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We all have a star in our heart.

A Star?

Darkness and light are always next to each other. Show a little fear or a drop of a tear...

And the darkness will grow and start to attack.

You must always keep the star in your heart shining strong to defeat the dark and evil souls.


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It's time for another schoolkid competition, but the name really should be 'nonpowered character competition' because we're opening it up to adults as well. smile

We'll only be accepting two adults max this time around, but we're offering FIVE slots all available through this free writing comp. You don't have to apply with an adult at all! We're taking entries for schoolkids from Meadowview, Hillworth, Crystal and Sovereign Heights. You'll be writing up a full profile as well as doing a story prompt.

You do not have to have an 'Accepted' quest to enter.


+ Competition ends Sunday 18th April at 12:01AM (EST).
+ Contest is open for anyone and everyone!
+ All entries must be posted in the thread.
+ You may enter more than once, but only win once.
+ You do NOT HAVE TO APPLY WITH AN ACCEPTED QUEST. You may apply with an UNACCEPTED QUEST or a TOTALLY NEW QUEST. We understand the workload on our stampers is really high at the moment and we also want to open the door to potential newbies, so it doesn't matter if you've gotten Accepted stamps or not.
+ Story entries must be minimum 300 words.
+ Competition is for a non-powered character. Keep in mind when doing adults that, although you can quest for anyone of any age, there's an age cap on what age a potential senshi, cavalier and Negaverse can be. If you apply with Grandma Marie age 80, you can win a nonpowered but she'll never turn out to be a senshi.
+ Don't be a douche to anyone else in the thread, for any reason.
+ Gaia TOS.
+ Entering is free and winning is free, because love is free.

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Come and join our fabulous roleplay world which we thought up in five minutes after a couple of drinks.

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Meadowview High School is the main local secondary school for girls and boys. It's a public school, set in a fenced enclosure within the city limits. Although the school maintains high standards (well, as high standards as it can) graffiti is a problem and it's difficult to impress on the merits of its beautiful campus (it's not beautiful at all). However, Meadowview prides itself on school spirit, academics and sports, and maintains a rivalry that edges over to unfriendly with the Crystal Academy and friendly with Hillworth Grammar School. Rules are softened at Meadowview and the students allowed to express themselves more in terms of dress and how they wear the uniform, and even better -- it's co-ed!

Meadowview has an excellent basketball team and a great choir.


Just outside of Destiny City's borders is Crystal Academy for Girls, formerly known as Crystal Academy for Young Ladies of Quality. Crystal's is a rich private school that focuses on deportment, manners, and the less purely academic qualities that other schools may do, though it has excellent art, dance and drama programs that sometimes see not-so-monied young women enter its hallowed halls through a scholarship.

Many of the Crystals girls board at the school, though some 'day girls' choose to live locally with their families.


On the opposite side of the city lies Hillworth Grammar School, formerlly known as Hillworth Grammar School For Boys From Broken Homes. Hillworth is a boarding school that takes in boys from disadvantaged backgrounds or boys who have been expelled from other schools for bad or dangerous behaviour. It is run military-style with the boys (depending on age) living in slightly stark dormitories. Despite the highly polished discipline, the school still has a bad reputation for housing 'rabble', and certainly any self-expression or individuality is squashed from the boys when they try to show it.

They have a high academic and sports standard, often playing against Meadowview for games, and unexpectedly they too have an excellent orchestra.


Sovereign Heights Preparatory School is a post-secondary instutiton for kids out of high school. It's a pre-college prep school that can give you a helpful dent in your first year of undergrad, giving you points that can be transferred. There are pros: it precludes the need to do massive university entrance exams, especially to go to the University of Destiny City (DCU). It gives you a chance before university to play with programs, though you generally enter Sovereign Heights with a 'major' in mind and on the strength of a subject recommendation. You can get a taste of dorm life or commuting, and it looks good on getting into pre-med and pre-law.

