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Herbaceous's Wife

Cosmic Rabbit

15,000 Points
  • Lapin Patrol Avior: Victory! 50
  • Lapin Patrol Haldus: Victory! 100
  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100

Name: Amarantha (unfading) Canicus (born of fire)

Nicknames: Amara, Mara, "Graceful" (a sarcastic nickname)

Age: 15

Birthday: November 13th

Sign: Libra

Blood Type: AB+

Fav. Food: Strawberries and cucumber rolls

Hated Food: Anything overly spicy and most vegetables.

School: Meadowview

Hobbies: Singing, studying ancient mythology, studying languages and reading romance/magical girl/shoujo manga.

Singing: She isn't sure exactly why, but she loves to sing and is very good at it. Every chance she can take, she'll sing. Be it with the radio (not that she listens to the radio), music she has on her computer and iPod, or even a song she hates (but happens to know). Music and singing is her life, which is why she joined the choir.

Studying: Amarantha loves to study, though only about things that interest her. She goes through stages on what interests her enough to study and currently it's ancient mythology (and mythical beasts, but that's an interest she never gets rid of.)

Studying: She also loves to study languages. This started from when she was younger, her mother teaching her the different types of hispanic languages she knew. This, along with her love of studying different cultures and mythology, spawned a love for learning different languages. Aside from English and the different form of Hispanic she knows, Amarantha is currently learning Mandarin Chinese and french.

Reading Manga: A horrible past time that takes up less time in her life then studying, Amarantha adores her guilty pleasure of reading manga. But not just any manga. Oh no. Her guilty pleasure is romance, magical girl and strictly shoujo mangas. If it has one or more of those genres to it, she loves it and can't get enough of it.

Gemstone: Topaz

Virtues: Curiosity: If something sparks her attention you can bet she'll spend hours hunched over a book until she knows all there is about it. As long as it doesn't interfere with choir practice of course. This tends to cause her to read several chapters ahead in history and english class, wanting to know what happened next. Which makes keeping good grades easier, as she tends to know what's coming and, quite possibly, what the answers are.
This also tends to extend to the world around her and the people and subjects that catch her interest. Because she's shy, she has a habit of simply quietly observing what goes on around her. Which makes her a reservoir of information, if you can get her to open up.

Forgiveness: Have you picked on her? Made fun of her and her clumsiness or have done something to hurt her or some one she cares about in anyway? Don't worry, she's forgiven you all ready. She doesn't like to hold grudges or ill feelings towards others, it never sits well with her and she'd rather just forgive them then continue to dwell on the matter.

Trustworthiness: She's reliable and dependent. Need her to do something for you on a deadline? Need her just for the sake of having some one around or a shoulder to cry on? Don't worry, you can trust her.

Flaws: Shy: Painfully so. She keeps to herself and speaks only when directly spoken to. Once she's opened up around people, she'll speak more on subjects she knows about. But that's hard to do considering she spends most of her time avoiding people. She also stutters when first spoken to and she tends to flush a lot.

Clumsy: She's a regular klutz, often times tripping over nothing. Even when she's paying attention. Though most often she trips when she's not paying attention and having a book in front of her face tends to not help matters. She has the psuedo-nickname of "Graceful" which is a play on the fact that she's not very graceful at all. Until she get's up on stage and sings.

Astraphobia: A fear of thunder storms. She isn't sure what the cause of this is... but she has a definite fear of thunderstorms. She's gotten better at keeping her fear silent whenever there's a storm in school, but more often then not just the potential for a thunderstorm sends her into a small panic attack. She'll throw herself in or under anything that she, in her panicked state, thinks might protect her from the storm. Plenty of times has she thrown herself under her desk during school.

Physical Description:

Hair: Strawberry blonde in color, kept long. Not that you'd tell since she keeps it up into two really thick and fluffy pigtails. She has long bangs that sweep to one side and cover one of her eyes. When she's trying to hid her face they seem to fall so it's hard to see her. Style example

Eyes: Pale blue, wide

Face: Heart shaped, very baby faced with pudgy cheeks.

Body: She's fair skinned but doesn't burn often in the sun, she tends to run a bit darker in color, probably from reading outside. She lithe with an average chest and hips. She's 5'2" in height.

Fashion: She spends a lot of time in her school uniform, with choir practice and books to read, she just doesn't seem to have time for anything else. Her uniform is pretty much unchanged, why make herself stand out when she'd rather spend her time in her books?
She does, however, choose to wear loose socks she can bunch up to mimic legwarmers as she likes that look. She also has piercings that go all the way up her ears, all of them golden hoops, and a necklace with an old (and most likely fake) Chinese coin with the image of a phoenix on it.
Outside of the school uniform, however, she seems to have a secret love for a wide variety of fashions and colors. She prefers to wear an outfit her mother based off of an outfit from a visual kei magazine, or a long skirt with a tanktop and flip-flops.


Amarantha Canicus wasn't a superstitious person by far, and really nothing scared her unless you were counting her fear of thunderstorms. But this Hallow's eve seemed to be devoid of thunderstorms, for which she praised any deity that listened. Not that she was entirely paying attention to the world around her, for in her hand was a book - which was how people often found the short red-head when she wasn't off hiding in the choir room. But seeing as it was Halloween, the hispanic young woman had decided that she'd forgo her book on ancient china and read up on some of the lore surrounding Halloween and it's creation.

Which was probably why she failed to notice the form quickly approaching her moving body. Needless to say when she stumbled over it, Amarantha was quick to notice the body. Or at least acknowledge that she'd tripped over something. Again. "Oh 'Rantha, you dummy! Tripping over your own feet again! Honestly, it's no wonder people call you graceful in such sneering tones!"

Sighing to herself, a common occurrence, she crawled from the ground and let ice blue eyes search around for the book she dropped. She'd have to be careful as she'd checked that one out from the library, she'd ruined her fair share of books in puddles because of her clumsiness. And it looked as if this might be another mark on her record- Hm? Book forgotten as ice blues landed on a form, she didn't bother to scream as the body on the ground twitched.

"Oh great, I've gone and tripped over a drunkard! Mom will have a field day with this!" She moved closer to make sure she hadn't hurt the person, safety first, after all. And it wouldn't be good to have to call the police because she hurt some one in her own clumsy action. " 'Amarantha~' she'll tease. 'Are you sure you're my daughter? No one has ever been so clumsy in our family line!' "

Or at least that was what she wanted to finish with, she'd kind of trailed off upon closer inspection of the body she'd tripped over. It was a young male, cute at that, dressed in a military like outfit of grey tweed and light colored piping. He looked rather beat up and bloody and she was quite certain it hadn't been her fault for the wounds. Which made her feel a little bit better. "Ugh, what horrible fashion sense! Mother would have a cow to see such horrid feeling fabric put to use!"

Back stepping a bit, Amarantha shook her head and tried her best to get past the fact the male was wearing tweed. Sometimes it really did suck to be the daughter of a fashion designer. But clothing aside she decided to get a closer look and check his pulse, thoughts running wildly as she thought she recognized the uniform design. Still lost in thought, fingers pulling away from the male's neck, she didn't notice him twitch until she let out a gasp as a large hand wrapped itself around her neck.

"You'll pay for the damage you caused me you mini-skirt wearing freak!" he yelled, tightening his grip.

A choked gasped left her. "I-I didn't do anything."

The male blinked, golden eyes looking her over before dropping her. seconds later he fell to his own knees, breath labored. "W-where's that mini-skirted freak who attacked me?!" His voice was smooth with a hint of roughness at the edge, she tried to ignore how nice it sounded.

"I-I d-don't know w-what you're talking about," she murmured out, eyes down to the ground and her fingers toying with the edge of her skirt. Oh gees ol' Pete, she was stuttering again. "Y-y-you were u-unconscious w-when I f-found you."

"I was?" If he noticed her stuttering he paid it no mind, struggling to get to his feet.

"Y-y-yes sir. I-I was ch-checking t-t-to see if y-you were o-okay..."

He was silent, watching her curiously. She was flushed brightly and refused to look at him. "... Aren't you afraid I'll kill you? Steal our energy or something? Or even call the cops on me?"

"Y-y-you a-ain't done n-nothing warranting th-the cops," she replied, slowly backing away. She really wasn't afraid, but she was tired of stuttering. Why couldn't he just get bored with her?

"Well I thank you for helping me miss. Not many help some one like me, I'd like to give you a treat."

"A-a treat?"

He nodded, moving closer still to her and forcing her against the wall. "well, if you think about it, I all ready played a trick on you by thinking you were some one else. And you've been awful sweet to help me and not call the cops. So how about I give you a kiss?"

She squeaked in surprise, head shooting up and her eyes wise. "A-a-a k-kiss?"

Laughing he leaned close, their noses touching. "That's right, a kiss."

Stunned into silence, the red-head swallowed harshly. As the male moved his head she closed her eyes and ducked hers some, not really sure what to think of his treat. When what she was expecting didn't come, or rather came in the form of a peck to the tip of her nose, Amarantha opened her eyes and looked at him. Or would have had he still been there.

"W-where did he...?" Moving her hands to shift her shirt, feeling a bit flustered, she blinked at the feel of something in the appendages. Glancing down she found a few Hershey kisses piled in her palms and she smiled brightly.

"Thanks for the help, little one!" the voice echoed around her. "Just remember though, next time I may not be so nice!"

Blushing still, she pocketed the candies and quickly moved to grab up her book from the ground. That could have gone SO much worse, and she'd have to remember to not tell her mother about it, but she was glad it hadn't. Maybe these Negaverse guys weren't so bad, she thought as she resumed her reading and continued on her way for home. Though they likely were.

Pausing to pop one of the sweet little kisses into her mouth once open, she continued down the path she knew so well to get home, wondering if she and her mother had plans for the night. she didn't get too far from the alleyway exit when she stumbled over her own feet and once again found herself meeting pavement, book dropped a foot or so away.

"Argh! 'Rantha you dummy!"

Hilarious Elocutionist


Name: Kira Hiroem

Nicknames: Ki-ki

Age: 16

Birthday: March 14th

Sign: Pisces

Blood Type: A-

Fav. Food: Anything with a ridiculous amount of sugar

Hated Food: Beans, chilies, bell peppers

School:Crystal Academy

Hobbies: DDR- If there is a game in an arcade within the 10 block radius, her name is on the high scores. She loves playing it at twice the normal speed for the arrow scrolling, and she believes it keeps her fit and agile.

Soccer- A long time favorite sport of Kira's, she's come to be the goal-keeper for her local team. As she would put it, "if there ain't no mud, there ain't no fun."

Reading- Not one for math or sciences, Kira's favorite bedtime books tend to be more on the historical side. Whether it be outright history, or a historical fiction, she won't really care, but she believes strongly in history repeating itself.

Gemstone: Sunstone

Friendly -Normally the first person to greet anyone new to the class, Kira has no problem making friends with anyone. She always has a warm smile on her face and enjoys listening to anyone's problems and comforting them.

Intelligent- Kira is smart as a whip when it comes to book smarts. When in situations, she's always able to come up with reasonable solutions to the problems.

Oblivious-Smart as she is, Kira has a tendency to be a bubble head in most social situations. Apparently street smarts can't be taught in books.

Hydraphobic: After a childhood drowning accident when she was 5, Kira has been unable to comfortably be in any body of water more than 2 feet deep... including bath tubs.

Physical Description:

Hair: Long and straight, it's strawberry blond. She has bangs that taper from short above her eyes to long by the sides of her head.

Eyes: Bright green with flecks of amber

Face: Oval-shaped, she's decently fair skinned and gets burned easily

Body: slightly on the short side at 5' tall, she's of average proportion

Fashion: Anything that she looks cute in; including skirts, shorts, pants, and dresses. She loves summer-wear and tends to always wear sandals


It's Halloween -- that dark and eldritch time where everybody is convinced that nobody this year has thought up their radical costume of "iPod." The news from the police is that if you encounter one of these strange "Negaversers" or "sailor senshi", they are to be considered armed and dangerous, and you should contact a policeman as soon as humanly possible to take them into arrest. You've all been warned that these people cause extensive property damage AND are responsible for the intent to injure a number of Destiny City civilians --

-- so when walking around one night, you find a crumpled-up, prone body in a ridiculous outfit that isn't just a bad Halloween costume. They're injured. Is it a Negaverser, or a Sailor Scout? Is this a trap? What do you do?!

Entry must be at least 200 words. No writing cap. Please don't use any senshi or Negaverse officers from the shop.

Heels clacking against the pavement and Kira stumbled her way down the sidewalk as she made her way back home after her friend's Halloween party at one in the morning. So far, the night had been a complete bust; her costume was ruined thanks to the frat boy who had decided to crash the party and throw up his stomach's contents all over her, her heart was crushed after she'd seen the guy she'd been crushing on for two years making out with some harlot from god knows where, and she had missed out on trick-or-treating. Now, her shoulders slumped a little, she just wanted to go home and collapse and forget about her horrible evening.

Life, however, seemed to have other plans for this disheartened girl. As she walked past a small ally, a pained groan echoed into Kira's ears and snatched her attention. Back-stepping a bit, she peered into the dark, just able to make out a crumpled form laying on the ground. Looking around, she picked up a discarded PVC pipe and cautiously made her way towards the fallen figure.

"Are" pausing, she gulped down some air, trying to calm her jitters. "Are you ok?" She asked hesitantly. It was a boy, but his outfit was similar to what the news coverage described as a 'dangerous Negaverse individual'. After waiting for a few minutes for a response, Kira used the PVC pipe to gently nudge and poke the boy again. "Hellooooooo? Anyone home?"

'Oh my god, this guy is seriously hurt!' The panicked thought ran through Kira's head as she dropped the pipe and knelt down to fully inspect the mysterious boy. Cuts and bruises covered his body, and his breath was slow and shallow.

Hands trembling, Kira felt the boy's neck for a pulse, letting out a slow breath of relief as she felt the faint pulse. Kicking off her high heels, She went to lift the boy up to take him to her dorm room, her protective instincts overriding the red flags such a situation should have sent up. The only thing on her mind was making sure this other person was going to be ok. "Hnnng!” She grunted audibly as she strained her muscles. “Jeese, what in the world have you been eating?!" She exclaimed, finding the boy nearly impossible to lift up. After a few moments of struggling, she finally was able to get him into the air and she threw half of him over her shoulder.

Kira didn't know how she was able to make it all the way to her dorm room, all she could think about was how the boy in her arms was getting heavier each step she took. Nearly dropping him on the couch, she winced a bit. "Oy, hope that didn't hurt him even more....." Turning the lamp on, she sighed. He was cute, that was for certain, but she had no idea who he was or why he was so injured.

In the kitchen, she but some water in the kettle and then left to her bathroom to get her rubbing alcohol and band-aids. Setting everything beside the couch, she went back into the kitchen and poured the warmed water into a bowel, pulling a hand towel from under her sink. For the next half hour, she sleepily dabbed at his injuries; wiping them with the water, cleaning them, and then putting band-aids over them. As her eyelids got heavier her movements got slower, and eventually she rests her head on the corner of the couch and fell asleep.

Hours passed before Lieutenant Limonite awoke. It took him a bit to realize that he wasn't in the alleyway, nor was he in the Negaworld. Wincing as he propped himself up with his arm, he looked around thee room only to realize that he was in a girl's room in the Crystal Academy dorms. Hearing a small snore, he looked down to see a redheaded girl passed out on the floor, her head resting on the edge of the couch he was laying on. Careful not to wake the girl, he got up, inspecting the bandages that were on his arm, frowning. "Hello Kitty? Really now?" Mumbling to himself, he could feel the bandages sucking the masculinity right out of him.

Looking back down at the slumbering girl, he sighed, trying to figure out what to make of her. She had to crazy or at least mentally handicapped, that was for certain. No normal individual would have taken a strange boy into their dorm and then fallen asleep in the same room as them. Not to mention he knew the news reports were going around about ‘dangerous individuals dressed in strange clothes’ and he certainly fell under that category, being a Negaverse agent. Another sigh escaped his lips and he shook his head. “Stupid girl….”

Bending down he gently picked her up, placing her on the couch. Looking around, he found a discarded blanket by the side of the couch and spread it over her before he opened the window and left into the night. He wasn't sure what that girl had been thinking, helping an agent of the Negaverse, but he wouldn't soon forget her.

