Welcome to Gaia! ::


Name: Kazuto Umishiro

Nicknames: The Barbed Prince

Age: 16

Birthday: June 13th

Sign: Gemini

Blood Type: Type B

Fav. Food: Cooked Vegetables, Ice Cream, Salmon

Hated Food: Coffee, Raw Tomatoes, Spicy Things

School: Hillworth

Hobbies: Architecture, History and Mythology, Martial Arts (Various Forms, either as an interest or practicing study), Ruins, Sketching

Gemstone: Amethyst

Virtues: Assertiveness -- Kazuto is a cool and calm individual who is not afraid to take control of a situation and see to it that things get done right. While this may appear as bossiness at first, Kazuto manages to find a way to utilize people in such a manner that often dispels such notions and brings forth their own strengths to the task at hand.

Collected -- Always calm in the face of adversity, Kazuto has never been seen to panic and can even be the voice of reason when others take leave of their senses. While he would prefer to choose the path of nonviolence, Kazuto is not ignorant to the fact that sometimes, force is necessary. Yet ideally he would prefer to see it employed properly and efficiently, and avoid drawn out conflict.

Flaws: Honest -- Though this would usually be considered a Virtue, Kazuto’s version of honesty comes off as brutally blunt and in some occasions, has been seen as being too harsh or even cruel. This is because Kazuto dislikes “beating around the bush” and will get to the heart of the matter immediately, not bothering to sugarcoat his words or let others down easily.

Distant -- Stemming in part from his cold Honesty, Kazuto purposely keeps people from getting too close. He makes little effort to engage others in idle conversation, choosing only to get to the point and not waste time on what he would deem “unimportant nonsense.”

Secretive -- Kazuto keeps things to himself and is likely to act alone or go off on his own rather than seek out help or advice. This can mean withholding information and/or breaking off from a group to pursue his own interests. He also has a habit of sneaking out of the Hillworth dorms, and returning late into the night. Thus far he has managed to get away with such activities…

Physical Description:

Hair: Thick, short hair which frames his face. It is styled in a boyish cut and dark violet in colour.

Eyes: Dark violet, appear very deep and bottomless.

Face: Smooth complexion that seems almost translucent. He has a pair of tiny moles, one after the other, just under his left eye. Refined, almost dainty features.

Body: A lithe figure of average height. His skin is quite pale.

Fashion: Always neat and tidy in appearance. He prefers button down shirts and slacks, even outside of school, though he exercises a bit of additional flair and style so that it seems far less uptight. He tends to favour black and white ensembles, but will accent these with something like a bold, brightly coloured tie or accessory.

Note: It is due to Kazuto’s Virtues and Flaws which have granted him the school nickname “The Barbed Prince.” His peers feel that in combination to his winsome appearance, he has the authoritative nature and grace of royalty. However, because he is so adamant about keeping people at bay, they also claim that it is like he dresses himself in a cloak and crown made of thorns and barbs.


The storefront window made for a decent mirror, Kazuto thought, lightly rubbing his cheek. Though it still ached with contact, there was no evident swelling. When he went to bed tonight, he would favour the opposite side and by tomorrow the whole incident could be swept neatly under the rug.

Business as usual. No muss, no fuss. And all around a little boring actually. What would it be like, to go into classes, proudly sporting a bold black eye? The dear “barbed prince” of Hillworth, looking like a tussled ruffian? Briefly he cracked a smile at his own reflection, knowing that he could never bring himself to reveal that side of his being to the student populace.

A flicker of movement and light drew his attention elsewhere. The store before him apparently specialized in electronics and as such had left on a television for display after closing. Kazuto watched with cool disinterest as the news began to relate a story regarding yet another sighting of the pranksters causing havoc around Destiny City.

Only the blurred images of amateur video reached Kazuto, while the actual content of the story was lost to him. Either the sound from the television had been muted or the glass simply barred it from escaping. Whichever the case, his concern for the article quickly waned and he yawned; both bored and tired.

This news report had called it a series of devastating pranks, likely caused by students of the local colleges. Just earlier today Kazuto remembered seeing a newspaper proclaiming it the work of protestors and perhaps even terrorists. Though what message they were trying to relay with such… unusual and colourful tactics, was still in debate.

Kazuto stretched his arms up over his head and turned his gaze towards the stars, or the lack thereof given how deep into the city he was. The deep, engulfing darkness of the sky forced the young man to admit that it was high time to head back to the dorms and slip into the comforting embrace of bed, if just for a few hours.

Since curfew had long since past, he chose to duck down into the alleyways and forge his way back through means of a shortcut. However, proceeding at his own leisurely pace, it was difficult to gauge just how much shorter it would turn out to be.

A shout made Kazuto pause, sapping his weariness as he strained to hear more. Hardly a minute had passed before he heard another shout. Similar to the first, it was distinctly that of a girl’s. Getting ready to take another step, he hesitated as brilliant light suddenly danced upon the wall ahead of him.

Strange, almost musical sounds accompanied the colourful flashes, as well as the sounds of crashing and breaking. It was quickly concluded that the source of lights, sounds, and voices stemmed from down an adjoining corridor.

The back routes of Destiny City were a true labyrinth, with so many twists and turns, anyone could come in here and be tucked away from prying eyes. Which may well have been what these girls had intended, but were about to be denied.

Carefully, Kazuto began to approach, keeping to the wall and down to a wary crouch. There were any number of reasons for what was happening, though the one that loomed greatest in Kazuto’s mind, was that he was about to get a first hand look at these so-called pranksters.

And upon seeing them, he wasn’t quite sure what to think. Their outfits were certainly… unique. Apparently inspired by the sailor-style school uniform girls were often subjected to wear, with great liberties having been taken to redesign them in a manner some might call cute, others might call scandalous.

There were similarities between the three before him, but also differences aside from colour, which set them apart from each other. There was a fourth figure in the fray, a long haired young woman in some form of grey military attire.

From initial appearances, it seemed that the three “sailor-suited” girls were launching a flurry of pyrotechnics, the likes of which Kazuto had never seen before, at the “officer.” Who, to her credit, was doing quite well at holding up, and returning the favour with her own brand of light and special FX.

Yet as Kazuto looked on in wonder, assessing what he could between flares and flashes, the three girls did not seem unified and were at times purposely aiming their FX to take out the military officer and another sailor-suited girl.

For all the disorganization and chaos of it though, Kazuto could not help but be in awe of what he was seeing played out before him. This was far too intense to be a prank and too bizarre to be a terrorist ploy. The way they moved, the way light spilled forth from their fingertips, and the passion in their commands, it all seemed like… magic.

Kazuto shrunk back as golden light streamed over his head, taking out a chunk of brick and motor from the corner he’d been hiding behind. For a moment, he contemplated doing the sensible thing and running off. Yet driven by curiosity and the need to see more, he lingered and holding his breath, peered out again.

He was just in time to watch as the fight was taken to the rooftops. All four women launched themselves upwards with miraculous leaps and bounds, giving chase amid angry cries, and all too soon, disappearing from sight.

Picking himself up, Kazuto wandered out into the abandoned battlefield. He took a brief, cursory look about at the devastation left behind, and then turned his face skywards. For a single, fleeting moment, he caught sight of lone star, twinkling in the black.

Trash Husband

Um..is there a word limit?
-reached over 800-

Trash Husband


Name: Solia DeBelle

Nicknames: Belle (rarely used, if at all)

Age: 18

Birthday: May 9th

Sign: Taurus

Blood Type: O+

Fav. Food: Gummi Bears

Hated Food: French Toast

School: Crystal Academy

Hobbies: Singing, (Opera), flute, american football, baseball, kick boxing, and dancing (Ballet excluded)

Gemstone: Emerald


Sophisticated- She knows her manners and is polite. She doesn't cuss, slurp her noodles, she can waltz with the best of them.
Level Headed- She has never been known to act up or loose her temper, and tends to act civil in all sorts of scuffles. (However, internally, she can be a ticking time bomb.)
Loyal- She has never been know to break a promise and always shows up on time. She actually has a tendency to show up early and work a head of time. Those who get her loyalty however, are very rare people, and thus, few see her true devotion.


Vengeful- This girl will hold a grudge. She will hold it, and make it her own personal scar. And don't think she's going to forget. She WILL get you back.
Deceitful- She loves to pit rivals against each other. More so, she loves watching people blame others for her actions. Like how she will get he revenge and then managed to get another student blamed for it.
Blind- In her eyes those who have her loyalty and trust, can do know wrong, even when the facts are right in front of her. Perhaps, this is how she got the way she is.
Low-esteem She strive to be better and more of what her peers want. But..she doesn't know how. She thinks guys are making fun of her when they ask her out, so, she just brushes them away.

Physical Description:

Hair: A bit past her shoulder, it's naturally bouncy with a bit of a curl. and light brown, with light blond highlights.

Eyes: Grass Green (LOL)

Face: She has an oval face and a small mouth, her nose is also small, and give off the image that her eyes are just a bit too big. Maybe she'll grow into them?

Body: Tiny tiny tiny. This girl is the epitome of petite. God, you think she's younger then she is, plus, she's so light. DOES SHE EVEN EAT? But..wait, what? How did she get those boobs? Something is off here.

Fashion: Frill frill and more frills. This girl loves lace. Rumor is, even her under things are lacy! that's sooooo not cool. her dress is usually very form fitting. You even say racy! She has no shame however, and doesn't see herself as sexual. Her typical outfit is a light blouse, with some cute skinny jeans, a few cute necklaces, and her green and white nikes.


Not cool. Totally, not cool. First, her baseball team had canceled practice due to rain, then that stupid little ingrate from the cheer squad saw fit to block the whole sidewalk with her equally inconsiderate friends! Uh, she could have pulled over or stepped aside, but no, she just HAD to talk to her ‘BEE EFF EFF’, forcing Solia to have to walk in mud onto the road, just to get around them. Really, did people simply lack common courtesy? With a heavy sigh, Solia locked her bike onto the near by lamp post, realizing they probably did. Heck, most girls didn’t even bat an eye when another asked for help, and really, neither did she. She was just as bad as the rest of them in some ways, but Solia liked to think she was better then her peers in some sense.

So, today, her usual bike to the store to get some gummi bears ended in a foul and bitter mood, complimented with the bleak gray rain clouds overhead. Solis silently hoped it didn’t rain as her clothes didn’t pull was they were notorious for. White wasn’t exactly a smart choice for a girl’s school that had odd weather. A quick exchange inside, and back to her bike seemed to lighten her mood. At least until she heard a very loud crash of thunder. Getting on her bike she heard thunder once more, but this thunder, was not of the natural sort. It was the sound of heavy metal hitting a solid mass, and usually, it meant a fight was brewing.

