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Kaiyumi's Princess

Melodious Star

15,425 Points
  • Beta Forum Regular 0
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Caroling Champ 100
Name: Damon Amary (Brother of Delphine Amary; Krys and I have plotted this out! ;D)

Nicknames: Day

Age: 17

Birthday: November 15

Sign: Scorpio

Blood Type: B

Fav. Food: MEAT

Hated Food: anything classified as "vegetables"

School: Hillworth Grammar School

Creating trouble-- Not exactly what would be considered a hobby, Damon seems to have a knack of getting into trouble, whether it was premeditated or not. Seen as the school's 'bad boy', he constantly gets into trouble with Killingworth, and when anything goes wrong and the perpetrator is unknown, the blame usually settles on him.

Stalking his sister-- Damon is highly protective of his younger sister, Delphine, and constantly does checks on her. He usually likes texting her and demanding to know where exactly she is at the very instant. Despite Delphine's refusal to cooperate, Damon still insists on checking up on his little sister and making sure no one dares to bully her. He is sometimes spotted lurking outside Crystal Academy for this very purpose.

Gemstone: Topaz

Loyal-- Damon is extremely loyal and dedicated to his family and those who he trusts enough to call them as 'friends'. Whenever they get into trouble, he is determined to do anything to assist them, whether they want him to or not. He is also highly protective of theses select few, and constantly keeps an eye on them to make sure nothing untoward happens.

Brave-- What some people would call 'reckless', Damon doesn't seem to care when he does something that could put him into dangerous situations (which could get him into trouble with Killingworth). He doesn't fear the notion of getting punishments, and simply takes in into his stride. Even if someone is physically stronger than him, Damon will not hesitate to fight them if they push his buttons too far.

Violent-- Whenever he gets into a messy situation, Damon automatically thinks of solving it with violence. He has been trained with martial arts (and still is training) and is a relatively decent fighter. Those who oppose him will meet his fists, and Damon rarely thinks of sorting out misunderstandings amicably. It is also a trait that has often gotten him into trouble in school.

Impulsive-- A highly reckless individual, Damon does not stop to analyse the situation calmly, and often rushes into it without a second thought. He is easily swayed by his emotions and thus, contributes to him getting into trouble way too easily.

Cold-- Damon doesn't care for others outside his realm of 'family & friends' and possesses a rather dismissive attitude towards strangers. You're in trouble? He will only butt in if it has something to do with his enemies, otherwise, he doesn't give a damn. It's your own problem, dude.

Physical Description:

Hair: Black with dark blue streaks, messy

Eyes: Blue

Face: Oval face shaped. Often gets some scars from fights, but they normally heal after a period of time.

Body: Lean, slightly muscular

Fashion: Pierced his left ear, wears a small silver skull earring. Usually wears jeans that are worn out at the knees and sleeveless/ short sleeved shirts. Also likes wearing sunglasses with dark blue tinted shades atop his head.


To tell the truth, Damon didn’t exactly know what to make of all this stupid crap about fantasy warriors fighting each other, the goody two shoes side apparently reported to be wearing sailor suits (Seriously man, sailor suits? How totally lame!) battling some bad a** side he hadn’t really heard much about. He didn’t rely on reading newspapers to keep up with what was going on because it was a waste of his time; he simply had to listen to the city fraught with gossip all around him. It was the subject of many conversations these days, even the old geezers were talking about it! The boy had simply brushed it off as a joke, and thought it was probably a publicity stunt done to promote a new television program.

On the other hand, there was slight worry tugging at a corner of him, telling him that it wasn’t safe in this town anymore. Why the hell could they hire so many people to do stunts, and waste money on monster costumes for something like that? It just didn’t make sense!

Frankly, it only bothered him because he was worried about the safety of his sister, although she insisted that she was perfectly fine within the walls of Crystal Academy. Damon had told her that there had even been an attack at Meadowview; one of his pals had actually read The Hillworth Sound and told him about all the stupid stuff Germaine had written (Damon took offense with that blasted comic only because his sister was in that particular school), including the interview with someone from Meadowview pertaining to the incident. Heck, he wasn’t even sure if Hillworth was safe, even with someone like Killingworth being around. (If so, hopefully they attacked some of the prats in their school. Starting with those on the cheerleading team. It was just wrong to have a cheerleading team made entirely out of guys, dammit!)

So tonight, Damon was lurking around the gates of Crystal Academy as usual. If those idiots wanted to take their battle into Crystal and harm his sister, he would have something to say about it. He didn’t care if they had sparkly super powers or whatever, he would do anything in his power to stop their asses.

Then, something happened.

Something, or someone practically raced past him so fast he thought he had simply saw a blur and was hallucinating. It (whatever it was!) let out a small eep as it passed him and he blinked after it in confusion, wondering if it was some punk up to something no good and contemplating chasing after whoever that was.

Unfortunately, Damon was stopped by a hand on his shoulder, and a terrible menacing aura he could only compare to Killingworth. Wait, that wasn't even close... He grabbed the hand, twisting around, intending to throw whoever it was that sneaked up on him over his shoulder, but was stopped when the thing grabbed his ankle and dangled him upside down, facing it so he was staring right into the monstrous face.

Damon wondered if the monster expected him to scream or to look horrified that he had been caught by something so...ugh...awful. Instead, he put on his best deadpan expression he usually used when he got into trouble. Which happened rather frequently, whether he liked it or not. The monster looked highly disappointed at the lack of intimidation and brought him closer, snarling at the boy. "Where did she go, you brat?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Damon spat out. Was he talking about that blur? That meant...the rumors were true! His sister was in danger! With these thoughts occupying his mind, Damon sank into a reverie, and was promptly brought out of it by a smack on his side, provoking a highly irritated grunt. "What was that for, man! I saw nothing!" He wasn't exactly sure where she had headed, but if it was towards Crystal Academy, there was no way he was about to lead this stinking abomination over to where his sister was!

"Don't lie!" It growled. "I saw her run past here!"

"You saw her, I didn't." Damon crossed his arms in defiance. "If you want to know, she zoomed by me so fast I could barely see where she went. And then you just suddenly hauled me upside down, dude! How was I supposed to know where she went? Besides, the time you're wasting with me here should be used to find her! First rule of the book, dude, never get distracted from your enemy!"

The monster glared at him and promptly released it's hold on him and Damon tumbled to the asphalt, bruised by the fall, but it wasn't anything serious he couldn't handle. "Point taken. Next time I see you, I won't be as merciful, boy!"

The boy snorted, watching the monster disappear into the distance, heaving a sigh of relief when it ventured in the direction away from the girls' school. "The next time I see you, I'll remember to keep my guard up." He muttered, clambering up to head back to Hillsworth, hoping to get back before lights out.

Name: “Jade” Lǐ Yù Qiān 李玉千

Nicknames: Jade (literal translation of Yu), Nerdface, Bookworm

Age: 17

Birthday: May 7

Sign: Taurus

Blood Type: A

Fav. Food: Anything really; she isn’t picky.

Hated Food: Anything too ‘strange’ like rabbit meat, insects etc.

School: Meadowview High

Reading- Yuqian is extremely fond of reading, and has been admonished many times by teachers while having a nose in a book even when walking. She reads a variety of books, but is especially fond of reading those with fantasy situations. Her obsessiveness with reading is also the cause of her short-sightedness, which is why she requires glasses.

Studying- One word. NERD.

Gemstone: Emerald

Kind-- Yuqian is the type of girl who though, wouldn't run after thieves to retrieve a stolen handbag, would stop in her way, however busy she is, to help old ladies to pick up things they have inadvertently dropped. She isn't bothered by the fact that someone is a stranger and doing kind deeds is something that gives her a warm fuzzy feeling and puts a smile on her face.

Smart-- With the amount of reading Yuqian does everyday, she has more knowledge of some issues her classmates are usually oblivious to and is the kind of girl that always gives the right answer to the teacher. Yuqian is also bilingual, fluent in both English and Mandarin, sometimes talking in the latter as no one will understand what she is saying.

Socially awkward-- Extremely shy and introverted, Yuqian doesn't dare to speak up in class, and does so only when the teacher calls her out to answer questions. She is used to being the loner that nobody really notices, and is the usually the last one to be picked for groupings. Though she does contribute to projects and works diligently, Yuqian doesn't really speak up often during group discussions, sometimes maybe just putting in a few words of suggestion.

The "victim"-- Easily taken advantage of as she is small-sized and doesn't dare to fight back, Yuqian is usually bullied and sometimes tricked by the crueller students of the school. Even if someone else is being bullied, Yuqian is horribly afraid of being dragged into the situation if she intervenes, and therefore does not dare to say or do anything. She clams up whenever adult figures ask her about this and refuses to reveal the names of those who bully her in fear of them taking revenge on her.

Physical Description:

Hair: Black, wavy hair parted on the left side that ends at her shoulders, usually tied in two loose bunches

Eyes: Black, almond shaped, double eyelids

Face: Round face shape, a straight nose bridge, the tip of her nose peaking slightly.

Body: Petite build, as she's Asian, about 158cm in height. Rather light as well, weighing just about 40kg, and is sometimes mistaken by adults to be younger than she really is.

Fashion: A blue star earring hanging from her left ear. Glasses.


After spending another day at the library after school studying, and occasionally taking breaks to browse through the books in an attempt to discover new interesting plots fuelled with magic that she hadn’t read before, Yuqian eventually decided to make her way home. She would have stayed longer if it wasn’t for the growls her stomach had made and Mama’s phone call reminding her not to be late for dinner. Still in her uniform, Yuqian embarked on her journey home, imagining herself to be an adventurer in a fantasy world...but if that were true, she would probably fail at being one. She could never be as brave as those heroes in the books she read, and she would probably flee from such a situation if it ever happened to her. It was ironic really, that this sort of thing intrigued her so much, yet upon hearing the recent rumors, Yuqian was more horrified than fascinated.

Her nose still in her book, and a textbook no less, Yuqian managed to weave her way through the passersby who were heading home as well, through sheer experience of Destiny City’s roads and an occasional glance up from her book to make sure she wouldn’t bump into anyone.
Unfortunately, it was someone who had managed to bump into her from behind and when Yuqian turned to see who it was, she barely caught a glimpse of the person, only hearing a hasty “Sorry!” Figuring that the person was in a hurry, Yuqian shrugged it off and proceeded on her way, only to be interrupted by a voice behind her.

“You! Girl! Yes, you with the glasses! Stop there!” The voice was rather menacing and the sound of it froze her in her steps. She didn’t dare to turn around to see who it was; she had too much experience with bullies. Once she turned, they would do something horrible to her. Actually, either way, they would still try to do things like pull her hair, throw her books to the ground, et cetera.

“Where did that senshi go!” The voice growled into her ear, and Yuqian could smell something foul and putrid emanating from its breath and tried to hold her own. Whoever it was should really practice better hygiene! It smelt like it had spent time in sewers, though the girl’s knees were trembling so hard that she knew she wouldn’t dare say something like that to anyone’s face.

“我不知道! (Wo bu zhi dao!)” I don’t know! She blurted out, her voice shaky. In situations that made her nerves react badly, she usually reverted to speaking in her native language. The problem was most people didn’t understand what she was saying and whoever was behind her clearly didn’t as well, as it let out an angry growl.

"我...真的不知道. (Wo...wo zhen de bu zhi dao.)" She stammered. I really don't know. What on earth was the stranger behind her talking about? Did it have to do with the recent rumors? Yuqian was terribly unsure; her mind was blank with fear at the moment and refused to let anything else register.