Name: Zoey Mitchell

Nicknames: Not Zo', that's fo sho'

Age: 17

Birthday: October 23

Sign: Scorpio

Blood Type: A

Fav. Food: Healthy, home-made foods, like salad or occasionally dabbling into the raw food diet without too much success. Working at restaurants have basically deterred her from ever eating out again.

Hated Food: Fast-food, unnecessarily greasy food, food in which she has no idea of who prepared it or where it came from.

School: Meadow View


Exercising-- Nothing is better for venting our your frustration and anger towards the majority of people than to kick-box your night away. While at first this started as a once in a week occurrence where she would go to the community gym to angrily beat a punching bag until her knuckles were raw, she quickly grew to learn that she ,in-fact, loved to spend her wrathful energy on weight-lifts, push-ups, and running, and enjoyed even more how it had affected her once drably body. Now she tries to go at least every other week, if school and work allow.

Cross Country-- After realizing her love for working-out and simultaneously becoming tired of the school counselor's constant hounding for her to find at least one after-school activity she can participate in, Zoey tentatively decreased her work hours and joined Meadow View's cross country and track teams. If she was going to be a "school sport", she might as well get some use out of it.

Working-- Zoey has so far grown up in a family with financial difficulties. She learned that if she ever wanted to have the things that she desired, that she would have to work hard for them. So, as soon as she turned 16, she's had an assembly of different minimum-wage jobs: grocery bagger, retail cashier, and now she's debuting in the luxurious world of waitressing, part-time, 15 hours a week to balance with school.

The Making and Spending of Money-- If there's one thing she's learned from her family, it's the importance of saving money when you have it and to only spend it if absolutely necessary or if it's worthwhile. Zoey has creatively altered this piece of wisdom to also include her shopping tendencies, and if you can sell anything, you should, short of prostitution or (so far) killing people. She is not above black-mailing or making a few trips a month to the lost and found box to salvage and sell its contents to feed her materialistic self.

Gemstone: Blue Topaz


Tenacious-- Failure is not a word that Zoey is able to compromise with, and after throwing a temper tantrum at a possibly deserving customer for complaining about some toaster malfunction and then getting fired for it, she is back on the prowl for another job, all forms of classified ads and references on hand. If you fall off the horse, you better get the ******** back on or you'll lose the race of life.

Astute-- Her parents have permitted her to have a job at a young age with only one condition: she must maintain at least a B average in her school courses. This has allowed her to master the arts of being able to take detailed notes in class and have excellent listening skills (which is usually enhanced with a few energy drinks downed before class). Having these skills have allowed her to just baaarely get by with a B average without ever having to do much homework (so it frees up her time), though it's becoming rickety as of late; perhaps she's burning out.

Charismatic-- Having always dealt with customer service and up-front with people sort of jobs, she has become comfortable with giving small-talk, compliments and the occasional flirt to complete strangers in hopes of receiving an extra buck or two, especially now that she's dabbling with restaurants. So long as she keeps her cool and continues to think about the rewards of dealing with such insolent customers, she usually pulls it off without a hitch.


Workaholic-- Balancing school, work, and now an after-school activity keeps her busy, all day, every day. In fact, she works so much, that she rarely ever has time for real people interaction, has no close friends around her, and isn't getting the amount of sleep she should be getting. A flame can't always stay ignited forever, and surely, there will be a day where she will crash and burn and will need time to reco-operate. After all, she is only 17 ( going on 18 ), and there's only so much a Rockstar can support.

Materialistic-- Diamonds are are a girl's best friend, and so are edgy shoes, fashionable backpacks, decked-out cellphones and the latest in electronic gadgets. What Zoey ultimately decides to splurge on is what defines her personality and enhances her good looks, so there is no holding back on what is rightfully hers.

Bitter-- It's not fair that she has to work so hard with bosses so mean and customers so stupid and selfish who clearly can't appreciate all the hard work she's put in to make their experience enjoyable, it just isn't, especially when there are people who don't ever have to work and are more financially secured than she is. It's just not fair, it's wrong, and people who work hard finish last and it should never be that way. Also, she's a bit of a grudge holder.

Hypocritical-- While she boasts about her loathing of the Crystal Academy girls and how they're SO spoiled and HOW GOOD they have it and they don't even lift a finger to have mommy and daddy buy them a new wardrobe for the season, she herself isn't too far off. While her parents can't afford to buy her anything, she is a very self-conceited person who believes that she deserves more than the average person, which is how she views girls like those of the Academy.

Physical Description:

Hair: Though it's long, Zoey always, -always- keeps her hair up with the partial aid of a thick headband, as best shown in this image. A messy, side-parted fringe covers her forehead and frames her face with a few longer strands that end at her chin. Her hair is originally a honey brown color, but has opted to put in blonde highlights to brighten it up.

Eyes: Deep, deep turquoise blue.

Face: Round, with hardly any "baby fat" or chubby cheeks. When she uses make-up, she goes for a more "natural" look.

Body: Very fit, lean-muscled, the body that can be compared to a runner, or a dancer. She has developed a very subtle tan since starting cross country.

Fashion: Contemporary and chic, Zoey is up to date with the latest fashion trends. She's definitely versatile in the use of accessories, always wearing at least a pair of earrings and matching bracelets, a sharp belt, edgy shoes in the guise of pumps or stiletto boots, and matching purse. Her favorite type of skirt is pleated, and prefers skirts over pants any day.


"******** stupid job," Zoey mumbled under her breath as she slammed the door to the restaurant shut and, flipping her scarf around her neck for warmth, shuffled her way towards the usual route she took to get back home. She had attempted to request the day off weeks in advanced to leave her schedule open for any Halloween parties, but was denied: nobody can request off for a holiday unless it was of family importance. Of course, Halloween wasn't the sort of holiday you celebrated with your family if you were any normal high school kid, so the whole "inability to request off" was just a scam, and needless to say, Zoey was scheduled to work on this fabled day. Not just any shift, either, but the closing shift, making her kiss whatever plans she was hoping to make good-bye.

"******** stupid, stupid job," she repeated again, angrier. Many of the upper management folk skimped out on working today, assuring the few people that WERE scheduled that they would be alright on their own. As it turned out, they were right, as only a few people came in to pick up some late night snacks, and as a result, the shop closed early. That added insult to injury: not only was she missing out on her favorite holiday, but she wouldn't even be getting paid as much as she'd like to make up for it.

"AUGH!!" She yelled, and having spot a crumpled can of empty carbonated beverage, felt it upon herself to kick said can as hard as she could muster towards the back alleyway between two anonymous brick buildings. The can made satisfying scraping noises as it ricocheted off of unseen objects in the shadows, and ended its prelude with a loud groan.

Wait, what?

She raised an impeccably trimmed eyebrow as she stared at the dark alleyway, the noise having had settled into an eerie sort of quiet. Unfortunately for Zoey, she hadn't been paying attention to the police warnings or even so much as the news to know anything about the absurdly-clad warring people, so as she contemplated going into the alleyway, the thought of any real danger was far from her mind.

"There's nothing to lose, I suppose," She reasoned with herself. After all, most parties had already started and were well on their way without her, so she might as well have a little fun and see what exactly was haunting between the buildings near her work. She took out her cellphone and clicked on the side button to procure a haze of dim blue light, and entered the gap.

What awaited her both astonished and disgusted her. A beautiful girl laid strewn on the ground, body badly battered and bruised. Several cuts gashed at what appeared to be a short sailor costume, complete with frills and ribbons galore. Or at least, it would be, had most of them not been torn clean off. Whatever had happened to this girl was massive, and violent, and worse, she was still conscious.

"Help. Me." She pleaded, her voice raspy and only audible because the area seemed to have gone completely mute, cone-of-silence style.

Zoey stood there, shocked. It was hard to tell from the expression of her face what was going on in her head, but rest assured, not a whole lot was. She didn't know what to make of this person, aside from a Halloween escapade gone horribly, horribly wrong. She continued to stand where she was, not making a a single move to walk towards her or run away. No, no, she was expecting a stupid kid, or a cat, or even a mother ******** ghost-man, but THIS?

The only logical explanation to creep up her common sense was that this girl in front of her had gotten into some seriously spiked punch and drunkenly made her way here to pass out. It was then that she noticed the brooch, shiny in all its splendor aside from a single crack in the front. At once she could make out the forms of fairly expensive-looking accessories, like the golden tiara, and the bracelets. Even the uniform seemed very well made, once she over-looked the state of disarray it was in. This girl was loaded with money.

She wouldn't even be surprised if the girl went to Crystal Academy, either; she certainly looked young enough, and she didn't recognize her face to be that of Meadow View. Her parents probably bought her the whole ensemble, too, and look at the state it was now.

"You are a ******** idiot," She muttered. How dare this girl be so careless? Just because Mommy and Daddy can buy her a new toy doesn't mean she should mistreat it, or even herself! Whatever worry or fear that Zoey had was now replaced with jealousy and contempt. How dare this girl have so much fun while she herself was working her life away?

A decision was made. Her high-heels clacked against the cold concrete of the ground below as she walked towards the sailor senshi. "You really are, you know," She stated cooly, "You should know better than to be running around this part of town at a night like this."


Suddenly she lifted her left foot and swiftly kicked the senshi in the face, knocking her unconscious. "Dangerous people are about." When she asserted that the girl would not be waking up any time soon, Zoey bent over and pried the tiara off the tangled heap of hair, now caking with blood. As she raised her prize, she hesitantly placed it upon her own head. She could probably make a couple hundred dollars selling this on eBay.

As she stepped into the streetlight by the sidewalk, en-route to home, a tiny smirk crept up her cheek.

The night wasn't so wasteful after all.

Name: Rachel Adams

Nicknames: Ray, Rayray (only acceptable if used by her little siblings. If it’s someone else, WHAM!)

Age: 17

Birthday: November 14

Sign: Scorpio

Blood Type: A-

Fav. Food: Tofu tied with curly French fries

Hated Food: Any meaty or covered with grease (besides French fries of course)

School: Meadowview


Chowing down at the local food joint –First of all, Ms. Adams would like to kindly remind you that fast food is disgusting. It’s over-greased, filled with calories, and probably a few dead rats, which upsets her greatly. But if they happen to have some good curly fries, she is willing to forgive their lack of good food—at least for that hour. But the next twenty minutes will be spent on a rant on how they could do so much better, and stop harming animals in the process.

Rallying – What is Ray’s favorite thing to do besides eating? Why, fighting the system, one protest at a time. And does it matter that cameras freak her out? Heck no! Except...she does have a tendency to disappear in the background, meek as a mouse till they leave. Something about those lenses...ugh.

French Fries – Oh did she already talk about this? Well, French fries are so good that they deserve a second mentioning. Crispy but soft on the inside with a delectable taste of spices and yummy goodness. How does she counteract that heart attack of a meal? Eating healthy of course! If only fries weren’t so bad for her...

Gemstone: Beryl


Determination – If Ray sets her mind to do something she will do it, no matter the consequences. So get out of her way, or she’ll make you! Even when the odds are stacked against her and threats warn her away she’ll do what she wants to do.

Kindness – Though bullheaded as she is, Ray does have a soft side. Especially for those who remind her of her somewhat dysfunctional siblings. Often she’ll spend a lot of time and effort trying to make someone happy if she feels that something is wrong. Her desire not to hurt others is exactly the reason why she avoids meat like the plague. She can’t stand the idea of nibbling on cute baby sheep and sleepy cows.

Glib Tongue – Now some people may wonder how she ends up at rallies, or why people often send her as their spokesperson to the campus. The reason: she has excellent convincing skills. Just something about the way that she smiles, mixed with her words and emphasis on certain parts of her sentences make people more likely to nod and agree to whatever she said than disagree. It’s a useful trick of the trade, especially with her dream to become a politician one day and set the world straight.


Restlessness – Even when she was a little girl, she always felt something missing. She wanted something more than what she had, but nothing seemed to quite fit. And because of her flitting from cause to cause, sport to sport, dream to dream, she has gained quite the well-deserved reputation of someone who can never really finish what they started. Someone really firm would have to stand next to her for days on end to force her to finish things. Sometimes that even includes her homework (all right well, most of the time).

Fearful – When enraged or determined to do something, Ray is the best person for the job. But when it comes to something that she has no emotional tie in, she knows deep down that she is the coward. If she doesn’t care, she has trouble figuring out what to do. That makes it easy for others to guide her to their wants and whims. And it has led to some unpleasant times in the past when she did things that she did not really want to do, but couldn’t say no (aka helping people cheat on tests, stealing that one time at the store, etc).

Loneliness – Normally Ray is very outgoing and charming to everyone, laughing and always having a greeting for the people she recognizes. But there are times when she feels completely isolated and left out, even when her friends have no idea that she feels that way. Clamming up and turning sullen, Ray becomes very difficult to deal with, making some of her friends want nothing to do with her until she becomes that ray of sunshine again. She has lost many friends that way.

Physical Description:

Hair: Gold locks drape around her face, blocking her eyes at times in their messiness. She keeps her hair long, though the frizzy nature can be annoying, since Ray almost never spends the time to straighten her hair. As her answer to the problem, she just puts a soft brown hat on her head to block the top view of her sometimes wild and untamable mass of hair.

Eyes: Her eyes are light enough to almost be a filmy grey , and they happen to be her favorite features of herself. They almost seem to cloud up when she’s upset, and brighten when she’s happy—expressive enough to please her.

Face: She has a nice narrow face, with a sharp chin (a little too sharp in her opinion), and a spatter of freckles across her nose and cheeks. The one thing she particularly does not appreciate is the very pale complexion she has. Which means when there’s sun, she burns like no tomorrow. For some reason, some people seem to think it’s hilarious, and she’s learned to wear tons of sunscreen when trying a new sport out in the blazing heat. Her eyebrows are almost suspiciously thin and neat—she refuses to tell anyone if she plucks them or not.

Body: Tall, almost 5’8”, she is lanky for a girl and small-chested at that. The nice thing for her is that that means her legs and arms are slim and muscular from her constant attempts at new types of exercise. It also means the fries that she always loves to eat don’t quite show on her body...at all. If only she had a nice, curvy figure to balance that out.

Fashion: Ray does admittedly like to be fashionable. Yet somehow she always seems one decade behind the times of fashion. Not that she really minds all that much. As long as her clothes are cute and comfortable, she is content to pretend that her fashion is in. She particularly likes cute summer dresses that seem to always be in fashion (thank goodness!).


Ray sighed to herself. Another protest done, another injured well-meaning individual to send to the hospital. She didn’t know how they did it. First they were all there, waving their signs like good protesters, shouting profanity every once in a while, and all of a sudden there was always this one stupid guy who would think to himself, ‘Hey let’s be clever and try to sneak into the place! We could protest there!’ Did it bother her that she was walking home on Halloween night, without a costume or friends to go trick-or-treating with? No. Besides, they were too old according to her parents. No, instead she was lugging another wasted protest sign home, knowing that the news tomorrow would only talk about that one idiot who almost got tasered for trespassing on private property.

Of course.

Still...it would have been nice to go and get candy. She glanced over longingly at one of the houses, where a small group of ghosts, vampires, and even a Goku with his ridiculous mop of hair were happily shouting “TRICK OR TREAT!” Oh, how she longed to be young again. Young enough that her parents wouldn’t give her the eye when she hinted that she wanted to go out with her younger brother and sisters.

But no. She was “mature” according to them. So caught up in the outrage of her thoughts, hands clenching around the handle of the sign, she didn’t see the crumpled form till she almost tripped over it. Dropping her sign in her concern, she quickly knelt down to check on the girl. “Oh my gosh! Are you okay? Are you—” She got a better look at her, and gasped with outrage. “WAY TOO OLD TO GO TRICK-OR-TREATING?!”

How unfair was this? This girl looked to be her age or so, in some cutesy little costume that was way too short, and Ray couldn’t go trick-or-treating?! What sort of world was this? One she was going to change when she got her hands on the ruling position. Plus this girl had a really nice tan, and beautiful eyelashes. Could this day get any worse?

“Wha...wha?” were the first dazed words to get out of the girl’s perfectly formed lips.

“Never mind. Are you all right? Ohmygod—you’re bleeding!” Indeed, she had pulled one hand away from the costumed girl’s shoulder and found red, sticky blood all over it. “We need to call an ambulance now! Forget Halloween, we can do that some other time!”

