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Super Powerhouse

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Dr. Briefs

The old man face, burned a brighter red as a cherry as the woman rubbed her cheek against his face. He forced himself to clear his throat and straighten up. The woman then handed him something that was very familiar to him. The good doctor momentairly snapped back into reality and adjusted his glasses to inspect it.

"Isn't this a saiyan scouter? Where did you get this?" he asked.

Super Powerhouse

12,400 Points
  • Hygienic 200
  • Battle: Counterstrike 150
  • Battle: Knight 100
░ Bulma Briefs The Daughter of Capsule Corp. ░

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My only crime is being beautiful!❞

Back in the armory, Bulma was finishing up the request that Tarble had made. She put down her mini screwdriver and took off her magnifying work lenses. Bulma sat back and wioed sweat from her forehead. "Whew! That was a bit more difficult than I thought. Well, now that that's done, I can probably see about making things more edible in this Gawd forsa-" Bulma stopped as something caught her eye.

She suddenly sat up and turned her head. It was the first time the blunette noticed it, but was that the machine that made armor? Bulma got up and walked over to it in a cautious way. She inspected its button decorated board with a small screen. The machine itself was disgustingly beautiful. "Let's see...." the scientist thought while testing it out. She pressed a few buttons and begin to design the armor with the options displayed on the screen. Once that was finished, it came out exactly the way she ordered it. What's more was that it was sleek and very sturdy. This was very impressive.

"That b***h...." Bulma cursed while biting the side of her finger with jealousy. While growing even more envious of the woman, a terrible suggestion came into her head. But before she even did anything, a small person suddenly popped out of thin air and landed on her shoulder. Bulma's face pressed into a confused look as she realized that it was a small, angel version of herself that was complete with a harp.

"Don't do it, Bulma! What would Tarble and Vegeta think of you? There's reputation at stake!" she exclaimed. But just as she said this, another person had appeared on her other shoulder; the left one. It was also herself that was bite sized; complete with a pitchfork and a very skimpy red outfit. "Do it! That b***h is getting what's coming to her! You know she wants Vegeta! And when he realizes its a paradise, he'll stay here forever! And then you'll get more cats!" she argued.

The angel Bulma tilted her head as she angrily glared at the demi-imagination of the Capsule Corp owner.

"You're just lying to her! Vegeta will never leave Bulma for a woman he just barely met!"

"What about after the Namak Catastrophe? He lept at the first chance he got to be somewhere with the most benefits! Do it Bulma!"

"....You know what? Just get out of here! Both of you! I need to think!" she exclaimed to the little mini conscience versions of herself.

The two of them stopped arguing with eachother to look at her before the little angel Bulma dissapated into thin air. However, the little devil that was herself stay behind for a couple of seconds. "Remember Bulma, Cats. *POOF*"

As she finished arguing with herself, the blunette looked back at the machine. A small glint suddenly flashed in her blue eyes before grabbing a wrench.

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Where you are at: West City Outskirts: The Saiyan base!

Who you are with: My nice and evil versions(Or just me being crazy)

Any appointments:Argue....with myself?

How is your physique: About five

Theme song:Misery Business

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¤ Future Trunks

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Where?: Saiyan Base (Corridors) [Age 776]
Who?: Bianca - Hiero - Trunks - Goten
Feeling?: Sucpisious!
Mine?: Z Sword - Dyno capsule case - Time machine - Cell phone
CS?: 15
Power?: 5,000
Base: 18,500 --- SSJ: 90,000 --- USSJ: 135,000

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"Gohan, why'd you have to do it, why'd you have to leave me? It's not fair! Oh gosh no... what did they do to you Gohan? You were my best friend, you were everything to me... everything! This just isn't fair! Gohan, Gohan, GOHAN!!!"

