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Hilarious Elocutionist


Name: Koorie Shizuku

Nicknames: Kor (used by her older brother); Ice Queen

Age: 17

Birthday: September 23rd

Sign: Libra

Blood Type: O+

Fav. Food: Sushi, strawberries in chocolate, apples, pastries,

Hated Food: Broccoli, Cauliflower, and a severe allergy to coconut

School: Crystal Academy

Hobbies: Singing, learning new instruments, and writing music; also likes to train in jujitsu and archery

Gemstone: Peridot

Emotionless – Koorie is incredibly good at keeping her emotions tucked away. This helps her in being able to not only to think clearly, but to protect herself from becoming hurt. The way she lets out her true thoughts and emotions is through her music.

Athletic- Even though she doesn’t work well with others, Koorie is very into exercise; she trains almost everyday at a local dojo in jujitsu, and she has a punching bag suspended in her room for at-home training. She enjoys going running as well.

Lack of Trust- Koorie trusts no one but herself. Generally she avoids group projects in school, and when it’s mandatory to work in a group, she generally covers more than her share. She doesn’t like giving others a chance to show if they’re trustworthy; she simply automatically assumes the worst of everyone.

Mental Problems- While she dislikes people in general, Koorie has an unmistakable hate of men coming from her childhood past. In short, her brother when mentally insane when she was 8 and killed her parents, attempted to kill her, and then killed himself. The aftermath left her in the hospital for nearly 5 years. This incident also arouse several other mental problems that occasionally surface.

Injury- Physically, she suffers from moderate to searing pain in her heart area where she sustained injury from her brother’s attack. It’s a pain that the doctors claim is a mental problem, and it constantly turns on and off like a light switch.

Physical Description:
(half-shot of Koorie)

Hair: Length is to the middle of her back, it’s curled in waves, and the color is a blue-green-blue color.

Eyes: Bright red, tend to be on the narrow side

Face: Her expression is normally emotionless and calm. She hardly ever smiles

Body: Rather curvy, she’s well endowed in the chest area. She has a scar over her heart from a child-hood incident that resulted in surgery there

Fashion: She generally wears shorts and either a tee-shirt or a loose tanktop of some sort, when she’s not wearing her school uniform. She does her best to try to bind down her chest so it’s not as ‘in the way’


Koorie walked home in the silence of night alone; she was used to it, as she made this trek every day from school. Her bag was casually slung over her shoulder, and her long, curled hair was pulled up into a pony tail to keep it out of her face. There was something strange in the air though, and it kept her on her guard; she’d heard the news reports about what could be terrorist attacks on common civilians, and she knew she was a prime target since she was walking alone.

As she passed a darkened alleyway, she could hear something bizarre at the far end; the sounds of shouts, curses, and other forms of confrontation. Remembering the reward the police had put out for information, she began slowly making her way through the alleyway, her camera on her phone ready. As she neared the end, she hid behind a dumpster, taking in quickly what she saw. It certainly was a strange site, seeing these sailor-clothed people seemingly glowing with energy, and there were three of them, and then there was the fourth person, who was clothed in quite a different manor.

She watched as the three suddenly shouted out attacks, and the area lit up brilliantly as the dazzling and strange attacks were sent flying at the singled out fourth person, who proceeded to retaliate back with his own attacks.

The flash from her camera seemed to go completely unnoticed as the fight continued on, and after Koorie was sure she had enough evidence of what had just happened, she slowly stood up and backed out of the alleyway in hopes of leaving without attracting their attention.

“What… was that….” She muttered quietly to herself, flipping through the images. There was no way that these people were normal, or even human for that matter. Those beautiful attacks that were clearly dangerous to receive were unexplainable as to where they came from. “There’s no place for a weapon to be hidden….” She murmured, looking at a close of up the sailor uniforms. “This requires a new look into the matter….”

Looking around and making sure that no one was around to hear her, she then saved the pictures and pocketed her phone, resuming her walk home from school.

Ghouliboo's Kouhai

Territorial Friend


Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: Sarah Sadeghi

Nicknames: Sarahbear (don’t you daaaare think of calling her that if you aren’t her mommy >:[ )

Age: 16

Birthday: May 18th

Sign: Taurus

Blood Type: A+

Fav. Food: Spaghetti, stir fry, anything that has bread and/or rice.

Hated Food: Lobster, pork chops.

School: Meadowview

Reading: A bookworm at heart, Sarah finds books to be so much more interesting than real life. She's a bit of a dreamer, and often wishes she could be a character in one of her fantasy novels, living in a world where extraordinary things happened. That, and maybe it’d help her be less awkward. Her books don't always have to be fiction, however; she'll be just as interested in a well-written biography, so long as it doesn't ramble on and on.

Cosplaying: She's very shy about this hobby, and so it'll never be something she'll bring up unless questioned about it. Cosplaying lets her feel like she can be someone better than who she really is--it's like all the fun of Halloween, all the time! She feels as though she can hide behind the costume, therefore acting more brave and outgoing since she's imitating the character instead of herself.

Video Games: Yes, Sarah does enjoy her video games, the more horror-based ones in particular! Sure, it means she can’t sleep for a week, but it’s fun! If she’s isn’t reading, you’ll likely find her tapping away at her DS screen.

Gemstone: Emerald

Good Listener -- Having a problem with your boyfriend? Your parents being a jerk? School got you down Sarah's always happy to lend an ear and some advice to anyone who comes to her with an issue. Her advice is often sound, though she worries sometimes it's not what people want to hear.

Thorough -- When she's given a job or an assignment, Sarah likes to make sure she does it well. Sometimes this leads to her growing a bit nitpicky over details, but it'd be awful if she left something out! Sometimes, she feels like she's a bit of a pest when she has so many questions--most notably when she stays behind to ask her teacher for help and the like.

Emotional – Sarah is not good at hiding how she feels about things. If she’s angry or upset, one can tell. However, means she’s very good at sympathizing with people, and can’t turn her back on someone if she feels like they truly need help or are being wronged. This doesn’t mean she has the power to fix all problems... but it’s nice to have someone by your side.

Doormat -- To some extent, Sarah is a people pleaser. She has a hard time saying no to someone's face--even if it's something she really doesn't want to do. She's always been the weird, sort of quiet girl at school, and hopes that maybe if she does things that people ask of her, they’ll be her friend.

Emotional: Where her heart lets her make the right decisions, sometimes it also leads her astray. Sensitive and easily upset, Sarah sometimes withdraws into herself—or lashes out in temper. Sometimes people who don’t deserve it will get the brunt of her emotions. Likewise, she has a hard time staying mad at someone, or pulling herself away from people. She can even forgive people that probably shouldn’t be forgiven, which often makes her even more miserable when they turn around and stab her in the back.

Indecisive: When put on the spot, expect Sarah to clam up. She hates trying to make decisions, and if something really serious depends on her choice, she often gets flustered and might even have a bit of a panic attack. Instead of trusting herself, she’ll seek the advice of others, and can often be manipulated without even realizing it.

Physical Description:
(Note: Sarah is middle-eastern in heritage, hence where her looks come from <3)

Hair: Shoulder-length, dark brown hair with natural, reddish highlights in strong sunlight. Has a subtle wave to it, and has more volume than she would like.

Eyes: Almond shaped eyes with naturally thick, dark lashes. They are a warm, if dark brown, and can often look black from a distance.

Face: Oval, with thin lips and a nose a little bigger than she'd like. Her eyes are her most striking feature, though she does have a nice smile. Her cheekbones are prominent, tapering down to a stubborn chin.

Body: Short and curvy. She often feels a little fat sometimes because of her hips and legs, and it’s something that embarrasses her. Her skin is olive and fairly smooth, though she does have a few scars on the backs of her calves that accompany an embarrassing story about her trying to climb a tree once..

Fashion: Modest, and normally fairly reserved. She doesn’t normally feel very good about her body—and it doesn’t help that she’s cold almost all the time. She’s usually seen with a jacket or a hoodie of some sort. Honestly, she’s also a bit embarrassed about what people would think about her if she wore the stuff she really would like to wear. She has her days when sometimes she’ll dress up and look rather cute, liking reds and other colors that flatter her dark hair and skin. Her accessories never stray from the occasional earring, necklace, or bracelet,


University prank... Terrorism? She’d been hesitant to even believe a story like that when she’d first heard about it, but the gossip seemed to confirm it was true. Who’d have thought something exciting would happen near Meadowview? But, and though she’d never admit it to anyone, she almost wished she knew someone who was a part of the joke—she’d have liked to dress up too! With a faint, silly sort of smile on her face, she was hardly watching where she was going as she wandered down the dark streets. Yes, her mother always told her to have a friend when walking home in case something happened, but nothing ever happened in Meadowview!