The stranger merely let out a grunt of exasperation and shoved her to the side, causing her glasses to slip down from her nose. As she adjusted them back on properly, Yuqian peered around, wondering where the rude stranger had went, and hoping he wouldn't come back to bother her.

Really, she was simply terrible in such situations. There was no way she could ever be a hero.
Reserving a post

Apocalyptic Girl

21,875 Points
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Married 100

Name: Mira Morales

Nicknames: Trouble

Age: 16

Birthday: May 28

Sign: Gemini

Blood Type: O+

Fav. Food: Hamburgers

Hated Food: Vegetables

School: Meadowview


  • Knives :: Since a child, Mira has loved knives and she has several scars to prove it. From cutting her name on desks to fending off bullies, over time, she's become quite effecient with them.

  • Tattooing :: Though she has yet to get one herself, she does work part time in a tattoo parlor. She is well known in her little community for her designs and talent in that field.

  • Piercings :: Piercings have been a big part of Mira's life since she turned teenager three years ago. She has several piercings in her ears, has her eye brow, nose, lip, tongue and navel pierced as well. When asked about them, she retorts that it's simply who she is. Other than the first ear piercing which she had done at the mall, the others had been done by Mira herself.

  • Video Games :: Growing up with mostly male friends has it's own reward. Mira has become addicted with video games, especially the survival horror and rpg variety. When she's not working, going to school, helping her Gran around the house or playing with her knives, she is usually found behind some ps3 or xbox at a friends house.

Gemstone: Gemini


  • Stubborn :: Mira is a very stubborn individual and when used in a good manner, makes her a fierce friend. Her loyalty, friendship and perseverance make her an admirable adversary and she will seldom give up at the task at hand. She will push herself to the limits and sometimes even beyond them.

  • Independent :: Due to her mother's death as a small child, Mira never had much of a family life. She grew up in orphanages and foster homes and most of them had been abusive in some form. She declared her independence recently and now rents a room from a kind elderly lady that she's affectionately began to call 'Gran'. She pays for this by working part time in a local tattoo parlor. This independence has given Mira an air of maturity in times of great importance. She's able to take control in situations where most her age would not.

  • Trusting :: Though it may take awhile to earn her trust, when she gives it, it's given completely. She would risk her own life to protect the people she cares about, almost to the point of fanaticism. In return, she is brutally honest to those she cares for and would never deceive them. She's a loyal friend.


  • Doubtful/Spiteful :: Because of her past, Mira can be very distrusting of strangers and newcomers. She will often assume the worst of them and tends to take on a "Guilty until proven Innocent" policy. She has seen so much hate and violence in the world from an up close and personal perspective and it has her nearly permanently jaded. Violence and hate are a permanent part of her and it shows when she loses control.

  • Temperamental :: Mira's temper is often her downfall. When angered, she will strike out, pull her knives or otherwise threaten. She has been bullied and abused so often in her past that she always swings first. However, when she calms down, she does see reason and the maturity nearly always shines through. The loss of temper though makes it hard for her to make friends. Most of her friends are males because they can handle her better and don't take her crap as much.

  • Self Conscious :: Mira has always been a bit on the rounder side and had been the target of many jests and jabs in the past because of her size. She is extremely active so there's little fat to her body. She's naturally big boned and round. It doesn't help that she loves hamburgers either. Still, society can be harsh, especially children and teenagers. Due to being the butt of many jokes, her self esteem has taken a big hit. In situations where she's to put on a dress or swimsuit, Mira will often panic. She doesn't consider herself pretty at all (even though most of her friends would give their left arm to date her) and tries to blend in as 'one of the guys' as much as possible.

Physical Description:

Hair: Long chocolate hair. However, this hair only exists on half of her head. She keeps her other half (her left) completely shaved. Example

Eyes: Her eyes are blue like her american fathers.

Face: A little on the round side. Takes after her hispanic heritage.

Body: Much like her mother and grandmother, Mira has curves and isn't seen as traditionally skinny but isn't terribly overweight either. She's just a little more rounded out!

Fashion: Mira likes comfortable clothes and is often seen in a pair of jeans and tank top when she's not going to school. She is nearly always seen with one black and white striped arm warmer on her left hand. She also has several piercings in her ears and has her nose and eyebrow pierced as well. It's part of her 'self-expression' phase.


Without thinking, Mira pulled out two small knives and pointed them at the monster. She wasn't sure WHAT the ugly thing was but no good could come from it. She was sure that the person that had ran past was a young girl and she'd be damned if she was going to be the cause of another death. Not in this lifetime...

Never again, she promised.

It didn't help that she was shaking. As brave as she was trying to be, she was consumed by fear. This was no terrorist. This was no prank. What was before her was very convincing. She had no doubt that it was a real monster. "I don't know what you are talking about. I don't even know what a Senshi is. Or what you are for that matter. What I do know is that you are one ugly a** mother----er, and if it's one thing I learned in life, you stay away from the ugly a** mother----ers."

The creature's eyes lowered into slits and it took a step closer, extending a monstrous arm out to Mira. On impulse, Mira slashed at the air and one of her knives made contact with the creatures finger, cutting the thing nearly off. The monster wailed horribly as it held its hand against its chest. Mira took that as her cue to run like hell. She couldn't remember running so hard and so fast since Mrs. Kapensky's pitbull had found her sneaking around in the orphanage's kitchen nearly six years ago. She would be safe at Meadowview, surely.

Of course, she had this nagging fear that if anything, she had just made things personal between this monster and herself. She might not have seen the last of it and if she told anyone, would they believe her? No, they'd never believe her. There was only one thing she could do. She would have to learn what and who this "senshi" was. She would start asking around tomorrow. Right now, she had to keep her heart from pounding out of her chest.



You've been a sailor senshi for a time now, and tonight the unthinkable will happen. Tonight your starseed is going to get corrupted: tonight, you are going to join the Negaverse.

You're Sailor Tisiphone, senshi of the Void.

How does it happen? Do you go willingly, or unwillingly? Is the star seed taken by force, cajoling, bribery or menace? How does the Negaverse turn you from being a force of good -- to a force of evil? Who are you, and what are you doing on this inauspicious, terrible night for the Sailor Senshi of Destiny City?


Being Senshi of the Void was a lonely task and she was tired of being alone... of feeling alone. Empty spaces and vast nothingness were her only companions. She knew this wasn't really true. She had friends but they never seemed to understand. She never fully felt a part of their group. She knew it was tied into the Void. She cared deeply for it and of her duties but the emptiness in her grew over time, twisting and becoming more dark. She would never smile like them. She would never really fit in... right?

He had made it sound so ideal, so easy. Leaving her "friends" and joining him at his side. He was a smooth talker and power radiated from him. He seemed to understand her, truly know what she was feeling. He said his name was Charonite and he promised her that she would never be alone again. She wanted to believe that. She needed to believe that.

The price was heavy. Her friends would become her enemies and the enemies would become her allies. Deep down, she knew that this was wrong but was she tied to her friends out of true loyalty and love or because that was what she was raised to do? She could no longer remember what was real or what was simply her sworn duty. Where did she truly belong?

He smiled. It was a charming, yet twisted smile. It was hard to read his emotions as his eyes were hidden so she tried to look at the facts. He didn't kill her. He was certainly more powerful and as she was all alone, it would have been easy for him. There had to be something to tha. She knew there was darkness to her, within her. How could there not when you were surrounded by the Void? Neither here nor there.

She was tired of the Void. She was tired of being caught between the galaxies, never really being part of one herself. Even when she was here on Earth, among her friends, she always felt somewhere between. She was tired of the loneliness and even a false promise was better than nothing. "I will join you," she stated matter-of-factly. His smile widened a fraction more as if he were mocking her, as if he knew all along that she would accept the offer. Was that the case or was she reading too much into it.

There was no turning back now.

Fea Line's Partner In Crime

Sugary Snack


You've been a sailor senshi for a time now, and tonight the unthinkable will happen. Tonight your starseed is going to get corrupted: tonight, you are going to join the Negaverse.

You're Sailor Tisiphone, senshi of the Void.

How does it happen? Do you go willingly, or unwillingly? Is the star seed taken by force, cajoling, bribery or menace? How does the Negaverse turn you from being a force of good -- to a force of evil? Who are you, and what are you doing on this inauspicious, terrible night for the Sailor Senshi of Destiny City?


Black. Emptiness. A cold, succumbing dark. A place to hide. Floating in empty space, Sailor Tisiphone wallowed in her sorrow. Her home had been destroyed by an unknown force, and she hadn't been strong enough to save it. And now, nothing was left.

Watching her, on the outside, was the Negaverse. "Is she dead? You didn't kill her did you? We NEED her."

"Quiet, she's just sleeping. She created a barrier unknowingly to save herself at the last moment."

"How did you know she would-"

"Ask questions later. No it's time we pay her a visit."

Two shadowy figures began to manifest themselves before Tisiphone's gaze. "What......who are you? How did you find me?" she whispered, still tired and battle-worn.

"It doesn't matter. What's important is that we're here now. And we would like to make you an offer."

"An offer?" Tisiphone questioned, unsure.

"We know what happened. And we would like to assist you. How would you like the power, to destroy the ones who sullied your planet, your home?"

"I would....give anything...." Tisiphone replied, with a glint of hope in her eyes. Who were these people?

"Then it's settled."

Tisiphone was surrounded by a dark light, that swirled around and around, pulling her starseed from her body and encasing it in a pitch-black structure as it forced its way back into her body. She screamed in pain, as she felt a new power surge within her. Could this be it? Her new gift to exact revenge on those who had harmed her fellow loved ones?

Eventually the aches went away and she felt like a whole new person. She clenched her fist and smiled an evil smile. "Sailor Tisiphone, Senshi of the Void, at your service. I am indebted."

"Good. We welcome you to the Negaverse. We're sure you will be right at home here with us." And she will never know, who brought about the chaos. She's ours now.

So in the middle of the night, a mysterious senshi, has been attacking the city, seeking out others to join her, and destroying all those who get in her way. Her orders remain, "Destroy the opposition."
(first off good luck everyone!)


Name: Brenda Blossom

Nicknames: Berry

Age: 16

Birthday: 8th October

Sign: Libra

Blood Type: AB+

Favourite Food: Apple Pie

Hated Food: Spicy Food

School: Crystal Academy


Alice In Wonderland - This might seem like a odd hobby, however she finds herself obsessed with the story of Alice In Wonderland, she has read the book many times. She loves the characters and the story behind it, its a classic which will never get old in her eyes because it has a magical quality that no book has ever really sparked in her eyes before. She is not big on reading however she liked to read children's books thinking they have a deeper meaning than most and the stories are just more imaginative. She even studies it whenever she has a book report due and will always find new things to write about, she has even tried to write a spin off of it called. 'Lucky Rabbit Feet' However she does not think it does not hold a spark to the original. She talks about it whenever she gets the chance and others see her as a little strange for it.

Illustration - She likes to paint, she is far off from a master of the arts but she does like to paint her little pictures, most of them are of dreams she has just so she will not forget them, others are just pretty images she has had in her head and wants to show others, her favourite paintings however are those she has based off of books, apart from the obvious she has painted Beauty And The Beast and lots of other children's books, Sue wants to get better she she goes to as many art class's as she can and even more so she likes to talk and exchange skills and idea's with others that like painting, she liked looking at others work and gives them advise, she also likes others to comment on hers and tell her what to do to improve. She liked criticism and it does not upset her to hear it. Good or Bad.