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When Trunks had answered his kid self's crude question about him and Bianca, he had blushed faintly and spoke the words almost on top of Bianca that they are not boyfriend/girlfriend. He had glanced back at the girl, semi-warily but sighed. When he had asked Hiero if he and Goten are related, the kid burst out laughing and spoke hoarsely. "HAHAHAH! KNOW YOU! Of course not! Because knowing you would have to require years of learning things about each-other and what not! But uh, yeah I just have one of those faces! I couldn't really imagine Goku-sama having three sons!..............." Trunks frowned after hearing that, if there is anyone who is able to lie to Trunks strait out and probably get away with it, it would be his father, perhaps a few of the other saiyans here can make a good liar too, but this kid? His exaggerated laugh, and babbled words mix with an immediate need to be elsewhere to evade the topic all together screamed 'liar'. He has never seen this kid before, and his instincts told him that the kid is hiding a lot of stuff. Kid Trunks reckons he is a weirdo, Trunks would have to agree but still, how does the kid know that he is not from this timeline? He had addressed him as 'Future' and in a awed tone that implied fan-dubbed knowledge. As the kid, this 'Hiero' snatched at Goten and kid Trunks in an attempt to run from him and his suspicious look he is now giving him, Trunks moved to intercept him.

"Hold on a sec, kid." But it would seem that his attempt to stop the kid only made him want to get away faster dragging off Goten and kid Trunks with him off down the hallway. Trunks isn't going to let it go, if the kid knows he is not from this timeline and spreads such tales to the other saiyans especially those who don't need to know, he does not want this public knowledge. The z-fighters all of course know, Bardock knows out of all the saiyans here to his knowledge at least, he does not want people getting ideas about his time machine. Trunks started to move after the kid, as he did so Bianca spoke up behind him. "Why did he call you 'Future' Trunks?" He has managed to avoid talking about it with Bianca despite her having met kid Trunks, she has not brought it up before. He would rather not mentioning where or to be more theatrical 'when' he is from to her just yet. "It means nothing, excuse me, I need to have a word or so with that kid." He said evasively and jogged after the kids.

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"These androids are ruthless, they delight in causing pain and chaos. Living on Earth in my time is like living in a nightmare... always running and hiding, looking for a way out."

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Super Powerhouse

12,400 Points
  • Hygienic 200
  • Battle: Counterstrike 150
  • Battle: Knight 100
Hiero Karuto

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ヒーロー カード

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"Watashi wa seichō shite ikimasu....(I will continue to grow....)

Hiero fell to the ground with relief and slight exhaustion from running straight to the training hall while releasing the two children's wrists in the process. Future Trunks and his "friend" will probably forget about him while they go on to their own problems. One of the few times that he might be glad that they ignore his existence. The human/saiyan boy laid on the cold, hard floor for a few more moments before standing back up to face the other two companions he had.

"Okay....now that we're here, let's get in and start. Hopefully, we wont have to fight anyone to train here,"
he said as he then turned on his heels and walked straight in.

When he trained in here before(Which he still couldn't believe) Heiro remember just how sweaty he got from doing so and decided take off his Gi's top and shoes. He then tightened his belt in growing anticipation. His dream fantasies had a lot of stuff in them, but sparring with Kid Trunks and Goten wasn't something he was able to comprehend. "And my math teacher wanted me to have a career," he retorted to himself while waiting for the two.

Watashi wa akiramemasen'node!"(Because I will not give up!)

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My Stats!

Place: Inside the base!

This is how strong I am: 1,000/28,200

Health: 87%: A little tired from the quick getaway.

Abuse count: 10

Emotions: Nerdgasm times three!!

Items: Money(Useless), Phone(useless), School ID,Two candy bars, Cards: -Access Card, -Turnip, -Chaya(deactivated), Saiyan armor and scouter

Theme song: Dragon Soul

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¤ Trunks

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Where?: Saiyan Base (Gravity Room)
Who?: Goten, Hiero, Future & Bianca
What?: Ach! MOM!
Feeling?: Disgusted!
Mine?: Clothes -- Cell phone -- some food stored capsules
Power?: 10,000
Base: 10,000 ---- Super: 50,000

