• Sleep, my darling, sleep here
    Under the wing of the angel of God
    Closes eye serene
    Sleep is my beautiful child.
    Mourners, mourners, mourners, toudoudou mourners mournersMourners, mourners, mourners, toudoudou mourners mournersMourners, mourners, mourners, toudoudou mourners mournersToudoudoudoudou, toudoudoudoudou mourners mourners
    My darling I wish
    To see my soul like yoursFree from sin
    Free of the pain of worldly things.
    My dear boy, what will become of you
    On earth when you grow up
    When over time
    Come to you the dangers?
    Perhaps you will become bishop
    Praised and loved by the people
    President of the Republic
    A beautiful and rich country?
    But by then there was still farOh! my God, when I think
    To go with the angels
    To the beautiful country of the Virgin