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Tags: magical, realism, roleplay 

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america jones // freewheeling daughter Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Ashdown Crier

Daring Seeker

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 9:40 pm
    sometimes when america is daydreaming, something odd happens to her vision

    it becomes much more acute, and she can see colors outside a human spectrum

    more worrying: she ends up seeing things from odd angles, things outside the building or room she's in, perhaps even things she's interested in

    the moment she focuses, however, this sensation fades, and her vision returns to normal
PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 7:15 pm

She sunk down below the water, body limp and legs dangling over the side of the little tub. Everything outside was muted and strange under the surface, just the way America liked it. Her heartbeat, though, grew loud in her ears, and she like that too. She held her breath as long as she could and magic was real. Magic to Sunny was like breathing to America and that meant it was special, not just a thing picked up off a book or from some video on the internet. It meant that folks who didn't breathe it the way Sunny did, well, could just as easily end up gasping their last like a fish on the docks and that should be scary. There were tides of it and that should be so, so scary.

Opening her eyes, America watched the play of light across the water above her, waiting for the scary parts to get more important the the wondrous ones. There's some kids playing out at the edge of the campground and she wonders how they'd react to magic, how they'd...

She burst out of the water in a rush. Dripping water onto the trailer floor, America stood up to peer out the window and the small figures running through the campgrounds. Had it been some kind of freaky reflection thing? The mirror sort of magic as opposed to the Sunny sort.

But it'd been so clear.



text to: Sunny

are there boy witches

are they as stupid as regular boys

America flopped onto the grass, letting the phone slip from her hand after a series of angry emojis were sent Taym's way. It'd be the last she'd bother with sending him anything.

It'd be nice, if people were what they seemed right out.

Rolling onto her side, America huffed and glared at the ants, trooping along nearby. Ants were probably really honest. They were hard working folks just trying to do their jobs, didn't even make up excuses about having to go the long way just cause a redheaded human's magnificent a** was parked in their express lane. They just got the thing done.

Idly her gaze picked out the pieces of food they were carrying, even the littlest bits sparkled distinctly from her view, high above their little colony.

Except she wasn't in the tree above of them and with a groan America flopped onto her back. Had she fallen asleep?


text to: Sunny

what sort of dreams do you have

have you ever seen a color that looks like the taste of glue


She passed by a particular garage on her way to work and was so caught up in not thinking about the man that suddenly the he was walking right by her. And tall. And all the wrong colors that were still kind Right as well and...

America stared at the empty sidewalk. It was still early. No one else should be out, though she noticed that Ivy was sitting by the door of the garage, likely to soon be let in. The girl hurried on, confused and troubled.


Listening to some Top40's leg hanging off her bed, America hears the birds outside with a smile. A little while later, she sees them on their branches despite never leaving her camper to look.


She liked drifting off, liked everything getting a little bit more gentle and strange. She likes the bright awareness of waking up, but there's something so nice when reality gets soft around the edges.

Ashdown Crier


No Faun


No Faun

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2016 8:51 pm
Twitter DMs: Do You Believe in Magic

America Jones
what do you think of magic

Obadiah Thompson
Like "pick a card, any card"?

America Jones
like woosh and whoa and sparkling things getting weird magic
like a real sort

Obadiah Thompson
Are you setting up for a joke? Because I'm honestly not sure my ego could withstand it

America Jones
no its just been on my mind
i mean it shows up in all sorts of movies and stories and i guess books like even the bible and the like
but most folks use it as the line between real and not real

Obadiah Thompson
I guess you could call me an uncommitted skeptic. A magnostic, if you will.
You see a ghost or something?

America Jones
my sights been going a bit weird lately but nothing like ghost weird

Obadiah Thompson
Weird how? I had a friend who thought he was seeing auras and then his retina detached.

America Jones
sometimes it gets like
and theres colors i dont understand
and it gets weird like i shouldnt be seeing it the way i do
its not bad though
i dont think my eye is losing bits least i hope not

Obadiah Thompson
That sounds more like a situation for an optometrist than a sorcerer, although if it's *better* maybe the optometrist situation has already passed...

America Jones
maybe so

Obadiah Thompson
Everyone in New England is really superstitious. Maybe it's contagious.

