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Super Powerhouse

12,400 Points
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  • Battle: Counterstrike 150
  • Battle: Knight 100
Vegeta: The son of Vegeta-Sei

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"I shed my blood for this worthless piece of trash?!"

Vegeta was rather irritated. Two days had passed and progress was virtually slow as molasses. Here and at Capsule Corp. If his woman had just listened to him and act like the loyal, obedient mate like she was supposed to, then he wouldn't be doing nothing! "Tch! Just like that woman to keep me from training! She knows my skills rust when I don't train!" he thought as his face tightened with frustrated anger. Then it suddenly hit him. Maybe if he went back to his dwelling and oversaw the workers, then reconstruction would go a lot faster.

Considering his persuasive techniques, it would be rebuilt in no time at all. Just thinking about whipping those workers to move along the building was enough to make him laugh darkly before speeding off into the air back to Capsule Corp.

Thirty minutes later......

The saiyan prince forcibly landed on the front lawn of Capsule Corp and went straight to the parts where the scientists and construction workers were working at their hardest. He slowly crept up to the working group and then pounded his fist into one of the walls; purposely crushing it and making another mess for them to clean up. "Listen you filthy earthlings! If my dwelling isn't restored back to its former glory within two days, I'll enjoy beating all of you until there's nothing left to recognize! And don't think I won't be able to find you! I have my ways!" he threatened.

Almost instantly, they started working at a faster pace. Scurrying about like mice to complete their work. "That's better," he thought as he stood there; overseeing their construction.

((And this is where Vegeta will stay until somebody picks up his character. So don't try to interact with him.))

Noble Dabbler

9,675 Points
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Raditz and Okra's thanks were misplaced of course. Chaya really only cared about Okra's condition because she did not want one sick saiyan affecting the rest of their very limited population.
Once finished with her calibrations, the saiyaness headed to the med lab where she met up with the other two. Once there she made some adjustments to one of the Recovery tanks and then directed Okra to it.
"Strip and get in." She told Okra. "This Rejuvenation tank will allow me to complete a thorough physical scan, x ray, brainwave scan, and collect blood and tissue samples if necessary while allowing rapid medical treatment should some disease come up. It is the quickest, most efficient, and most effective bioscan I can give, and considering how big a risk one sick saiyan could have on the population, we can not take any chances."

Mark V Scouter HUD:
Location: Saiyan Base.
Power Level: 32,000
Combat Strength Rating: 11
Physical Status: Fine
Armor Integrity: 100
Inventory: Standard Kit (Medpac, Tool Kit, CDP, 3 Ration bars, SynthCable), Medpac, Nira's Toxin Antidote
Scanner: Medscan mode active.
Local Power levels: - Others
Log Update: Time for a checkup.

Devout Worshipper

12,450 Points
  • Mark Twain 100
  • Forum Junior 100
  • Partygoer 500

A waffle is like a pancake

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Just listening and following, Okra glanced to Chaya as she went with Raditz. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all, and she was just grumpy. Even though she was still upset about her 'disease', she perked up some. "So, uhm, thank you, for being, uh, concerned, about me..." Okra said, almost in a shy tone. She was still getting used to interacting with others, but she thought she was getting the hang of it.

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Have you lost your pride, the pride of the Saiyan Warriors...Kakarrot?!!

Raditz saw that Okra was getting left behind. He turned and shouted. "Hey, come on!" Once he got her attention, he would gesture to the building where medical facility was housed. It would be faster to just grab her and take her by force, but he did not want to get her disease. Then, he realized he had already made physical contact, and so the point was useless. Raditz's tail puffed out after the fear and worry got to him, imagining himself like her.

He would certainly not like the look, and there was no way to know how else the disease affect one's health. Maybe it affected the mind first, as even before her mutation, Okra acted uncharacteristically peppy. Raditz shook the thoughts from his mind and grabbed Okra's forearm. "Let Chaya work. Let's go." And he lead the way to the medbay. Once inside, he released her arm and turned on the lights of the room.

Location: Earth, Saiyan Base
Power Level: Max
CS: 10
Current Form: Normal

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only with syrup traps


Where am I?!: A base!!!
Who am I with?!: Mr. Hairy and Ms. Shouty...
What am I doing?!: ok....
Power?!: 1,000/20,000
Combat?!: 9!!!
What am I feeling?!: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh
What do I have?!: Nothing right now..
Theme!!!: Laka Koffa
Health!?: 100%!!!