Looking around the corner of the store, into the alleyway that lead to nowhere, Solia was quite sure that she had either hit her head, or was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Two people is quite ridiculous outfits were throwing… something at each other. One Solia was sure was a girl, given that horrendous miniskirt, and the other was…um…some kind of hetro that could really use a more masculine body type. Lost in her train of thought, she failed to notice the amount of debris coming her direction. With a squeal, she ducked back behind the wall, narrowly avoiding getting hit in the face by a bag filled with who knows what. Heart pounding, she thought of what the new reports had said. There were either terrorists or…pranksters? They didn’t look like either. Rather they look like a couple of nerdy LARPers from Meadowview or something.

Reaching for her cell phone, Solia gingerly moved it over the corner, using it as a scope, like those spies in the movies did. The two weirdoes were still at it, calling out some theatrical nonsense, and getting…stuff all over the place, (was it glitter? It looked kind of like glitter). Turning her phone onto camera mode, she snapped a few shots of the costumed LARPers, and swung her phone back to the front of her body. Typical. Lens flare, combined with fuzzy imagery. Scooting away, (and thanking God she hadn’t been seen), she dialed the police. Soon after she hung up with the dispatch officer, she could hear sirens.

Oddly as the sirens drew near, the sounds from the alley vanished. Turning the corner, she noticed both people were gone! And more so…the glittery junk was gone too. Slouching to the ground, she heard a real boom of nature’s thunder, and felt a small drop of rain on her cheek. Had she just been imagining all of that? It had gone pretty fast, not to mention it was just…freaky. Flipping open her phone to call her roomie to say she was going to be late, the fuzzy photo of the two fighting popped up, asking for a save or deletion. Her mind ticked about what this meant. She wasn’t going nuts.

As she saw a police car drive up, she quickly hit save and snapped her phone closed. A few questions later, the policed asked if she had any photos. Absent mindedly, her hand reached into her pocket, fingers brushing the phone. “No sir, I was just trying not to be seen.” The man nodded and told her to be careful and to report any further incidents.

The alleyway was roped off and she was hurried away. By this time, the rain began to pick up, lightning and thunder rippling from the gray gloomy clouds. Looking down at her feet, her mind stopped in sheer horror. Her white shirt was getting wet. And her cute lacy baby blue bra was beginning to show, very clearly. By the time she got to her dorm, she was soaking wet, bra showing, along with who knew what. Combined with the fact her baseball gear was wet, and she had eaten all her gummi bears on the way home, Solia was quite sure fate was against her. A small ring notified her of a text. Flipping open her phone, the picture of the two was set still in the background.
Well, maybe fate wasn’t totally against her.

Sparkly Citizen


Name: Delilah Emery

Nicknames: Lila

Age: 16

Birthday: January 4th

Sign: Capricorn

Blood Type: B

Fav. Food: Mangoes

Hated Food: Cauliflower

School: Crystal Academy

Music: Delilah loves music, pretty much any music (her MP3 player is full of everything from folk to metal), and has been taught piano for as long as she can remember (while she's certainly no prodigy, she's not bad). As a child, she secretly dreamed of being a rock star, and would still leap at the chance to learn guitar.

Outdoors: With all the trouble she has dealing with people, it's little surprise that Delilah prefers nature over city life. When she was younger she could occasionally convince her parents to take her camping for a weekend- those are probably the fondest memories she has of them. Sadly, high school leaves her little time for actual camping, but she still makes a point to spend at least a little time each day walking through one of the city parks. Some weekends, when she has the time, she'll pack a small lunch and spend the day hiking in the areas outside the city.

Gemstone: Garnet

Taskmaster: When Delilah has a job to do she throws herself into it headfirst, and come hell or high water, she will finish it. The methods may not always be quite as originally intended, however...

Minimalist: Delilah doesn't want or need the finer things in life- food in her stomach and the rain off her head is just fine, and she's been known to give away the things she finds unnecessary.

All are Equal: Prince or pauper, sinner or saint, it's all the same to her- Delilah is one of the least judgmental people alive. That's not to say she likes everyone- there are few people whose company she truly enjoys, and even fewer she'd call friend- but even if she hated your guts she'd still treat you with quiet, though sometimes impersonal, politeness.

Tunnel-Vision: Delilah takes on most things in life with a very single-minded focus, and it's frequently to the exclusion of everything else going on around her. It's also difficult for her to see the consequences of her actions beyond her immediate goal.

Looking out for Number One: Just what it sounds like- if it really hits the fan (and of course it will), then Delilah's primary concern will be saving her own hide. If she can drag an ally out with her on the way she will, but don't expect her to be running into any burning buildings for anyone.

Reserved: Delilah isn't a terribly expressive person, and as such has little experience dealing with feelings, particularly those of others. As a result she often finds herself offending people unintentionally, and rarely knows how to fix it. She's also easily bowled over by outgoing people, and tends to find herself 'dragged along for the ride', so to speak, for lack of knowing how to react.

Physical Description:

Hair:Ruby red, falling over her shoulders in two big ringlets. No accessories.

Eyes:Large and dark reddish-brown, but usually half-lidded, giving her a bored/unimpressed look.

Face:Heart-shaped, with a pointed chin and high cheekbones. Her other features are all average.

Body:She's of average height, around 5'5", and quite fit due to all the walking she does. She also has an unusually dark tan.

Fashion:Delilah's not the type to care too much for her appearance- if it doesn't have holes in it, it's good. She's almost never seen wearing a skirt outside school, preferring shorts or capri pants along with a tank top and a pair of well-worn ballet flats or sneakers.


"I'm sorry miss, but we're closing now."

Startled, Delilah looked up from her English essay to see one of the baristas hovering a little nervously near her table. A quick glance around her confirmed that the rest of the little coffee shop was, in fact, quite empty. "Ah, I'm sorry. I must've lost track of the time." She calmly drank the last sips of her coffee (black, with more sugar than she'd ever admit to), and gathered her papers neatly into a plastic cover. "I didn't mean to have kept you late, again, my apologies."

The girl, who had already begun cleaning up, just smiled and wished her a good evening as she slipped out the door.

The sun had just barely set, and again Delilah found herself surprised just how much time had passed. There was no way she'd make it back to the dorms before curfew, especially since she'd left her bike at the school. Oh well. Resigning herself to the tongue-lashing that was to come, she set off towards Crystal's at a leisurely pace. She was already going to be horrendously late, so there wasn't much need to rush, and she found the city to be oddly peaceful at this hour.

Until she passed near Meadowview's campus, that is.

Of course she'd heard the odd stories about the place- Crystal's was nothing if not a gossip headquarters, but honestly she'd paid little attention to the rumors of nighttime brawls and strange lights. It was looking like those rumors had some truth to them after all.

Possibly against her better judgment, Delilah quietly ducked down the alley towards the shouts and flashes of light, and peered around the corner.

The alley opened into a back lane (and a pretty seedy one at that), but the first thing she noticed was the two sailor-suited youths standing not ten feet away. Nearest her was a boy, probably not any older than she was, who looked pretty ridiculous in his short-shorts and ribbons, but was wearing an easy smile. The girl next to him looked angry, and was striking a dramatic pose while yelling threats towards a boy in a blue military uniform standing at the other end of the street.

Wait, this sounded familiar too. Didn't the government just put out a statement about a university prank gone out of control?

Rather suddenly, the girl finally seemed to lose her patience, and with a shout of something nonsense, sent a brilliant flash of light straight at the uniformed youth. He dodged it easily, but it seemed that the brawl was now in full swing, and the light show that ensued could put a disco party to shame. How were they even doing that? As she was scanning the area for any prop lights, or anything else to explain the spectacular special effects flying around, one of the blasts went astray and struck the corner of the building above her, sending bits of brick and mortar showering down around her as she cowered against the wall. Luckily, none of the larger pieces struck her.

Still completely oblivious to her presence, the fight continued, until the military guy took a hit and fell to one knee. However, when the sailor-boy ran up, presumably to subdue him, the officer-kid smirked viciously and kicked him, with the leg he'd supposedly injured, and took off in the opposite direction down another alley.

The girl of the pair immediately rounded on her ally, "Dammit, he's getting away! How could you possibly have fallen for that!?" Without letting him get a word in edgewise, she turned and headed after the uniformed guy, grumbling obscenities all the way. Just as the boy was turning to leave as well, he noticed Delilah, still huddled near the corner. He grinned, and gave her a jaunty salute. "Don't worry, we'll get 'em!" he called to her, before disappearing into the darkness just as quickly as his teammate.

Still somewhat in shock, she leaned heavily against the wall as she stood, and tried in vain to stop her shaking.

She'd never been much of a conspiracy theorist, but this really didn't look like a university prank anymore...

LOLLl qAq's Bae

Questionable Baby

24,800 Points
  • Interstellar Fixer 25
  • Normal Everyday Human 50
  • Unfortunate Abductee 175

Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: Stefanie Callaway

Nicknames: Stef. In fact, anyone dumb enough to use her full name usually winds up regretting it.

Age: 16

Birthday: January 1st.

Sign: Capricorn

Blood Type: O neg.

Fav. Food: Street vendor hot dogs and cheesecake.

Hated Food: Canned peas and creamed corn. Ew.

School: After being refused from Hillworth as indeed being female, and not being able to come to terms with Crystal as the place for her, Stef settled on Meadowview to the absolute horror of her mother and father.

Hobbies: Fencing, rugby, horseback riding, and her oboe "Jessica". All of these being things she taught herself with much tenacity and time consumption.

Gemstone: The garnet.

Steadfast - Others of lesser personality could describe Stef as being like to a "dog with a bone." The reality is not that far off, but gentler in words: Friendships, projects, and ambitions are not easily given up on by Stef. Once a trust or goal is gained she is the type that would have to be killed, or goal met, to give up on it. Due to this, she is quite loyal.

Zen - This particular characteristic can be summed up thusly: "That's cool", "whatever", and when those two fail a very quick and decisive fist to the face. Stef is not easily riled, and when brought to the breaking point is want to end the confrontation as quickly as possible. In her favor.

Open-hearted - Stef is kind. Stef is not quick to judgement(as long as one does not speak in third person for too long.) Being one to "throw tradition to the wind", she can easily find reason and sense in choices others make for themselves. Even being decisions she would not make for herself. It is because of this she can be so easily hurt by indifference to others and closed-mindedness.