Destiny City has pumped a lot of money into the Sovereign Heights program, and scholarships and entrance are automatically offered to people who get certain marks at high school. You need to maintain a specific GPA (especially if you're on a scholarship) and you generally stay there for 1-3 years (minimum program is two semesters, maximum is six). It's not just for academics: its theater and arts programs are notoriously average, but it does have a good sports science and athletics faculty.

It's said that attending SHP (sometimes called 'Shlip' lovingly) prevents a lot of burn-out sustained by Crystal girls trying to cope with the freedoms of university life, as well as Hillworth boys trying to do the same.


And then there are the adults of Destiny City. Destiny City has a huge variety of cultures and lifestyles, job opportunities and acres of parkland!


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Fill out the form. Remember to take out all the asides out before you fill it in -- such as our "e.gs."



[b]Nicknames:[/b] (if any)



[b]School/Job:[/b] Meadowview, Crystal Academy, Sovereign Heights or Hillworth. If job, describe.

[b]Fav. Food:[/b]

[b]Hated Food:[/b]


[b]Virtues:[/b] Write up a couple of good personality words and -- if you really want to impress us -- explain on them a little. For example, if you were picking 'generous', 'kind' and 'outgoing', you could write about how your character is generous, kind, and outgoing. Two each, four maximum.


[i]Outgoing --[/i] Matt McMatt is an outgoing guy. He's always the life of the party, and tends to love organising parties for no reason but having parties. He's an effervescent party animal.

[b]Flaws:[/b] Second verse, same as the first. Things that are not flaws: 'stubborn', 'hates seeing people hurt their friends', 'too nice' (unless they are SO NICE that it is an ACTUAL FLAW), etc. We'd like two of each, four maximum.


[i]Selfish --[/i] Matt McMatt can be really self-centered. He thinks about himself long before any of his friends, and whether or not things impact on him. If he finds something boring or not worth his time, he rarely goes through with it to help out a pal. He can be a bit of a fair-weather friend, because he first and foremost thinks about himself.

At least ONE FLAW should be a WEAKNESS. A weakness is something about the character that is something UNCOOL, PATHETIC or GENERALLY LAME. We've found people have been doing a lot of 'cool flaws' -- such as manipulative, mean, stubborn -- and a weakness should be something the character fears (not a phobia!!!), simply does crappily (make this an emotional thing preferably, please -- your character not being able to dance is NOT A WEAKNESS. Your character not being able to relate to anyone over the age of five is), or fails at.



[b]Eyes:[/b] Colour, shape.

[b]Hair:[/b] Colour, style, accessories. We'd rather you pick style words rather than give us an exact style to copy.

[b]Face:[/b] Shape, features -- tell us if your character has a round or oval or heart-shaped face, freckles or not, big ears or not.

[b]Clothes:[/b] Only if you're applying for an adult. The artist reserves the right to not draw complicated outfits, and this will generally be your work clothes. You will be getting a simply drawn outfit/uniform. Don't bother listing accessories et al -- LizzyMoo will have artist's creative choice.

This is where your response to the prompt goes.

Story Prompt

You're at work -- or worse, you're at school. Unless school's your work. Anyway.

The announcement comes through overhead, or else it's announced: your building's on lockdown. Apparently there's something on the roof -- or is it in the vents? All you can do is wait for the police to come. Is it terrorists? What's in the vents anyway? You're told to stay away from the windows. The doors are going to be locked. This isn't actually a surprise to you any more: this has happened before, or at least happened to enough people you know that it's not new and amazing any more.

But you really, really have to go to the bathroom...


For those of you asking "is X a good weakness?" I can answer those in turn, but a lot of my advice will echo the same sentiments. "Is that weakness helping other characters to sometimes shine? Are you sticking to that weakness?"

The BP character Fallon is a great example of sticking to a weakness, so I'll paste it here, emphasis mine:

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder – This is not the cute “Oh, I’m OCD!” version that everyone claims to have when they show a tiny sliver of pickiness or preferred order of things. No, this is the “I can’t leave this room until I return everything to its proper place, resting on top of the little duct tape X that I have created specifically for each object and have placed all over the room.” Her journals are color-coded. Her toothbrushes (one for every day) are color-coded. Her socks are color-coded and must be worn on the corresponding days of the week. Her lunches are packed in the exact same multi-compartment Tupper Ware container that she has been eating out of since she was six years old. They discontinued the line three years ago, and so Fallon went on eBay and bought enough to fill her closet at school from top to bottom.

