Welcome to Gaia! ::

Unsealed Gatekeeper

I think I beat the minimum, don't you? 8'D I had fun, so... yay? XD


Name :: Kailey Koreco

Nicknames :: Kae

Age :: 16

Birthday :: April 24th

Sign :: Taurus

Blood Type :: AB

Fav. Food :: Mochas, almost anything with chocolate.

Hated Food :: Mint-chocolate, anything bitter.

School :: Medowview

Hobbies ::

  • Acrobatics ~ The girl's a little dare-devil without a doubt. Flips, splits, handstands, cartwheels - she's as flexible as they come, and always more than willing to give a demonstration. Unfortunately for most, she tends to take it... a little far. Think of the tight-rope walker... just... without the net.
  • Music ~ Singing and playing the piano seems to be a life-long calling for her, just like the visual arts for her twin. She plays the keyboard in a band, Tranquil Agony, also taking the role of lead vocals.
  • Martial Arts ~ Or, rather, street fighting, the girl loves a fight whenever she can get one. Mixing her acrobatics with basic techniques, she's a big fan of ranged or speed dominating styles.

Gemstone :: Diamond

Virtues ::

  • Playful ~ She's a gremlin, a child with a knack for finding a reason to smile or laugh in almost any situation. An upbeat kind of girl, she prefers to play games rather than do any real work, always the willing force to drag her friends away from stressful assignments to get some nice R&R instead~

  • Supportive ~ Not as empathetic as her brother, Kailey is still willing to lend a hand to companions should they need it. Be it physical aid or just an ear to rant to, she'll offer advice on any matter - be it requested or not.

  • Nonchalant ~ Never one for uptight formalities, she treats all she meets as equals - all with casual friendliness until they give her a reason to show them any further form of respect. Or less, depending on the individual.

  • Loyal ~ Once she makes a real connection with someone, sees the value in their friendship and trust - she seems to undergo a change around them. She's not so spaztic, calmer though still maintaining her childish nature. She gains a fierce protective side as well, sticking close to her friends without a shadow of a doubt. Be it connected to the concept that her Senshi is of Regeneration or not, she places herself as a shield before them.

Flaws ::

  • Judgmental ~ There's no other way to say it - everything she does, says, it's all in her never ending quest to learn everything about someone that she can. It is her belief that the persona people show is only a mask, a projection to hide their true selves to fit the standards of society. So she'll do whatever it takes to break through this fake self and find out just how good a person really is. Once she breaks through though, and has learned all she cares to know, she'll drop any form of connection with the person. She simply has no more interest in them, no more motivation to maintain a friendship. They fade into the background in her eyes, just as she expects she'll fade into the background in theirs.
    .....Should she find she actually likes someone, realizes she really does value their friendship, she'll stop playing her games as much as possible. She doesn't want to lose interest in them, and so instead she'll stop switching personalities, stop playing crazy games and try as hard as she can to just accept them for the person she sees as-is. It's difficult to do this, but she tries.

  • Temperamental ~ Despite everything, all her games and judging of the world around her, one fact will always remain true about her - Kailey has a massive temper. Sometimes it seems she's got a good check on it, that it'd take a lot to push her over the edge. Yeah... not really. A classic hairline-trigger, very little instigating is needed for her to start seeing red. And once she's off... tends to take a good bit to bring her back down from her berserker high.

  • Artificial ~ Though her temper is a true fact about her nature, almost everything else isn't. Sure she loves to play games, but is that her real emotions? Or a... "mask." She alternates between various personalities and moods, easily earning a "bi-polar" title. It's all to join with her goal of learning the truth about another's true self. Even if she does seem pretty insane while doing it...

  • Self-serving ~ If this hasn't been made clear yet - she lives for herself. Her brother is the only exception to this rule, like she is for his. True, she is capable of feeling true loyalty towards others unlike him, able to form real friendships despite her judgmental outlook on the world. But it still falls under her act of doing only what benefits her. If her twin is hurt, she'll feel pain. If her friends are hurt, she'll feel pain. Solution? Kill the people trying to hurt them, and then she doesn't need to worry about losing them.

Physical Description ::

Hair ~ Pitch black and straight with a faint curl at the ends - save, that is, for her bangs. Her face is framed by blood red hair that possesses more of a wave to it than the rest of her hair. Long enough to reach her butt, she has a tendency to leave it down, maybe a braid. Maybe....

Eyes ~ Bright blue, cyan. Almost seems to glow in certain lights.

Face ~ Heart-shaped, I would think. Wider forehead, pointed chin. Eyes have a slight angle to them due to Asian heritage, but not excessive due to European and Middle Eastern genetic markers as well.

Body ~ An oh-so-intimidating five-foot-zero, she is built for speed and flexibility more than anything else. She has very little muscle definition to speak of, but isn't bony either. Just... a petite little gremlin in natural tan skin. To make things just a tad bit interesting, she's long since covered herself in tattoos, all of a generally tribal variety.
.....Her actual tattoos will be different here - I'm thinking they might only show up in full force in her Senshi form, while in her civilian form only a few important ones would be visible (well, depending on her clothing). Will talk with the artist about this when the time comes <3

Fashion ~ Think... R A V E. Bright colors splattered over black, all randomly tight fitting and loose all at once. Random belts, zippers, huge boots - she loves it! Never can she be caught in the mundane cotton or denim - unless, of course, they're in crazy cuts and/or dyed random bright colors. Leather she's fine with though no matter what the style or theme. Always she can be found with various rings, though her "characteristic" jewelry would be her necklace and earrings. A blue heart-shaped stone hanging from a slim silver chain, a vein of purple runs diagonally through the heart from top right to bottom left, even smaller gold lines outlining it on either side. Another heart, this time red, dangles from another silver chain, though this one is attached to a diamond stud on her ear; a sapphire, amethyst, then ruby stud trails up the side to meet two silver hoops at the top. The jewel studs reverse order on her left ear though (ruby, amethyst, sapphire), and there is no hanging heart on that ear, only a diamond stud at the bottom. Old ref


.....Somewhere out there, was someone having the time of their life.
.....Somewhere out there, was someone laughing over some amazing joke.
.....Somewhere out there, was someone enjoying the most adventurous vacation ever.
.....Somewhere out there-

Her brother was going to kill her for being so late.