Proud - Thanks to the esteem of Mummy and Daddy, Stef does feel that she is better at the things she does than most and that until proven more established will be seen more as a sweet pet than an actual person. Her kindness is the same, it just tends to be more condescending than is prudent.

Vain - Stef knows she is attractive. The only thing more important to her(where her looks are concerned) than how she sees herself is how those she fancies see her. To the point where it is readily apparent the care she puts into choosing each peice of an ensemble... To the detriment of anyone waiting on her and the first hour of school.

Perpetually late - Those closest to Stef know of her affinity to looking good, and so have learnt to set timelines an hour sooner than is truly neccessary.

Physical Description:

Hair: Naturally straight and very, very long; it is a source of great love for Stef. Not to mention being a b*tch to dye the black color she prefers it as. Her natural color is for her and her closest relatives to know, and everyone else to never find out.

Eyes: Set perfectly apart by mathmatical symetry ideals and an odd combination of violet-blue, she is blind as a bat and relies very heavily on the glasses she can never be without. Always adapting, she has seperate frames for every occassion.

Face: Long. Stef's face is more masculine than soft, which suits her just fine thank you.

Body: At 6'0", Stef's body continues the look set by her face. Very lean, athletic, and androgyness. She's been easily mistaken as male many, many, many times.

Fashion: Her figure being what it is, Stef has always found dresses and more girly clothing to be unflattering and a nuiscence. She readily takes her base fashion ideas from one Mr. Darcy, taking great joy in confusing the world at large by then pairing it with feminine hats, makeup, and hand bags. Her favourite pattern is pinstripe. Her favourite fabric- Tweed.


It had been a bad day. A very bad day.
She had known that getting herself into Hillworth Grammar wouldn't be easy: She infact expected it to be a challenge. They were the best of the best in boy's schools, and she was certainly not a male. At least, that's what her annatomy kept telling her. Still, she'd not expected that they'd wish her to succumb to a physical and that was where she'd learnt her wish was an impossibility. With a disgusted snort at her own body and a dejected sigh, Stef ran her hands down her favourite pair of trousers.

It was a bad day indeed.

Having not felt the want to deal with her parents, who were opporating under the belief that she'd gone to Crystal Academy, she had decided instead to send her father's car home without herself in it. She was presently three streets away from home as the sounds of a small battle broke through her silent anger and into her ears. Concerned that this should be one of those "soul deaths" she'd heard so much of on the television, she followed them as quietly as she could before reaching a scene her mind was having trouble comprehending.

Unfolding before here was an encounter one wouldn't usually witness unless watching those saturday animations on the TV. Confused - Stef looked about at the scene. There was what looked like glass shattered in one spot, a larger chunk looking like it had been molded to someone's face. Reaching a hand out, it felt sticky and she realised slowly that instead of glass she was holding sugar. Surprised, Stef found a place to hide as she watched the two(clearly enemies of each other) duke it out.

Watching them, Stef was torn as to what to do. She'd heard that one side was supposedly trying to "protect" the general populace while the other fed on their lifeforce; or something equally ridiculous... But she'd always been able to pride herself on understanding every side of a story. Secretly spying on this hidden fight, her eyes darted back and forth as she argued with herself. On the one hand, one of these people were known to be on a side that didn't care for human life. On the other - She had no proof that they didn't have a good reason for acting so. Not to mention she didn't know which side was which.

Maybe she should have payed better attention to the news.

As Stef deliberated, the battle played itself out and the one in what looked like a soldier's uniform ran past her. Not too soon afterwards, the bubbly skirted "Scout"-looking gal walked past as well. With a pause to turn her head curiously to Stef; the apparent victor smiled warmly, waved with her fingers, and with a wink skipped off in the opposite direction of the other.

As she was left alone, crouched beside an alleyway garbage tin, Stef smiled. She still had no idea which side was which, but come hell or high water, she was going to find out.

Okey, entry number TWO

Name:Mikhail Blondin

Nicknames: Mihai, Gypsy, Mr. Fix


Birthday: May 25

Sign: Gemini

Blood Type: O

Fav. Food: Goulash

Hated Food: Caviar (not that he ever had any, but he likes to say it)

School: Hillworth

Hobbies: Making money, meeting people, tricking the authorities at Hillworth, photography, circus.

Gemstone: Tiger's Eye


Charming -- Mihai is very good at talking to people when he wants to win them over. And he generally does want to win over people, because there is always potential business to be had when you have a large circle of buddies.

Entrepreneurial -- Mihai is known far and wide in Hillworth as the man who, for a nice chunk of change, can hook you up with almost anything your heart desires. Blissfully, aside from booze, porn and cigarettes the average Hillworth student does not desire much.

Lucky -- The little things in life generally seem to go Mihai's way. He himself thinks it's the charmed earring he always wear, the one that his father wore, and his grandfather before it. But maybe it's just that Mihai has a take charge attitude towards life and sweeps all the times he hasn't gotten lucky under the proverbial mental rug.


Reckless -- Mihai relies on his luck a bit too much and sometimes gets into situation that cannot have a happy ending, unless the person involved is very very lucky.

Unscrupulous -- There is very few things truly sacred to Mihai, aside from his family, and his family is either dead or in jail, so they are hard to sell to begin with. Everything else is fair game and this boy cares little about the outcomes as long as he himself is not going to get hurt.

Reputation -- Mihai's rep as the fixer is well known in Hillworth, and people tend not to trust him all that much. So, while Mihai has a ton of buddies, none of them are truly close friends, they just want stuff from him. Which is fine with Mihai as long as he gets paid.

Physical Description:

Hair: Dark brown with wide curls, a bit too long for the code in school and kept back in a ponytail more often then not.

Eyes: Green, narrow.

Face: A bit of a babyface, usually with a crooked grin

Body: Slightly shorter then average, wiry, with an olive complexion.

Fashion: Mihai tries to keep a low profile, so in school he wears the green uniform without much modification. Outside he likes to wear various types of hats, from paperboy to simple baseball cap, just to be cool and all. He does wear one small hoop earring in his left ear, which he considers lucky.


It was recess time between the 3rd and 4th periods and that meant lunch. The uniformly green mass of Hillworth boys had congregated in the sterile cafeteria space, digging with varying degrees of enthusiasm into "Louisiana Gumbo", today's one and only choice on the menu. While the food at the school was never bad, the chef had a love affair with the spice cabinet, and a certain degree of tolerance to Tobasco sauce was a must for any Hillworth student. Unless they brought their own lunch, of course. The noise of many conversations hung like a cloud above the room.

"Ohman, check it out! Man, Frantz gets the best footage sometimes ..." - one of the guys in the back suddenly exclaimed, pointing at the rather raggedy looking copy of the Hillworth Sound laying next to him.

That caused a shift from several nearby guys in the direction of the newspaper and a bit of a skirmish as they all tried to get a better look.

"No way."

"Chicks in short skirt - where can I get me some of that action?"

"Hey, what's with the bows?"

"Oh, I like the darker one, but the face is all blurry ..."

"Aren't these what the Chief of Police warned about on TV the other night?"

"No way ... terrorists in miniskirts - get real!"

"Just sayin' - it'd be like Lara Croft, except without guns."

"Dude, Lara Croft is NOT a terrorist."

"You'd know, nerd."

"But she does kick a** ..."

Suddenly the boys got quiet as another one joined their group. All in all a very average looking fellow with dark wavy hair and a swarthy complexion, there was an air of confidence about him as he reached in to pick the paper up for a better luck, his other hand still in his pant's pocket.

"I say Frantz doctored those photos, and you all are getting your panties in a twist for nothin'." - he challenged with a smile.

"Eff off, Mihai. Why'd he do that?" - the taller of the guys stood up on Fritz's behalf.

"To get you all talkin', maybe?" - the swarthy boy shrugged, returning the paper back to the miniskirt admirers. "But if I'd get you some nice close-ups of those chicks, how much would you pay?"

"Man, always the businessman ..." - some of the guys grumbled but one of them offered with a grin: "Dude, get me a photo of the dark one, and you'll be five quids richer, gypsy boy."

"Deal." - said the boy named Mihai, putting his other hand back in the pocket.

Turning his back towards the gang, he grinned brightly. He knew full well that Frantz didn't doctor the photos - after all it was Mihai who got Frantz the photos in the first place. It was several days ago that he was returning from the city when the gypsy chose just the right alley to use as a shortcut. The girls had no idea that he saw them before Mihai ducked behind a dumpster to pull out his nice Canon XLR from its case. While it had been an investment when Mihai purchase the camera from a pawnshop, it more then made up it's value since.

Mihai was quietly following the scene through his viewfinder. Three of the girls were talking excitedly over the shape of a man collapsed on the pavement next to them. All were wearing cute white sailor outfits, with frills of various colors and go-go boots - not the type of clothing most women would dare to wear on the street, to be sure. They looked too young to be exotic dancers, though. The fourth girl, also wearing a short sailor skirt, was kneeling over the guy's body, checking for vital signs with an expression of great worry on her face. Mihai got a very nice shot of her.

Suddenly, the tall dark girl pointed away into the darkness of the alley, and as a response all four girls struck a pose, suddenly glowing with light. Strange words were spoken and the bright glow around them turned into lightning bolts, hearts and bubbles, all speeding towards the unseen target. Mihai was watching in awe, utterly forgetting about his camera now. If he didn't know better, he would be forced to call what he saw magic, for he had never heard of light taking on cute shapes ... or damaging anything, judging by the cry of pain he heard next. The magic lights illuminated a male figure in the back of the alley, holding what seemed like a ridiculously large scythe. The sight of a genuine weapon brought Mihai back to the reality of things, and the reality was that he was late. Snapping a few more photos, and already planning who to sell them to once he got back, the wiry teenager turned tail and ran, leaving the girls and their formidable looking opponent behind. A wide smile was spreading on Mihai's face - magic, magic, magic. Where could he get himself some of THAT?

Name: Eri Usami

Nicknames: Orenji (orange), Usagi (rabbit, as a pun to his last name)

Age: fourteen

Birthday: the 25th of December

Sign: Sagittarius

Blood Type: 0 (RhD neg.)

Fav. Food: sweets before anything else -but, hey! he's a kid, so that's allowed now- after that he loves onigiri in a multitude of variated fillings

Hated Food: Eri doesn't hate any sort of food. He's an omnivore in the full sense of the word. As long as it is food he'll eat it.

School: Meadowview

Hobbies: cooking, reading literature (sci-fi and fantasy genres prefered), fashion (though he doesn't follow it completely himself. He just likes being updated on the matter), puzzles (all sorts of riddles and games included), videogames (RPG and survival horror genres prefered)

Gemstone: Topaz


Adaptable -- Eri will survive in any kind of environment no matter which way you toss him in it. Being communicative and sharp he easily grasps words, meanings and what others expect of him. He posseses great flexibility in carrying out whatever task he has been assigned to, which task he'll usually carry out without complaining either.