That was about the time a blast of light roared from the alleyway she’d just stepped in front of and nearly gave her a heart attack. Choking on a scream of surprise, Sarah accidentally dropped the books she’d been clutching tight to her chest and could only watch as most of them landed in the various puddles that had formed after yesterday’s rainfall. “Ohh--!” She’d been about to swear but remembered what had startled her in the first place and peered down the alley rather hesitantly, every nerve telling her to run. Was it a fight? What if they had guns? Again, this was Meadowview, but she couldn’t just very well ignore sudden fireworks bursting off at random?

One hand reached out to touch the gritty stone of the alley, trying to steady herself even though she couldn’t convince her feet to move any closer. If this was serious, people might be getting hurt... and honestly, she wanted to get home in one piece. And then she managed to spot someone before another blinding flash of light made her cover her face and turn away, eyes watering. That had been one heck of a costume! Those were the pranksters who’d been dressing up? If they really were throwing fireworks at each other, someone could seriously get hurt!

Trying to swallow the lump in her throat, Sarah reassured herself that if she called the police, it was okay if people got angry with her for ruining their fun. This was getting too dangerous to be just a joke! Quickly slipping out of the alley and pressing her back to the nearby building, she made to reach for her phone...

...and realized it’d been in one of the books still sitting innocently in the puddle. “Oh my god.” She finally said after a moment before scrambling to pluck them out of the water, all but tearing through the pages. And her poor, faithful phone had drowned.

“...I would be the worst mother ever.” She whispered out loud to herself, trying not to let her eyes fill up. It was just a phone! And there was still time to warn the police, if she was quick! Swallowing back her upset, the girl quickly gathered up the rest of her soggy school things, and dashed down the street, knowing she couldn’t afford not to make it in time!

Greedy Giver

-grabbing a post for future reference-


Oooo, a bunch of entries so far! Good luck everyone! heart

Name: Kirin Thompson (Note: People assume Kirin is named for the mythological animal, but her mother actually named Kirin after her favourite brand of beer. Thanks, mom -_- )

Nicknames: Kiri (She'd better like you a lot, or she'll tear you a new one for using this.)

Age: 18

Birthday: January 17

Sign: Capricorn – ambitious, self-disciplined, persistent and methodical. The rising sign would be Sagittarius, making Kirin's inner personality outspoken, farseeing, buoyant and restless.

Blood Type: B

Fav. Food: Prawns, crab... lots of seafood, as long as it's not the mucus-based type like clams or oysters.

Hated Food: Instant pasta. Tasteless and rubbery, ick.

School: Meadowview. (She wears the boy's uniform.)

* Karaoke -- Kirin is the Karaoke Queen King Deity. She loves singing in any and all places, really, but no one complains when you're in a sound-proofed karaoke booth. She'll spend as many afternoons or evenings here as she can. But it's not unusual to find her humming or singing out in public, either.

* Experiencing different cultures -- "Destiny City is a multi-cultural hub where many a nation intersects" - and Kirin is determined to experience them all. She likes to try new restaurants and cafes, sampling all the different cuisines she can find. Similarly, she collects trinkets from many different cultures, and if there is a festival of any kind, expect her to be there. Her apartment is a horrible mis-match of clashing furniture and decorations - you'd be lucky to find two matching chairs, for instance.

Gemstone: Aragonite

Focused -- Kirin is very determined in regards to her set goals. She's the type to decide on several goals, then won't deviate from them. Even if it takes a long time to bring them to fruition, she hasn't forgotten them and is steadily working towards them. She's not easily distracted from anything she's focused on. (Though of course, if it doesn't distract or interfere with her goals, she may be more than happy to go along with others.)

Strategic -- Kirin has a talent for long-term planning and strategic thinking. It's the most effective way of making sure no one interferes with her goals, by keeping people from realising what those goals are, or how she's working to achieve them. She enjoys both normal chess and 'human chess', where other people are the pieces she's using.

Inability to sit still -- Kirin simply can't sit still for long, she always needs to be doing something. If she's waiting for one of her strategies or plans to reach fruition, she'll go burn off energy in a frivolous manner, whether that means karaoke, dashing about town, or... less innocent activities.

Self-Indulgent -- If she's had a bad day, or is in a bad mood, or just feeling sorry for herself, Kirin is very self-indulgent. She's more than willing to treat herself to some fatty food, that yummy looking desert, that interesting trinket in that store over there... It's all in the name of cheering herself up, but it is at the point where any minor setback or unexpected divergence will have her spoiling herself.

Distrusting -- Kirin has confident expectations that the motives and goals of others are dissimilar, if not harmful, to her own interests. Despite putting on a cheery, pleasing face around others, she doesn't work very hard to hide the lack of actual trust there. As a result, people tend to distrust her in turn. Which means that if something bad happens, she's often a suspect... Not to mention it must get a bit lonely after a while, not trusting anyone to be on your side.

Physical Description:

* Note * Although she is female, Kirin usually passes herself off as male in civilian form, ala. Uranus. IE, if you aren't told or haven't seen her Student ID, you'd mistake her for male.

Hair: Red-gold, her hair always appears as though sunrise or sunset is reflecting off it, with blonde streaks. It is fairly straight, cut in two main layers. While trying to pass herself off as a boy, it is back in a low ponytail. (( This is Kirin's hair when she's being 'female' - just imagine it down in a ponytail instead.))

Eyes: Golden eyes, which can appear large and child-like, or mature and menacing depending on her mood. Not as large/wide as most anime girls' eyes.

Face: Oval face, clear complexion, rather tanned.

Body: Kirin is very short ( 4' 6" ), which is a sore point for her since both her parents were quite tall. She is thin, but has surprising muscle and strength for such a petite figure (not overly muscled or strong, just more than you'd expect). She barely has any chest to speak of, just tiny A cups, which makes it easier to pass herself off as a male.

Fashion: Rather eclectic, though Kirin always dresses for easy movement. Jeans or cargo pants, unless she's dressing 'nice' for a special occasion, and she usually wears two shirts to help hide the tiny chest that she has - either a shorter sleeved top over a long-sleeved top, or an open button-up shirt (anything from dress shirts to flannel plaid shirts) over another shirt. She always wears a plain gold ring of her mother's (deceased as of three years ago) on a leather cord around her neck. She is also very in love with a leather trench-jacket of her mother's, which is meant to fall to mid-thigh, but on Kirin it falls to mid-calf instead. Kirin wears the jacket as much as possible.


"- And yet more reports of bizarre suited girls engaging in violent activities throughout the city..."

Kirin gave an unladylike snort, sparing a derisive glance at the newscast playing on dozens of television screens in a passing shop window. The newscaster's tone and expression was disbelieving and amused, politely poking fun at the people making the reports. Privately, Kirin thought if you couldn't keep your biased opinions out of the news, don't bother reporting it. Give her the cold, hard facts for planning any day. What use were the feelings of those supplying the information to her plots and strategies?

The redhead's attention was stolen by the night air, the chill drawing a shiver from her tiny frame. Hands were shoved deeper into jacket pockets. Kirin wasn't dressed for the night weather, but she'd gotten so caught up trying out a newly-opened Korean restaurant. Oooh, so worth it! The chilli ice cream, especially, was worth another visit in the future.

Happily dreaming of exotic banquets, Kirin almost missed the faint yells and crashes coming from her right. Visions of kimchi and cucumber soup morphed into screams and explosions, earning a puzzled frown and quick halt before Kirin walked into a pole.

Curiosity killed the cat, Kirin reminded herself, swaying back and forth in indecision.

An immediate reply of, And lack of information gets you killed, from her brain.

Lips pursing, Kirin gave a half-nod, half-head-tilt, in acceptance of this. It made sense to her, and she did so like to keep abreast of the happenings in her city. Her mind made up, she ducked down an alley to her right. Her back brushed against the rough brick walls as she tried to keep to the shadows. The cold seeped effortlessly through the several layers of clothing she wore, but Kirin wasn't about to walk blindly out into the middle of anything - especially not with the yells and explosive sounds growing louder and louder. Reaching the end of the back-alley, which opened out into a backstreet, Kirin pressed her back up against the wall and peered cautiously around the corner.