Kailey sighed, lips pursed as she puffed wisps of red hair that leaked into her face despite the hair clips set up for just this problem. Her heavy boots thudded emptily against the sidewalk, echoing through the vacant street. Was the residential area always this ominous at night? It'd been a few weeks since nocturne hours didn't see her at a club somewhere, or at least accompanied by her twin to gods know where. Or knocked out at home, y'know.... whatever worked better for her that day... hour... whatever.


This was weird.

Sure it'd been a while since she'd walked the streets alone after dark, but this much of a change? What, did some gang muscle their way in? Rabid dog on the loose? For some reason, she felt a nagging little voice in her head should have been going off, some well-known warning should be ringing. Like... she'd been told to look out for something, but that something just happened to escape her at the moment. Yeah, he was gonna scream at her, she could just feel it.

"Memory loss is the theme of the eve - first forget Kei wanted me home before ten, now I can't remember whatever the hell he warned me about... er... this morning?" The teen paused, gloved finger tapping her chin in blank pondering. A moment passed as she just stood there before throwing her hands up with a "Bah!" Because, of course, she'd forgotten yet another might-actually-be-useful tidbit about the day. She needed another mocha, wake her up...

Her bulky steps had since continued on auto, her mind lost to the endlessness of her musings. Perhaps she should have noticed how the lampposts seemed to flicker, her footsteps sounding more like whispers rather than the clunky boots they were. Maybe she should have realized the sudden wind, light though it was, was odd for being hidden in the winding streets surrounding by houses, or that despite being almost midnight and pitch dark, the echos of her movements were replaced by... a rather different collection of vibrations.

She should have, but she didn't. No, no, it was an entirely different sense that brought her back to the unusual present - the scent of smoke. She blinked repeatedly, icy optics clearing from their mental haze as she surveyed the scene. The sounds reached her at last, a familiar chorus that sent her blood to boil as she raced towards them. A fight? Here? Rounding a corner, noting it was a simple alley between two fenced in properties, she wondered what exactly why she could smell fire, but not see i-

Oh. "The hell!~?" That'd be why. Oh praise whatever forces in the universe prompted her to be so fascinated with acrobatics, never mind whatever gave her her flexibility. A whip of fire had launched itself at her as she'd taken the turn, flying into her face until she dove and rolled to the side. The zip-up skirt she wore opened up, the tight shorts beneath a saving grace as she crouched on the ground. No second flare came up, but she watched, transfixed, at the fight before her. A girl - surely not much older than herself - was sending out the flames towards... military people? Two of them, both wielding weird weapons to deflect the fire - wait... what?!

Since when does non-metal objects reflect - note that, reflect, not block but full on reflect! - fire? Especially a giant (whaaaat?) wooden yo-yo!~? ...and.... why were there little flashy lights coming out of it? Sure they were cute, b-but... giant yo-yos shouldn't make pretty flashy lights that go outside the yo-yo and attack people! Never mind the other one using a giant spear of doom, like an over glamorized one she'd seen in 300. Her mind decided it'd be safer to go numb instead of trying to wrap itself around the fact little pixie-like creatures were coming out of the spear. Yeah... yeah... numb is good. Numb means no thinking about the impossible and trying to rationalize things.

She was getting quite the headache as it was, and the whole "everything has a logical explanation" bit wasn't helping her case.

But numb didn't stop her flesh from crawling, her muscles tensing, body coiling on reflex. Instinctive, she wanted to fight! Two against one - so not fair, plus they looked like army rejects or something to her so that was an insta-ew in her book. Logic seemed to be winning out for once with her though, watching the special effects flying which way and that. The flames were hot and real, she'd already figured that much out. The shooting stars and demon fairies? Judging by the nice gravel they were making out of bricks and cement around them, she could only imagine what they'd do to her. The fire girl at least had a form of defense.

So what, she... had to just sit back and watch? Kailey growled, teeth grinding as she followed the battle still, fists clenching. She was... helpless. She couldn't do anything. She wanted to fight, damn it! Screw helping the chick, she just wanted to fight! Throw some fists, test some limits - her pulse was loud and roaring and begging in her ears and wrists, her chest tight with the coiling energy ready to spring. She couldn't though - something... something just kept screaming no. Something besides the logic stating how stupid it'd be to join in. She didn't know the reason for the fight, never mind would rather not become a starry pincushion. Something...

"The news has been talking a lot about weird 'pranks' going on lately."


"Now they're calling it all terrorism! Wouldn't they just make up their minds?"

Why would they be fighting against one another then? Why not attack the people, the homes - her?

"Just come home safe, Kae."

