I'm RubySacrifice. My real name is Jessica, but most call me Jess or Jessie. I live in the flat tundra of North Dakota, though you wouldn't think of it was that in the summer!
I love to draw, play video games, and read. I just recently graduated from college, and am working on my art. On Gaia, I like to trade, chat, and aspire to make an Alchemy white pages. The white pages will be for credible alchemists only!
It is my lifetime dream to acquire every Astra item out there! If you're selling one I don't have let me know!
I also like to do art! Here's my Dev page!
http://morsmamodred.deviantart.com/OMG! Featured Avatar! I am so honored and excited to have this momentous event happen!! *mindblows*
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