• Oh how I yearn for the sky
    How much I wish to fly
    To spread my wings wide
    And do more than just glide
    To cross he lands oh so far
    Over the forests of Donar.

    Look and see the wood elves
    They of old and lore
    Those who may leave,
    For ever more lost to all
    Quick look up and not fall
    Ah the moon doth rise.

    I fly and watch it travel
    Through the skies it goes
    Going on its way it flows
    Pulling the seas in tow
    Maybe I should follow
    Listen… the wolf howls tonight.

    Flying near we see the pack
    Following prey on a long track
    The stop and call the brethren
    Saying “come soon we feed and then,
    We hunt again.” Flying over I see what they hunt
    Looks good enough to eat but it may be a grunt.

    Flying down I grab it
    I stab carefully and it dies
    Now quick fly away with the prize
    Before the pack hears us we flee
    Soon the pack will never know of me
    Flying Far away I so can feast.

    Landing on the hard ground
    Looking around I drop the furry mound
    I start a fire and fold my wings against my back
    Tonight I eat beating the pack
    I dream but it’s not of flying
    Without my wings I’d rather be dying.