and be with my thoughts. And a donut. Or seven. ❞ | ☾OOC:SO CLOSE TO BEING DONE HIGH SCHOOL HNNNNGGGGG

                                                      = Talking
                                                      = 'Thinking'

                                                      Isabella felt more relaxed as the aura flowed through her body. She stood there quietly and listened to what Baekim said to her. At this moment, she didn't really know how to respond. All she did was listen and give him a faint smile and a small nod. "You're right. Standing around and moping about our round will do nothing for both of us. She croaked as she finally looked up at him. Isabella leaned back on the wall behind them and shut her eyes tight. The pearl haired girl let out a long sigh and slowly opened her eyes again. "Thank you, really." Isabella suddenly hugged Baekim's waist, with her head pressed against his chest. After a couple of quiet seconds, Isabella stood up on her toes and pecked Baekim on his cheek. "Let's grab some food later. Or have a spa day. We still need to do that. Until then, I'm gonna walk around a little and purge myself of all this negativity. It isn't good for my kind." And with that, she flashed Baekim a tired smile and gave him a little wave. "If I can't find you, then I'll trust that you'll find me. We do share a bond after all." The girl grinned and was on her way after blowing little kisses to Baekim's cats.

                                                      She walked for a couple of minutes, not having any particular destination to make her way to. Isabella shook her head and rubbed her eyes a couple of times, one of her eyes slightly hurting. Her wandering came to a stop when she saw him sitting there.
                                                      'Lior.' The mage watched him from afar for a couple of seconds. He looked exhausted and worn out. His match was before hers, so he still must have been tired. Isabella shifted from one foot to the other, unsure if she should approach him without it making her seem odd. "Screw it." The snow white girl walked up to Lior and sat down next to him. "Hey." She spoke with the most friendly tone that she could muster up.

                                                      "Everything alright? I don't want to sound like a creep but I was watching you-- I don't mean watching you. Well I was watching you but not at first. But only for like a couple of seconds. Wow this isn't going well. Um. IwaswalkingaroundaimlesslyandIsawyousittingthereandyoulookedtiredandIwantedtoseeifyouwereokay." Isabella cursed at and muttered to herself in her head. 'Perfectly executed, Bella.' "I just wanted to make sure that you were doing okay. I know that the tournament can really fu-- mess you up. That was the first time I ever fought and my first experience with any form of death what so ever." She hugged her knees to her chest, wanting to bang her head against something. Talking was not Isabella's strongest asset. And this was very evident to not only Lior, but to anyone walking by, witnessing this extremely awkward conversation. Not sure what to do next, she looked over to Lior and sheepishly laughed.



                                                      Asura Deimos"[/spo
                                                      xz7473ax:73="Asura Deimos"[/spoiler]
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" He who fights with monsters might take care, lest he thereby become a monster... "

Lior was transported back to the spectator's stands after losing his match in the tournament. As it turned out, that Kid Disaster had been quite crafty. Lior couldn't help but to smile at how devious Kid was, and how he had well-earned his win. He also felt extreme fatigue creeping over him. The Ancient Light was back, and healed up, but he had expended quite a lot of energy in that last fight. He laid back on the bleachers and closed his eyes, absolutely spent. He wished he could do that sleep thing that a lot of the humans were doing to restore their vigor. He paid no mind to the current fights going on in the tournament, and allowed himself to go into a quasi-dormant state.


Lior's eyes popped open as a familiar voice spoke out to him. She was kind in her tone, and Lior recognized her as the terran that he had encountered in the rain before. She asked how he was and told him that she had noticed him, in just about the most awkward way possible. She sat, and continued speaking

Lior smiled an easy smile as Bella rushed her way through her last sentence, before quickly moving on. And asking about Lior's experience with the tournament. After she laughed Lior did so as well, before piping up himself. " Observation of other beings is a natural pass time. I am not displaced emotionally because you partook of a natural terran phenomena known as, 'people watching'. As for the tournament, I lost, and am saddened by this, however I shall learn from this, and improve. "

Lior looked pensively over to Bella as she mentioned this had been her first experience of any magnitude with death and its trappings. He now grew worried for her well being. " And as for you, Bella, how are you after the tournament? As you stated, it can be quite the harrowing experience. Although, I am not familiar with the term, 'fu-mess you up' what does that mean?" The celestial asked in a bass voice, cocking his head to the side like an inquisitive cat.

