• Strong.
    Live strong. Act strong. Be strong.
    Strong. Strong. Strong.
    Try. Try. Try again.
    Always smile, always laugh.
    Never fear, never cry.
    Never weak.
    A million bands of strength
    Façade, necessary, unending.
    Cannot let it break.
    One in a million
    One in a million problems.
    Not alone, never;
    Always lonely.
    Cannot cry. Cannot fear.
    Cannot let it break.
    Must hold everything straight
    And tall;
    Head, neck, back.
    Cannot let it break.
    Never weak.
    Live strong. Act strong. Be strong.
    A choice, a right, a dream.
    Hard, impossibly.
    Tears unwelcome,
    Cannot let it break.
    One thing after the other
    Problem after problem after problem,
    A crack in the dam.
    A drop down the wall.
    Never fear, never cry.
    Never weak.
    Cannot let it break.
    A dream,
    Pieces of glass
    One in a million.
    A crack in the dam.
    A drop down the wall.
    Must not, cannot
    Let it break.
    Fear, bold and dark
    Tears, wet and cold
    Another crack
    Another dream
    Glass on the ground
    Must not, cannot
    Let it break.
    Tired, façade strong
    Will weak.
    So tired.
    A road in the dark
    Long and winding
    Take strength to walk
    A choice, a dream,
    One in a million
    Strong as the wind
    Cold as glass.
    Cannot fail.
    Cannot let it break
    Must not
    Let it break.
    Live strong. Act strong. Be strong
    Always smile, always laugh.
    Tears like glass
    Fear like death
    Path, alone, tired.
    So tired.
    Must not…
    Let it break.
    Please. Let it break.
    Cannot smile, cannot laugh.
    Cannot be strong. Cannot try again.
    Fear like glass in a million pieces,
    Shattered on the ground.
    A dream lost.