Cooking - The way to everyone's heart is through food, there is a lot of different ways of cooking, many different skills required and many cultures poured into it, she likes to experiment however her favourite kind of cooking is baking, whenever there is a school event on she will always make some cakes for the food stands, because they come in so many flavours and you can decorate them in so many ways. Her mother taught her how to cook and when she does it reminds her of the time she spent with her, and it makes her happy. She looks forward to going to visit her so they can make more things, its something that really brought them together. She also likes to have friends over so she can make them tea and cookies, or other nibbles, she likes playing the hostess after all. It makes her feel good about herself, it also gives her a chance to show of her paintings...

Gemstone: Opal


Eloquent - Brenda finds herself looking at things in great detail, she is the kind of person who can write 1000 words on a rock and analysing ever bit of it, even things that most people do not see, because of this she can sometimes sound smarter than she really is. She is no genius in fact she is barely average. Its just she is good at reading things, studying them, so working out things is easy for her. She can babble on forever about everything and to her nothing is too big or too insignificant. Everything has a story to tell.

Honour - This is something she knows a lot about, if someone insults her she has the right to restore her honour and if she insults them they have the right to defend there's, revenge is not a bad thing to her as long as it is for the right reasons, everyone has a say and has the right to defend what they believe in, everyone has there own opinions and they should be respected, as well as peoples traditions and culture. She has a strong sense of respect and demands it for herself, she also respects others unless there is a really good reason why they have lost it, however anyone can earn her respect back with work. In the end it is nice to have a open view on the world like this, you learn so much from it.

Imaginative - As her hobbies show she is a very creative person, she liked to come up with her own little fantasy worlds and she likes to day dream, this does have a use, she sees pattens in the world and sometimes it makes her come up with solutions that others would never think of. It can make her a very hard person to follow. She does stumble off to her own little place, this helps her deal with the stress in life, although some times is can make her miss things, mainly the teachers voice because when she is bored. She just floats. She is a awesome problem solver.


Puppet Like - Pretty much anyone can make her do anything with out her noticing, she will do anything for anyone and she is not too good at telling when people are lying, because she trusts pretty much anyone, it makes her a prime target for people to mislead and use. She does get bullied at times, and even though she sticks up for herself she always gets played in some way. When she works out this, she can be a very unforgiving person, unfortunately though its a trap she falls in time and time again.

Self Harm Fetish - She can not be satisfied with a normal and what she considers boring life. She for some reason is never really happy when something is running smooth and likes some drama to spice things up. So sometimes without noticing it she makes some silly choices which causes her to suffer just because she is bored. Its a stupid hobby, however its just what she is like, she likes to cause a scene and make things out to be worse than they are, she is a fan of gossip too and knowing everything, she is a nosy person but keeps her opinions to herself. She will pretty do anything for attention. Even if its not always the good sort, as I said however most of the time she does not mean to do it!

Hard To Read - Sometimes because she is so dazed its hard to tell what she is thinking, also she seems to hide most of her feelings behind a smile because she does not want to bother anyone with her problems, unless there is a very close friend offering a shoulder to cry on. She can also come off as uncaring at times because she is out in her own little world, but really its because she is not all there, also sometimes people think she is ignoring them, its a bad habit. However no matter what she does she can not help it, and sometimes she floats off at the wrong times, when important things happen, focus is not her strong point.

Physical Description:

Hair: She has long dark brown, knee length back hair which is VERY straight, its just naturally that way! The colour is to match her eyes.

Eyes: A dark brown, big and bright with a lot of sparkle to them! There quite big and look like there inspired.

Face: Round, large eyes, full checks, lush lips and thin eyebrows. Her skin tone is slightly tanned because she comes from Asian roots, however she is half and half toned, not too one way of the other.

Body: She is quite fit, she likes to go to the gym, her favourite sport is swimming and she makes sure to keep herself slim and trim! She eats well (treating herself to cake every once in a while!) however she has quite chubby cheeks.

Fashion: She is a fan of the lolita fashion scene, she likes the Victorian era and likes to dress in old fashion clothes. Doll like make up, huge ribbons. She likes to accessories with pearls, bows and teddy bears! She is a fan of cute boots and dresses.

(This is just a small idea on her looks, at the end its up to you what you do ^_^)

Entry -

'Why are you painting those roses?'

Brenda read from her hard back book before she was interrupted by one of her friends. She blinked and put the book down smiling and looking over at the two quite elegant ladies which where sat on the table.

"I am sorry I did not quite catch that?"

She smiled bowing her head in apology before picking up her china cup and taking a sip from the freshly brewed tea. She took a moment to look into the streaming liquid at her reflection, and the many pink flowers which where delicately painted on the side before gently putting it back down on the dish. The girls had spent the afternoon in the new rose garden cafe which had just opened in the upper end of Destiny City, it was a beautiful place, the walls where simple rose bushes with lanterns hung from one to the other, the tables where wood and it gave off a simple yet rich air to the whole place. With the finely dressed waiters and the well dressed and decorated customers. It was decently for the upper classes.

"I really like this place, I would love to come here and do some drawing, I could get so much inspiration for paintings. Anyway its getting late girls we should think about moving on."

Brenda stated as she stood up and started to put on her long coat, before she could even buckle it though ripples started to appear in her tea cup. She and her friends froze for a second, the ground seemed to be moving, it got worse and worst, some fell over and the lanterns started to shake however no harm was done. People screamed and shouted Earthquake however it was soon over. Using the table to keep her balance she looked to her friends and smiled. Whipping her forehead with a cloth, clearly the events of this evening was making her sweat.

"Well that was exiting, maybe we should hurry before there is another, dont panic though, it was only small."

She stated trying to make the best out of a situation seeing one of her friends was quite panicked. Brenda nodded and went to pay the bill. She smiled and got out her purse standing by a waiter and then she heard her friend scream. She turned her head wondering what was going on now. People where rushing past her, her heart skipped a beat even before she saw the beast which had intruded the garden. It was the most horrifying thing, instead of running however her feet had glued herself to the ground in fear, her lip was quavering and her eyes where wide and shaking.

Then the unthinkable, a cold sweat burst from her now very pale skin as she felt something grab her leg. She screamed as she was lifted upside down and came face to face with this creature, it stank and its clear and ghostly eyes made her feel sick, this was not happening, a voice came from its lip less mouth.

"Where did the Senshi Go?"

It asked in a voice which was like a smoker, who had been on 70 a day for 200 years, a growl that made her hair stand on end. She shook her head tears starting to stream from her eyes.

"I do not know, I did not see anything please put me down!"

She begged the words struggling to come from her throat, it was like puking up cheese wire. The time it had hold of her seemed to be forever until it through her to the ground, giving a dinosaur like roar. Brenda felt like she was flying, everything around her moved slowly until she it one of the rose walls hard, the thorns holding her up in it. Everything sounded muffled to her and her eyes started to bur, more and more, until she saw another figure one which was no less than a angel. Sparkling and gracefully coming through the air like a dove, the most beautiful women she had ever seen, and the reason why she did not die that day. Then she slipped away into dream land, if not from fear then from the pain of the thorns sticking into her skin. The blood from her cuts dripping onto the once white roses turning them read.

'Why are you painting those roses?'

Asked the voice in her head.

'Its because the Queen wants to taint this world. With the blood of the innocent, that's why my blood paints these roses red.'

Beloved Nymph


Name: Aemilia Devanishi

Nicknames: Emi, Milia

Age: 16

Birthday: January 27th

Sign: Aquarius

Blood Type: O positive

Fav. Food: Spicy chili

Hated Food: Anything seafood related

School: Crystal Academy

-- Equestrianism: - Whether it be for pleasure or competition you can count on it that Aemilia will be first in line for a chance in the saddle of her beloved white stallion. Stars help the person that dares to harm her horse.

-- Sketching: - A doodle here...a scribble there...Aemilia's school books seem to be covered in random doodles ranging from the cute to the not so cute. Set an art pad and pencil...or pen in her hands and you'll see why her parents have been trying to get her into an art school rather than her current pursuits as a rider.

-- Singing: - Like most of the girls in Crystal, Aemilia's a part of the choir though entirely by choice. She may be no world-class singer but that still doesn't stop her from randomly bursting into song at the oddest times.

Gemstone: Garnet

-- Tactian - Want a plan of action? Then you'd do well in asking Aemilia. The girl's mind works at the drop of a pin and if she can't come up with an exact plan on the spot rest assured she's likely to come up with one within the hour. While she may have a fairly quick and logical mind, Aemilia's plans don't always succeed but she swears its not her fault. The people who executed the plan just didn't know how to.

-- Crowd Pleaser - Seeing other people happy is the essence of Aemilia's life. If she can make at least one person smile then she's satisfied with her day. Of course making people happy isn't what makes Aemilia happy, its just a way to occupy herself while coming up with plans and ways to use the youma to steal all those pretty little hearts. Now THAT makes Aemilia...very very happy.

-- Deeply homicidal -- Aemilia's sharp mind does more than simply plan out ways for the negaverse to take over the world. Oh yes, she has a tendency to think about ways to kill everyone around her as slowly and painfully as possible, as such these thoughts tend to cloud her judgement, especially if she's interrupted in the middle of a spell of 'daydreaming'. Her plans have been known to go awry because of her homocidal thoughts getting in the way of a clear trail of thought.

-- Tantrum Prone -- If Aemilia's plans go awry and she gets blamed for the failure of a mission, she'll throw a fit. A complete and utter fit. Tears and all. Though her fits aren't generally violent most people tend to avoid her lest they do turn to violence and not just tears and screaming. A word to the wise though, if Aemilia's seen with a broom or stick in hand. Run.

Physical Description:

-- Colour: Silver-gray
-- Style: Her bangs frame her face in varying lengths with the left side stopping just above her chin and the right stopping at her chest. The rest of her hair is pulled up and to the left, in a single thick curl that falls to her waist. [x]

-- Innocently wide and childish looking, deep crimson

-- Her face is a small oval giving her even more of a childish appearance than one at her age would be expected to have. Coupled with the wide crimson eyes, small ears and slightly pouty lips Aemilia could very well look like a completely innocent soul.

-- While fairly slender, Aemilia still has a bit of baby fat lingering around her cheeks.

-- A wide headband, usually red or some other such bright color tends to hold her free flowing hair out of her face. Short plaided, sometimes plain skirts, leg warmers, boots, a ruffled tube top and a wide obi like sash usually make up her outfits. [x]


Someone had left her a bouquet of black roses and a lovely little note that would have left anyone cringing. Anyone but her of course. Aemilia found the note amusing. Black roses for a black heart. There was no signature but as the girl cradled the roses in one hand and twirled one idly in her free hand she couldn’t help but grin. Oh she knew exactly who would send her such a thing. Had she not just turned down a party invitation from one of the wealthier Crystal girls? Or maybe…maybe it was one of the Hillsworth boys, stars knew she’d rejected enough of them to know most if not all their names.

Aemilia’s crimson eyes flickered from the black roses in her hands down the deserted and streets and a frown crossed her lips. Usually there were people and animals wandering this area town, but right now it was completely empty. Save for her and her roses. Eyes narrowing she paused and turned, as a puff of breath left her lips forming a faint tendril of mist before her eyes. It was too early in the year for frost, so why...was there ice on the ground?