Slowly, carefully, she began to edge back, hands grazing over the rough cement and grime beneath her. She couldn't fight, couldn't risk it - she had to get home to Kei. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from cursing, slinking backwards until she was able to slip back around the corner. The fight was continuing - was anyone going to wake up from the sounds? - completely unaware it seems of their witness. Her boots made not a sound as she picked herself up, brushing herself off as she began to walk down the rest of the street.

Empty sounds began to return as the distance increased, the smell of smoke fading into the still air. The flickering lights began to calm and collect themselves. Everything... was back to normal. It seemed like what she'd seen... was nothing more than a weird dream driven by the vague reports she'd seen on TV and spoke about with her brother.

Only a simple little dream wouldn't cause her fists to keep clenching, her chest to be tight with too much energy. Her breathing was erratic - swallowing again and again just wasn't enough to wet her throat. Just get home... just get to Kei... just get to Kei and-

"- next time... I won't sit back and watch someone else have all the fun."

Psicharpax's Senpai

I'd like to thank everyone who participated in this contest and provided us with our fantastic turnout. For everyone who wasn't selected, please come back next month and try again -- sometimes we agonised over an entry and decided it wasn't quite right for us at this time, but if we could have accepted all of you we probably would. In the end we decided to accept three entries, not two, which was terrible because then I kept on being like "well maybe four" and had to be punched in the face.

But without further ado, please get your school uniforms on --

Pierrette Génoise - Kaze Taco
Alexander Rivera - Marushii
Simon Ferris - Mouse Pachinkorelli

It's been a smashing success, and thanks for all participating (and maybe next time i'll be able to get up a 'apps submitted' page).

Minsuil's Prince

Devoted Hoarder

Interesting Conversationalist

G'luck guys! <333

Missy-Kun's Girlfriend

Devoted Cleric


Hooray hooray!

Ruthless Consumer

HUZZAH! -marks for posting- Muahahaha..a chance to get a school kid! -and omg void? Void sounds epic..must...try...Good luck to everyone!-


Link to Ro Quest: Quest

Name: Roriri Kyun (Korean)

Nicknames: Roan

Age: 17

Birthday: December 23th

Sign: Capricorn

Blood Type: AB+

Fav. Food:Sweet and Spicy, roan loves all sweet cosines, and all spicy foods. His favorite dish to make/eat is gumbo and Brazilian food. He also loves eating ice cream. (If you wanna get him in a good mood give him a chocolate bar, he'll love you!)

Hated Food: Bland or tasteless foods, a few fish dishes, especially lobster and crab he hates it.

School: Hillworth


Cooking: Roan absolutely loves to cook, its his favorite thing ever, and if his parents would ever allow it he would gladly become a chef instead of being forced to take over the business when his father 'dies'. Roan is a rather good cook, and his favorite thing to do after that is reading.

History: Roan is fascinated with history, looking into the past and all the mystery's it holds. Nine times out of ten if you find him curled up with a book chances are its going to be a history book. It may seem boring to most, but for him its a joy.

Demons: Roan wholeheartedly believes in the unnatural, not the silly superstitions and such but truly unnatural things. Ancient angry spirits, ghosts, and certain demons that may plague humanity. He only believes in what would seem logical, and understands that not everything can be explained by science. Generally if its something truly odd he has to see it before he'll believe it. Roan has quite a collection of demonology books right along with his history books. Collecting certain rare or old books is a minor hobby of his.

Gemstone: BlueTopaz

Virtues: Confident, stubborn, calm, a 'mother hen' type. Roan, for all his annoying flaws is rather caring..at least on the inside, he is often eager to give advice on problems, and enjoys staying in the back ground. Roan never wants to get directly involved in anything, and finds that its better standing on the sidelines to calculate and watch before interjecting himself into a situation.
Roan never ever looses his cool, he's always wearing a soft warm/smug smile on his face even if he's seething inside about something. He always thinks things through before acting on them, and has very few impulses. He's certainly not the reckless type. When roan does get involved in things though he sees them through to completion even if the task seems impossible he wont give up until he's done it, whether because of his pride or his morals that's just how he is.
Roan tends to be a 'mother hen' at times, whether this nagging of others -this is reserved for his friends- is a good thing or not is unsure. Sometimes it does come in handy though, and its his own way of showing that he cares by bothering to put so much time in on trying to 'help' someone.

Flaws: Vain, Cold, a know it all. Roan is a rich boy and he wears it well, he knows his breeding and presents it with an ego that often makes others dislike him. Its not that he thinks hes invincible or anything, he just thinks hes better then most other people..at pretty much everything. Roans smart and he loves showing it in subtle teasing ways, one of those people who will always correct you on something 'you' get wrong. He often finds it hard to accept when he is wrong about something and is grudgingly bad at giving out apologies.
Roan also thinks he's rather pretty, and spends the same time preening as he does studying. Lawls he has that 'if you got it then flaunt it' sort of attitude. He loves himself for sure, and his hair, he's that odd kind that will go out and spend money at a spa or at a hair salon, he usually gets his hair highlighted.

Physical Description: Roan Done By Me(Minus the tattoo's and such, though they are kinda cool) Based off of this

Hair: Roans hair is dark blue, nearly black with a few lighter blue highlights in it. Shoulder length with long bangs. If he doesn't have it down then its tied back in a high pony tail.

Eyes: Mocha brown/dark golden eyes. Almond shaped, kinda that smooth smiling look to them. Eh..smug know it all sexy eyes? -shot-

Face: Sharp, but gentle features, maybe heart faced? Roan looks rather effeminate, but not so much that you cant tell he's a guy.