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After his sly comment he got both of the older youths to blush and evade each others eyes. It is so obvious that they like one another, why else would they blush at the mere teasing that he did. Goten made an observation of Hiero when Future asked him the same question weather he is related to Goten or not. Hiero exagerated reaction also seemed to say 'liar' to him. He wondered what sort of things the older kid is hiding. Abruptly Hiero had snatched both he and Goten and is dragging them hurridly away from Future and Bianca down one of the many hallways. They got around a few corners until stopping at the gravity room before Trunks got his feet and pulled his arm free. He sensed Future following them. "He is following us y'know. I guess he wants to talk to ya." he said casually, there isn't any other reason he could think of why Future is following them. Unless he wanted to use the gravity room too. Shrugging Trunks went into the large room, wondering if the gravity room here is any better then the one back at home.

He stood on his toes and examined the panel, he thought he would try it on 10x earth's gravity, just to see if it works the same as the one at his home. As the machine turned on with a deep thrumming sound, he began to feel the shift in the gravity, his body feeling heavier and air grew denser too. But then before he could come to terms about the gravity music began to play from no where and Trunks froze with his hand on the panel as the happy jingle of an Evil song came on...An I love Barney song...or some variation. ((gags)) There is no way that these saiyans know what Barney is so that leaves..."MMOOOOMMMMMM!!!" He tried probing a few buttons to turn off the music, and found that it only turns off when he shuts off the gravity machine... how is he supposed to train listening to that crap? Goten may or may not have a problem with it, but listening to the same thing over and over and over again doesn't cut it. If he has to train with a beat, then put Sephiroth's Theme into the gravity room! ><

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"Come on, don't be mad at me. I'll tell ya' what. You can have three of my toys. You pick 'em. "

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Super Powerhouse

12,400 Points
  • Hygienic 200
  • Battle: Counterstrike 150
  • Battle: Knight 100
Hiero Karuto

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ヒーロー カード

± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ± : . :± : . : ± : . : ± : . : ±

"Watashi wa seichō shite ikimasu....(I will continue to grow....)

When kid Trunks had entered the room and started turning on the machine, he suddenly informed him about Future Trunks coming to "talk". Well, he wasn't like his father who took great pains to make sure one's life was a living Hell or just straight up toy with you until death. However, he didn't wanna stick around and be interrogated. Nira and Turles already made Chaya suspicious of him. Just as he was going to make a run for it, the gravity machine started up....as well as some very horrible music.....OH MY GODS!!! He clenched his ears as the music blasted in the room and it didn't help that it echoed off the walls.

Trunks seemed to have known someting, because he shouted his mom not long after hearing the music.....wait Bulma Briefs was here?! The sole reason that got Goku out of his grandfather's house and go on an adventure?! The owner of the legendary Capsule Corporation?! Man, this was awesome!!

"Uh, let's lock the door so nobody can see-I mean disturb us!" he said while quickly dashing for the door and locking it. Though the music was horrible.


Watashi wa akiramemasen'node!"(Because I will not give up!)

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My Stats!

Place: Inside the base!

This is how strong I am: 1,000/28,200

Health: 87%: A little tired from the quick getaway.

Abuse count: 10

Emotions: Nerdgasm times three!!

Items: Money(Useless), Phone(useless), School ID,Two candy bars, Cards: -Access Card, -Turnip, -Chaya(deactivated), Saiyan armor and scouter

Theme song: Dragon Soul

Noble Dabbler

9,675 Points
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  • Signature Look 250

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"My prince." Chaya said, acknowledging Tarble's approach. "It is not a disease. It is deliberate artificial tampering. And without further study or samples, there is no telling what long term effects this may have on a saiyan. The male obviously knows something. It will be a small matter for Raditz to beat it out of him." She gestured then at Sero as the fighter readied to take on Raditz, speaking just loud enough for Sero to hear. "See how, like most inferior species, he utilizes a weapon to make up for his lack of fighting skill. He uses it as a crutch and is utterly impotent without it. Do not let the power level variation fool you. Sero does not know how to fight. Raditz is a trained soldier. Skill will be the deciding factor here, and Sero has utterly none. And once Raditz shoves that weapon down Sero's throat, he will be far more compliant."