Stellar Raider

12,650 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Brandisher 100
  • Inquisitor 200
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Nightfall on the Kingdom of Kress, a minor client kingdom to the greater Earth Nation. And it seemed all hell had broken loose. Literally. Demons of all shapes and sizes were raiding the town, causing havoc and destruction and easily routing what few soldiers could be mustered to defend the citizens. It had been like this for nearly a week, since the Demon King Shura had decided to return for his long sought after bride. Now it seemed the Demons were here to stay, to pillage and burned as they pleased.

And as the band of demons attacking the town were just getting ready to cart off their spoils, sacks of loot over their shoulders and protesting livestock or women under arm, a loud whistle interrupted their pillaging.

On the far side of town stood a scarred, muscular man in green armor, a furry belt, and a red bandana; a fellow who seemed utterly unafraid of the supernatural monsters now staring at him in bemusement.

"Which of you butt ugly, egg sucking little bitches knows where the queen is?" Bardock asked. "I heard she needed someone to help with a demon infestation."

The Demons went from Bemusement to anger in a hurry and they tossed aside their loot to make an example of this loud mouth.
"Buddy, you just made a BIG mistake." Growled a large, blue demon with fangs and fin ears as he stomped towards Bardock.

"Oh yeah?" Bardock said as he started fiddling with his scouter. "Your old lady tells me you were a big mistake too."
Now livid in rage the monster lunged at Bardock, throwing a three clawed fist at the Saiyan's head. "YOU'RE DEAD YOU LITTLE-" There was a loud thwack as the fist collided with something solid and the demon let out a yelp of surprise, for with ease Bardock had caught the incoming blow.

"Hang on, lard a**." He said as he continued messing with his scouter. "I need some a** beating music...there we go." Finding the right track, he then flicked his dark eyes up at the hellbeast and smirked. And then he crushed the creature's hand with his own.
The demon squealed in agony and tried to pull away from Bardock but the Saiyan whipped his opponent about, sending the beast crashing into a house.
"Whups." The Saiyan muttered, ruefully scratching his head as he regarded the smashed house. "Better keep the collateral damage down. That might be coming out of my paycheck..."

The sudden roar of a dozen monsters brought his attention back to the horde he faced as they all tried to rush him at once.
"Ganging up on me, huh?" Bardock remarked. "Hate to tell ya, guys, but that don't work with me." In the span of an eyeblink, the Saiyan was amongst them, delivering bone crushing kicks and punches to every hellspawn within reach and smashing his way through the monsters like a tornado through a trailer park. Bones were broken, skulls were fractured, and concussions were dished out like they were going on sale. The fighting drew more demons who, seeing this spikey haired warrior taking them apart, rushed to help their comrades, right up until Bardock was wading knee deep through piles of his defeated enemies. And when the dust all settled, the Saiyan Soldier stood standing, while every Demon in the village was either groaning in pitiful agony or out cold.

"Huh. Didn't even break a sweat." Bardock muttered as he switched his scouter to look for the most powerful local fighter, which would probably be the head Demon. "I should have dragged Raditz out here...."

Scouter HUD
Location: Fiend Village
Physical Status: Normal
Power Level: 43,500
Local Power Levels: Humans, Demons
Music Selection: Solid State Scouter
User Log: Enough with the thugs. Where's the boss?

Lonely Lunatic


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Location - Korin’s Tower
People nearby - Gohan and Korin
Power level - 8,000

Korin sighed when Gohan finished. “Look Gohan I know that the earth is in a bit of trouble again. But there is not much I can do from here. I suppose if you had to start somewhere I’d go to the source of the problem.” Korin shrugged. “If Hell is where they all came from then that is where you need to go. Perhaps Dende can help you better than I with this.”

As the two of them talked Videl took the opportunity to do a little exploring. There wasn't much to see though so she hung out at the entrance to the tower waiting for Gohan to finish up with whatever he needed. She really wished she could take a bath but doing so in a place like this seemed rude. Plus she didn't exactly pack any extra clothes. Her stomach growled. And I’m hungry, she sighed. Fishing through the pack he brought she nibbled on some energy bars. She would’ve prefered some real food like rice or noodles but this would have to do.

