• am indebt to you on my existence..
    your light shone and lit even the
    darkest and deepest moments of
    my life...
    your strengths are my weakness..
    and from your weakness i gather
    my strengths..

    the fortress that i built around myself..
    the deep moat i dug to obstruct
    enemies, to drown them whenever they try...
    the castle tower on which i stand..
    all caved in...
    crumbled up underneath you..
    before prying eyes...

    i tried to rebuilt everything that i had before..
    i've lifted the mast of stone pillars to
    support my falling world..
    the world on which i once rule..

    every thing that i had i gave to you
    without taking anything back..
    though i expected ..
    but then what can i take?

    the attempts?
    your words?
    my failure?
    the waiting?
    trust me, apart from that
    youre not missing anything

    t'was hard to wait for nothing..
    but i tarried longer..
    longer than i could take..
    which just made all things complicated..

    for now i can't stand any day..
    even a second..
    without you coming in and out of my mind..

    with all the strength i could muster
    i tried to hold back...
    t'was like pushing back the gates of hell
    with millions and millions of souls trying to push back
    to get their freedom..

    freedom from what?
    bonds that will tie them forever from endless suffering?..
    will coming out of the gates help?

    just try to think about it..
    there they are
    trying to free themselves from the bondage

    and also here i am

    trying to free myself from my bondage..
    bonds that tie you to me...

    chains locked around
    from my ankles...
    to my knuckles...

    chains big enough, thick enough to surpass
    rust and time...