Time is running out; it’s going to end
It will disappear before my bare eyes
Just right before my life, I can amend
And all I have left, are about three sighs
There’s nothing I can do but say goodbye;
Time is passing by, leaving me alone
Ripping off the wings of a butterfly;
But it’s not like my sins, it can atone.
It’s coming after me; there’s nowhere to hide
It’ll find me, It can hear my beating heart
I’m scared but my heart, it has too much pride,
Doesn’t want to say there’s not even a quart
‘Till my blood begins to coagulate…
Good-bye Halcyon days…Death came, ‘twas fate…

- Title: Goodbye Halcyon Days: sonnet
- Artist: Harukko
It's a Shakespearean sonnet, it was a test for my creative writing class.
I know it's not good, but ha! I managed to pass. XD
Anyways, this is the second poem I made with the same name, although both poems go on about the same theme only that the other one is a free-verse poem. =3
Anyways, I appreciate criticism. It helps me grow on the areas I cannot pin-point on my own.
Thanks for reading. =3 - Date: 03/18/2009
- Tags: shakespeareansonnet
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