A waffle is like a pancake

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Sheesh! Things were moving so quickly! First she was dragged into the Medbay, and than she was asked to strip and get in some tank! Okra grumbled slightly as she did as she was told, tossing her armour and spandex to the side and getting in. She crossed her arms to cover her chest, and used her tail to cover her 'other' spot. What else could happen?! This day was just getting worse and worse!! Hmph...

only with syrup traps


Where am I?!: A base!!!
Who am I with?!: Mr. Hairy and Ms. Shouty...
What am I doing?!: ok....
Power?!: 1,000/20,000
Combat?!: 9!!!
What am I feeling?!: Awkward o-o
What do I have?!: Nothing right now..
Theme!!!: Laka Koffa
Health!?: 100%!!!


6,200 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Person of Interest 200
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~*~ Tarble ~*~
"Hi, I'm Tarble. I'm sure we'll get to know each other well enough. Have you met my kind onii-san Vegeta? He defeated the evil Freiza, so I'm sure you know!"

Tarble's Location- Saiyan Base, hangar
Current Health- 100%
People near by- Specifically? Bulma?
Power level - 22,000/29,000

Tarble was taken slightly off guard by the question. While in some ways he may be considered more intelligent than his brother, he himself did not believe such to be true. Rather the shock instead came from the fact that in the many years, had he not explained anything unto his mate? Regaining his posture in the air, he sat cross legged and floated while he thought for a moment, folding his arms in a usual meditative stance.

"Before I go too far into this, I feel obliged to remind you that my father sent me outside the typical culture of the Saiyan race when I was young. So the stories of how our race came to be sovereign upon the planet is going to be partly biased on the teller. As the tuffles would have it, they would suggest that we came from the skies, or from the wilds, seeking only conquest and conquer. In the royal line, we are taught that the Tuffles enslaved and oppressed our people. From these two standpoints, the truth will more than likely be somewhere in-between," Tarble stated, giving a small summation on both accounts, while maintaining a diplomatic approach.

"However, when given the question to one of my kind, they will most likely fall more in favor of our race. Many will either loathe a tuffle's presence, or simply ignore it. I've yet to know one which would respect such a species. You may be right to feel uneasy with our presence here. We come from a race of warriors, and few share my docile temperament. I fear you have already witnessed firsthand potentially what can befall us given the state of Capsule Corp and your exodus here. All the more reason why Onii-san needs help in maintaining the hierarchy which helped many find a reason to their lives."

Noble Dabbler

9,675 Points
  • Gaian 50
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  • Signature Look 250

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Chaya gave an annoyed sigh and rolled her eyes at Okra's modesty.
"Oh please. You've nothing I haven't seen before." she then briefly glanced over to Raditz and added "and if he's Bardock's son, then nothing he hasn't seen before either. Regardless, stop acting foolishly and get in there."
She promptly pushed Okra into the tube, which sealed and began to fill once it had an occupant. A mask slid over Okra's face as Chaya took up position at a console and in no time a number of glowing lights, beams, and flashes started systematically lighting up the tank. Chaya began pouring over the data, stroking her chin as she studied everything presented.

Mark V Scouter HUD:
Location: Saiyan Base.
Power Level: 32,000
Combat Strength Rating: 11
Physical Status: Fine
Armor Integrity: 100
Inventory: Standard Kit (Medpac, Tool Kit, CDP, 3 Ration bars, SynthCable), Medpac, Nira's Toxin Antidote
Scanner: Medscan mode active.
Local Power levels: - Others
Log Update: Time for a checkup.

Stellar Raider

12,650 Points
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Brandisher 100
  • Inquisitor 200

In the throne room of the castle, Queen Misa of the Royal House of Kress stood near her throne, watching as her remaining guardsmen barricaded the doors. Never had she thought that Shura would return to abduct her again, and unlike when she was a child, this time he sent not a kidnapper but an army. The demon horde had rampaged across her kingdom, looting at will and destroying anything that stood in their way. And now the castle itself had been stormed, and the Demon King and his Entourage were now searching the keep for her. It was a dark day for her and her people, for this time there was no one to save them.

Something slammed against the barricaded door, shaking the hinges and knocking back the guards. On the second time, the doors were smashed open and in strode Shura, with a retinue of his minions in tow. With ease they dispatched what resistance remained and Shura strode confidently forward towards the Queen.

"Ah, my dear Misa." said Shura in a pleasant, conversational manner. "How many years has it been? Twenty years?"

"Twenty one." Queen Misa replied coldly. "I thought you couldn't return to this realm, Shura, not without your sword. And where are your lackeys?"