There, in the 'abandoned' street, two girls in skimpy school uniforms leapt and posed and attacked one another. Kirin withdrew her head as a bright beam of light was thrown her way. The air hissed and sizzled as the attack passed by, the other girl having dodged it, and neither one thinking they had a spy in firing range.

Crouching down lower, Kirin peeked out again. What she'd at first mistaken for school uniforms were actually much brighter, skirts much shorter, tops much tighter. Festooned with ribbons and impractical footwear, this was not school-approved clothing.

Kirin's eyes narrowed as she remembered the newscast. So it was true that these people were all over the city? Something hardened in her heart, something that burned alternatively scorching hot and ice-cold. Hands shook and scrabbled at the bricks behind her.

How dare they? How dare those little girls be out there, fighting and surviving, when her older, more experienced mother...?

One hand flew to the ring strung around her neck. Brain jumping into overdrive, Kirin remembered the stories her mother had told about her youth. About the special stars in peoples' hearts, and how some extra-special girls (and some boys) out there had more powerful hearts. And those heart seeds, or star hearts, whatever they were called again, could be removed. Taken.

A frightening smile curved over Kirin's lips, revealed teeth flashing scimitar-bright in the darkness. Those special, extra-powerful heart-seeds... how many would it take...? Surely enough of them could perform a miracle...?

Satisfied that she'd seen enough, Kirin slunk back the way she'd came. It was time to plan how best to go about retrieving the heart-seeds from these... Sailor Senshi.

Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: José Belchior

Nicknames: Zé, Belchior (he HATES being called José.)

Age: 17

Birthday: December 16

Sign: Sagittarius

Blood Type: B

Fav. Food: Oranges

Hated Food: Seaweed

School: Hillworth

Hobbies: Drag racing, biking, videogames, some samba, getting piercings done, designing tattoos

Gemstone: Turquoise

Virtues: Intense- When Zé decides to do something, he does so 110% percent. It’s very easy for him to concentrate, and he devotes himself completely to it. He never does anything half-hearted.

Brave- Ghosts, rivals, scary teachers—nothing seems to get to this guy. However, if you ask him about it he’ll just say that that has nothing to do with it. It’s being able to act when you’re facing a challenge that makes you brave.

Passionate- Zé brings the spirit of the samba into his life. He is filled with life and energy, and is unafraid to use this. He turns the heat up, and it will take a lot for him to turn it back down!

Flaws: Unfriendly- Some might want to use ‘tsundere’, but he isn’t really. He just isn’t a nice guy! He’s rude, and quick to judge if he doesn’t like someone. It will take a LOT of energy (and pestering) for you to change his mind.

Easily Angered- Did you put too much ice in Zé’s water? Did you bump into him? Did you chastise him in a harsh tone of voice? You might suddenly find yourself picked up by your jacket collar or feel a shoulder slam into your sternum. Watch out, he has an explosive temper that can be tipped off by anything.

Independent- A lot of people would consider independence to be a good thing. However, he takes it to an extreme. He hates teamwork, and thinks that it just bogs you down and holds you back.

Physical Description:

Hair: Soft bangs frame his face, but other than that his hair is short and spiky, especially in the back where it’s feathered up. Also, his hair is a vibrant green the same shade as the inside of a kiwi.

Eyes: His eyes are naturally a dark brown, but he’s always wearing bright sky blue contacts. He thinks that they make him look different and rebellious.

Face: He has a very chiseled, Grecian face. He has a scar on his eyebrow where a Hillworth schoolteacher forcefully removed one of his piercings. Similar scars dot his earlobes and cartilage, and he even has one on his lip.

Body: Zé has the typical dark olive skin of someone from Portugal or Brazil, plus he’s tanned because he spends so much time outside. He’s about 5’10’’, with broad shoulders and toned arms.

Fashion: Zé enjoys wearing real leather when he can, especially in jacket-form. His favorite jacket is a brown leather jacket, and he believes that it brings him good luck in races. As far as his uniform goes, since he goes to Hillworth he can’t get away with much. However, he tries to get away with as much as he can. He leaves his top button unbuttoned whenever a teacher isn’t looking, and leaves his tie hanging loose, if on at all. He also likes to wear his pants around his hips instead of his waist and his shirt un-tucked… until a schoolteacher comes around with a branch of birch or some other form of punishment.


“Stupid…” Zé held a lighter to the cigarette dangling from his lips. With a sigh he exhaled the smoke and stared at the bright lights coming from the alley. He had been there, sitting on his motorbike, for the past half-hour. At first he thought that it had been a race, but now it was starting to look more like a rave. He had been deciding whether to go or not, but the colors were starting to hurt his eyes. Zé didn’t really like raves, but at this point it was better than heading back to the school. He slid off of his bike and locked it to a fence before flicking his cigarette onto the ground. After grinding it in the ground with his shoe, Zé headed down the alley.

“You have to be shitting me…” muttered the seventeen year-old when he stared at the short-skirted soldier fighting another girl in a gray uniform. He stepped forward, snorting.

“I sat out there for thirty minutes, wasting my time, just to see a couple of girls with flashlights?” The girl in the short skirt gasped, but the gray-wearing girl turned on her heels and walked towards Zé. With a smile on her face she clenched her hand into a fist.

“Listen, I’m not like other guys. I’ll smack a girl if she needs it,” muttered the Hillworth boy. He could hardly look at the girl before he felt himself flying backwards. His body crunched when it hit a dumpster, and Zé groaned.

“You freakin’ little…” when Zé tried to lift himself up from the dumpster, he was promptly hit in the face with a tiara, and he slumped back, knocked out. The next day, when Zé was found by a Hillworth teacher, Zé couldn’t explain it.

Who would want to admit that they were attacked by two girls, and that he was knocked out by a flying tiara?

Name: Felicity Soo-min (middle name) Jonnes

Nicknames: Lissa (lih-sah, not lee-sah) or Felis, you can also get away with 'Min' or 'li'. It varies from friend to friend, relative to relative.

Age: 16

Birthday: 2nd October

Sign: Libra

Blood Type: O+

Fav. Food: Flaming spicy red soup.

Hated Food: Anything that's passable as a chocolate covered sugar bomb or is so sweet that it becomes sour.

School: Meadowview

Hobbies: Cross stitching, Gachapon addict, Soccer and watching/trying to help her mum cook.

Gemstone: Opal


    Resourceful -- When in most situations Felicity can think on her feet and still come up with a half decent and manageable plan which can be done. She takes in what she knows and finds the best way to use it.

    Lenient -- Willing to turn a blind eye. She gets that life happens to everyone and if that means you've got to get your hands dirty to get through it then she's still willing to give you a second chance. People have reasons for doing things and she won't judge anyone based on a single event.

    Ambitious -- Always trying to make herself appear better set herself rather elaborate goals which even she struggles to always maintain. Nevertheless she tries her hardest to complete what she sets her mind to and expects the best of both herself and others, not matter what the situation.


    Easily flustered -- What can she say? She's horrible with time management and when the deadline comes crashing down around her she's more likely to panic at first before trying to find a way around it. It's not that she can't, it's just she sees the consequences before figuring out how to avoid them. This also occurs when in a situation she can't always control such as large crowds.

    Scaredy Cat -- Things that go bump in the night, dark shapes on the ground, ghost stories and weird scratching noises from out the window? Head for the covers! As soon as something becomes too much for her it moves into 'scary zone’ and she's out of there as fast as possible. The only combatant to this is peer pressure. If enough people are there, not friends either since friends would let her back out, and dare her, not encourage dare, she might face it to try and appear less childish.

    Image obsessed -- She's no diva divine but she pays attention to her looks and reputation. The image she gives off isn't a very popular one but it's her image and she'd like people to think of her the way she wants them to think.

    Conceited -- Yes even a Meadowview girl can be a bit arrogant and in her opinion she's above other schools anyway. Call it self deceiving but Lissa does think that she's a bit above the rest of the world and she'll do various things to prove it. Talk big, ace tests and try to maintain a perfect image for one thing. After all, if you don't think you're all that who else will?

Physical Description:

    Hair: A matte black tied in two pigtails which bulge out towards the bottom. The tips of the loose ends reach her waist. She keeps her fringe swept aside in a central parting with two bangs hanging just out in front of her ears like this, only longer.