Observing -- Being of a sharp mind, Eri will rarely miss a change of situation or relationship and will most always be aware of others' intentions around him. This allows him to view both sides of a situation at the same time and be flexible and resourceful as needed.

Loyal -- One of Eri's greatest weaknesses is the loyalty he shows
to his friends and people close to him. He appears unable to abandon a friend in need which can be used against him to gain an advantage over him. He will also refuse to fight against any of his friends which can lead to his downfall someday. He appears greately attached to every and all relationships he forms and when one comes to unfortunate end or is otherwise by any means damaged or broken he may fall in a 'hibernation' period, mourning over it.


Nervous -- However flexible Eri seems to be, he has the tendency to become incredibly nervous when faced with a situation in which he has never been before and is called to make a choice on his own. Furthermore he appears to be nervous about mostly everything he does and worries a bit too much about both himself and others.

Indecisive -- A personality trait that goes hand-in-hand with his nervousness, Eri often appears unable to make a choice as he trips over wether it is the right or wrong one and how this will affect everything else. He also seems to change his mind a lot, the one moment agreeing to something while the next he might complain it's not right.

Loyal -- As described above its as mush a curse as it is a blessing

Physical Description:

Hair: medium-length bowl-cut with an uneven forelock, Eri's hair are of a pleasant auburn hue

Eyes: very bright amber (orange, even)

Face: oval-shaped face, with a slightly pointy nose, large, gentle eyes and thin lips. He has a soft, creamy complexion.

Body: a small, thin form. Eri is rather short and scrawny, certainly not build for endurance.

Fashion: Eri prefers to keep a happy medium between being fashionable and being comfortable. His choice of clothing is often as plain as a pair of jeans and T-shirt but following the latest trends in style and colors. His usual outfit consists of a simple pair of dark jeans and a T-shirt in soft pastel tones -often with some beautiful stamp, embroidery or logo- over a simple black turtleneck, paired with a pair of sneakers or all-stars.
Even so Eri is not as often in 'normal', casual clothes as he is in his school uniform. The only day of the week that is completely possible is Sunday, when there's no school and/or during school holidays.


...Sailor-suited guardians that ensure the peace in the world? Why did it all sound like some corny shoujo manga, the kind where everything is painted pink and flowers populate the backgrounds while beautiful looking people -yes, they must always be beautiful, tall and strong looking, those people. Anything else and they wouldn't fit the role- jump around like wild goats in the mountains exchanging empty threats and fancy-sounding attack names while shooting beams and fireballs and god-only-knows-what-else at each other? Eri would not believe a word of it unless he actually saw it with his own two eyes. He had made this clear earlier that morning during the short conversation he held with Alfreda and Sasha, a couple girls older than him that seemed to like his company as of lately.
At being asked what he thought of all those 'magical' affairs, Orenji -Eri- had replied sharply, while lowering his eyes back to the book that he was reading prior to being interrupted.

"There is not such a thing as magic."

Magic was for the books he liked to read. Yes, it was fairly amazing an energy that allowed you to do all sorts of things you couldn't do otherwise... but that was exactly why it was fiction. Magic couldn't be real. If it was, scientists would have studied it, the same way they do with all other forms of energy, right? Of course, if the girls had actually shown him some form of magic Eri would have been able to believe it just fine.

That was before all the ruckus when he was returning home late, having finished his club activities, having been shopping, having stopped to have small-talk with one of his friends about a game that had just been out. If he had returned straight home that would never have happened. Eri wouldn't be sure about what to think about it afterwards... but for the time's being... when he heard a familiar scream he just had to rush to the scene -forgetting for a moment that he wasn't all that good when it would come to fighting and the like. He was hardly prepared for what he'd find when he entered that dark alleyway.

His whole confusion, disbelief, fear for his friend's wellbeing became summed up to form a single name in a questioning tone as he was trying to make some sense out of it. "A-Alfreda?" Because, yes, no matter how alien the older girl seemed in that frilly schoolgirl uniform with the short skirt and the flowing ribbons colored a bright pink -she was never wearing pink at school. Eri was under the impression she hated it- it was undoubtedly his friend... the same one he was talking about magic this same morning... so that was what it was all about!

"Orenji?" the girl seemed to be equally surprised however that would cost her as she was attacked right away. Eri's anger flared up, how dare that magical stranger one-or-the-other hurt his friend? How dastardly a deed to pull when your opponent was a girl as well. Jumping in between of the fight he nearly got hit by Alfreda's opponent who seemed to be attacking relentlessly now that he had secured his target.
"I won't let you hurt my friends, you coward!" he hissed, standing his ground.
"Are you an idiot, Eri? Just get the hell outta here!" Alfreda yelled at him, dashing up ahead to continue her fight. She looked very determined. She also looked just as concerned about Eri's well being as Eri was for her's. So maybe... for once... he couldn't handle the situation with his own power.

As he watched the two disappear in the darkness of the night Eri promised himself two things. Tomorrow at school -yes, it would never even cross his mind that Alfreda might be the one defeated- he would seek the two girls and ask them about magic and then, somehow he'd have to find a way to gain some himself so he could both return Alfreda the favour of saving him that evening but also protect his other friends as well. What if someone was caught by the kind of person that attacked his friend? And what if he was the only one around and couldn't do anything? He'd hate himself for the rest of his life, no less...

He also recalled the police calling this 'terrorism'... like Hell would he believe them over Alfreda, over what he saw. Surely, it wouldn't surprise him if the bad guy was a terrorist. He wouldn't believe his friend was one, though. There was no way you could make him believe it. He decided that he'd need to clear 'the defenders of justice' name once he was able to do something about it as well. For now, though, he simply had to get home, unless he wished to risk getting yelled at by his mother for being way too late. And of course he couldn't tell her he became caught in a magical battle. What person in their right mind would without witnessing it first?

Enduring Loiterer

12,925 Points
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Angelic Alliance 100
  • Brandisher 100

Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: Carter Marin

Nicknames: Carty, Levvi, Mailbox

Age: 16.

Birthday: January 27th.

Sign: Aquarius.

Blood Type: B+.

Fav. Food: Alfredo Pasta.

Hated Food: Peach-flavored anything.

School: Meadowview High.


Skateboarding: Denied the option of getting a car, too cheap for the bus, and tired of having his bike stolen again and again has resulted in Carter investing in a skateboard. It’s eco-friendly, free, and it’s easy to pop out a few tricks to impress people! Besides, it makes him look cool. Sometimes. Striking a pose and showing off only to run into a mailbox that suddenly popped out in front of him isn’t as fun as seeing someone else suffer the same fate.

Collector: Carter has a diverse collection of, well, collections. He has several binders full of baseball and monster trading cards, a couple shelves with action figures still in their packages with their respective voice actor’s signatures, plushies... What he collects comes and goes with the current trends. Now, he’s waiting for his chance to get his hands on any merchandise that’ll pop out from Destiny City’s newest magical phenomenon...

Return to Sender: Due to his collector habits, Carter has made interesting contacts. Sometimes he keeps in touch by e-mail, other times he sits down and writes letters. He honestly prefers writing letters, as it’s rather hard to make doodles in the margins of a text document. Though honestly, it’s an excuse to finally use and get rid of the special letter paper that came bundled with the cards he wanted. Stupid worthless paper.

Gemstone: Amethyst


Well Balanced: Thanks to his choice of travel along with the occasional yoga session, Carter has developed a rather good sense of balance. He doesn’t fall as often as he used to, and really each time he falls down is another lesson in how not to stand on a piece of wood with four wheels attached to it.

High Stamina: An active lifestyle results in a student that is harder to tire out. Carter does not tire easily, having learned the hard way that faster doesn’t mean better. Even if it means he has to get up an hour earlier than usual in order to have enough time to skate his way to school, he at least takes comfort in the knowledge that he won’t arrive sweaty and tired from having to race against the clock.


Impulsive: Carter tends to leap before looking, if there isn’t anyone around to console him otherwise. Kitten stuck up a tree? He’ll go climb and get it... Then he’ll wait with the cat for the fire department to come along and get them both out of there. He tends to accept challenges without thinking them through, making him best friends with the pavement at the skate park.

Show off: Carter likes attention. Whizzing down the street on a skateboard isn’t anything new, but skateboarding down the street while doing a handstand? Yep, that idiot that just tried doing that and ended up crashing into a café table was Carter. Please excuse him while he goes to pick up his dignity and hide around the street corner.

Hopeless Collector: The hottest collectable is a need for Carter. Pocket monsters? Check. Sports stars cards from 50 years ago? Already scouring eBay for that. Desu Desu Dance Dance dolls? Yeah, Carter has some of those two. No matter what the newest fad is, Carter’s already out to secure his share of the merchandise, just in order to have it. If the fad disappears the next day, Carter’s out pounding the ‘wanted’ ads and message forums trying to send it off and trade with someone else.

Physical Description:

Hair: Shoulder-length, dark brown-black. It’s wavy, but his bangs tend to be spiked. Carter tends to hide this under a tuque or knitted beanie cap.

Eyes: Aqua, thanks to the power of contact lenses.

Face: Aside from occasionally being decorated with a band-aid, there’s really not much to it. No earrings, no scars, no marks – it’s rather unimpressive, topped off with a smirk.

Body: Average height, toned muscles with thick calf muscles thanks to skateboarding. He is also tan from being in the sun. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing him also having some sunburned areas, such as his hands showing an obvious lack of sunscreen by being only partially tan, save for the area that would be covered by a wrist guard. :3

Fashion: He tends to wear two shirts at once – a long-sleeved shirt of a solid color beneath a colorful t-shirt with a slogan or popular band on it. Add in some baggy jeans, a wallet chain, and some worn sneakers with traction, and top if off with a knit beanie cap and that’s Carter’s outfit.


Board tucked under one arm and the popped off wheel in the other hand, Carter couldn’t have been more thrilled at what had happened. Hell, just thinking of the moment that he managed to not only perform a jump and spin over three stacked boards, but to also put the resident punk in his place... Carter threw back his head and gave a whoop of celebration again, hefting his skateboard up in victory. What a rush!

It was too bad that he managed to bust his board while coming landing the trick. The wheel actually snapped off, making a quick repair useless. But hey, at least he stayed on! That’ll earn him some respect points.

Maybe. The wheel that flew off did happen to bounce and hit someone’s shin... Eh. They can walk it off.