"Melee and Gola? They're watching the demon side of the portal, as always. As to getting here, its quite simple. I found another sword." Shura said with a grin. "I won the blade of a fellow demon king by the name of Dabura. Poor fellow has phenomenal magical power, but just no luck in poker. I've already sent him an invitation to our upcoming wedding by the way. Hope you don't mind."

"I'm not marrying you!" Misa declared as she snatched up a golden, seven point sword from its stand near the throne. The blade was Shura's original sword, the weapon he used to hold open the portal between the demon realm and the mortal realm. For years it had been kept as a trophy by her family, but due to its unnatural origin it was still as sharp as ever, and Misa had no qualms about using it on its owner.

"Ah, so there's my old sword." Chuckled Shura as he held out his hand. "Be a dear and hand it over. Then you and I can go back to the Demon World and be wed. I have such a lovely ceremony planned."

Misa swung the weapon at the demon, forcing him to pull his hand back. "Get over yourself! If I didn't want to be your wife before, what makes you think, after everything you've done to my people, that I'd even consider it now?!"

"Temper, temper, my dear." Retorted the demon king, still maintaining his civil demeanor and confident smile. "Are you really going to spurn me now? After all the years I've waited for you. Granted a good many of those I spent throwing quite the party, but parties can only keep me distracted for so long." He fixated his gaze on the still resolute queen, his smile becoming more sinister. "How about we make a deal, my dear? You willingly become my bride, and I won't have my army start slaughtering everyone in your kingdom."

"What army?" A rough voice asked from the doorway.

"Why, the army that's outside the castle you dolt!" Shura said, turning to face what he thought was just a rather stupid member of his entorage. Instead, there stood a scarred, spikey haired man, watching the proceedings between Misa and Shura while simultaneously holding one of Shura's demons in a sleeper hold and choking the life out of him.

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"Who in the blazes are you?!" Shura asked, both he and his men being taken quite aback by the appearance of this fighter.

"Its Goku!" Declared Queen Misa in joyous relief. "He's come to save me!"

"Goku?" Shura repeated, studying the man who was still choking out one of his minions. "Hmm...yes...it has been a few decades...I suppose you've matured as well...though your sense of fashion certainly hasn't."

"Says the guy wearing eyeshadow and a mesh shirt." Bardock retorted as the minion he held continued to gasp in vain for air.

"Hmm....touche..." Admitted Shura. "Now, can you release Charles, there? I don't think that's his natural shade of blue."

"Huh? Oh, right. This guy." Bardock squeezed a bit tighter until the demon's eyes rolled back in his head and the saiyan dropped the unconcious hellspawn to the floor. Taking a second look at the leader of these demons, the Saiyan cracked his knuckles in preparation for a fresh fight. "Man, what is it with badguys and the fruity look? Zarbon, Frieza, and now you."

"Freezer? Zarbon? What does frozen produce have to do with anything?" Asked Shura, baffled.

"Don't worry about." Bardock said as he slid into his fighting stance. "All you got to worry about is me messing up that make up smeared mug of yours."

Scouter HUD
Location: Kress Castle
Physical Status: Normal
Power Level: 43,500
Local Power Levels: Humans, Demons
Music Selection: Solid State Scouter
User Log: So they know Goku? Huh. Small planet.

Dedicated Poster

8,850 Points
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¤ Future Trunks

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Where?: Saiyan Base (Mess Hall) [Age 776]
Who?: Bianca
Feeling?: Irritated!
Mine?: Z Sword - Dyno capsule case - Time machine - Cell phone
CS?: 15
Power?: 5,000
Base: 18,500 --- SSJ: 90,000 --- USSJ: 135,000

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"Gohan, why'd you have to do it, why'd you have to leave me? It's not fair! Oh gosh no... what did they do to you Gohan? You were my best friend, you were everything to me... everything! This just isn't fair! Gohan, Gohan, GOHAN!!!"

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Trunks had told her what he intended to do and claimed that that is all there is to it. It should have been enough to quail further protests...but he was wrong, Her voice rose louder as she fired back and angry retort to his words. Pretty soon, he'd almost half expect them to attract a few people to find out what all of this shouting is about. "First you say you don't want to date girls, and then you want to take me out on a lunch date, followed by palming me off before going to see this other woman." He spun on his heel and advanced a few steps towards her looking irate, the table stood between them. "It is NOT a date! I don't know where you keep getting these ideas but I am NOT going on a bloody date! And in case you haven't noticed the food here is not really up to a good standard, this is a military base, so the food in here are practically M.R.E.s! And I would assume after spending the morning...some 4 or 5 hours learning to connect with your ki and possibly learning to bring it out of you along with some other training, that you'd be hungry for some REAL food. Its called being generous and part of the deal. I will train you, that means making sure you get good food and proper rest so that you don't overwork yourself! It is not a date! Get that through your head now!." He jabbed his finger hard on the table top to enphisize his point glaring at her from his side of the table. He had over road her exclamation about him making up his damn mind. Really she needs to get her head OUT of the clouds and see this from a serious perspective not from a school girl's air headed foolish views.

