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~♥~ Abazure Manko ~♥~
Hottest bwitch on Earth! ♥

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"It is vain to find fault with those arts of deceiving where in men find pleasure to be deceived." - John Locke

First obveous rule about flirting with men is that you laugh at their jokes, no matter how bad or unfunny they are. So Abazure laughed when San-san told her she shouldn't eat the food she made for work. "I was a waitress silly," said Abazure. Giggling at him while she held his arm tighter, even though like San-san was looking at her suspieciously. "Don't worry I'm enough fun for the boy of us big boy. Tee Hee ♥" She lead San-san further up the stree until she spotted a fun looking bar with a big neon sign. "HORA! HORA!" she said. Pointing excitedly to the bar, Abazure added, "That place is having a special! Hayakuuuuu!" Abazure pulled San inside the reletively empty bar with cute excitement in her step and great enthoseasm in her silky voice.

Where am I? On the streets of South City
Interacting with San ♥
What have I done? Meeting a new guy.
How am I feeling? Confedent in herself
Physical Checkout 100% Fine in more ways than one ♥
What is my Power? 20k!
Theme song:"Special"

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░ SON CHICHI MOST DEVOTED WIFE AND MOTHER! (maybe like a little too much...)

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❝There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one❞ - Jill Churchill

Chichi's high strung emotions started to die down once Gohan finally appologized for not checking in on his mother during this chaotic time. (And at last owning up to being inconsiderate) And like any mother who loves their son, Chichi forgive Gohan and breathed a sigh of relief finally at last letting herself relax from realizing that Gohan did not get killed in the frey of mass murder and destruction going on in the world lately. "Yes, I understand. But next time please, don't make your mother worry so much. Okay?" Chichi said. No longer was she yelling, but talking in a calm soothing tone. "I'm going to hand the phone to your brother now, he really wants to talk to you. He misses you too you know! It's nice that you're helping the Briefs Gohan, but don't forget you have a family too." Chichi then handed the phone to her youngest son with a soft smile. "Here Goten, you can talk to Gohan now." she said. Talking sweetly to the little boy.

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Chichi's Mental status

Where am I: Home
Who am I with: Goten
Motherly duties: Forgiving Gohan like total family bonding ♥
What's my power: whatev power chichi's got
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Name's San Shaku, what's up?

San rose a brow and shuddered at her words, not quite liking what she was saying. He tensed and frowned, looking to the side but decided to go along with her."Aba, look..I..don't really have time for this..I have..uh..I have a curfew, yeah."He said, he mentally slapped himself..it was still daylight, but he was hoping she would believe him. "You make my skin cra--"He was interrupted by her pull, stumbling behind her. Dammit..this wasn't going to be easy.

Where: South City
Theme Song: "Grounds for Divorce"-Elbow
Interacting with?: Girl
Mood: Annoyed
Thoughts: ..Crap.
Power Level: 23,000/23,000
Item/s: Pack of smokes, lighter
Health: Meh
CS: 10
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~♥~ Abazure Manko ~♥~
Hottest bwitch on Earth! ♥

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"It is vain to find fault with those arts of deceiving where in men find pleasure to be deceived." - John Locke

Abazure lead San-san against his protests towards a private little booth that the corner of the bar and shouted for the man to bring them both some sake. "Sake onegai!" she said. Shouting cutely out her order. The bar man was more than eagar to serve such a pretty woman of course and brought them their sake right away. "Hayai! ♥" she said to the bar waiter. "Arigato! ♥" Abazure then downed her sake in one shot and sighed pleased with the sensaiton of the yummy drink on her tongue. "Drink up San-san. You know if you are all work and no play you won't ever be able to enjoy life you know!" She then shouted for more sake to be brought to them. "Muto! Muto!"

Where am I? On the streets of South City
Interacting with San ♥
What have I done? Meeting a new guy.
How am I feeling? Confedent in herself
Physical Checkout 100% Fine in more ways than one ♥
What is my Power? 20k!
Theme song:"Special"

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Name's San Shaku, what's up?