    Eyes: Slightly almond shaped but only just noticeably so. They're a boring shade of beer bottle brown with tiny glints of copper on those really sunny summer days.

    Face: Heart shaped with too small a pair of ears and a pixie esque pointed chin. He mouth has a slight downward turn as if never quite impressed with the world that the eyes see.

    Body: Short for her age, somewhat tanned skin, an 'olive'complexion is what most people call it. She's not particularly lithe in a gracefull but she's got an athletic figure from her soccer playing days. She's fairly content with her overall body except in the chest. Flat as a board she is, a real little miss two backs.

    Fashion: Bright colours abundant in accessories. Rainbow heart shaped bracelets, highlighter coloured earrings and cookie scented rings. She loves the cute accessories but is a bit iffy on adding an overall collage of colour to her everyday wardrobe. T-shirts, jeans and skirts are more creamy pastels and faded hues. Her usual foot attire is low heeled strappy sandals which buckle around the ankles. She wears droopy ribbon clips in her hair the same colour as the school uniform's red.

    She keeps the school uniform the same, though she does clip randomly coloured badges onto the collar. Other than this she adds her usual 'sugar pop' accessories, such as multiple bracelets a single necklace with a cupcake pendent, oversized disc earrings and unpatterned white knee high socks. An example of
    sugar pop accessories.


The day had been a drag and had only gotten worse after she’d had to retaste the combination of skittles, cola and the new addition of bile after the soccer match. Her stomach churned just thinking of it again. It was five in the afternoon and already sunset was coming down thanks to the wintery weather. The light cast stretched shows around and over everything. It was days like these Felicity wished her parents would pick her up instead of asking her to walk home every afternoon.

She turned down the alley that would take her home and reached into her pocket for her phone. It beeped warningly at her, flashing a low battery message and promptly dying. Good times, she thought sarcastically.

“Negaverse Scum!”

Lissa looked up, startled from her personal worries by the sudden outcry just up ahead. Mega hearse come? What, some kind of funeral procession at this hour? Kinda late wasn’t i-...
The thought died as soon as she walked ahead far enough to glimpse the tiny skirt of two girls in heels and another two comrades in grey military uniforms. One of the uniformed pair looked bored and the other just plain pissed off. Both seemed to be suffering some kind of injury. Oh god, what she had stumbled into?

Neither group had noticed her intrusion and she took advantage of this to find herself a spot to hide away. Yet her curiosity got the better of her and she couldn’t stop turning over to watch the goings on. The girls seemed on the same side, or were they? The taller one in purple kept looking sideways at her teammate like she was about to attack her as well as the guys. Somewhere she remembered hearing about a university prank or something along these lines. It sure didn’t look like a prank to her.

“Shut up!”

She pulled her head back around in time to miss whatever threw the whole place into sunlight. She clutched the phone to her chest, feeling her breaths coming out in gasps. What could she do? Where could she go? She closed her eyes tight, willing herself to be somewhere else and cursing her own stupidity for not charging last night. Damn it to hell!

The noise died down. Cautiously she opened her eyes to look around. The military boys had disappeared without trace and the girls now seemed to be departing each other’s company on their own terms. There was no sign of a struggle or what had caused the light. If she’d left to minutes later she wouldn’t have even seen the whole thing.

Standing up warily she restarted her walk, jumping at every shadow, noise and light until she reached home. Thinking back on the situation, if it had been a prank, she’d been in no danger at all. In fact it’d be the kind of prank she’d herself contemplate doing. Not just that childish kid kind of prank, a citywide prank! She smiled to herself, blurring the lines of reality and what she wanted. Nobody would hear about her fear or how she’d seen nothing at all. It’d just be a girl lucky enough to come across one of the coolest lightshows around. Almost woulda joined the party if she hadn’t been running so late...

Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: Constance Blair

Nicknames: Connie

Age: 16

Birthday: October 31

Sign: Scorpio

Blood Type: B-

Fav. Food: Sushi, escargot, caviar and chocolate dipped strawberries

Hated Food: PB&J Sandwich, hamburgers, steamed carrots and cottage cheese

School: Crystal Academy

Hobbies: Tennis, cooking and baking, modeling and singing

Gemstone: Aquamarine


Passionate -- Whatever her interest of the month is, she throws herself into it heart and soul.
Magnetic -- People seem drawn to her, and she eats it up and loves the attention
Exciting -- She always finds something to do, somewhere to go.


Self-absorbed -- She's beautiful and she knows it. She's a little to busy primping herself to be concerned with any of her friends problems.
Secretive -- Connie can't come to confide in anyone about anything.
Resentful -- She hates anyone who starts to become as popular, pretty or as talented as her in any form. She has a very nasty jealous streak.

Physical Description:

Hair: Brown in color, styled it's about chin length, very neat, with a side part, and from the part it starts straight, then starts to wave and ends in tight curls at the base of her neck. (A bit like this: Link)

Eyes: Emerald green in color, hooded lids shaped (Example: Bottom one)

Face: Slender, oval shaped face with a button nose and a pouty bottom lip

Body: Taller, at about 5' 9''. Connie developed slightly earlier than other girls and has a hourglass-esque shape. Her hips and bust are the same size, but her waist doesn't narrow as much as a real hourglass shape would. She has a light tan.

Fashion: Connie loves her Crystal Academy uniform, as it mirrors her normal form of dress. She loves blouses, skirts and jackets. Her favorite colors are purple and green. She likes looking tidy, but she also loves dressing up in fancy, couture gowns for her family's high society events.


Although she could have been driven back to the dorms at the school by her family's chauffeur, Connie liked the freedom to do her own thing some of the time. Walking the one mile from the private tennis courts her parents rented for her to practice on was always refreshing to her, since it went through a normally populated area, where she could show off her adorable tennis outfit. She had her tennis racket slung across her back and her duffel bag with her other clothes and equipment neatly packed into it, but was feeling let down. It was later than when she would usually have left, and so the streets were all but deserted.

She came up upon the last ally she would pass before being able to see campus, and heard incredibly loud noises coming from the ally way. The young teen cautiously crept up to the ally, reaching for her tennis racket, as it was the only form of defense she had on her. When she peered around the corner, the scene that unfolded before her was unlike anything she'd seen before.

Connie watched for a moment as a girl, who appeared to be no older than herself, flew at a young man in a military uniform unfamiliar to Connie. Could this be what she had heard about on the news? Connie wondered if she would be a hero for reporting them. Imagine witnessing the event, how much attention that would get her at school! She fumbled as fast as she could for her phone, flipped it open and dialed 9-1. As she was about to hit the second 1, she stopped. But what if no one got here in time? Then no one would believe her! Worse, she might be made FUN of! And what if they WERE caught? She might be known as the nark! Then no one would invite her to any social event ever!

Her tan hand snapped the phone shut and it was hastily shoved back into her pocket and she dug into her duffel bag. Her parents had promised to take her to Armani for a shopping spree if she got all A's this semester. She had gotten all C's, so she had managed to wheedle a camcorder out of them, and she now extracted the tiny, compact camcorder from her bag and pressed the record button.

She watched through the viewfinder, looking up occasionally to make sure she wasn't spotted. As it ended, she took off in a sprint towards the school.

Just wait til she showed this to the other girls! They were going to be so jealous! Everyone would be talking about HER tomorrow!

Connie could hardly wait.

Psicharpax's Senpai

heart heart heart

Fantastic turnout so far!
Claimin a post yo. o 3o

Here goes nothing ^.^

Name: Sean Carrol

Nicknames: Carrol the Barrel (by his teammates) or simply Barrel, also Mon (after dreadlocks).

Age: 17

Birthday: December 13

Sign: Sagittarius

Blood Type: B

Fav. Food: French fries

Hated Food: Eggs in any form

School: Hillworth

Hobbies: Baseball, baseball stats, girls, chilling out, drinking (BAD HOBBY :< ).

Gemstone: Turquise


Athletic -- Sean's the star slugger on Hillworth's baseball team. Really, the sole reason he joined Hillworth, and is enduring its militaristic rules is because their baseball team is so damn good. As the result of this training, Sean has a strong arm, an excellent eye and can run pretty fast when necessary.

Chill -- Part of Sean's popularity on the baseball team is his unshakable calmness. He takes life in stride, unfazed by the nagging teachers, bad grades or un-hittable fast balls. It drives his mother berserk.