But then Bianca went a step further to really get him irritated, "Either you take me with you, or I'll tell your mother about your meeting this secret woman." She is blackmailing him, she does not even understand what she is playing with or shoving her nose into. "No." He said flatly and coldly, his blue eyes had hardened to blue ice when she assumed she could black mail him. He held up one finger, "You don't know nothing about this woman. I do, and I DON'T want you getting involved. I Don't care if you are stronger then the average human, I will not take risks more then i have to." His words should have strongly pointed out the bloody fact that this is NOT a date. This is something serious business not playtime. He held up a second finger. "I am going to meet this woman to bring her to justice." And lastly he held up a third finger. "Don't you think if I Needed help in doing so then I would personally go to talk to the appropriate people i know and trust to give appropriate aid? It is not that I don't trust you, it is the fact that you still don't have a clue of what my enemies are capable of, you saw one battle. That does not give you all the learned experience to know what your doing leaping head first into possible trouble."

Trunks then picked up his coffee again and chugged down the rest of it before setting it down he backed up to lean against the wall and stuff his hands into his pockets letting her take that in, his jaw is set in a very stubborn line.

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"These androids are ruthless, they delight in causing pain and chaos. Living on Earth in my time is like living in a nightmare... always running and hiding, looking for a way out."

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Fanatical Dabbler

9,525 Points
  • Millionaire 200
  • Partygoer 500
  • Team Jacob 100
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Where?: Saiyan Base Mess Hall
Who?: Trunks
What?: Angry
Mine?: Cellphone, capsule case, rollerblades
Power?: 7,500
Combat Strength?: 8

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"If you think I'm just a pretty face, then you'd better think again!"

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                                          The table stood between them, keeping them apart, but blue eyes met blue eyes across it, glaring at the other. Oh yeah, total repeat of Bulma and Vegeta's relationship. "It is NOT a date! I don't know where you keep getting these ideas but I am NOT going on a bloody date! And in case you haven't noticed the food here is not really up to a good standard, this is a military base, so the food in here are practically M.R.E.s! And I would assume after spending the morning...some 4 or 5 hours learning to connect with your ki and possibly learning to bring it out of you along with some other training, that you'd be hungry for some REAL food. Its called being generous and part of the deal. I will train you, that means making sure you get good food and proper rest so that you don't overwork yourself! It is not a date! Get that through your head now!."

                                          Not intimidated in the least, Bianca began to raise her voice back at him. "Why even bother taking me out for lunch then?!" She demanded. "I can go somewhere by myself if I want to eat away from here. I don't need your charity!" She shouted. "Tell you what! Don't bother taking me to lunch! It's so painfully obvious that you'd rather be elsewhere than in my company!" She stood up abruptly and shoved the cup of coffee he'd gotten her away, where it slopped over the side of the mug and spilt on the table. "Why hang around with an ugly loser like me, when you could be lifting weights, or doing other boring stuff." She glared. "You need to get a life!" She made to storm off, deliberately banging her shoulder against him as she went.

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                                          User Image


6,200 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Person of Interest 200

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Gohan's Location- Korin's Tower
Thoughts/emotion- That took less time than expected...
Current Health- 100%
People near by- Videl, Cayenne
Power level - 500/200,000

"I had half a mind to ask him if he knew anything about the recent theft and destruction of Capsule Corp. Perhaps finding the ones who raided there would get us back on track. But as it stands, I'm one of the few actually actively trying to find the Dragonballs again. It might make a world of difference to pick up a small pack of beans. Vegeta got blasted I heard, and anyone that can do that, is a strong foe indeed. Also, maybe you can give Miss Videl some pointers? You are the master martial artist who helped my dad out, and she did climb the tower unaided. If memory serves, that qualifies for some reward."

