• He has left me
    Against the bleak November sky
    The words are emblazoned
    Fiery gold against the gray
    Two halves of a whole
    My love, my best friend
    With your coffin I am buried
    And with you died my heart
    Life itself is empty now
    Tomorrow need never come

    So extinguish the sun
    And erase the moon
    Leave the wind breathless
    Let it all fall away
    Let the singers find no voice
    And the dreamers no sleep
    Let the poets write nothing
    Music has no melody
    All the beauty, the joy
    Was taken from me with you

    Will I ever breathe again?
    How can the blood thaw in my veins?
    How does the Earth still spin,
    And the moon rise and set?
    Does no one know?
    Does no one care?
    He has left me
    And I have left myself
    So let it be written for all to see
    I loved and was loved once