The sound of footsteps approaching rapidly from behind made Aemilia turn just in time to see the flare of a faintly white and blue skirt and ribbon disappear down an alleyway. What the..? Head tilted to one side she started toward the alley or at least tried to. A gust of wind, with a scent similar to the compost heaps that lined the outer edges of the city, someone or rather something stomped toward her. Aemilia wasn’t one to worry about beauty or ugliness but this thing was ugly! And it reeked. Which, she was quick to inform the creature as she took several measured steps back.

Now, any sane person would be flailing and screaming in terror, but… the creature actually intrigued Aemilia. That intrigue was short lived however as the creature reached for her and grabbed her arm, shaking her roughly.

“Where is that senshi!?!”

Wrinkling her nose, Aemilia used her free hand to wave the scent away from her face. “I have absolutely no idea who or what you’re talking about but I feel the need to tell you, again, your breath…REEKS.” Obviously that was not something you were supposed to tell a big bad monster as the thing tossed her away.

Rubbing her rump discretely, Aemilia huffed and pointed toward the opposite facing alleyway, the same direction the senshi had went. “That way. Though I tell you now she’s long gone.”

LP's Partner

Dedicated Sweetheart

15,425 Points
  • Object of Affection 150
  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100
  • Somebody Likes You 100
Wheee, entry. :3 Some lyrics lovingly stolen from Lincoln Park because I thought they fit my idea nicely. I hope that it's alright I made up some senshi. heart


You've been a sailor senshi for a time now, and tonight the unthinkable will happen. Tonight your starseed is going to get corrupted: tonight, you are going to join the Negaverse.

You're Sailor Tisiphone, senshi of the Void.

How does it happen? Do you go willingly, or unwillingly? Is the star seed taken by force, cajoling, bribery or menace? How does the Negaverse turn you from being a force of good -- to a force of evil? Who are you, and what are you doing on this inauspicious, terrible night for the Sailor Senshi of Destiny City?


She had never fit in, not even one time that she could remember. Not until the fateful day that her inner soul had awoken and she'd become a part of 'something'.

Hannah had always been shy, cripplingly so. A distant, awkward little girl who liked to watch things and didn't know how to do things. The children had been calling her creepy for as long as she could remember and it only made her feel all the more self concinous. But what could she do about it? Hannah had never been self confident.. in fact she could quite honestly say that at most times she hated herself, and wished more than anything to be someone, no, ANYONE else.

The day she was awakened by the guardian had been one full of terror and confusion.. but also one of sheer happiness. Side by side she stood with fellow sailors. They talked to her, they didn't laugh or jest at the clumsiness of her first attempts. When the girls stood tired but triumphant Hannah felt as if her heart would burst. She had friends now... really and truely. And she herself... well there was finally something about her she was proud of. Something she could do.
Battle after battle, day after day, Sailor Tisiphone took joy from the strange connections she was making, and it reflected even outside the fuku. Hannah tried to fight the fear and shyness that overcame her to make friends at school. Easier said then done when she could still hear the whispers. Freak. Weird.


It hurt... her chest burnt like it was on fire.. she tried hard to suck in air, why couldn't she get enough? Her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to try and gauge the situation. There was Arcturus, fuku dirty and ragged, but standing strong like he always did, his body guarding Phaet who seemed no less worse for wear.

She could see the negaverse, aggresively pressing forward, could see mouths moving, but heard nothing. But where was Electra..? It'd been the four of them... they'd been ambushed. Tisiphone tried to pull her knees towards her, fingers reaching out towards her friends. As the pain hit her, so did the flash of memory.

That attack... that horrible.. strange attack that'd come from her. 'The void' had always been scary.. she'd read it on the faces of her fellow senshi from time to time. But she could see it now like a sickening movie played back in slow motion before her eyes. The ground had openned into darkness, larger and stronger then ever before... the wind sucked at suits and skirts.. but it wasn't the negaverse that got swallowed into the hole. It was Electra. Sucked away to a place Tisiphone could only imagine. She'd wondered before where it went.. void was nothingness wasn't it? She'd seen the fear in Electra's eyes as she dissapeared into the nothingness, remembered the screams of her fellow senshi.

She must have been hit after that though.. because now she lay so far away from her allies, her body writhing in pain. She tried once more to pull herself upwards, coughing, her fingers shivering as she reached towards her friends. Her voice cried out softly in despair and disbelief as she heard the words that followed. "We can't beat them! We've got to retreat!"

"What about Tisiphone?"

"She's dead."

"I'm not!" She sobbed, feeling a flutter of hope as their eyes turned to her upon her scream, they heard her! Only to be replaced by the heavy feeling of drowning as Phaet spoke again, her eyes cold. "Leave her, she's dead."

She watched as they disapeared, as the air fell still once more, the chaos of the battle falling to a deafening silence. Her breath hitched with a sob, tears forming at the corners of her eyes, only to flutter open once more as a voice boomed over her. "Well well. Champions of goodness and virtue. And they left you here among the trash? How highly they must think of you."

"I mean they save small animals and hobos! And they didn't even bother you with a second look."
The laughter was deafening, the pressure on her throat rough, and soon Tisiphone found herself lifted, watery eyes trying hard not to look at the two leutinents who stood before her, inspecting her with amusement.

She tried to block out the words, finding the sting just as painful as the ones that ripped through her chest. She couldn't understand... Why HAD they left her? She'd messed up... certainly that. But.. but... maybe they could save Electra? Why hadn't they atleast tried to come for HER? Weren't they her friends...? Hadn't... hadn't they become bonded... after all the time fighting together. She'd tried so hard... to become their friend.. and now. Didn't they care for her at all...? Why didn't anyone care for her at all?

Her body slumped between the two bodies that drug her along, catching only a word here and there of the conversation and series of chides that echod from the leutinents. She had her own thoughts running through her mind. Like why had she ever thought she'd truely have friends? And why... why did she think she even deserved to have them? She was strange.. incomplete... hollow. She was nothingness, the void.

Her gaze stared into nothingness distantly.

I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end it doesn't even matter

She wasn't exactly sure what would happen next... would she die? It didn't matter.. There was one thing for certain though... If she ever saw her 'friends' again... well.. she'd return their favor. She'd tried.. it was them that messed up.

Things aren't the way they were before
You wouln't even reconize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then

Dapper Lover

Schoolkid Entry

Name: Damian Cole

Nicknames: None, but he wouldn't be adverse to being called whatever someone came up with (except for things like Pookie, Muffin, etc)

Age: 17

Birthday: April 1st

Sign: Aries

Blood Type: B+

Fav. Food: Pizza, he’s a boys boy

Hated Food: Anything in the vegetable food group, unless it’s on a pizza

School: Meadowview

Hobbies: Website Coding: When Damian was younger, and his hormones hadn’t kicked in yet, he spent a lot of time on the computer. He quickly became very interested in HTML/CSS etc. and it wasn’t long before he started playing around with it and making his own sites. Now that he’s older he spends more time chasing girls than pixels, but when the mood strikes him he’ll fiddle around with his old stuff, surprisingly he still remembers most of it.

Archery: The only sport Damian cares about is archery. Everything else doesn’t really matter to him. His father taught him how to shoot when he was seven, it was a small bow and he wasn’t very good, but after a lot of hard work and being spurred on by dear old dad he started to get the hang of it. Now at seventeen he has a bigger bow, and is a fairly good shot. He couldn’t go to the Olympics or anything, but he’s placed in a couple of local competitions.

Guitar: When Damian turned fourteen he decided he’d learn how to play the guitar. Why? Because it would impress the ladies, or so he thought, who doesn’t love a musician? After three years of playing he’s come to actually enjoy playing for himself, and not just girls. Not that he won’t whip out his guitar and serenade a girl if he thinks it’ll get him closer to a hook up.

Gemstone: Bloodstone

Virtues: Good sense of humour – The only thing Damian does as much as he flirts is make jokes. He’s constantly grinning, in a non maniacal way, and he has a very mischievous and carefree air about him. He loves to have fun, and sometimes it’s hard for him to take things seriously, but when he absolutely has to he manages to buckle down – slightly.

Curious – Damian is very curious, he wants to know how things work. If he sees something and is interested by it he’ll find out what it is, how it works, and who made it just to satisfy his curiosity. Also, if he’s walking and spots a dark alleyway he’ll walk down it, just to see if there’s anything interesting hiding in the gloom.

Enthusiastic – Damian can get excited about just about anything that interests him. When he picks up a new hobby he’ll go at it with a fervor- until he gets bored of it. Some things managed to hold his interest like playing the guitar and archery, but most things, like photography, drawing, and working on cars, got boring quickly leaving Damian knowing a little about a lot.

Charismatic – Damian’s quick on his feet, he can come up with the best thing to say to defuse a situation in a matter of seconds – if he wants to. He mainly uses his charming antics on females to get what he wants from them, but he’s also charming around his male friends (though he doesn’t consider anyone a friend, mostly just acquaintances), because everyone likes a charming guy.

Flaws: Suspicious – Damian doesn’t trust anyone, literally. Well, he trusts his parents, but they don’t exactly count. He’s highly suspicious of everyone else’s motives, including his sister. If someone wants to be his friend they must want something from him, if a girl wants to be his girlfriend (and not just a hook up) she must want to use him. Because of this he doesn’t have anyone he calls a friend. Sure, other people will call him their friend, and he doesn’t mind that because he knows that he’s actually not. He just puts up an outgoing, charismatic exterior so that no one looks too closely at him.

Reckless – Damian seems to either not have, or not listen to that voice in his head that says ‘hey, maybe you shouldn’t do that, you could get hurt’. He tends to run headlong into new situations without thinking about them. Remember that dark alley way? Instead of grabbing a flashlight and a friend and exploring it he’ll just plunge into the darkness no heed for what might be waiting for him.

Flirtatious - Damian flirts. With everything. Well, everything that’s female (if he’s really drunk then sometimes even male) and talks. Damian will go out of his way to flirt with a girl, especially one that doesn’t seem to want him around, but not to the point of harassment- if they firmly tell him to stop he will. This can get him in trouble, he can’t seem to control his flirting habits, which isn’t good when he’s in the middle of English class and instead of explaining why he didn’t do his homework he’s trying to flirt his way out of the situation.

Shameless – Damian has no shame, quite literally. Dare him to go streaking? He’ll do that in the blink of an eye. Make a bet that he won’t go up to the hottest girl in school and ask her out on a date, and he’ll win that bet even if he gets slapped in the process. He doesn’t care about making a fool of himself and that has gotten him into trouble more often than not.

Physical Description:

Eyes: Grey with a playful glint

Hair: Naturally red, a kind’ve shaggy/curly, no longer than his shoulders, but at least to his ears.

Face: He has a sprinkling of freckles, and an attractive face. He has a scar above his right eyebrow, it happened so long ago he can't even remember how he received it.

Body: He's tall, nearing 6'1, and thankfully he's stopped growing. He's lean, with muscular arms (but not overly so) that come from being at the archery range more often than not. His skin is tanned, again from spending most of his time outside.

Fashion: When not in his school uniform Damian likes to wear things that are comfortable, usually jeans with holes in the knees (that come from being worn for ages, not bought that way) and t-shirts. He usually wears some sort of belt with various belt buckles depending on his mood that day. His foot wear is more than likely going to be thong sandals, unless it's raining or he's doing something that requires sneakers. Stuff like this ((Only the sandals are the wrong type, should be thong sandals))


”I’ll see you later, oh delight of my heart!” Damian’s words were met with an incoherent shout that sounded sarcastic. The seventeen year old smirked, lacing his fingers together to hold the back of his head as he walked down the street. Another satisfied customer, well, not so much satisfied as unconvinced but she’d come around, they always did. It was hard to resist his charms; at least that’s what the boy thought.