This isn’t something that is terribly detrimental to her life on a daily basis – assuming that her pattern is not interrupted. To the uninformed observer, she might just appear super, super organized. She doesn’t do the stereotypical constant hand-washing, or the stop-the-car-every-few-feet-to-make-sure-you-haven’t-hit-anyone. Her compulsions revolve around everything being in its place which translates to a meticulously cleaned room, an immaculate physical appearance, and a utter hatred for spontaneity.

This is almost a double-flaw because Fallon’s OCD can be easily used to manipulate her. It is a compulsion that she can NOT resist. See that? NOT. There will be no getting over this for her. Even in RP, Fallon will pretty much NEVER be able to resist the pull of her OCD. She won’t have that magical moment where she is able to resist the urge to participate in one of her compulsions in order to save her friend’s life. Nope. She will have to follow through with her normal process before she can do anything at all to help her friend. If you were to dip all her pens in some kind of burning acid, she would still be compelled to pick them up one by one and lay them neatly on her desk at the start of each class, despite the pain it would be causing her. Sure, after she did it once, she could stand up and go get untainted pens to replace these ones, but it doesn’t change the fact that, at first, she would have to touch the thing that she knew would harm her. It is possible that Fallon would literally go insane if someone systematically entered her room every day and put everything out of order. She has lived with this for 15 years and has many coping mechanisms built into her day-to-day life, but if someone ever uncovered them, she would be absolutely at their mercy.

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Entries so far:

Schoolkid competition:


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Feel free to post! Good luck!

Kawaii Prophet


Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: Alairi Shimoda

Nicknames: Ri-Ri, Lai

Age: 15

Birthday: October 5th

Sign: Libra

Blood Type: OO

Fav. Food: Japanese Star Candy, Sukiyaki, Ginger Cake

Hated Food: Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Fish

School: Meadowview

Hobbies: Scrapbooking, jewelry-making, dancing

Gemstone: Opal

Virtues: Optimistic - Nothing can bring this girl down. Whether it be oodles of homework or being outnumbered in a fight, she refuses to acknowledge anything other than the bright side of life.

Compassionate - There is no tale of woe that can fail to bring a sympathetic smile to her face. Need an ear or a shoulder? Ri-Ri's the one to call on. She will always weigh in the needs of the many. And then, she'll get to work on finding a way to benefit them.

Protective - Better not start a brawl around the local pet shop, nursing home or pre-school. Ri-Ri is fiercely protective of the helpless and somehow, they know it. Or rather, the small animal and children can sense this instinctively.

Flaws: Sometimes there isn't a bright side of life to be found. Refusing to admit that you're in a no-win situation will only get you and your friends killed.

Too Trusting - Sometimes, being sympathetic can get you in trouble. Particularly if Ri-Ri's around to drink up every sob story and vow to reform villain around. It's good to be compassionate and to trust. But not to the point of believing everything you're told without checking it out.

Physical Description: Relatively short (5'0" wink with pale skin, some freckling across her nose and vividly blue-green eyes. She has thigh-length wavy hair that she typically wears up in multiple (4) pigtails. Her natural color is blonde, but she tends to die soft rainbow streaks into her bangs and bits of the length. Because she is an avid lover of all things cute and dainty, she tends to decorate her hair with cute, girly bows and barrettes.

Hair: Blonde, done in 4 pigtails. Lower two should be braided and this is where the rainbow streaking will show up the most, the upper two pigtails are delightfully fluffy and girly. Her bands are on the long-ish, wispy side and died in pastel rainbow colors. She has an insane love for hair accessories as long as they are cute.

Eyes: Somewhat widely spaced, deep set and vividly blue-green

Face: Heart shaped with a cute snub-nose that has a hint of an upward turn at the tip. Smattering of pale freckles across her nose and inner cheeks.

