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My favorite 'extra' baby item was....

Bumbo 0.08695652173913 8.7% [ 6 ]
Car bottle warmer 0.014492753623188 1.4% [ 1 ]
Wipes warmer 0.028985507246377 2.9% [ 2 ]
Boppy/nursing pillow 0.18840579710145 18.8% [ 13 ]
Bottle steamer/disinfecter 0.028985507246377 2.9% [ 2 ]
Bassinet 0.072463768115942 7.2% [ 5 ]
Diaper caddy/changing table 0.014492753623188 1.4% [ 1 ]
Video monitor 0.043478260869565 4.3% [ 3 ]
Other (please share!) 0.14492753623188 14.5% [ 10 ]
...gold.... 0.3768115942029 37.7% [ 26 ]
Total Votes:[ 69 ]
This poll closed on July 9, 2013.
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Hardcore Muse

Digital Fiend

That's really sad actually. sad I know my cousin watched Bander for at least one night to give his parents a night off. I love watching him, but I admit I haven't done it since he got diagnosed with diabetes. I just really am afraid of hurting him or getting his medication wrong or something. sweatdrop

It is sad and hubby and I both talked at one time about taking him in to live with us but we both ended up agreeing it's not something we ourselves are really equipped for. His therapy sessions alone aren't something we can afford along with his medication as he was also diagnosed with ADHD.
So I really can relate in being hesitant to watch a kid who requires medication and such and being worried you'll do something wrong.
Nothing wrong with that I mean with your own child it's different but with other people's kids you're just that much more worried about every little thing that could go wrong, lol.

Eloquent Senshi

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Digi - She was evaluated by a speech therapist about 8 months ago. My mom literally bullied me in to getting it done and the lady said Raevyn was perfectly fine and she even pulled out some of the test-games for 4 year olds (Raevyn wasn't 3 yet).

The doctor told me she had the wide set eyes, broad nose, something to do with her neck and a hand crease that were all telltale signs of it as well as her not latching when I tried to breastfeed. I was too panic stricken to ask many questions. I loaded her up and trucked on over to the specialist and let them do their thing. They were confused as to why the doctor sent me after they checked her physically and ran the DNA. They flat out told me she had NONE of the signs afterwards.

That punishment list is awesome. xD Although I'd put daily point limits and rearrange some of the points. They don't learn anything if they can just do all of it in one day.

Mississippi - I was told DNA can be tested for it. Iunno. I don't know anything about autism testing. I just know that most children function normally aside from one area that they have some trouble with. I watch a lot of documentaries and I've seen some of the people who still live at home but they can do crazy awesome stuff. There was an old man on one of them who had severe autism to where he could barely talk but he could sculpt any animal out of clay in 12 minutes or less even if he'd only seen it once and it would be perfectly proportioned and stuff. And then the other guy was a little younger and his thing was pinball machines. And another was a guy who could do crazy s**t with numbers. He could do complex math equations in his head.

I'm 10000% sure she's not autistic though. She shows absolutely none of the signs. I guess I'm not explaining it properly. sweatdrop It's not emotions she can't communicate. She'll constantly tell me she's happy and correctly identify what kind of mood I'm in based on my face. xD It's specifically "Why did you pee/poo in your panties" that she locks up and regresses. It's like she panics and won't answer because she either doesn't know, doesn't understand or doesn't want to tell me. So I don't know why she refuses to use the potty for #2 because when I ask she babbles, tries to change the subject and won't look at me.

Raevyn loves to socialize and play with other children her age. She'll follow or lead. She's got an amazing memory (For the love of all that is holy don't ever tell the child she can do something tomorrow and not follow through with it XD SHE WILL REMEMBER!) and can even use words like 'delicious' and 'amazing' in context as well as using past/present/future tense correctly (most of the time). She still baby-fies words like yellow and her own name (She calls herself Ray ban. Like the sunglasses) but that's about it.

I even just went on the autismspeaks website and took their screener test and Raevyn scored a 1.