At the moment he was trying to turn his charms on one of the Crystal Academy girls, it wasn’t working as well as he’d hoped, but the red head was nothing if not persistent. He would have stayed with Miranda, that was the girl’s name, but it was getting late and Damian was starving. Nothing drew him home like the call of a good meal. That’s where he was headed, taking a side street as a short cut. There weren’t as many streetlights this way as the main road, but luckily he wasn’t afraid of the dark.

While he walked the teen’s hands fell to his sides, and then slipped inside his pockets. He had gotten caught up and thinking about the last thing he had heard on the news before he went to school that morning. The reporters had been saying that sightings of costumed vigilantes fighting inhuman monsters were all a big prank. He snorted at that, he doubted any University would go to that much trouble to pull a prank- especially having heard from one of his classmates that heard from his girlfriend that the last sighting had included some innocent bystanders getting injured.

”What would a University get out of that kind of a prank anyway? Not good publicity if people are getting hurt left and right.” His words were unanswered and he shook his head. He wasn’t sure what the costumed fighters were doing, but he had a mind to find out. The only problem was he didn’t know exactly where to start.

Almost as if fate had been listening a girl, well he thought it was a girl, in a skirt, again he thought it was a skirt, sped by so fast she was just a blur. He resisted the urge to spin around on one foot like in a cartoon and instead stared after her slack jawed. What was that?! He was so shocked he didn’t realize that the sparse light he was standing in had become shadowed. What he did notice was the gravelly voice that spoke to him. ”Where did the senshi go?” For a moment Damian froze, things like this didn’t happen to him, but then he slowly turned looking up into the eyes of the ugliest thing he had ever seen.

Its colours seemed to shift constantly, from brown to olive green to blood red, but that wasn’t the worst part. It was shaped like a human gone totally wrong, it had extra joints in its legs and arms, and two in its neck so it was as if its head hung from a hangman’s noose. Its eyes and nose and mouth were on the back, front? of its head and it was looking straight at him. It had six fingers on each hand and they ended in what looked to be razor sharp claws. The worst part was that it was at least seven feet tall and looked like it could squash him like a bug without a second thought.

Damian’s brain moved at the speed of light, obviously the reporters were wrong, the costumed fighters and monsters definitely weren’t a prank. This one was very real, and very terrifying. He tried to push that second bit out of his head, being terrified would probably get him killed. To buy himself some time he coughed, clearing his throat. What could he say to this thing? Obviously he wasn’t going to tell it where the senshi? (He had no idea what that was, but made a note to find out) really went, it was easy to see that the monster meant her no good.

Apparently he was taking too long to answer because the monster bent down, getting right in his face before it asked again. ”Tell me where she went and I might spare your pathetic life.” Its hot breath wafted right into his face and Damian couldn’t stop himself. ”Holy crap, I know you’re not from around here, but don’t they make breath mints where you come from? Did you try to kiss the senshi? Because if you did it’s no wonder she ran away from you, your breath reeks.” He scrunched up his nose, realizing a little late that his nerves were making him run his mouth more than usual. Unfortunately for him the monster didn’t seem to like being made fun of. With a nasty growl it grabbed the teen around his waist and lifted him six feet off the ground so it could stare at him menacingly without bending over.

”Tell me NOW.” As it spoke it squeezed leaving Damian gasping for breath. Note to self, don’t piss off scary monsters you meet on the street. When it felt like his eyes were about to pop he realized he had no way out and lifted his hands in defeat. ”Alright, alright I’ll tell you. She went that way.” He pointed towards the main street, which was in actuality the complete opposite way the girl in the skirt went. The monster glared at him for a long minute before it seemingly decided he was telling the truth and dropped him tromping off without another word to chase after the senshi. Damian fell four feet to the ground landing with a loud, painful, thud. The poor boy landed wrong, his ankle twisting underneath him and he let out a string of curses. ”Stupid monster…” He grumbled to himself as he slowly pushed himself to his feet, using a nearby wall for support.

He kept the weight off his right ankle as he headed home, late for dinner, injured, and not in the best of moods. That was until he remembered that he had duped a crazy inhuman monster thing. Not in a very clever way, but he had stood up to the monster, kind of, and pointed it in the wrong direction. If nothing else he wasted the monster’s time, giving the skirt a head start. ”Maybe she’ll give me her number if I ever meet her.” The red head grinned already fantasizing about what the senshi looked like and how he’d charm her into a hookup.

Sailor Tisiphone Entry

You've been a sailor senshi for a time now, and tonight the unthinkable will happen. Tonight your starseed is going to get corrupted: tonight, you are going to join the Negaverse.

You're Sailor Tisiphone, senshi of the Void.

How does it happen? Do you go willingly, or unwillingly? Is the star seed taken by force, cajoling, bribery or menace? How does the Negaverse turn you from being a force of good -- to a force of evil? Who are you, and what are you doing on this inauspicious, terrible night for the Sailor Senshi of Destiny City?


Tisi was tired. She was tired of the fighting, tired of getting absolutely nowhere. For every youma she dusted five more took it place. She had awoken as a senshi almost two years ago at fifteen, now she was seventeen and she felt like she was thirty. She had seen things that no person should ever have to see. Not to mention the things she had done protecting the human race. What she hated the most was how being a senshi had changed her as a person. Two years ago she had been cheerful, well adjusted, and loving life. She had no idea what evils lurked in the world and what was being done to stop them. Now, more often than not, she found herself thinking dark thoughts, and fighting to be that happy go lucky girl she used to be. Why shouldn’t the Negaverse be allowed to win? It wasn’t as if the Sailor Scouts had a real leader, or even a real purpose beyond squashing youma. No one had ever explained to her exactly what was so bad about the Negaverse, just that horrible things would happen if they were allowed to take over. Well, horrible things were already happening. Maybe if someone had taken the time to be more specific about the fate of the world things might have been different…

”Why keep fighting us Sailor Tisiphone? You’re not going to be able to win, I know it and you know it. It’s pointless to keep supporting the losing team.” That was the smooth voice of Lieutenant Gypsum. Tisiphone had just dusted another youma, it had been a hard battle- she was caught unawares and alone, and now she was physically and mentally exhausted. Later she would wonder if the youma hadn’t been sent just to wipe her out before she was approached, but now she was just focused on trying to defend herself from the attack she thought was coming. The Sailor straightened up pushing her hair out of her face, trying to look determined and failing. ”I am Sailor Tisiphone, senshi of the Void and I fight for justice, and for good. The light shall prevail.” She knew her voice wavered as she spoke. Two years ago her words would have been filled with vigor and an iron will, now they were weaker than a newborn kitten.

Gypsum laughed coming closer, hands open at his sides showing he was unarmed for the moment. He had a feeling that he wouldn’t need his weapon. He had been watching this particular scout for a while now and he thought her starseed was ripe for the picking. ”Tell me, do you truly believe that? If you do I’ll leave right now. Just look me in the eyes and tell me.” There was a flicker of doubt in the girl’s eyes and she opened her mouth, but no words came out. ”I thought as much. I have a proposition for you Sailor Tisiphone. Join the Negaverse, think of how much better it will be not having to fight an uphill battle that you’ll never win.

Tisiphone felt her determination waver with each word Lieutenant Gypsum threw at her. In her heart of hearts she knew he was right. She was tired of the battles, and when it came down to it she much rather be on the winning team then the losing one. She thought of what the other Senshi would say, they would be appalled and outrage. She knew they'd never understand, but frankly...she didn't care. She just couldn't take the grind anymore, maybe she was weak, but at least she admitted it. Sighing she wrapped her arms around herself looking to Gypsum. He was her chance, her chance to take the easier road to victory. That was really what pushed her over the fence, winning was one of the most important things to her. If you weren't a winner you weren't anybody.

”What do I have to do?” The Lieutenant smirked and held out his hand. ”Just come with me.” Sailor Tisiphone didn’t hesitate as she took his outstretched hand, following after him. Things would be better now; she was on the winning team, even if it was evil.

Invisible Dabbler


Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: Phineas Nicholas Clover

Nicknames: Fin, Finny. Rabbit. Only his mother calls him Phineas.

Age: 16

Birthday: November 21st

Sign: Scorpio

Blood Type: O+

Fav. Food: Carrots - he can often be seen chewing on them, hence the nickname 'rabbit'.

Hated Food: Aubergines

School: Meadowview


Basketball ;; Whilst he enjoys soccer, Fin doesn't find it as intense nor as skilful as basketball, and as such can often be found on the school's basketball court rather than the soccer pitch. He's a fairly talented young man, though always insists he can get better, and because of this will often be seen practising, after school or during breaks.

Music ;; Phineas not only likes to listen to music - his favourite genres being pop and rock - but he also plays the violin and the guitar, the violin to a slightly higher standard. He partakes in the school orchestra on his violin, and in order to improve his guitar playing is searching for a band he could join. He tends to be better at writing music than he is at playing, and has written a few songs - however, he's more commonly found transposing songs onto a different key for other students at Meadowview to play.

Astronomy ;; Not one of his better-known hobbies, Fin is actually an avid astronomer, although this is more of a hobby than anything he wishes to continue further. He has a telescope at home with which he'll often gaze at stars, planets and constellations, recording them in a log he keeps by his bedside.

Gemstone: Black Opal


Likeable ;; It may sound arrogant...but it's true. Phineas is a likeable guy. He hasn't got any contraversial opinions, and if he has he keeps them to himself. He's friendly, kind and always smiling, and just seems to give off that vibe that makes you want to like him. He isn't mean or cruel, and doesn't put others down. Sure, he may be a little arrogant, but who isn't? He isn't popular, not really wanting to run with 'that crowd', since he's perfectly happy where he is. He does like talking with the ladies, though.

Good-humored ;; Fin knows jokes - he's a bit of prankster, always pulling jokes or pranks whenever he has the opportunity. He'll tease and poke fun at you, but he always knows when to stop. He'll stop before he upsets anyone, or before a prank gets too out of hand. Sure, dropping a bucket of water on a teacher once is funny. But not every single lesson. If others don't stop, he'll make sure they do - he's a fairly responsible guy.

Organized ;; Everything has it's place, just as it's supposed to be. Fin has found numerous times that if he doesn't organize his notes or his possessions then something will always get lost, and so recently he's made the effort to ensure he organizes things in a logial system. He's a fairly hard-working individual on top of this, usually completing homework. Unless there's a party - Fin's never one to turn down a party.


Trusting ;; This may usually be a virtue, but not so much for Fin. He's too trusting, and will always give you the benefit of the doubt. However, numerous times he's been taken adventage of this way, yet he still hasn't learnt his lesson. Phineas is a fairly guillible individual - tell him something ridiculous and he'll genuinely believe it. He'll eventually come to realize that you were joking, but by then you've usually had your fun, so it doesn't matter as much.

Easily Embarrassed ;; Phineas is easily embarrassed - whilst he can dish out jokes left, right and centre, he can't take them as well, often denying them and leaving the room, too embarrassed to remain. When he is embarrassed it's pretty obvious, since his cheeks turn a rosy pink, and he'll divert his eyes to anywhere but where the people are. He'll be able to return to the room a few moments later - but bring up the subject again and you'll just get the same response.