And speaking of walking, this was taking way too long. Carter glanced at his watch before hurrying his steps. Staying out at night was not a good idea, especially with the news screaming about pranksters. Or were they terrorists? He wished the channels would get their stories straight, as the blurry pictures themselves were bad enough. How could anyone turn this into a collector’s frenzy by selling loq-quality pictures at insane prices?! Unless sometime down the road these pictures become rare again, though how can they guarantee authenticity? Agh. Stupid scammers!

He stopped, staring at the street signs. His usual route home was along this way, following the broad sidewalks in order to easily swerve around late night pedestrians. Then again, his usual route included his skateboard, meaning he didn’t have to spend as much time on his way. Wasn’t there a shortcut or something around here?

Carter eyed the alley between the stores, grinned, and at once changed course. These alleys weren’t too bad – why didn’t he come here before? Besides, it looks like that muffin shop has a secret dance club in it, given the prevalence of lights and spar...kles...? This made Carter stop, raising his hand and lifting it up as if offering the wheel to someone, catching the sparkles like falling snow in order to stare at it in wonder. This... This was not something Umbrella Today warned him about this morning. In fact, this was–

He looked up as someone yelled, generating even more lights and sparkles. Quickly and quietly, Carter turned and began walking quickly the other way, out of the alley and onto his normal route home. So much for using a shortcut.

Mythee's Wife

Galactic Cleric


Name: Evangeline Evermore

Nickname: “Eva,” though she prefers her full name to be used.

Age: 16

Birthday: September 9

Sign: Virgo

Blood Type: O-

Fav. Food: Chocolate, that creamy drop from the heavens.

Hated Food: Mushrooms, those spongy-mushy abominations.

School: Crystal Academy


Sketching- Evangeline secretly adores drawing, except that she's downright terrible at it. She suffers between showing off every drawing she does, and hiding it under the mattress.

Piano- Though she initially learned it to appease her parents, Evangeline has grown fond of it and finds it relaxing.

Gardening- Not so much the act of gardening (which is much too grueling and involved in dirt), but watering plants and admiring them is calming to Evangeline. She likes to learn the names and symbolic meanings of flowers.

Gemstone: Sapphire


Observant- Evangeline watches everyone and everything, partly out of curiosity of human nature, and partly just to watch for fun. From this she can read emotions fairly well by body language, and she refrains from making judgments until she has witnessed enough to come to a conclusion on an opinion.

Thinker- This doesn't necessarily mean intelligent, though she likes to think she is. When approached with new situations, Evangeline would rather analyze a situation and know when an appropriate time to act is. Timing is, of course, imperative in social circles.


Realist- As a child she very much lived in the fantasy realm, however her parents impressed on her the importance of reality early on so she adopted a more mature feel about her at a young age. Regardless of how she acts now, she rebels in her own, quiet way with her drawings. When asked if the cup is half empty or half full, she would reply that it is simply at the half way mark. Depending on the crowd, her words may not always be encouraging in this light. On the flip side, her unfettered opinions may provide decent insight as a virtue (though she would never be so crude as to bluntly put out an opinion, but rather gracefully slip it into a conversation.)

Self conscious- Evangeline worries about how others see her, and suffers from a bit of an inferiority complex. She was never compared to others nor told she was unworthy, however it can come as human nature to compare oneself to others, and Evangeline tends to take it to heart. She is especially fussy about her drawings, and makes sure to appear dignified and confident at all times, whether she feels that way or not. On occasion, Evangeline can press her own high standards onto others, though she tries to catch herself and pass it off as others being on different levels from herself.

Opportunist- If there is a goal important enough, Evangeline isn't afraid of using others to reach it. She wouldn't necessarily walk over them and leave them in a gutter to rot, but she likes to twist it so that the situation will help her whether the persons involved wanted to or not.

Physical Description:

Hair: Long, dark blonde hair that is a mix between wavy and curly.

Eyes: Vibrant blue eyes.

Face: Her nose and jaw line are clearly defined, and paired with high cheek bones her face appears rather refined. It is more on the long side than it is round, but it all balances out with her hair.

Body: A love of chocolate prevents Evangeline from ever obtaining a model's size 0, however Evangeline does take care of her appearances and tries to eat moderate portions. She is of average weight, but her tall frame allows her to pull fashions off easier. Being more of an indoors type person, Evangeline is extremely pale, and as a pianist she has long, slender fingers. Unfortunately, she's not particularly athletic.

Fashion:Evangeline will generally wear whatever is fashionable, whether its punk one season or courtly the next. No matter what she wears, however, she adjusts it to her own style so that it gives an air of dignity or elegance.


Blue eyes peered up from the ground, watching the dirt settle back in place without really registering it. Shifting, Evangeline forced herself to an upright position to at least try and make sense of what had just happened. Colors played before her eyes, though she had a feeling those came more from the newly formed bump on her head then it did the earlier display. What had that been again?

Peering down, Evangeline noted her clothes were properly ruined, her hair a tousled mess. Undignified, but at the moment it was almost hardly worth the attention. Almost. Still, late night walks were actually uncommon for her, and she wouldn't mind admitting that the familiar scenery draped in the fabrics of night made it particularly eerie. Evangeline vaguely remembered that she had just gone out to buy some chocolate pudding to subdue the monthly beast when the girl found herself subjected to a rather unwelcoming scene.

A woman (or had it been a young girl?) stood off against a suited being that stood in the shadows. She couldn't hear what transpired between the two, but reading their emotions from any distance was more than enough to tell that they weren't on friendly terms. Evangeline had initially snorted at the girl's choice of nightly apparel, as a short skirt was hardly meant to weather out the chill of the dark. Oddly enough the skirt bearer didn't seem the least bit cold. Just angry.

Evangeline found herself on her feet, her pale hands patting down her clothes as dust fell to her sides. Cracks spread through the alley walls like veins, rubble littering the ground. That other girl and the figure shrouded in shadows couldn't have done all of this, could they?

When the first beam of light had shattered the street lamp, Evangeline had instinctively darted into the wall cavity where a door once stood but had long been boarded, and she swiftly pulled out her phone. She wasn't about to delude herself that she could withstand a sparkling ball of light that just obliterated a tall metal pole, and figured calling the police about then would be a good idea.

As Evangeline surveyed the area, she spotted the flattened remains of her phone with a sigh. Little good that had done her. There was no sign of either of the fighters, though Evangeline had a distinct feeling that she had only witnessed a drop in an ocean, yet was somehow too tied down in her own boat to see just how vast it was.

The sky showed signs of the false dawn, and Evangeline gingerly stepped over the concrete stubble and made it back onto the street. She hadn't been too far from it to begin with, so some of the debris had tumbled out alongside the pathway. With no evidence, how was she supposed to testify against sparkling balls of mass destruction?

With a dazed huff, Evangeline scooped up her abandoned plastic bag, pleased to discover her pudding cups whole. Her eyes turned back to the wreckage, her memory playing it back over and over. Evangeline had no plans to deny its existence and pretend it had never happened. Curiosity coursed through her now, and with silent determination she began to walk home. She was never one to turn away from reality, after all.

Name: Aria Heindrich

Nicknames: none~

Age: 15

Birthday: April 21st

Sign: Taurus

Blood Type: Type B

Fav. Food: Sweets!

Hated Food: Vegetables

School: Crystal Academy

Hobbies: Gymnastics, Acrobats, and ditching classes or her security guard.

Gemstone: Emerald


Ability to carry out her word/promises -- Once Aria takes on something, she'll do it to the very end. And not just half-assed either. Once you extract a promise out of her, she'll do it to the best of her ability and expectations.

Subtle: Not a spotlight type. She's content to sit in the background, and quietly work on things behind the scene. Provided it works in her favor of course.


Not following orders -- If she doesn't agree with 'em, you can expect her to not be there! It's hard for this girl to be submissive -- she's not a leader, but certainly not a follower either. It's best for her to work by herself, under her own dictations then.

Disinterest -- Aria rarely takes part of anything that she isn't interested in ): It's difficult to socialize with her, and disconnects her from the outside world. Her disinterest had led to ignorance.

Independant -- Aria is a very independant person, and often refuses to work with groups or friends. She believes in doing it by herself, and refuses to accept that there are things that she cannot do by herself. She could be failing miserably, and would still be hard-pressed to ask for help. She is very stubborn on this matter.

Physical Description:

Hair: Long wavy silver hair, down to her waist level. Her bangs fall (in a straight manner) over her forehead with longer side bangs that frame her face.

Eyes: Dark gray eyes

Face: Delicate facial structure, her face goes straight and then curves into a gentle V shape. It's a bit on the slender side.

Body: Her body color is a lighter peach, as if she isn't exposed to the sun and other elements much. zHer body is slender due to her daily training in gymnastics, although only moderate in the chest area. She's a bit on the short side, about 5'5!

Fashion: White, black, and gray are the primary colors for this girl. It'd be mostly black though. She's most likely seen in a jacket with high collars, long sleeves, and a short skirt. She doesn't like anything that cramps her body movement, although her main accessory is a ribbon tied around the neck portion of her outfit. These ribbons are mostly colorful, the kind that you get from a pretty box of sweets.Other jewelry includes silver jewelry of crosses of some sort.

She'll wear the trendy or fashionable type of clothes that flatter her, but definitely no long dresses, frills, laces, and all that difficult stuff! If it isn't easy to take off, or hard to put on, it's not for her.


Destiny City is abuzz with outrage! Sailor-suited young men and women have been appearing to do battle with evil Negaverse agents, who steal souls. The official word from the government is that it is all a UNIVERSITY PRANK, and/or TERRORISM, and that you should phone the police the moment you see any battle going underway.

Walking home one night you hear sounds in an abandoned alleyway that sound pretty much like a ridiculous lensflare senshi battle. WHAT DOES YOUR STUDENT DO?

Entry must be at least 200 words.

"Milady.. please come back here!" An exasperated voice called for the young mistress of their house, who had a penchant to disappear and appear on whim. "Your father had orders for you to return right away.. it's dangerous!" Aria knew exactly what he was talking about -- her father's concerns about the rumored terrorists that had taken over the city.

"Now, now. How fun would it be if I followed orders?" Aria replied, one finger tips on her lips as her eyes gleamed with amusement. Somehow in their cat and mouse game, Aria had ended up on the rooftop of the building to prevent capture from the security guard that was placed to watch over her.

"You'll see me later tonight. Later." Her crass use of words resulted in a sputtering behind her, "Milady.. you can't use such language..." Aria didn't hear the rest as she left him to his own devices. Turning around, while her long hair flowed behind her, she glanced at her watch. Her eyes narrowed in annoyance at the wasted time. That game of chase had taken her the whole afternoon, and it was now nearing dusk.