America Jones
just a little gotta admit

Obadiah Thompson
Are you gonna burn some sage in your little camper? Hang a horseshoe over the door?

America Jones
i probably should
make things nice n safe for ivy when she visits

Obadiah Thompson
As her secretary: when will that be?

America Jones
well i got mornings the next two days and then a day off after so whenever shes feeling like a walk out

America Jones
but like if you found out magic was real
would it be a good thing or a bad thing

Obadiah Thompson
I guess that would depend on what kind of magic it was but I really think you're jumping to some wild speculation on the basis of your eyes being a little weird. You feeling OK?

America Jones
im fine just wondering if its one of those
ignorance is bliss things to some folks
in like
if it was real

Obadiah Thompson
Well I mean I was raised on the Narnia books, and if an adorable talking mouse wants to teach me how to use a sword I'd be OK with that, but I don't think I'd be as OK with a witch causing a decades-long winter. It's already too ******** cold here. So if it's the first thing then sign up me up for rodent fencing lessons, but if the second thing is a possibility I'm pretty sure I'd rather not know.

America Jones
most things are both
nice and not nice depending

Obadiah Thompson
I dated one of those patchouli-smelling goddess worshipers once and she seemed to think it was mostly nice.
But she also wore one of those evil eye things all the time, so I guess not all nice.
Apotropaism. Magic that turns away evil influences. Throwing salt over your shoulder.
I'm assuming you do believe in it

America Jones
dipping toes in

Obadiah Thompson
You'll be glad to hear I'm not one of those people with an objection to patchouli.

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 1:04 am

Ashdown Crier

Daring Seeker


No Faun

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2016 6:55 pm

Text to sunny:

do you know a lady name lara


Text to sunny:

she looks like this

User Image
PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:04 pm

she's got a dog right

Vice Captain

Stellar Lightbringer


No Faun

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:40 pm

text to Sunny:

cerberus the deathslayer

hes the brown part on the right!

okay maybe he looks more like a cat there


text to Sunny:

or a potato


text to Sunny:

people seeing things all weird doesnt mean they have magic cancer or anything right

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:44 pm
i kinda thought he was a turtle!!

he would be a very cute turtle!

no you do not have magic cancer

Vice Captain

Stellar Lightbringer


No Faun

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:52 pm

text to Sunny:

oh good i had a moment

bless you

bless your cute face

bless turtles too

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2016 9:00 pm
Twitter DMs: No Country For Old Men

Obadiah Thompson
How's your eyes?

America Jones
it keeps happening but i think ive got a handle of sorts
so not too worried
i guess its happened to a few others around town too
maybe something in the air
like pollen or magic or weird pressure fronts

Obadiah Thompson
Still haven't given up on the magic idea, then.

America Jones
i dont think im gonna tbh

Obadiah Thompson
I'll keep my eyes peeled for mice with swords

America Jones
thatd be cute as ******** take pics if you find them

Obadiah Thompson
I'll trade them for photographs of a certain nature
Since you know I'd well and truly appreciate them
And I guess you see plenty of adorable cats around town walking as much as you do

America Jones
i cant even be mad ill do a real life cat collector game at you
already got one
look at his drooly bliss face though

Obadiah Thompson
Oh my god
Obadiah Thompson
This isn't fair. You got a head start.

America Jones

Obadiah Thompson
Seriously though. Take care of yourself even if it's just weird pollen or something. I don't know how much longer it's going to take Tim to get that rust bucket running but you make me nervous.

America Jones
well to be honest
id rather have my sight go weird on a walk than behind a wheel so maybe its best that iron ladys still being seen to
but im not doing anything too dangerous
worst thing this week was

Obadiah Thompson
Did you really name it Iron Lady

America Jones
naw shes betsy

Obadiah Thompson
OK good, I was worried she was privatizing utilities and snatching milk out of children's hands and killing political prisoners
What was worst?

America Jones
i got a bit over the tipsy line and into topple and i found out this writer fellow lives in town
and someone gave me his number
my uncle has all his books but i only ever looked at the picture on the back
to be fair hes really photogenic okay
anyway he lives here and i decided to text him
all sorts of s**t including that i wanted to marry him when i was 14
i dont know if its better or worse that it was the wrong number
having a weird vision episode mightve helped in that one

Obadiah Thompson
Oh my god
You really are reckless
Who is it?