Body: Lean muscled, about 5'8, slim and averaged height.

Fashion: Roan usually carry's ponytail holders on him as he often finds he needs to tie his hair back.
Kahki jeans, or long shorts, vests and various sleeved shirts. Roan enjoys dark colors generally, and if its a bright color it has to be a neutral one, like a blue or a white or maybe tan. His wardrobe is nice in the sense that most of his clothes are probably expensive and made out of good materials, and even if they look a bit plain at times they are sensible clothes. He doesn't want to own a whole bunch of stuff that he'll never wear and has to panic if it gets dirty.
He does seem to have a thing for floral/earthy prints though..


"Honestly shin..your a good friend, but sometimes your an idiot. You don't actually believe all of those rumors do you?" roan sighed in frustration, rolling his eyes as he listened to his friends annoyed reply. He was getting the feeling that if he didn't either change the topic or end the conversation that it would turn into an argument on conspiracy theory's instead of demons.

The little blue star charms that hung from his bright blue cell phone jingled softly as he walked, turning onto the main street that led to his rout home. Holding his breath for ten seconds to give his friend a chance to finish his sentence before cutting him off. "Now you listen...Shin I don't---Hey don't interrupt me me!" roan growled into the phone, the growl quickly shifting into a gasp as a skirted blur ran by him. "What the...Shin I'll call you back" roan snapped sharply before flipping the phone shut and stuffing it deep into the pocket. Taking off after the blur, he realized after a few minutes of running that he had completely lost sight of it, that thing whatever it had been was moving so fast that there was no way he couldn't keep up.

"Damn" roan muttered under his breath, figuring that it would at least be some interesting news, either that or make him sound completely insane. Seeing random things flying by at night, totally crazy. Roan huffed and kicked at the sidewalk, making a mental note to add this to his little journal of occurrences when he got back home.

A loud thud and a snarl from behind made roan turn on his heels, head snapping up so fast to meet the hideous creatures gaze that it made him dizzy. A large heavily muscled orange beast covered in thick scattered scales, pointed furry ears like what a wolf would have and the most peculiar shade of golden eyes. So bright that they seemed to be glowing with an internal demonic light. The thing vaguely resembled a human in body shape, though everything else screamed monster, an experiment gone wrong. Maybe his friend's crazy theory's held a few grains of truth to them.

"Youuu..." the creature hissed in its grainy lung cancer voice. Its fanged grin widening as its arm shot forwards, clawed fingers tearing into roans shirt and lifting him completely off the ground, holding him up over its head as if he weighed nothing.
Roan swore and struggled kicking out at the creatures face though it did no good, and his feeble attempt at escape only seemed to make the monster happy.
"Hahahaa..ahhh you humans are cute, now tell me little brat wheres did the senshi go!" the youma demanded with such force that roans ears rang, such an annoying screechy voice.
"Senshi..hah forgive me, but I don't ack!" roan yelped as the thing shook him, apparently not pleased with his answer.
"The girl'sss...You will tells me which way she went now" lowering the shaken boy to eye level, fangs bared as he looked about ready to take a bite out of the boy.
"S-screw you" roan gasped for breath, wishing that everything would stop spinning long enough for him to even begin to answer the creature. Roan didn't get a chance to get his bearings though, a large sharp blast light exploded alongside the pair, blinding them both and stunning the creature enough to where he dropped roan, landing roughly on his hands and knees crawling away from the demon. Blinded and confused roan wasn't about to loose his chance at escape, he shoved himself up onto unsteady legs and ran not stopping until he was out of breath, hiding behind the side of a large old looking house.

Constantly glancing back over the edge of the wall that hid him to see if he was being followed by it, his heart in his throat pounding so loud he was sure it could be heard. After a few moments of catching his breath, hearing no sounds of either howling or running roan let his guard down. Sighing deeply and sliding down to his knees, running his fingers back through his long disheveled bangs. "Gods..what was that thing." he couldn't believe there would be something out there that 'He' of all people didn't know about, no myth no demon..no...

"Dunno, but your lucky I saved you from it" came an all to cheery female voice from off to his right.
Roans stubborn sense of pride was the only thing that saved him from fainting, refusing to let himself show weakness in front of a 'girl'. Swearing colorfully was perfectly allowed though! "Dont you know better then to sneak up on a person!" he hissed at the girl, groaning as he ran his eyes over the length of her. Dark hair, dark eyes, what looked like a school uniform except with far to many ribbons and sashy dressy things.. Wait..saved him? She saved him, from what that demon! No way!!

"You know, normally when someone saves you, your supposed to thank them" the girl said impatiently, a nervous look on her face as if she too was listening for the sound of something other then human.
"Hmmph..." roan grunted the reply getting to his feet once more and brushing off the bits of dirt that clung to his pants. "Maybe...If you ever save me a second time, then I'll believe you and make sure to thank you for this first time" roan said smugly, a small smile on his face, all the questions he had buzzing around would have to wait until later, maybe they'd never be answered, this had to be some freak occurrence.
Nimbly tucking the free strands of his hair back behind his ears he spoke a final time "Now if you'll excuse me, I think I should be going"

"Ah..jerk! I should have let the thing eat you" the sailor senshi seethed softly, watching as the boy quickly brushed past her, simply waving her off. If she hadn't needed to get out of dodge oh she would have given him a talking to!

