• How dose one choose between fire and ice?
    How do I follow light or dark?
    How can they demand such a decision?

    Icy, my love,
    Im eternally yours.
    Darkness my king,
    My arms are open to you

    Fire, my dear,
    You hold my hart
    Light, my knight
    With out you id fall apart

    So you two must see
    What this choice has done to me.
    I cant let you go.
    This you both know.

    You fight for my eternity
    Both fighting for love,
    With hate

    Someone tell me what to do?
    How can I say one way or the other
    How can I choose just one as a lover?
    And for those who think that wrong
    You have never known my love

    For ice I long for
    He makes my hart sore
    Like a kid in the snow
    I can never let him go.
    Darkness he is
    But he is not bad
    Quit and calm
    Loving and gentle

    But fire,
    Well I am not immune to that desire
    He knows me to my core
    Burning me alive with passion
    Light he is
    But not always good
    Strong and proud
    Lustful and devoted
    I can not say today
    The way my hart will sway
    But what I do know
    Is I will never let my boys go.