Body: Short (5'0" wink , average build with tiny hint of chubbiness in the hips/thighs

Fashion: Cute, bright colors and plenty of adorable accessories. And average outfit for Ri-Ri would likely consist of: comfy jeans that rest at hip level (properly be-dazzled, of course!), a cute, soft, lacy camisole with an equally adorable corset over. Hanging from said corset would be one or two cute trinkets and the corset would have to be white or some color of the rainbow! And also be properly be-dazzled/jeweled. Next we move to her shoes. Depending on the weather, it would be either her favorite pair or white sandals with the sweet little pink daisies or a pair of white boots that she decorated herself. Accessory wise, she'd have bangles bracelets on her wrists, fun, clunky rings on her fingers, earrings and a multitude of necklaces! If they're colorful and cute, she'll find a way to wear it.

Naturally, she knows she can't go all out on her school uniforms, but she still finds a way to manage by wearing white bike shorts under her skirt and rainbow socks, plus one or two bangles.


It had been a good day, Alairi thought to herself as she walked home after her Dance Club meeting. Her sister had allowed her to bully the older girl into wearing white for once, her homework had gotten better than average grades and the craft supplies she'd ordered a few weeks ago had finally arrived. Now she'd be able to finish that present for her mother. Hugging herself and humming contentedly, Alairi's happy little bubble was shattered by the sound of fighting coming from the alley.

Slowing her step, she allowed herself a quick peek at what was going on and saw a young woman in a modified Sailor uniform fighting with yet another young woman who wore a military-ish uniform. Amid the bright, glowing lights they were generating, it looked as if the military girl was winning. Alairi hesitated for a moment, knowing that she should be digging her phone form her pocket and calling the police. But she couldn't bring herself to do so. The fight certainly seemed far grittier than any mere University prank. And she highly doubted that any self respecting terrorist would dress in something so flamboyant. Besides, why would terrorists fight each other like this?

Instead of dialing, she fumbled with her cell phone, careful to stay as hidden as possible and switched it into camera mode. She'd keep her sighting a secret for now and mull over the pictures later. Once she'd gotten a few fairly decent shots, she slid the phone back into her pocket and hurried away. No sense in staying to be seen (and possibly attacked) by whoever won, after all.
*clutches onto the thread*
Wooo Gelf! Congrats on getting first post and entry! XD *feels more comfortable posting now that other people haaave*
*stares in awe at Lanthiriel's app* heart
*starts to work on entry* This is going to be fun! heart

Dulcet Scarface


Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: Billy Roadinger

Nicknames: none

Age: 18

Birthday:October 26th

Sign: Scorpio

Blood Type: B

Fav. Food: Pasta and various other 'ittalian' dishes.

Hated Food: Most vegitables, but most expecially olives.

School: Hillworth

Hobbies: Painting, reading, and researching

Gemstone: Rose Quartz

Intelligent - he is a wonderful student, diligent in his studies, and quite a bookworm.
Artistic - he can produce some wonderful paintings. Usually landscapes involving the night; As he calls them, 'night scapes'. He has won an award once for one of his paintings, and makes a lot of money selling his work.
Patient - He has an incredible capacity for putting up with crap.

Arrogant - He has always been very arrogant reguarding his intelligence. He is deffinately one to flaunt his good grades, and show up his fellow students. He has also been known to correct a teacher or two.
Reclusive - Unless it is business deals involving his paintings, he would really rather not have anything to do with you. During summer he has been known not the leave his home for weeks on end. He just stays in his art room, painting, shutting out the world. Which really isn't all that healthy for one's social life,...
Deceiving - He has a very sly tongue. Using his intelligence to his benifit, he can usually talk people in to things they wouldn't normally consider. Like paying a higher price for his art than they really want too.... friggen con-artist....lol.

Physical Description: ((Headshot))

Hair: Shaggy, medium-length, and silver(not white).

Eyes: Rosey-pink

Face: His expression is usually intense, sharp, and piercing. Passionate, almost. Occassionally, though, he will manage a bored or aloof appearance. Physically, his features are sharp.