Taking a step, she slid onto the canopy of a well-known vendor, poking her head from above. To the shop-owner, he had an upside-down view of her. "Hey, Mister. Do you have anything for me today?" The older man looked shocked, and then burst into laughter. "Escaping from your guard again?"

"Of course." Aria supplied the answer that she had always given, although she gave a quick glance to her surroundings to make sure that she wasn't followed.

"Ah we-- " The old man's words were cut off by a storm rumble in the distance. "It's going to rain?" Aria asked, with little enthusiasm. "That's right. Go home, little lady." Aria nodded, although she had no intention of doing so. She still had some time to kill, no point in cutting her day short. Instead, she executed a jump to get her comfortably settled onto the ground. "I'll see you." Aria waved to the old man, -- a particular favorite of hers since he had offered sweets to Aria since she was little.

The sky began to darken considerable a few moments afterward Aria had taken her leave, the girl taking it upon herself to slip into an inconspicuous alley to shorten her route home.

And an unwelcome scene unfolded before her eyes. A flash blinded her eyes.. unexpected in the darkness, so it took her another moment to get her surroundings. When she did.. "..star beam go!" The chant burst out as a girl sprouted off some words, which resulted in a flash of light that obliterated a dumpster nearby. There were several of these girls, facing off with what appeared to be a single person enshrouded in darkness. A cloaked figure - maybe a male? - gave off a harsh laugh, before taking his leave in a puff of smoke.

Aria stood there in plain sight.. unable to hold back a cough from the puff of smoke. The couple of sailor senshi that was left jerked behind, expecting another enemy. Imagine their surprise, when an ordinary girl stood before them.


"..." There was only silence between the oocupants of the battle and herself. Aria put her fingers to her head, looking deep in thought about how to deal with this matter. An annoyed tick appeared at her jaw at the insanity of the entire spectacle. There were rumors of a terrorist attack, but Aria could hardly bring herself to believe that a battle with WTFSHINYLIGHTS and girls in sailor suits were a threat to the city. "I'm going to save myself the trouble, and pretend that I never saw that." That should be sufficient enough, Aria deciding that it was opportune moment to leave. Lest she begin to see magic ponies or something. She had no hesitation in turning around, intending to go back to the main street.

"How rude!" One of the sailor scouts put her hand on her hips, scowling at the indifferent girl. Aria stopped, only to slide a sideways glance at the sailor senshi that had spoken. "Believe me when I say that I'll be as blind, deaf, and silent as a stupid monkey." WIth a wave of her hand, she emerged onto the main streets. It was bustling with people rushing to get home, and traffic held up by weather conditions.

Tch. She really needed to do something else. Stalking around dead alleys had never proved more crazy until now.

Her cellphone rung, Aria checking the caller ID. Her security guard calling her.. if she didn't get home now, all of her plans would be foiled. Picking it up. "Yeah. I'm coming home now. Pick me up at the usual place" She flipped it closed, shaking her head. Contrary to what she had said, she would have to accept that it had really happened. She was mildly curious, but some sort of instinct warned her not to dig too deep into the matter.

Name: Ducan De Head

Nicknames: N/A

Age: 18

Birthday: 27th April

Sign: Taurus

Blood Type: AB+

Fav. Food: Shortbread biscuits

Hated Food: Mushrooms in gravy

School: Hillsworth

Hobbies: Channel surfing, the ‘occult’, fishing, generally making a menace of himself

Gemstone: Emerald


    Caring -- As much as he hates to admit it he has a big brother complex. When he sees something or someone downtrodden or in an unfair fight he's gotta step in and try to add a ray of light to their darkness. He consulates himself with the fact that maybe he just wants people to think he's their world and thereby get his own sort of underling, but it's not the real reason at all.

    Believer -- When he commits to a cause he really commits. He'll do whatever it takes so long as he believes in that person or thing. Could be an insane faith or a person's innocence, he'll defend it to the death. Usually the belief has to have some form of fact or logic behind it.


    Lazy -- An A grade delegator. Why do today what can be done tomorrow? Life is to short to simmer over the little things so why get so worked up about it? In his mind as long as it gets done, by him or someone else, the universe evens itself out. This laziness extends to an almost irritable amount as it interferes with his interactions with others.

    Pervert -- Ok so he likes the girls and the boys. God made pretty things like flowers so we could smell 'em and look at 'em so why not treat everything that way? Unfortunately he gets very distracted by 'pretty things' and has a tendency to comment on what he likes, ruining any mood created.

    Honest -- Yeah honest to the point that it hurts. He's not one to hold anything back, and that really means anything. This becomes a problem as, were he ever captured he'd spill his guts with ease. Heck he monologues for fun just because he wants the world to know what he feels and thinks even when no one's around.

Physical Description:

    Hair: An obviously died fiery cherry red, it comes down to bounce just over the shoulders with an emo fringe hanging over the left eye before flipping out to the side. It's usually a dishevelled, puffy mess which he hasn't yet managed to brush...ever. Occasionally he ties it back with a rubber band to keep it out his eyes.

    Eyes: Large, feminine with too long lashes. The colour would be described as pocket lint grey.

    Face: Either pulled up in a snarky, amused grin or pulled into a nonchalant half sleeping look. He has a feminine chin but the jaw line rounds out with a more masculine set.

    Body: Tall, peachy tones with some muscle definition along the arms. He has a medium sized tattoo of two cherries on a steam on his clavicle. Underneath in cursive gothic letters it reads Çherie. He's got a small smattering of freckles along the back of his arms and over his torso. These are faint though.

    Fashion:Casual Clide. When it's hot he's all brand name T-shirts and jeans with flip flops, or a hooded sleeveless vest, maybe a belt. When it's cold he slips into sweaters, scarfs, jeans of a darker colour and mittens just as easily. His trademarks are glow in the dark shoe laces with white sneakers and a single plastic yellow star earring in his left lobe. His other piercings, two ear cartilage ones normal have two silver studs.

    During school hours he likes to roll up the sleeves and leave the tie only loosely fitting. In some parts the uniform has been ripped and the shoes heavily scuffed.

God how late was it? Sucking on an over sweetened smoothie Ducan had to wonder why he’d ever bothered trying to join an afterschool Hillsworth club activity. Most could barely stand the place during mandatory hours; if they showed up. Having to spend extra time on anything school related outside of school hours could almost be guaranteed as a bunch of no shows.

Across the road a band of Crystal Academy girls cast him furtive looks. The two eldest held their heads away like he was a bad smell. Daddy wouldn’t like them to come home with the likes of him anyway he figured. The youngest seemed a little more interested, he recognised that type. Bad boy...she could change him. Or try. Forbidden love from a romance they’d read in some snobby English class. Please. All the same he winked and ran his tongue over his lips. Instantly she’d realised her gaze had been on him and joined her friends in their ignorance. Big loss.

The girls soon departed, leaving him alone with the closing shops. Time to head home he thought, chiding himself for wasting the afternoon. What a calm day, why did nothing ever happen around Destiny city?

A blur of movement caught his eye. The shadow of a fight he thought...heading towards the spot he’d estimated the scuffle to be. Another Hillsworth battle royal? Well it’s was always good to even up the odd. Odds. He stopped, grabbing a coin and flipping it. Heads. Yep, joining the fray. With a satisfied smirk he walked into the middle of the scene.

Three people. Two in feminine ill fitting uniforms of some military rank abd the other in something too tight and short for any male. It struck Ducan as something he’d find in a certain club for a certain male minority.
“Wow, love the design. Can I buy one or is it part of the Mardi gras float?”
The boy in the scandalous clothing starred at me, like Ducan was some kind of drug induced apparition.

“What are you? Get out of he-grrrgh...”
The kid doubled over in pain as one of the female militia struck a blow while Ducan had provided the distraction.
“Hey, that was low!”
Ducan fired back hotly, a statement met by giggles and sarcastic grins.
“Oh I’m sorry. Would you prefer I’d done it to...you”


Ducan opened his eyes weakly, his arm, head and most of his joints hurt like he’d just spent the night running repeatedly into a brick wall. With a vague awareness he came to realise it was close to one or two in the morning, judging by the faint yet reclusive light. Oh crap.

He sat up and the world spun. Some chick had done this? Mm, it hurt to think for the moment. He remembered a boy in some feminine getup and maybe three others, or was it two? Dressed in grey. Yet the area around him was deserted, not even a dog was barking irritably. He looked down at his watch under the streetlamp light.
Great. What a waste of an evening. He still needed a good sleep, maybe some medical attention and there was only 7 hours until school started again.

Unbeatable Streaker

26,000 Points
  • Team Jacob 100
  • Destroyer of Cuteness 150
  • Ultimate Player 200

Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: Maxwell Logan House

Nicknames: Max, Maxxine, Coffee

Age: 18

Birthday: June 12th

Sign: Gemini

Blood Type: O+

Fav. Food: Nachos

Hated Food: Mostly ALL meats & fish

School: Hillworth.

Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, Playing Piano, and most other things that are considered 'girly'.

Gemstone: Agate


Outgoing -- Max is about as outgoing as people come, even if it's only because he has the personality of a 5-year-old. He likes getting as much attention as he can.
Effervescent -- Max is always trying to be as optimistic and carefree as possible, never showing he's in pain when he's around his friends, that is, if he even has any.
Persistent -- He will never give up in what he believes in, even if the world around him were against it.


Black Outs -- When Max is threatened by someone or is hurt by someone close to him, he has a habit of going into so deep an anger that he blacks out, often causing injury to the opposing party.
Violent -- When Max doesn't have his way, he does whatever he can to get what he wants, even if it means hurting those around him in the process, similar to a raging toddler.
Envy -- Even if he doesn't show it, Max is always wanting something that someone else has, never trying to compare it to the mountains of stuff that's already his.

Physical Description: [Reference] [Reference]

Hair: Bleach blonde and short, with a little 'emo' fringe covering his right eye.

Eyes: A bright green, mirroring his inner child almost.

Face: A leanly shaped face with a pointed jawline, his nose slightly longer than most and smaller yet nicely shaped lips, a soft lavender gloss on them and guyliner around his eyes, just enough to make them look bigger. [Good Example of face alignment]

Body: Lean with some form of muscle, much similar to a swimmer's body only not as built in the arms and chest.[X]
He has long hands and fingers, of great help when he's playing piano and dancing.