America Jones
the writer? oh hes got a doozey for a name

Obadiah Thompson
If you knew my full name you'd hesitate to make that declaration so flippantly
Who is it? If you can't spell it what did he write?

America Jones
algernon mixlin
he writes mysteries
i got a bit of extra name myself but

Obadiah Thompson
Rings a vague bell, but I'm not much of a mystery fan. I was going to say you must not be either if you didn't even open the damn books but I guess in a way that's just embracing mystery with open arms.

America Jones
i liked the 3 investigators books when i was little
but i dont read that much of anything unless i have to i like doing the stuff myself most of all

Obadiah Thompson
Being well-read does not preclude you from being active and full of life experience.
Tell me more about this unwieldy name of yours before you offend me further

America Jones
ive got three middle names to start

Obadiah Thompson
I am delighted to meet someone with more than me. How's your syllable count?

America Jones
and being well read would kinda put a damper when i gotta reread over and over to make some sense of a thing
all three come to 11
10 if youre in a hurry

Obadiah Thompson
Beat me on that front too, barely. This is a huge relief to me.
Fourteen if you're from Alabama?

America Jones
gives me a crisis to even imagine

Obadiah Thompson
Go to sleep. Don't hit on old men. You already ticked that box off with me since you got here, anyway, even if I don't have any alluring dust jacket photos anywhere.

America Jones
youre 25 grandpa
and you can always send more pics while you practice getting all book worthy
ill give you pointers

Obadiah Thompson
Good luck. It's even harder to get a pic of me than it is to get a pic of Peaches.

America Jones
ill get your special item i swear it



No Faun


No Faun

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 11:30 pm
Bad Moon Rising

America Jones
im gonna go to a meeting with some other folks having the same weird vision stuff
so hopefully ill find out how to keep it handled all nice and safe like
talked to a professional too and she was sure its not some kinda cancer business
maybe ill end up getting some weird glasses
i will definitely look cute in them no matter how weird

Obadiah Thompson
You would totally pull them off. Let me know how it goes. I'm glad you decided to do something about it.

America Jones
a lady came knocking at my door seemed to know a little about it smile
America Jones
you gonna go to that first friday art festival thing

Obadiah Thompson
Your door? News travels fast here.

America Jones
ive only told you is the thing

Obadiah Thompson
I wasn't planning on it. I'm not good at impulse spending and I might end up with a dozen hand-knitted beer cozies shaped like chickens or something.
Well that's concerning.

America Jones
she was nice though
brought muffins and had a cute service dog and everything

Obadiah Thompson
Please stay safe.
Maybe she's a computer nerd and you googled some s**t on public wifi or something. I don't actually know how that works.

America Jones
well i gotta
if im gonna see you buy chicken coozies
yeah she seemed real smart
she looks like this you might see her round town

Obadiah Thompson
I hope you have a booth at that art festival
I can come by and get a drawing of Ivy.

America Jones
im afraid i only do private work but maybe you can get a portrait in exchange for fancy cheese samples

Obadiah Thompson
How do your tastes run?

America Jones
well i like cheddar and swiss and the cheddar jack with jalepeno bits in it and string cheese

Obadiah Thompson
This is a better answer than Velveeta. I'll see what I can do.

America Jones
finished it in time
wish me luck
i hope its not a feelings talk thing

Obadiah Thompson
That looks incredible please save me a piece.
Let me know how it goes. I hope it isn't a feelings talking thing as well. If it is you have my sympathies.

America Jones
come by tomorrow and ill tell you all about it 😘
you can get your piece then too

Obadiah Thompson
It's a deal. I'll avoid crying on your shoulder and telling you all about my trust issues or boundaries or whatever the ******** too, just as a bonus, since I'm so nice.

America Jones
you better

America Jones
dont go outside tonight

Obadiah Thompson

America Jones
im ok

Obadiah Thompson
OK isn't good enough. Stay better than OK. I need you to be able to yell at me after this because I went outside anyway.
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2016 8:52 pm
congratulations, dreamer!
    you now have the honor of completing the quest fetch challenge. to complete this most excellent quest and unlock the powers that lie within, you must complete these requirements.
  • a GM RP of running into something of an other nature in other ashdown (please tag in ashdown whaler)
  • a solo (750 words) or RP of having to track down an item
  • a solo (750 words) or RP of having to track down another item
  • a solo (750 words) or RP of having to track down another another item
  • a GM RP of returning with the items gathered to the thing of an other nature

    in exchange, your character will receive this knowledge:
    glyphs the knowledge of how to use will and symbols to imbue an item with a desired ability. the nature of the glyph that will be learned and it’s purpose will be revealed through the quest!

    have fun, and let us know when you've completed your requirements!

