
iYuki-kun's avatar

Last Login: 04/12/2024 6:57 pm


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Well....not much to talk about myself here. I just enjoy talking to people sometimes but I usually will keep to myself unless its somebody I'm well acquainted with. I'm post in the CB or the Mini Shops from time to time but that's about it. If you are one of my friends here just expect me to stalk you from time to time if I really feel lonely and need someone to talk to. Which seems like most of the time for me. sweatdrop

Other than that my interest are video games and poking around on the internets, mainly here or on the youtubes for entertainment as I don't have much of a social life in RL. crying

So yeah...you will see me on here alot from time to time unless I'm at work or feel like I need a break from this place. Feel free to PM me if you want ask about anything else. 3nodding


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strawberrymoox Report | 07/22/2022 1:54 pm
I’ve just logged on for the first time in 9 years 🥹
Tasi vas Qwib Qwib Report | 06/07/2022 8:04 pm
Tasi vas Qwib Qwib
Oh dang everything is different. I work at a hospital now and free time seems rarer than diamonds. but I missed it here
Tasi vas Qwib Qwib Report | 06/06/2022 7:48 pm
Tasi vas Qwib Qwib
Nerin Serene Report | 03/06/2022 11:25 am
Nerin Serene
not me hoping for the slim chance you may be active here someone ;m; I miss you, fam [formerly Nerin Serene]
lilchickity Report | 10/27/2019 10:06 pm
I kinda come in and out every few months haha
lilchickity Report | 10/22/2019 5:20 pm
You've done a great job!
LexiHime Report | 10/17/2019 11:46 pm
no worries ^^ & ur welcome
lilchickity Report | 10/17/2019 4:54 pm
Awe thank you! Yours is pretty awesome too! heart
LexiHime Report | 08/14/2019 6:53 pm
nice avi
Honey_I_Bearly_Care Report | 06/13/2018 2:25 am



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