Roan hurried home, frowning at his torn clothes, how totally ruffled he must look. He knew he'd have to go in through the back door to keep from being seen, avoid his parents questions if they were still awake. For once, roan wondered if maybe he didn't know as much as he thought he did. Sure he was brilliant, educated thoroughly in most all literature and other works, fiction and fact, never once had he come across the word senshi in a book. Vaguely he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket, probably shin calling him back wanting to know why he'd so rudely hung up on him. He would call the blond back tomorrow, right now all he wanted to see was his house and his bed...

Missy-Kun's Girlfriend

Devoted Cleric


Name: Soe Kyi Shein
* Soe’s name is a combination of three Burmese names; it means ‘dominant clear reflection’. It should also be noted that Soe doesn’t have a last name, as the Burmese do not use surnames.

Nicknames: So-So

Age: 16

Birthday: December 18

Sign: Sagittarius

Blood Type: AB+

Fav. Food: Jarzan hin; a glass noodle soup with chicken, wood-ear mushrooms, dried flowers, onions, boiled egg, garnished with coriander, thin-sliced onions, crushed dried chilli and a dash of lime.

Hated Food: Most types of sea food

School: Crystal Academy

Speech & Debate – What a great way to put her speaking skills to work! Soe has been an active member of the speech and debate team ever since she started at Crystal Academy. It is one of her biggest passions, and it seems she does quite well at it. What better way to get and to watch other people argue?

Student Council – You know all of the special activities put on for the students at school? Yeah, Soe had a say in those. Student Council is a perfect outlet for this girl, as it allows her to influence what goes on within the school. Possible alterior motives? Perhaps…

Drama – Drama is the last thing Soe does to keep herself occupied. Not wanting to be in the spotlight, she spends most of her time behind the scenes coming up with ideas for plays. Yet, having said that, she has performed in a couple of productions during her high school career.

Gemstone: Turquois

Approachable – Soe is a very approachable girl. For some reason, she is really easy to talk with. This makes her quite popular, and she is often the person to turn to when it comes to advice.

Consulting – “Here’s what I recommend…” – this girl loves giving advice, and she’s good at it, too! Soe is always willing to listen and lend a helping hand if someone comes to her for guidance.

Eloquent – Soe has a way with words. She seems to know exactly what to say at the perfect time. Given her friendly nature, the things she tells people often come off as very sincere, as if she speaks from her heart.

Liar – Although it seems as if she is being completely honest, Soe is quite the liar. The difficult to sort out the lies from the truth with her because everything she says sounds believable. This can be frustrating, but that is exactly how she likes it.

Smooth-talking - “You’re looking nice today, Mrs. Smith.” To go along with her eloquent words, it is obvious that Soe is a smooth-talker. She is not below using flattery and kind words to weasel her way into things or get what she wants. It comes so naturally, after all; why not make use of it? The main problem with her silky words is that they are empty. More often than not, they are just sweet nothings; Soe doesn't mean what she says.

Mysterious – On the outside, Soe appears to be very friendly and willing to help anyone who needs it, but that’s not the real Soe. It’s just a façade! Very few people know the actual Soe Kyi Shein, as she likes to keep her personal background to herself. Those that do, however, know her as a harsh, manipulative girl who enjoys watching others writhe in pain.

Physical Description:

Hair: Her hair is vivid burgundy (#951D35) and is styled in a clean bob style. Her bangs are cut asymmetrically; starting over her right eye, they are cut slanted and swoosh to the left, leaving her left eye covered. Soe also has her hair styled near the back of her head, which is styled with five buns of varying sizes. [See #264 for reference.]

Eyes: Almond shaped and buff in color (#F0DC82)!

Face: Soe has a slender, heart shape face. The only distinguishing feature she has is a beauty mark at the left corner of her mouth. And although the kids at school don’t see this, her signature look is a malicious smirk.

Body: This girl is petite for her age, standing at about 5'2" in height. In terms of her weight, she is average; not too thin and not too pudgy. Her mother often exclaimed how satisfied she was about her daughter having "enough meat on her bones".

Fashion: Soe has a girly sense of fashion. Her wardrobe mainly consits of things such as dresses, skirts, and blouses of various types. There are a few pairs of pants of differing styles, but she prefers not to wear them as much. They aren't as comfortable as dresses! As far as her accessories go, she likes to keep things simplistic. Too much jewelry or makeup takes away from the outfit as a whole, and she likes to keep thinks simple and clean. Less is more, after all.


"Where did she go?"

"Where did who go?"

“Don’t get smart with me, you little human brat,” snapped a gravely, sick-sounding voice.

”Oh,” said a petite teenager who was standing in front of a rather grotesque-looking being. ”Now I know who you’re talking about!” An amused and rather cruel smirk curled up on the girl’s face – she was enjoying herself. Playing coy with people – or monsters, in this case – was fun. It didn’t matter if this huma-..monster..whatever-it-was..could chomp her to bits. Soe was looking for some cheap thrills.

The monster growled impatiently, its voice a rumble of a warning. If the human brat didn’t give it the information soon, then it would loose its patience. And this human wasn’t its concern, nor its target: she was just a block in the path. No – what the monster was after was the human in the skirt: a Sailor Senshi, and it would do anything in order to get to them.

A giggle escaped Soe’s mouth. Why hide it any longer? Keeping the information was getting boring fast, anyway. Hand raised, the Burmese girl pointed off to the left of where she currently stood with the monster. ”She went that way,” she explained, putting her hand down and glancing over to where she pointed. ”I think she’s afraid.”

But the monster didn’t comment on the Sailor Senshi’s fright. It was curious about something else. Something that didn’t happen too often in the world they lived in today. “Why did you tell me,” it asked, its overly-large head cocking off to the side in curiousity. “You humans want to protect the Sailor Scouts. You want peace.”

