• wahmbulance cry before u read this learn not to cry cry wahmbulance
    once there was a kid.He was only three and was with his real family,and
    his room was in the landry room....and his sisters was in a regular room,filled
    with all she ever wanted evil evil ...so when he woke up one day he waddled out into the living room and saw his moms bf choking her sad surprised eek gonk crying
    so he ran bk to the landry room...luckily there was a door in there to his sisters room,but she wasnt there so he went to my window and stared out it and he saw
    cops coming toward the front of the house.when they came into the house his parents were arested surly enough he ran to his sister who was with his naboir she aparently ran over to her house to call the cops ..soon he was takin to a hospital because of way his father beated him soon his family
    was al gone exept his sis...soon he found an new family that took him in and treated him ok

    look out foor the next stry coming soon