I didn't mean to come across as people with autism are unhealthy or anything. I was just saying Raevyn is "normal" as far as any kind of health issues go be it mental, neurological, emotional or physical. We had her tested for lots of stuff when she was born because two of my cousins, one of my uncles and one of my ex's cousins all have learning disorders and are slow. One of my cousins is now 18 and I can understand my daughter better than I can understand her. She's the reason my mom freaked and told me something "had to be wrong" with Raevyn because she didn't start talking at the same time as other children. But yeah. She was tested for heart issues as I've got a heart murmur and my ex had two siblings die of congenital heart defects and then all the cousins with the learning disabilities and then we had her speech tested by the nurse who actually came to our apartment... Life has been crazy surrounding this child... @.@

I've spent about half her life worrying whether or not there was "something wrong with her" because of family/people pressuring me to get her tested for stuff that she doesn't show any signs of having. It's not fair to her. She's going to end up with Münchausen syndrome by proxy at this rate. And no, I don't mean that as a joke..

Feral Loiterer

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Hi all. My husband hasn't heard anything job wise this week, but he's literally has applied to 5 jobs a day since Saturday so hopefully someone will pick him up. Unemployment will run about $1800 a month which is great unfortunately our rent is $1600 a month and that would leave up with 200 for everything else. Hoping one of my summer jobs that I applied for call back soon.

Nater: awww sounds like you had such a fun day! 4laugh

Digi: Hmm I like it but I think chore chart should be more of a reward system instead of punishment. I see those children living in filth as adults, because they connect chores with negativity. But who knows maybe the mom has a reward chore chart in her house and they and get double points for getting out of being grounded and doing their chores. lol I think I would add pick up the dog poop in the backyard if I ever made such as chart.

Hardcore Muse

Whoever told you that or wherever you heard about autism being detected by a DNA test was really misinformed here's some information if you'd like to read up on it.

I didn't mean to panic you or anything either it's just the way you described everything really reminded me of my nephew was all. :3
I also wouldn't rely on a website to diagnose whether or not my child was on the spectrum, yes autismspeaks is a great website but I would take my child to an actual specialist who deals in diagnosing neurological disorders.

She may of just not been 100% ready for the potty though which may explain the pooping in her panties. Some kids just aren't always ready but like to think they are, lol.

Fingers crossed yall hear something good back soon. ^ _ ^

Lucky Star

Honestly.....how dumb would it be that I want to name my future daughter Elsa lol.
I love Frozen and Cyrus says "Elsa" so cutely lol
I also love old-ish names but not too odd like Esther and Agnes but like still cool like Maxine and Charlotte and Rose
I like to look up top names from the 1900s - the 1920s

But I just realized I want to name my next son Ezra and Elsa and Ezra are real similar.
Oooo maybe if I had twins....I'd love to have twins

I'm so excited to have another baby lol I finally finished my last pack of birth control. But can't start trying until I get my a** to the dentist lol

Hardcore Muse

Faerie Dreams
Honestly.....how dumb would it be that I want to name my future daughter Elsa lol.
I love Frozen and Cyrus says "Elsa" so cutely lol
I also love old-ish names but not too odd like Esther and Agnes but like still cool like Maxine and Charlotte and Rose
I like to look up top names from the 1900s - the 1920s

But I just realized I want to name my next son Ezra and Elsa and Ezra are real similar.
Oooo maybe if I had twins....I'd love to have twins

I'm so excited to have another baby lol I finally finished my last pack of birth control. But can't start trying until I get my a** to the dentist lol

I've always been partial to some older names such as Vivienne Lee. I loved that name but my husband absolutely hated it, but had he not of that would of been Sophia's name.

Elsa is a pretty name though and I didn't hear Ezra until Pretty Little Liars, I think we talked about that though. Lol.
Ezra in itself is pretty unique but not overly so where the kid would have a hard time spelling/pronouncing it or getting teased over it. I was really careful when choosing names that would be relatively easy to say/spell/pronounce and wouldn't cause my kid to be teased. Did not know Princess Sofia was a show though but Sophia's name is with the ph so maybe that'll make a difference...

