• "Stop it!" she scream as the nurse tried to take a blood sample. "They're coming! I can hear them! They're coming for me!" Isabella was her name, the woman that would give birth to Jack, the schizophrenic, bi-polar, homicidal sociopath. She was currently being held in the psychiatric ward of Hawthorn. She was admitted after being picked up by the local authorities with stories of strangge voices and figures. Isabella was not just crazy... she was insane, trapped inside her own mind. To make it woraw, she was pregnant with an entity more insane than she. She was now in labor with the maniac. That is why the nurse was fighting for the blood sample. isabella was screaming and crying, laughing hystarically all the while as the b*****d child of a sociopath rapist and the world's second craziest person, met the hectic and polluted world. Never did a sound escape the childs lips as he was taken from his mother, not even when his name was screamed across the room, the last sound to escape his mothers lips. A tear was never shed for the passing of his mother.

    Because of this Jack grew up with out his mom, being bounced from foster home to the orphanage and back again. He never fit in, no matter where he went, weird looks were the only answers he got for his questions. His only escape was his mind, even there he was avoided. He scared himself, ignored his own thoughts, kept a straight face when he told a joke, chuckled as he poured out his deepest emotions. Jack was hated by all including himself. His foster parents most of all, he was just a check to them. They tormented Jack, locking him in his room, feeding him cold leftovers, there were limits on the bathroom. It was hell to him and it was destroying his mind, he would commonly black out for hours at a time then wake up bruised and bleeding as if he was beat.

    Finally he snapped, when he was let out to use the bathroom he ran to the kitchen and grabbed a spoon, of all things, as his foster dad came into the room Jack blacked out. When he came to he was in the bathroom trying to gouge out the eyes of his reflection, the spoon in his hand was covered in blood, his clothes were stained red. As the realization came to him that the blood wasnt his the spoon fell to the floor almost in slow motion, an erie clanging could be heard through out the house. walking into the hallway, time seemed to slow down even further, bright colors faded, the hall light flicked like a strobe light set on slow, the light switched popped and sizzled, the blood on the walls was screaming, the bodies of this hate filled family laid stiff in pools of blood. His knees began to hurt, his eyes were burning, maniacal laughter was drowning out his thoughts and memories. he had fallen to his knees and was laughing so hard he began to cry. This is how the paramedics found him, still laughing, when they arrived on the scene.

    Awaking, sedated and comfortable, he found himself staring into the most stunning pair of deep green eyes, they seemed to be asking him questions...

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