Mark V Scouter HUD:
Location: Saiyan Base.
Power Level: 32,000
Combat Strength Rating: 11
Physical Status: Fine
Armor Integrity: 100
Inventory: Standard Kit (Medpac, Tool Kit, CDP, 3 Ration bars, SynthCable), Medpac, Nira's Toxin Antidote
Scanner: Medscan mode active.
Local Power levels: - Others
Log Update: Time to establish the pecking order.

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a n y w a y s ;

Traveling north-east from Ginger town, Celipa gazed down at the landscape she is passing over, at first it had been desert plains with some rocks here and there but as she traveled in the same direction the landscape steadily began to become uneven grassy plains still more large rocks and cliffs everywhere. She had noticed how light the gravity is on this planet, her home planet had 10x normal earth's gravity, and she has been on similar planets of heavy gravity before. she felt lighter then a feather traveling on this planet. It is a good thing that she wasn't flying very fast or very high less she might not have noticed a space craft parked below near a rocky wall with what looked to be a cave. Well...what do we have here?The sheen of metal reflecting the sunlight had been what caught her attention as she slowed to a stop floating in the air peering down at the ship, she would then land nearby. Instantly wondering whose ship it belongs to. She had considered finding a ship before if she couldn't find Kakarot to get off this rock after eradicating the life here to sell the planet. But first things first, she still needs information more then what she knows, all she knows is that she and her squad were killed by Frieza's men, that naturally brought up the question if weather Planet Vegeta-sei is still around it having been some 30 or so years since her death. That ship should have a log in its archive about recent events.

She would need to get to that information though, without a scouter she cannot know if the owners of the ship are nearby or simply on board. She can approach this situation only a few ways. a. surround and force arrest...but that tactic would only work in a group, she is on her own. b. simply walk up and ring the door bell...yea right she does not know if the inhabitants are friendly, it would be best to say that they aren't; safer too to be on the defensive. c. scout the area out, learn the terrain and scope out any other hideouts the crew may be using, should she find any of the crew this way from the outside then she could figure out her next step. At the moment she needs to know what she is up against, she does not trust in simply walking up and getting arrested into captivity. So, Celipa kept her distance from the ship and began to walk a circlet around the area, staying out of plain sight by using rocks big and small to use for cover.


Scouter HUD:
Location: Near the old cell game grounds
Power Level: 29,000
C.S 10
Physical Status: Uninjured
Armor Integrity: 100%
Local Power levels: - N/A
Log Update:So who owns the ship...

Fanatical Dabbler

9,525 Points
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Where?: Saiyan Base Hallway
Who?: Trunks
What?: Curious - Stubborn
Mine?: Cellphone, capsule case, rollerblades
Power?: 7,500
Combat Strength?: 8

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"If you think I'm just a pretty face, then you'd better think again!"

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                                          Bianca was suspicious. The way the kid talked was strange, babbling about Trunks like that. Plus the nervous laughter kinda gave him away. "Hold on a sec, kid." She watched as Trunks went to intercept him from leaving, but the little brats were soon off down the hallway. Just as he was about to follow them, she asked her question: Why did the kid call him 'Future Trunks'? "It means nothing, excuse me, I need to have a word or so with that kid." He then jogged off after the kids. If it meant nothing, then why was Trunks acting like the kid knew private information he didn't want anyone to know about? Why did he seem to keen to keep it hushed up? "Don't give me that bullshit." She said bluntly, hurrying to catch up with him. She knew something was up, and she wasn't going to let it go until she found out what. "If it was nothing, you wouldn't be acting strange. So fess up." Why was he acting so secretive? What did he have to hide?