That was when Soe laughed out loud directly, making no attempt or point to hide how funny she thought that statement was. Peace? This monster thought that everyone wanted peace? Oh, that was a laugh! True peace and harmony could never be obtained. At least, not in the world she lived in.

”The majority of people want peace,” Soe corrected curtly. ”I, however, enjoy seeing people squirm. Seeing the looks of horror on their faces amuses me, and I like to see people writhe in pain.” After explaining this to the creature before her, an innocent smile formed on the girl’s lips. It was unbelievable! How could something so harsh, so cruel, be coming out of this human girl’s mouth. Odd her words may be, but the monster had to admit; it liked what she had said.

Before giving it a chance to say anything else, however, Soe continued on. ”I told you,” she continued, ”because I want to see the Senshi suffer. Every day in the news and in the papers I hear about how wonderful they are, and how they go about spreading peace and harmony! Well, I’m sick of it! I told you because I want to follow you, and I want to see the look on that Sailor Scout’s face when she sees that another human brought you to them.” As she said that, a light sparkled in her eye, malevolent and thrilled at the prospects of such a thing. ”That is why I told you.”

Well, that was all the monster had needed to hear. It had heard enough, and was quite satisfied with what Soe had to say, even if it had planned on annihilating her earlier. The monster had a change of heart it seemed; what a waste it would be to get rid of someone like this.

“Alright, then,” it said, “let’s go. It's time to catch us a Sailor Senshi.”

Mythee's Wife

Galactic Cleric


You've been a sailor senshi for a time now, and tonight the unthinkable will happen. Tonight your starseed is going to get corrupted: tonight, you are going to join the Negaverse.

You're Sailor Tisiphone, senshi of the Void.

How does it happen? Do you go willingly, or unwillingly? Is the star seed taken by force, cajoling, bribery or menace? How does the Negaverse turn you from being a force of good -- to a force of evil? Who are you, and what are you doing on this inauspicious, terrible night for the Sailor Senshi of Destiny City?


"The void isn't an empty space of nothing. It's potential for everything."

Words like wind chimes echoed softly in Sailor Tisiphone's ears, and it took her a moment to realize it was from her memories. She peered at the sky, the waning moon casting its light across the city. Shadows shifted, arching further over the roads as a blanket of clouds began to wrap around the moon, the light reflected from the sun dimming. The soldier stood up slowly, vaguely aware of a dull ache somewhere inside.

The silence was thick in the air, and the girl could scarcely wonder how long she had been alone for. She had never been one for group battles, finding that working with one partner alone was better. It was easier to communicate, to fight together, talk together, breath together. It was the sort of bond that came slowly over time, each sand in the hourglass layering one atop the other to join two separated worlds into one. Sailor Tisiphone knew that she wasn't the easiest person to get along with, from her sharp tongue to her inability to let go of a grudge. Her partner had accepted it all.

Justice, she knew, was relative, and for this she gave the other Senshi leeway in their over-zealous path of righteousness. Even so, there were some sins that love could not forgive.

"You can't switch from 'good' to 'evil' overnight. They're in the Negaverse for a reason, and they have a story to tell, dark though it may be."

Those words flickered forth from memory again, a year ago after a long battle. Her partner had shown mercy, letting their opponents live not for the sake of love and life as the other Senshi, but for the sake of their own story. Tisiphone knew that she would have killed them, had her partner not been there.

Shaking out of her reverie, Sailor Tisiphone looked down at her gloves. The pure white cloth was splattered with a darkening red. That dull ache made itself known once more as her eyes cast downwards towards the girl at her feet, memories clawing to the surface.

"You must be Danika Cybele."

Sailor Tisiphone had transferred schools in the middle of the year when her parents divorced. She had discovered her power as a soldier earlier than most, so her late night outings and slipping grades probably didn't help the growing strife that her parents faced with one another. Those who were outgoing in her new class clamored to greet her and make her feel welcome, but she wasn't ready to be welcomed.

At the end of the school day, after shunning enough students that they got the hint, one girl approached her. She never said "Nice to meet you" as if she had known it would be nice, nor did she offer to shake hands like business partners. It was a plain introduction, free of assumptions and obligations. It had been such a simple, fateful day followed by three years of pursuing justice together without that hollow void inside. Leaning down, the Senshi scooped the lifeless girl into her arms, cradling her with shaking hands as she stood.

"I think murder is an unforgivable sin. You're taking away something that you can never own."

Yes, her partner had been right. Tisiphone never forgave those who killed others, and she had made it a mission of hers to exact retribution upon those who murdered. She killed them.

At first, she found that was the best way to silence trouble. She had been young and alone in her fight against criminals, and over time it became overwhelming. Even then she hated the concept of murder, however Tisiphone was willing to bear the burden of such black hands to guard those small moments of peace. After joining together with one other Senshi, with her, she was willing to let them live in the hands of the police.

Standing now at the gates of the graveyard, Sailor Tisiphone pushed her way down the path. It was a long walk, her body weary and aching, but her mind barely registered these. The mausoleum in the center was always kept locked, having housed the bones of ancient nobles. Short work was made of the lock, and the heavy door creaked open. Gingerly laying her partner down, Tisiphone pushed the stone lid of the coffin, scraping her gloved hands as she pulled the nobleman's bones out and threw them on the floor.

