• There's a gun in my closet
    Its already loaded
    Nobody is home
    Perhaps I'll just hold it

    There's a bottle of pills
    I bought from a store
    I already took two
    Perhaps ill take more

    There's a knife in the kitchen
    Many beast it has slain
    It could make fancy work
    Of my jugular vein

    And I could die a quick death
    With a smile that would taunt
    And my parents would know
    That i had got what i want


    I can throw open the window
    And welcome the sun
    And just relish in the the fact
    That my life's just begun

    That the pains of days past
    Will soon fade away
    And I can paint the world in color
    Not dark shades of grey

    And path not ventured
    Is a path not owned
    And nothings more beautiful
    Than the great unknown

    Just live your life
    As no one else could
    No chains attached
    As we all know we should