Body: He is average build and height. He has a dark, mocha-colored skin that contrasts sharply with his pale hair.

Fashion: He usually wears a button up dress shirt(not tucked in of course, and with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows), with a vest, and black jeans. His shoes are normally a dark pair a sneakers.


Billy was carrying an armful of new, clean, canvas when the streetlamp above him went out. Without its monotonous buzz, he thought he heard something rather…unusual. A silver brow furrowed, as he strained to hear. Remembering the recent news of university pranks and terrorism, the young man’s curiosity piqued. So, Billy shifted his canvases and his school back, and went in the direction of what he presumed the direction of the sound’s origin, noting to himself the flickering of various other streetlamps along the way. Something weird was going on…

This curious trek took him to near alleyway. He stopped just short of it, thinking things over. A flash of light displayed, against the brick wall, the silhouette of a woman in what could have possibly been a sailor outfit. Oh great! Curiosity had trumped his usual elusiveness and led him straight to the scene of a crime! Just wonderful!
With this thought, he battled with himself whether to call the police, or go on home. If he called the police, any evidence of him being at the scene would possibly be excused. However, if someone was to find out and an investigation showed that he had been there… Billy shook his head. How many other people had passed by here earlier that day, though? Surely if it came to that, he could make up some excuse? (Because he wasn’t about to say that he witnessed a crime, then didn’t report it!) Well, with any luck there wouldn’t be any evidence of a battle. But what if there was? What if someone died, or got hurt?

In a less than intelligent move, Billy then stepped into the atrium of the alleyway with a fierce look on his face. Actually seeing the battle, and not just a shadow, took that look of fierceness away. A moment late he recovered….and moved on.

Name: Pierrette Génoise

Nicknames: n/a

Age: 13

Birthday: July 2

Sign: Cancer

Blood Type: A

Fav. Food: Cupcakes

Hated Food: Peppers

School: Meadowview High School

Hobbies: Sewing little charms and plushes, designing and drawing elaborate cakes and pastries, playing volleyball, and trying on mountains and mountains of shoes.

Gemstone: Amber

Virtues: Friendly - "MY NAME IS DUG. I JUST MET YOU, AND I LOVE YOU!" Okay, not quite, but Pierrette will often be the first to introduce herself to new students, even the solitary one leering at her from a corner. She's always on the lookout for new friends, so watch out Negaverse Lieutenants!

Good with her Hands - Minds out of the gutter, Negaverse scum! What I mean is that she's good at doing things like sewing, sketching, and other things. I could just say creative, but it's more her actual crafting skills than the creativity behind the designs.

Flaws: Gullible - Pierrette is a very gullible girl, falling for tricks that even elementary school children can figure out. This often makes her the victim of tricks, and if she isn't careful, can lead into dangerous territory.

Distracted - It could easily be said that Pierrette has her head in the clouds. You could be talking to her and she would forget what you said the moment you stopped speaking. She's better on some days than others, but she's always daydreaming.

Romantic - Sugary-sweet and cavity-inducing, Pierrette always can put a romantic twist to any situation. Most find it annoying, but she considers it a virtue.
... But it really, really isn't. gonk

Physical Description:

Hair: Chest-length red-orange hair parted in the middle. A couple of short bangs fall on either side of her forehead, and it’s swept up in a side ponytail (on the left side) where it falls down in a sausage curl.

Eyes: Wide, round gray eyes.

Face: A rounded face that comes down to a pointed chin. She has rather round, rosy cheeks.

Body: Pierrette has a slim body, without much to speak of in the bust or hips department. Her body is pretty rectangular, and hasn’t fleshed out too much yet.

Fashion: If it’s pink, Pierrette will wear it. She prefers lighter pinks and coral to hot pink, but if that’s her only option she’d rather wear that than any other color. Her jewelry mostly consists of freshwater pearls, and she always wears simple studded pearl earrings. She likes to dangle plush animals from her belt or pocket, and usually has at least one on. For her Meadowview uniform, she wears her pearl earrings as well as a pearl necklace and a coral-colored pearl bracelet. Underneath of her uniform skirt she put on an extra white skirt with ruffled edges, giving her a cute petticoat look.