" Oh! Isabella, before I forget, I got something for you! Let me go get it!" Lior stood, mid-sentence of Bella's reply, and zipped off and back in an instant. Utilizing his great speed he returned before she made it through her next word, holding two books. The first, Pride and Predjudice by Jane Austen he had overheard several terrans praise the tome, and hoped that Isabella was among the number that would praise it as well. The second was a very, very old book, from a foreign planet. It's writing was strange and unreadable. Even Lior was unfamiliar with the alien kuneiform, but he found it to be beautiful. He hoped she would too.

Lior waited impatiently for Bella to finish her reply, before, with great excitement, handing her the books. " I hope that you enjoy these! The first has received much praise by other terrans, and the second... well... I think that is beautiful and that a beautiful terran should possess it... At this, Lior's glow turned to a bright reddish pink, as close to a blush as the Light would get.

" And if you gaze for long into an abyss the abyss gazes also into you. -Mark Twain"

" Speech"

Obnoxious Panda

Anxious Bookworm

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I don't want to live my life this way. I don't want to wait for another day...

    User Image
                                Lorelei nodded solemnly as Gia told her about why she thought the school was hell. Honestly, Lorelei wasn't shocked. Judging by what she had seen so far, plus the fact that her mother was the one to send her here, she doubted that this place was much more than a glorified prison.

                                “My brother threw me in here," she heard Gia explain. “Just pushed me in and threw away the key. Until I can function normal maybe”

                                Lorelei remained silent, but she gave Gia a knowing glance. She knew all too well how it felt to be betrayed by a family member, and she knew that time didn't always heal wounds. Sometimes it made them worse.

      As she got lost in her sympathy for Gia, as well as her own feelings, she saw something flying towards them. She had been distracted, so she didn't have a chance to react, but fortunately, Gia was able to save them from the flying piece of metal. Unfortunately, Gia's nose had started to bleed. Lorelei covered her own nose as soon as the smell hit her. It was bad enough that Gia was already covered in blood, but at least that had started to dry up. As Gia approached her, Lorelei glanced at the hand Gia had wiped her nose on. Hopefully, it would dry up soon and wouldn't smell as fresh.

      “Are you alright?!” Gia asked, to which Lorelei nodded. Then, Gia looked around for a bit before exclaiming, “We have to get Luca!”
      User Image
      Lorelei got up slowly and started heading towards where Luca had been before, but before she got any further, Gia called out her friend's name.Turning around, Lorelei saw that Lilith had disappeared and Gia was giving the middle finger to a man who vanished in a cloud of mist. She blinked a couple of times trying to figure out who that was and what he had done to piss off Gia so much. And then, Gia started to disappear too.

      "Lorelei?" she heard Gia call out.

      Lorelei's eyes widened a little as she removed her sleeve from her nose.


      She looked around for Luca, but he was nowhere to be found. That's when she saw it. The fighting matches were starting again, and Gia and Luca were up on the screen. Lorelei tensed up. The other two teams seemed to be planning something, and, whatever it was, Lorelei wasn't looking forward to it. She hated this. Seeing people hurt. Just watching, not being able to comfort anyone. She reminded herself that she needed to be careful of who she got close to. This place was a death trap. Literally. Lunatics attacking students, people disappearing, fights to the death. Trying to make friends might not be in her best interest. If they got hurt... Besides, Lorelei needed to focus on her own survival. With her powers, which she was less than enthusiastic about having to use, she was a little worried about how she would fare in such a... combative environment.

      ...I want to be in charge of me, but my mind won't leave me be.

      Location: Arena
      Company: Nobody anymore...
      Thoughts: I'm going to die here... We're all going to die here...
      Feeling: Extremely disturbed... and quite hungry.
      Outfit:This. Oh! This too, of course.
      OOC: So sorry! I was busy and I couldn't get to the computer, and then, when I finally did get on, Gaia told me that my post was sent, but I guess that wasn't true... Again, super sorry about how late this is!

      Zeonis Mieriba
      Karmie Gee

    Mitzy-nyan's Senpai

    Astounding Worker

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    Y o u xxxx o p e n xxxx u p xxxx t h e xxxx d o o r xxxx w i t hxxxx y o u r xxxx n e g a t i v e xxxx a u r a

    xxxxxxxxxxxx Y o u xxxx s a y xxxx t h e xxxx f u t u r e ' s xxxx m u r k y xxxx i n d e e d xxxx

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A n d xxxx i ' m xxxx s i c k xxxx o f xxxx h e a r i n g xxxx y o u xxxx g r i p e xxxx

    █████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████
    _____________Your Dean... Mr. Knife