“No!” The anguished shout paused Rachel’s reach for her phone. “No, please no phones. Forget it. I’m fi-fine. This is a-all part of my costume. It’s fake blood—ketchup, you know.” She smiled weakly, pale underneath her tan.

Rachel then proceeded to do the worse thing she had ever done. She licked her hand. And almost puked all over that pretty little thing sitting there with big eyes and blood all over her outfit. Sweat dripping down her face from the taste and her body’s instant revulsion at something she never ate, she glared at the fallen figure. “This...this...is...not...FAKE.” And then she felt it—determination was coming to her. She was going to help this girl to the hospital, like it or not. NOW. “You are going to ride on a pretty white car. And you are going to like it. There will be handsome young men watching over you, and I will sit beside you until you are comfortably tucked away in a clean sheet of white linen. Any questions?”

Her new patient and project let out a gasp. “Oh my god! Behind you!”

Without thinking, she swung around, starting to get up. “What? Where? I don’t see any—” SMACK! She fell to the cold floor, cheek scraping against the cement. All earlier thoughts seemed to have gone straight out of her head, and as she slowly got back up, rubbing the back of her head, she noticed her dropped protest sign with a peculiar head-shaped dent. ’A senshi,’ she suddenly realized as she looked around for the missing girl who seemed to have mysteriously vanished along with her assailant. That was a freaking senshi who had just attacked her...an innocent civilian who just wanted to help. That was no girl in a cute costume. “You know you aren’t going to win supporters with campaigns like that!” she shouted into the dark streets, garnering weird looks from parents who were walking their kids to the next house.

She continued to rub the back of her head, picking up the sign and began walking. A freaking senshi just hit her with a protest sign. Really? REALLY?

Enduring Loiterer

12,925 Points
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Angelic Alliance 100
  • Brandisher 100

Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: Carter Martin

Nicknames: N/A

Age: 16

Birthday: January 27th

Sign: Aquarius

Blood Type: B+

Fav. Food: Alfredo Pasta

Hated Food: Peaches and peach flavored anything.

School: Meadowview


Beneath the Big Top: Well, not really. Even though Carter's given up the idea of running away and joining the circus (who wants to clean up after an Elephant anyway?), he still likes the shows they do. From juggling to acrobatics, Carter likes to watch videos of these and try them out himself, just because they look cool and are fun to do. Except the tight-rope -- the neighbors keep screaming and calling 911 when he tries to practice that.

Monkey See, Monkey Do: If someone does something that catches Carter's eye, they have his full attention. After observing, Carter can be seem trying to replicate the actions until he has it down perfectly. He's managed to pick up a couple tricks from street performers and dancers this way, which are often incorporated into his own skating tricks with little to some success.

Skateboarding: Denied the option of getting a car, too cheap for the bus, and tired of having his bike stolen again and again has resulted in Carter investing in a skateboard. It’s eco-friendly, free, and it’s easy to pop out a few tricks to impress people! Besides, it makes him look cool. Sometimes. Striking a pose and showing off only to run into a mailbox that suddenly popped out in front of him isn’t as fun as seeing someone else suffer the same fate.

Studying: The least favorite way for Carter to past the time, it's a necessary evil. Carter spends an extra one to two hours a day after school with a tutor (a teacher with extra time to kill or with another student wanting to get some extra credit) going over his notes for the day, organizing and compiling them in a way that makes sense to Carter. 'Just writing it down' doesn't help the boy. He needs examples, either from pictures or links to videos on YouTube. If possible, he'll even ask for his tutor to surprise him with pop quizzes and practice exams! Thankfully, he isn't dyslexic to the point of being unable to read. Reading is just fine and dandy -- it's all about understanding exactly WHAT he's reading that gives him trouble.

I Wanna Be the Guy: No, not the painful indie video game. Rather, Carter works to perfect his street-side tricks and antics to get noticed. He knows that he's not good at math or reading, placing him at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to finding a job that can eventually lead into a career. Instead, Carter wants his actions to prove his worth rather than a resume with words that amount to nothing. He aspires to be an acrobat one day, performing live in front of hundreds, no, thousands of people on a stage! To do that, though, he needs to develop THE trick to get HIS name out there, to get noticed.
So grab the skateboard and go out in public -- the world's a stage, and it's just a matter of time before Carter finds his spotlight!
...Also, keep in mind that the word "acrobat" here is used to describe a member of the Cirque du Soleil troupe, a sort of circus that doesn't include animals but instead really amazing feats of strength, bravery, and use of fishing wires. =D

Gemstone: Amethyst (Zodiac Sign), Garnet (January Stone)


Adaptable: Is the sun shining? Awesome. Rain? Great. Raining meatballs? Give him a second to go find a bowl to put them in. Carter's lax attitude towards life allows him to shrug off life's little sudden surprises and move on as if nothing has happened. While he may still be shocked and startled by the unexpected, he recovers quickly.

Determined: When in doubt, try and try again. Once a challenge is set before him, Carter refuses to yield or give up until he has accomplished what he intends to do. Even if he has to change his goal bit by bit to accomplish it, he likes to believe that "can't" is a word that doesn't exist.

Getting His Hands Dirty: Carter learns best by going out and doing it, rather than reading about it. He can also pick up skills by watching someone else, but if and only if he too has an opportunity to mimic the actions. With this, he can re-enact movie scenes in a snap -- just be sure to give him some help with those pesky lines.
In school, Carter is the first to volunteer in gym to show off how to jump (or fail) the high jump, mix this chemical with that, or even be the first one to peek into this hole here that looks into the girl's locker room.

Chivalric: Once upon a time, Carter wanted to be a knight when he grew up. When he discovered that knights aren't exactly well-paid or even around anymore, Carter still clings to the bits of what he remembers, specifically the code of chivalry. Or at least what he can remember from it: bravery, polite manner, and oh! Be sure to open doors for the ladies. Or something like that -- there are times that Carter does forget the exact details and just runs with the gist of things. Overall, chivalry is a code of conduct that Carter really enjoys given how successful it was in all the medieval movies he watched, nevermind that it was Hollywood and everything was scripted. The good knight always triumphs!
...Unless it's a tragedy. Then the movie turns into a 'what NOT to do' example.
Carter's Knightly Virtues: Courage (take on and attempt all tasks presented, unless it violates his common sense), Justice (don't ever, EVER consider cheating or bending any rules -- follow them unless, again, they violate common sense), Mercy (don't piss anyone off), Generosity (it's okay to share money, but be sure to keep enough for yourself! Share friendship and time more), Faith (keep your promises), Nobility (don't be a d**k), and Hope (try not to let anyone down).


Daredevil: "Push the limits!" just happens to be the motto Carter lives his life by. When a new physical challenge arises, he's among the first to check it out and consider taking it on. Just don't ask him to do something like a Monster Cookie Pinwheel. While Carter loves the thrill of challenges, he does have common sense. What's the point of doing an awesome trick only to end up getting killed or seriously injured? His idea of success is to complete a trick in a way that he can walk away from it. Getting injured is an automatic failure. You can't skateboard with a broken leg!

Kinesthetic Learner: If asked to sit down and read a book, Carter will take his time, often flipping forward in the book and taking a look at the pictures before trying to tackle the walls of text. If asked to listen to an audio tape, Carter would either break the tape due to rewinding again and again to listen to it multiple times, or fall asleep. Carter learns best by hands-on, resulting in barely-passing grades and lots of after-school tutoring.

Show off: Carter likes attention. Whizzing down the street on a skateboard isn’t anything new, but skateboarding down the street while doing a handstand? How about doing that AND trying to balance on one hand! YEEEEEAH! Sounds awesome, right? Well, that idiot that just tried doing exactly that just ended up crashing into that café table over there. Please excuse Carter while he goes to pick up his dignity and hide around the street corner.

Chivalric: Staying true to a dying code, Carter does his best to live up to it. From refusing to participate in unfavorable odds (one vs. three with him in the latter group) or stepping in to sort out said unfavorable odds, he often ends up with more bruises and mockery for his trials. Hey, no one said trying to be a hero was easy. However, there are some situations where Carter will deviate from this code, either on accident ("Boot to the head? THERE'S A SKATEBOARD SMACK FOR THAT!" wink , on purpose ("So that chick over there's the one that stole your icecream? brb, I'VE GOT A SKATEBOARD FOR THAT!" wink , or because his mind is elsewhere ("Bowchikka wow wow~" wink . He is just a teenage boy, after all -- nobody's perfect!
Take the game of Dodgeball for instance. Two teams throw balls at each other, and every time one connects with another person, that player is out. Let's say Carter and two other people are on one team, and the opposition has only one person. The unfair situation would make it seem that Carter would let himself be hit on purpose to even the odds. In reality, however, Carter refuses to break or bend the rules, and since the game's objective is to knock out the other person... Well, Carter's fine following orders like that.

Physical Description: - Chibi Sketch

Hair: Shoulder-length and gelled straight up, Carter's hair looks as if he stuck a fork in an electrical socket and combed it upwards to make it vertical. It's light blue in color with a metalic gold lightning bolt dyed onto either side. He also has a goatee on his chin of the same electric-blue color.

Eyes: Dark green.

Face: An average face that is sometimes adorned with a band-aid thanks to his exploits. He doesn't have any piercings, but the only shocking thing about his face is the electric-blue goatee on his chin.

Body: Average height, toned muscles with thick calf muscles thanks to skateboarding. He is also tan from being in the sun. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing him also having some sunburned areas, such as his hands showing an obvious lack of sunscreen by being only partially tan, save for the area that would be covered by a wrist guard. :3

Fashion: He likes to wear two shirts at once – a long-sleeved shirt of a solid color beneath a colorful t-shirt with a slogan or popular band on it. Add in some baggy jeans, a wallet chain, and some worn sneakers with traction, and top if off with a knit beanie cap and that’s Carter’s outfit. His clothes are usually dusty and dirty from repeated tumbles into the dirt after some attempt or another at trying to perform a trick.
While wearing his school uniform, Carter does not wear his knitted beanie. His spikey hair is bright enough to place him in the back of the classroom in order to let the students behind him see, and to prevent the rest of the class from staring at it. Carter's legs also have at least one band-aid present at all times, either to cover up an injury or just for show.


Vampires were on the rise. You couldn't go more than two feet without running into one, from the classic Victorian Dracula with the trademarked black cape to the modern, shirt ripped open, glitter-covered Twilight wannabe. It was rather sad, Carter decided as ran his tongue along the inside of his mouth, studying the shape and texture of the fake fangs covering his teeth. But it worked to his advantage. After all, the prevalent number of vampires simply meant that the one and only teenage werewolf raver on a skateboard could get more attention! Ripped jeans were easy to come by thanks to numerous tumbles off of his beloved skateboard, some fake furry ears, dark gloves, and top it off with cheap glowsticks applied to his belt, fake tail, and skateboard (with the assistance of the ever-so-useful duct tape) and he was good to go!

But to where? His parents were dealing with the trick-or-treaters this year, opting to throw a small party. His sister was off trick-or-treating with her friends, a duty Carter was jealous of. Free candy! What wasn't there to like about it? While it was tempting to follow along and make sure none of those skirted terrorists showed up, the soccer mom made it Pretty Clear that he was better off doing something else than to try and crash the start of a princess-themed slumber party, thank you very much!

It was safe in the neighborhoods, right? With the crowds and everything? He figured as much, and nothing upset the media than the story of a lost kid. Or was it kittens? Carter shrugged it off and spent the evening doing what he did best: showing off. If he was too old to trick-or-treat, then it was perfectly all right to perform tricks on his skateboard on the street and get tipped with candy, right? Right!

With this plan, Carter took off towards his usual daytime spot. He preferred the area in front of the bank after school with its wide open courtyard, and enjoyed watching performer competing against performer for tips and change. The statues of famous people (or people who felt self-important to get a statue of themselves for the birds to hang out and do their business on) struck various poses from their pedestals, acting as overseers and a sort of permanent audience, Tonight, there were two others there, and it seemed that they were well into their act. It took him a moment to realize that there weren't any bystanders or witnesses watching this. In fact, the flashy lights were coming from one of them – a girl, by the looks of it, shouting something about whirlwinds, leaves, and... kisses?

The girl in question's hand flew to her lips before moving it away, blowing a kiss made up of glowing green leaves moving in a circular fashion towards another girl in a dark blue uniform, who held some sort of stick. A baton? Whatever it was, it was moved up to block the glowing leaves. The leaves seemed to have been moved by an unearthly wind, picking up in speed before crashing into the other girl. He could see the rips and cuts on her from where he stood. By the time the leaves passed, the girl in dark blue had fallen to her knees, the useless stick dropping and rolling away.

Carter winced. That didn't look good! The skirted girl who created the leaves was standing over the other girl, seemingly triumphant. A... sailor senshi, were they called? The boy realized, staring at the abnormally short skirt. Terrorists! Fiends! One of them destroyed his favorite skatepark and another had hurt civilians! This one was in the middle of attacking one right now! With an attention-grabbing “WHOOP!” Carter made off like a Hillworth delinquent, hopping onto his skateboard and pumping as quickly as possible in her direction.

The girl looked around, her eyes widening as she saw him. “Majestic Whirlwi-”

“Not this time!” He yelled, bending is knees in preparation. He pushed down on his right leg and jumped, performing a basic ollie with his board. An extra twist from his waist made the board escape from under him and go crashing into the senshi, her words ending with a quick gasp. Carter tumbled, winced, grabbed his board and proceeded to smack her across her head.

She went down faster than a new skateboarder standing on their board for the first time. Carter panted, setting the board down to turn towards the other girl. “Hey! You okay, officer?” He asked, “It looked like you were in some rough... spots... um. Aren't you supposed to have a badge...?” His words trailed off uncertainly as the former victim rose.

There was something... wrong about that smirk. Shouldn't people be more nervous? Or thankful, at the very least? He did just save her life, right?! But wait! There, a flicker of memory: a segment of the news before he left his house earlier to take his sister out trick-or-treating. Girls in short skirts with magical powers weren't the only thing to beware of. There were Negaversers as well with militaristic uniforms and a gigantic lack of sparkle. This was no officer, no civilian dressed up for the part -- he had made a huge mistake.

This mistake, however, was easily fixed by applying his skateboard to her head too.

Now he was in quite the predicament. Two girls, both considered highy dangerous, and both were finished off by him. Well, perhaps "taken out" would be a better way to describe it, seeing as they weren't any sort of video game encounter that exploded in a shower of flashy lights and sparkles when defeated.

Carter looked around. The amount of leaves made it seem as if the battle had started before he arrived, but that didn't tell who was wrong or who was right. He shifted his stance, then knelt down to the senshi and reached out, flipping her skirt down. He didn't think she'd want her unmentionables shown to the public, even if the teddy bear on them made them lo- AGH! They were called 'unmentionables' for a reason! Why was he thinking about them?! He settled by removing his hoodie and placing it over her skirt. There! Now he wouldn't risk seeing that bear agasihfsdhf STOP IT.

He bit his lip. What could he do? What should he do? There was obviously more going on than he knew about, and getting involved might just make it worse... But he had already involved himself, assuming that the skirt-clad terrorists was attacking a civvie. Who knew that both factions disliked each other? The amount of cuts on the Negaverser and the bruises on the Senshi made him believe that it wasn't a practice skirmish.

With a sigh of frustration he looked at the Negaverser and the Sailor Senshi, torn. On one hand, they seemed to be doing fine just by themselves, even if one happened to have an attack that came with a disappointing lack of a minty fresh scent. On the other... he shuddered. He did not like the look of that other one. It was a grin that promised trouble; it made him feel like a mouse before the hungry cat.

He knelt down to the sailor again and carefully picked her up. She looked the lighter of the two, even if she did try to do that mintless kiss on him. Sure, she tried to attack him. The memory of the other's gaze made him shudder again. It was the least he could do -- besides, she looked more... vulnerable. Standard lady in distress, right? How would he get help? He didn't have a cellphone, and he doubted that he should risk carrying her on his skateboard. The noble four-wheeled steed might just gain a mind of its own and go shooting out from under them. And then what? Apologies, fair lady, but your teddy bear seems to wish to be seen toni-aaakhsdfjkhals!

Carter gently placed the girl back onto the ground and grabbed his board, ripping off the glowsticks taped to it and quickly stashed it up a tree. While the bushes were closer, he figured that the crime scene investigators would look there first. That's what they did on TV! Carter liked this board, and didn't want to part with it just yet.