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¤ Future Trunks

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Where?: Saiyan Base (Corridors) [Age 776]
Who?: Bianca
Feeling?: Stressed...again
Mine?: Z Sword - Dyno capsule case - Time machine - Cell phone
CS?: 15
Power?: 5,000
Base: 18,500 --- SSJ: 90,000 --- USSJ: 135,000

User Image

"Gohan, why'd you have to do it, why'd you have to leave me? It's not fair! Oh gosh no... what did they do to you Gohan? You were my best friend, you were everything to me... everything! This just isn't fair! Gohan, Gohan, GOHAN!!!"

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The kids had run to the gravity room and the door closed before he got there but apparently before he got there Bianca wanted to know his secret here and now. He slowed when she snapped at him, "Don't give me that bullshit." She said bluntly, hurrying to catch up with him. She had that stubborn expression on her face again, "If it was nothing, you wouldn't be acting strange. So fess up." He sighed and turned back to face her. "It is something that only a few people I trust can know, it is not something to go telling tales about and allowing others to get bad ideas about. I don't see why you need to know about it, okay." He said stiffly, he really hoped she would't press him on this, the less people know about time travel the better. Even though she knows a fair bit about him already she still does not know everything about him. A part of him reasoned that she might give up on the idea of being possessive over him whenever he interacts with another woman. part of the reason of their argument is because he does not belong in this world, and the other part is that he already got involved with a woman in this world but she died after 1 week of being in his world. Even though she herself knew about saiyans and ki and everything...still a woman he cared about was killed and he could not protect her. He will not go through that again.

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"These androids are ruthless, they delight in causing pain and chaos. Living on Earth in my time is like living in a nightmare... always running and hiding, looking for a way out."

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Fanatical Dabbler

9,525 Points
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  • Team Jacob 100
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User Image

Where?: Saiyan Base Hallway
Who?: Trunks
What?: Curious - Stubborn
Mine?: Cellphone, capsule case, rollerblades
Power?: 7,500
Combat Strength?: 8

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"If you think I'm just a pretty face, then you'd better think again!"

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                                          Bianca stopped when he did, and gazed back at him, her chin defiant and stubborn. She wasn't going to back down from this. Call her Sherlock Holmes, but something was amiss, and she wasn't going to stop until she found out what it was. "It is something that only a few people I trust can know, it is not something to go telling tales about and allowing others to get bad ideas about. I don't see why you need to know about it, okay." She looked at him sadly. "You don't trust me?" She asked quietly. "Look, I know we've argued and all, but I know how to keep a secret." Most of the time, they did get along. "But, if you've got your reasons for not telling me, then okay." She said, letting it go. She wanted him to trust her, to tell her in his own time. She wanted to prove she was loyal and trustworthy. "Just know that, if you need someone to talk to, I'm always there." She said softly. She wanted him to know she cared.

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                                          User Image

Super Powerhouse

12,400 Points
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  • Battle: Counterstrike 150
  • Battle: Knight 100
░ Bulma Briefs The Daughter of Capsule Corp. ░

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My only crime is being beautiful!❞

Bulma sighed with comfortable relief as she changed from her uniform to a more casual attire. Beforehand, she was very close to dismantling the saiyaness' machine, but moral guilt finally kicked in and made her put the wrench back in the tool belt. Besides, if Chaya found out, Tarble would be able to point her out within seconds for motive and no alibi. But as she was putting her things back into capsules, she couldn't shake off the feeling that she was forgetting something.....


"Oh, crap!" she exclaimed as she had forgotten about the gravity machine. Though Bulma was in brown penny shoes, she sped over there as fast as she could. Thankfully, Chaya didn't know yet or else she would have screamed for the blunette's blood.

Bulma had gotten to the door, only to see her alternate son and Bianca congregating right there. She tried to play it cool as she forced herself to stop running and tried wiping the sweat from her forehead."Oh hello son....Bianca......*huffs and clears throat* I was just uh....seeing what the boys needed," she said with a forced chuckle before trying to open the door.

User Image

Where you are at: West City Outskirts: The Saiyan base!

Who you are with: Future Trunks and Bianca.

Any appointments:Cover up the evidence!