    Zeke was certainly a lively young lad, that pep would do him good in the school as long as he didn't piss off the wrong people. "Who am I?" He raised his eyebrow for a moment, confused before realizing that he actually hadn't introduced himself. "Oh- my sincerest apologies for being so rude! I'm the Dean of this fine establishment. Mr. Knife, at your service. I'm the creator of this school as well." Zeke's actions had no effect on Knife's temperament. If anything, they relieved him a little, he supposed. If this child was here just from some destructive silliness, it was one less thing to worry about. "It's funny that you mentioned that-- the brother thing. You and I actually do share a common ancestor~"

    "Regardless, as I said, you're in Taiustus, but if you looking specifically for it on a map, we are in the lovely mountains of Papua New Guinea." The boy began to boast, speaking of corrupting and such. A gentle smile tugged at Knife's mouth. Some of his favorite students started out the same way. Speaking of which... ""Oh dear me, today is so busy. The choir is making such a mess, not only that but I have visitors to attend to. I'm afraid I have to cut our time short. Feel free to explore the school, or you can follow me through the portal I make and get right into the thick of it~" With a wave of his hand, said portal appeared next to Knife. "It's going to close in ten seconds, so no lollygagging~ I hear there's a special surprise for you."

    Going through the portal himself, he reappeared in the training grounds, where it seemed chaos had taken over thanks to a new student's appearance. With poor little gooby on the ground without his friend. Kneeling down, he spoke to it. "Gooby gooby~ you should go find your owner, or-- how about I just send you to her." Picking up the adorable doll, Knife tossed it upwards. When it came down, it would fall right into her hands. Approaching Shura, he placed a finger on the boy's nose. "Well you're going to special classes." He'd likely die in those classes, but with an entrance like his, it was probably the best place for him. He turned to everyone who was affected by the attack and bowed. "My apologies for that, sometimes the more volatile new students think they need to make a statement...and sometimes that statement goes a bit far. They go to special classes, much worse than all of yours."

    'What else...' With a wave of his hand, the students were lifted into the air as the area cleaned itself up a bit. Setting them back down, he smiled. "Ah~ good as new!" Looked like the fights were finishing up, but the screens hadn't quite declared the winners just yet. "I'm sure the visitors will love this!" They would be arriving any minute now, all he needed to do was wait. He stood with pride, his eyes scanning over all of his years of hard work come to fruition. The tournament was always one of his favorite parts of the year because of how things seemed to go after.

    Where am I: Training Grounds Arena
    With whom: My lovely students!
    And what could I be thinking: You did good, Knife, you did good...
    Oh! OC!:
    And if you stay negative and if you never ever change then the tiniest spark of your life will fizzle out





    Solana Shadow Plauge



    Oxii Clean

    Of Dracarys

    The Retarded Dove


    Obnoxious Panda






    Xaven the Raven


    Ivy Fantasy's Waifu

    Sweet Prophet

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    Live life on the wild side. Rules are meant to broken or bent.

    ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

    Who: Zeke
    With:Nobody by the end
    Where:main floor of tai...somewhere.
    OOC: .....

    ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

    Zeke looked at the man. Sitting indian style on the guys desk. His elbows propped up on his knees still. His eyes watching each and every action the man made. His motions. His facial expresion. His body language. The tiny microexpressions that people don't even realize they make. The twitch of an eyebrow. The tightening of a face muscle. Mostly he was just entertaining himself right now. His chin resting in his hand as he was full of energy. He was amused by the fact for once there was nothing obviously oozing off. It was almost like there was no emotions to 'vamp' or siphon off of without contact. Which meant this guy was not going to make for a good energy or food source for the vampiric incubus half of his so called genetics. His back was sending signals to his brain which never made it there. They were utterly ignored and didn't even register on a subconscious level. The man's eyebrow rose and his did as well. Why did the man seem so incredulous? He wasn't a mindreader for pete's sake! He didn't know the mans name magically or psychically...or whatever.

    Snickering audibly but quickly muffled it to look curiously at the other. Say what now? Did this guy just seriously apologize for being rude? How was it rude? How fascinatingly absurd! He wasn't rude...a little slow on the uptake but not rude. I mean he was the one throwing information around expecting the new guy to know who he was just because he strolled in with a stylish entrance. Showing off his magic tricks like fixing everything up with a wave of the hand. A smirk was firmly planted on Zeke's lips. "Hotel rehabiliation hell...got it." He smirked a bit laughing a bit. At his service? Really? Hahahahaha! Such a way with words. This guy was something else. He was finding himself highly entertained just off the Ringmaster's introductions. He smirked a bit and then frowned. His actions were not having any effect. Or...more accurately...they didn't have the anticipated or hoped for effect. In fact...it was almost accurate to say it did nothing to affect the temper of the man before him.