“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you…” Pierrette pet the tiny doll in her hand, smoothing out its dress. It was a pink teddy bear dressed in a simple white dress adorned with tiny angel wings. She had found it sitting on the sidewalk next to the trash. At first she couldn’t understand why, but with a closer look the girl noticed that one of the bear’s eyes was missing.

“That’ll be easy enough to fix,” she mused, “I can make you a pirate angel. An eye-patch matching your dress would be super-cute!” As she walked along the street, Pierrette stuffed the bear in her belt and pat it, confident that her new friend would fit in perfectly.

That’s when she heard laughter. Now, for most people, laughter coming from a dark alley would be menacing. However, Pierrette’s curiosity was piqued.

“Maybe it’s some of the girls from school,” she smiled, “What an odd place to have a party…” She tiptoed over to the alley and shrieked when she was almost hit in the face with a projectile… ribbon? With her eyes boggling, Pierrette stared at the fight going on in front of her. There were three girls in sailor suits flinging spectacular attacks at one another. Sparkles, flowers, ribbons, bows… all beautiful things changed into something deadly.

Luckily for Pierrette, the fighting girls didn’t seem to notice her.

This was especially good because they were terrorists!

Pierrette was quickly backing up, her cellphone in hand. Her fingers were sweating as she tried to hit the ‘9’ and ‘1’ buttons. She was a little off.

“Hello, and welcome to Lunar Pizza! May I take your order?” Pierrette’s throat was dry as she tried to answer.

“T-Terrorist… the government must be notified!” she finally squeaked.

“… Ma’am, is this your idea of a joke?”

“I’m not kidding!” Pierrette shook her head, “The government warned us about this! Terrorists! Terrorists in really cute skirts!” Pierrette stared back at her cellphone and clicked it off. The girls were still fighting, and it looked like two of them were starting to gang up on the third.

“Murder!” Pierrette cried as she turned and ran away from the alley, “I must let the government know!! A TERRORIST CONSPIRACY!!”

Herbaceous's Wife

Cosmic Rabbit

15,000 Points
  • Lapin Patrol Avior: Victory! 50
  • Lapin Patrol Haldus: Victory! 100
  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100

Name: Mele Moana

Nicknames: Mel, Mellie (though she hates this one)

Age: 16, though she looks 12

Birthday: June 17th

Sign: Gemini

Blood Type: AB+

Fav. Food: Cheese fries, sushi (very fond of cucumber rolls), pocky

Hated Food: Anything overly spicy and most vegetables.

School: Meadowview

Hobbies: Singing, surfing and learning about the ocean.

Gemstone: Pearl

Virtues: Strong Willed: She has a strong determination to not lose at anything, even when it comes to tests. It's a strong combatant against her low self-esteem issue and tends to make her come off as arrogant or defiant.

Protective: Even though she's a bit of a loner and doesn't have very many friends, any one who does manage to reach the status of friend is automatically worth protecting. And she'll do anything to make sure no one harms them in any way. She's not overly protective, but she would go to extreme lengths to see them safe, so much so as to put her life in danger.

Flaws: Low Self-Esteem: She suffers from a very low-self esteem, constantly worrying that she isn't as good as every one else. Always comparing herself to others she hardly remembers to simply be herself. She pushes herself where grades are concerned and is often found practicing scales or out catching waves to make sure her skills don't suffer.

Claustrophobia: She is afraid of small and enclosed spaces. Nothing serious, but it has hindered some of her fun in the past.

Astraphobia: A fear of thunder storms. She isn't sure what the cause of this is... but she has a definite fear of thunderstorms. She's gotten better at keeping her fear silent whenever there's a storm in school, but more often then not just the potential for a thunderstorm sends her into a small panic attack. This has often times overridden her claustrophobia, in such that she's flung herself under her bed or in a closet to try and escape the noise of a storm.

Physical Description:

Hair: A bright red that shines copper in the sunlight, it's long and falls to about her waist and she can never decided to leave it down or wear it up. She has long bangs that come down to frame her face.