With that accomplished, Carter returned to the fallen girl and carefully picked her up, hoping that he didn't jar any broken bones if she had any. He had felt his share of broken bones before, and... well, if he got -her- fixed up, then that's one less sparkiling terror of the night to worry about, right? It would be a bit of a walk to the nearest clinic, but Carter could take the time coming up with an apology should she come around, and hopefully get an ambulance to pick the creepier one up. In the meantime, he needed to come up with something to heroic to say on-hand, words of reassurance that would soothe her and send her back to sleep.

That's what heroes did, right? Now he just needed to come up with something that didn't hopefully not involve teddy bears.
Name: Constance Blair

Nicknames: Connie

Age: 13

Birthday: February 29th

Sign: Pisces

Blood Type: B-

Fav. Food: Jelly donuts, string cheese, and rose tea

Hated Food: Tomato soup, Brussels sprouts, and pasta

School: Crystal Academy

Hobbies: Tennis - Tennis is more of a passion than a hobby. She loves forgetting herself in the game, and especially that if she loses, she's only letting herself down, not any partner. Her strongest ability is her serve. When she throws it high, and bends almost all the way backwards, the other player knows to watch out, because she smashes the ball into the far corner of the court. She doesn't use the serve often though, as she hasn't quite perfected the accurecy of it yet, and it only lands in the court 70% of the time. She was invited to Crystal Academy on a scholarship, and works to improve her serve so it's always accurate, as well as learning how to depend on a partner for Doubles.

Sewing/tatting bobbin lace - This is Connie's oldest hobby. Her grandmother, who had learned it in her home country of Germany, taught it to her when she was 8. She thinks it's amazing taking thread and creating the soft, delicate lace. When she was 11, she made a small heart pocket and sewed it onto her Aunt's wedding dress, turning the simple dress into an elegant one.

Photography - Connie is the first to say that she's not very good at it, but she always has her Polaroid camera somewhere on her person. She'll snap pictures of her friends when they go out to eat or on her walk home, of the interesting cloud in the sky. She wants to take a weekend class to improve her skills and learn how to use a 35mm camera and develop film in a darkroom, but tennis always seems to get in the way.

Gemstone: Amethyst

Humor -- Albert Einstein said that 'Humor is more important than knowledge' and though Connie doesn't know he did, she has a very good ability to perceive and express things that are funny. She'll laugh at the dumbest joke, or worst pun, and uses it as a defense mechanism when she's in an awkward situation or when she feels nervous. Connie also just loves laughing and smiling.
Generosity -- Although it takes her some time to complete a piece of lace, she wants to share it's beauty with everyone, and so often gives it to the first person she meets. She doesn't often have extra money, so when someone needs help, she gives them as much of her time as she can if it's a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on or a companion for a shopping trip, she'll do it all.
Intuitive -- One can't hide things from Connie, she's very good at perceiving the feelings of people and being able to tell when they are upset and trying to hide it (or even when they have a secret they can't share). She's very tuned in to the feelings of her close friends, and even some strangers. Connie sometimes is empathetic when she keys into the emotions, and mirrors them back to the person.


Self-conscious/critical -- Connie doesn't hate her glasses, but she feels like she looks odd and stands out with them. She'll pick an outfit to wear out, but the second someone looks at her longer than a second, she starts to nit pick it, or find flaw in how she looks. Connie knows she's not fat, by any means, but it bothers her when she sees other girls her age starting to develop, when she hasn't yet.
Honest -- Sometimes she's too truthful. She has trouble lying to someone to protect their feelings, and if she thinks something is wrong in a situation, she'll always speak her mind.
Innocent/Naive -- She wants so desperately to believe that there's good in everyone and that no one ever acts maliciously that she creates stories in her mind where all their actions are justifiable or they just didn't know what they were doing.

Physical Description:
Hair: Strawberry blond in color, styled: her fine hair make two very very thin braids, on on each side, just barely touching her shoulders and her bangs are longer on the outer edges, coming down to almost her mouth, and getting shorter as they go in, none higher than her eyes.

Eyes: Emerald green in color with a pair of oval, frameless/wireless glasses

Face: Slender, oval shaped face with a button nose and a pouty bottom lip

Body: Short, about 4' 9'', very sleek body with long, toned muscles, her body shape is that of a straight line (ie: no chest, no hips have developed yet)

Fashion: Connie goes for a 'geek girl chic' sort of look. She wears faded wash skinny jeans, a light blue slightly over sized button up shirt with a dark blue blazer over top and a loose black tie around her neck with ballet flat shoes.

Connie laughed, louder than the rest of her friends, at the horrible joke that Sherri had just told ("Why didn't the skeleton dance at the party?" "He had no body to dance with." ) and while the group of friends were still smiling, she turned her camera on the four of them and snapped a quick picture with her Polaroid camera.

"Oh jeez, Connie, more candid shots? You know I like posing first!" Jenny said, making a face.

"That's no fun at all," the young girl replied, pulling the picture that had just been spat out and waving it, as it developed. "These look more real!"

Connie let the camera fall, the strap connected to it hanging around her neck catching it so it only bumped onto her chest and she shoved her hands deep into the pockets of the brown overcoat. This year, she had decided to go as a 'paparazzi' and had donned a hat, sunglasses and had buttoned her coat up high. No one had gotten it, though. They had all fawned over Sherri as Alice and Jenny as a princess and Dona as a witch, though. Maybe she should have gone as something more cutesy, Connie thought. Of course no one would think paparazzi was as funny as she did.

The four girls rounded the corner and Connie, the shortest of the bunch, was the last to see what lay before them. A hush came across them, then finally: "W-what do you think...Who is it?" Dona said, her voice barely above a whisper. The others shook their heads. A girl, not much older than themselves, lay crumpled on the ground, her bright orange costume ripped and torn

"It's just a joke, right?" Jenny asked, but when a very real groan came from the stranger on the ground, it became apparent that whatever this was, it was not a person in an elaborate costume.

"I think it's one of those Sailor thingies," Connie said, taking a step closer.

"Don't get to close!" Sherri exclaimed. "Don't you know what the police have said about them??"

"She's bleeding!" Connie said. She looked back at her three friends, who were huddled together. The older girl groaned again and rolled over, so her face was no longer pressed against the cement sidewalk. Her orange costume was more visible and Connie thought it almost looked like a military uniform. She turned to say this to her three friends, and found that they were gone, without a word.

Connie didn't blame them, the girl on the ground looked scary, capable of the extensive property damage that the news reports kept saying they caused. She turned to run away, following after her friends example, when the costume-d girl coughed. The young student turned back, torn between running and helping. But what could she do? She edged over to the girl on the ground.

"....me," Connie heard her say. Kneeling down, the red-headed girl reached out for the semi-unconscious one on the ground.

"Stay...away...from..." she breathed.

"What??" Connie replied, sounding shocked. "But...you're hurt!" The Negaverse lieutenant spat something back at her, some of it sounding an awful lot like a curse, but through it, Connie assessed that this girl felt she shouldn't be saved because she had failed.

"Well...I don't know about deserving to die," Connie whispered. "I don't think anything you've done makes you need to deserve something like that." She reached into her coat pocket, looking for something to stop the bleeding, but all she extracted from it was a piece of lace she had been just finished up minutes before the Halloween party she and her friends had just attended. It was long, long enough to be sewn onto the hem of a coat or skirt, with an almost skull-like pattern woven in. She had been inspired by the season to work on something less pretty. Still...it pained her to do what she knew she was about to.

She took a deep breath before wrapping it around the girl's arm, around and around, it wrapped at least 6 times around, and the blood seeped through 4 of the layers, until finally on the fifth and sixth wrap around, it only turned a slight pinkish color. With the blood stopped (but the Lieutenant still protesting), she waited. She wasn't sure for what, but it seemed like the thing to do. In the distance sirens had started, and to Connie, it seemed as though they were coming closer.

"Nurgh..." Connie turned to look at the girl, who was slowly struggling to her feet.

"I don't think you should be getting up..." Connie said, rushing to her side, as she stumbled.

"What the hell do you care?" the other spat. "You don't know me, why are you helping me?" Connie shrugged.

"You looked like you needed it." The sirens were getting closer.

"Those are for me, you know." Connie shook her head. She didn't know. "Your friends probably called the cops like good little citizens. Why didn't you? Do you have a dark side?" The red-head shook her head again, her braids whipping her face as she did. The Lieutenant, a very imposing person when standing, now hovered over her, staring Connie down. "You ruined your lace," she said, holding up her arm. She slowly unwrapped the wound, and held it in front of her. Her arm had stopped bleeding as profusely as it was, and she knew she could get it attended to before she lost much more. "You'll never be able to get it out,"

Connie smiled a bit. "No, you'll never be able to get it out," she replied, pushing the hand back towards the girl.

"You're disgusted by my blood?"

"No, not really," she replied. "But I almost never keep my lace, this one, it seems, was destined for you."

The Negaverse girl laughed, a hollow sound. "Destined? You have no idea what destiny is," she said. Connie shrugged. Maybe not. "I'm not going to sew it onto my clothes, as some pathetic display of gratitude. I'll probably give it to my rat when I get home. It is damaged goods, you know."

Connie felt a lump in her throat, but tried bravely not to show her emotions. "Well, if that's the best use for it, then you must know." The sirens were almost there, Connie could see the lights bouncing off the building's windows a street up, and she turned to leave. Glancing over her shoulder, at the other girl, who also seemed about to flee, she called: "Not everything that's been stained is ruined, or damaged goods, though."

She couldn't be sure, though, if the girl heard her.

(More info here in quest thread)

Name: Eirian Faye

Eirian is a unisex Welsh name meaning bright/beautiful. Pronounced IE-ere-an…which she’s sick of having to explain so hey, say it however you think or better yet just shorten it, kay? No big.

Faye is a common surname that could get it’s meaning from several places including the Old English for faith.

Nicknames: Rian.

Age: 16

Birthday: August 22nd

Sign: Leo

Blood Type: O

Fav. Food: Hawaiian pizza.

Hated Food: Peanut butter.

School: Crystal.


Photography - This has been a passion of hers since she was small, given her first few disposable cameras on holidays as a child and when she grew up loved to see her images develop like magic with chemicals and light. She’s pretty good at it and she carries her small digital camera at all times just in case. She also has an interest in cinematography (thanks to her love of films/TV). She got an art scholarship to Crystal and goes as a day girl.

Video Killed the Radio Star - She is an avid watcher of shows and films, getting very attached to both characters and stories. She loves things she can relate to and enjoys the pop culture fandoms online. She does like to read and such but she is a very visual person and just enjoys it more when she can see things. With reading she as to imagine things and her imagination starts to work on just /how/ to see it....the right angle, the right lighting, what kind of music would enhance it...so it's just easier to appreciate a story when that's already done! Plus she can really admire the people who do it. There's magic in cinema, y'know.

Keeping on the move! - Except for the times when she's watching something and is living vicariously through that, Rian doesn't like to be cooped up too long and has an adventurous spirit. She enjoys exploring the city, going from place to place, and prefers being outside above being inside. She doesn't have much of a green thumb and doesn't get to go on hikes much, but whether out in the wilds or downtown, being outside boosts her mood.

Gemstone: (prefers cat's eye variation of) Emerald.

Loyalty - Once you win a place is Rian’s heart, you’re there to stay. It would take a massive betrayal with no remorse after for her to stop caring about someone or give up on them entirely. And when she decides she belongs to a group, she belongs to that group, and will take great pride in that.

Courageous - If there’s one thing you can’t deny, it’s that Rian is courageous. She has a stock of bravery and when that runs out uses her willpower to get over her fears anyway and do what she has to do. She is also rather adventurous, isn’t afraid to try new things or meet new people and will do nearly anything once – no skin off her nose if it doesn’t work out, but at least she knows what it’s like!

Adaptable- She is creative in a think-on-your-feet way and is very good at going with the flow. When her father moved her to a new city, she actively sorted her own school things out and hit the streets to explore her new home. There's sparkly "terrorists" flinging "fireworks" about in the streets? No problem! No matter what gets thrown at her, she'll get herself through it - somehow - and will try to enjoy herself along the way.

Warm- She has a bright, happy disposition and likes to make others feel good too. She will include everyone when she can and is friendly and open. She wants everyone to have fun, goddamnit! Though while she wants everyone to have fun though, she also likes having the select few friends who she's really close to...BFFs! <333

Overzealous - Flipside of being so loyal...Rian does not just support a cause or belong to a group. She instead internalizes it and makes it a part of who she is, a part of her identity. Because of this her enthusiasm for things can be way overboard, as she takes it very personally whether you're insulting a team she's part of or a friend of hers. She will put her soul into things and will push herself to keep at things, will not admit defeat. She neglects other areas of her life to do so and staves off the inevitable burn outs with junk food.

Reckless - A fierce and brave girl with such a huge drive to do things, she can suffer from being overconfident. This coupled with her zeal can make her jump right into situations without thinking them through and can land her in very hot water. Sometimes it's not admirable, it's not being courageous, it's just down right bullheadedness.

Overbearing - Her dynamic and dramatic personality can be a bit much. Some people are bound to find it beyond irritating and she can come across as a fanatic for things or as too clingy in friendships or just plain full of herself. And instead of taking the hint and leaving people who dislike her alone, Rian would see it as a challenge, something to work on and fix…oy vay…

(Even if she's never a senshi, she's SO going to get in trouble chasing after bad guys or something >.> crazy girl!)

Physical Description:

Hair: Golden hair, wavy, half-up half-down style.

Eyes: Amber eyes.

Face: No make up usually, tan skin. Freckles on her cheeks. Smiley~

Body: Curvy.

Fashion: Being an active and outdoors sort of girl, she likes to wear casual clothes that are comfy and can last but also likes to look good. Nice jeans, hoodies, and snazzy fashionable tops make up her wardrobe. Depending on how lazy she's feeling she could be wearing anything from a Threadless-style t-shirt to a more delicate girly top. She also likes to accessorize with bracelets, bangles and earrings. She has a protective hard case for her digital camera she wears on her belt or keeps in her uniform pocket at all times (because sometimes, you just can't carry around a lovely old film camera with spare film and filters and lenses...even if they are gorgeous!). She also favours dark greens, browns, reds, yellows and creams in terms of colour.

The costume had been interesting to assemble without her mother cottoning on but soon as she realised that her cousin Carla such a great devil-girl outfit and Ilya had stolen the iPod idea, Eirian had decided to pull out all the stops. She’d left her house telling her folks that her Carmen Sandiego costume was sure to do well in the Halloween costume contest…but under that her real costume was concealed. On the way to and from the party it’d stay under the red greatcoat.

Sailor Senshi.

Yeah, she’d gone the shock tactic. Teenage terrorists, street gang, or magical warriors for truth and light and sparkly stuff Eirian didn’t know. She’d been one of the kids who’d been trying to snap pictures and figure it out. But she didn’t care tonight. She just wanted an awesome daring costume no one else would be wearing.

Besides, it was Halloween! She loved Halloween. It was be-whatever-you-want night. She’d never have worn boots and a short skirt normally – she was a trainers and jeans sort of girl. But tonight she could masquerade as something completely different. Complete with a very short blue skirt, ribbons and gloves. She tied her hair into bunches and used an elaborate flashing novelty pen as a prop.

It’d been a great party, with a bonfire and plenty of people. Carla still managed to win with her devil girl costume but after seeing the amazing cardboard wings…yeah, she’d voted for Carla herself. Those must have taken days to make and she did look amazing. Still, second place hadn’t been bad!

She was back incognito as Carmen on the way home when she noticed the lights and the commotion. This had been happening more and more lately. Battles on the streets between the Senshi and the military like Negaverse. Eirian was one of those who headed towards it rather than away. She could maybe get a photo, something to add to the rumors–!

But down the allyway she took, she spotted the girl easily in her white and bright green clothes. Crumpled and bleeding from a cut on her forehead, half tucked behind some garbage bins, the girl looked out of it, barely conscious. It was odd but Rian couldn’t really remember what the girl looked like later but right now she just noticed how scared and bleery she seemed. The girl looked towards the battle, to Rian, biting her lip.

She’s just a teenager like me… Rian thought, frowning. And she looks better in this get up than I do even when she looks like she’s going to pass out.