    Sitting up some and moved a hand to rub the back of his head. Looking at the man before it was his turn to experience a double take syndrome. He made a slight jerking jolt motion with his body and his shocked gaze went straight to the guy before him. Eyes wide for a moment of completely baffled and bewildered stunnedness. He shook his head a bit and narrowed his eyes. "That makes you my grandpa. Hahahaha old timer fits his role. Interesting. You almost had me there a minute. You have to be jerking my chain...but just in case pops...it will be interesting to see how true your words really are." He said with a very devious grin on his lips. He shifted onto his knees and then into a crouch. Looking at the man. He clearly was anticipating the future...deviances. He blinked a bit as the other seemed to trail off.

    He stood up on the man's desk. Backflipping off of it and landed a few feet behind him. Arching an eyebrow a bit as he listened to the other. He pondered this then flashed a dark smile. "Hell no! I do that and I start my reputation out as the Headmaster's pet...hahahaha. Hell freeze over first before I'm some goody two shoes teacher's pet. Torment you later Pops." He said with a laugh as he opened the door behind him and was stepping backwards through it. He was going exploring...like hell he wanted to ruin his reputation or street cred ending up known as the Headmaster's pet! He had stuff to think about. A pull on the softer side of his soul and....things to ponder. There was also mischief to be had. Things to do. Places to see. People to meet. Oh...the fun that would be had. He moved and blurred out as he didn't even wait for the man to vanish through the portal. Let the adventures begin! He made his way down to the main areas eventually and looked around. His mind running a million miles a minute.


    High-functioning Hoarder

    15,850 Points
    • Treasure Hunter 100
    • Lavish Tipper 200
    • Friendly 100
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    XXSo long, Light of dawn
    XXDarkness, take me in
    XXSoundlessly holding on

    XXIn the depths, silent world, long ago
    XXAll that will remain, broken heart

    XXMemories of better days
    XXLocked within, in hopes that we will remember
    XXSomeday we may wake to find

                                                            Even though Nix reappeared in the arena stands without a scratch on her and her clothes perfectly tidy once again, she wasn't in perfect condition. The demoness was still in tears, still effected by the fight she just endured. Kid's venomous words still spiraled in her mind, tormenting her even after her surrender. Was what he said really true? Did everyone hate her and wish her dead? Even he said he hated her that much. So surely everyone, including those she considered close friends, secretly despised her as well. The demoness felt truly alone as this new 'reality' sank in. All the voices she heard around her sounded just as venomous as the Magician thanks to his words. Even the look on his face was still clear in her mind, that hate filled expression. How did she never pick up on such animosity before? How could everyone smile to her face like that and act like her friend..?

                                                            Then it became clear in Nix's mind as she glanced at the massive screen. Everyone saw her kill Aura, they saw her become a bloodthirsty monster. Perhaps everyone saw this part hidden inside her before she even knew it existed. It would make sense why they were being nice to her if they were afraid of being killed by her shadows. So perhaps what Kid said was true, saying the cruel things he did. The only person that possibly didn't hate her was her brother, Tharros, since he was a demon like her. Though that didn't make her feel any better since that was only one person in Taiustus. The amount of people against her vastly out numbered her big brother. Tears welled up in the silverette's eyes as something else painful came to mind. 'Does this mean Dad hates me too..?' The kind elf that she considered a father was among those that possible hated her, according to what was said. Asura had been so kind to her, helping her control her powers and even calling her his daughter. Was this all to deceive her?

                                                            Nix dropped to her knees and started to cry even more, on the brink of sobbing. Everything was one gigantic lie, at least that's how it felt to the demoness. After all, why would Kid lie to her? He seemed to be truthful in the past, even though he claimed to hate her. The only silver lining to this was the fact the girl didn't watch the scene to see Kid's painful defeat at Diviana's hands. If anything, that would've made the situation far worse than it currently was. Right now Nix's emotions were a mixture of many things coupled together with exhaustion. Even to the point her shadows weren't reacting in the slightest, unsure of what to do either. Someone that seemed to know what to do wasted no time in rushing over to the saddened girl.