Eyes: Emerald green (or at least a very bright and vivid green), very wide and almost child-like.

Face: Heart shaped face with semi-pudgy cheeks of a child.

Body: Short (4'11" ) and a creamy sort of tan, like heavily creamed coffee. Not thin but not heavy either, she weighs about 95 lbs. She has filled out quite a bit, making her look like a well developed twelve year old.

Fashion: She doesn't like overly bright colors, but some are okay. Her favourite color is a cerulean blue and she tends to wear that color a lot in most of her clothes. When not in her school uniform she tends to wear either a black skirt and cerulean corset with a pair of flip-flops; a pair of short shorts, cerulean, with a white tank top and flip-flops; or a pair of black baggy bondage pants (complete with straps and huge pockets), a black halter top under a cerulean mesh shirt with long sleeves and a pair of cerulean and black skater shoes. She isn't very girly.

When it comes to her school uniform, however, she tends to just let it go, as she finds the color flattering to her own colors. She does wear a pair of leggings underneath and a pair of legwarmers, to hide the bumps, bruises and scraps she's gotten from surfing, and around her neck she wears a cerulean seashell with black pearl inside, the last gift she'd gotten from her grandmother before she passed away. She also has four piercings in each ear, all of which are silver hoops with a cerulean colored pearl in the middle.


Ah the aquarium, a place she felt so at home in… If it had more sunlight, that was. Mele loved the sun, the sand and the surf, as well as the life living in it. When she wasn’t studying, singing or catching some waves, the red head could be found at the local aquarium studying live forms that could be found beneath the ocean’s waves. Which is where she had spent the rest of her day today. She was glad her mother had gotten her a year round pass to go last birthday.

But as it was it was time to head home and work on her history project due within the next week or so and she’s barely begun it. History wasn’t her favourite subject and so she wasn’t in a rush to start it. She did, however, need to stop by the store and get her mother a gallon of milk for dinner, as per the text that had been sent her way just before leaving. Shaking her head, the small teenager disappeared into the corner market not far from her house to get what was asked of her.

And some where between her entering the store and walking out of it, a battle involving the infamous Sailor Senshi had begun. Not that she knew this until the noises caught her attention and she found herself tiptoeing towards the alleyway near by. And she found herself mentally cursing her lack of being able to see exactly what was going on in front of her. The flashes of light coming from their items and powers were too bright and flashy for her to really see.

But that was fine, even just being close to a Senshi battle was good enough for her! Sure the government was calling it a hoax or a terrorist attack, but seriously what did they know? People tended to be afraid of what they didn’t know or understand and so it made sense that they’d try and give it a terrifying name to go with the fear they felt. But not Mele. No, she felt a since of awe at hearing of battle involving the Sailor Senshi. Felt a sense of yearning and jealousy to be among their ranks.

Green rolled as she pulled herself from her hiding spot, the battle done and over with before she knew it. Right, because who would want some silly, ocean obsessed, thunderstorm fearing civilian among their ranks. It wasn’t like she was born with the powers and abilities they had… Puffing up air, she blew it into her long bangs so that she could once more see again. It was really time for a trim. Remembering to grab the milk from where she had set it, Mele let out another sigh and headed for home.

One day, just maybe, she’d have what it took to join their ranks. But for now she was content with having watched a battle, having seen them in action. Smiling to herself, so sure no one else had gotten a chance to see such a sight, she began to skip the rest of the way home.

“That, was totally so cool!”

Regal Himedere


Name: Dean Harrington.

Nicknames: N/A.

Age: Seventeen.

Birthday: April 1st, 1992.

Sign: Aries.

Blood Type: A positive.

Fav. Food: Cucumber Sandwiches (with a side of hot chocolate or tea).

Hated Food: Liver and Onions.

School: Meadowview High.

Hobbies: Aeromodeling, blogging, general use of the internet, MMOs, video games.

Gemstone: Diamond.


Benevolent - Good hearted by nature, Dean has always had a kind soul. Putting others before himself will always come first in his mind.

