• The pain brings me to my knees

    The shadows fall, along with

    My hopes of seeing her today

    With solemn eyes, I dare not shed

    A single tear, for fear of being seen

    No matter how great the pain, I mustn't

    Show how much it hurts, below the belt

    I find a way to vent my pain

    The physical release, focusing on physical

    Lest when I close my eyes, I see her face

    To many memories, to much history

    Away, away we must flee

    Lest my thoughts capture thee

    She will never return, to claim

    My crimson tears that I shed

    Nevermore, will I allow to be hurt

    Cloister my feelings, remain distant

    Never to be loved, never to love

    I hear the tears I still shed for her

    Praying I hit something vital,

    Let that be my last slice

    I see darkness, encroaching upon

    My sight, when she walks in

    My favorite, the only, she mended me,

    Saved me, from my pain, for those last few

    Seconds, until the light faded from

    My eyes, the tears, a fountain now,

    Feeling whole, and empty at the same time

    Life slipped through my grasp