Fashion: He mostly tosses on barely covering club wear, but when he's in uniform he tries to dazzle it up, trying to wear his fake wings to school and his choker and fingerless arm warmers, even though he realizes sooner or later they'll be confiscated and kept. He's got tattoos running from shoulder to elbow on his left arm, but there's not much the teachers can do with permanent skin-branding ink.


So far, the day had been as boring as most.
The outdoor activities had been casual at best, and the teacher didn't get as frustrated when Max smacked him in the head with an eraser.
It call for something attention-grabbing and drastic.

There he was, on his way back to school with a mask on his face and a backpack of spray cans on his shoulder. He adjusted the covering on his mouth as it started to fall, only stopping when a form of light blasted through the alleyway on his left.

He peered around the corner and stared at the combating girls, blushing lightly at the sight of their ridiculous outfits. He set down his bag, intent to watch for a bit, but the sound of the cans catch the uniformed girls by surprise and he briefly locks eyes with the closest girl, who is quickly attacked the minute her back is turned.

"Hey, no cheap shots!" He growled, stepping into clear view of the more colorfully uniformed girl. She moved towards him, reaching out to grab him away from the girl behind him.
Max, however, didn't catch on.
He stepped away from the girl and into the grasp of the one he was protecting, her arm fastening around his neck and choking him. He growled as he started to black out, the murmuring of the two talking fading out as quickly as he'd been grabbed.

.....He'd done it.
He felt himself cooling down, but that wasn't enough.
Blood... no, his blood...was all over his shirt and hands, and he winced as he felt the numbness creeping over his skull.
The two girls were long gone, but obviously the battle had raged on for quite some time after he'd blacked out.
He tried to figure out where the blood was coming from, checking every inch of his body for cuts or gaping wounds. All he managed to find was a deep cut along his jawline, no where near deep enough to bleed as much as he was covered, and a bump atop his head.
He took a moment to look around his surroundings before he sighed, murmuring aloud, "I really don't care..."
He went to grab his bag, only to find his spray cans had been crushed and Picasso had formed inside of the bag itself. Shaking his head, he tossed the bag onto his shoulder, looking up just as light started peeking above the land, a smirk crossing his face.

"I wonder if school's open yet."

Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: Lysander Cadwell

Nicknames: Ly

Age: 15

Birthday: May 30th

Sign: Gemini

Blood Type: 0 -

Fav. Food: Potato skins w/cheese & bacon. Honey nut cheerios

Hated Food: Anything really sweet, avocado

School: Hillworth.

Hobbies: Soccer, scrabble,

Gemstone: Emerald


Versatile -- Lysander is never the best at anything but he is often the one person who can do everything to an at least 'good' level. He isn't the best player on the school's soccer team but he is the only player that can play every position decently making him a huge asset when someone inevitably hurts themselves and they need a replacement.

Outgoing -- Lysander can and will make friends with anyone and usually tries. He likes to get himself into any social things that are going on even if everyone else really doesn't know why he's there. Hearing "Yea, Lysander is always everywhere" isn't an uncommon thing at a party.

Creative -- Because he gets bored so easily and is always looking for that 'new thing' to do Lysander has become very good at coming up with off the wall things. He not only thinks outside the box but some times outside the warehouse too. He is always willing to help others solve problems and come up with anything they need to. He can often see possibilities in things that others can't.


Short Attention Span -- Ly has very little time in his mind to learn anything deep and meaningful about anything. He would rather learn the basics and then jump onto the next thing. People often say he's got the attention span of a puppy because anything can distract him from whatever he's currently doing

Superficial -- While Lysander makes friends easily and seems to get along with everyone he doesn't get close to anyone. He can't call anyone his 'best friend' and really doesn't ever seem to try to make friends that can or will get close to him. He would rather just know someone's name and maybe a few token tidbits about them then really -know- the person. It just doesn't interest him. .

Easily Bored -- Lysander hates having nothing to do more than anything else. He has so much he can do but everything looses his attention to quickly to really alleviate boredom (he's the kid who could sit in a room full of toys and still not have anything to do). Because of this he often finds ways to make things happen to stop his boredom and more often than not this usually means making someone else's day miserable for his amusement.

Physical Description:

Hair: Chocolate colored, usually messy. His hair usually looks like he didn't do much more to it than roll out of bed and run a hand though it. Bits fall into his eyes just enough that he looks 'mysterious' for some people and 'cute' to others.

Eyes: Hazel, bright and eager and big enough some people wonder if he's not related to a nocturnal monkey

Face: "Cherubic" which to him means he's got round cheeks and a bump where he broke his nose as a kid.

Body: Wiry and short (5'5)

Outside school -- Whatever happens to be the peek of fashion at the time so long as it's also comfortable. His wardrobe seems to change on an almost weekly basis.

Uniform -- He keeps his uniform pressed and clean and it always smells faintly of fabric softener. His only 'rebellious' bit is that he usually rolls up the sleeves of his shirt since he says they get in his way.


The stories of boys and girls running in frilly and showy knickers had usually gone in one ear and out the other when it came to Lysander. It sounded like something people made up when they had nothing better to do and he had better things to do. It wasn't like they were -real- anyway so there wasn't any point in trying to speculate what they were. Okay maybe that was stretching it a bit. There wasn't any reason to speculate what the rumors were unless someone else was there to listen and he could say he'd heard things others hadn't and show off.

He smirked as that thought crossed his mind at the same time as he kicked a decorative pebble down the sidewalk in front of him. He'd gotten so much attention from telling some of his friends that he'd heard strange noises near his dorm room one night. He hadn't really heard anything but everyone else seemed so eager to hear 'proof' of whatever it was that was suppose to be going on. It was so -easy- to get them to believe whatever he said. It was starting to loose it's appeal since it wasn't a challenge or fun anymore.

Nose scrunching as he paused by his kicked pebble he wondered what else he could do to make the others ooh and ahh at his stories. While he thought the vague sounds from the dark side streets poked at his brain trying to get attention. Eventually the noises were forced to resorting to the mental equivalent of shouting and waving their arms before he actually paid attention.

"Huh?" Looking up as he heard a loud crash he ducked behind one of the neighborhoods fat light posts and looked down the side street, okay more of an alley, that the noise had come from.

Once his eyes adjusted he could see .... he wasn't sure he should believe what he was seeing. There seemed to be some kid in what looked like a military uniform trying to hit some girl in a -really- short skirt and way too many ribbons with a .... with a whip made out roses. What sort of nonsense was that?

Staring at the scuffle, not really listening to the shouts of anger and taunts, things started to tick into place in his head. This is what everyone had been talking about! These were the whatever it was that was suppose to be fake and that he was -so- sure actually was fake up until four minuets ago.

".... well at least i was right in thinking that the girls are running around in their knickers." He smirked taking pleasure in the fact that his fake story had at least some truth in it.

.... but no one would believe him if he told the same story again. Not unless he had proof. A grin cracked his face almost in half as he dug around for his standard issue, goes with everything, cell phone. Flipping it open he held it up and waited for another flash of whatever it was the girl in her panties was throwing around before snapping a shot.

"Score!" He flipped his phone shut just as a garbage can came tumbling out of the alley as an unfortunate causality of whatever was going on. Scrambling out of the way he left the strange fight behind as he ran back toward his dorm.

His friends were going to be AMAZED when he showed them his phone. He'd be the talk of the school for -days-!

Here's the form. Fill out all sections.

Name: Taranee Willis

Nicknames: Tara

Age: Sixteen

Birthday: March 30th

Sign: Aries

Blood Type: O positive

Fav. Food: Potato chips and most snack foods. Including corn dogs, popcorn and assorted biscuits

Hated Food: Anything leafy, green or healthy

School: Meadowview

Hobbies: Magic:The gathering TCG, Roleplay videogames, AMV making, Ball-joint dolls and armature hacking

Gemstone: Ruby

    Sure there’s nothing like working in a team, but learning to be independent can’t be a bad thing either. Taranee considers herself to be pretty self-sufficient, and finds doing things herself to be its own reward. She can easily organise herself to get tasks done and is never one to be bend to others, Taranee finds her own judgments, more often than not, a good enough opinion and needs no second opinion when shopping.

    Assessing a situation is job number one, without it, how can you strategise and plan for it?
    Taranee likes to take a critical eye to everything, observing momentarily and making quick assessment. She finds separating character traits to be her favourite observing pastime, as opposed to children’s games like ‘eye spy’.

    While not everyone may get her humour, Taranee often weaves movie line quotations into her speech, adding humour to what may otherwise may have been a boring sentence. Alongside movie lines and book quotations, she also finds amusement in obscure internet or game references with observational character humour or satire. Never slapstick.

    If there’s one thing playing video games has taught her, it’s that you have to win! Kick a** and trounce your opponent. Taranee has a competitive streak like you’ve never seen, and yes, she the type of person who steals your treasure chest.

    While methodical in carrying out a mission, often Taranee will take tasks before thinking them completely over until after accepting them. This often results in her taking-on large challenges with good intentions, but only handing in below top quality results. Most commonly, she’ll have more than one of these tasks going on at once.

    Hey you! You’re doing it wrong! Sure, you may think you know what you’re doing, but chances are you don’t. While Taranee may not immediately be picked out as the domineering type, if she believes she can do it better than you, she will and she won’t be reasoned with. Follow her orders, or perish.

    Physical Description:

    Hair: Satin black. The back of her hair is cut rather short, close to her neck. Her bangs however, fall down to her chest in front of her ears with a slight wave in them.

    Eyes: Khaki green, but covered by thin frame, rectangle, black glasses.

    Face: Diamond shaped with an indifferent expression.

    Body: Forever indoors, Her skin tone is lighter than should be. She’s short for her age with half peeled, grunge green nail polish on her fingers.

    Fashion: A stay at home girl, she’s often in baggy cargo pants and a comfortable top. She likes the look of tanks with an off the shoulder shirt thrown on top for layer effect and big clod hopper sneakers. She often carries around a laptop bag and is never seen without headphone dangling on her neck. Her hair is covered by a biohazard orange beanie, wide brim, and adorned with badges. She has a digital watch on her wrist and eyebrow piercing in her right eyebrow with four piercings in each of her ears. In uniform, she’s inclined to wear knee high socks

    Taranee sank down on the bench of bus stop 349. A pole displaying the area as a bus zone was planted to her left. Times were printed on a display card held onto the pole, quoting she still had twenty minutes to wait. Her mp3 had died already, and there was not much else to do bar turn her head and wait for her bus to turn the corner. She knew it was late, that her mum would kill her for staying at the trading card meet up for so long, but she had lost track of time in its covered pavilion of gaming glory. Or at least that’s what she would tell her mum. Mrs. Willis didn’t need to know she had actually stayed back to get her event exclusive rare card.