San frowned and slowly sat, eyeing the woman across from him and looked at the shot of sake infront of him. He then glanced up and rose a brow at the woman questioningly, deciding to bring up a conversation, it was getting awkward. "You got any family?"

Where: South City
Theme Song: "Grounds for Divorce"-Elbow
Interacting with?: Lady
Mood: Irritated
Thoughts: Great..
Power Level: 23,000/23,000
Item/s: Pack of smokes, lighter
Health: Meh
CS: 10
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~♥~ Abazure Manko ~♥~
Hottest bwitch on Earth! ♥

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"It is vain to find fault with those arts of deceiving where in men find pleasure to be deceived." - John Locke

Abazure had a second shot of sake when San-san asked his question about her family. Hmm this could be a rather touchy subject to bring up, and could either make him regreate bringing it up or lure him in furhter. "Well..." she said. Her lovely voice dropping down as she began to look sad about the subject. "I guess you could say they were killed off. I could have had my own family by now, but someone stole that away from me too." Keeping the look of sadness, Abazure took a third shot of sake. (She's able to hold her drink well too btw so she's like nowhere near getting drunk.) "But lets not talk about such things right now. We're here to lighten you up San-san! ♥ Stop nursing that drink! You don't want me to start wondering if maybe you're a handsome woman now do you?" she asked. Abazure then giggled flirtatiously at her little joke.

Where am I? On the streets of South City
Interacting with San ♥
What have I done? Meeting a new guy.
How am I feeling? Confedent in herself
Physical Checkout 100% Fine in more ways than one ♥
What is my Power? 20k!
Theme song:"Special"

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Name's San Shaku, what's up?

San rose a brow to her words and scratched his chin, He knew he had asked a question that stung. He frowned at this. That was just..perfect. "Funny, I didn't think bringing up a topic that common would spur such a stung reaction."He paused at her final words and glared at Abazure, grimacing to her little joke."Look, Abazure..I appreciate all this..but I have important business."

Where: South City
Theme Song: "Grounds for Divorce"-Elbow
Interacting with?: Lady
Mood: Irritated
Thoughts: This won't be easy.
Power Level: 23,000/23,000
Item/s: Pack of smokes, lighter
Health: Meh
CS: 10
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~♥~ Abazure Manko ~♥~
Hottest bwitch on Earth! ♥

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"It is vain to find fault with those arts of deceiving where in men find pleasure to be deceived." - John Locke

Abazure's enthuseiasm wasn't quite there as she swished around some little bit of sake in one of her shot glasses that was nearly empty. "What kind of business would San-san have hmm?" she said. Looking away from the drink to San Abazure said. "Is it anything that I could help you with? Hmm?"

Where am I? Bar in South City
Interacting with San ♥
What have I done? Meeting a new guy.
How am I feeling? Confedent in herself
Physical Checkout 100% Fine in more ways than one ♥
What is my Power? 20k!
Theme song:"Special"

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Name's San Shaku, what's up?

Her question warranted only momentary silence from the other man. He frowned and cringed as she looked at him and proposed the question. His frown creased and he glanced to the side, standing and put down 3000 yen on the table. He glanced over at Abazure, perfectly positioned so his face was shadowed, other than his clenched teeth and blue eyes, making him take on a more sinister look."I don't hate myself enough to entrust information like that to a stranger, I have my own goals."He said and stepped out of the booth."Thanks for the sake.."He said, leaving. Once he was outside, he floated into the air and flew off, going towards another part of the city.