                                                            Tharros had watched the entire match on the screen, despite a certain student making a mess of a section of stands. He was very grateful to Mr. Knife sending the trouble maker away and fixing up the place but that was the least of his worries. He could feel his stomach turn as Nix lost control over her powers, her demonic nature taking over, and killing Aura. It could've been anyone on the receiving end of such brutality but the fact that the victim was Elliot's 'girl' made it just a bit worse. The greaser was a good friend of his and this could certainly cause some issues. Unfortunately, it only got worse from there for the spectator. The demon couldn't hear what was being said but the Magician Nix hung out with was doing something. The younger sibling helped her opponent and everything seemed fine until Kid started whispering something. It infuriated Tharros that he couldn't hear anything but could clearly see it greatly affected Nix. Seeing her break down emotionally almost pushed him to lose his temper, which would result quite badly for those around him. Though seeing his little sister appear in tears was enough to make him push his anger aside. He hurried over to kneel down and wrap his arms around her, trying to calm her down. "Shh.. It's okay, Nix. You're safe now." He didn't know what to say since there were no clues as to what had been said and Nix was in no condition to be asked about it either..

    Where: Training Grounds, Arena Stands
    Who: Lots of other students
    Condition: Tired, emotionally/mentally exhausted
    Attire: X but you know.. with pants.
    Out of Capture:
    She said what?:

    Perfect Loiterer

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                                                  Damn, it happened just like that, he was in, and then out in such a short span of time, she wasn't ready to see a student get sent to a different dimension with who knows what. It kind of felt weird being lifted in the air and everything being right back to normal, kind of like a maid at a fancy mansion. "uuh...oh, right...ahem. I'll go, return to my seat." She returned to her seats and watched the footage intently. "YES YOU HEARTLESS BITCHES. GIVE ME MORE BLOOD! AAAAAGGHHH! YES, WONDERFUL s**t", she cheered, watching the plain looking ghost girl stomp the ever loving hell out of the small performer boy. Frankly, she wasn't fully satisfied, but it was a pretty interesting fight overall, the slap was disrespectful, and if the child was killed it would have been a hundred thousand times more savage, and, well, her reasons probably wouldn't sound right if she were to say it out loud. In actuality, she wanted to see some tasty, tasty, succulent, drama, but it was very enjoyable. She would have to congratulate the plain b***h after the tournament, and maybe ask her if she knows anything about magical thingies, like tattoos that carry spells, or something. A new friend who has proven herself to be a stone cold b***h and actually has a thinking head on her shoulders unlike some of these individuals. All she could feel was appreciation for these fighters and anticipation for the future, and the inevitable fight for her life...

                                                  She looked around the newly repaired area, and decided to walk around to observe the participants and new blood; it was always refreshing to see new faces, maybe she'd have a new punching bag. Lysandra felt that good old fashioned blood rage that made her just want to yell, snap some poor sap in half, and go home to sex something while thinking about the violent action, maybe that guy who was teleported to his death felt similarly? Well she might as well awkwardly mingle with the other students before her battle boner manifests in the form of running to go train and missing the rest of the fights. "eeehh...fokken hell, I need to waste some time", she said out loud to herself, clapping and congratulating the returning students.

                                                  "good s**t, ya fought well, congratulations ghost girl and friend! Keep doin' good, train hard the rest of you, and um, uuuhhh, frankly, I think all this s**t is pretty dope, would ya mind showing me your weapons if you win? I'll root for you, that a** kicking earned my respect. Well, uh...I won't d**k around too long, I'm sure you gotta prepare for the next match or some s**t."

                                                  Lysandra hoped that she wouldn't feel compelled to find a way to torture the poor girl with violence and stolen magic. Maybe if she's cool, they could run for like, class officers or something, or destroy the world, or just do normal things like, drink coffee and discuss the humdrum of walking among weaklings. However this went, it's always nice to talk to new people, especially when they know how to kick other peoples' asses...

                                                                      company SOME TOUGH, BASTARDS THAT'S WHO
                                                                      location Spectator Grounds
                                                                      ooc FIGHTIN' FIT.

                                                                      The Retarded Dove
                                                                      throwin' her at 'chu rq




    Kawaii Explorer

    12,915 Points
    • Peoplewatcher 100
    • Flatterer 200
    • Hero 100
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                                          "Gooby? Goooooooooby!" She called out to it looking side to side. Singlet couldn't remember at the moment where she was last with Gooby, until it dawned her. "Ding! AHA." She sounded as an the idea of the training grounds bleachers jumped into her mind. "I'm coming for you! WREOW!Zoooooooooom!" She began to run as quickly as she can while pushing whom ever was in her way. Nothing mattered at this moment, besides Kid's safety and having Gooby in her arms once again. Singlet just couldn't wait to explain to Gooby how unlucky she was to miss the whole fight. She even had bet with herself that Gooby wouldn't believe his eyes when she tells him this story. Putting her hands together in front of her, she continued to keep running. Except, by doing so it made her feel faster, like a skinny bullet. Though in reality, it had actually did nothing. Moving quickly from the infirmiry to the outside doors of the stadium, Singlet had peeked through the door; with one hand on the door and the other at her side. "Creaaaak! Wop wop!" Singlet sounded as she allowed some people to pass through the doors. As the door swung, she continued to attempt to find Gooby not noticing that he had appeared magically in between her arm and pit (thanks to Mr.Knife). "I can't find Gooby anywhere!" Singlet cried through the doors so that other people could hear her and start a search party.