    The dark headed girl sighed, pushing the precariously slipping beanie back from her eyes. It was a good day, one she would be sure to blog about. Surely her followers would like to know how good the Destiny city meetups were, maybe she could meet some of them at the next one!


    Taranee looked up from her relaxed state. “Hmm?”

    “Time you got a lesson in manners! Don’t you know it’s not right to hit a lady?
    The sound of a young woman’s voice broke from out in an alley not far from where Taranee sat. She pushed herself forward, curiosity stirred by the bright light. Was it a photoshoot? No, there seemed to be violence involved. A fight then. Bright lights accompanied what Taranee could only describe as the sound of spasmodic yelling. Her figure was no longer slouching, both curious and terrified by whatever was making those noises. The lights HAVE to just be a car, she imagined to herself Flash! But car headlights didn’t make that noise! The crash which followed made her jump to her feet, bags in her hands falling.
    Without warning, the flashes suddenly intensified, and from the alley a man ran, or more fleeing it seemed to her, into the street with a woman hot on his heels. Both individuals were dressed eccentrically, to say the least, and paid her no attention, crossing into the next dark alley they saw and the flashes started again. It only took Taranee a moment to decide what she wanted to do: follow!

    Taranee skittered to the edge of the alley way, almost getting blinded. She crouched in a corner, her heart racing, peeking with one eye around the wall. No photo shoot that was for sure! The whole thing looked like a scene from some high graphic videogame! She was, almost excited by it; bar the heat which each of those flashes sent burning past her. One more, she thought to herself pulling out the chunky, black, block which was her cell phone. She clicked an image without seeing where she was pointing; proud she had caught an off-angle picture of the girl in the odd dress. Her eye once more slipped for that last glance, only to find herself being stared at in turn. The girl- fighter’s eye had suddenly flicked her way with a menacing glare. Taranee got the message loud and clear. ‘Get lost,’ they seemed to say, and pretend she hadn’t seen anything.

    Taranee ran straight back to her bus stop bench, breathing hard, headphones flailing as she sprinted. Within that time, the fight suddenly seemed to cease-- not like it was over, but like it had somehow teleported elsewhere. Was that because of me?

    Terror held her silent. She felt as if, at any moment, they would come out of that alley. But the only thing that came down the street was her bus, quiet in comparison with its unchanging normality like a safeguard against whatever she had just witnessed. Her nerves settled once seated in its carriage, and she took out the phone picture once again, both frightened by it and mesmerised. Her bloggers would REALLEY be interested in this.

Name: Odette Gesetz

Nicknames: Swan, Princess, Dette, Miss

Age: 16

Birthday: September 1

Sign: Virgo

Blood Type: AB -

Fav. Food: Hot Cocoa with marshmallows and whipped cream

Hated Food: Pepperoni

School: Crystal Academy

Flower arranging: She spends much of her free time in her garden at home and arranges flowers for all family occasions to gain practice. Plus, she grows flowers specifically as handouts for city hotspots.
Dressage: Odette rides for the dressage team. An accomplished rider with her own horse, she keeps him boarded at the school rather than her home to take advantage of the world class trainers at the school's facility.
Tea Set collection: (Shhh. It's a secret). She actually loves teapots. While she isn’t partial to tea herself, she uses cheap dime store pots to make hot cocoa. Her antiques and collectibles line the walls of her study.

Gemstone: Sapphire

Respectful -- As a member of the Crystal Academy, Odette was taught from an early age to be a proper lady and show respect for others. She would never disrespect a higher up and certainly not anyone whom she needs to cooperate with.
Organized -- Nothing is ever out of place when Odette is around. Because of this, every task she's given is dealt with promptly and accordingly. Her schedule book is always filled by the end of the day.
Generous -- If someone needs the help, she, whether indirectly or directly, will try to help them however possible. She also often donates flowers to local businesses and cafes to try and enhance the atmosphere or volunteers to help plant flowers in parks and elementary schools.

Controlling -- Odette doesn't know when to stop when it comes to ordering people around. She can and will be as rude and obnoxious as it takes until they do what she wants. Most of her activities are run like a dictatorship if she gets her hands on a top position. She will try her best to attain leadership should anyone get in her way by any means necessary.
Habitual -- Her extracurricular schedule normally comes first before anything. If there is a opportunity for volunteering, necessary watering of her temperamental orchids or an auctioning of a favored tea pot coming up, Odette will ditch whatever is taking up her time. Most often, this means classes or social functions. This often results in classmates not liking her or teachers thinking that she has no interest in school because she will suddenly excuse herself with seemingly fake reasons. She also likes to chew on opera glasses. Why? No one really knows.
Envious -- If she wants something, she will try to get it even if it belongs to someone else. Even with her rather large family fortune, she will go out on a limb to take it from you rather than buy one herself. Of course, that could mean paying you for it or paying someone to take it from you and give it to her.

Physical Description:

Hair: Long, semi-wavy platinum blond hair that hangs half way between her shoulder and elbow.

Eyes: Almond shaped green eyes. They’re also cold, lack luster and seem rather dull unless she’s doing something that interests her.

Face: Angular but full. Feminine cheekbones.

Body: Above average height (5’11”)with a lightly curvy build. Very tanned/honey complexion skin.


Fashion:Odette despises jeans since it’s hard to find them for her body they that fit nicely and she’s too busy to take them to the tailors. Normally she’s seen in earthy, yellow or white sun dresses with the occasional sweater and Capri combo. Most, if not all, are based off of flowers. When she dresses up for parties or formal functions expect a cascade of knee length dresses with bows, rouching and the occasional frills.

Uniform: Lighter blue uniform. White lace stockings that go up to mid thigh.


Even with all the rampaging politicians, specialists and prophetical weirdos spouting nonsense about random acts of costumed terrorism, Odette was still able to find a little bit of sane life in the city. Not only that but she found it where she never though she could. Just after sunset in the middle of the packed apartment district. Her driver had sworn he had seen laundry lines hanging from windows as he on the hood of the car a few shops down. Miss Gesetz was awkwardly bent over the roses; portable opera glasses in hand, inspecting each one for any faults or flaws. The open flower of the hybrid Peace tea rose was perfect.

“It certainly is a wonderful specimen,” the blond gingerly plucked at one of the neighboring rose’s magenta petals, “It isn’t often that you find a peace rose that has such a color pattern. Most of them are bred to be completely pink or yellow.”

The shopkeeper opened his mouth to speak when a dim orange glow began to cascade down from between the boards, filtering in like sunlight.

At first, Odette wanted to blame it on the arcades and bars across the way knowing that they had no respect for the innocent flowers trying to grow in the crowded, dusty, barren city but soon the entire shop was bathed in the bright orange light. She blinked up at the equally confused shop owner who was currently flicking the light switch on and off to see if it changed anything.

“Well, it ain’t the lights,” the shopkeeper grunted in confusion, scratching his head while looking up at the ceiling. “There’s supposed to be a roof up there last time I checked with the city!” He excused himself and started up the stairs, muttering loudly about the neglect of the city council and their lack of competent population service. As the shopkeeper went to a phone to complain, Odette watched as the orange light began to pulse and change colors. Orange to red to blue to yellow and back to orange again. It was then that a shadow blocked the colorful light and a tap on the boards causing them to creak and protest under the weight of something. The blond teen ceased her movements, balancing precariously on one foot and starring intently at the shadow from the ceiling.

“Um…sir?....” Odette waited for a response, nibbling gently on the rim of her glasses.

The shadow jumped to the board behind her, bathing her in orange, then red, then blue light flowed by small iridescent stars

She gasped, nearly cracking the lens of the opera glasses between her teeth. Something was in fact up there. Not just a something but a cosplay prank. It couldn’t be anything else. Looking around frantically, Odette could hear the shopkeeper whining and gripping at the same customer service agent who apparently didn’t understand the problem. Suddenly, the shadow sprinted across the boards, blocking the still changing lights as it ran across to the alleyway next to the flower shop. The small footsteps were followed by a louder thud on the ceiling which filtered dust and wood chips to the floor. Odette desperately reached for her peace rose, clutching it tightly to her chest as the others around it were flattened by a series of loose boards.


The shopkeeper burst through the door from the planting room, phone still in hand. Finally making it outside, Odette collapse to her knees, coughing like mad into her hand.

“Stop right there or you shall meet your doom!” Followed by a laugh and more bursts of light, stars and an ever more menacing green liquid-like beam.

Odette pressed flat against the brick wall, moving ever closer to the alleyway in question. A green beam of light blasted through the window next to her, shattering the glass and effectively keeping her stuck against the wall for another moment. Setting the rose under the now blown out window, she shuffled towards the alleyway until she could peer around the corner. When she saw exactly what was causing the bright lights, Odette knew she was witnessing what the news reporters and police commissioners had been talking about.

A girl stood there, in full sailor regalia, pointing a strangely constructed wand at a much taller figure, half drowned in the shadow of the two buildings. His features only illuminated by the green charge of the weapon he held out in front of him. This had to be the most perfect time to forget her phone in the car.

“I said stop right there!” The girl in the sailor fuku straightened her stance, high heels clicking on the stone floor and skirt twirling in a gravity defying cartoon-like fashion. The “green” man didn’t speak but laughed; just stood there and laughed like a spotted hyena. Odette gripped the glasses around her neck, fingers trembling. These really were terrorists.

Terrorists that were out in the open? Would terrorists even be out in the open? Besides, they would be trying to hurt all of us rather than each other right?

Before Odette had the chance to dispute the matter with herself, the man charged towards the scout, green light pulsating and charging from the weapon. The scout seemed to dodge just in time, disappearing into the shadows before jumping on what was left of the roof. The laughing “green” man followed her until both had scaled the neighboring building and were out of sight.

Leaning deftly against the wall for much needed support, Odette eventually made her way back to the rose beneath the window. She knelt down to carefully pick it up and wipe away any dust that had accumulated on the petals.

“I guess you’re the only survivor of this,” she whispered looking back at the shop front, which had been reduced to shredded petals and splintered wood. “We should be leaving before the police arrive. I don't want to be labeled as another insane person looking for trouble. As your escort, it is my duty to keep you out of trouble for the night and I believe my father will be angry if he learns where I’ve been and who I’ve been…” she cleared her throat, “…conversing with.” She looked through the boards for the irate shop owner “I can’t just steal you though. I have to leave enough money for him to not miss you.”

Odette pulled her wallet from her pocket, leaving the entire sale price and quite a generous tip, since she figured he would need the extra money, just under one of the front boards before hurrying toward the family car.

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