Where: South City
Theme Song: "Grounds for Divorce"-Elbow
Interacting with?: Lady
Mood: Annoyed
Thoughts: Alright..that cuts it.
Power Level: 23,000/23,000
Item/s: Pack of smokes, lighter
Health: Meh
CS: 10
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~♥~ Abazure Manko ~♥~
Hottest bwitch on Earth! ♥

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"It is vain to find fault with those arts of deceiving where in men find pleasure to be deceived." - John Locke

Abazure watched as the groucy man dismissed himself after putting down some money and left the bar. She waited until San left the bar before she reached over and took the money for herself with a pleased smile on her face. Wow that was sooo much easier than she expected. She did not even have to use a second spell to swindle some money out of the uptight guy. Shame he was so bent on doing whatever it was he wanted to do. Maybe he was meeting up with a boyfriend. It would explain why he was acting so misogonistic. But now she was 3000 zenni richer for the less than good quality company. Easy money! Victory went to Abazure! ♥ Abazure grinned with selfsatisfaction as she took the untouched sake San-san left and downed it easily. She thought to herself that she should have thanked him for the money but she totally figured it was the reward she got trying to make conversation with such a boring, weak guy. She really hoped the next person she came across would be way more intreeging for her. Abazure had enough with boringness.

Where am I? Bar in South City
Interacting with Bye bye San ♥
What have I done? Earned 3k Zenni! ♥
How am I feeling? Confedent in herself
Physical Checkout 100% Fine in more ways than one ♥
What is my Power? 20k!
Theme song:"Special"

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Kid Trunks Briefs

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Trunks pouted and rubbed his forehead where his mom and kissed him. ICK! And saying that Ambu Ral got the better of him with the poison but that not true because he is still alive. “Tch. He got lucky, that’s all. Next time he shows himself he's in for a major butt whooping!” He said with a raised fist. Though the words probably didn’t get through because his mom had turned away to leave but stopped to talk to Gohan. A sweat drop appeared on his face. Though he was glad she was leaving, now he didn’t have to put up with her worry and he could do whatever freely..that is he doesn’t get caught.

Trunks looked over at Trunks who was sitting by himself not talking to anybody. He wondered why he was being anti social since Gohan and mom was here. Seeing as his mom was leaving and Gohan was busy he took this opportunity to talk his his future self. Trunks walked over to him and casually waved. ”What's up?" He asked. "Seems like alot is on your mind."




Where am I? - Capsule Corp
Who am I with? - Bulma, Future Trunks, Gohan, Raseri, Onio
What am I thinking? - This is so embarrassing..
What am I up to? - talking to the other me
What do I got on me? - Nothing. Wait..do my clothes count? o.o
Whats my super cool power? -10,000

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Super Powerhouse

12,400 Points
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  • Battle: Knight 100
░ Bulma Briefs The Daughter of Capsule Corp. ░

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My only crime is being beautiful!❞

BUlma heard Kid Trunks' words as clear as day. She didn't respond to them because the blunette was going to talk to Chi-Chi herself, but thephone was immediately snatched away by the thing that accompanied Gohan. Hopefully, it wouldnt be too bad.

((sorry for small post))

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Bulma's Planner

Where you are at: Capsule Corp in West City!

Who you are with: Me!

Any appointments:Run all the way back to the house!

How is your physique: About five

Theme song:Crawling in my skin

Dedicated Poster

8,850 Points
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¤ Future Trunks

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Where?:West City - Home [Age 776]
Who?: Trunks - Gohan - Raseri - Bulma - Onio
What?: Speculate
Mine?: Z Sword - Dyno capsule case - Time machine
Power?: Suppressed
Combat Strength?: 15
NP: 18,000 --- SSJ: 90,000 --- SPT: 135,000

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"Gohan, why'd you have to do it, why'd you have to leave me? It's not fair! Oh gosh no... what did they do to you Gohan? You were my best friend, you were everything to me... everything! This just isn't fair! Gohan, Gohan, GOHAN!!!"