                                          Still not noticing that Gooby was in her arms, Singlet stomped through the doors and back into the bleachers. The best approach at the moment for her was just to reinact the drama that happened before she got zapped away for battle, alone. Walking to the opposite side of the bleachers and sitting down, Singlet quickly stood up to start screaming,
                                          "AHHHH! Weeeeee," as she was back to imagining the big poop falling from the sky-sending Gooby and she flying. Continuing to scream, she had then held Gooby with both her hands over her head as she ran to the opposite side of the bleachers. Once getting to the top of the other bleachers,she put Gooby beside her so that she could look through the railing, like when she noticed Gia hurt. It was suddenly then when she heard a gurgle of sounds, "Shhh! Gooby, I'm trying to go back in time to find Goob-GOOBY?!" Singlet snapped her head. "It's a christmas miracle!" She yelled as she held Gooby above her head as she swayed her hips side to side, dancing. Continuing to celebrate, Singlet had began to dance up and down the bleachers. No words came out of her mouth this whole time, just lots of giggling and humming random sounds.

                                          In combination to swaying her hips and Gooby side to side with her arms, she had also moved her head side to side. By doing so, she noticed Nix, her brother, and a change in emotion between the two. It was,
                                          "Verrry inter-es-ting!" Singlet said as she tapped her pinky at the side of her lips and spoke like an evil doctor. Quickly Singlet rushed on over, now realizing that Tharros was on kneeling to Nix's aid as if she (Nix) was crying or something. To Singlet, it didn't make much sense to her because finding Gooby again magically was a time for celebration, not crying, unless they were happy tears. But she couldn't tell. Putting her hand on Tharros' shoulder and clamping Gooby in her other arm, she slowly wedged her face in between his and Nix's, but closer to his, to say, "Why is she crying?" With wide eyes and a big smile on her face.

                                          x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
                                          Wardobe: "Winter- Wigglet Power UPPPPP!" +
                                          Leashed: Gooby
                                          Spot: Training Grounds-Spectator Stands
                                          Peo ple: Lots and lots of people + Nix and Tharros too!


    Obsessive Cultist

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    dyonna"M U S I Cdy I Sdy F R E E D O M"

                                                    Kioshi saw his hand reach out to him but before he could take a hold of it the ground beneath him began to shake. What could have made the ground shake like that? Was there an earthquake? It was then that the young child saw the source of the tremors. A giant monster had appeared at the stands. Lucky for him the man that he had just met created a shield for them. The snow headed child curled up in a ball in terror. Why would something like that just appear out of nowhere? Fortunately for them the destructive rampage didn’t last long as Knife came and sent that demon to another dimension.

                                                    The purpled eyed child looked up and saw the destruction that was left behind from the monster. There was no safe place in this school. ”I’m sorry mister.” Before the man could respond the demon child took off away from the stands and into the nearby woods. He wanted to be away from all of the destruction and all of the gore from the tournament.

                                                    Rustling of leaves could be heard as Kioshi continued to run through the woods away from the stadium. Without realizing where he was running to he found himself at the training area. It was relatively empty so the chance off something terrible happening was slim. He bend over grasping his knees and tried to catch his breath. The sound of panting could be heard coming from the child sounding as if he was a dog sitting outside on a hot summer day.

                                                    When he caught his breath he lifted his eyes and saw white hair in the distance. It was his roommate Nix and it seemed like she was crying. The young child made his way to her and saw another figure with her. It was a man with white hair just like hers. The child walked close to them and approached them slowly until he stood a few feet away from Nix. ”Roomie what is wrong?”



                Ivy Fantasy's Waifu

                Sweet Prophet

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                ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
                Don't ever make the mistake of confusing a preference not to fight, with the inability to do so. It never ends well in most circumstances. Why should it be any different if its with a person?
                ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

                User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
                Skorpiya (prounounced Scor-pia)

                Location:spectator's stadium/arena area
                With:anyone in the spectator/surrounding spectator area
                Doing:offering drinks and refreshments
                Thinking:Never a dull moment around here.
                OOC:I just quoted everyone to be sure I didn't miss anyone in the spectator/surrounding area.