Rash ;; Thinking things through? Nah. Whereas his work has to be organized, his thoughts often aren't, and Fin always rushes into situations without a thought for what the consequences might be. He's an impulsive individual, leaping but not looking, and it's not likely to hange anytime soon.

Physical Description:

Hair: Short, raven black hair. Usually quite messy, spiking up. All he does in the morning is runs his fingers through it, and he's done. He's a side parting (on the right), with a straight fringe over his forehead.

Eyes: Fin has heterochromia - a condition that causes each of his eyes to be a different colour. His left eye is chestnut brown, whereas his right is an emerald green.

Face: Fairly long face, most likely with a cheeky grin on it. His skin tone is pretty average - perhaps a little paler, if we're being picky.

Body: Standing at a fairly decent 5'11", Fin's pretty average in his height. He's average in weight too, not too muscular but not too skinny - pretty much about right.

Fashion: Phineas and school uniform doesn't really go together, especially not with those 'gay shorts'. He's usually dressed in a fairly scruffy version, with non-matching socks and the wrong coloured shoes. He also tries to get away with wearing longer shorts (aka 'trousers'), although this doesn't usually work. When not in his school uniform he'll usually wears skinny jeans in varying shades from black to a very pale grey. He enjoys comfortable T-shirts, usually with a witty saying of some type on, with simple sneakers on his feet. Nothing too extravagent - comfort and practicality comes top on Fin's list.


Destiny City is abuzz with outrage! Sailor-suited young men and women have been appearing to do battle with evil Negaverse agents, who steal souls. The official word from the government is that it is all a UNIVERSITY PRANK, and/or TERRORISM, and that you should phone the police the moment you see any battle going underway.

Walking home one night a blur races past you -- you think it had a skirt? You're not sure. But then you're faced with a horrible monster who, in the voice of lung cancer, DEMANDS to know what way that senshi went!



"University prank my a**," came the muttered words of Phineas Clover, as he was faced by some horrible, disfigured, frickin' MONSTER. Monsters were only supposed to appear in stories or films, not in real life! Senshi? What the hell did he mean a 'senshi'? That thing that had flashed past earlier? ...It had had a skirt, he was sure. But that meant that it was a lady - and it would never do to put a lady in danger. Narrowing his eyes a little, Fin watched the monster carefully, trying to gauge what to do. Inside his heart was racing - his mind was a mess as one half babbled incoherently at him to run, run, RUN, whereas the other half begged him to be logical, and sort out the situation. Unfortunately it was the latter that won - and the latter that was the reason for Fin soon finding himself on his back, on the floor, wincing as he tasted blood in his mouth. The monster towered over him, it's face contorted in a fierce, rather disgusting snarl.

"Don't mess with me, child! Now where did she go!?"

Ouch. Phineas winced, levering himself up onto his elbows, ignoring the new pain in his shoulders. That had been a hard push! Looking up at the monster he frowned deeply, anger only increasing as the monster's snarl twisted into a horrid smirk instead. Boy, this certainly wasn't Hollywood. Pushing himself up a little more, so he was sitting on the pavement, Phineas dusted his black trousers off, inwardly cursing as he fingered a rather large hole that had appeared. Damn, they were his school trousers! He didn't have another pair! Looking up again, his nose wrinkled in disgust, before he pointed. Pointed in the opposite direction to which the - what had he called her, Senshi? - had headed. "That way."

The monster sneered, lowering his head so it was inches away from the male's. Phineas coughed, overcome by the awful smell, bringing his hand up to cover his nose and mouth. "You better not be lying now - that wouldn't bode well for your future on this puny planet." And he was gone.

Phineas continued frowning as he pushed himself to his feet, fetching his bag from where it had landed, removing a hankerchief with which he wiped his mouth, nose wrinkled as he looked at the blood. Glancing both ways across the street, he crossed, hurrying home. He didn't want to be out after dark anymore.

Iris_virus's Waifu

Kawaii Bear

27,050 Points
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Unleash the Beast 100
  • Lapin Patrol Avior: Victory! 50
Edited to be within the word limit. >>; I read it as being on the student and not Tisi. ^^;;;;


You've been a sailor senshi for a time now, and tonight the unthinkable will happen. Tonight your starseed is going to get corrupted: tonight, you are going to join the Negaverse.

You're Sailor Tisiphone, senshi of the Void.

How does it happen? Do you go willingly, or unwillingly? Is the star seed taken by force, cajoling, bribery or menace? How does the Negaverse turn you from being a force of good -- to a force of evil? Who are you, and what are you doing on this inauspicious, terrible night for the Sailor Senshi of Destiny City?

WORD COUNT: 1000 [1002 with the size tags]

Destiny couldn’t change this. “Everything in this world, everything here… I’ve protected.”

Even the night seemed to mourn. Sitting there on a jungle gym Tisiphone sighed as she looked across the land. Her dark brown strands with hints of black and silver floating on the air and her eyes half closed in remorse.

“I have no choice….” She said softly looking towards a raven settling into his home on the light post for the night. Even the night seemed to mourn for her as she sat there and rain started to fall. Just sitting there waiting, waiting for her fate to come.

“They were going to kill my family….” Soft black orbs, almost like a void themselves started to tear up. “I can’t let them kill my family. They can have me instead…. They can….” She paused hearing something else. Her head snapped towards the sound as her eyes narrowed.

She didn’t know what lurked there in the dark but it felt like a bad thing. “Who’s there!?”

She didn’t get an answer however, the rustling of the bushes stopped and she wrinkled her nose. “Come out if you want me. You can have me; you just can’t have my family!”

She waited for a while and no one showed, “Cowards! Cowards come out and face me!”

She was getting mad now. Stepping down from her perch, she walked over to the bushes to investigate. She stopped when she saw a black cat…. For a second she thought it might have been a minion of the negaverse but on second look, it had not a distinguishing mark anywhere. She started to pick it up before looking at it, seeing that it was hurt and stuck in the bush. “Oh dear…. You poor thing, you’re just a normal kitty stuck in a stupid bush.”

She started untangling it as the cat tried to bite her, “Stop it Mr. Kitty, I’ll have you free in a second, and you can be on your way.”

A few seconds later, he was free and she watched him run off, however no sooner than she had a sudden surprise attack launched with a familiar laughter. “Ahahah, sorry to interrupt you with your kitty friend my dear, however it’s time for you to choose~”


Tisi turned around on her heel and looked at the Negaverse Captain. As did turn she crossed her arms looking at the woman, striking her ‘trademark’ pose. “Time for me to choose? Perhaps you’re looking in the wrong direction.”

The Captain barely blinked, “Did you forget our little secret?”

Within a second there were minions surrounding Tisi, her family had been ‘captured’. The captain just laughed as she watched Tisi reel back, “So Sailor brat, have you made up your mind?”

Tisi looked bewilder, her family was at home just a little while ago, there could’ve been no way for them to have caught her family and brought them here. She was already in her senshi uniform, watching her family members; they looked as if they were out cold. “How do I know, when I accept becoming part of the negaverse that you’ll let them go?”

Stephanite looked at her, eyes narrowed. The thin captain watched the sailor and grinned, “How do we know when we let them go you’ll still come with us?”

Tisi sighed, she hated when someone answered questions with another question. Shaking her head, she couldn’t help but become submissive. “You want me? Let your minions hold me if you must, do whatever you have to… Just let my family go.”

Stephanite grinned, “Become human again, and then we’ll let them go. You can’t fight us when you’re just a puny human.”

There was visible disgust on her face. As if to ask if Stephanite was serious, however without another word she allowed herself to transform back into human form. Sad black orbs lowered to the ground looking like the sky about to pour down more stars and rain as it mourned.

They say every time we lose a sailor the sky loses one more star, once Tisi’s back to her human form several of the negaverse minions wrap their grimy hands around Tisi’s arms. She watched her family as the minions just left them there, withered on the ground like old rag dolls wearing with time.

Stephanite grinned as her chest puffed out with a victorious air, “Tonight is a victory for the Negaverse. Everyone shall rejoice.”

“Come, let us bring our loving Senshi Void to our side. As that’s where she belongs, and leave her family here to rot like the putrid humans they are.” They turned to leave with a struggling Tisi in their arms; however, a wave of Stephanite’s hand stopped their departure.

Stephanite approached quickly. "The Starseed... You won't need that anymore my dear until we've fixed it."

With that Stephanite began to pull the Sailor's starseed, and as the task finished Tisi's void like eyes that were once lively shining like the stars, fell cold and lifeless quite like the sky over head as it rained with remorse of its loss. Then with limp sailor in hand the Negaverse headed home with their trophy.

Stephanite however paused, “Once we’re gone, finish her family.”

She directed this towards two of the minions with free hands. “We don’t need her to have human ties; it’ll only make her weak and pathetic. After all it’s already been proven there’s a weak spot in her heart for them.”

The minions nodded, however one of the Lieutenants with Stephanite looked back at the family and then asked, “Stephanite… How are we going to convince her it wasn’t us that killed them?”

“YOU INSOLET FOOL!” Stephanite busted out, “How many times have I told you Lt. Kerolite, never to question my motives!”

Stephanite fumed as the Lt looked shocked. “We have our prize; how we keep, it is of no concern of yours! NEVER, question me again. Damn Kerolite, I swear, you’re just as soft as those stupid senshi.”

-edit- Meet Jade, Unbeknown to him, and Unbeknown to Willow they are twins. But neither will likely ever realize they are related to the other. >>;


Name: Jade Lovecraft


Age: 16

Birthday: November 13th [A Friday]

Sign: Scorpio

Blood Type: B+

Fav. Food: Fire Roasted Veggies, he loves these speically with bits of meats, like you'd normally find on Kabobs. They're easy for him to make as he can easily start up the grill with a match and some wood. He first had them at a cook-out his parents took him to, he also enjoys throwing on random spices and sauces.

Hated Food: “Everyday” Fruits, his family always had fruits like bananas, apples, grapes, and pears hanging around the house and out for breakfast so much he's gotten sick of them. He'll go for the occasional star fruit or pomegranate but anything that you can find sitting on his table he normally won't touch.

School: Hillsworth


-Dragons Jade loves dragons for some reason. He collects most that he can find even if they’re suppose to be used for a game. He doesn’t play Dungeons and Dragons but he loves the Dragon figures that are normally found. He also has many pewter dragons and random other materials including one particular glass Dragon he is overly protective of keeping it in a small locked cabinet. His collection includes books on dragons as well oddly.

Jade really doesn't like the rip offs 'they just look stupid' or cutesy dragons. He likes "true" dragons. However unfortunately for Jade his mother still gets the cutesy ones for him on gift giving holidays. He has a special place for those, over the fireplace mantel. He claims it's so they look like his mother's own small collection and not his.

-Video games Jade seems to love most video games, having acquired a few systems he loves the one that is more interactive as it “helps build his muscles.” Though he knows that’s not quite true even though it does stretch a few he didn’t know he had. Jade’s favorite games tend to be the fighting games.

He tends to stare at someone, especially girls when they ask for a certain game that he doesn’t have and grump. “I DON’T PLAY GIRLY GAMES LIKE “HI THERE KITTY”! Let’s play Dirt Derby!!”

-Eating Jade loves to eat. He’s one of those guys that you loath because he can eat just about all day and he seems to never gain a pound. He’s normally seen at some restaurant or sweet Shoppe grabbing foods.

Gemstone: Amethyst [Talismanic Stone of Scorpio]

Independent - He hates having to depend on someone. He thinks if he has to depend on someone it means he’s weak and girly and he refuses to be even remotely girly.