Good luck!!! I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you guys I know how badly yall are wanting another one. :3

Beloved Lunatic

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@Perky: You make a good point. I think chores are good for kids in every day life honestly.

Maybe for smaller things, like when they're grounded (which in my house meant no electronics, usually for a weekend or something) maybe doing extra chores gives you certain amounts of time with said electronics?

I don't know. I kind of like seeing how other parents parent and punish so I can either take notes or at least thing about things.

Lucky Star

Mississippi Black Velvet
Faerie Dreams
Honestly.....how dumb would it be that I want to name my future daughter Elsa lol.
I love Frozen and Cyrus says "Elsa" so cutely lol
I also love old-ish names but not too odd like Esther and Agnes but like still cool like Maxine and Charlotte and Rose
I like to look up top names from the 1900s - the 1920s

But I just realized I want to name my next son Ezra and Elsa and Ezra are real similar.
Oooo maybe if I had twins....I'd love to have twins

I'm so excited to have another baby lol I finally finished my last pack of birth control. But can't start trying until I get my a** to the dentist lol

I've always been partial to some older names such as Vivienne Lee. I loved that name but my husband absolutely hated it, but had he not of that would of been Sophia's name.

Elsa is a pretty name though and I didn't hear Ezra until Pretty Little Liars, I think we talked about that though. Lol.
Ezra in itself is pretty unique but not overly so where the kid would have a hard time spelling/pronouncing it or getting teased over it. I was really careful when choosing names that would be relatively easy to say/spell/pronounce and wouldn't cause my kid to be teased. Did not know Princess Sofia was a show though but Sophia's name is with the ph so maybe that'll make a difference...

Good luck!!! I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you guys I know how badly yall are wanting another one. :3

Yeah that's where I heard Ezra from lol I love pretty little liars, but I wouldn't consider it naming my child after the character
That's what I like about it, like Cyrus, it's an old fashioned name that's not too crazy but still uncommon, (Cyrus is a "second" named after his great grandfather)

If I asked Cyrus what to name a sister I'm almost certain he'd say Sofia, he looooves Sofia, but he loves Elsa and frozen too lol.
I'm sure it bothers kyle a bit...like when we say he can pick a toy out and he runs down the girl aisle to Sofia lol. But I've told him a million times Cyrus isn't the age for super heroes and ninja turtles yet, he'll like that when he's 3 or 4...right now he's all about Mickey, doc mcstuffins and Sofia lol

Beloved Lunatic

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@Faerie: I've been honestly considering Elsa too, so don't feel too bad. I have a feeling there are going to be more Elsa's in the future. If you're uncomfortable with it as a first name, you can always make it a middle. I have a cousin name Henry Ezra. I love the name Ezra, although the first time I heard it was from PLL.

Speaking of PLL: I've been thinking if I have a girl I want a more musically inclined name and out of the ones I've searched I like Aria the best. I had actually forgotten it was in PLL (I haven't watched since the first or second season). I still really like it though.

If we have a boy it's going to be Wyatt Archimedes, and we decided not to get a gender scan this time around.

If it's a girl we're still torn on names, but he doesn't seem to mind Aria. (And I get final say so anyway, it would just be nice if he liked the name as well.)

Hardcore Muse

Faerie Dreams
Yeah that's where I heard Ezra from lol I love pretty little liars, but I wouldn't consider it naming my child after the character
That's what I like about it, like Cyrus, it's an old fashioned name that's not too crazy but still uncommon, (Cyrus is a "second" named after his great grandfather)

If I asked Cyrus what to name a sister I'm almost certain he'd say Sofia, he looooves Sofia, but he loves Elsa and frozen too lol.
I'm sure it bothers kyle a bit...like when we say he can pick a toy out and he runs down the girl aisle to Sofia lol. But I've told him a million times Cyrus isn't the age for super heroes and ninja turtles yet, he'll like that when he's 3 or 4...right now he's all about Mickey, doc mcstuffins and Sofia lol

PPLs was a good show but I lost interest shortly into the 2nd season and just never picked it back up and I have yet to see Frozen. xD

Cyrus is a nice name though and one I've heard but not overly so, I've also seen various spellings on the name itself but still it's like you said not wholly uncommon and easy to spell/pronounce.