                Karmie Gee


                Kawaii Butthole69




                Solana Shadow Plauge



                Oxii Clean

                The Retarded Dove


                Obnoxious Panda




                Hale Hollowell



                Xaven the Raven

                ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

                Skorpiya was enjoying, for the most part, here time here at Taiutus. It did have its ups and downs. Learning different class schedules for example the night ones. Being up at odd hours, for her, to get to said classes. There was a lot of different types of people too. More females around then she was used to oddly enough. There was an interesting array of male and female student body. Chaos going on behind the scenes. Rebellions whispered about throughout the halls. Teachers seemed a bit more out there than what most would expect from a school setting. One couldn't really classify Taiutus as an atypical school now could you though? Students ranged in all ages, race or creed. Teachers varied from musclebound werefolk to pointed eared entities. Nothing atypical or normal from start to finish.

                Deep in the kitchens of the schools she had been busy preparing trays of food and drink. Homesqueezed juices varying from orange to grape, along with several various teas from bubble to green tea, resided in cups filled half with ice on a big tray. Watching the other students as they continued to fight. The screen on in the corner of the room was showing the fighting that changed from the stadium to the Spider's Den and the Dragon's Castle. Watching as fighters who hadn't won and were done fighting began appearing in the training grounds or spectator area's one by one. Seemed she needed to hurry up. Those fighters weren't injured but they were bound to be hungry and thirsty. Piling up fresh cut fruits, vegetables, sandwiches and other things onto another big tray to carry outside. Once making sure there was more than enough food and drink to go around...Skorpiya cleaned up. The winners for the first fight at spider's den had been decided it seemed.

                With almost naturally sashaying hips she picked up the food tray and balanced it on her head. Holding it steady with one hand as she rested the drink tray on her arm. Using her hip to push open the door, Skorpiya headed out of the kitchen area of the cafeteria and towards the spectator stadium slash fighting arena. Making her way with graceful yet long legged strides carrying both trays for the fighters and spectators alike in that area. "I don't know any of you personally but I brought snacks and drinks for all of you. Both the spectators and the fighters. If you are hungry or thirsty I have a variety of things." She called out in a loud enough to be heard by all those nearby and carry a bit,without actually yelling, voice as she stood off to the side where she could easily see a crowd surrounding Nix. Her Arabian-Persian accent might have added a bit of depth to the females voice but she was really just hoping she didn't have to repeat herself. That was never fun and she was already stepping out of her shy zone to begin with but old habits from the homelands died hard. She felt fighters who fought valiantly and well deserved the benefit of refreshments. As well as nourishment.

                She wouldn't be slighted or offended if they didn't trust her after those fights though. She hadn't exactly gone out of her way to make friends with anyone during the two weeks she had been here. The most she interacted was with her teachers and otherwise she had just kept to herself to adjust. She still wasn't sure interactions with these folks was entirely beneficial so she was still studying them. "I can heal anyone if they need it...though it doesn't seem anyone does." She said in a softer almost barely audible voice. Glancing over the fighters nearest her. Nix, two adorable little kids (Singlet & Kioshi) though she wasn't entirely sure they were kids they were adorable, some very protective guy hovering near Nix, Lysandra, and various others. They oddly enough seemed battle ready despite how some of them had looked moments prior during their various tournament matches. Looking at the nearby screens as it seemed all semi-final matches were concluded though she really couldn't see who had won and who were fighting each other in the finals. No matter...she would see if anyone here wanted anything to eat or drink.

                Rich Wife

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                                                                    Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you.
                                                                    ☾Where am I?: Running around Tai | ☾Who are you?: Lior | ☾What am I wearing?: This is it | ☾What am I thinking?: I want to know a little more about him. ❞ | ☾OOC:Yay I get to write again! And I put High Valyrian in there as a language because I had a brain fart and couldn't make up one that sounded as cool. But if that's an issue, just let me know in the OOC and I'll immediately change it to something from my head. Anyway, sorry for the lateness! Hope you enjoy!