Recalcitrant -- Like a rock, Sean resists all authority if he can help it. Unless it's his coach. Or mom. But in general, if it doesn't make sense for the Mon himself, he will stubbornly ignore all pressure by the "higher ups" to do this or move that. However, if asked politely or if the reasoning behind the order is thoroughly explained, Sean will get things done. He just hates being bossed around.

Lazy -- While being chill is an asset, sometimes Sean is far more then chill about important matters - he is just plain lazy. Usually the bouts of laziness involve upcoming paper in English or the project for American History, not sports.

Physical Description:

Hair: Dirty blond, after a recent trip to Hawaii he's been wearing it in a matt of dreadlocks. This is done both for the sake of coolness and laziness, since dreadlocks don't need to be washed.

Eyes: Grey, generally with an amused expression.

Face: A bit chubby, with a wide nose and a sprinkling of freckles over the nose bridge. Perpetually tan.

Body: Tall and muscular, but not ripped at all. More husky, with a bit of a tummy. He is about 6'2.

Fashion: Casual, bordering on frumpy. Sean's school uniform is unbuttoned/rolled up/wrinkled to the maximum possible level he can get away with under the draconian dress code of Hillworth's principal.

THE STORY ENTRY Sorry it's a bit long. I got carried away ...

The sun was finally setting over Destiny City, the dust and heat giving way to a pleasant evening chill. The Downtown was still full of people, hurrying in and out of shops, sitting in cafes and strolling along maple lined avenues. Soon the maples would turn scarlet and cover the sidewalks with a crunchy carpet. Sean Carrol was looking forward to the cooler autumn weather but more then anything else he was looking forward to the playoff season. It was high time that the Scarlet Sox got their chance to cream those asswipes from the Big City. Sean lived and breathed baseball and the only reason he was remotely excited about start of school was the new baseball coach at Hillworth High. The man was supposed to be great -- a former minor leaguer, too. But it was tonight's game that was really getting him stocked. His lucky batting helmet, signed by Tony Gutierrez himself, was sitting on top of Sean's head despite the heat. The Scarlet Sox never lost when he had this thing on, and tonight's game was a big one. Adjusting the batting helmet yet again, the tall junior turned the corner into an alley, leaving the lights and noise of the shopping district behind him.

Well, that was usually what happened when he turned the corner on the way home. But today the lights and noise refused to leave, instead taking on a more psychodelic flavor. In fact, as soon as Sean turned the corner, the entire alley became illuminated with a pinkish glow as a slight figure ten feet in front of him shouted "Hammer of Justice Crash!" while striking a rather strange pose. He stopped in his tracks, mouth agape with disbelief. A muffled sound of pain was heard further down the alley as apparently the sparkly hammer of justice found a soft target. But the unreal light show was not the most awesome bit about the scene. The shapely figure in front of him clearly belonged to a girl, a girl wearing a white leotard with a tiny skirt attached to it and thigh high stiletto boots. Sean leered shamelessly at the colorful concoction of her outfit, totally disregarding a rather ominous "whoosh" sound coming from the depths of the alley. As the result, while the girl in front of him gracefully dodged it, the large metal yo-yo hit Sean square on the head, sending him flying. 'Thank god for the bloody helmet' - he thought as his body collapsed on the ground. For a few blissful moments a warm darkness descended upon him, numbing the pain.

"How dare you attack innocent bystanders, spawn of evil!" - came the shriek that dragged Sean's mind back from unconsciousness. "In the name of Justice, I shall punish you."

Sean groaned, wishing that the two chicks would just shut up and take their cat fight somewhere else. His head was a ringing bell of pain. 'That thing ... whatever it was ... must've been flyin' at least 90 miles an hour' - he mused, suffering quietly.

"You are the one who dodged it, b***h." - came the hiss from further away. "Now, be a good girl and stand still." Another whooshing sound followed these words, but it didn't seem to connect.

"I will never let you defeat me, spawn. The Star of Justice will protect the humankind!" - proclaimed the high-pitched voice. It sounded so close, almost like she was standing right on top of him. With a force of pure will, Sean opened his eyes to make sure.

She was.

She was standing right on top of him.

'Holly macaroni' - a voice in the back of his mind commented, while the rest of Sean's brain was busy recording the most minute details of the view he was getting.

"Well, the humankind is looking up your skirt, sister." - remarked the other voice rather dryly.

The miniskirted chick frantically looked down, too fast for Sean to pretend he was still knocked out. Realizing her exposed position, the girl shrieked, pulling down the ruffles around her waist in a futile attempt to cover herself. Apparently that was all the other creature needed, as the giant yo-yo flew out yet again, hitting the costumed vigilante in the chest with a sickening crunch. The girl fell to the ground next to Sean in a lifeless heap. Frantically, he turned towards the depth of the alley, to see who the attacker was, half expecting another hit on the head. The yo-yo didn't disappoint. The last thing Sean remembered before darkness overtook him was a grey suited figure smiling coldly at him.

When he again regained consciousness the moon was shining high above the city. The alley was empty and the pain in Sean's head had subsided to a dull ring. Pulling himself up from the ground, he felt for his helmet and then leaned on the brick wall of the nearby building. Did all of that really just happen? His ringing head was the only proof that the fight he witnessed was not a dream. Wearily, Sean pulled out his cell from the back pocket and dialed 911 ...

Enduring Loiterer

12,925 Points
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Angelic Alliance 100
  • Brandisher 100

Name: Alexander Neal Rivera

Nicknames: Alex, Xander, Hey You Shut Up

Age: 17

Birthday: October 5th

Sign: Libra

Blood Type: O+

Fav. Food: Barbecue chicken burgers with bacon and cheese

Hated Food: Peppers and onions on pizza. In fact, any sort of vegetable on pizza. It’s just wrong, man!

School: Hillworth


Video Games:
Ever wondered where Alex's allowance money goes? When it's not used at the arcade, it disappears into buying the latest and (sometimes not so) greatest of video games. If there's a game out there, he's probably played it. Or at least watched someone play it -- even if he's out of cash, there's a 90% chance that he can be found at the arcade after school loafing around, unless he lands himself in detention.

Then you can find him there after he gets out.

A true screenager at heart, Alex loves technology. When his thumbs start hurting from playing video games, he hops onto the computer and surfs the web, becoming a true cyberslacker despite the protests of, "I'm looking at this stuff for schoooool!"

As much as he loves video games, he doesn't play them constantly or run around dressed as a character from one. Instead, Alex attempts to make videos... that look like video games. Got a good test score? Flip the paper over, do a dramatic drumroll, flip it up and cue a victory theme! Do bad? ...Well, there's always the tuba from The Price is Right show that begs to be used.

Gemstone: Opal


Hopelessly Optimistic -- Things seem dark or dull? Alex will always try to twist things around in order to put a positive spin on things. He'll even stoop down to cheesy puns and cliches in order to look at the bright side of life and turn those frowns upside down.

Concentrate, and that's an Order! When given a task, Alex will finish it... eventually. Reliable and determined to make a good name for himself, he'll do anything within his power to be liked. Amazingly, he'll focus on it until it gets done -- sure he'll get distracted every once in awhile with something shiny, but he'll always wander back to projects in order to get them done. Hey, nobody's perfect, and even if the table he just threw together is lopsided, you can't deny that it's a table. Besides, you never specified you wanted it to have a stable flat surface. :c

Just Add Duct-Tape! When it comes to electronics, Alex has a knack for fixing them... To a point. If it happened to take a wild journey through the wash and squashed by a passing bus, the most Alex could do for it is put it in a shoe box and give it a decent burial. But if it just went through the wash, Alex might be able to repair it long enough for it to get replaced by means of frankensteining other parts to it. Alex tends to think outside the box, and often tries the unexpected in order to get the results he wants. In a way, he’s an aspiring MacGuyver, however he has more failed results than the legendary 1980s secret agent. That doesn’t stop him, though!


Talkative: Hey did you hear about that one guy named Alex? Yeah! If you start talking to him then good luck trying to get a word in edgewise. Seriously! Once he starts he doesn't stop, especially if you get him started on technology! Oh, and do not mention games to him! You'll never get a chance to talk and it'll start grating on your nerves so much to the point where it just goes on and on and on and on!
But y'know, you should really try listening to him sometimes if you can. You'd be, like, really surprised at the stuff he knows! Like I totally have his password for his YouTube account which is also his e-mail but then he changed it before I could log in, and that he let slip the backway into the arcade so we can totally sneak in later today and get in for free!

tl;dr: Alex is talkative. One he starts, it's rather hard to stop him again. If you can manage to outlast his drivel, he lets things slip -- passwords, phone numbers, who hates who... Oh, not to mention secrets and plots. He's a bit like an old villain who describes to the hero his master plan before attemping to kill them, only to have the hero run off and foil his plan.