Ashdown Whaler

Distrustful Trickster


No Faun

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:31 pm
⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ Quest Fetch

Seeking Ashdown, Runner Available (with Gloom)
Treasure Boxes
Ink it Over (with Taym)
All we are is...
The Beginner's Guide to Symbolism (with Gloom)  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 9:04 pm
congratulations, dreamer!
    you now have the honor of completing the a darkened den challenge. to complete this most excellent quest and unlock the powers that lie within, you must complete these requirements.
  • a solo (750 words) on America exploring other ashdown and running into trouble while practicing her magic
  • a RP with another Visitor where America discusses the idea of somewhere safe to practice magic in other ashdown
  • a RP with Gloom about possible safe havens in other ashdown
  • a thread of America exploring other ashdown and finding a potential haven (tag in Ashdown Whaler!)
  • a DM’d RP of clearing and preparing the area to become a safe haven
  • a RP with both Pax and Gloom visiting the safe haven
  • a solo (1000 words) of America seeking out what has been requested of her
  • a RP of America returning to the safe haven to see Pax and Gloom
  • a RP with another Visitor, showing them the safe haven and spreading the word of it’s existence

    in exchange, your character will unlock a safe haven in other ashdown for all Visitors to take advantage of!

    have fun, and let us know when you've completed your requirements!

Ashdown Whaler

Distrustful Trickster


No Faun

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:09 am
⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ Challenge Month

Challenge 1 : Sing Me a Song

Tiny Dancer

repeat as needed

Blue jean baby, L.A. lady, seamstress for the band
Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you'll marry a music man
Ballerina, you must have seen her dancing in the sand
And now she's in me, always with me, tiny dancer in my hand

Jesus freaks out in the street
Handing tickets out for God
Turning back she just laughs
The boulevard is not that bad

Piano man he makes his stand
In the auditorium
Looking on she sings the songs
The words she knows the tune she hums

But oh how it feels so real
Lying here with no one near
Only you and you can hear me
When I say softly slowly

Hold me closer tiny dancer
Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
You had a busy day today

Hold me closer tiny dancer
Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
You had a busy day today

Blue jean baby, L.A. lady, seamstress for the band
Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you'll marry a music man
Ballerina, you must have seen her dancing in the sand
And now she's in me, always with me, tiny dancer in my hand

But oh how it feels so real
Lying here with no one near
Only you and you can hear me
When I say softly slowly

Hold me closer tiny dancer
Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
You had a busy day today

Hold me closer tiny dancer
Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
You had a busy day today

Challenge 2 : Quantity & Quality

Tier 1 ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋
Tier 2 ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋
Tier 3 ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋ ▋

Some sort of halsey song title (with Chris)
Your Body is a Message (with Thorne) words: 1012
COPS is brought to you on location with (Shun & Sampson) words: 502
A voice that came from you and me (solo) words: 1008
Sup Teach (with leila) words: 1374
Spooky Scary Skeleton (with Taym) words: 1036
Got some magic dust (with shun) words: 1016
repeat as needed words: 2960
And so it goes... (with Jer) words: 1222

Challenge 3 : Expanding that Rolodex

Tier 1
Tier 2 ♡♡
Tier 3 ♡♡

Some sort of halsey song title (with Chris)
Your Body is a Message (with Thorne)
Blair Witch Project (with marcus)

Challenge 4 : Strange Things
Everything was going fine until (your partner's character) went and used your collection of cool items to summon a strange pink othercreature.

Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3

Another Night at Darlene's

Challenge 5 : Tasting Menu
civilian ♥ visitor ♥ moonwalker ♥ warg ♥ noble ♥ npc

Tier 1 ♥♥
Tier 2 ♡♡
Tier 3 ♡♡

Some sort of halsey song title (with Chris)
Your Body is a Message (with Thorne)
Blair Witch Project (with marcus)  

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