She laid her partner inside, kissing the lips of the girl she had inadvertently killed. There was something wrong with the way of the world, and Sailor Tisiphone wanted to change it. Justice is relevant, and her hands had long since been blackened. Change of any kind would be better than this world, so long as it was different.

"You can't switch from 'good' to 'evil' overnight."

If change meant leaving the Senshi, then so be it. She knew that switching sides wasn't as simple as thinking it to be different, knew that if she waited for herself to change that it would be too late. Her hands hovered over her chest.

All Senshi had the ability to pull out starseeds, though they never did. It was like being forced to strip in front of the world, but not stopping at the clothes. It went further, past the skin and bone, the soul being bared without anything to guard it from the biting tongues of others. The pain manifested not only on a physical level, but on a psychological level as well.

The agonizing pain ended abruptly, and she could feel a warm glow between her hands. Her partner had lied. The void wasn't a potential of everything. It was exactly as the dictionary listed it: Empty. Her mind barely held consciousness, her emotions long since deprived, and for the first time that night she spoke, though she was vaguely aware of speaking, "I know you followed me. Come, share your story with me."
Is there a max wordcount on the schoolkid RP portion? Or only a max on Tisiphone?

Dangerous Nerd

-Posts before she can chicken out-


You've been a sailor senshi for a time now, and tonight the unthinkable will happen. Tonight your starseed is going to get corrupted: tonight, you are going to join the Negaverse.

You're Sailor Tisiphone, senshi of the Void.

How does it happen? Do you go willingly, or unwillingly? Is the star seed taken by force, cajoling, bribery or menace? How does the Negaverse turn you from being a force of good -- to a force of evil? Who are you, and what are you doing on this inauspicious, terrible night for the Sailor Senshi of Destiny City?

WORD COUNT: Word Count: 629

It wasn’t too hard to see it coming. Not in hindsight, at least. Laverna Iisegard didn’t have much to distract her wandering mind as she watched the sky ever so slowly fading into the darkness, the true peace that existed away from the blinding light. A fleeting moment in the light that blinded her inner void, soon to be taken into the darkness forever in more ways than one. But what good would watching the sky and just waiting for nightfall do anyone, namely her? None really, but to kill time waiting for the Negaverse to come. Looking back now, the temptation to just teeter over the edge and fall into the darkness had always been there. What was Void after all, but the depths of darkness itself? The nothingness from which all good and evil rose from in the beginnings of it all?

Once she stopped to actually think about it, Tisiphone, her senshi namesake.. was the fury ever really considered as a force of good? The fury who punished the crimes of murder, and even killed her own love? Truly such a cruel punisher couldn’t possibly be expected to remain on the side of good and hope. And the chance encounter with the Negaverse to tempt her path, was it even chance at all? She had never been one of the friendlier, cheery senshi to begin with. Keeping to herself and not letting anyone see even a glimmer of happiness come from her visage she had been cool to the outside world, numb to the most basic emotions, letting them fall into her own inner void.

It was no wonder then, that she was so easily tempted. Onyx had come to her, she hadn’t even known the boy was with the Negaverse until he revealed it, and still wondered how he had figured her identity out. But then she had never really been so secretive about it either. The Void of her heart listened to every word he said, how much it all made sense. Darkness, the deep blackness of nothing couldn’t possibly be a force for good. She couldn’t help but admit too that the blinding light behind other senshi’s smiles, their caring words of support were too much to bear at times. The seeds of doubt had long been planted in her mind as the fighting had gone on. The yoma never seemed to cease rising from the darkness, while the senshi struggled to keep up with their numbers. The darkness outnumbered the light, just as in space. Light could never stand up to it, so why was she, the power of Void, on the side of light? It made so much sense now, she never was meant to be on the side of light. Void wasn’t a force of good. The lieutenant’s words always rang through her ears after that first meeting only a week ago.

”The darkness is always waiting, and welcoming. The light is blinding and pushing you away. We all feel it, that’s why we fight the light to remove it and raise the universe again from the darkness.” Yes, it all made so much sense. A grim smile crossed her pale face as Laverna stood from the park bench to head deeper in, towards the diminishing light. Best to watch the light as it fades into the welcoming darkness before taking her own steps into the dark herself. Such a fitting time to convert. Reaching up to swipe a lock of hair from her face, she waits, eager to step away from the blinding light of her own starseed and let it darken and finally sink into her inner Void. “I am ready for my darkness, to save me from the light. A senshi I was never meant to be.”



Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: Cari Vinielle

Nicknames: Ri, Vinny

Age: 16

Birthday: July 27

Sign: Leo

Blood Type: O-

Fav. Food: Deli sandwiches

Hated Food: “If there’s spinach in that, I’m not touching it.”

School: Meadowview


Horror Movies- She's obsessed. Any horror movie coming out, she HAS to see it. Her personal collection rivals the movie rental stores and she just can't get enough. Her personal favorites are anything by Alfred Hitchcock. Who has time for any other hobbies when there’s just so much horror to be drowned in?

Gemstone: Carnelian


No problem taking orders -- At all. A teacher wants her to run an errand for them? Open all the packets of copier paper and put them on the shelves? No problem. Someone needs her to carry one, some, or all of their books because they have to take care of something? No problem. She has no intentions of taking a leadership position away from anyone, whether they deserve it or not doesn't matter. She works well in a team setting, and loves group projects for this. She can be a mediator if no one else steps up to the plate, and always consults the 'leader' before she makes any decisions or begins working herself.