Subordinate: Alex prefers to follow orders than make them. If he's ever in a position of power, he'll either quickly toss leadership to someone else or issue confusing orders. That is, if anyone can make out his orders, given how often he chatters. It doesn’t help that he often feels overwhelmed with the prospect, dissolving into babble before someone else takes the lead.

Physical Description:

Hair: Short and fluffy, and rather messy. It's dark chestnut in color with copper-colored streaks. Or highlights – whichever is easiest for the artist. :3

Eyes: Brown.

Face: Oval, and there's always a grin or smirk plastered on it. When he's playing a video game in front of people, he puts on his "concentration face" which requires his tongue to be sticking out of the corner of his mouth and eyes narrowed, all for dramatic effect.

Body: Lean, scrawny, and built to run. He may not be the best athlete, but he’s an average track runner.

Fashion: Alex prefers comfort over fashion. Sneakers, baggy cargo pants (complete with his cellphone, a small video camera for emergency YouTube clip gathering, and a hand-held game system), a hoodie (usually tied around his waist), and a t-shirt that usually has a statement or logo written on it, either from a popular game, internet meme, or just something he thought looked cool. Which, coming from Alex, might just happen to be a shirt that looks like a glitter-happy pixie threw up on.
Most of his t-shirts also look out-dated, given his spending habits. The truth of the matter is that Alex makes most of his clothing purchases from either second-hand stores or flea markets. It turns out that trading shirts and video games for more clothes and other games is actually pretty useful, even if Alex ends up with some questionable articles of clothing...
Thankfully, Alex doesn’t have a lot of this. A good portion of his wardrobe is based around the Hillworth school uniform: khakis, plaid pants, vests, long-sleeved shirts – stuff that’s innocent and folded neatly on top of his drawers. Rather than hide his colorful shirts beneath them, Alex hides his flashy clothes inside the acceptable clothes in order to fool the dorm patrol at Hillworth. He won’t see his clothes lighting up the bonfire, thank you very much!

Besides, those lacy clothes that someone snuck into his trade at the flea market? Alex enjoys planting those in his classmate’s sock drawers. Ahh, revenge for lunch money thieves has never been sweeter!


Today just suffered an instant K.O. Game over, man – that was your last life, no continues, and Alex was out of quarters. He was busted by his homeroom teacher not once but six times, earning him the special exclusive opportunity to volunteer for the janitors and help clean up after classes. Added onto that, the flute section of the orchestra made friendly inquires with their fists just to see if he happened to have any money on him. At least he wasn’t introduced to Mr. Swirly again.

But now! Now, all Alex could do was crumple to his knees and throw his arms up in despair. Amazingly, he was left speechless – though come to think of it, he needed someone to film this moment, this tragedy! It was an ourage! It was... It was... Alex sobbed and banged his fists on the arcade’s locked door, resting his head against it.

After a minute or mourning he stood up, tried the door again, sighed, knocked, waited, peered into the windows, knocked again and tried the doorknob yet again before finally read the notice taped to the inside of the window: Closed until further notice due to Unknown Forces. They even had a couple of blurry pictures beneath it of people in... Alex squinted, then whistled. “Whoa! Talk about short shorts, yeow! Man! No wonder the place is closed, just lookit them! Maaaan this almost makes up for it! Almost, I mean c’mon, the place is still closed but at least there’s girls like that runnin’ around! Man, I should really stalk that Franz guy sometime and see if the girls at the other schools wear outfits like that or if he photoshops them to increase readers and heeeeeey, what the hell?” The boy tore his gaze away from one photo to the next, tilting his head to one side at the grey uniform. Cops tended to dress in different colors, considering how many of his schoolmates he’s seen ‘escorted’ back to the property. Social workers? Nah, the ones he had to deal with before getting shipped from family to family had better fashion sense then that. He couldn’t make out much anyway, aside from that grey blob.

Come to think of it, wasn’t there word about these people? Alex turned and headed for the newest newspaper dispenser, occupying the space in front of it to stare. The headline tooted the usual horn: EVIDENCE SUPPORTS “MAGICAL” BATTLES AS REALITY, NOT DRUG-INDUCED HALLUCINATIONS!. The picture... Alex’s hopes fell as photos of the mysterious combatants were absent. Instead, he was treated to a post-battle shot: cement was shattered, the trees slashed and windows broken... All in all, it looked like a teenage prank gone wrong. Alex wondered what the police made of the green ribbon found at the scene – was a girl caught in the crossfire? Or was it unrelated?

Either wa- “Awwww CRAP man!” He wailed. “If I don’t get back soon the curfew police’ll have my hide! Man man MAAAAAAN! Hillsworth blows!” Alex wailed, looking up at the setting sun, his watch, the sun again before taking off in the direction of his school. This was bad, badbad bad! He didn’t feel like getting an escort and – wait! Waitwaitwait! Alex stopped and flailed his arms in an effort to stay upright. “Ahhh, stupid AI! Running will get me noticed oh man oh man I hope I’m not laaate,” he whined, continuing on in a swift power-walk. Cue the new mission objectives: get back to Hillworth pre-curfew, and avoid the police. What did that mean?

Easy. Jump the nearest fence and take to the back alleys!

Granted, said alleys also had things that went ‘squish’ under your feet... It made him glad that there weren’t any lights in them – the less he saw, the better. That’s how it used to be, so could someone please explain why someone just yelled “Pastel Whirling Turbine Blasting Strike!” please?

Alex yelped and dove behind a dumpster as another string of babble concerning rainbows, bubbles, and rose petals was yelled out before a colorful beam complete with the aforementioned plant shot past him, exploding in a shower of glitter and perfume when it struck the wall. Alex bit his lip, worrying. Man oh man I’m so SCREWED! I got some weird crap like a desudesu girl game going on in front of me and if I move out from behind this I’ll become a target! I hope I’m worth minus 500 points, ‘cause this is NOT cool! Where’s a save point? Where is everyone! Where is... Heeeey, I haven’t updated my YouTube profile in a bit, come to think of it! Stupid Hillworth and stupid detention and stupid CJS for beating my high school in the arcade! I need to reclaim my title! But first – let’s get some hits!

The boy shifted around, ignoring the possibilities of wondering what he was standing in. The rose petals weren’t helping either – in fact, it smelled like what some of the boys in Hillworth did to avoid doing laundry: douse everything in Febreeze and hope it passed. Sometimes it worked, but at least Alex knew enough to use the ‘fresh laundry’ scent rather than that crappy ‘lavender’ scent. Ugh!

Right. Pockets.

Alex pulled out his miniature camera and flicked it on, holding it close to the ground and pointing it in the direction of the action. He didn’t want to think what would happen if he showed up at Hillworth smelling like a florist’s! Not only would the teachers give him a serving of detention with an extra serving of community service, but the flute section would be all too happy to help Mr. Swirly in the Loo help get the smell off of Alex. Ugh!

Thankfully he didn’t have to wait too long – the shouts and colors began to dim, and it seemed safe. Alex grabbed his camera and fled the alley, making a pit-stop at the library right before closing time in order to upload the whole fiasco and start bringing in the hits. He was already passed curfew anyway. Another absence from the site would result in losing yet more subscribers, too!

Before he went to upload, Alex made sure to watch the foota-

“Aw man! I forgot to remove the frikkin’ lense cap! This sucks!



Name: Simon Ferris

Nicknames: "Ferriswheel", but that's right before his lunch is swiped from him.

Age: 17

Birthday: May 16th

Sign: Taurus

Blood Type: B-

Fav. Food: Apples, Thai food

Hated Food: Oatmeal, meatloaf... basically anything with a loamy vomit texture.

School: Hillworth

Cooking - The one thing Simon particularly dislikes about attending Hillsworth is the lack of ready access to a kitchen. He's no Iron Chef, but he has a love for cooking - hey, what's better than having a bit of fun tossing together ingredients and enjoying something tasty afterwards? If he's invited over to hang out at someone else's place, it's typical for him to borrow the kitchen in exchange for the hospitality if mealtime strikes and nobody's ordered a pizza.