How is your physique: About five

Theme song:Misery Business


6,200 Points
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  • Person of Interest 200
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Location- Capsule Corp
Current Health- 100%
People near by- Nobody.
Power level - 10,000/75,000
Equipment- Power draining high tensile razorwire, Bardock's old scouter.
Current Theme - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nv6G305tKY

So he knew what this thing was. A scouter, he called it.

"A ruggedly handsome man named Bardock gave it to me for saving his life. And since you recognize it, that means you can fulfill my request," she replied in a gentle tone, resting her chin on his shoulder.


6,200 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Person of Interest 200
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~*~ Tarble ~*~
"Hi, I'm Tarble. I'm sure we'll get to know each other well enough. Have you met my kind onii-san Vegeta? He defeated the evil Freiza, so I'm sure you know!"

Tarble's Location- Saiyan Base, medbay
Current Health- 100%
People near by- Specifically? Okra's nearby, so is Chaya, Raditz and Sero just took off...
Power level - 22,000/29,000

Tarble understood Chaya's intentions, though other things weighed heavier on his mind than her dry analysis of the situation.

"Yes, it is a shame that someone like him would consider the help we've offered him a paltry sum to that of a minor tidbit of information such as a name. I am assuming, of course, that he maintains a residence upon these premises like most others I see walking about to form that judgement though. If he doesn't want to talk, our answers must most likely come from the other one."

He gave a small sigh, floating on his back with his arms crossed in a leisurely pose. "As for his use of a weapon, does not my older nephew happen to carry a blade as well? Surely you are not insinuating that he is weak an as you say "entirely impotent" as well?"

The snide comment he said made him instantly feel a bit of guilt for poking fun at perhaps one of the few people on this planet he knew, perhaps the only one he knew best. Within moments, he backpedaled through the conversation, landing on the ground. "Pardon the outburst Miss Chaya. I was merely thinking out loud... While the two sit and spar around, perhaps I can pick your experience for some advice though. Do you happen to know how to get rid of the sense of paranoia? You are a far more expert fighter than that of myself, so you may have better knowledge in how to remove the sense of being hunted."

Devout Worshipper

12,450 Points
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                  H A VE xx YOU xx
                  Heard the news?
                  B A D xx T H I N G S xx C O M E xx I N xx T W O S

                  User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

                  Sero rested his hammer on his shoulder, laughing a bit when he heard Raditz remark about his hammer. "Doubt ya' skull's that tough." he said. Sero had swung his hammer at beings tougher than Raditz before. Thats why he liked his toy so much. It was damn near indestructable. "But hey, how about ya get your a** over here so I can start kickin' it?" he taunted. Raditz power level was only 2000 lower than his at the moment...not enough to make a real difference in the fight. But still, Sero had a few tricks up his sleeve...just as he knew Raditz had some as well.

                  Sero smirked as he stared down his opponent. "Come on, I ain't got all goddamn day. Time's money and this planet's got a lot of both." he said, once again taunting his opponent. To be honest, he knew something very key about his newly-found race just from being around them for this short amount of time. They were short-tempered. And he knew if he could Get Raditz pissed off, then he'd rush in.

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                  B U T xx Ixx N E V E Rxx K N E W xx
                  ‘Bout the little things
                  A N D xx I ' M xx T H R O U G H xx W I T Hxx Y O U R xx S T O R I E S

                  Where am I? Saiyan base
                  What am I thinking? Gonna kick his a**!!!
                  My Power level?: 30,000
                  Whats this thing?: My f*ckin hammer...
                  What the hell are you doing!?: Fighting Raditz
                  Other folks: Raditz

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Have you lost your pride, the pride of the Saiyan Warriors...Kakarrot?!!

Raditz watched Sero with his hammer. "I will have to teach you some manners as well," he said, cracking his knuckles together. The male smirked as he eyed the length of the hammer. It was short and made of metal, easily suspecting to damage. He was curious how Sero wielded it so he shot out a quick succession of ki blasts at the waist area.

Location: Earth, Wastelands outside Saiyan Base
Power Level: Max (28,000)
CS: 10
Current Form: Normal

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