• Mr. Intellectual - thus you call yourself. You are a man of logic, knowledge divine. Bestowed upon with honors and titles - the fruits of your years of labor. Your mind stretches past the minds of common men who look up to you, being enchanted by your whimsical words. You breath love and beauty. You spread your wisdom among the youth, and you do so "admirably". Your name equates knowledge and emotion itself, as who else could know more of this world than you, oh great one? Yet you fail to see the other face of life itself, and you deny so arrogantly.

    Mr. Philosopher, shall I address you satirically? You have offended me not but amused me instead with your pretentious propositions. Being past your prime you claim to know more of this world and thus you call me raw. But you have undermined the wrong child. I believe that life does not have an age requirement, which people like you cannot humbly admit. I called you not a fake and you named me pretentious. I refrained from condemning your indecent proposals and responded with a rather firm, honest and respectful opinion and you called me afraid of my feelings, and consistently insisted so. You implied I am of a narrow mind but you fail to see the plain truth that men are not of one belief. Oh Lord of Carnality, I pity you for being a shame to your title.

    Thirty-three years upon this earth and you are yet to learn that you may not always find yourself accurate. Your sight is plain straight and limited and whenever something strange appears before you you immediately shun them and refer to them as wanting of good judgment. You proudly proclaim you are a liberal yet you fail to stand for the philosophies of liberalism. You insistingly establish a standard for freedom and whoever disagrees with you are instantly imprisoned within their own beliefs. For you love is the greatest thing in life, and urges are rather a necessary part of it. Whoever denies to refuse giving into passion for whatever reason or for no reason at all are fearsome of emotions. Ah, why am I not surprised to hear your ideals?

    Professor Sensuality, I shall leave you now with a little advice. Before you speak ill of others look upon yourself and ponder. Do you truly deserve that pedestal you have claimed as your own? Or should you not humbly walk upon this earth and admire your fellowmen for their difference, instead? You have but a few years and you shall be a middle-aged man. It will be your great loss if you still resist to see life through other perspectives. It you persistently restrict others into a certain label even without insisting that you are on the right, you will get nowhere, oh sire... nowhere but the the miserable pit of arrogance. And I have heard it is not a very delightful state.

    A young but not naive lady