Costumes - If you didn't think this kid could possibly get any girlier, he's also decent at sewing - in particular, he enjoys costume work. He makes his own Halloween costume every year, and he's also helped out in that area for stage productions at school and the community center. When he doesn't have a sewing machine his stitches are a bit on the shaky side, but they still work so long as you don't look too closely.

Dance - Everywhere else he has two left feet, but on the dance floor he actually possesses a little grace. It's a well-hidden fact that the boy enjoys dancing... mostly because it's rare for someone to agree to dance with him, but also because he isn't the type to show off. He shakes it like no one's looking, WHEN no one's looking. It's not uncommon for him to do silly little dances while he's cooking.

Gemstone: Diamond

Kind - Simon's just a nice guy. His own well-being seems to depend on that of those around him, and so he'll go out of his way to make sure his friends are in good spirits, whether it be by lending a helping hand or offering a few encouraging words. Strangers aren't exempt from his kindness, either - if he spots someone in need of help, chances are he'll volunteer to provide it.

Dependable - This goes hand-in-hand with his naturally good demeanor. He deeply cherishes his friendships and takes them quite seriously, and as such can be counted on to keep a secret or uphold a promise. You can trust him not to flake out on you unless it's for a very good reason, and he can be depended on to get things done that are asked of him... or at the very least, he'll try.

Patient - Like anyone else, Simon can misplace things once in a while, but the one thing he practically never loses is his temper. He's able to put up with quite a bit without the slightest downturn in his mood, and even when it's to the point where he starts to get worried or annoyed, he isn't the type to hold it against you in the long term.

Nonjudgmental - Simon doesn't see personality quirks or different tastes as good reasons to dislike someone, and because of that he's willing to get acquainted with just about anybody. He's one of those romantic types that thinks the uniqueness in each person is what makes the world a place worth living in. It isn't his place to squash or cheapen someone's individuality.

Clumsy - He's a good person and all, but that doesn't mean you should trust your fine china plates to his care. When his hands aren't being put to something productive they become instruments of chaos, and the rest of his body isn't exactly graceful either - not to mention he has a habit of forgetting how tall he is, which leads to him earning new welts on his head on almost a daily basis. He's even clumsy when he's speaking, and has trouble not stuttering and tripping over his words when he's not in a calm state of mind.

Pushover - Simon will bend over backwards for the sake of someone he feels could use his help, and it's all too easy to turn him into a kindness contortionist to suit your needs. A well-formed sob story or guilt-tripping statement is all that's needed to use his good-naturedness against him, and he'll also submit very quickly to more direct forms of manipulation like threats and blackmail. He has a hard time saying "No," people are aware of this, and as a result he'll occasionally end up with more obligations than he can handle.

Bad Liar - He'll do his best to protect the secrets of himself and others, but when confronted things tend to fall apart. It's almost sad how obvious it is when he's hiding something, and when he can work his voice into spitting out an untruth it always ends badly. Hiding the truth goes against his personal moral code, and when caught between the trust of a friend and an individual who has a good reason to know, his body language and lost expression will say worlds more than his words ever will.

Spineless - This guy's a bit of a chicken. The prospect of danger of any magnitude makes him freeze up, a well-told ghost story will give him nightmares for days, and spooking him is as easy as jumping out at him and shouting "BOO!" His cowardice makes him take a little too much comfort in his comfort zone, and he rarely deviates from his normal routine to try some new things out of fear that he'll feel out of place or won't enjoy himself. He's also easily intimidated by other people, making him a bit of a bully magnet when combined with what a doormat he is.

Physical Description:

Hair: Very dark brown. It parts over his left eye to create a swoosh of the bangs that covers up his right eyebrow, and it ends in a scruffy mess a few inches down the back of his neck.

Eyes: Green; a bit on the narrow side.

Face: A long face shaped like a flat-ended shovel, with a small pointy nose. His features are normally drawn into an apologetic expression or a look of general uncertainty.

Body: Around 6'2" in height, pretty gangly. His skin tone is fairly dark; think Middle Eastern or Navajo to get an idea.

Fashion: As far as accessorizing goes, he wears a pair of banged-up looking glasses at all times, and when his uniform sleeves aren't covering his wrists he can be spotted wearing a pair of silver bracelets he regards as his good luck charms. It's also not uncommon to see him sporting bruises, bandages, or the occasional ice pack, thanks to his clumsiness getting him into a fair share of messes every week. When not in his uniform he's wearing something from his collection of weathered and faded hand-me-downs, more often than not in neutral or earth tones.


Ridiculous. This was absolutely ridiculous!

Simon's worn sneakers slapped frantically at the pavement as he zoomed clumsily across it, all but flailing down the street with all the speed he could muster - to any bystanders looking out from cars or shop windows, the boy looked as if he were trying to chase down the setting sun. He'd grown up very aware of how he was the unlucky sort of guy who always managed to get in the sort of trouble he didn't deserve to be in, but he just couldn't believe what he'd managed to get himself into this time. Fate must have had something particularly against him today.

It was supposed to be a trip to the bookstore. Just a quick, innocent side trip into the sci fi/fantasy sections to see if anything was worth spending his rare bit of extra pocket money on. But the damn place had to have those stupid little plush armchairs that got more cozy the more they were used, and he had been foolish enough to settle in one "just for a few minutes" only to end up falling asleep. Again.

He'd gone and slept the whole afternoon away, and now he was out of Hillworth past curfew. God help him, he was so screwed!

As much as he hated to do it, Simon knew the only way to save himself from a weekend helping the cleaning staff wax the floor would be to take a shortcut through a seedier part of town. He slowed from his andrenaline-powered dash to a more energy-conserving jog as he turned towards the water-damaged, graffiti-smeared buildings and signs that lined the street. Their bent, dilapidated shadows lurched over him, mimicking the shapes of delinquent thugs and feral dogs waiting in ambush. He gritted his teeth and tried to calm himself with a few nervous breaths as his mind toyed with the what-ifs of all the ways he could get himself killed out here. Arrgh, maybe he should have just played it safe and prepared himself to break the small handful of promises he'd made for Saturday...

The groan of frustration and anxiety he was about to make caught dead in his throat and burst into a small yelp of surprise when a loud, foreign noise sizzled past his ears. His head jerked in its direction just enough time to see a particularly dark and grim old alleyway momentarily illuminated by a burst of... multi-colored lights? This was the town ghetto, what the hell was a rave party doing right smack dab in the middle of it?

What should have been a single moment of the bizarre, a tiny flash of something out of place enough that the viewer would wonder later whether he'd actually seen anything at all, grew into a memory that was determined to stick with Simon forever. A retina-scarring flash of neon pink was followed by something that could only be described as a glittery explosion, and the whole spectacle was peppered with the unmistakable sound of human voices. The boy knew that the best thing to do would be to quietly find another route, take it back to the school, and forget this entire thing ever happened. However, that part of his brain didn't seem to be controlling his body at that point in time, leaving him having to choose between getting closer to figure out exactly what was going on or staying cemented to the spot he was standing in until the pretty lights faded and the catchphrases stopped ringing through the air.

He decided to get closer. Carefully, he crept his way across the street, making sure to steer clear of where the lights were spilling out onto the pavement beyond the alleyway, until he had his lanky body pressed against one of its corners. Part of him was honestly afraid that he'd get caught in the crossfire and his face would get burned off - or, at least, he'd be stuck having sparkly hair for a good couple of weeks - but he still managed to crane his neck around so he could peer at whatever it was he was witnessing.

The strange noises, bright flashes of color, and enthusiastic shouting should have been enough to clue him in. It was the costumes, though, that finally jogged Simon’s memory, making him recall bits of a conversation he’d had with his dorm mates earlier that week:

"See, I told you I wasn't fibbing!" scolded a pale kid with a mess of freckles and rusty hair with tufts like that of a barn owl, waving a newspaper in one hand while gesturing triumphantly with the other. "It's true! Those appearances of the frilly sailor-suited kids running around causing mayhem? There's an eyewitness account written right here, man!"

"No way... lemme see that!" a shorter boy with a cleaner face and a straw-colored bowl cut snapped, snatching the article out of the air moments before the other could slam it on the cafeteria table. Poring over it with it with hungry eyes, he asked. "Are you sure this is the Destiny City Star you're reading this time?" His gaze lifted from the text long enough to give the redhead a skeptical look.

"What, are you trying to say this is something Ferdinand cooked up?!"

"Hey, you gotta admit this story's a bit too crazy for the real news. Don't you think so, Simon?"