“You should go …” The senshi started then faltered, biting her lip again and seeming to take a moment to try to focus on Rian. Normally Rian’d be fishing out her phone and calling someone, an ambulance maybe, but you couldn’t hand over a senshi. Rian didn’t know if they were really good guys or what but it wasn’t her place to get the girl arrested. Better to get her to her own. They could deal with it.

The Carmen coat was easy to slip off and was huge on the other girl. She was much shorter than Rian and tucked around her, covered the senshi uniform. The girl’s costume anyway. Rian felt rather exposed without her stupid coat now, rather than daring.


“Come on. You’re small but you’re heavy.” Rian helped the girl up and helped her out the alley towards the sparkles. Rian meanwhile was glad she’d not been able to get high heeled boots. It made it much easier to haul the deadweight senshi. Didn’t seem so light and dainty now…

“HEY!” Another senshi in pale blue stopped….shooting bubbles at a guy who looked like he was using a cue stick as a weapon to run over. Another stepped in to whip at the guy with a vine while bubble-queen glared questionably at Rian.

“Take her.”

The girls seemed to know each other, and the pale-blue girl taking the weight of the injured senshi off Rian. They nodded to each other, though Rian caught the weird look her home made fuku got.

“Halloween.” She manged to find the guts to wink before catching sight of a teenager who had a fire axe. An actual freakin’ fire axe and seemed to be in charge of the Negaverse lot. That took the wind out of Rian’s sails because her fuku was home made and she had no bubbles or vines, just a camera and no magic sparkles weapon. And with that the fake senshi was running.

Next year she’d stick with the iPod. Let Ilya be the one to change her plans. Oh her mother was going to kill her when she saw what she was wearing and she couldn't summon a single useful identifying detail about any of those teenagers and she'd been that close and...and it'd been awesome. Scary but awesome.

Dapper Lover


Name: Damian Cole

Nicknames: None, but he wouldn't be adverse to being called whatever someone came up with (except for things like Pookie, Muffin, etc)

Age: 17

Birthday: April 1st

Sign: Aries

Blood Type: B+

Fav. Food: Pizza, he’s a boys boy xD

Hated Food: Anything in the vegetable food group, unless it’s on a pizza

School: Meadowview

Hobbies: Website Coding: When Damian was younger, and his hormones hadn’t kicked in yet, he spent a lot of time on the computer. He quickly became very interested in HTML/CSS etc. and it wasn’t long before he started playing around with it and making his own sites. Now that he’s older he spends more time chasing girls than pixels, but when the mood strikes him he’ll fiddle around with his old stuff, surprisingly he still remembers most of it.

Archery: The only sport Damian cares about is archery. Everything else doesn’t really matter to him. His father taught him how to shoot when he was seven, it was a small bow and he wasn’t very good, but after a lot of hard work and being spurred on by dear old dad he started to get the hang of it. Now at seventeen he has a bigger bow, and is a fairly good shot. He couldn’t go to the Olympics or anything, but he’s placed in a couple of local competitions.

Guitar: When Damian turned fourteen he decided he’d learn how to play the guitar. Why? Because it would impress the ladies, or so he thought, who doesn’t love a musician? After three years of playing he’s come to actually enjoy playing for himself, and not just girls. Not that he won’t whip out his guitar and serenade a girl if he thinks it’ll get him closer to a hook up.

Flirting: Damian flirts. With everything. Well, everything that’s female (if he’s really drunk then sometimes even male) and talks. Damian will go out of his way to flirt with a girl, especially one that doesn’t seem to want him around, but not to the point of harassment- if they firmly tell him to stop he will. This can get him in trouble, he can’t seem to control his flirting habits, which isn’t good when he’s in the middle of English class and instead of explaining why he didn’t do his homework he’s trying to flirt his way out of the situation.

Gemstone: Bloodstone

Virtues: Good sense of humour – The only thing Damian does as much as he flirts is make jokes. He’s constantly grinning, in a non maniacal way, and he has a very mischievous and carefree air about him. He loves to have fun, and sometimes it’s hard for him to take things seriously, but when he absolutely has to he manages to buckle down – slightly.

Curious – Damian is very curious, he wants to know how things work. If he sees something and is interested by it he’ll find out what it is, how it works, and who made it just to satisfy his curiosity. Also, if he’s walking and spots a dark alleyway he’ll walk down it, just to see if there’s anything interesting hiding in the gloom.

Enthusiastic – Damian can get excited about just about anything that interests him. When he picks up a new hobby he’ll go at it with a fervor- until he gets bored of it. Some things managed to hold his interest like playing the guitar and archery, but most things, like photography, drawing, and working on cars, got boring quickly leaving Damian knowing a little about a lot.

Good Time Boy – Damian’s quick on his feet, he can come up with the best thing to say in any given situation in a matter of seconds - if he wants. He enjoys parties and making jokes, he doesn't spend too much time in any one group of people at a party, or any type of social event. He drifts through spending just enough time to make people laugh, and then leaving again before he makes a lasting impression. Unless of course there's a female in the group that interests him, which happens more often than not. Then he'll zero in on her to see if has a shot. Other than that he likes the momentary attention, but he doesn't want it to last.

Flaws: Trust Issues – Damian doesn’t trust anyone, literally. Well, he trusts his father, but that's about it. He’s highly suspicious of everyone else’s motives, including his sister and his step-mother. If someone wants to be his friend they must want something from him, if a girl wants to be his girlfriend (and not just a hook up) she must want to use him. Because of this he doesn’t have anyone he calls a friend. Sure, other people will call him their friend, and he doesn’t mind that because he knows that he’s actually not. He just puts up an outgoing, charismatic exterior so that no one looks too closely at him. Ever since his mother ran out on him and his sister he hasn't wanted to get close to anyone. When he's asked anything too personal, or someone tries to get too close Damian'll crack a joke or change the subject, and if the person persists in digging into him he'll just walk away and pretend it never happened.

Reckless – Damian seems to either not have, or not listen to that voice in his head that says ‘hey, maybe you shouldn’t do that, you could get hurt’. He tends to run headlong into new situations without thinking about them. Remember that dark alley way? Instead of grabbing a flashlight and a friend and exploring it he’ll just plunge into the darkness no heed for what might be waiting for him.

Good Time Boy - There's a flip-side to being a good time boy, everyone knows you’re the good time boy. People don't take Damian seriously, and everyone knows his reputation with girls. Guys clap him on the back and congratulate him, while girl's gossip to their friends warning them about how he's a hit it and quit it type guy. He doesn't even think about his reputation or what it means for him. One day all of his flirting and his womanizing habits will catch up to him and then he'll be in a jam, but for the moment he's happy to keep on making bad decisions.

Shameless – Damian has no shame, quite literally. Dare him to go streaking? He’ll do that in the blink of an eye. Make a bet that he won’t go up to the hottest girl in school and ask her out on a date, and he’ll win that bet even if he gets slapped in the process. He doesn’t care about making a fool of himself and that has gotten him into trouble more often than not.

Physical Description:

Eyes: Grey with a playful glint

Hair: Naturally red, a kind’ve shaggy/curly, no longer than his shoulders, but at least to his ears.

Face: He has a sprinkling of freckles, and an attractive face. He has a scar above his right eyebrow, it happened so long ago he can't even remember how he received it.

Body: He's tall, nearing 6'1, and thankfully he's stopped growing. He's lean, with muscular arms (but not overly so) that come from being at the archery range more often than not. His skin is tanned, again from spending most of his time outside.

Fashion: When not in his school uniform Damian likes to wear things that are comfortable. Usually jeans with holes in the knees (that come from being worn for ages, not bought) and t-shirts. He usually wears some sort of belt with various belt buckles depending on his mood that day. His foot wear is more than likely going to be thong sandals, unless it's raining or he's doing something that requires sneakers. Stuff like this.


Damian smirked looking down at what had to be the cheapest costume ever. He had wrapped himself head to toe in toilet paper and called himself a mummy. Very awesome if he said so himself. The only thing that was not so awesome was that the toilet paper kept falling off so he was only half covered which made him look not so mummy like. Luckily it was the end of the night, parties had already been crashed, girls made out with, and a fair bit of alcohol drunk. Now his main focus was just on remembering which way was home and getting there without incident.

Remembering his last ‘incident’ the red head shuddered, that monster that had attacked him would be more appropriate during Halloween- not that he wanted to see it again. He could easily go his entire life without another such encounter and by quite happy. Although…he wouldn’t mind another encounter with the girl in the skirt, from the half second look he got of her she seemed cute. He smirked and dug through the toilet paper wrapping to shove his hands in the pockets of his shorts, which was the only article of clothing he was wearing under the toilet paper. He had wanted to just go balls out naked under the wrappings, but his step-mother wouldn’t let him out of the house. In hindsight his step-mother had the right idea, it would have been way too cold without his shorts.

The teen was distracted from his thoughts of the cold and how his junk would react badly to it by the sight of a crumpled body in the middle of the sidewalk. Not again. He had a bad feeling this was going to be another incident. On the other hand it could just be a hobo or some really drunk Hillworth boy. ”Yeah, yeah it’s just a hobo.” To convince himself of such he crept closer, getting a good look at the body. Really, he should of just kept walking, but he was curious to why there was a body lying there. Not to mention the body was in the middle of the sidewalk and he couldn't exactly ignore it.

As he came closer he saw that it was a boy, wearing a very strange costume: short-shorts with ruffled lace on the ends, and a tight white shirt that also had ruffles all over. It didn’t exactly look like a normal Halloween costume it kind of looked like…oh man, it was one of those “sailor senshi” they were talking about on TV. He also remembered the monster had asked about a senshi. Quickly he glanced around, he didn’t want to be around when a monster showed up looking for this guy. Plus, the news said to call the cops if you encountered one. Maybe that’s what he should do, it’s not like he could actually help him.

The sound of a groan from the boy on ground decided him, if nothing else the kid needed medical attention and the police could deal with that. Digging in his pocket for his cell phone he flipped it open and dialed 911. ”Hello, I saw one of the “sailor senshi” they mentioned on tv. Yeah, well he’s hurt, I think he needs help. Oh? Oh yeah, uh I’m on the corner of Blossom and Ocean, yeah come fast or whatever.” He snapped it shut looking down at the kid. ”Hey, sailor thing” He nudged him with his foot, ”I called the police, they’re coming to help, but I have to get out of here.” Being underage and mildly drunk wasn’t a good mix. ”So yeah, help is on the way or whatever.” and with that he turned and walked away. The police would take care of him, he couldn’t keep worrying about it. The only thing he was worried about now was getting home before…having a thought he looked at the time on his cell and groaned. [********] It was 12:15, and his curfew was midnight. The red head broke into a run the injured boy forgotten.

Tiny Kitten


Name: Yasmine Song

Nicknames: No nicknames. Everyone calls her Jasmine. This might change when she gets friends.

Age: 16

Birthday: 7th of January

Sign: Capricorn

Blood Type: A

Fav. Food: Asian and mexican food.

Hated Food: Fatty foods

School: Crystal Academy (I don't think her uncle would appreciate if she would go in any 'lesser' school)


Martial Arts - A way to focus her negative feelings into something safe than people around her. Also, a method to improve her concentration. She doesn't seek fights but she would get in one, she can defend her somewhat.

Cooking - Another method of concentration and also escape from this cruel world. When she is in the kitchen, she lives in her own macigal land. It's a land filled with different scents, flavours and colours. Quality of ingredients affects much to quality of food which is why she uses only the best ingredients that are available. She has a quite variety of recipes from all around the world.

Studying - Yes, it counts as hobby. She and her uncle expect good grades from her which is why she spends more time in her studies than average student.

Walks in the Nature - Another way to escape the world around her. She enjoys places that are quiet and have great sceneries to look at, like mountains.

Gemstone: Turqouise


Polite - Yasmine has learned her manners and she has learned them well. She rarely speaks but whenever she does, her words are polite. Most words you can hear from her are 'thank you', 'please' and 'my apologies'.

Independent - Yasmine has learned to survive on her own. She can successfully keep household: everything from cooking to paying bills.

Thorough - Everything Yasmine puts her mind into, she does her best in it. When studying for an exam, she reads the book thousands of times to make sure she does well in test. When cooking, she checks, checks and checks that every ingredient is edible and there is just right amount of spices and needed flavours.

Defender of the weak - No matter how loner she would be, when seeing someone in trouble, she has to act. Especially in cases where someone is being bullied or injured. She has been there, she knows how it feels and she doesn't want anyone other to experience it.


Loner - Yasmine doesn't seek the company of others. She believes she can survive without having to depend on anyone's help (well, maybe her uncle's). Having 'I have no friends' attitude, she avoids other's company, leaving herself alone. If only she would know what strength lies within the power of friendship....

Trusting Issues - Being fooled many times in her past, Yasmine's trust towards others has dropped a bit by bit. She believes people will betray her trust in some point anyway, so why to trust them? All people are mistrustful and selfish, seeking their own gain and hurting others if needed.

Control Freak - Yasmine has compulsive need to follow rules and keep her life in somewhat control. This is shown best in her home where everything is tidy and clean and nothing is in wrong place. Ever. If something is out of place, she gets nervous.

Physical Description:

Hair: Very very very pale turquoise. Long and silky when free. She keeps her hair up with complex, home-made chignon, tied with couple simple oriental-styled ornaments.

Eyes: Large, oval shaped, deep brown colored.

Face: Round. Mostly, her expression is serious. Smile on her is rare.

Body: Small, lithe and light. She is only 158 cm tall and weights around 50 kilograms. There some hints her being athletic but she isn't overly so.

Fashion: She has clothes from all over the world. When outside of her home, she usually wears clothing that doesn't stand out much, with not much skin showing if possible. She tightly follows the dress code in parties. In her home, however, she often dresses in her more exotic dresses and other clothing, enjoying their beautiful colors and decorations. Her most often used color is blue, favoring dark hues over light.


It was unusual for Yasmine to attend in Halloween festival. She wasn't social type at all. But it was school's 'orders' that everyone should attend to party and wear a costume. The most popular costume seemed to be an iPod-costume. Yasmine had mentally slapped herself for not foreseeing that. Her outfit choice - white peplos-styled dress and warmly brown sandals - had been a hit. She had been forced to pose in many pictures, sometimes with her schoolmates. Many had been complimenting her looks, many referring her as a greek goddess but there had been nasty comments too. In the end, she had left the party with nasty looking limonade stain all over her dress.

Now she was walking on the beach, wearing her usual outdoor wear, deep blue bell-bottoms, lighter blue simple long-sleeved shirt and black canvas jacket. She was wearing same sandals that she had been wearing in party. Here it was quiet and peaceful, she felt could relax and enjoy the loneliness, like she did in so many nights before.

Except in this night, she wasn't alone. As she walked on, her eyes caught a sight that made her wonder. There was something lying on the shore. As she walked closer, she recognized it being a human body. Hurrying her steps, she went to examine it closer.

It was a young girl, around her age. She was wearing an unique sailor uniform. She was also hurt, badly. It made Yasmine wonder: Had this girl experienced something similar than she had? No, it was worse. She must have been really unpopular in school.

"Hey. Wake up," she called quietly and shaked her little. She didn't wake up instantly so she tried harder: "Wake up!"

After few tries, the girl opened her eyes. She looked at Yasmine with confused expression. "Where I am?"

"At the beach," Yasmine said. She glanced at surroundings, there was no one else around. She turned to look at the sailor-suited girl again, her expression serious. "You're hurt. Do you want that I call an ambulance?"

"No! No ambulance!" the girl yelped. She then gave an apologizing glance at Yasmine. "Call my friend instead. She can help."

Yasmine nodded. "Okay." She picked out cell phone. The girl gave her number which she dialed in her phone and called. After couple rings, someone answered.

"Evening," she answered to confused, slightly panicked girl whose panic grew as she continued. "Your friend... -- Yes, she is next to me. -- She asked to call you. She is hurt. -- Everything seems okay. It's not life threatening, I believe. -- We are on the south peach. -- Okay. Good. Bye." She glanced at the hurt girl. "... She is on her way." The girl nodded. "Thank you."

Yasmine decided to wait until her friends would come. Leaving injured people on the beach was against her ethics. The waiting time was awkward though. The sailor girl was in talking mood but Yasmine wanted silence. All their conversation attempts died before they really started and made Yasmine feel uncomfortable and sailor girl frustrated. Then they heard a scream. Sailor girl's friends had arrived. Two other girls with unique sailor suits, around her age as well.