Determined -- Once her mind is set to something, she never wants to back down. If at first it won’t succeed; try, try again. At least twice. Then maybe if that fails, she’ll stop to come up with a better way. She doesn’t like to see a plan fall apart and will do her best to keep it going.


Tact-- She has none. If it's about a horror movie, she can't help but spoil the best bits for anyone. "Oh, you haven't seen it yet? It's awesome! See.. you never see it coming, but everybody's being killed off.. and it turns out to be the little kid with them! And he's a ghost and.. hey! Where are you going? You'll miss it!" And anything about being subtle is clear over her head. "Oh no, I heard he dumped you last night! That's terrible, but are you okay? What?" A good sharp nudge to the ribcage can sometimes cut her off before she opens her mouth, but it doesn't always work.

Pride -- She's got enough pride for a Lion. And she doesn't hesitate to show it, either. She can point out someone else's "flaws" without hesitating, and why this way is so much better. She could use a good few doses of humility, but the spoon is too large for her to swallow it. If something happens to be pointed out that's WRONG with her view/actions/method, she's not going to even pause for breath before "correcting" them in a snippy mood. Her best weapon against being told she’s wrong and fighting the flaws in an argument? A sharp tongue and biting glare.

Temper, tempter -- It may take a bit of effort to fray her wires, but when it does happen.. she's off like a rocket. Rude to her beyond reason? Blatantly insult something she happens to love? Talk down about the epic wonderful that horror films are made up? Be prepared for a nice verbal stinging. She can rant up there with the best of them, and she never has any intentions of backing down from an argument, hissy fit, or rave at someone until they give in and back down. The stubbornness of a leo all wrapped around a bee's little stinger sums it up pretty nicely. Be prepared to go down on her list of 'people to stay mad at for weeks' if you ever insult her horror films and tell her they are anything less than "good". Though even that is an insult. Off of her obsession, she is easy to anger if someone she's decided is a "best friend" gets insulted or talked down to. She doesn't get to have many of those because of her choice in movies and lack of shutting up, but when she does she's stuck to them like glue. Which may just make matters worse if it even looks as if her friend is being bullied or anything of the sort. A small little argument can blow up into a full-scale fight.

Physical Description:

Hair: Bushy in the back and several messy layers that hang just above her shoulders. Her bangs are the longest, framing her face evenly on either side. For the most part, it looks as if she cut her hair herself. The body of her hair is black, with gold-blonde streaks breaking it up. Her bangs are clipped back with black barrettes.

Eyes: Narrow, honey hazel

Face: Peach-toned skin, her face is oval shaped and donned with no make-up, aside from a gold glitter gloss on her lips that she just can't get away from.

Body: Relatively short in stature, Cari is only 5’2. She carries herself with an air that seems to make her appear taller though, if only at first glance.

Fashion: Cari loves to mix black, dark grey, and yellow gold. Even if her shades of black in the same outfit don’t match, she will wear them together with dashes of yellow. Her favorite accessory is a gold bangle on the left wrist that has just a few little dashes of black she painted on it herself a few years ago. And she really doesn’t care if her black or grey stockings don’t match her school uniform at all. It isn’t like she wears her favorite colors for anyone but herself.


Destiny City is abuzz with outrage! Sailor-suited young men and women have been appearing to do battle with evil Negaverse agents, who steal souls. The official word from the government is that it is all a UNIVERSITY PRANK, and/or TERRORISM, and that you should phone the police the moment you see any battle going underway.

Walking home one night a blur races past you -- you think it had a skirt? You're not sure. But then you're faced with a horrible monster who, in the voice of lung cancer, DEMANDS to know what way that senshi went!



It was hard to miss seeing the girl dashing by on the sidewalk. The short shirt wasn’t what caught Cari’s attention though, no. It was how fast they had been running.. like something was chasing them. In moments she got the answer her mind had already supplied as a yoma, a real monster came running in the same direction.

Not even giving the…thing a chance to speak once it spotted her, Cari stepped towards it excitedly. “You’re after that girl, aren’t you! Oh, this is just like the horror movie that was on last night!” A giddy little squeal left the yoma staring, wondering whether to attack and keep searching for the senshi it lost, or force the answer out of this one.

“You’re chasing her, and she ran to the woods. But she can’t get through because there’s a gate, and it has thick thorny vines clinging to it. So she either has to wait to get caught, try climbing over, or keep running! Are you going to get there in time? Oh, but what if she wasn’t headed for the woods? How will you catch her!”

Seizing a moment to get their own words in, the yoma gave its best glare, given the situation. “You will tell me where the senshi went now! Or I’ll destroy you for being in my way!”

It got anything but the desired effect though. “Oh, a threat! This IS just like the movie! Where are the cameras, or is this actually real? I can’t believe it! Oh I know! I bet she ran off towards the park! It’s always empty there and all those trees for great hiding places. Or maybe there’s a haunted house she’ll find to hide in?”

This was really getting nowhere fast. Deciding again, the yoma set another glare on its face and loomed over the chattering girl. “You will tell me now which way she went or else!” Anything to get away from the headache this was causing…

“Oh! Right. She went that way, up the street! Good luck with the movie!” Cari grinned like a little kid who just got a piece of candy as the yoma charged off again, before hurrying home to pop in the horror movie she’d just been going on about and watch it.

Psicharpax's Senpai

Is there a max wordcount on the schoolkid RP portion? Or only a max on Tisiphone?

Only a max on Tisiphone. smile

Kinu's Fangirl

Invisible Dabbler

-excited!- <3

Just marking the page so I can jump into this first thing tomorrow. XD

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