Persistent - If something seems wrong or out of place, Dean will do whatever it takes to make whatever is troubling him or others right.

Affectionate - Dean loves hugs. Who doesn't? Always does he greet his friends and relatives with a quirky smile or amorous bear hug.

Empathic - Need a shoulder to cry or an adorable plushie to hug? Dean can be both. He dislikes the sight of tears greatly and will most likely cry with you, no matter what the situation is.


Dense - Dean has a great lack of common sense. He asks for help with everything he does and can never figure out something by himself without the assistance of another.

Obstinate - When Dean believes he is right, he is right. When it comes down to certain things, Dean has an unyielding attitude to have full courage in any answer he gives, even if it is wrong.

Physical Description:

Hair: Slicked back with gel, Dean's black hair is completely set in place with the thick goop. Save for a small portion that pokes at his forehead.

Eyes: Wide, grey eyes that speaks his emotions.

Face: A squarish face with a flat jawline and tipped chin.

Body: A medium build though he leans more onto the chubby side. He is of average height for his age, standing around 5'7". His skin is a well toned tan.

Fashion: Dean dresses like the typical bookworm, with suspenders and a bow tie. A tucked-in, white dress shirt covers his torso and black slacks his bottom. Upon his feet are brown slip-ons. On his face, he sports large, rectangular glasses that seems to barrier away his grey eyes.


Night had loomed over the sky and darkened the presence of anyone to mere silhouettes. Light rarely penetrated the area, but the light that did show only reflected the shimmering wings of insects lured into the hypnotic glow. Dean held his hands over his chest as he walked, scared out of his very mind. The darkness was more darker than he suspected. And with all the weird rumors floating around, he had a right to be frightened. He had scheduled an appointment with someone who wanted to meet him after school. They had dragged him out into the deepest part of Destiny City to have some fun before abandoning him to make his own way home. But he did not suspect for himself to return to his home's complex so late at night. As Dean walked, he felt like the protagonist in some kind of horrid horror movie. His eyes jolted around as he believed something would jump out of a corner and scare the living daylights out of her. No sound was heard as Dean made silent steps towards what he believed was the path to home. Just before Dean tapped his shoe to the pavement to march another step, a scream broke the eerie silence of the ebony night. The scream was so blood curdling that it made Dean scream in unison. The scream of the male with glasses and the unknown female lasted in unison before breaking. Dean's mind boggled as he froze in his spot. Who...what...is...that?!

Dean was able to calm his heavy breathing, but his heart would not rest to relaxation. He still cringed, but curiosity lightly gleamed in the center of his heart. Who exactly was that? And what exactly did occur? Dean shook her head. What was he thinking?! Someone could be seriously injured, and he was only interested in who is was? Clenching his fists, Dean straightened himself. He had to go see who it was. But than again, he had to get home...He had homework due tomorrow and he hadn't started in yet. The journey in search of the source of the scream was tempting, but Dean decided he wasn't going to walk into danger. That was a big "No, no." written on a post-it note and stuck up everywhere. He sighed as he tried to beckon his heart to rest. He was NOT going to check it out, no he wasn't. As Dean took a step forward, he quickly laced his hands over his ears. This was just in case another scream was to break the silence.

As Dean kept his trek of step, pause, step, pause, he sighed. What was he doing? What this really worth it? Gritting his teeth, Dean decided to follow towards the scream. Curiosity built up in him with every step. The rooting thought, "Go see, go see!" trudged in his mind. He would shake his head every time the message popped up, but alas, the thought did not just want to slip out his ear and down his shoulder. Just as Dean could not fight it anymore and was about to commit himself to some fault curiosity to get himself killed, a sailor suited female dashed away. "Oi, wait, come back! I want to ask you-!" he called out towards her, but it was too late. The suspect was already long gone. "Weird cosplayer..." he muttered with a dignified sigh. All thoughts of seeing the victim who made the scream diminished.

Turning on his foot, Dean made a reluctant journey home. As soon as he got there, he would call and warn his friends about this abnormal accident. Cosplayers were much more dangerous than he thought.

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