I just don't get men getting upset with little boys liking things that aren't necessarily boyish, I mean I understand it's more a complex and something they themselves are raised to expect but it just seems silly to me.

I like the name Aria it's pretty. ^ _ ^
I have a friend who named her son Wyatt actually but he goes by his middle name David for some reason. :
At least that's what all the family calls him.

Archimedes was the owl in The Black Cauldron wasn't he? ._.
I loved that movie..XD

Beloved Lunatic

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Archimedes was the owl in Sword of the stone. Husband's fave movie. blaugh

Chatty Werewolf

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Mississippi Black Velvet
Faerie Dreams
Yeah that's where I heard Ezra from lol I love pretty little liars, but I wouldn't consider it naming my child after the character
That's what I like about it, like Cyrus, it's an old fashioned name that's not too crazy but still uncommon, (Cyrus is a "second" named after his great grandfather)

If I asked Cyrus what to name a sister I'm almost certain he'd say Sofia, he looooves Sofia, but he loves Elsa and frozen too lol.
I'm sure it bothers kyle a bit...like when we say he can pick a toy out and he runs down the girl aisle to Sofia lol. But I've told him a million times Cyrus isn't the age for super heroes and ninja turtles yet, he'll like that when he's 3 or 4...right now he's all about Mickey, doc mcstuffins and Sofia lol

PPLs was a good show but I lost interest shortly into the 2nd season and just never picked it back up and I have yet to see Frozen. xD

Cyrus is a nice name though and one I've heard but not overly so, I've also seen various spellings on the name itself but still it's like you said not wholly uncommon and easy to spell/pronounce.

I just don't get men getting upset with little boys liking things that aren't necessarily boyish, I mean I understand it's more a complex and something they themselves are raised to expect but it just seems silly to me.

I like the name Aria it's pretty. ^ _ ^
I have a friend who named her son Wyatt actually but he goes by his middle name David for some reason. :
At least that's what all the family calls him.

Archimedes was the owl in The Black Cauldron wasn't he? ._.
I loved that movie..XD

Sword in the stone- we watch that one a lot because its one of Cody's favorites and Luna is getting really into movies more

Hardcore Muse

Digital Fiend
Archimedes was the owl in Sword of the stone. Husband's fave movie. blaugh

Ugh, I knew I knew the name. Lol. Just wrong movie. xD

Eloquent Senshi

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Mississippi - It was the same doctor who sent her to be tested for Downs and was constantly telling me her head was too small and she wasn't growing properly. Had to have tests done for THAT too. Thank God for medicaid or I'd have owed like half a million dollars worth of debt to hospitals...

I didn't really read up on it even back when I was looking at it for Raevyn but I did check out the signs, which is how I know she doesn't have any of em.

Names - I had the name Julian Alexander picked out if Raevyn had been a boy. Her name was originally supposed to be either Jade Lotus, Ariadne Rose or Ariadne Lotus. I heard the name Lachlan today and I fell in love with it. I think I found my new boy name since I can't use Julian cuz it'd remind me of my ex too much. rofl

Beloved Lunatic

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Mississippi Black Velvet
Digital Fiend
Archimedes was the owl in Sword of the stone. Husband's fave movie. blaugh

Ugh, I knew I knew the name. Lol. Just wrong movie. xD

It's cool. We were watching it one night (before we even knew we were pregnant, but we really were at the time) and he said "Can we name our second son Wyatt Archimedes?"

I already had my heart set on Wyatt, and I have no problem with fun middle names.

The first time I heard of the name Aria, it was in a book series called Symphony of Ages. I love it so.

My mom is really, REALLY pushing for Aviendha. Which I like, but I think I like Aria more.

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