Fast Learner- He might not be the smartest guy ever, but he does learn fast. Therefore, if there’s something he doesn’t get and asks for help, he won’t have to ask again after he understands it. The only downfall is he might have to get someone to explain it a few different ways until there’s one that sticks.

Short Temper – ]He has an extremely short temper when it comes to something’s. His temper ticks like a bomb and when it reaches explode he will get into fights. Of course he knows he can’t fight with a girl so he’ll storm off and find some random guy just to sucker punch.

Most of the time when he doesn’t reach zero on his temper scale he will just bicker with someone and occasionally get into a short shoving match.

Lonely – Jade feels like something is missing in his life. Like half of him has been cut away and removed. Sometimes this plays into his short-tempered bits of his personality especially if someone talking about family. Jade will sit on his bed and stare at family albums wondering if there was suppose to be someone at his side.

ODD [Oppositional Defiant Disorder] – The cause of Jade’s Disorder is assumed to have been caused by being an adoptee. He is very hostile and defiant of his parents and most adults he doesn’t respect. It also ties into his ‘naturally’ short-tempered personality, because he becomes easily annoyed. More so after his parents told him he was adoptive after his 14th birthday. More details on ODD

Physical Description:

Hair: Black with blue and golden colors. Styled normally as a Trihawk, Phoehawk or some punk hairstyle. Could also go with this style the platinum color is black, the red is blue and the yellow is more of a gold color.

Eyes: Yellow almost serpent like in appearance.

Face: Oval shaped

Body: Thinish build, slightly muscular.

Fashion: Lots of punk/band stuff. He hates most ties and button up shirts, he’ll wear them though. He prefers them to look messy, wrinkled, and ‘bad boy’ sort of things.


Destiny City is abuzz with outrage! Sailor-suited young men and women have been appearing to do battle with evil Negaverse agents, who steal souls. The official word from the government is that it is all a UNIVERSITY PRANK, and/or TERRORISM, and that you should phone the police the moment you see any battle going underway.

Walking home one night a blur races past you -- you think it had a skirt? You're not sure. But then you're faced with a horrible monster who, in the voice of lung cancer, DEMANDS to know what way that senshi went!


Entry must be at least 200 words.

“Huh…. Sailors and ‘Negaverse agents’, what baloney the police will fill you with just because they think you’re gullible. They’re really going to waste their time investigating what’s probably a Halloween prank instead of doing their actual job. I swear adults are worthless.”

Jade paused as he walked looking around. He thought he’d heard something just a second ago. Shaking his head, he moved on finding nothing of interest. However, his brain kept ticking with the stupid ideas adults had come up with recently. It was bad enough to find out what he might’ve been missing in his life was his /real/ family possibly even a sibling.

Suddenly something, shoot past him. “HOLY F-….” It would seem not two seconds after starting into saying that he felt a broom hitting his head and someone’s blue-haired grandma giving him heck. However, about midway through her rant about how he shouldn’t use that word she froze and suddenly ran away. He looked towards the way the ‘breeze’ had gone. Thinking that he had seen something, about the size of a person, he thought it also had a skirt. Jade knew girls couldn’t run that fast so it was ridiculous and obviously either a really big bird or a bat.

Jade started to walk again before the audible sound of wheezing came from behind him. Spinning around he was ready to take defensive measure if it was that old lady with that broom again. What he had heard wasn’t the old lady. Jade stared almost bewildered as the thing spoke. “Did you see that senshi that ran by here?”

Jade busted out laughing. “Nice costume dude and I don’t know what a senshi is but I all I saw was a frigging bat out of hell headed that-a-way.” He jerked his thumb in the direction of that thing that whisked past him.

“Oh! Buddy. It’s a little early for Halloween. You might want to think about getting out of that ugly costume and returning it while you have time!” Jade continued walking greatly amused by the sight he’d just seen, glad it wasn’t that mean old lady coming back to thwack him with that broom again.

“Why do old people have to be so mean?” He muttered softly as he continued on his way.

You've been a sailor senshi for a time now, and tonight the unthinkable will happen. Tonight your starseed is going to get corrupted: tonight, you are going to join the Negaverse.

You're Sailor Tisiphone, senshi of the Void.

How does it happen? Do you go willingly, or unwillingly? Is the star seed taken by force, cajoling, bribery or menace? How does the Negaverse turn you from being a force of good -- to a force of evil? Who are you, and what are you doing on this inauspicious, terrible night for the Sailor Senshi of Destiny City?


She had the same choice every person on the planet had - whether to be good or bad. Though for most people it wasn’t something they thought about if they wanted to do something bad they would just do it and think of the consequences later however it was different she was a sailor scout. She had a job, an essential job at that but it didn’t mean she liked it. She did what she had to do though she was a little reluctant to do what she had to. Why did she have to help the world? What had the world done for her?

Maybe it was just fate that she had to fight the Negaverse today, maybe fate knew where she was suppose to be. She would normally just attack and think later, she was bored of fights they were all so repetitive but he started talking and it took her by surprise. They didn’t normally talk. He then started to promise her things, promise her the world, promised her revenge. He could give her power, make her more powerful then all the scouts. Power... the weakness of so many people.

Of course there was a large part of her which screamed at her to attack him, to finish it and go home to do her homework but there was a part of her, that just seemed to nag at her and when she decided that she should just attack he had gone. It confused her, there was no doubt about that and it worried her. She didn’t trust those from the Negaverse but then what he had said, the things she could achieve.

She went home that last night and something had changed, something wasn’t quite right but all through her supper and then when she sat and chatted to her parents, still something wasn’t right. She didn’t belong. She only worked it out as she woke up the next day for some reason she didn’t sound as if she belonged here anymore.

It was an odd feeling she fought for the next couple of weeks as it seemed that the Negaverse knew her, though she didn’t know why an earth they wanted her. They did show up again, the same guy. It probably didn’t help that at the moment he appeared the thought that he was really good looking didn’t help. Her choice was made in that split second, she had wanted a boyfriend for a while...

“Okay.” The word came out and then everything seemed to change. She didn’t know what it was but she felt their power, she loved it. Something about it seemed to give her the confidence she had lacked for so long. No one could stop her now, no one.

Nuxaz's Datemate

Beloved Werewolf

( I made up =A= senshi to go with this story, but uh..yeah.. I had fun writing. Hurrrr )


You've been a sailor senshi for a time now, and tonight the unthinkable will happen. Tonight your starseed is going to get corrupted: tonight, you are going to join the Negaverse.

You're Sailor Tisiphone, senshi of the Void.

How does it happen? Do you go willingly, or unwillingly? Is the star seed taken by force, cajoling, bribery or menace? How does the Negaverse turn you from being a force of good -- to a force of evil? Who are you, and what are you doing on this inauspicious, terrible night for the Sailor Senshi of Destiny City?


If there was one thing that Miss-Entitled-Marie-Philips was it was…self entitled. When it came to her classes, when it came to what she should and should not have been allowed to get away with, and especially when it came to how things should have been done – in the long run, her fate should have been forseen; but nobody ever wanted to suspect that someone of her ‘good breeding’ and ..odd talents was going to become twisted. Especially not those who were closest to her.

Marie, or ‘Sailor Tisiphone’ as she was known in some circles, had liked to believe that her talents were indispensible. Due to such beliefs, she’d also been ‘smart’ enough to emphasize this little fact over and over and over again – no matter what time it was or who she was frustrating. However, this time it had been in the midst of battle and to some parties that had been a bigger pain in the a** than it really should have been in terms of her timing.

What was she supposed to have been doing? FIGHTING EVIL BY MOONLIGHT. Instead of attacking the evil soul-stealing whatever the hell, she’d bickered with one of her partners-in-crime-fighting over WHO got to lead the chase and their ARCH NEMESIS had gotten away. This head led to a very special brand of cat-fight. Awr rawr rawr hiss spiiiiiiiiiiit! And for all… bothered parties, the topic of all this fighting had been a long time coming.

“You ALWAYS do this! Always always always!!” the other senshi (who will remain unnamed for the sake of a lack of wanting to be specific as I don’t play any senshi but I need one here for this, shh!) practically screamed, bringing one open palm across the face of the Sailor of the Void – who was very much unpleased by this. “Well if you could just FACE THE FACT that I’M THE LEADER here, this wouldn’t have happened!” Marie hissed back, feeling that no action on HER part had actually been the deciding factor in all of the bullshit that had just unfolded.

It was one of many things on which the duo had disagreed, and this had been the last straw for the camel – “No, you’re NOT the leader. We’re a TEAM. We’re supposed to work TOGETHER. If you could get your head out of whatever happy little cloud you’ve stranded it on, and your brain off of Saturn’s third moon, we wouldn’t even have to have this discussion! At all!”


Marie opened her mouth to retort, but her partner interjected almost immediately; “No, no. I’m NOT listening to your self-entitled crap anymore. We’re done, we’re through – I only put up with you this long, because everybody kept telling me to give you a second chance and that there was something GOOD in you. But this is NOT worth it. There’s NOTHING good in you, and there’s NO WAY you’re talented enough for any of this grief to be worth it.”

As the other senshi stormed off, Marie found herself seething after her. How DARE she say such cruel things; selling her talents short of their worth. Bah! She’d show them! She’d SO show them – and that was when the seed of pride and revenge was sewn in her heart.

And someone else had gotten a glimpse of that very seed of anger and hate that night – the very man that they had been following and that Marie had (NOT D8< ) let get away; he was more than happy to grasp onto that chance as well, showing himself again to the angry senshi and offering her a sweeping bow – but Sailor Tisiphone as far too happy to suddenly jump into a defensive state, still having that small barrier of ‘justice’ left in her.

“I see you’ve shown yourself, villain!” she challenged, earning a small chuckle from the man who had no problems with being a little bit charming to the teenaged girl – he had spotted a small opportunity for HIMSELF that he was willing to grab on to. Mwa ha ha.

“Am I more of a villain than the young lady who just parted ways with you?” he inquired, causing the Scout to frown deeply, almost scowling in thought of her ex-partner – which was grabbed onto immediately. “Now, why would you want to do good by someone like that? Someone who.. doesn’t appreciate your very special talents?”

He had a voice that just lulled and seduced her sensibilities – and she’d already been open to the suggestion from the start, unfortunately. So when she didn’t reject his words, he’d stepped towards her and offered her a hand while maintaining the posture of the bow – much like a gentleman. She’d taken it.

“Your talents really are something that we could use” he offered, using his words as a suggestion of a possibility for her mind; and she’d been very open to what he was implying. Her talents being useful, someone WANTING her to work with them, mmmyes… she could definitely like that. In fact, she could like it a LOT.

“Then use them.” She offered in turn.

That night, Sailor Tisiphone, AKA ‘Marie Philips’ disappeared into the night of the Negaverse, whisked away by her own self-entitlement and the attractive voice of a man. Goodbye Justice, Hello what it was she’d deserved all along.

Dulcet Scarface


Name: Billy Roadinger/
Nicknames: None
Age: 18
Birthday: October 21st
Sign: Scorpio
Blood Type: B
Fav. Food: Pasta(Alfredo, Spaghetti, you name it.)
Hated Food: Olives
School: Hillsworth
Hobbies: Painting
Gemstone: Rose Quartz

Artistic - he can produce some wonderful paintings. Usually landscapes involving the night; As he calls them, 'night scapes'. He has won an award once for one of his paintings, and makes a lot of money selling his work.
Patient - He has an incredible capacity for putting up with crap.
Gall/Courage - He's not afraid to open his mouth and stand up for what he belives in.
Ambidextrous - Okay, this REALLY pisses off his teachers - he can write decently with his left hand, although he is 'right handed' SO, he'll often sit at his desk and draw with one hand, and take notes with his other. For more info on this, see "Aattention Span" under 'Flaws'.