"But the news has an obligation to explain weird phenomena to the general public! Isn't that right, Ferris?"

Simon looked up and shrugged, fiddling with an apple slice as he thought. "Well, I dunno... I mean, part of why it's so crazy sounding is that nobody really knows anything about them. For all we know, it's probably just a bunch of Meadowview kids getting a little too into their cheerleading routine again..."

"Maaan, Ferris..." the redhead sighed exasperatedly, "you always have to make everything so boring, don't you?"

The blonde chuckled deviously, musing, "I don't think I'd mind if they were just a bunch of students from around here, really. I mean, according to these interviews here it sounds like the girls tend to be pretty cute! You think any of them are single?" He gave a suggestive arch of the brow at that, switching his gaze between the other two.

"God, what is WRONG with you two? I was thinking that they might be some kind of superhero squad or something, but you just had to go ruin that for me, huh? What a couple of killjoys..."

This... was definitely not a rehearsal for a cheerleading routine he was witnessing, unless whatever school these people attended was either built on a foundation of compressed hundred-dollar bills or included the development of sparkly magical powers as a part of their curriculum. And even if that was the case, there was still the problem of how this all happening in a decrepit old alleyway in the slums. What would anyone save a drug addict or his dealer even be doing here, let alone creating a miniature fireworks display of all things? Were they-- was it possible that they were fighting? The more he watched, the more he realized that all of the bursts of glitter and rainbows kind of looked like they could be attacks, and they were definitely directed at each other!

Dear God, he’d stumbled across some kind of girl-magic-powered Fight Club.

All of the craziest assumptions about them that had been fluttering around town were true - these people were technically armed and dangerous! Simon knew that as an upstanding citizen of Destiny City, there was only one thing to do: alert the honorable men and women of the police force to come out here and take care of them, so he'd be free to cower in the background until they offered to escort him back to Hillworth. He fumbled through his pockets for his cell phone, his frantic hands fumbling it into the air for a few seconds before he managed to grip it in his palm and flip it open. Then, like some sort of dowser for wireless signals, he walked and waved it through the air around him, pleading for the little bar icons in the corner to light up.

Come on you worthless piece of junk, pick up a signal already...! But no matter where on the street he waltzed around with his phone, it refused to cooperate with him. Why, oh why weren't there any phone booths handy? One would think they'd keep them around in case of an emergency like this!

Damn it all... with a quiet snarl of frustration, he began turning his gaze back towards the alley, hoping that perhaps he'd just been imagining the whole thing after all. He was stopped, however, by another noise coming from behind him... another contender in the magical girl battle royale?

No, this raspy rumbling noise was a lot more familiar, and it wasn't being accompanied by any visual special effects...

Simon slowly turned around, looked down, and was greeted by a dog the shape and size of an adolescent bear.

"A-ah.... h-h-hey there..."

He gingerly tiptoed one step backwards. The dog took one step forward, growling like a chainsaw.

"I w-w-was just... p-p-p-passing through, r-r-really..."

Unfortunately, the dog didn't have the patience to put up with the boy's stammering explanations. It lunged at the boy with a flurry of thundering barks - and the girliest voice that echoed between the buildings that evening was none other than Simon's panicked screaming as he ran for his precious life.

--- --- ---

The next morning saw Simon slouching at the edge of his bunk, the redhead and the blonde shooting all kinds of disbelieving looks in his direction as he gave his explanation for why he couldn't spend the afternoon with them on a couple of games of pinball at the arcade. After finishing his story he gave a tired sigh, allowing his head to dangle loosely from his shoulders. He knew there was no way they'd buy this story...

And right on cue, the blonde crossed his arms and began, "Are you serious, Simon? Is that honestly what happened last night?"

"I know... I know it's completely nuts, Seymour..." he groaned, lifting his head to make eye contact with the other boy. "But it's all true, I swear! You know I wouldn't--"

"Waaaaaaait a minute there, Ferris, hold on!" the redhead interrupted, waving a finger at him. "That's not it at all. It's just that... hrrrnnn...." He paused, moving the finger to his chin, obviously trying to figure out how to put it.

"What, Samson?"

"It's just that... how could you see all of this craziness happening right there in front of you, and then let some stupid dog chase you off?! Are you really that dense?"

"That monster could have KILLED me!"

"You had your cellphone out and everything, Simon!" the blonde scolded. "Screw the mutt, take some pictures!" Seymour took out his own phone and flipped it open, pointing it at the other two boys to illustrate his point. "What's a couple of bites and scratches next to some solid evidence that these people exist? Just hit the dumb dog in the nose if it gets in your way. That always works."


"No buts, Ferris, you screwed that one up. Big time." Samson stood up and gave a saddened look to his friend, ending his statement with a curt nod. "Honestly, I'm disappointed in you."

That tone of voice made Simon's posture manage to get more wilted than it already was. "I... I'm sorry..." he mumbled, "But... you guys believe me, right?"

"Oh yeah, definitely! We know you wouldn't lie to us like that," Seymour assured.

"Besides," Samson added, "you're the only guy on the face of the planet who could make a run-in like this so disappointing."

"You guys..." Simon sighed, before getting up and rummaging for a clean pair of socks. He would have liked being able to hang around a bit more, but his duties for the weekend weren't going to finish themselves.

He had a floor to wax.

Psicharpax's Senpai

heart heart heart

I'll update the "entries section" soon, SORRY I'M JUST LAZY

Fea Line's Partner In Crime

Sugary Snack


Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: Pyper Huntington

Nicknames: none

Age: 16

Birthday: June 11

Sign: Gemini

Blood Type: A-

Fav. Food: Ice Cream

Hated Food: Vegetables

School: Meadowview


Gemstone: Amethyst/Pearl (June is either/or xD )



Good Listener -- Pyper doesn't talk much. She's more the listening type. She's always willing to help others with their problems if they need good listener to talk with.

Empathetic -- She connects deeply with others, and feels their pain. She's very sensitive.



Emotional -- Stemming from her empathy, she is prone to act solely on what her heart feels rather than thinking things through. She can be quick to anger or become sad, and act out accordingly

Possessive -- She is very possessive things, mostly people who are close to her.She wishes to safeguard people, perhaps from a traumatic past?

Physical Description:

Hair: Long, white (wears in various hairstyles)

Eyes: Blue (right eye is covered by an eye-patch)

Face: feint or tired smile

Body: slender, athletic

Fashion: gothic-lolita and punk


Street lights flickered, causing shadows to jump and play across the street and side walk where Pyper was walking, making her way home after staying late at school for extra-curricular activities. It was quiet, almost too quiet in the young girl's opinion. She sighed heavily as she thought back to the recent news. Destiny City was receiving attacks from the Negaverse. Was it really a prank or some kine of act of terrorism? She couldn't decide herself. It was all too complicated to sit and debate.

The stillness in the air was getting to Pyper as she pondered. A gust of wind, blew her snow-white hair in her face, and sent a shiver up her spine. Something didn't feel right. Just then the cool night air was pierced by the sounds of battle. Pyper nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the sudden shouting, and the launching of attacks. Without a second thought, her hand had already found its way to her henshin stick. But then she remembered, Wasn't I supposed to call the police instead? She bit her lip in hesitation. Instinct told her someone needed help, and she wasn't one to abandon them. She was stubborn as ever when it came to that.

Instead of picking up a phone, she decided she would investigate the matter instead. What were the police going to do anyway? What if it really was just a prank? Her thoughts scattered as she raced down the street, and turned down a dark alley. The source of the commotion was this way, she was sure.

Lo' and behold she was correct. A battle was definitely taking place. The sides of the two respective buildings on either side were cracked and damaged, and a tired and wounded senshi was on her knees. She looked like she could use a pick-me-up. In front of her stood a dark figure. It was definitely someone from the negaverse. Luckily neither had spotted Pyper from where she was standing. When Pyper saw the figure lift a hand to finish the senshi off, she knew immediately she had to intervene.

"Sailor Star Power, Make-Up!" In a flash of dazzling light, the school girl transformed into a beautiful senshi. Without hesitation, she launched an attack. "Seraph's freezing kiss!" she called, sending ice shards and a cold gust at the enemy. The attack hit, but it seemed to do nothing to her adversary.

But the look of hope that lit up in the wounded senshi's eyes, as a savior had shown herself, was enough to keep Pyper determined. "I won't lose. I won't give up. For the sake of others, I will punish you!"

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