Yasmine gave a short report about what she knew about the situation to one girl while the other one was helping her friend to stand. They thanked her in which she returned with polite words, wishing them peaceful evening. She watched them go, glad she had been helpful. For a moment, small smile formed on her lips, then it fade away.

frayedflower's Waifu

Dramatic Marshmallow


Name: Dorian de Saint-Meran.

Nicknames: Dory.

Age: 17.

Birthday: December 15th.

Sign: Sagittarius.

Blood Type: AB.

Fav. Food: Any sort of vegetables; cabbage, mostly

Hated Food: Sweet foods; mainly candy or chocolate, and anything greasy, so no fast foods.

School: Hillworth.

Hobbies: Dorian loves to read, almost to the point of being obsessed over it. He has a habit of spending hours in the library just reading and reading. He also loves to cook and bake, and can spend up to a whole day doing nothing but devising new recipes for things. He enjoys mathematics as well, as a sort of hobby.

Gemstone: Topaz (I believe; when I looked it up, it included five separate gemstones).

Intelligent - Since he reads obsessively, Dorian has amassed himself quite the collection of knowledge. He has nearly and endless amount of random facts and information (which he tends to spout sometimes when he's nervous), and as a wannabe-chef, he is also quite skilled in coming up with different ideas for things.

Loyal - Once he's found a cause to work towards, Dorian will dedicate himself completely and fully to that cause if he believes it to be the right thing. He is eager to help and always wants to be a part of things.

Good-hearted - While he may seem bumbling and confused at times, Dorian always wants what's best for others. He really does just like making other people happy.

Naive - His "book smart" intelligence aside, Dorian can be quite at a loss when it comes to "street smart." His parents disappeared when he was four years old, leaving him on the steps of an orphanage. Due to his small frame, he was easily teased and very gullible; traits that he has yet to actually grow out of. He wants to believe the best in people, and this makes it a tad difficult for him to see things right sometimes. His illusions are easily shattered.

Moody and depressive - Dorian is slightly schizophrenic - or at least, he thinks he is. He hears voices sometimes and although he rarely takes them seriously, he does know that they exist and they communicate with him often. He tends to mope around listlessly and when he's upset or bored, he'll go off into a corner and wallow in depression; sometimes he even gets a tad suicidal, but he is usually dragged away from this at the last moment.

All talk and no show..? - Despite his tendency towards suicide, Dorian can be quite...interesting. When he gets frustrated to the point of anger, he'll "break," and he becomes sort of...manical. He's not harmful by any means, and very rarely actually hits anybody, but by golly he'll let you hear what's on his mind. He's kind of ridiculous, actually, and quite melodramatic if you get him to this state, and the only way to stop him is to feed him chocolate.

No, really. Chocolate.

Physical Description:

Hair: Black, curly, and shoulder-length; usually tied back with a green ribbon, and sometimes has a few small braids weaved through.

Eyes: Left eye green, right eye blue.

Face: Slender; he usually looks very serious, disappointed, or just somber.

Body: He's about 5'6", slender and wiry; he's almost too thin, but he fills out nicely otherwise.

Fashion: He dresses in what everyone else calls "old-fashioned" clothes. Button up shirts, ribbon-necked ties, black trousers, dark-colored vests, shiny shoes, white gloves, etc. He rarely, RARELY wears "street clothes," of jeans or teeshirts. He has an almost OCD fear of wearing anything less than semi-nice clothes, and sometimes he'll even go as far as wearing more elaborate outfits, with frills and lace and Victorian-style designs, and fancy feathered hats. He also walks with a cane, which is just a prop and not really needed.


It smelled funny.

Dorian wrinkled his nose and debated once again whether or not he was actually going to muster up the courage to move just a few steps closer to see if that was an actual human being lying there in the grass.

"Do itttt..." Mikey prodded him.

"Hush." said Dorian. "I'm thinking."

Mikey's tone sounded irritated. "Well, think faster." he said. "We can't stand here looking like idiots all night."

"Correction." said Bo. "It's really just Dory here that'll look stupid. Nobody can see us, remember? We're just the voices inside his head."

"Oh, yeah." Mikey said. "Well. Then by all means, Dorian, take your time."

"Thanks ever so much." Dorian answered them both crossly. He glanced nervously in one direction.

The street was unnaturally clear.

He glanced in the other direction.

Still clear.

Heaving a sigh, Dorian swallowed hard and inched forward, moving at a glacial speed. He didn't want to wake up whoever (whatever?) it was that was flopped down in the grass like a fish, in case it turned out to be some crazed mass murderer of sorts.


Letting out a most un-manly squawk, Dorian leapt nearly a foot in the air. He swatted blindly at whoever he thought might be attacking him when he realized that Bo was laughing.


"I hate you both." grumbled Dorian, picking up his dropped cane. Holding it in front of him like a baseball bat, he crept forward once again, craning his neck to see the "thing" more closely.

Now that he was nearer, he could see that it was definitely human. A young man, dressed in dark clothing with several belted straps cris-crossing his chest and a few more surrounding his upper left leg. Knee-high black boots covered his feet, and there was a bag lying beside him, stained with dirt and a dark liquid that Dorian really didn't want to identify. He was young, probably around the same age as Dorian was, if not a few years older, with curly dark hair that fell over his forehead in messy clumps. His eyes were closed, cheek pressed to the cold ground, his breath coming out in slow, steady motions, visible in the chilly night air.

Dorian took a step closer.

The boy's eyes flashed open.

Yelping, Dorian stumbled backwards, tripping over his own two feet and falling flat on his behind on the damp grass. He grappled for his cane, holding it protectively against his chest and trying not to seem like he was completely terrified.

"Very graceful, Dory." Mikey said dryly.

Dorian ignored him.

With a groan, the boy in front of him placed his gloved hands flat on the ground, pushing himself painfully to his knees. Drops of blood fell from his torso, spattering the grass with an uneasy red stain. He turned his head to the side, as if to get the crick out, and with another grunt, heaved himself fully to his feet.

Now that he was standing, Dorian could see that he was much...much taller than he was. Six foot, at least, and his eyes were a burning dark ember that glared in Dorian's direction with obvious scrutiny and annoyance.

"You there." he said.

"I'm sorry!" Dorian blurted out before the boy could finish. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I promise, I'll leave right now! I just wanted to see if you were still alive and if I could help! Please forgive me!"

There was a muted silence while the boy stared at him. Dorian flinched, waiting for the onslaught.

Dear Mother and Father in Heaven, I'm sorry I was such a bad boy. I don't want to die, please forgive me! I promise I'll throw out all of those dirty magazines under my bed -

"You're funny!"

Dorian stopped praying frantically and glanced upwards. The boy was laughing, hands on his hips, his eyes glinting in the moonlight.

"E...excuse me...?" he said, not sure if he'd heard right.

Still grinning, the boy leaned down, jabbing a finger in Dorian's face. "Since you've amused me this evening, I'll let you go free, human. But just remember that the next time you meet Lieutenant Slate, he can't grant second chances again!"

With that said, the boy stood back up, cracked his knuckles, and took off down the street, disappearing into the darkness. He moved fast and gracefully, like a cat, and he had vanished so quickly that it seemed as if he had simply melted away into the shadows.

"What..." Dorian said stupidly. "...just happened?"

"Obviously a crook." Mikey said dismissively. "Or one of those terrorists they told us about before. But whatever. He's gone. Let's get back to the party, shall we?"

"S...sure." Standing back up, Dorian brushed the strands of grass from his trouser legs. As he walked away, he glanced back over his shoulder, as if to catch a glimpse of the mysterious visitor. But all there was were curling tendrils of grey smoke, melting quietly away into the silent black night.

Name: Adelaide Merle

Nicknames: Ady (to her own family and the Hewlard family)

Age: 18

Birthday: October 29th

Sign: Scorpio

Blood Type: A

Fav. Food: Sweetened dairy products (e.g. ice cream, yogurt)

Hated Food: Cornbread, unless on corn dogs. She cannot stand its texture in a block.

School: Crystal Academy - senior

Hobbies: Visual art pursuits (mainly sketching in either stylized or realistic forms), blogging with her friends 'B' and 'C' (Braxton and Clover Hewlard, respectively) on TEH ALPHA BLOG, editing home movies and making animations using the school's equipment (being the Multimedia Club's leader helps!), reading, cartoons (of all sorts)

Gemstone: Pearl reference


Earnest -- Adelaide works hard at school and her art commissions both. She does put her heart into what she works with, but this is also a necessity for her. She is an art scholarship recipient at Crystal, so she has to keep her grades up in order to stay at that school and not get sent back to Meadowview, which she left in the middle of her first year of high school due to her acceptance at the Academy. Even though all necessities are paid for – she also gets room and board with her scholarship – Adelaide lacks expendable income, so she draws for other people (usually other students or their friends, although she also enters contests) in return for spending money.

Creative -- Without this trait, her art would feel limp and flat, and so would she. Whenever she creates something, she can twist up the subject and make it seem fitting. If she were working on a Halloween piece, she might just instead come up with a picture of a skeleton fit for Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), which isn’t exactly Halloween but would fit the bill due to the presence of skeletons (unless, for some reason, a Mexican student pointed it out to her). Adelaide marches to different beats than most Crystal students, both inside and out (she is friends with some Meadowview students, despite the school rivalry, and she doesn’t normally dress up, due to money, with one exception).

Reasonable -- While you need to be aware that her schedule can be vacuum-packed at times, with no air for anything, she is aware of your own time constraints. If Tuesdays are not good days of the week for you to meet up for coffee or whatever, she’ll work with that, as long as it’s not on a Monday – she’s usually blocked up her Mondays for various things, unless there is a total emergency.
((This does not mean that IC-Mondays are off-limits for roleplay, but if it is an IC-Monday, then you’d be likelier to find her at the Academy, though maybe she’s running other errands, who knows.))


Obsessive -- Whenever she gets hooked onto something, it’s a high chance that she is going to live, breathe and eat that something for a little while. For example, when the news first came about ‘those terrorist-prankster people’, she was obsessed with trying to get the latest developments at first. Then it stopped being fun when everyone knew what she knew.

Fussy -- Even though her family members knew that ‘beggars can’t be choosers’ Adelaide does not truly believe so. Adelaide is happy with the real friends she has (other than Braxton and Clover, she usually hangs around 3 other people from Crystal and 2 from Meadowview), and even though she is open-minded and doesn’t mind small talk, she is reluctant to let anyone new be friends with her, much less to the status of the Hewlard children. There were other schools that Adelaide wanted to go to outside of Destiny City, but had to turn them down for the lack of aid she would receive or because she was going to be too far away from her older sister (who is essentially the parental unit in her family) to visit, or vice versa. Everything is up for debate with her, even if the store manager said ‘the layaway only applies to items over $25, and your item is $24.99, so you cannot put it on layaway.’ She usually does not like going to stores as a result, preferring to shop online when 1) she can afford to and 2) her prepaid credit card works.

Hurried -- “Alright, team, we have this poster finished, but now we have to figure out the business cards for the Student Council and create the notepad covers for their notepad fundraiser, oh, and the event is going to be on Friday, today is Tuesday, it takes a day to process the notepads and cards at the copy shop, so… WE ONLY HAVE A FEW HOURS AFTER SCHOOL TOMORROW TO DO THIS?!”

The above would partly be because of the Multimedia Club’s role in Crystal Academy (almost always are they working on fundraising projects for the other clubs!), but it’s also because of Adelaide’s poor planning skills when it comes to the non-mandatory stuff in life. Mondays are her worst days, but that does not mean that all the other days of the week are free and easy either. Sure, she does get off the property every now and then to visit friends (and sometimes spend the night with her sister if it’s not a school night), but she is otherwise putting her nose to a grindstone for work or play.

Physical Description:

Hair: Her hair is fuchsia-colored in THIS COLOR, loosely hitting her waist, and has a bit of a ‘flip’ to it (similar to the Gaian hairstyle Breezy, but not in the available colors).

Eyes: Bright yellowy-gold, with glints of a knowing personality, but usually covered by copper-colored-frame eye-glasses that she needs to do her best work; she’s not totally hopeless sans glasses, but details are fuzzy without them.

Face: Her face has high cheekbones, and is heart-shaped. She likes eye makeup a lot, and when she uses it, it tends to be a neutral shadow and bright liner, like this. The hair is not like that, of course, but I wanted the eyes to be in sight.

Body: Ady, other than her hair, eyes and face, looks to be a bit plain everywhere else. She is at a average height and weight, and, while having a slight hourglass shape, does not have anything remarkable about her body.

Fashion: She wears whatever is comfortable, but she does not enjoy frumpy or baggy clothing either. For some reason, she enjoys skirts with pants, although she does not always do this. When it comes to revealing clothing, she usually covers one half if the other reveals, such as a halter top with jeans, or a miniskirt with a tee-shirt. Almost any color is fine with her, as long as it's not something that looks like vomit or just doesn't look right. Adelaide wears a bracelet on her left hand; it should be noted that this is the highest-priced fashion item she has, and wears it everywhere (hey, it doesn't look too out of place in school!) Earrings are fun too, and she usually wears studs of various stones, changing them every few days.

THE STORY ENTRY (495 words)
"Alright, Braxton. We'll meet up another day, after I can edit Clover's footage of my birthday par-AHHH!”
The young woman tripped over something in the street, her cellular phone flying out of her hand and glasses off her face as she tripped. Since her long dress was flying behind her, Adelaide was rather glad that nobody was following that could see her underwear. The beautiful costume she was wearing, that of a royal female based off of stars, was stunning (despite the wearer suffering from Plain-Jane Syndrome), and her friends – who gave her the costume – spent much money and time (well, parental money for other persons’ time) to bring it to fruition and presented it at her two-days-late surprise Halloween-birthday party, which she just left, glad that it wasn’t a school night.
Getting up off the darkened thing in the not-that-dark street, Adelaide discovered, after picking up her glasses, that the lower half of the dress was ruined, with splattered red here and there. “Darn it, Clover, I’m sorry!“ Putting on her glasses and giving the cloth a closer examination, the stains on the dress had the look of blood. “What the- this can’t be a garbage bag!”

“You’re damn right, I’m not,” a female voice answered harshly, a face peeking out behind a navy-blue mass of hair, looking up at a surprised Adelaide. “Oh,” the unknown woman’s voice filling with sugar-flavored sarcasm, “I’m so sorry about your pretty fairy costume, not that it doesn’t look good that way. It’ll look even better when I modify it more…” A sly grin was showing up on the woman’s face as she sat up, clutching a throwing star the size of a Frisbee in one hand, with chain mail gloves on both hands.

The sight of the weapon was when Adelaide’s shock became a look of fright and anger.
“You PLANNED this out? You’re one of those terrorists, huh?” Adelaide’s voice, which was cheerful on the phone, went through a pair of clenched teeth.

While standing up and making her black pantsuit noticed, the woman continued “Yes, little girl, and you’re probably not going to get any help at this time of night – you’ll be at the mercy of Cap-“

Techno music started to blare out of nowhere; it was a quiet area at night, so the long navy-haired woman was looking around for the source. Adelaide was a bit smarter, and was glad that the maker of the noise was still working, taking a quick dash to scoop up her phone in one of her white-gloved hands, and then kept going in the direction of Crystal Academy, never looking back, although hearing “I hope you never meet me again, because I’ll be the last person you see!” as she went at the fastest speed she could muster in such a long skirt. Good thing I wore sneakers tonight, Adelaide thought to herself as she looked at the missed call that Clover made. I just wish your combined efforts were untouched, but I’ll repay you both still… Adelaide's relief was overwhelming to the point where she forgot to call the police, but hey, life would get the better of that woman, whatever side she was on, anyway. Adelaide was not dead, so that was what mattered right now.

6,600 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Happy Birthday! 100
  • V-Day 2011 Event 100

Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: Leyna Wynn

Nicknames: (if any) None, she only goes by Leyna

Age: 15

Birthday: June 2

Sign: Gemini

Blood Type: O-

Fav. Food: All types of sushi unless it has avacado in it, and cookie dough ice cream

Hated Food: Avacado

School: Meadowview


Baking- Leyna loves the smell of cake rising in the oven. She loves it even more when she is the one that made that cake batter from scratch and put it in the over herself. If something is sweet: a pastry, a donut, bread of any type or cakes, and she can bake it, she will. Her favorite things to cook are layered cakes, but give her a baking recipe and watch her fly around the kitchen happily.