Arrogant - He has always been very arrogant reguarding his intelligence. He is deffinately one to flaunt his good grades, and show up his fellow students. He has also been known to correct a teacher or two.
Attention span - He has a very...unique attention span. See, he has to be doing SOMETHING or else his mind is off in la-la land. This usually manifests itself in him drawing during class. It simply helps him be able to pay more attention to the teacher, since his hands are doing something. Eventually his teachers in the past have come to accept this, but as a new year starts, and he gains a new set of teachers, the cycle starts all over again. And when teachers don't allow him to draw, he becomes quite miffed, and will develop a small grudge.
Reclusive - Unless it is business deals involving his paintings, he would really rather not have anything to do with you. During summer he has been known not the leave his home for weeks on end. He just stays in his art room, painting, shutting out the world. Which really isn't all that healthy for one's social life,...
Deceiving - He has a very sly tongue. Using his intelligence to his benifit, he can usually talk people in to things they wouldn't normally consider. Like paying a higher price for his art than they really want too.... friggen con-artist....lol.

Physical Description:
Hair: Shaggy, silver, medium-length.
Eyes: Rosey-pink
Face: His expression is usually intense, sharp, and piercing. Passionate, almost. Occassionally, though, he will manage a bored or aloof appearance. Physically, his features are sharp.
Body: He is average build and height. He has a dark, mocha-colored skin that contrasts sharply with his pale hair.
Fashion: He usually wears a button up dress shirt(not tucked in of course, and with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows), with a vest, and black jeans. His shoes are normally a dark pair a sneakers.


The streetlamps were flickering oddly again, Billy noted. This time in his arms were a wooden case of new paints, and brushes, rather than fresh canvas. There was a scowl on the boy's face. University prank his a**. Remembering what he had seen last time, he had become highly skeptical that this was any prank, or form of terrorism. Still, even now, he couldn't be entirely sure of just what he had seen... That was okay, because what awaited him was sure to be something he wouldn't soon forget.
Walking on, with the buzzing and flickering of the nights above, Billy thought he was seeing things when all of a sudden a breeze rushed by, accompanied by a blur of blue! His rose colored eye widened, and he once again stood still before the paralyzing shock wore off, and he turned around to look in the direction the...whatever it was, had went.


Turning back around slowly, nervously, Billy then came face to face with a horrible monster, it had to be something from some childhood nightmare! He'd never seen anything like it! At least...not while awake.

"Wh-what the hell are you!?" Billy summoned fourth the courage to ask, fists tightening on his box of paints.

"Where did it go!? Where did the sailor senshi go!?" the monster's rumbling voice demanded.

Senshi? Sailor? So that thing that had run past him had been one of those supposed pranksters? There was no way that who ever it was could be part of a simple prank! No one could run that fast! Not to mention the awful beast before him. When Billy did not answer soon enough for the monster, it lashed at him. On reflex the boy jumped back, and flailed his paint case at the monster's claws, which failed to even graze the fiend. Billy was unsteady after that, and fell on his behind. THe onster now loomed over him, menacingly.

"The infernal demon went that way!" Billy shouted, frustrated, embarrassed and scared. He pointed in the proper direction, and hoped the monster would go and leave him be.

"HRAAAAAAA~!" The demon, as if giving a warning, or one last good scare, slamed it's claws down into the pavement on either side of Billy, and raced off after the senshi.

Billy sat there a moment, heart beating. All he could think of was, "What's happening to this city?"

Shirtless Sex Symbol

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Name: Rayna D'Amore

Nicknames: Ray, Rain.

Age: 17 Years Old.

Birthday: March 14th.

Sign: Pisces.

Blood Type: O+

Fav. Food: Burgers, pizza, japanese food, and Salmon. Her dad use to take her King Salmon fishing when she was younger, so it's the only seafood she's eat. Oh wait, you want one thing? Chocolate turtle cheesecake of course!

Hated Food: Anything citrus. She's just always hated it.

School: Meadowview High School.

Hair Styling - Rayna's goal in life is to become a hair stylist and own her own salon later on in life. She's had a passion for it since she was young. Cut, style, dye, bleach, highlight, lowlight, you name it and she can probably do it. She also enjoys playing chess against Ellenore, her childhood friend, although she's really bad at it and has never won a game. If you ever get the chance, ask her about the time she accidently chopped off a lock of Ellenore's hair when she was a child, and how she had to fix it. Her fixation with hair styling began when she was younger and had her hair done. Instead of crying like the other younger kids, she was thrilled. And since then she's been hooked.

Designing - Rayna has talent in the artistic field as well, and will make customized decales, paintjobs and what-not for Ellenore or anyone else who asks. Some of her designs on racing cars are well known, and have been published in some local magazines. Sadly, she's had to put her hobby of drawing into the backseat since hair styling takes so much of her time. Still, anything important needs a little sacrifice, right?

Fishing - A secret thrill, Rayna had a talent for fishing. When she goes on break and visits her home, she'll take out her boat with her father and go fishing for Salmon, Trout, and Steelhead. She even knows how to fillete and cook them! While she isn't exactly talented in the kitchen, she does enjoy baking. No one really knows about this hobby though, since no one asks and she's embarrassed about her low-income upbringing.

Gemstone: Aquamarine.

Persistant/Dedicated - Loyalty isn't exactly an uncommon thing, but Rayna puts those who she values above all else. Even her high school rivals. It's all about sticking together and never leaving anyone behind. Once she sets her mind to something nothing can destract her, and she does everything to can to uphold promises.

Truthful - Secrets don't make friends, but friends make secrets. Rayna is a truthful and honest girl. Some might say a little too brutally honest, but who are they to complain? Even if she keeps information from people, she will rarely ever lie to anyone, so most trust what she has to say. Because of her trustful, independent and sympathetic persona, she has befriended many.
Empathy - Rayna has a natural ability to connect emotionally with other people and sympathize. This often leads other people coming to her for words of wisdom for their personal problems and for someone to talk to. While she does have a bit of a big mouth, she's an excellent listener.

Hot Tempered - It takes little to spark Rayna's temper, and so she isn't in control of herself when put into situations that may spark it. Her inability to control herself has hindered her, and she's working hard on it so it doesn't ruin her friendships, her teamwork with other people, and her ability in school.

Aggressive - Associated with her hot temper, Rayna is a violent person when she's angry or she feels like she's being backed up into a corner. Her rash actions have dire consequences. Can anyone say, Anger Management?

Controlling - While Rayna is naturally a good leader, she has a 'my way or the high way' attitude if she's in control. It causes her to butt heads with others, and many times with authority. She's been working on getting her attitude into control, but her inability to work with other sometimes hinders her.

Physical Description:

Hair: Rayna's hair is a shade of purple that is straight. It's pulled back into a pony tail, leaving two longer pieces to frame her face. The rest flows down from her pony tail.
*Feel free to change the shade/hue, as long as it stays purple.
[ Raynas Hair ]

Eyes: Her eyes are a pale, icy blue.

Face: Average, and nothing really significant aside from a small black-dot beauty mark beneath one of her eyes. Her expression is open and friends with a slight smirk, hinting at the slight ego she has.

Body: Five foot two and one hundred and eight pounds. She has slightly tanned skin that's pretty average in tone.

Fashion: Aside from her school uniform, Rayna is frequently found wearing a black hair-stylest apron with black pants, black dress shoes, and a pale blue elbow-lenth sleeved shirt that shows off her eyes. The apron contains useful tools of her trade, like scissors, combs, water spray, clips and whatnot. Her usual outfits outside of school and work are a pair of paint-splattered dark blue jeans with a emporess-waist silver and lavender halter dress over it. [ Rayna in Uniform ] Her hair is in the above section, and it's fine if you can't include her leg warmers. n__n Her leg warmers are white, and the heart can be either light blue or a shade of purple.


Walking home alone after another day of cutting hair at one of the local shops, Rayna D'Amore was tired and grumpy as she slumped over and trudged away towards campus. As she sighed and combed her fingers through her bangs she muttered, "I need a nice, long hot shower. With oils, oh, and those bath salts."

As Rayna day dreamed away, she had no time to react as something dashed past her. Was.....was that a...skirt? But no school around here had a skirt like that. As she stood on the side of the street pondering the odd event, something else suddenly slammed into her shoulder. "Ah--!" Rayna cried out as she fell to her knees and dropped her bag. Gathering it into her arms, she pulled herself to her knees and swung around and snapped, "Watch where you're going you..." She paused though with fright as she looked up at the monster in front of her. Taking several steps back, she found she was trapped in between the two buildings at the monster advanced on her. "Wh-what do you want?!"

"Tell me where the Sailor Senshi went, foolish human, and I may spare you." The monster demanded snarled at her.

"Sailor S-senshi?" Dumb founded, she shook her head. Those rumors about the college kids were just that, a rumor, weren't they? "But there's no such thing!" Thinking back on the skirted-figure that had ran past her just before the monster had found her, she pressed her lips tight in thought.

"Lies!" The monster spat as it approached closer, "I saw the Senshi pass by here. Tell me now!" It bellowed in its horrible voice as it waited for the answer.

What did she owe some Senshi? Those college kids had nothing to do with her. Why should she pay for their problems and trouble-seeking ways? Still....how could she rat someone out? Her pride, and her gut instinct wouldn't let her. Who was she to let this horrid monster loose on someone else instead, just to save herself?

"I won't tell you! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" Rayna snapped as she tried to pretend to be confident, all the while her hands and knees shook as she faced the beast.

"Fine, if that is your choice." The monster suddenly reached out at her with its clawed hands while it cackled and opened its pointy-toothed mouth in a wide grin.

"Nooo-!" She screamed into the night, while she ducked down and missed the claws by inches as they grazed above her head. As she scrambled to get up from her knees, she grabbed her bag and reached inside for whatever weapon she could find or make. Grasping something cool and metal, she pulled it out. It wasn't the scissors she had been hoping to grab, but instead a can of hairspray.

As the monster grabbed for her again and closed in, it managed to grab the back of her blue shirt and wrap its arms around her. "Although I lost that Senshi, you'll do for now girl."

It laughed in her ear as she struggled to get out of her grasp. With little hope left, she suddenly found inspiration as she turned around in the monsters arms. "Enjoy this you freak!" She yelled as she pressed down on the top of the hairspray bottle and sprayed it into the monsters eyes.

The monster let go as it bellowed and clawed at its eyes, allowing Rayna her chance to escape. Grabbing her bag, she sprinted down the sidewalk, turning down alley ways every which way. Finally she reached campus and dashed inside the gates, panting as she tried to catch her breath. Looking back behind her at the darkened street, she thought she saw the same cruel eyes of the monster looking at her from an alley. When she blinked again it was gone thought, so she quickly made her way to the entrance and closed the door tightly behind her.

Calming herself down, she wondered if she had imagined it as she slumped against the door. Glancing at her bag, she saw that it had been torn partially with the monsters claws. Opening it up, she suddenly realized something, "Oh no, I left my hairspray!" She groaned, wondering if it was worth facing the darkness once more for her favorite can.

All in a nights work.

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