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While the issue between Gohan and Chichi on the phone is being resolved, Trunks had eaten one of the two burgers he had with him, now speculating about his grandparents kidnapping. He isn't certain what anyone else has done yet, but the most logical thing to do to start first is to look at the security cameras posted about the building, if a suspect can't be found then at the very least they should be able to get an bearing of where his gramps was before the kidnapping and then it would be best to carefully observe the tapes to see who he talked to before leaving the building. It would be a few hours of careful scrutinizing study of those tapes but it might produce some results. There is the option of attempting to sense them out but that would be totally like trying to find a needle in a haystack as large as the planet itself. So that is a no go. The next option after that is to go and find his father and see if he knew anything about it, if he did then some general information could be shared. If a suspect is found then the next step would be to see if said person is registered in police files in order to get a general living space location. All of this being general FBI detective basics. It is what the cops would do if called.

The only reason they should notify the human police is if their own investigation doesn't produce satisfactory results. From then the cops would soon spread the news to all the major cities for a world wide search. Trunks went over these procedures in his head in a 'going through the motions' kind of way. But considering every option available to him about this investigation. And of course beyond this there are any number of possibilities that the bad guys might decide to strike while their eyes are turned away on this investigation. Especially that Bounty Hunter. Well ******** this they can't keep huddling together in fear of an attack...he's been there before and never liked the feeling of being hunted. All it does is bring up dark memories. I still can't believe #17 is trying to play nice to me...unbelievable. He finished his other burger and bit his thumbnail as he was in deep thought about it all.

”What's up?" Trunks blinked and glanced up to find his kid counterpart standing in front of him giving him a casual wave. He let out a long sigh and stuffed the empty bags together to set aside to take up a fresh bottle of coke. "Seems like alot is on your mind." He grunted at that, "Aye you could say that again." He responded and glanced over at the others. Gohan just got relieved of the phone by Raseri and it appeared that their mother was waiting to talk to Chichi as well. Trunks knew that if his mother knew about this kidnapping thing then she wouldn't want to worry Kid Trunks. But, F.Trunks thinks differently. He lowered his voice none the less, "I'm considering the steps needed to investigate Grandfather Breifs' disappearance. I don't know if Father knows anything of it, nor am I sure if he'd be at all interested in looking for them." he had a pretty good idea about how his father thinks, he wouldn't have an interest in getting involved in something so petty unless there is a link that is personal to him. "Still, I think I might go over to the base and see if he knows anything about it." Trunks almost half-way anticipated Kid Trunks to immiediatly want to help or go with him as any excuse to get moving again or get out of the house. If so then Trunks would still have to ask Bulma if it is fine to let the kid go with him.

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"These androids are ruthless, they delight in causing pain and chaos. Living on Earth in my time is like living in a nightmare... always running and hiding, looking for a way out."

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Name's San Shaku, what's up?

San landed, breathing out in relief and breathed back in, putting his hand to the wall. It was good to get fresh air again, that intoxication that Abazure held around her choked him. He sighed deeply and walked along."Phew..glad to be away from all that.."He took a breat."s**t.."He finished, frowning. The woman had held him up for mostly no reason, he had his own goals and his own business, he had no time to be flirting with women. He needed answers.

Where: South City, northern section
Theme Song: "Grounds for Divorce"-Elbow
Interacting with?: No one
Mood: Irritated
Thoughts: Finally..
Power Level: 23,000/23,000
Item/s: Pack of smokes, lighter
Health: Meh
CS: 10

Devout Worshipper

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Cell, The Perfect Weapon

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Cell climbed up the stairs after he returned to his tower, his hide out where he rested away from the rest of the world. The bio-android was grateful to have the place to himself, though it would not hurt to have some maintenance work staff for cleaning the place up.

His muscles strained as he walked up the steps. He made slow progress. Fortunately, his body already began to repair the damage done from the icy weather. Cell moved as quick as he could. A trail of snow was left behind his feet as he walked. The first snow fall would evaporate by the time he reached the second floor.

"I am not sure..how much good it will do me, but my efforts will not be in vain. I will surpass him."

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Training Fifth and Final Post

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