Painting- Her escape is putting a brush to canvas. When she starts with a painting she normally doesn't have anything planned, but people compliment her work once it's completed anyways. Her skills lie in landscapes, but she has been known to paint anything and everything. The only pieces she doesn't like are the ones she plans out ahead of time, so she stopped doing that early on.

Reading- Unbeknownst to anyone except those closest to her, Leyna truly enjoys a good horror story. They excite her imagination like nothing else can. Her favorite author is Edgar Allen Poe. Next is a well written murder mystery, but she does like happy stories at times. The only thing she will never read is a romance.

Jogging- With so much to occupy her time while barely moving, reading and painting not being very active hobbies, Leyna finds a way to be outdoors in the sun, which she loves. She enjoys jogging to keep herself fit and to have the time to think.

Gemstone: Aquamarine


Calming Voice- Leyna has a naturally soft voice, but it seems to be powerful when she speaks. Carrying the length of a normal sized room even at its soft pitch, Leyna can bring a sense of calm into a room if its been lost. Well known among her friends for being able to diffuse a stressful or serious situation, Leyna has often been told she would make a good police negotiator, psychiatrist or hypnotist because of her voice. It seems to happen naturally, without her even thinking about it, and when a situation is already peaceful or happy, her voice is capable of making her heard even above louder voices.

Loyal- There have been times that Leyna has been told she's loyal like a puppy. Just because she won't trust someone on sight, doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't like them, and if she likes someone she will do what she can to help them. Stepping into the boundary of trust is difficult for her, because she watched her parent's marriage fall apart and she doesn't want to put herself through that, but once someone has earned her trust, she will go above and beyond helping them achieve any dream, reach any goal and get through any trouble, big or small. She will answer a call at three in the morning for a troubled friend needing a shoulder or someone want a question to trivia that's been bothering them all day.

Determined- When given a task, Leyna will see it through to the end no matter what. Whether it be school work, helping a friend, or saving the world she puts a lot of effort into the things she does. She pursues everything she does with a hearty stubbornness once she puts her mind to it, and some of her greatest triumphs come from seeing a task come to fruition or completion and knowing she put everything she had into it.

Honest- Honesty is the best policy in Leyna's mind, even if at times the truth hurts. However, she isn't cruel about being honest. If someone asks for her opinion she'll give it, but she doesn't go out looking for ways to be brutally honest. In fact, unless confronted with an honesty she thinks will really hurt someone like being asked a blatant question, she avoids it. She will be honest about her ethics however, and she never holds back on that, standing by what she believes and living it.


Introverted- Leyna tends to dwell in her own thoughts a lot, and although she has a smile and a friendly word for everyone, it takes a person about two weeks to a month for Leyna to really start opening up and really talking to someone. This may lead someone to believe she's stuck-up, but a warm smile and soft hello usually dispels this myth before it can be spread too far.

Self-conscious- Due to the length of time Leyna spends in her own thoughts, and the time it takes her to open up to peopls, she has a self-esteem issue. After watching the destruction that divorce had on her family, she tends to think people will hurt her if she lets them get too close, which is why few people make it that far. Without trying to hide it Leyna is almost painfully obvious in her insecurities about herself and those around her. She questions her own worth as well.

Perfectionist- The downside to being determined, sometimes her best just isn't good enough. Even when she gives everything she has, there are many times when she critiques herself harshly and instead of accepting everything, even with its flaws, she often times will feel the need to start over with a situation or problem.

Dense- When it comes to the simple things, Leyna tends to let it slide in one ear and out the other. Some people call it selective hearing, but problems, thoughts and actions of the, in Leyna's opinion, less than important kind will go over her head on a regular basis, and she remains oblivious to a lot of things, especially the things she doesn't like.

Physical Description:

Hair: Shoulder length violet hair that waves the most at the tips and are parted to the left. Short bangs stop just above her eyes, and the tips are evenly black. She tends to put some small amounts of spray in it to liven it up and give it volume, but otherwise she keeps it simple.

Eyes: Soft and expressive silver, large and set perfectly distant from each other.

Face: Heart-shaped, with high cheekbones and a medium sized forehead, hidden well by her bangs. Her lips are full and her nose is small. Her ears are covered by her hair.

Body: Athletic. 5'5” and thin. Muscled from being outdoors, but not overly muscled, and tanned.

Fashion: Simple and clean. Typically she can be found in her school uniform, with long socks. She doesn't add many accessories. One set of earrings, small silver stars, and a silver charm bracelet with only two charms on it, a small orb with a ring around it that is similar to Saturn, but is actually a galaxy and a key.


“Halloween night, and the ghouls are on the prowl,” the male voice of the radio DJ laughed into Leyna's ears through her headphones. She had listened to his radio station ever since the information on sailor senshi and negaverse agents started up, because this station seemed to have the most up to date information on them, but also played music to keep her entertained. Leyna appreciated both.

As she walked home from school, Leyna only half listened to the radio as she thought about the party she would be attending that night. She wasn't thrilled about being around so many of her peers, but she would be in a costume, and she had a mask to make the costume more believable, so even if worse came to worst she would be hard to recognize. Gazing up at the clouds, Leyna didn't even notice the body at her feet until she tripped over it and nearly stumbled to her knees. Regaining her balance just in time, Leyna turned to look at what she had tripped over.

It took a few moments for her to realize the person laying there was a boy laying there dressed in a military style uniform. That didn't look like a Halloween costume, in fact, it looked real, but not like any military Leyna had ever heard of. That was when it hit her that it must be a Negaverser, as the government put it. She was curious, but worried as well. These people were dangerous. Still, something stopped Leyna from pulling out her phone as she stared at the boy. He didn't seem that old as far as she could tell, but before she could do anything else and gentle hand on her arm stopped her. Turning, Leyna saw one of the Sailor Senshi everyone had been talking about.

“Be careful,” the girl said, and Leyna could tell she meant he was dangerous, confirming her worries. Nodding, Leyna stepped back, letting the sailor senshi do what she deemed necessary. She didn't even want to stick around and watch, so instead, she turned and ran, hoping the rest of the night would go like any normal Halloween.

Shanyume's Wife

Romantic Senshi


Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: Martin Thelsan II

Nicknames: Hot Head Marty

Age: 17

Birthday: July 28

Sign: Leo

Blood Type: O

Fav. Food: Steak, Well Done

Hated Food: Mushrooms and Goat Cheese

School: Hillworth.

Starting once he got to high school as a recommendation for some of his 'personal managment', Martin has taken the 135lb weight class and made it his own. With a style that involves use of his long legs and vast upper body strength, Martin becomes a force both on and off the mat. Sadly, his endurence is a bit lacking come the third period.
~Video Games:
If he isn't wrestling or pretending to write a paper, the video game nerd that is the teenager comes out. First person shooters are his speciality followed close by MMORPGs (but those he just hacks)
What male doesn't want to be able to impress the ladies with some homemaking abilities? Besides, after the last disaster with a steak while eating out, Martin had to learn to cook. And that's when he came up with his secret quesadillas. NEVER ask him what is in it. That shall come with him to the grave.

Gemstone: Ruby

Almost stupiditly loyal to a flaut. If Martin considers you a loved one, he will do anything for you. Rumor has it that he once got into a fight because some 'kid' made his couisn cry. All one can say is that 'kid' doesn't come around the Thelsans anymore.
Martin doesn't believe in lying. He thinks that even the smallest lie is a horrible offence worthy of some form of punishment. While the truth might hurt, it is better to upset someone than lying and have them discover it later. Oh, I don't even THINK about lying to him. You might just become his next punching bag.
While Martin might appear to be the laziest man alive when it comes to school work, the young man really does have a good work ethic. Since he is unable to have a true part-time job, he goes every weekend to his father's and helps with the constuction project or a tent job that they are doing. Don't tell anyone but he does secretly do a little studying at night.
Even if he cannot tell what someone is thinking, Martin does pick up on little traits that most let go unnoticed. Perphaps a certian pattern when you speak or some phrase you use without noticing? He can pick up on all the little things. Problem is not pointing them out to you when he gets annoyed.

~Over Thinking:
Give him a problem and he will think it to death and back again. Be it something very basic (like why the world is round) to something with a bit more depth (why did he choose those words) and he will always come up with some answer. Typically Martin draws logical explainations, not being a very emotional person, but if something hits home, he will find an explaination.
~Always Right:
Though he won't come out and say "I told you so", the oh so loveable Martin Thelsan has a habit about being right about everything! Be it from reasoning or logic, the man hardly ever finds himself to be wrong. Doesn't do well to control an ego.
Prefering to lock himself away on his computer (which, so happens, to be top of the line), Martin normally won't go out of his way to be social. If someone shows up and drags him out the door, he MIGHT go but normally, he is happy sitting in his room playing video games or watching movies.
Hot Head Martin. Let him pick a fight and he will be all over it! No one stands in his way if it means a few good punches. Yet, he isn't that much of a short fuse, normally just keeping quiet and to himself. But if you don't get the hint to shut that little mouth, he might just take it off.

Physical Description:

Hair: So smooth and shiny that it could make even the models for shampoo commericals jealous. He naturally has dark brown hair but if he gets out in the sun for awhile, red highlights come to life allowing natural streaks in his hair. Reference for style: [x]

Eyes: Large eyes that narrow towards the edges. The eye lashes are long and full making most females wish for them. A brown color fills the iris but there is a hint of green along the edges that becomes more define if he becomes annoyed.

Face: A Square shape with a soft chin. He doesn't have any hard lines. Martin keeps his eyebrows tamed without seeming to girly. A slightly large nose and ears (ears are masked by hair). He gets large parathenses when he smiles around his lips.

Body: One word: Strong. A very defined set of biceps matches the six pack and lovely 'v' on his hips. His legs aren't as strong has his arms but since he is all legs (they make up about three feet of his 5'10'' stature), he focus on the weaker elements.

School Uniform:
Though forced to wear the 'wonderful' uniform, Martin has taken it upon himself to add a bit more to it. With a tie of grey and a fingerless grey glove on his right hand, Martin normally bites off more than he should.

Normal Style:
One will see Martin in Flip flips, jeans, a black belt, and t-shirt when he is allowed to be outside the school gates. Heck, even if he isn't allowed, Martin isn't one to stop when it means getting ice cream on some down time.


No one should ever question it. Halloween is the only holiday worth celebrating. The weather was just getting cool. There was junk food everywhere. The girls would wear as little clothing as possible. Not to mention, it was the only holiday that his parents didn’t fight.

Unfortunately, Martin was missing the Hillworth dorm party, though it was worth it. Tomorrow was the official start of the wrestling season and there was no way he was going to allow some hot-headed freshie take his place on the mat. He was the best 135 they had ever had. That thought alone was enough to make him smirk for the next half a block.

“Come on you lazy bum.” His words came in gasps as sweat dripped from his hair. “Another four blocks and you can go back for…Legs?”

Willing himself to keep going after he could have sworn that there was a pair of legs back there was nearly as impossible as someone getting his secret quesadilla recipe. It just wasn’t going to happen.

“Yep. Those would be legs.”

Walking at a quick pace to keep his heart up, Martin slowly caught the rest of the figure in his line of sight. A full female body, torn and bloody was laying there like the forgotten trash around her. The sight drew a long whistle from the wrestler.

“Miss?” His voice was firm as he knelt and slowly reached out a hand to her neck. There was a pulse. “Miss. It’s time to wake up now.” Three light taps from his cold hands seemed to stir life back into her figure. “There now. I won’t hurt you. Just stay with…HEY!”

Jerking his hand back in the nick of time, Martin barley missed being bitten. “Is that anyway to thank someone? I really don’t want rabies.”

“How dare a vermin like you touch me!” He was watching her try to stand and failing at it for the first few attempts. “What have you done to me? What spell is this, Negascum?”

Negascum? Well that was a new one on him.

“Look, I’m not…Nega…whatever you said. I’m here to help you.” Martin knew he was giving it his best shot. Deep in his mind, he knew that she was most likely one of those ‘terrorist’ but with legs like those. “You need to calm down.”

“The Senshi of Animals never backs away from a fight. I will not be your prey!” With lightly fast speed, amazing for her wounds, the girl leapt towards Martin. As quickly as he could react, the wrestler threw her into a headlock and held her in place. Though she fought, he wouldn’t let her go.

“Now who said anything about prey? Just calm…” The sentence wasn’t finished as he winced in pain. She had sunk her teeth into his arm. Martin could feel the blood running down it but he had had worse. “Now that was uncalled for.” Snapping as he threw her back against the wall, he took a lower wrestling stance. “If you want to fight, give me your best.”

He watched her push off the wall, run towards him, and then felt the softness of her skin slip through his arms as the hardness of her shoe dug into his head. “Some other time, Negascum!”

He could hear her voice echoing in his head as he gazed up at the roof she had used him to jump to. Smiling as he rubbed the back of his head, he laughed “Halloween just gets better every year.”


Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: Elise Gregory

Nicknames: None

Age: 17

Birthday: September 25

Sign: Libra

Blood Type: A

Fav. Food: Rotini Pasta and Pesto Sauce

Hated Food: Onions and Tomatoes

School: Meadowview

~Ball Room Dancing:
Instead of normal ballet like most young girls take, Elise wanted to do a dance that was a bit more...interesting. She has been taking classes for three years now and has placed in a couple of competitions. Her only problem is finding a partner.
Some might call it untrue or predictable but to this young lady, Astrology can hold the answers. Practicing her tarot cards and looking over star maps are some of Elise's favorite things. Not to mention girls love having their loves for-told.
~Creative Writing:
Every now and then, Elise picks up her pin and paper and starts to write. While she doesn't want to be a writer, it's a great way to get ideas and stress out.

Gemstone: Sapphire

Never one to take sides, Elise is always the first one to hear both sides out and then calmly explain the disagreement. She hates seeing people upset and will do what she can to calm the problem.
Raised as a lady, Elise knows what to say, when to say it, and how to make even something mean sound kind. Though their family is middle class and wasn't able to send her to Crystal, they brought her up to be well mannered and just like a polished stone: Something beautiful to gaze at. If only they knew the truth.
~Pragmatic :
Elise is very much aware of what and who she is. No use in going out bring herself down to levels of mental distress when she knows there is a limit to everything. Though every now and then, she will push herself harder and set new limits to her being.

So she's a little bit of a flirt when it comes to good looking men...so what? Yes it can get her into trouble if she's dating someone but look at her sign! She's a Libra. The sign of love.
Making a decision about almost thing is tricky. Sure she has her thoughts but in all honesty, Elise would rather sit back and let other people make the important choices.
Sometimes it's better not to say anything at all. That is how Elise feels when it comes to most matters. Keep your mouth shut and act shy. That way, no one knows what you are thinking.

Physical Description:

Hair: Long and wavy silver hair. it runs down her back but the top few layers are pulled high on her head in a bun with loose hair falling down at the base. She has messy bangs. Style:[x]

Eyes: Large eyes that catch people's attention. They are a deep, rich blue that is rare to see.

Face: A diamond shaped face. High cheek bones, small nose, arched eyebrows, thin lips with red gloss. No freckles.

Body: Gifted/cursed with long legs and a nice curve to her body that gives her an hour glass figure. She has a small pouch around her stomach that is hidden with clothes. Also, at her left ankle, she has the Japanese symbol for 'Night" tattooed into her skin. [x]

Fashion: Elise doesn't hide her tattoo. Even with the red shoes and uniform (and the hidden shorts under the skirt), she shows it off with a smile. Though she does wear a matching set of sapphire drop earrings and a necklace.

Things like this never happened to her. She was a good student and stayed out of trouble. Yet trouble seemed to have a way of finding her.

“I’m going to ask you once more, Miss Gregory. Were you or were you not the one that found the man in question?”

Elise’s eyes were locked on the aging cop’s enlarging pupils. He had been patient with her but it was plain to see that he was starting to loose it. Still, her blue eyes only flicked back towards the broken café window. Next to her, she could make out the sound of a sigh and a notebook being closed.

“Look. I know it is Halloween and this is probably some stupid prank your friends pulled but the sooner you give me answers, the sooner we can all go home. So, try this again?”