                                                                    = Talking
                                                                    = 'Thinking'

                                                                    Isabella's mouth gaped a little when she listened to Lior speak. He spoke in such a strange way. Not like English was not his first language; it definitely was. He sounded like some sort of old philosopher. It made her smile a little. However, when he asked her about what her little blunder meant, the small mage did not know how to answer him. But luckily, he switched the conversation about something that he got her. Her cheeks were slightly pink from the idea of Lior getting her something. She watched as he spoke happily of the first book, Pride and Prejudice. It was one of her favorites. Isabella took the book and smoothed her hand over it, smiling gratefully. "Pride and Prejudice is a wonderful book. The main details of it are about a love triangle between Lizzie, Mr. Darcy, and Mr. Wickham. And Lizzie's sister, Jane, who is in love with Mr. Darcy's best friend, Mr. Bingley. It's a beautiful story. Thank you. I absolutely adore it."

                                                                    The pearl haired woman's smile faded slightly when she looked down at the next book. It was very strange looking. It almost reminded her of the Voyich Manuscript, a codex with intricate drawings and writing completely unknown. Isabella felt the binding and the flipped through the pages of the book. It was very old. The pages were certainly yellowed, but the writing still remained. The language was one that she had never seen before. The book could not have been High Valyrian, the native language of her kind. Isabella's head shot back up when she heard Lior whisper about the beauty of the book, and then about how someone beautiful should possess it. The porcelain skinned mage's cheeks flushed into a bright pink. "O-Oh..Well, thank you.."

                                                                    Beautiful? Did he just call me beautiful? Isabella's small lips curved into a smile as she looked back up at Lior, clutching her books tightly. Though at this point, because they were awkwardly silent, a regular person would find an excuse to leave the situation. But Isabella did not want to leave. That was the last thing that she wanted to do. "Let's go on a walk. You can be the first to see my secret spot that I sometimes go when I just need to think. But you must promise to never tell, and, if you must use it, only use it to think. She took his hand in hers and squeezed it before leading the way, not wanting to wait for a response. "Keep up. We're going to have to evade teachers or suspicious students. The excited young mage rushed along the hallways, tugging Lior behind her. She was very excited indeed.

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                " He who fights with monsters might take care, lest he thereby become a monster... "

                Lior's pinkish-red glow brightened greatly as the Mage expressed how much she adored the story that had for so long been loved by humanity. It had well earned this love, as Austen's work is truly extraordinary. With a great beaming smile he stood, like a hero who had just received his medal. Watching as he handed the second book over, he wasn't quite sure about her reaction this time. Her porcelain skin, that was almost shiny it was so pale flushed a bright pink, as she proceeded with a common social response. A thank you. But this one was different than most, at least to Lior. It seemed as if Bella was struggling to get this one out. Unsure as to whether this was a good thing or not, Lior took the fact that she was still there as a good sign and remained hopeful as to what this could mean.

                The strange amalgamation of feelings that were bubbling together inside of him were unlike anything he had experienced previously and he was terribly unsure of what to do next. He just knew he wanted to see Bella more. It was then that Bella broke the silence, stating that she was going to take him to her secret spot, and that if Lior ever had to use it, he could, but only for thinking. As he was literally ripped off of his feet for a moment, due to weighing nothing, he regained his footing with a stumbled and made sure to stay close behind her, a bright grin spreading across his face. "Alright, Bella! I swear I shall only use this special place for thinking, and will never tell anyone! I promise!" He followed her, and as they rushed, Lior felt a special sense of joy flooding through him. He was having the best time he could remember having in such a long time.

                As they rushed through the building, they stopped near a large window, with a tree just on the other side. Lior cocked his head to the side in confusion, was this her special thinking place? It was then that the Pearl Mage unlatched the window and swung it open. It let a draft in that fluttered Lior's hair a bit, and acted as a bellow. He didn't know why but the opening of the window filled his bosom with a sense of adventure. Beaming brightly at Bella, he would speak "Lead the way, Isabella, wherever you go, I shall follow. " She nodded and jumped into the tree, before climbing upwards. Lior would chuckle before following suite, leaping deftly into the tree he would scale upwards. Apparently Bella was a fast climber, because Lior didn't see her until her reached the top of the old Oak and saw her, on the roof of their dorms. Leaping forward, he landed just a few feet from Bella. There was a basket, a blanket and some candles. Presumably, she came up here to read and to think. She had shared this with him, and it was not lost on him how much of a special gesture this was. He spun slowly, admiring the view, and how oddly quiet it was up here. Almost as if all sound fell away but the two of them. Upon finishing his spin he found himself facing her. Very hushed, almost a whisper, he spoke. " T-thank you Bella." The Ancient Light began to glow a low, dim purple. He was at ease, comfortable, both with her and the location. It was indeed, a special place.

                " And if you gaze for long into an abyss the abyss gazes also into you. -Mark Twain"

                " Speech"

                Obnoxious Panda

                Ivy Fantasy's Waifu

                Sweet Prophet

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