Dedicated Poster

8,850 Points
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¤ Trunks

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Where?: Saiyan Base (Barracks)
Who?: Goten, Hiero
What?: Uh huh...
Feeling?: neutral
Mine?: Clothes -- Cell phone -- some food stored capsules
Power?: 10,000
Base: 10,000 ---- Super: 50,000

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After some hesitation after Trunks gave his name to Hiero, Trunks took that time to get dressed, tugging on his boots and tightening his belt. "Yeah I uh, was thinking about exploring the base, although the animals right in the outskirts kinda freak me out. I was wondering if you and Goten wanted to come along since we're the only kids here. The adults are kinda busy. I was thinking about training but I don't know if anyone's using the gravity chamber," Trunks had not even said Goten's name nor did his friend introduce himself to this Hiero. So then how did he know Goten if this is supposedly the first time they've met? Well it wasn't the first time, he and Goten did see this kid paralyzed in the med-lap 2 days ago. But other then that brief view Trunks has never seen this kid before and he is sure neither has Goten. Trunks decided to wait and see if he lets any other sucpicious stuff come out. He had mentioned the gravity room so Trunks thought why not. "Why not, your a saiyan, i'm curious how ya measure up, ya coming Goten?" Trunks turned to look at his friend still on the bed looking half asleep.

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"Come on, don't be mad at me. I'll tell ya' what. You can have three of my toys. You pick 'em. "

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6,200 Points
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Person of Interest 200
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Location- Left Jingle Village - Flying to Central City
Current Health- 100%
People near by- Nobody.
Power level - 10,000/75,000
Equipment- Power draining high tensile razorwire, Bardock's old scouter.
Current Theme - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VN3tMmc3Aw

The flight back was less leisurely than before. Instead of watching the ground and marvelling in the open wastes, Zangya's mind was preoccupied with the notes of the late Dr. Flappe. Of all the things she discerned, however, few records and notes were kept regarding particular blueprints and schematics to build what she required. The late Doctor kept making notes of a one "Dr. Gero", but Zangya already knew the name all too well. Her actual quest seemed to not have progressed as she had once believed, and as the pages of the journal were flipped, the more she came to the conclusion that there was an obstacle, instead of a doorway, in her path. The location of the good doctor's experiments still eluded her. The tight lipped man had made sure to hinder her investigation as much as possible, but as she learned more and more, she had come to the conclusion that everything she sought after was still available, just not where she was looking.

One name came out in the notes, however. The name fit pretty well, as the notes were all too brief about him. Zangya landed in the city, gaining a few looks but largely ignored by the masses (and subsequently by the xenos herself). Striding inside the familiar building, the same peppy assistant looked up, as her face shone.

"Well, hello again! I thought last time I had probably driven you off, did you find what you were looking for?" She said in that effervescent voice that grated on the Heran's nerves. Zangya glanced to the side where a TV was reporting news in a a very soft volume. "Oh, did you hear about this? Someone up in North City firebombed a series of store fronts, and criminals over the city have been turning up in jails. They say it's some horrible vigilante, but I think whoever did it was ingenious at it."

"I need to find someone else," Zangya interrupted in her curt voice. "And I need a list of major cybertechnological corporations that might have parts I require."

"Well, you came to the right place," the assistant started. "Who did you need to find?"

"Doctor Briefs."
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""Hm? Kakarot? What is that? Is that a vegetable, I hate vegetables!""

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Base: 10,000 ---- Super: 50,000
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Son Goten
The Status!
Where? Saiyan Base
Heading to? Woke ! (Trunks, Hiero, Bulma, Bianca, F. Trunks, Vegeta, Chaya, Tarble!)
Power? 5,000!

Throughout their conversation, Goten would be falling back to sleep. Although he was still sitting up, he would be alert and before he was out for the count. He would hear Trunks calling to him. "Ya coming Goten?" Trunks turned to look at his friend still on the bed looking half asleep. Goten however awake enough would nod his head in a 'yes' motion. "...Err, yeah Trunks. Just somewhat sleepy. But here I come." Goten would say. Motioning out of the bed, he would go tumbling down- DUMP!

There had been the sound of a young boy's head crashing down to the floor. "Ouch.........! That huuuuurrrttt!" Goten cried out. He held his head for the fact if he hadn't been awoken before he was definitely up now. He just had to be. He also now had the issue of feeling the lump growing out of his skull. He hadn't heard however what Hiero and Trunks were talking about before. So when he got the chance he would definitely ask where and what did he say yes to. But right now, he would probably be stared down at by the two.

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"WOW, Really I can pick?? I know which ones too! Thanks Trunks!"

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