“He just disappeared.” Elise’s voice shook slightly as she replayed the events in her mind. “He was there and then gone.” Eyes quickly turned back around and looked at the confused officer. “About five foot seven, some grey and red uniform and this strange turquoise hair cut in a mullet fashion.”
Pointing back towards the roped off café, Elise made sure that she had the man’s attention by catching his eyes ever now and then. “His body flew past me and into the window.” That wouldn’t be hard to follow. They had already bandaged a few cut fingers from all the flying glass. “I followed to find out if he was alive. Then, when you showed up, he just, vanished.”

Honestly, Elise couldn’t have been more annoyed at the police. Not only had they blamed her and her friends but she could swear that they thought she was high, drunk, or both! Oh how she longed to reach over and smack that silly grin right of his face. Just because she went to Meadowview didn’t mean she was an idiot.

“Disappeared huh?”

Skepticism showed in his raised brow but Elise only nodded. “Well boys, just another Halloween prank. Not an attack. Let’s close it up!” He turned from her and started to walk back to his men who were groaning at the waste of time. “Oh. And Miss Gregory.” She picked up her head and listened. “Go home!”

She didn’t move again until every last one of them had left.

The night was quiet again as she made her way under the caution tape and back into the crime scene. Stepping over a few broken tables and crushing more glass, Elise wondered how they had missed the drops of blood that lead the way to the men’s room.

Pushing open the door, she laid eyes on the floor. There, a very strange looking man with turquoise hair lay gazing up at her.


“Because you are hurt and they are idiots.” Elise locked eyes with him. “You should go. Someone might come back.” While she didn’t want whoever he was around, she wasn’t going to allow him to be arrested. Wasn’t his fault that the window was there.

Relief washed over her as she watched him stand. That became fear when his hand reached out and touched her shoulder. “I should kill you.” He snapped as she felt his fingers dig into her flesh. “But I’m in a good mood.” In the next moment, the door closed behind him leaving a very stunned woman.

Turning her head to look in the mirror, an image of a woman who had just had her first kiss stolen smiled back. “Valentine’s Day, eat your heart out.”

Regal Himedere


Name: Sorano Delleville.

Nicknames: Sora.

Age: 17.

Birthday: April 2nd, 1992.

Sign: Aries.

Blood Type: A-.

Fav. Food: Rice and beans.

Hated Food: Unsalted Cashews.

School: Meadowview.


Karaoke! - Sure, he wasn't graced with a great singing voice, but Sora loves to perform on stage. Since he feels most comfortable when he is bellowing out his voice to a crowd that is rarely paying attention, it is considered his most favorite hobby.

Staring Into Space - Not the most exciting past time but likely Sora's most frequent one. Sora stares into space when he is bored or dreading something and trying to clear his mind. Plus, staring at the squiggly that strays into his peripheral is amusing.

Blinking - One again, it is not one of Sora's most entertaining hobbies but an occasional one. He counts his blinks from time to time. This usually ends with him falling asleep on himself however.

Repairing Watches And Screaming Over the Difficulty - Since his poppa owns a store that repairs wrist watches, Sorano helps him out. He understands the makeup of a piece of clockwork almost perfectly, but his hands are quite too big and he cannot hold the instruments required to repair the items. That when he usually turns him to counting his blinks or staring at the enigmatic squiggly that escapes his gaze from time to time.

Gemstone: Diamond.

(All the phrases describing his flaws or virtues are actual song lyrics in case people didn't know. ;D)

Love, love, love, lo-lo-loooove, makes the world go 'round! - And loving Sorano is. Gotta share the love, man! Even though he is far from a hippie, Sorano cares about mother Earth and wishes to keep her and her inhabitants healthy and clean.

She's poetry in motion, a beautiful site to see! - Sorano's a hopeless romantic. Yes, he enjoys cheesy movies and has quite a timid heart. He's a gentleman to the ladies and treats them as they should be treated, like individuals.

Cheer up, ole chap! The sun's still a'shinin'!- Feeling down? Don't be surprised if Sorano pulls up from your slump and forces you to dance. Everyone hates to see a depressed face, especially Sora!

Music makes the people come together! - Sorano loves to make friends. He's quite the social monarch and enjoys the company of others. He seems to click with people quite quickly due to his mundane nature.


It seems to me, sorry seems to be the hardest word. - It is hard for Sora to accept fault, especially if what he did was a minor mistake. He has registered in his mind that placing the blame on others can calm the guilt inside of him.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail. - Sorano will always pick the side that is ahead. He doesn't care if they are neutral, good or even bad...As long as they are winning, they will have Sorano's full support.

Physical Description:

Hair: The front end of his hair is fluttered out so that is stretches over the front of his eyes and the sides of his cheeks. The back of his hair is knotted together into a long, flowing tail. His hair color is reminiscent of ripened honeydew. Click for hair style example.

Eyes: Wide eyes that are gold in color. The tint of his eyes flows off to a gradient orange.

Face: Sorano's face is ovalish with a hard tipped chin. This is one of his most defiant and dominant features. He also has small dimples that appear when he grins.

Body: Tall, but hardly muscular. He has a 'nerd-like' body makeup, making him not too intimidating. His body is colored like a velveteen squash, making him look almost luminescent.


Uniform - Sora always sport Meadowview's standard uniform, but with a shirt underneath the top. The undershirt is typically a long, white shirt with the cuffs folded over.

Casual - Long V necked sweaters and a pair of casual jeans are his typical wear. Unless it is a special holiday, he never dresses too different from any other high school boy.


There was a wounded girl, a cackling man, a flaming chicken, some malt balls, and a poor Sora caught up in it all.

It all started with the unfortunate boy stomping down the path as it was quite obvious he was angered. Sorano hefted his two arms up to prevent the bags of groceries he had within grip to not tumble to the pavement below. It was Halloween as young ones were contently skipping door to door to retrieve a wondrous treat or a malevolent trick. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the holiday besides Sora. Huffing, he wished his favorite karaoke joint had not closed for the day. Otherwise, he would be able to let off his steam.

His parents had decided it would be best to keep their son from enjoying the day, believing he was quite too old to trick-or-treat. Plus, he had to make dinner for those two rotten rats! Part of his anger was his teenager rebellion but the other was certainly something to agree with. Turning down an alleyway to make his trip seem much longer, he was greeted with the sight of a female who was bleeding profusely. Her costume was torn to shreds.

Panicking, Sorano checked for a pulse. She was still living, thankfully. Unfortunately, she needed help and he didn't know how to give it. Suddenly, a man cloaked in black began to cackle menacingly. Blinking, Sorano didn't know what to do.

"Did you do this?!" he asked angrily as he threw his fist up to the man. "How...How could you harm a girl! You are certainly going to pay!"

The vile man just threw his head back to laugh again. "So ya say, boy!" he said, another laugh somehow finding its way into his speech. "So ya say!"

Sorano stamped his foot, throwing out disgusting words towards the other. This seemed to fuel a fire for the man, literally. The man threw a fireball at the poor Sorano, who pulled up the first thing he had closest to him to reflect the attack. Unfortunately, that item was a frozen chicken. The chicken immediately blazed up due to the flying flame. Sorano juggled it between his hands for a small bit before thrusting it aside.

The man laughed again, which caused Sorano to wonder if he was truly insane. He continued to thrust fire balls as Sorano threw the chicken aside and tugged the unconscious girl onto his back. He dodged left and right as the man in black continued his gesture.

"Ya'll had enough a' me yet?" he asked through his movement. "Or d'ya want sum' more?"

Sorano skidded to a halt, gasping for precious air as sweat flooded his brow.

"Hit me with your best shot old man!"

This seemed to caused the evil villain to throw a fit. He began to run towards Sorano at full force, a large eruption of fire within his hand. Sorano had to think fast. Reaching into the grocery bag again, he wedged out his pack of malt balls. He ripped the pack open and threw them across the area in front of him. As the man came close, he lost his balance on the chocolate candies and fell to his back. The fire within his hand flew up and than down, landing on his face. The man cried and flailed with agony. Sorano made his escape and dashed his way home.

Violently opening the door, his parents shot him a bewildered look.

"Son, I thought you were buying groceries!" shouted his mother.

Sorano clenched his teeth as he shifted the girl on his back.

"This girl was on sale...okay? Stop with the questions and get me a doctor, she needs help!"

Atmadja's Wife



Name: Penelope Hornwall

Nicknames: Penny

Age: 18

Birthday: May 4th

Sign: Taurus

Blood Type: AB

Fav. Food: Pumpkin Pie, Chocolate Milk Shake, Baklava. These three things make the pale Penelope blush with delight.

Hated Food: Red meat, Seafood, Brussels Sprouts. A look of disgust is sure to fall upon the lass’s face when a dish containing these foods is placed before her.

School: Crystal Academy


Croquet – The sport of champions! Due to Penelope not being your natural Olympian, and without the desire to really put the pedal to the medal and exercise, she resorts to this activity as a recreational sport like someone would with soccer or swimming. She’s not outstanding but can play the game rather well.

Knitting – Grannies move over! Penelope knows her stuff when it comes to yarn and big needles. The lass has practiced it since she was a wee little kid. She can make hats, socks, mittens, and sweaters in every color and pattern possible. The only problem is miss Penelope always makes her creations two sizes too big. For example, the scarf she just finished knitting is long enough to drag on the floor.

Sculpting – Alongside knitting Penelope also enjoys sculpting things out of clay. She can make various objects, shapes, buildings, and people but that doesn’t mean they’re any good. For someone who looks in deep concentration when working, the end result is always lopsided or falling apart. Even though she struggles with the material, Penelope can’t help but love this form of art.

Piano - Even if Penelope has a difficulty with sculpting, her knack for knitting and the game of croquet shows that her fingers are skilled. This stands true too when Penelope sits down to play the piano. Just like knitting Penelope has been playing the instrument for quite sometime. Not a day goes by that the young miss doesn’t sit down and play a tune. It is a way for her to release her emotions but still keep a cool façade.

Gemstone: Emerald


Articulate: Shy in the presence of others, Penelope still can get by on her knowledge of good grammar. She holds herself well and speaks just fine when speaking one-on-one

Cunning: Being physically weak Penelope gets by on her smarts. She uses her creative mind to fool her enemies without getting her hands dirty. If Penelope could she’d use others to fight for her…and in the distant future she just might.

Polite: No one will make Penelope become a ruffian, not even her most hated enemies. It could mean death but Penelope will remain polite and dignified. She just can’t find it in herself to lower the standards she’s set for herself.

Will to Learn: Penelope unlike many teenagers really enjoys learning. She sucks up information like a sponge. Of course she favors learning about history, math, and science way more than how to dribble a basketball or how to glide on ice skates.


Soft Spoken: Even though Penelope holds herself well, she still has a great amount of difficulty speaking up when addressed. If ever placed in the spotlight the poor lass will become overwhelmed with the jitters. She’ll still give an answer, but her voice quivers and falls to low mumbling range. The reason why Penelope hates speaking in front of two or more people is due to an event that scarred her for life eight years ago.
~ Flashback~ Back in fifth grade little Penny got up in front of the entire school for a play. Dressed as a apple tree Penelope had one line to say that could make or break the whole show. When it came time to tell the hero to go right – the way to victory - nothing came out of her throat. It was as if her stomach ate away her voice. A gurgle was her response to the young boy’s question and before the teacher standing backstage could read her the line, Penelope the tree tried to move her little legs in the direction of the nearest exit. Still trapped in the cardboard, with very little room for her scampering feet, Penelope tripped and fell headfirst into the makeshift curtains which then knocked down the entire set. After such an incident that landed her a laughing-stock and scrapped knees Penelope has never had the confidence to speak up in front of a group. She always has an exemption from performing in front of the class when presentations are given.

Hand-to-Hand Combat = Fail: Just…no. Penelope has never been good at sports, or lifting weights, or running and anything that counts as a sport or exercise. Due to this Penelope has poor strength and could never fight hand to hand. Without the desire to improve that part of herself, this young lady will need to be pushed by someone else to get better.

Grudges last forever: At least they do when it comes to this girl. She may not act like it, but Penelope holds onto grudges with an iron fist. Her sweet but sullen face is the lock to a vault filled with grudges on various people. It has been a long time since Penelope has been able to find it within herself to forgive and forget.

Trust?: That is...what exactly? Thanks to that fifth grade incident Miss Penelope has had issues when it came to trusting fellow classmates and teachers. It only takes one slip up to loose a pal, so why develop such a close bond like trust with someone who flips as often as a coin?

Physical Description: Average height for a lady Miss Penelope uses this to blend in with her fellow students. She is lean with curves resting in her hips and chest. Here’s a better look! Click me!

Height: 5’5”

Weight: 136 lbs

Hair: The young lady’s hair is quite long…longer than girls usually wear it. - think Disney Princess long She always makes sure to wear it straight. Her bangs are parted down the middle and tied to hang on the sides of her face. Penelope also wears a large beret to pull back more of her hair so it is out of her face and resting on the back of her head. Her hair color is dark blue ranging to navy.

Eyes: Icy blue eyes lie under long, thick, and heavy lashes.

Face: Mature and composed. Penelope is always conscious of how she looks to those around her. With rosy cheeks and glossy pink lips no wonder she is called Cinderella.

Body: A pale skinned lass, Miss Penelope has a lithe body that defines her gracefulness. Unfortunately the beauty Penelope may possess does not help her when it comes to strength. Physically the young girl is weak and not athletic at all.

Fashion: Formal in the presence of others. Skirts, dress pants, fancy shirts, the works. After all, Penelope believes that if one values themselves they should dress in an attire that shows it.


The cold air smelled sweet thanks to the strong aroma of candy and caramel apples. Skeletons made from plastic soda bottles danced a jittery jig from door to door with the breeze as their partner. The cynical and laughing eyes of carved pumpkins galore followed the trick-or-treaters as they made their way from house-to-house adorned in the silliest costumes. Delicious candy had become the star seed everyone was after.

Everyone but a certain someone was out tonight in hopes of scrounging up sticky nutty bars and chocolate honkers.

Penelope walked briskly across the street, her blue eyes occasionally glancing away from the horizon to glimpse at the brilliant orange decorations. Her long legs carried her back and forth, weaving in and out of the groupings of children that moved at the slowest pace imaginable.

It was just her luck to end up behind the slowpoke squadron. As soon as one group left to retrieve their candy, another group of slow-paced children would take their place. Stomping through the crinkled orange and red leaves the children would glance from one friend to the other, tripping on their costumes, to talk about what kind of candy they got and what house to hit next.

Fear of the villains called Negaverse and Sailor Senshi certainly did not strike fear into these little rugrats’ hearts. Poor old Penelope would just have to take another route if she was to ever make it home in time.

Looking left then right like any good pedestrian should when the coast was clear Penelope darted across the street and into the darkened section of the houses. It seemed much too spooky of a place to find any kids wandering about. Only midget risk takers would dare take a trip through the littered and broken street she was now walking through. None of the munchkins gathering candy now fit such a description so Penelope was happy to declare herself ‘in the clear’.

At least she thought she was till she saw a shadow lying close to the ground. Her first instinct was to reach into her purse for the pepper spray she had stashed under a flap. Who would have guessed that the spooky tales of Halloween night had gotten to her?

As Penelope’s slim fingers curled around the tab of good old Mr. Pepper the figure let out a terrible moan. It was not of the perverted sort but…pained.

Rather than return to the busy street only to be knocked around some more, Penelope made the decision to gather up her courage and edge closer to the figure.

With every click of her heel she drew nearer until she was on her knees, capable of hearing the figure draw in raspy breaths. The person’s lungs were working hard to gather enough air to survive.

Penelope, even in the dark of the night, could see the odd clothing the person was wearing. It was so weird...even worse than what the anime freaks she saw when conventions came to town. But something...deep inside...a voice of some sort..told her to help. Whether she would regret it later was another thing all together.

Listening to the voice, begging and hissing at her to help the prone man, Penelope bounced her shoulder to sling her purse closer to her back before bending down and..miraculously began dragging the lifeless man back to her home.

It only took a few paces before Penelope decided to place the young man back on the ground, hurry off to the department store, and return with a wheel barrel. She was not made for hard labor but this guy had to mean something if she was putting so much effort into saving him. If only she knew the man was a Negaverse Lieutenant...

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